LANL Research Library

Getting Started


1) Download aDORe djatoka from the Download section.

2) Untar contents:
	tar -xzf adore-djatoka-1.0.tar.gz

Test Environment

Test the djatoka compression and extraction applications:

cd bin
./ -i ../etc/test.jpg -o ../etc/test.jp2
./ -i ../etc/test.jp2 -o ../etc/test-size1.jpg -l 1

Verify that ../etc/test-size1.jpg exists and can be opened using an image viewer.
ls -l ../etc/test-size1.jpg

Verify your Tomcat Configurations

The djatoka Tomcat start-up script assumes an out of the box Tomcat 5.* installation.  You'll need
to change the script around if you're using different CATALINA_BASE and CATALINA_HOME dirs.

IMPORTANT: djatoka requires a number of parameters to be passed into Tomcat using JAVA_OPT, 
this includes the kakadu.home and java.library.path env vars necessary to access the native 
libraries used by djatoka.  The script in adore-djatoka/bin contains the logic to 
dynamically generate the JAVA_OPTS values necessary to run the djatoka image server.  

1. To copy the war to the Tomcat webapps dir:
cp ../dist/adore-djatoka.war $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/ 

You'll need to ensure the CATALINA_HOME env var is set.

2. To start the Tomcat instance with the necessary JAVA_OPTS settings:
install-dir/adore-djatoka/bin/ start

3. In a browser, open 'http://<host>:<port>/adore-djatoka/'.  Verify that the BaseURL is correct, and
click the 'Update Image' button.  This will download the an LoC American Memory Image from
'' and extract a 500 x 500 region from the
JP2 file and return a JPG version on the image in the response.

4. If nothing happens, try the "Open Image in new window" button and use the error message to resolve the issue 
using the Issue/Resolution map below.  If those don't work, submit your issue to for resolution.

Issue Resolution: 
Issue 1: The exception "gov.lanl.adore.djatoka.DjatokaException:
gov.lanl.adore.djatoka.DjatokaException: java.lang.Exception: kakadu.home is not defined" appears
when I click 'Update Image' 
* Resolution: djatoka requires a number of parameters to be passed into Tomcat using JAVA_OPT, 
this includes the kakadu.home env var. The tomcat startup script in adore-djatoka/bin should be 
used to initially test the installation.  Afterwards, you can extract the JAVA_OPTS settings from and add them to your preferred Tomcat initialization script, should you have one.

Issue 2:  The exception "gov.lanl.adore.djatoka.DjatokaException:
gov.lanl.adore.djatoka.DjatokaException: java.lang.Exception: Unknown JP2/JPX file format" appears
when I click 'Update Image' 
* Resolution: The is typically the result of a firewall or proxy server blocking a request to 
download a remote image.  The script in adore-djatoka/bin provides the necessary JAVA_OPTS 
proxy settings. Uncomment and set these properties then restart the Tomcat instance using the 
djatoka Tomcat start-up script and try "Update Image" again.

Add Content

1. Compress some images.
2. Update the reference in $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/adore-djatoka/WEB-INF/classes/imgIndex.txt
- imgIndex.txt is an example the identifier resolver interface functions. It's a simple map 
associating a rft_id with a file path.

- Format: 2 tab delimited columns with a single line per resource.
        - Column A being the rft_id
        - Column B being an absolute file path for the JP2 file.
        - Example: info:lanl-repo/ds/CB_TM_QQ432    /path/to/file.jp2

- Request Usage:
    		url_ver=Z39.88-2004 &
    		rft_id=info:lanl-repo/ds/CB_TM_QQ432 &
    		svc_id=info:lanl-repo/svc/getRegion &
    		svc_val_fmt=info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:jpeg2000 &
    		svc.format=image/jpeg &
    		svc.level=4 &
    		svc.rotate=0 &
will resolve the rft_id (e.g. info:lanl-repo/ds/CB_TM_QQ432) to a local file path 
(e.g. /path/to/file.jp2) using the imgIndex.txt file, then perform the necessary operations 
on the resource.

3. ./ stop
4. ./ start
5. Go to http://<host>:<port>/adore-djatoka/
6. Enter an identifier for one of your images defined in imgIndex.txt. 

Windows Installation Instructions

1. Download the adore-djatoka archive to a directory of your choosing.
2. Extract the adore-djatoka-1.0 dir from the archive using an archive
utility (e.g. WinZip).
3. In a cmd.exe prompt, cd to the %install_dir%/adore-djatoka-1.0/bin
4. Check that java.exe is in your PATH (e.g. java -version) and that you
are using a Sun JVM. If this doesn't work, you'll need to add
%JAVA_HOME%/bin to your path.
- Note: The current compress.bat and extract.bat set PATH defs may need to
be modified to work. I'll update this in a next release. For the time
being, if java -version works, you should be able to just add the Win32
dir to the PATH (set PATH=%install_dir%\adore-djatoka-1.0\bin\Win32;%PATH%). 
The set PATH def in compress.bat and extract.bat only impact that current 
cmd.exe instance, if you kill the window, your default PATH values will be set. 
If anyone wishes to provide a better Windows batch files, I'd be glad to verify and
incorporate the changes.
5. Execute the following "compress.bat -i ../etc/test.jpg -o
../etc/test.jp2" to verify that compression.
6. Execute the following " -i ../etc/test.jp2 -o
../etc/test-size1.jpg -l 1" to verify that extraction.
7. Next "cd ../etc/" and perform a "dir" to verify that test-size1.jpg
exists and can be opened using an image viewer.

Then onto Tomcat...
8. Ensure you have the CATALINA_HOME and JAVA_HOME vars defined.
Note: Same story as 4 above, you may have to modify the set PATH def in
%install_dir%/adore-djatoka-1.0/bin/tomcat.bat to get things going. Sorry
about the PATH confusion.
9. Copy ../dist/adore-djatoka.war to $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/
10. From the adore-djatoka-1.0/bin directory run "tomcat.bat". This
should launch Tomcat in a new window.
11. In a browser, open 'http://:/adore-djatoka/'. Verify that
the BaseURL is correct, and click the 'Update Image' button. 
This will download the an LoC American Memory Image from 
and extract a 500 x 500 region from the JP2 file and return a JPG version on 
the image in the response.

Directory Structure

|- bin - Contains image compression and extraction utilities and binaries
|- build.xml - Ant script to compile and create distributions
|- dist - Contains JAR/WAR distributions
|- doc - Contains javadoc and reference to online documentation
|- etc - Sample compression properties file and images
|- lib - Contains required Java and Native libraries
|- src - Contains Java source code for adore-djatoka