Status of Histogramming Track Finder

Report on the general tracking / vertexing meeting 7/26/01

The analysis on the percentage of ghost/fake tracks is in progress. The results obtained with htf and trf++ for a sample of Z to mumu with 4 MB for the reco version t01.52.00 suggest that the reconstruction efficiency for primary tracks above 1 GeV demonstrated by htf is about 90 percent versus 80 percent shown by trf++, and the fake rate is 2-3 times higher. The fake rate can be reduced by imposing higher chi2 cut, however more sophysticated solutions are being investigated.

htf is 2-3 times slower than the recent version of trf++ This is going to improve with a new version of htf which is coming.

Last modified: Sat Jul 28 21:51:34 CDT 2001