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Downloading and installing the FHWA-810 system from the internet to your computer consists of three phases.


The instructions below are to be performed outside of this Internet page in the Windows area of your PC. For convenience you can shrink this window down to an icon, perform the file work required below, and expand this window back up for futher instructions as needed. To shrink this window to an icon do the following - move your cursor to the upper most right hand corner to the small box with the dash(for 95 and NT) or the down arrow (for 3.1). Click on the box to reduce this screen to an icon. To re-establish this screen, double click on the Internet icon this screen was reduced to.

Move your cursor over the blue highlighted words until an icon resembling a hand appears. Once you have the hand icon, click your left mouse button. The instructions for that section will appear.

PHASE 1 gives instructions on how to create a directory on your computer and download the compressed FHWA-810 files from the Internet.

PHASE 2 provides information on accessing the directory to which you have downloaded 810INST.EXE file and expanding the files into a useable format.

PHASE 3 gives instructions on how to run the FHWA-810 system on your computer by creating a shortcut and running the system via an icon.


To avoid overwriting files on your computer, create a new directory on your hard drive to receive the FHWA-810 files. Depending on your operating system, go to the appropriate instructions for Window 3.1 or Windows 95,NT.

After you have created your new directory - Go to download section of the webpage to download the necessary file.

Creating a directory if you have Windows 3.1

1) In your "PROGRAM MANAGER" screen double click on the icon "MAIN".

2) On the next screen double click on the icon "FILE MANAGER".

3) The next screen will list the files on your computer. If the directory "C:\" is not already highlighted, move the selection box to the top of the list on "C:\" by pressing the up arrow key.

4) After the "C:\" has been highlighted, move your cursor to the upper most left hand corner of your screen to "FILE". Click once for a drop-down menu.

5) Select "create directory". A small screen will appear with a box to enter the name of your new directory.

6) Enter a unique name such as "FHWA810". Press <OK> to create the directory.

7) Make note of the new directory name and exit out of the screens back to the "PROGRAM MANAGER".

Go download file

Creating a directory if you have Windows/95 or Windows/NT

1) Move your cursor to the "Start" button in the lower left corner of the screen. Click once. A pop-up menu will appear.

2) Move the cursor up with your mouse until "Programs" is highlighted. Another pop-up menu will automatically appear.

3) Move the cursor or until "Windows Explorer" or "Windows NT Explorer" is highlighted. Click once.

4) A pop-up screen will appear listing your drives, files and directories.

5) Move your cursor over the "C:" and select with one click. The list of all your directories will appear in the window on the right with file folder icons next to them.

6) Move your cursor to the upper most left hand corner to "File". Click once. A pop-up menu will appear.

7) Move your cursor over "New". When it highlights, a drop-down menu will appear.

8) Move your cursor over "Folder" and click your left mouse button once.

9) The new folder, e.g., directory will appear at the bottom of the list of files and directories with the name "New Folder" blinking.

10) Type a unique name such as "FHWA810" in the square to name your new directory.

11) Press your <ENTER> button and the new directory will be created.

12) Make note of the new directory name.

13) Exit the screen brought up in creating the new directory.

Go download file

Downloading the FHWA-810 System

The file below contains the FHWA-810 System. To download the file into the directory you created, do the following:

Move your cursor over the blue file name "810INST.EXE" below until the hand icon appears and click your left mouse button. A pop-up box will appear entitled "Save As".

Download instructions for Windows 3.1

1) Verify the file name "810INST.EXE" is in the "File Name" box.

2) If the "Drive" is not "C:\", change the drive. Move your cursor to the "Drive" box and click on the down arrow. The drives on your system will appear. Highlight "C:\" and click.

3) Scroll through the list of directories in the "Directory" box until you find the directory you created . Double click on the directory. When the directory is opened, it should be empty and no files should appear in the "File" box. Press "OK" to save "810INST.EXE".

Download instructions for Windows 95/NT

1) Verify the file name "810inst" is in the "File name" box.

2) If the folder name in the "Save in" box is not the one you created, click on the down arrow to display the list of folders and directories on your system.

3) Move your cursor until "C:" is highlighted and click. All the folders (directories), on your "C" drive will appear. Select the folder (directory) you created and double click.

4) Since the directory is new, no files should be in it. The main file box below the directory should be empty. Click on "save" to save the 810INST.EXE file.

810inst.exe (1,884KB) - The file to be downloaded.

Go to PHASE 2


Once you have downloaded the files, you will need to go into the directory you have created and "expand" the FHWA-810 system files from their compressed state. This will make them available for use. We have provided instructions for Windows 3.1 and Windows 95/NT

Installation instructions for WINDOWS 3.1

To "expand" the compressed FHWA-810 files into a useable system on your computer do the following:

1) Within the main screen of your Window's 3.1 "Program Manager" choose the icon "Main".

2) Double click to view a pop-up box of icons. Within the box you will see an icon MS-DOS. Double click on this icon to get a DOS prompt.

3) At your DOS prompt, if the drive and directory displayed is not the one you created for the FHWA-810, you will need to change it before performing your install. Type "C:" at the DOS prompt and press <ENTER>. This will put you in the proper drive.

4) If you see "C:\" with a directory name other than the directory name you created, type "cd .." repeatedly at the prompt until only "C:\" is present.

5) Type "cd C:\"directory name" where the directory name is the name of the directory you created and stored the FHWA-810 files.

6) Once you have the correct DOS prompt, type "810INST" <RETURN>. You will see a series of lines saying "inflating file ....". These are the FHWA-810 files you will use to run the system. To save space on your hard-drive you can delete the "810INST.EXE" file after inflating the files.

7) Now that the files have been distributed into the directory, you may type "exit" at the DOS prompt to go back to the "Program Manager" window or you can go to PHASE 3 for instructions on how to run the application and create shortcuts.

NOTE: If you choose to install the new FHWA-810 version over your old version, back up your data to another directory, then delete the old FHWA-810 program files in the directory where the old system exits. Copy the 810INST.EXE file to the directory. Then expand the compressed files and follow the instructions for running the system.

Go to PHASE 3

Installation instructions for WINDOWS/95 or WINDOWS/NT

To expand the compressed FHWA-810 files into a useable system in Windows 95 or Windows NT you must first obtain a DOS window. To do this, perform the following steps.

1) Move your cursor to "Start" at the bottom most left hand corner of your screen. Click once.

2) After the pop-up menu has appeared, move your cursor up until "Programs" is highlighted.

3) A pop-down menu will automatically appear. Move your cursor until "command prompt" or "MS-DOS prompt" is highlighted. Click once. A DOS window will appear with a DOS prompt.

4) At your DOS prompt, if the drive and directory displayed is not the one you created for the FHWA-810, you will need to change it before performing your install. To change the drive and directory to the location you created, do the following: type "C:" at the DOS prompt and press <ENTER>.

5) If you see "C:\" with a directory name other than the directory name you created, type "cd .." repeatedly at the prompt until only "C:\" is present.

6) Type "cd C:\"directory name" where the directory name is the name of the directory you created and stored the FHWA-810 files from the internet. Then press <ENTER>

7) Once you have the correct DOS prompt, type "810INST" <return>. You will see a series of lines saying "inflating ....". These are the FHWA-810 files you will use to run the system. To save space on your hard-drive you can delete the "810INST.EXE" file after inflating the files on your system.

8) Now that the files have been distributed into the directory, you may type "exit" at the DOS prompt to go back to the "Program Manager" window or you can go to PHASE 3 for instructions on how to run the application and create shortcuts.  

NOTE: If you choose to install the new FHWA-810 version over your old version, back up your data to another directory, then delete the old FHWA-810 program files in the directory where the old system exits. Copy the 810INST.EXE file to the directory. Expand the compressed FHWA810 files into a useable system and follow the run instructions.

Go to PHASE 3


The following instructions explain how to create a shortcut icon to run the FHWA-810 system.

After you have downloaded and expanded the FHWA-810 files from their compressed format, depending on what type of workstation you have, you need to do the following for Windows 3.1 or for Windows95/NT


Creating a shortcut and icon in Windows 3.1:

1) If you are running the FHWA-810 application, exit out or close it.

2) Move your cursor to the "Applications" icon, click twice.

3) Once the window is open, move your cursor to the upper left corner of the screen to "File" and click once.

4) A drop down menu will appear. Select "New", a pop-up box will appear entitled "New Program Object".

5) Select "Program Item" and press OK. Another box will appear entitled "Program Item Properties".

6) Type "FHWA-810" in the "description" box. Move your cursor to the "command line" and click once.

7) Move your cursor to the "BROWSE" button and click once. A pop-up box will appear listing your files and directories.

8) Find the directory in which you installed the FHWA-810 system. Double click on it. In the files area you'll see two files.

9) Click on "FHWA810.EXE" once. Hit "OK". This will return you to the "Program Item Properties" box where the "command line" box will be filled in with the start-up command.

10) Now create an associated icon by clicking on the "Change Icon" button. You will get a box saying there are no icons available for the specified file.

11) Press "OK". A linear list of icons will appear. Select the one you desire and press "OK" to accept it.

12) Exit out. You will see the icon you selected with "FHWA-810" under it. Double click on it and the program will start up.

The FHWA-810 application is now ready for you to load the data you received with your User's Manual. Refer to the installation instructions in the User's Manual to load the data.

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Creating a shortcut and icon Windows/95 or Windows/NT:

1) Click your right mouse button. A pop-up menu will appear.

2) Move your cursor over the "New". A pop-up menu will automatically appear.

3) Move your cursor over "shortcut" and click once. A box will pop up with the title "create shortcut".

4) Click on "Browse". A browse window will appear listing the files on your computer.

5) Find the directory or folder (one in the same) icon you specified when you installed the system.

6) Double click on the icon. A box will appear showing two files.

7) Double click on the FHWA810.EXE file.

8) Move your cursor down to "next", click once.

9) Another box will appear with FHWA810 in a box. if you want this name as your icon name then move your cursor to "Finish" and click. Otherwise, change the name and then click "Finish".

10) Next select an icon to go with the FHWA-810 system.  Press Finish when done. You can now use this icon to start up your program.

The FHWA-810 application is now ready for you to load the data you received with your User's Manual. Installation instructions are in the manual.

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Last updated July 26, 1999
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