Selected Publications from Present and Past Staff Members

Aires-da-Silva, A., I. Taylor, A.E. Punt, V.F. Gallucci, N.E. Kohler, P.A. Turner, R. Briggs and J.J. Hoey. 2005. A framework for estimating movement and fishing mortality rates of the blue shark, Prionace galuca, in the North Atlantic from tag-recapture data. Col. Vol. Sci. Pap. ICCAT, 58(3): 1073-1086.

Ardizzone, D., G. M. Cailliet, L.J. Natanson, A.H. Andrews, L.A. Kerr and T.A. Brown. 2006. Application of bomb radiocarbon chronologies to shortfin mako (Isurus oxyrinchus) age validation. Environ Biol Fish (2006) 77:355-366.

Belcher, C. 1994. Evaluating Longline Surveys for Producing Abundance Estimates of Large Coastal Sharks. Masters Thesis, University of Rhode Island, Kingston. 113 p.

Borucinska, J., N.E. Kohler, L.J. Natanson and G.B. Skomal. 2002. Pathology associated with retained fishing hooks in blue sharks (Prionace glauca) (Linnaeus, 1758) with implications for their conservation. J. of Fish Diseases 25:515-521.

Cailliet, G.M., H.F. Mollet, G.C. Pittenger, D. Bedford and L.J. Natanson. 1992. Growth and demography of the Pacific angel shark (Squatina californica), based upon tag returns off California. Aust. J. Mar. Freshwater Res. 43: 1313-1330.

Cailliet, G.M., L.J. Natanson, B.A. Welden and D.A. Ebert. 1985. Preliminary studies on the age and growth of the white shark, Carcharodon carcharias, using vertebral bands. Mem. S. Calif. Acad. Sci. 9; pp. 49-60.

Caira, J.N., G.W. Benz, J. Borucinska and N.E. Kohler. 1997. Pugnose eels, Simenchelys parasiticus (Synaphobranchidae) from the heart of a shortfin mako, Isurus oxyrinchus (Lamnidae). Environmental Biology of Fishes 49:139-144.

Campana, S.E., W. Joyce, L. Marks, L.J. Natanson, N.E. Kohler, C.F. Jensen, J.J. Mello, H.L. Pratt, Jr. and S. Myklevoll. 2002. Population Dynamics of the Porbeagle in the Northwest Atlantic Ocean. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 22:106-121.

Campana, S. W. Joyce, L. Marks, P. Hurley, L.J. Natanson, N.E. Kohler, C.F. Jensen, J.J. Mello, H.L. Pratt, Jr. and S. Myklevoll. (In Press). The rise and fall (again) of the porbeagle shark population in the Northwest Atlantic. In: Sharks of the Open Ocean, Blackwell Scientific, Proceedings of the International Pelagic Shark Workshop, Monterey CA.

Campana S., Marks L., Joyce W, Kohler N. 2004. Influence of recreational and commercial fishing on the blue shark (Prionace glauca) population in Atlantic Canadian Waters. CSAS Res. Doc. 2004/069

Campana SE, Marks L, Joyce W, Kohler N. 2005. Catch, bycatch and indices of population status of blue shark (Prionace glauca) in the Canadian Atlantic. Col. Vol. Sci. Pap. ICCAT 58: 891-934.

Campana, S.E., L. Marks, W. Joyce and N.E. Kohler. 2006. Effects of recreational and commercial fishing on blue sharks (Prionace glauca) in Atlantic Canada, with inferences on the North Atlantic population. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 63:670-682.

Campana, S.E., L.J. Natanson and S. Myklevoll. 2002. Bomb Dating and Age Determination of Large Pelagic Sharks. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 59:450-455.

Carey, F.G., L. Middleton, C.E. Stillwell, H.L. Pratt, N.E. Kohler and C. Cavin. 1978. Mako shark experiment on Wieczno, March 1978. NMFS, NEFSC, Woods Hole Lab, Doc. No. 80-7; 12 pp.

Carey, F.G., J.M. Teal and J.W. Kanwisher. 1981. The visceral temperatures of mackerel sharks (Lamnidae). Physiol. Zool. 54(3):334-344.

Carrier, J.C., H.L. Pratt, Jr. and L.K. Martin. 1994. Group Reproductive Behaviors in Free-Living Nurse Sharks, Ginglymostoma cirratum. Copeia. 3:646-656.

Casey, J.G. 1982. Blue shark, Prionace glauca. Species synopsis, In: M.D. Grosslein and T. Azarovitz (eds.), Ecology of the Middle Atlantic Bight fish and shellfish - Monograph 15, Fish Distribution, pp. 45-48, MESA New York Bight Atlas, NY Sea Grant, Albany, NY.

Casey, J.G. 1985. Trans-Atlantic migrations of the blue shark: a case history of cooperative shark tagging. In: R.H. Stroud (ed.), World angling resources and challenges, pp. 253-267. Proceedings of the First World Angling Conference, Cap d Agde, France, September 12-18, 1984.

Casey, J.G. and J.M. Hoenig. 1977. Apex predators in deepwater dumpsite 106. pp. 309-376. In: NOAA Dumpsite Evaluation Report 77-1, Baseline Report of Environmental conditions in Deepwater Dumpsite 106. Washington, DC.

Casey, J.G., and N.E. Kohler. 1990. Long distance movements of Atlantic sharks from the NMFS Cooperative Shark Tagging Program. Discovering Sharks. S.H. Gruber ed. American Littoral Society, Highlands, NJ. 19(4):87-91.

Casey, J. G. and N. E. Kohler. 1991. Results of tagging studies on the shortfin mako shark (Isurus oxyrinchus) in the Northwest Atlantic. In: Proceeding of the Sharks Down/Under Conference, Sydney, Australia. February 25 - March 1, 1991.

Casey, J.G. and N.E. Kohler. 1992. Tagging studies on the shortfin mako shark (Isurus oxyrinchus) in the Western North Atlantic. Aust. J. Mar. Freshwater Res. 43: 45-60.

Casey, J.G. and H.L. Pratt, Jr. 1985. Distribution of the white shark, Carcharodon carcharias, in the western North Atlantic. So. Cal. Acad. of Sci. Mem. 9; pp. 2-14.

Casey, J.G., H.L. Pratt Jr., N.E. Kohler, L.J. Natanson, P.A. Turner and R. Briggs. 1994. The Shark Tagger-1993 Annual Summary. 18 p.

Casey, J.G., H.L. Pratt, Jr. and C. Stillwell. 1981. The shark tagger summary-1981. NMFS, Narragansett, RI.

Casey, J.G., H.L. Pratt, Jr. and C.E. Stillwell. 1985. Age and growth of the sandbar shark (Carcharhinus plumbeus) from the western North Atlantic. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 42(5); pp. 963-975.

Casey, J.G. and L.J. Natanson. 1992. Revised estimates of age and growth of the sandbar shark (Carcharhinus plumbeus) from the western North Atlantic. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 49: 1474-1477.

Ebert, D.A., L.J.V. Compagno and L.J. Natanson. 1987. Biological notes on the Pacific Sleeper shark, (Somniosus pacificus - chondricthyes: Squalidae). California Fish and Game 73(2):117-123.

Ferreira, A.R. 1997. An Assessment of Fisheries Impacting Juvenile Sandbar Sharks (Carcharhinus plumbeus) in Delaware Bay: Implications for Managing Shark Nursery Habitat. Masters Thesis, University of Rhode Island, Kingston. 152 p.

Fogarty, M.J., J.G. Casey, N.E. Kohler, J.S. Idoine and H.W. Pratt. 1989. Reproductive dynamics of elasmobranch populations in response to harvesting. ICES Mini-Symposium on Reproductive Variability: Implications for the Dynamics and Well-being of Stocks, No. 9. October 1989, The Hague, The Netherlands. Journal Conseil International Exploration Mer.

Francis, M., L.J. Natanson and S.E. Campana. (In Review) Porbeagle shark (Lamna nasus). In: Sharks of the Open Ocean, Blackwell Scientific, Proceedings of the International Pelagic Shark Workshop, Monterey CA.

Hoey, J.J. 1983. Analysis of longline fishing effort for apex predators (swordfish, shark, and tuna) in the western North Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico. PhD Dissertation, University of Rhode Island, Kingston. 288 pp.

Jensen, C.F., L.J. Natanson, H.L. Pratt, Jr., N.E. Kohler and S.E. Campana. 2002. The Reproductive Biology of the Porbeagle Shark (Lamna nasus) in the Western North Atlantic Ocean. Fish. Bull. 100(4): 727-738.

Joyce, W.N., Campana, S.E., Natanson, L.J., Kohler, N.E., Pratt, H.L. Jr., Jensen, C.F. 2002. Analysis of Stomach Contents of the Porbeagle Shark (Lamna nasus Bonnaterre) in the Northwest Atlantic. ICES Journal of Marine Science. 59:1263-1269.

Kohler, N.E. 1987. Aspects of the feeding ecology of the blue shark in the western North Atlantic. PhD Dissertation, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI.

Kohler, N.E. 1996. NMFS Cooperative Shark Tagging Program. IUCN Shark Specialist Group Newsletter. Shark News 7.

Kohler, N.E., J.G. Casey and P.A. Turner. 1995. Length-weight relationships for 13 species of sharks from the western North Atlantic. 1995. Fish. Bull. 93: 412-418.

Kohler, N. E., J. G. Casey, and P. A. Turner. 1996. An analysis of length-length and length-weight relationships for 13 species of sharks from the western North Atlantic . NOAA Technical Memorandum, NMFS-NE-110. 22 pp.

Kohler, N.E., J.G. Casey and P.A. Turner. 1998. NMFS Cooperative Shark Tagging Program, 1962-1993: An atlas of shark tag and recapture data. Marine Fisheries Review 60:1-87.

Kohler, N.E., H.L. Pratt Jr., L.J. Natanson, P.A. Turner and R. Briggs. 1996. The Shark Tagger-1995 Annual Summary. 16 p.

Kohler, N.E. and L.J. Natanson. 1990. Shark Research: NMFS tracks shark movements. At the Bay Campus, URI Graduate School of Oceanography Alumni Newsletter. 1990 9(2).

Kohler, N.E., L.J. Natanson, H.L. Pratt Jr., R. Briggs, P. Turner, and J.G. Casey. 1995. The Shark Tagger-1994 Annual Summary. 16 p.

Kohler, N.E., L.J. Natanson, H.L. Pratt Jr., R. Briggs and P.A. Turner. 1998. The Shark Tagger-1997 Annual Summary. 20 p.

Kohler, N.E., L.J. Natanson H.L. Pratt Jr., P.A. Turner and R. Briggs. 1997. The Shark Tagger-1996 Annual Summary. 18 p.

Kohler, N.E., L.J. Natanson, H.L. Pratt Jr., P.A. Turner and R. Briggs. 1999. The Shark Tagger-1998 Annual Summary. 20 p.

Kohler, N.E., and P.A. Turner. (In Press). Stock structure of the blue shark (Prionace glauca) in the North Atlantic Ocean based on tagging data. In: Sharks of the Open Ocean, Blackwell Scientific, Proceedings of the International Pelagic Shark Workshop, Monterey CA.

Kohler, N.E. and P.A. Turner. 2001. Shark tagging: a review of conventional methods and studies. Environmental Biology of Fishes 60:191-223.

Kohler, N.E., P.A.Turner, J.J. Hoey, L.J. Natanson and R. Briggs. 2002. Tag and recapture data for three pelagic shark species: blue shark (Prionace glauca), shortfin mako (Isurus oxyrinchus), and porbeagle (Lamna nasus) in the North Atlantic Ocean. Collected Volume Scientific Papers ICCAT, 54(4):1231-1260.

Mace, P.M., A.W. Bruckner, N.K. Daves, J.R. Hunter, N.E. Kohler, R.G. Kope, M.W. Miller, J.W. Orr, R.S. Otto, T.D. Smith and N.B. Thompson. 2002. NMFS/Interagency Working Group Evaluation of CITES Criteria and Guidelines. NOAA Technical Memorandum. 71 pp.

McElroy, W.D, B.M. Wetherbee,C.S. Mostello, C.G. Lowe,G.L. Crow and R.C. Wass. 2006. Food habits and ontogenetic changes in the diet of the sandbar shark, Carcharhinus plumbeus, in Hawaii. Environ Biol Fish (2006) 76:81-92.

Merson, R.R. and H.L. Pratt, Jr. 2001. Distribution, movements and growth of young sandbar sharks, Carcharhinus plumbeus, in the nursery grounds of Delaware Bay. Environmental Biology of Fishes 61:13-24.

Michel, M. 2001. Temporal and spatial variations in shark abundance and distribution in the estuary of the Ten Islands, Florida. Abstract from the American Elasmobranch Society 2001 Annual Meeting, State College, PA.

Mollet, H.F., G. Cliff, H.L. Pratt, Jr. and J.D. Stevens. 2000. Reproductive biology of the female shortfin mako, Isurus oxyrinchus Rafinesque, 1810, with comments on the embryonic development of lamnoids. Fish. Bull. 98: 299-318.

Natanson, L.J. 1984. Aspects of age, growth, and reproduction of the Pacific angel shark, Squatina californica, off Santa Barbara, California. MA Thesis, San Jose State University, 71 pp.

Natanson, L.J. 1990. Relationship of vertebral band deposition to age and growth in the dusky shark, Carcharhinus obscurus, and the little skate, Raja erinacea. PhD Dissertation, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI. 153p.

Natanson, L.J. 1992. Large scale cod recruitment studies. Channels. 2(1):1.

Natanson, L.J. 1993. Effect of temperature on band deposition in the little skate, Raja erinacea. Copeia 1993 (1):199-206.

Natanson, L.J. 2002. Preliminary investigations into the age and growth of the shortfin mako, Isurus oxyrinchus, white shark, Carcharodon carcharias, and thresher shark, Alopias vulpinus, in the Western North Atlantic Ocean. Col.Vol.Sci.Pap. ICCAT, 54 (4): 1280-1293.

Natanson, L.J. and G.M. Cailliet. 1986. Reproduction and development of the Pacific angel shark, Squatina californica, off Santa Barbara, California. Copeia, 1986(4):987-994.

Natanson, L.J. and G.M. Cailliet. 1990. Vertebral growth zone deposition in Pacific angel sharks. Copeia 1990:1133-1145.

Natanson, L.J., G.M. Cailliet and B.A. Welden. 1984. Age, growth, and reproduction of the Pacific angel shark (Squatina californica) from Santa Barbara, California. Am. Zool. 24(3) Abstract 130.

Natanson, L.J., J.G. Casey and N.E. Kohler. 1995. Age and growth of the dusky shark, Carcharhinus obscurus, in the western North Atlantic. Fish. Bull. 93; pp. 116-126.

Natanson, L.J., J.G. Casey, N.E. Kohler and T. Colket. 1999. Growth of the tiger shark, Galeocerdo cuvier, in the western North Atlantic based on tag returns and length frequencies; and a note on the effects of tagging. Fish. Bull. 97; pp. 944-953.

Natanson, L.J. and N.E. Kohler. 1996. A preliminary estimate of age and growth of the dusky shark Carcharhinus obscurus from the south-west Indian Ocean, with comparisons to the western North Atlantic population. S. Afr. J. mar. Sci. 17:217-224.

Natanson, L.J., N.E. Kohler, D. Ardizzone, G. M. Cailliet, S. P. Wintner and H. F. Mollet. 2006. Validated age and growth estimates for the shortfin mako, Isurus oxyrinchus, in the North Atlantic Ocean. Environ. Biol. Fish. (2006) 77:367-383.

Natanson, L.J., J.J. Mello and S.E. Campana. 2002. Validated age and growth of the porbeagle shark (Lamna nasus) in the western North Atlantic Ocean. Fish. Bull. 100:266-278.

Pank, M., M. Stanhope, L. Natanson, N.E. Kohler and M. Shivji. 2001. Rapid and simultaneous identification of body parts from the morphologically similar sharks Carcharhinus obscurus and Carcharhinus plumbeus (Carcharhinidae) using multiplex PCR. Marine Biotechnology 3:231-240.

Pratt, H.L., Jr. 1979. Reproduction in the blue shark, Prionace glauca. Fish. Bull. 77:445-470.

Pratt, H.L., Jr. 1996. Reproduction in the Male White Shark, Carcharodon carcharias. Chapt. 13, pp. 131-138 In: Great White Sharks, The Biology of Carcharodon carcharias. Kimley, A. P. and D. G. Ainley, eds. Academic Press, 1996. 517 pages. Proceedings of the Symposium on the Biology of the White Shark, Bodega Marine Lab., Bodega, CA, 4 March 1993.

Pratt, H.L., Jr. and J.G. Casey. 1983. Age and growth of the shortfin mako, Isurus oxyrinchus, using four methods. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 40(11):1944-1957.

Pratt, H.L., Jr. and J.C. Carrier. 1995. Wild Mating of the Nurse Sharks. Nat. Geo. Mag., 187(5), pp. 44-53.

Pratt, H.L., Jr. and J.C. Carrier. 1995. "A Savage Kind of Love." (televised version of "Wild Mating of the Nurse Sharks"). Nat. Geo. Explorer Television. June 22, 1995.

Pratt, H.L., Jr. and J.G. Casey. 1990. Shark reproductive strategies as limiting factors in directed fisheries, with a review of Holden's method of estimating growth parameters. In: H.L. Pratt, Jr., S.H. Gruber and T. Taniuchi (eds). 1990. Elasmobranchs as Living Resources: Advances in the Biology, Ecology, Systematics, and Status of the Fisheries. NOAA Tech. Rep. 90; pp. 97-110.

Pratt, H.L., Jr. and S. Tanaka. 1994. Sperm Storage in Male Elasmobranchs: A Description and Survey. J. Morph. 219(3):297-304.

Rechisky, E.L. and B.M. Wetherbee. 2003. Short-term movements of juvenile sandbar sharks (Carcharhinus plumbeus) in Delaware Bay. Env. Biol. Fish. 68:113-128.

Rechisky, E.L., B.M. Wetherbee, N.E. Kohler, C. Recksiek & H.L. Pratt. (In Press). Movement patterns of juvenile sandbar sharks are dictated by tidal currents. Mar. Bio.

Schulze-Haugen, M., T. Corey and N. E. Kohler. 2003. Guide to Sharks, Tunas, & Billfishes of the U.S. Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico. RI Sea Grant/NMFS.

Shivji, M., Clarke, S. Pank, M., L. Natanson, N.E. Kohler and M. Stanhope. 2002. Genetic identification of pelagic shark body parts for conservation and trade monitoring. Conservation Biology 16, no. 4: 1036-1047.

Shivji, M., C. Tagliaro, L Natanson, N.E. Kohler, S.O. Rogers and M. Stanhope. 1996 Utility of ribosomal DNA ITS2 for deriving shark species-diagnostic identification markers. Aquaculture Biotechnology Symposium Proceedings. E.M. Donaldson and D.D. MacKinlay eds. International Conference Biology Fishes. 7/14-18, 1996. p87-93.

Skomal, G.B. 1990. Age and growth of the blue shark, Prionace glauca, in the North Atlantic. Master's Thesis. University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI. 82 p.

Skomal, G.B. and L.J. Natanson. 2001. Age and growth of the blue shark, Prionace glauca, in the North Atlantic Ocean. ICCAT Working Document SCRS/01/63.

Skomal, G.B. and L.J. Natanson. 2003. Age and growth of the blue shark, Prionace glauca, in the North Atlantic Ocean. Fish. Bull. 101:627-639.

Stillwell, C.E., and N.E. Kohler. 1981. Food habits of the mako shark, Isurus oxyrinchus, in the Northwest Atlantic. ICES, C.M. 1981/H:61.

Stillwell, C.E. and N.E. Kohler. 1982. Food, feeding habits, and estimates of daily ration of the shortfin mako (Isurus oxyrinchus) in the northwest Atlantic. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 39: 407-414.

Stillwell, C.E., and N.E. Kohler. 1985. Food and feeding ecology of the swordfish, Xiphias gladius, in the western North Atlantic with estimates of daily ration. Marine Ecology Progress Series 22:239-247.

Stillwell, C.E., and N.E. Kohler. 1993. Food habits of the sandbar shark, Carcharhinus plumbeus, off the U.S. northeast coast, with estimates of daily ration. Fishery Bulletin, U.S. 91:138-150.

Wetherbee, B.M., E. L. Rechisky, H.L. Pratt Jr., & C.T. McCandless. 2001. Use of ultrasonic telemetry for fishery management: sandbar sharks in Delaware Bay. P. 249-262 In: Electronic tagging and tracking in marine fisheries. Reviews: Methods & Technologies in Fish Biology & Fisheries. Vol. 1. J. Sibert & J. Nielson, eds., Kluwer Academic Press, Dordrecht, The Netherlands.

This page was last updated: March 20, 2007