This is a partially completed html page in a set of molecular biology techniques, recipes and protocols pages. Please read the disclaimer and the introductory pages. Your submissions and comments are always welcome. The pages have been assembled by Brendan Babb at the department of Medical Microbiology, University of Cape Town.

Recipe for blocking buffer

Keywords: Zappe; western
Blocking buffer

Contributor: Zappe, H

Related: Western blots (Zappe)

Storage: RT

Blocking buffer

Component 	stock conc	final conc.	/ 1000ml
Blocking buffer stock solution		
	500 ml
Fat-free milk powder			10 g
Tween-20			0.25 ml
Sodium azide			0.1 g
Distilled water			 to 1000 ml

Recipe for blocking buffer stock solution

Keywords: Zappe; western
Blocking buffer stock solution

Contributor: Zappe, H

Related: Western blots (Zappe)

Storage: RT

Blocking buffer stock solution

Component 	stock conc	final conc.	/ 1000ml
Tris-Cl  (pH 7.4)			1.21 g
NaCl			9 g
Distilled water			 to 1000 ml

Recipe for blot buffer

Keywords: Zappe; western
Blot buffer

Contributor: Zappe, H

Related: Western blots (Zappe)

Storage: RT

Blot buffer

Component 	stock conc	final conc.	/ 5000ml
Tris base		25 mM	15 g
Glycine		0.192 M	72 g
Methanol		20%, v/v	1000 ml
Distilled water			to 5000 ml

Recipe for X-gal

Keywords: Zappe; X-gal; 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl-á-D-galactoside

Contributor: Zappe, H

Related: clone detection

Storage: -20 C


Biotechniques 15(2):292, August, 1993).

Notes :

light sensitive

5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl-á-D-galactoside, X-Gal (20mg/ml)

Component 	stock conc	final conc.	/ 10 ml
X-gal	-	20mg/ml	200mg
DMSO	-	-	to 5ml
once dissolved, water	-	-	to 10ml

Add 0.5 ml X-gal solution to 100 ml agar.

Recipe for zinc acetate

Keywords: zinc acetate
Recipes: Zinc acetate

Contributor: Zappe, H

Related: -

Zinc acetate

Component 	stock conc	final conc.	/ 10 ml
Zinc acetate
water		50%(v/v)	5ml

Recipe for zinc sulphate

Keywords: zinc sulphate
Recipes: Zinc sulphate

Contributor: Zappe, H

Related: -

Zinc sulphate

Component 	stock conc	final conc.	/ 10 ml
Zinc sulphate		-	to 4.69ml
water			5ml