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- Result counts displayed in gray indicate one or more terms not found
71947PubMed: biomedical literature citations and abstracts
72071PubMed Central: free, full text journal articles
49Site Search: NCBI web and FTP sites
417Books: online books
110OMIM: online Mendelian Inheritance in Man
5OMIA: online Mendelian Inheritance in Animals

Wait Nucleotide: Core subset of nucleotide sequence records
41211EST: Expressed Sequence Tag records
3GSS: Genome Survey Sequence records
8647Protein: sequence database
48Genome: whole genome sequences
140Structure: three-dimensional macromolecular structures
noneTaxonomy: organisms in GenBank
Wait SNP: single nucleotide polymorphism
732Gene: gene-centered information
404HomoloGene: eukaryotic homology groups
131GENSAT: gene expression atlas of mouse central nervous system
276Probe: sequence-specific reagents
1Genome Project: genome project information
27dbGaP: genotype and phenotype
41UniGene: gene-oriented clusters of transcript sequences
4CDD: conserved protein domain database
2673D Domains: domains from Entrez Structure
101UniSTS: markers and mapping data
286PopSet: population study data sets
Wait GEO Profiles: expression and molecular abundance profiles
75GEO DataSets: experimental sets of GEO data
Wait Cancer Chromosomes: cytogenetic databases
4PubChem BioAssay: bioactivity screens of chemical substances
2143PubChem Compound: unique small molecule chemical structures
3291PubChem Substance: deposited chemical substance records
18Protein Clusters: a collection of related protein sequences

3Journals: detailed information about the journals indexed in PubMed and other Entrez databases
719NLM Catalog: catalog of books, journals, and audiovisuals in the NLM collections
94MeSH: detailed information about NLM's controlled vocabulary

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