Method: Black and White Film Development and Printing for Karyotype Analysis

June 3, 1990

Rosalie Veile


Time required:

  1. 5-20 minutes to develop 1-2 rolls of film
  2. 45-60 minutes to print 20 quality prints

Special supplies:

  1. Kodak Technical Pan Film 2415
  2. Kodak Polycontrast III Paper 5" x 7", RC plastic coated
  3. Kodak Ektamatic S30 Stabilizer
  4. Kodak S Activator
  5. Kodak D19 Developer
  6. Photo-Flo 200

Special equipment:

  1. Kodak Ektamatic Print Processor
  2. Beseler Enlarger
  3. Graylab 500 Timer




Cytogenetics lab manual

Kodak product enclosures