Actual source code: ex40.c

  2: static char help[] = "Lattice Gauge 2D model.\n"
  3: "Parameters:\n"
  4: "-size n          to use a grid size of n, i.e n space and n time steps\n"
  5: "-beta b          controls the randomness of the gauge field\n"
  6: "-rho r           the quark mass (?)";

 8:  #include petscksp.h
 9:  #include petscasa.h
 10:  #include petscda.h

 12: PetscErrorCode computeMinEigVal(Mat A, PetscInt its, PetscScalar *eig);

 16: int main(int Argc,char **Args)
 17: {
 18:   PetscTruth      flg;
 19:   PetscInt        n = 6,i;
 20:   PetscScalar     rho = 1.0;
 21:   PetscReal       h;
 22:   PetscReal       beta = 1.0;
 23:   ADDA            adda;
 24:   PetscInt        nodes[2];
 25:   PetscTruth      periodic[2];
 26:   PetscInt        refine[2];
 27:   PetscRandom     rctx;
 28:   PetscMPIInt     comm_size;
 29:   Mat             H;
 30:   PetscInt        *lcs, *lce;
 31:   PetscInt        x, y;
 32:   PetscReal       r1, r2;
 33:   PetscScalar     uxy1, uxy2;
 34:   ADDAIdx         sxy, sxy_m;
 35:   PetscScalar     val, valconj;
 36:   Mat             HtH;
 37:   Vec             b, Htb;
 38:   Vec             xvec;
 39:   KSP             kspmg;
 40:   PC              pcmg;
 41:   PetscErrorCode  ierr;

 43:   PetscInitialize(&Argc,&Args,(char *)0,help);
 44:   PetscOptionsGetInt(PETSC_NULL,"-size",&n,&flg);
 45:   PetscOptionsGetReal(PETSC_NULL,"-beta",&beta,&flg);
 46:   PetscOptionsGetScalar(PETSC_NULL,"-rho",&rho,&flg);

 48:   /* Set the fudge parameters, we scale the whole thing by 1/(2*h) later */
 49:   h = 1.;
 50:   rho *= 1./(2.*h);
 52:   /* Geometry info */
 53:   for(i=0; i<2; i++) {
 54:     nodes[i] = n;
 55:     periodic[i] = PETSC_TRUE;
 56:     refine[i] = 3;
 57:   }
 58:   ADDACreate(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, 2, nodes, PETSC_NULL, 2 /* this is the # of dof's */,
 59:                     periodic, &adda);
 60:   PetscObjectReference((PetscObject) adda);
 61:   ADDASetRefinement(adda, refine, 2);
 63:   /* Random numbers */
 64:   PetscRandomCreate(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,&rctx);
 65:   PetscRandomSetFromOptions(rctx);

 67:   /* Single or multi processor ? */
 68:   MPI_Comm_size(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,&comm_size);

 70:   /* construct matrix */
 71:   if( comm_size == 1 ) {
 72:     ADDAGetMatrix(adda, MATSEQAIJ, &H);
 73:   } else {
 74:     ADDAGetMatrix(adda, MATMPIAIJ, &H);
 75:   }

 77:   /* get local corners for this processor */
 78:   ADDAGetCorners(adda, &lcs, &lce);

 80:   /* Allocate space for the indices that we use to construct the matrix */
 81:   PetscMalloc(2*sizeof(PetscInt), &(sxy.x));
 82:   PetscMalloc(2*sizeof(PetscInt), &(sxy_m.x));

 84:   /* Assemble the matrix */
 85:   for( x=lcs[0]; x<lce[0]; x++ ) {
 86:     for( y=lcs[1]; y<lce[1]; y++ ) {
 87:       /* each lattice point sets only the *forward* pointing parameters (right, down),
 88:          i.e. Nabla_1^+ and Nabla_2^+.
 89:          In this way we can use only local random number creation. That means
 90:          we also have to set the corresponding backward pointing entries. */
 91:       /* Compute some normally distributed random numbers via Box-Muller */
 92:       PetscRandomGetValueReal(rctx, &r1);
 93:       r1 = 1.-r1; /* to change from [0,1) to (0,1], which we need for the log */
 94:       PetscRandomGetValueReal(rctx, &r2);
 95:       PetscReal R = sqrt(-2.*log(r1));
 96:       PetscReal c = cos(2.*PETSC_PI*r2);
 97:       PetscReal s = sin(2.*PETSC_PI*r2);

 99:       /* use those to set the field */
100:       uxy1 = PetscExpScalar( ((PetscScalar) (R*c/beta))*PETSC_i);
101:       uxy2 = PetscExpScalar( ((PetscScalar) (R*s/beta))*PETSC_i);
103:       sxy.x[0] = x; sxy.x[1] = y; /* the point where we are */

105:       /* center action */
106:       sxy.d = 0; /* spin 0, 0 */
107:       ADDAMatSetValues(H, adda, 1, &sxy, adda, 1, &sxy, &rho, ADD_VALUES);
108:       sxy.d = 1; /* spin 1, 1 */
109:       val = -rho;
110:       ADDAMatSetValues(H, adda, 1, &sxy, adda, 1, &sxy, &val, ADD_VALUES);
112:       sxy_m.x[0] = x+1; sxy_m.x[1] = y; /* right action */
113:       sxy.d = 0; sxy_m.d = 0; /* spin 0, 0 */
114:       val = -uxy1; valconj = PetscConj(val);
115:       ADDAMatSetValues(H, adda, 1, &sxy_m, adda, 1, &sxy, &val, ADD_VALUES);
116:       ADDAMatSetValues(H, adda, 1, &sxy, adda, 1, &sxy_m, &valconj, ADD_VALUES);
117:       sxy.d = 0; sxy_m.d = 1; /* spin 0, 1 */
118:       val = -uxy1; valconj = PetscConj(val);
119:       ADDAMatSetValues(H, adda, 1, &sxy_m, adda, 1, &sxy, &val, ADD_VALUES);
120:       ADDAMatSetValues(H, adda, 1, &sxy, adda, 1, &sxy_m, &valconj, ADD_VALUES);
121:       sxy.d = 1; sxy_m.d = 0; /* spin 1, 0 */
122:       val = uxy1; valconj = PetscConj(val);
123:       ADDAMatSetValues(H, adda, 1, &sxy_m, adda, 1, &sxy, &val, ADD_VALUES);
124:       ADDAMatSetValues(H, adda, 1, &sxy, adda, 1, &sxy_m, &valconj, ADD_VALUES);
125:       sxy.d = 1; sxy_m.d = 1; /* spin 1, 1 */
126:       val = uxy1; valconj = PetscConj(val);
127:       ADDAMatSetValues(H, adda, 1, &sxy_m, adda, 1, &sxy, &val, ADD_VALUES);
128:       ADDAMatSetValues(H, adda, 1, &sxy, adda, 1, &sxy_m, &valconj, ADD_VALUES);

130:       sxy_m.x[0] = x; sxy_m.x[1] = y+1; /* down action */
131:       sxy.d = 0; sxy_m.d = 0; /* spin 0, 0 */
132:       val = -uxy2; valconj = PetscConj(val);
133:       ADDAMatSetValues(H, adda, 1, &sxy_m, adda, 1, &sxy, &val, ADD_VALUES);
134:       ADDAMatSetValues(H, adda, 1, &sxy, adda, 1, &sxy_m, &valconj, ADD_VALUES);
135:       sxy.d = 0; sxy_m.d = 1; /* spin 0, 1 */
136:       val = -PETSC_i*uxy2; valconj = PetscConj(val);
137:       ADDAMatSetValues(H, adda, 1, &sxy_m, adda, 1, &sxy, &val, ADD_VALUES);
138:       ADDAMatSetValues(H, adda, 1, &sxy, adda, 1, &sxy_m, &valconj, ADD_VALUES);
139:       sxy.d = 1; sxy_m.d = 0; /* spin 1, 0 */
140:       val = -PETSC_i*uxy2; valconj = PetscConj(val);
141:       ADDAMatSetValues(H, adda, 1, &sxy_m, adda, 1, &sxy, &val, ADD_VALUES);
142:       ADDAMatSetValues(H, adda, 1, &sxy, adda, 1, &sxy_m, &valconj, ADD_VALUES);
143:       sxy.d = 1; sxy_m.d = 1; /* spin 1, 1 */
144:       val = PetscConj(uxy2); valconj = PetscConj(val);
145:       ADDAMatSetValues(H, adda, 1, &sxy_m, adda, 1, &sxy, &val, ADD_VALUES);
146:       ADDAMatSetValues(H, adda, 1, &sxy, adda, 1, &sxy_m, &valconj, ADD_VALUES);
147:     }
148:   }
150:   PetscFree(sxy.x);
151:   PetscFree(sxy_m.x);

153:   MatAssemblyBegin(H, MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);
154:   MatAssemblyEnd(H, MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);

156:   /* scale H */
157:   MatScale(H, 1./(2.*h));

159:   /* construct normal equations */
160:   MatMatMult(H, H, MAT_INITIAL_MATRIX, 1., &HtH);
161:   /* reference matrix */
162:   PetscObjectReference((PetscObject) HtH);

164:   PetscScalar mineval;
165:   computeMinEigVal(HtH, 1000, &mineval);
166:   PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, "Minimum eigenvalue of H^{dag} H is %f\n", PetscAbsScalar(mineval));

168:   /* permutation matrix to check whether H and HtH are identical to the ones in the paper */
169: /*   Mat perm; */
170: /*   ADDAGetMatrix(adda, MATSEQAIJ, &perm); */
171: /*   PetscInt row, col; */
172: /*   PetscScalar one = 1.0; */
173: /*   for(PetscInt i=0; i<n; i++) { */
174: /*     for(PetscInt j=0; j<n; j++) { */
175: /*       row = (i*n+j)*2; col = i*n+j; */
176: /*       MatSetValues(perm, 1, &row, 1, &col, &one, INSERT_VALUES); */
177: /*       row = (i*n+j)*2+1; col = i*n+j + n*n; */
178: /*       MatSetValues(perm, 1, &row, 1, &col, &one, INSERT_VALUES); */
179: /*     } */
180: /*   } */
181: /*   MatAssemblyBegin(perm, MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY); */
182: /*   MatAssemblyEnd(perm, MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY); */

184: /*   Mat Hperm; */
185: /*   MatPtAP(H, perm, MAT_INITIAL_MATRIX, 1.0, &Hperm); */
186: /*   PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, "Matrix H after construction\n"); */
187: /*   MatView(Hperm, PETSC_VIEWER_STDOUT_(PETSC_COMM_WORLD)); */

189: /*   Mat HtHperm; */
190: /*   MatPtAP(HtH, perm, MAT_INITIAL_MATRIX, 1.0, &HtHperm); */
191: /*   PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, "Matrix HtH:\n"); */
192: /*   MatView(HtHperm, PETSC_VIEWER_STDOUT_(PETSC_COMM_WORLD)); */

194:   /* right hand side */
195:   ADDACreateGlobalVector(adda, &b);
196:   VecSet(b,0.0);
197:   PetscInt ix[1] = {0};
198:   PetscScalar vals[1] = {1.0};
199:   VecSetValues(b, 1, ix, vals, INSERT_VALUES);
200:   VecAssemblyBegin(b);
201:   VecAssemblyEnd(b);
202: /*   VecSetRandom(b, rctx); */
203:   VecDuplicate(b, &Htb);
204:   MatMultTranspose(H, b, Htb);
205:   /* reference it */
206:   PetscObjectReference((PetscObject) Htb);

208:   /* construct solver */
209:   KSPCreate(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,&kspmg);
210:   KSPSetType(kspmg, KSPCG);

212:   KSPGetPC(kspmg,&pcmg);
213:   PCSetType(pcmg,PCASA);

215:   /* maybe user wants to override some of the choices */
216:   KSPSetFromOptions(kspmg);

218:   KSPSetOperators(kspmg, HtH, HtH, DIFFERENT_NONZERO_PATTERN);

220:   PCASASetDM(pcmg, (DM) adda);

222:   PCASASetTolerances(pcmg, 1.e-6, 1.e-10,PETSC_DEFAULT,PETSC_DEFAULT);

224:   VecDuplicate(b, &xvec);
225:   VecSet(xvec, 0.0);

227:   /* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
228:                       Solve the linear system
229:      - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */

231:   KSPSolve(kspmg, Htb, xvec);

233: /*   VecView(xvec, PETSC_VIEWER_STDOUT_(PETSC_COMM_WORLD)); */

235:   KSPDestroy(kspmg);

237:   VecDestroy(xvec);
238:   VecDestroy(b);
239:   VecDestroy(Htb);
240:   MatDestroy(H);
241:   MatDestroy(HtH);

243:   ADDADestroy(adda);
244:   PetscRandomDestroy(rctx);
245:   PetscFinalize();
246:   return 0;
247: }

249: /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
252: PetscErrorCode computeMinEigVal(Mat A, PetscInt its, PetscScalar *eig) {
253:   PetscErrorCode  ierr;
254:   PetscRandom     rctx;     /* random number generator context */
255:   Vec             x0, x, x_1, tmp;
256:   PetscScalar     lambda_its, lambda_its_1;
257:   PetscReal       norm;
258:   Mat             G;
259:   PetscInt        i;
262:   PetscRandomCreate(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,&rctx);
263:   PetscRandomSetFromOptions(rctx);

265:   /* compute G = I-1/norm(A)*A */
266:   MatNorm(A, NORM_1, &norm);
267:   MatConvert(A, MATSAME, MAT_INITIAL_MATRIX, &G);
268:   MatShift(G, -norm);
269:   MatScale(G, -1./norm);

271:   MatGetVecs(G, &x_1, &x);
272:   VecSetRandom(x, rctx);
273:   VecDuplicate(x, &x0);
274:   VecCopy(x, x0);

276:   MatMult(G, x, x_1);
277:   for(i=0; i<its; i++) {
278:     tmp = x; x = x_1; x_1 = tmp;
279:     MatMult(G, x, x_1);
280:   }
281:   VecDot(x0, x, &lambda_its);
282:   VecDot(x0, x_1, &lambda_its_1);

284:   *eig = norm*(1.-lambda_its_1/lambda_its);

286:   VecDestroy(x0);
287:   VecDestroy(x);
288:   VecDestroy(x_1);
289:   PetscRandomDestroy(rctx);
290:   MatDestroy(G);

292:   return(0);
293: }