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John Kerry's Press Office Section  John Kerry addresses the Press

Statement on Lieberman-Smith Resolution

Mr. President, I am proud to be a cosponsor of the resolution introduced by Senators Lieberman and Smith demonstrating our continued solidarity with our ally, Israel, in its efforts to defend itself against terrorism. Suicide bombings and the taking of lives of innocent civilians are terrorist acts by anyone’s definition. No moral or political justification exists for the bombing of civilians on buses or in restaurants or at religious celebrations. This resolution makes it clear that we oppose these acts of terrorism and that we recognize and support Israel’s right to defend itself against them.

Now that Yasser Arafat is no longer confined to his headquarters in Ramallah, it is imperative that he make every effort possible to stem the tide of Palestinian terrorism and to break up whatever elements remain of the terrorist networks. And it is equally important that those Arab states who say they want to work with us in the war on terrorism do all that they can to help bring about an end to all forms of terrorism. They must make it clear that like us, they too oppose suicide bombings and that they expect the leadership of the Palestinian authority to live up to its responsibility to bring them to a halt.

Israel exercised its legitimate right to self-defense when it used force to root out and break up the terrorist networks threatening its own civilians. But force alone cannot ensure the security of the Israel and its people over the long term. I am convinced that the only way to truly enhance Israel’s security is to replace the dynamic of violence with hope and political settlement.

This resolution acknowledges that reality. It calls upon all parties in the region to pursue vigorously efforts to establish a just and lasting comprehensive peace. When I was in the region in January, I met with all the key players. At that time I came away convinced that we must find a way to get back to a peace process. That need is even more urgent now.

Ultimately the Israelis and Palestinians are going to have to live with each other as neighbors, not enemies. Passions are so high at this point that it is difficult if not impossible for either side to imagine that future. It is our responsibility, as the one country with the greatest influence over both sides, to help them see beyond the current impasse and to move them toward the prospect of reopening political discussions particularly now that some semblance of calm has been established. Now that the Administration has finally gotten engaged it must stay engaged. Our role as broker is vital and we must be willing to undertake it if we are serious about Israel’s long-term security, peace in the Middle East and combating terrorism.