346 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. AUGUST, 1898 THE WEATHER OF THE MONTH. By A. J. HEXRY. Chief of Division of Recorda and Meteorological Data. The statistical aspects of the weather of the month are pre- sented in the tables which form the closing part of this RE- VIEW. Table I, in particular, contains numerous details that &re important in the study of climatology. The numerical values in the tables have been generalized in a number of cases, the results appearing 011 Charts Nos. I11 to VII, inclusive. PRESSURE AND WIND. Normal conditioim-The geographic distribution of normal barometric readings a t sea level and under local gravity for August is shown by Chart V of the MONTHLY WEATHER RE- VIEW for August, 1893. .Normal pressure for August is highest, 30.00 inches and over, from the Ohio Valley southeastward to the Gulf and Atlantic coasts, reaching a maximum of about 30.05 on the South Caro- lina coast. It is also high, about 30.05, on the coast of Wash- ington and Oregon. Normal pressure is lowest over the Rocky Mountain and Plateau regions with a minimum of 29.80 inches a t Yuma, Ariz. As compared with July, there is gen- erally an increase in pressure in all districts, except on the Pacific coast and south of latitude 35O. The greatest decrease, .05 inch, occurs over the Florida Peninsula; the greatest increase, .05 inch, over New England. The prevailing winds of August differ but slightly from those of July, On the south Atlantic and west Gulf coasts, in the MissisHippi Valley, and generally throughout the Plains region, the prevailing winds are southeasterly, as would he expected from a conaideration of the pressnre gra- dients. There are, however, a number of cases where the direction of the wind is determined by local conditiolis and topography rather than pressure gradients. On the Pacific coast the prevailing winds are westerly arid northwesterly, a6 would he expected. The winds of the Rocky Mountain and Plateau regions are variable ; the prevailing winds of the Lake region and New England are southwesterly. The current month.-The distribution of monthly mean pressure, as shown by Chart Itr, is in general accord with nor- mal conditions. Pressure was above normal a t Halifax and Sydney and south of a line drawn from southern New Jersey to the mouth of the Mississippi River, the area of masiniiim departures, +.08 inch, heing on the coast from Hatteras to Charleston. Pressure was also above normal a t a few isolated stations in the Rocky Mountain region ; elsewhere i t was below normal by amounts varying from .01 inch on the New England coast to .ll inch at Rosehnrg Oreg. The departures exceeded .05 inch generally over the northern Plateau, nwth Pacific coast and interior California. As compared with July, pressure fell decidedly over almost the entire country. There was a slight rise over the Carolinas, New Mexico, a d por- tions of the adjoining States of Texas and Arizona, and also over Saskatchewan, Alberta, a d Assiuiboia. The direction of the surface winds was in almost all cases in close accord with normal conditions. -0-p -_ TEMPERATURE OF THE AIR. Normal conditions.-The normal temperature of the air in the United States in August varies from about 84O a t Key West, 81° a t Jacksonville, 81O a t New Orleans, 83O a t Gal- veston, 69O a t San Diego, to 61° a t Eastport, 69O a t Burling- ton, 68O a t Buffalo, 70° a t Detroit, 65= a t Dulnth, 63O a t St. Vincent, 66O a t Havre, 69O a t Spokane, and 63O a t Seattle, on Puget Sound. The warmest regions are the lower Rio Grande Valley and southwestern Arizona, including a portion of the desert region of California; the coolest portion of the country is the region about Lake Superior. The seacoast is cooler than the interior on corresponding parallels. In studying the distribution of monthly mean tempera- t8ures i t will be found very helpful to consult the charts a t the end of this REVIEW, especially No. VI, Surface Tempera- tures, Maximum, Minimum, and Mean. This chart gives a very good iclea of the variations of temperature with latitude and IongitucIe, and also of the distribution of normal surface temperatures. Chart V I for any month will differ from a nornial chart merely in the displacement or bending of the isotherms northward or southward according as the tempera- ture of the particular locality is above or below the normal for the place and season. The cirrroit ir~onth.--The inonth opened with temperature helow normal from the Rlississippi Val ley westward to the middle Plateau, except over a liarrow fringe of country on the uorthern horder. Temperature was much above normal on the Atlantic seahoard westward to the Ohio Valley and also 011 the northern Pacific coast and northern Plateau. By the second week of the month the high temperatures on the northern Plateau had spread south\vard and eastward to the eastern foothills of the Rocky Mountaius. Temperature was still below iiormal i n the Mississippi Valley arid lorn tempera- tures prevailed over a portion of the RIiddle and south Atlan- tic States. Tenip~rature was above normal during the third week over practically all of the country except a portion of the north Pacific coast and the northern Plateau. During the fourth week similar conditions obtained, the average daily excess being greatest (from 6O to 11O) in the lower Missouri V a1 ley. The month as R whole was warmer than usual, although in a few districts there was a slight deficit in the average daily ten] perature. The maximum temperature for the month a t regular Weather Bureau stations was 113O ; that teniperature being registered a t three dift'erent statious on as many different dates, viz, Walla Walla, Wash., on the 10th ; Fresno, Cal., on the 11th ; and Ynnia, A r k , on the 18th. Therewere no unusu- ally high temperatures east of the Rocky Mountains, although much suffering was caused by the humid condition of the atmosphere. Prostrations and deaths from heat occurred in the Missifisippi and Missouri valleye, the Lake region and the Middle Atlantic States, August 22,23,24, and 25. There were a few deaths and prostrations in New York and Pennsylvania, and, possibly, in other eastern States on August 4 a d again on August 9. I n the Lake region prostrations were reported on the 31st; there were also a few cases of prostration and death, due to excessive heat, in California. The latter part of the month was especially trying east of the Mississippi River on account of the humid state of the atmosphere. It is to be noted, however, that there were not iiiany fatal cases of sunstroke, notwithstanding the high relative hnmidity. The maximum temperature did not reach looo east of the Missis- sippi except in the lower Miseissippi Valley. Masimum tem- peratures ranging from 100O to 10So occurred in Central Kansas a d the Missouri Valley from Omaha to eastern Mon- tana. Maximum temperatures of over looo were also re- corded in the head waters of the Platte River Valley, and in Southern Central Wyoming. A rather unusual case of local heating over an elliptical- ihapecl area occurred in central Kansas, where the monthly mean temperature was from 2 O to 6 O higher than a t surround- ng stations on all sides. The nionthly mean temperature in AUQUST, 1898. MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. 341 New England .................. Middle Atlantic.. .............. South Atlantic Florida Peninsula ............. East Qulf ...................... West Qulf. ..................... Ohio Valley and Tennessee.. .. Lower Lake .................... Upper Lake .................... North Dakota.. ................ Upper Mississippi ............. Missouri Valley. Northern Slope ................ Middle N o e ................ Southern 80,. .. .I:. ......... Southern Plateau .............. Middle Plateau ................ Northern Plateau.. ............ North Pacific.. ................. Middle Pacific ................. South Pacific. ................. ................. .............. the Missouri Valley and eastern Kansas, under normal condi- tions, should be higher than in central Kansas, yet i t was fully 3O lower than over the area above mentioned. Temperatures of 3 2 O were registered a t a few statious in the Rocky Mountain region. The distribution of the observed monthly mean tempera- ture of the air is ehown by red lilies (isotherms) on Chart VI. This chart also shows the maximum and the miiiitnuni tem- peratures, the former by black and the latter by dotted lines. As will be noticed, these lines have been drawn over the Rocky Mountain Plateau region, although the temperatures have not been reduced to sea level ; the isotherms relate, there- fore, to the average surface of the country in the neighbor- hood of the various observers, and as such must differ greatly from the sea-level isothernis of Chart IV. The average temperatures of the respective geographic dis- tricts, the departures from the normal of the current month and from the general mean since the first of the year, are pre- sented in the table l~alow for convenience of reference : Awage temperatures and departures from the normal. 10 12 '$ c 1 12 8 9 7 11 A 5 13 9 11 9 5 4 I! Great Falls Md. ............................ Leusingto;, Md ........................... Laurel, Md. ................................. Manassas Va.. ........................... Takoma Park. D. C .. ...................... College Park. Md... ......................... Alexandria, Va.. Dlstributing Reservoir. D. C .. ............. 30th and M 8treet.s. Washinet.on. D. C.. ..... Weat.her Bureau, Washington, D. C. *. ..... Receivini Reservoir, D. C. .................. .......................... Average tempera- tures for the c u r r e n t month. 0 69.7 75.7 79.6 81.1 79.8 81.9 76.8 71.8 66.6 65.5 73.6 75.1 70.4 i6.6 78.8 72.4 i2.3 63.3 64.4 i2.9 C" c 4 4 .1 Jnche.4. 0.93 16 miles northwest. 1.137 9 miles north-northwest. 1.40 18 miles northeast. 0.90 30 miles sout.hwest. 5.44 6t miles northwest. 5.84 5+ miles north. 2.76 7+ miles northeast. 2.16 6 miles south. 5.93 4 miles northwest. 4.85 2t miles northwest. 4.96 2 miles northwest. Ne arturer &r the :u r r e n t month. 0 + 2.5 + 2.4 + 1.1 0.0 - 0.3 + 1.3 + 2.0 + 2.4 + 0.8 + 0.4 +O R + 1.9 + 2.6 + 1.9 - 0.6 + 0.6 + 2.0 + 2.8 + 1.9 - 0.4 + 1.5 Accumu- lated leparture since January 1 0 + 9.8 +la. 7 + i .2 + 2.6 + 4.0 i-11.5 +14.7 $E:; +18. 1 t B 1 .0 +IO. 8 + 5.9 - 0.1 - 4.0 + 8.0 + 7.6 - 5.0 + 3.4 +lo.; Averam lepartures since Ianuaryl. 0 + 1 .2 + 1.6 + 0.9 + 0.3 + 0.5 + 1.4 + 1.8 + 2.8 + 2.3 + 2.6 + 1.3 + 1.3 + 0.7 0.0 - 0.5 + 1.0 + 1.0 - 0.6 + 0.3 $ ;:; In Cm2ada.-Professor Stupart says : The mean temperature was shove average over the larger portion of the Dominion, Keewatin, Manitoba and Assiniboia alone showing average or a little below. The largest excess occurred in the upper mainland of British Columbia, where it was at many points as much as 6' and 8". The Province of Ontario, northward from Lakes Erie and Ontario, showed the nest largest excess, aniounting to between 3 O and 5 O , and eastward from this, in Quebec and the Maritime Provinces, the departure above average ranged between 3' and the average. eo-- PRECIPITATION. Normal conditions.-The regions of heavy precipitation (4 to 6 inches and over) in August are on the south Atlantic and eastern Gulf coasts, including the Peninsula of Florida, whence the fall decreases irregularly to the Dakotas and Montana, where it is about an inch. The rainfall of Arizona and New Mexico is comparatively heavy during the months of July and August. The rainfall of California is almost ?hi!, except on the coast region of the northern part of the State, whence i t increases to a maximum of about 2 inches on the coast of Washington. Current month.-The month was one of generous rainfall over alniost the entire country, the fall east of the Miesissippi being larger than for many years. Torrential rains fell in a number of places on the south Atlantic and Gulf coasts, the greatest monthly fall (31 inches) heiug in western Florida. There was also very heavy rain in the region about Savannah and in various localities throughout Florida where the total monthly fall exceeded 20 inches. On theeastern slope of the Appalachians, in G-eorgia and Florida, the fall was also quite heavy, being over 10 inches a t a number of places. Local falls of 10 inches or more for the nionth also occurred in West Virginia, western Maryland, northern Virginia, and east- ern Pennsylvania, and quite generally throughout Georgia, Alabama, and Florida. The greatest downpour in twenty- four hours or less occurred a t Marion, Ala., 9.90 inches of water falling on the 10th from 8s. m. to 6 p. m. The station a t Rlarion is not equipped with a self-regiatering gauge, hence no inforination relative to the varying intensity of the storm can be had. Falls of 10 inches in twenty-four hours are liable to occur on the Gulf and South Atlantic coasts, in the Mississippi Valley, and at less frequent intervals in the Ohio Valley and the Middle Atlantic States. During the current month daily falls varying from 4 to 8 inches occurred mainly throughout Florida and Georgia, although such falls were not by any means wholly confined to those States. HEAVY LOCAL RAINSTORMS. A very interesting aud instructive illu~tration of the purely local character of heavy rains is found in the storm of the 12th in the District of Columbia. Heavy rain began about the middle of the forenoon and continued with varying in- tensity until about 6 p. m., 4.93 inches of rain having fallen. The storm was purely local, however, as may be seen from the table below, in which the catch of a number of gauges in the District and vicinity for the twenty-four hours is given. The distance of the various gauges in miles from the capitol liuilding is also given. Heaoy m i n s in the vicinity of Washington, D. C., August 12, 1898. Amount. Distance and directlon from 1 1 Capitol. Gauges. 348 84 111 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. -0.60 $0.40 AUQUBT, 18% 81 110 81 46 68 sunshine for a little over an hour. Shortly after 10 a. m. the clouds be an to thicken and darken, and soon necessitated the use of artificial l i g f t i n buildings. At 1050 a. m. both t h e electrical and rain storm burst with sudden fury and continued with but little variation in its intensity until 1235 p. m. During t4k time the electrical forces of namre seemed centered over the city., ?-Vivid and blinding flashes of lightning occurred in rapid succession, and these were followed by ter- rific crashes of thunder. A number of buildings, towers, flagstaffs, et&, were struck by light- ning, but probably owing to the heavy downpour of rain, no serious fires occurred, with the single exception of the destruction of the oil tanksat Point Breeze. One person, Mr. William Noble, was killed by lightning. The following records of rainfall are from self-recording instru- ments: Weather Bureau Station, Ninth and Chestnut streeta. Maximum rainfall for 5 min., 0.60=7.20 per hour. Maximum rainfall for 10 min., 0.94 ~5 .6 4 per hour. Maximum rainfall for I hour, 3.81 ~3 .8 1 per hour. Total rainfall during storm, Proin 10:50 a. rn. to E 3 5 p. m., 5.43 inches. Tfie total rainfall was practically t h e same a t the Pennsylvania Hos- ita1 and at the station of the voluntary observer in Camden, N. J . !v hile the above 5 and 10-minute rainfalls have been exceeded at sev- era1 stations of the Weather Bureau, according to the official records the one-hour rainfall of 3.81 inches is 1.26 inches more than the great- est maximum previously recorded by self-recording gauges a t any sta- tion. Department of Swrveys, Fifth and Whnrton strata. Maximum rainfall for 15 min., 1.00=4.00 per hour. Maximum rainfall for 1 hour, 3.50 = 2.50 per hour. Total rainfall, 3 hours, 30 minutes, ~5 .1 7 inches. Departnlsnt of Surveys, Frankjbrd awnue and Orthodox street. Magimum rainfall for 12 min., 0.50 = 2.50 per hour. Masimum rainfall for 1 hour, 1.20 = 1.20 per hour. Total rainfall, 3 hours, 1.75 inches. The accumulation of water was so rapid in the lower districts as to produce a heavy hydraulic pressure i n the city sewers, notwithstand- ing t h e relief afforded by open catch basins and manholes. As a re- sult many buildings were flooded with water which flowed into them from t h e sewers through t h e drains and waste ipes, and was dis- charged from closets, basins, and sinks. The overtow from this source in some cases rose to the second floors. The general movement of the storm, from nest to east, was appar- ently interrupted after its center had passed a short distance north of the station, as it then circled toward the southeast and returned directly over the station before resuming its easterly course. This movement was accomplished with only a slif h t break in the intensity of the electrical display and heavy downpour of rain. Peter Schall, No. 1618 Chadwick street, was drowned i n a bakeshop cellar while trying to save property stored there. Average precipitation and &parturea from tL mTnial. -0.40 $0.30 -0.w -0.70 -0.00 New En. land .......................... Middle ftlantic.. .................... South Atlantic ......................... Florida Peninsula.. .................... East Qulf ............................... West Qulf ............................ Ohio Valley and Tennessee.. .......... Lower Lake ........................... Upper Lake ............................ North Dakota ......................... dssouri Valley ........................ Northern Slope ....................... Middle810 e ........................... Southern dope ...................... Southern Plateau ..................... Middle Plateau ....................... Northern Plateau.. .................... North Paci5c.. ......................... Middle Pacifio ...................... .: South Pacific.. ........................ U per Mississippi ...................... 120 136 38 100 loo 10 12 1; c I 12 8 9 7 11 10 7 0 6 9 11 9 5 4 la $0.10 t o .1 0 -0.60 0.00 0.00 ~ Average. I Departure. Current month. Inchee. 4.78 G.01 8.81 10.23 9.71 8.05 4.01 3.23 3.38 1.72 3.38 2.64 0.85 1.73 3.08 1.85 0. Bo 0.49 0.37 0.01 T. I- Lccumu- l a t e d s i n c e Jan. 1. IWhee. T 3.40 - 1.30 - 6.10 - 6.80 - 8.80 - 3.60 + 0.30 - 0.80 - 0.70 - 1.50 + 3.80 + 2.70 - 0.60 + 2.30 - 0.90 - 0.10 - 1.10 - 2.40 - 5.80 - 8.20 - 5.10 The geographic distribution of precipitation is ehown on Chart 111, and the numerical values for about 3,000 stations appear in Tables I1 and 111, while the details ae to excessive rains will be found in Table XI. I n Canada.-Prof. R. F. Stupart says : ~~ The entire Province of British Columbia and a large portion of Ontario suffered from a deficiency of rain. I n the former Province there were a few scattered showers, but at many points there was absolutely no rainfall, and in the latter Province it was more especially along the shores of Lake Ontario and northward from the west end of that lake to the Georgian Bay that the deficiency was very marked, while in the more eastern and northern counties the rainfall was well up to or even esceeded the average. Over most of Quebec there was a small de- ficency. as there also was in southwestern New Brunswick, but gener- ally in the Maritime Provinces t h e rainfall was above the average, and to a large extent above in southern and western Nova Scotia. Some exceptionally heavy thunderstorms occurred in Ontario and New Bruuswick. During t h e one on t h e 2lst, iu the counties of York and Ontario, five and a quurter inches of rain fell at Pickering. HAILSTORMS. The following acoount of severe hailstorms has been com- piled from press dispatches, reports of Climate and Crop sec- tion directors, and the statements of regular and voluntary observers: 2.-A hailstorm, in which the size of the stones varied from that of an egg to a large-sized apple, swept over Springer, N. Rles., 011 the night of the 2d. The force of the hailstones wae so great that, in many cases, tin roofs were coni pl e tel y riddled. 14th.-A hailstorm, about 3 miles wide, struck the towns of Fairfax, Kertzonville, Russia, Hammond, Fanny, and Reis, hlinnesota, a t 6 p. tn. The damage done by the storm was variously estimated at from one-third to three-quarters loss of the crops in the field. Very little insurance was carried in these towns. A heavy hailstorm, about 2 miles wide, alao crossed the northeastern portion of Brule County, S. D., doing consider- able damage to windows, gardens, etc. Iii Chamberlain RIr. Fred. C. Warnshuis, voluntary ob- sprver, picked up a hailstone measuring 8 inches in circum- ference. He states the hailstones were very hard and that sonie of them contained dust particles and small pieces of gravel. A heavy liailstorrn passed over a part of Noble County, Ohio, causing great damage to the tobacco crop. The losses were small in individual cases but the aggregate was a con- siderable suni. Reports from Carrington, N. Dak., state that a hailstorm destroyed many thousand acres of grain in Foster and Eddy counties on the early morning of the 14th. Some of the fields were scarcely touched while a majority were injured from 20 to 50 per cent. A rough estimate places tlie damage a t a loss of 20,000 acres. 1Gth.-Delaware. Ohio, was visited hp a heavy hailstorm on the evening of the 16th. The fall of hail caused a general stampede of teams that were on the street, and many windows were broken. 17th.-A series of severe thunderstorms, and in some cases, accompanied by large hail (as large as walnuts), passed over eaetern Massachusetts on the evening of the 17th. Hailstones 14 inch in diameter were picked up in Boston. In the latter city the hail lasted but 5 minutes, being followed imme- diately by a heavy downpour of rain. lgth.-Gotlienburg, Nebr., was visited by a severe wind and hail storm a t 9 p. m. of the 19th. Nearly all of the windows on the north and east sides of the buildings wer0 destroyed. In the country east of the town the damage was much greater, particularly over a strip of country from 3 to 5 niiles wide in which hundreds of acres of corn were cut off close to the ground, wheat in tlie stack and shock was badly damaged and, in some cases, barns and buildings were com- pletely demolished, owing to the severity of the wind. There was also a severe hailstorm in Iowa, hetween Spencer and Emmetsburg, on the same date. The corn crap within an area about 10 miles wide and 15 to 20. miles long wa5 almost totally deetroyed. AUQUST, 1808. 1vfmmLY WEATHER REVIPW. M9 24-26th.-Hailstorms of unusual severity occurred in various parts of central New York. The following are the dates on which hail fell in the respective Stake : Arizona, 3, 16, 19. Arkansas, 23, 24. California, 6. Colo- rado,.l, 2, 6, 6, 7, 8, 14, 17, 18, 23. Connecticut, 17. Idaho, 16. Illinois, 14, 15, 16, 26. Indiana, 15, 26. Iowa, 14, 16, 19. Kansas, 1. Maine, 17. Massachusetts, 17. Michigan, 3, 16, 16. 28. Minnesota, 14, 15. Mississippi, 18. Missouri, 15, 17, 27. Nebraska, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 23, 26. Nevada, 5, 7, 15, 26. New Hampshire, 16, 24. New Jersey, 4, 17. New York, 1, 5, 12, 16, 22,23,24. North Carolina, 1,4, 5. North Dakota, 14, 21, 22. Ohio, 2, 3, 8, 16, 17, 19, 24, 39, 30. Oklahoma, 17. Ore- gon, 29. Pennsylvania, 3, 16, 24. South Dakota, 14. Tesas, 2. Utah, 3, 4, 15, 29, 30. Virginia, 7, 9. Wisconsin, 14, 15, 16, 22, 23. Hail was reported on the greatest number of dates in Colo- rado, 10; Ohio, 9 ; and New York and Nebraska, 7 each. There appears to have been less hail than during the preced- ing mouth. Montana, 20, 21, 31. New Mexico, 1, 6, 9, 23. Wyoming 4, 6. - HUMIDITY. The humidity observations of the Weather Bureau are divided into two series; the first or tridaily series began in 1871 and ended with 1887 ; the second or twice-daily series is continuous from 1858 to the present time. The monthly means of the second or present series are based upon observations of the whirled psychrometer a t 8 a. m. and 8 p. m., seventy-fifth meridian time, which corresponds to 5 a. m. and 5 p. m., Pacific ; 6 a. m. and 6 p. m., Mountain ; and 7 a. m. and 7 p. m., Central standard time. Mean values computed froni the first Reries are naturally not directly comparable with those of the second. In gen- eral the means of the first series are lower than those of t h e second, since they include an observation in the afternoon when the relative humidity of the air is near the minimum of the day. At stations in the western plateau region, how- ever, the converse holds good, the means of the second seriec being lower than those of the first by amounts ranging from 0 to 10 per cent on the average of the year. I n the present state of knowledge respectiug the diurnal variation i r i the moisture of the air, we are scarcelywarrauted in combining the two series in a general mean. The current month.-Relative humidity was above the nor- mal in all districts east of the Mississippi River; also iu North Dakota, the uorthern Plateau and the southern Pacific coast. It was exactly normal in the Florida Peninsula and below normal in the remaining districts. The atmosphere W ~E unusually humid in the Middle Atlantic States, the upper Mississippi Valley, the Ohio Valley and Tennessee. The departure from the normal, as will beseen by the table below was more pronounced than has been the case in any month since the first of the year. While there have been but few fatalities from heat the bodily discomfort experienced in the large cities on the eastern seaboard during the month wag very great. I n using the table by means of which the amount oi niois- ture in the air is computed from the readings of the wet and dry bulb thermometers, the pressure argument has almost always been neglected, an omission that has little significance except for low temperatures and a t high stations, such as Santa Fe, El Paso, Cheyenne, and a few others. The failure to apply a correction for the influence of the prevailing pressure on the psychrometer has the effect of making the mouthly means of relative humidity at high-level stations too small by quanti- ties ranging from 5 to 10 per cent. I n the application of the monthly averages of the above table, or those of indi- vidual stations in Table I, to special inquiries, whether in the lepartmen ts of biology, climatology, or sanitary science, this Fact should be kept in mind. It should also be remembered that the hours at which observations in the Rocky Mountain Plateau region are made, viz, at 5 or 6 local mean time, morning and afternoon, give approximately the maximum and minimum values of the relative humidity for the day; probably the means of such hours approach more nearly the true mean of the month than is the case on the Atlantic sea- board and in the seventy-fifth meridian time belt. Amrage rebtiva humidity and departwee from tha nvrmal. % New Enqland ............... 85 ?out11 Atlantic .............. 86 Florida Peninsula .......... 81 East C:nlf .................... 85 Weat Gulf .................. 78 Dhio Valley and Tennessee. 77 Lalwer Lake ................. 75 Upper Lake.. ............... 79 NorthDakota ............... 64 Upper Mississippi Valley.. .. 76 Middle Atlantic.. ........... 80 Distrlcts. d 2 f 4 Missouri Valley.. .... Northern Slope ..... MiddleSlo e ......... ope. ..... Southern gy Southern Plateau .... Middle Plateau ..... Northern Plateau.. .. North Pacific Coast.. Middle Pacific Coast. South PaciEc Coast.. ..... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... % 6 i 48 80 59 43 31 44 77 65 64 -0- SUNSHINE &ND CLOUDINESS. The quantity of sunshine, and therefore of heat, received by the atmosphere as a whole ie very nearly constant from year to year, but the proportion received by the surface of the earth depends upon the absorption by the atmosphere, and varies largely with the distribution of cloudiness. The sunshine is now recorded automatically a t 21 regular stations of the Weather Bureau by its photographic and a t 47 by its thermal effects. The photographic record sheets show the ap- parent solar time, but the thermometric records show seventy- fifth meridian time; for convenience the results are all given in Table I X for each hour of local mean time. In order to complete the record of the duration of cloudiness these registers are supplemented by special personal observations of the state of the sky near the sun for an hour after sunrise and before sunset, and the cloudiness for these hours has been added as a correction to the instrumental records, whence there results a complete record of the duration of sunshine from sunrise to sunset. The average cloudiness of the whole sky is determined by numerous personal observations at all statiolis during the daytime, and is given in the column “average cloudiness” in Table I ; its complement, or percentage of clear sky, is given in the last columii of Table IX for the stations a t which instrumental self-registers are maintained. The perceutage of clear sky (sunshine) for all of the sta- tions included in Table I, obtained ae described in the pre- ceding paragraph, is graphically shown on Chart VII. The regions of cloudy and overcast skies are shown by heavy shading; a11 absence of shading indicates, of course, the prev- alence of clear, sunshiny weather. The formation of fog and cloud is primarily due to differ- ences of temperature in a relatively thin layer of air next to the earth’s surface. The relative position of land and water surfaces often greatly increases the tendency to form areas of cloud and fog. This principle is perhaps better exemplified in the Lake region than elsewhere, although i t is of quite general application. The percentage of Runshine on the lee shores of the Lakes is always much less than on the wiud- ward shores. Next to the permanent influences that tend to form fog and cloud may be classed the frequency of the passage of cyclouic areas. The current naouth.-The geographic distribution of sun- 350 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. AUGUST, 1898 Districts. shine and, conversely, of cloudiness, is shown on Chart VII. The two features that seem to call for special mention are the low percentage of sunshine in the South Atlantic region, particularly in Georgia, and the great excess of sunshine that obtained in Oklahoma and Kansas. It will be remem- bered that in the remarks on temperature mention was made of an area of high monthly mean temperature central in Kansas. The area of increased insolation, as determined by the distribution of sunshine, is considerably greater in ex- tent than that of high temperature above referred to, the latter being wholly within and a little to the northeast of the center of the area of greatest insolation. The rainfall in this region, as also the cloudiness, was below normal, a combina- tion of circumstances quite detrimental to agricultural inter- ests. On the South Atlantic coast easterly to southeast,erly winds prevailed, with thunderstorms and much rain. There were d s o several disturbances in the Gulf and off the coast of Florida and Georgia which tended to produce cloud and rain. Anerago cloudiwa and departures from t h normal. d b l e c 4 Florida Peninsula .......... East Gulf.. .................. West Gulf.. ................. Ohio Valley and Tennessee. Lower Lake ................. Upper Lake ................. NorthDakota ............... Upper Mississippi Valley. .. New England ............... 5.8 Middle Atlantic.. ......... 5.1 South Atlantic ............ 6.1 4.6 6.3 4.6 4.6 5.7 5.1 3.3 4.3 Districts. ........... 3.3 ........... 3.6 ............... 2.7 ........... 3.2 ....... 3.3 ............ 3.1 ........ 2.7 +].e North PaciEc Coast.. ..... 4.8 +0.3 Middle PaciEc Coast.. ..... 3.8 -0.6 I i South Pacific Coaat.. ...... 2.5 +'.2 /I I ~ a m . *a- a * a Z E g i z z ~ 4 .8 -0.1 -1.1 -1.6 4 .1 +].I -0.3 $0.9 t l .0 0.0 The masimum wind velocity a t each Weather Bureau sta- tion for a period of five minutes is given in Table I, which also gives the altitude of Weather Bureau anemometers above ground. Following are the velocities of 50 miles and over per hour registered during tho month: itfaxhunt wind wlocitiea. Buffalo, N. Y ........... 51 ew. Havre, Mont ........... 51 nw. Charleston, 9. C ....... 52 e . Do. .............. 60 I sw. ChicaEo, 111.. ......... .I f I 72 sw. 1' Pierre, 5. Dak.. ... ....I f I Bo nw. Do.. .............. 60 sw. Savannah, Ga ........ 76 I nw. LOCAL STORMS. 2d-3d.-A Gulf hurricane having a comparatively narrow track struck the Florida coast a t Apalachicola about midnight of the 2d. The velocity of the wind for a time was estimated a t 80 miles per hour, and considerable damage was done to vessel property. The tug Occnn Gcni was wrecked, becoming a total lose, three other tugs were sunk and a number of sail- boats were damaged. The casualties of the storm in the Gulf were as follows : Tug Keyser foundered 15 miles off Cape San Blas with a loss of three lives; the dredge Herndon was cut adrift when the Keyser went down and afterward foundered with the loss of one life. The hurricane passed inland and broke up into general rains in western Florida and southeast- ern Alabama. 3d.-A severe local storm visited Sandugky, Ohio, a t 3 :35 p. m., partially wrecking a few buildings and damaging many others. One building was completely wrecked, involving a loss of $5,000; other losses, not including destruction of shade trees and crops, will aggregate a t least 8s much. A severe electrical storm occurred a t Philadelphia, Pa., during the forenoon of the 3d. (See precipitation, page 347.) 14-15th.-A tornado moving in a southeasterly direction passed about 2+ miles west of Gary, S. Dak., a t 6:30 p. m., central time. The path of great destruction was not continu- ous over the entire track of the storm (about 15 miles). Eight persons were killed (5 in onehouse) and6 were injured. The loss to buildings was about $7,000; crops, live stock and farm machinery, $13,000. Winds of almost hurricane force were reported in the vicin- ity of Minot, N. Dak., and severe local disturbances prevailed in Minnesota and Wisconsin. Gales on Lake Michigan the night of the 15th endangered several of the larger craft, par- tially dismantled the schooners Ida 0I~e.n and Butcher Boy, and sunk two yachts in the harbor of Chicago where a squall wind of $2 miles per hour was registered. 16th.-A minor tornado passed through the country east of Fairbank, Fayette County, Iowa, about 5 p. m., destroying a few farm buildings and some live stock. No loss of human life. 17th.-Severe thunder and hail storms occurred in Massa- chusetts, Rhode Island and Connecticut. In the vicinity of Boston much damage was done by lightning and 2 persons were killed. Grain in the field, trees, chimneys, etc., were somewhat damaged by the wind squalls which preceded these storms. 19th.-A series of severe wind and thunderstorms swept over the northwestern portion of Iowa on the evening of the 19th. The storms were first noted in Jackson County, Mini]., and extended southeastward into and through the first two tiers of counties in Iowa. Within this belt there were many local wind squalls of much severity. tI-5 wind being strong enough to overturn freight cars and demolish frail structures. Two fatalities occurred near Petersburg, a fow miles north of Superior. A barn, in which a man and his wife were living, was blown to pieres, killing both occupants. There was no funnel cloud nor other evidence of whirling. The minimum value of property deRtroyed was about $25,000. 24th.-A remarkably violent series of thunderstorms oc- curred in a region extending from western Pennsylvania to eastern Massachusetts on the afternoon of the 24th. The electrical discharges were estraordiuarily frequent and bril- liant. Thirty-eight persons were struck by lightning of whom 9 were killed ; a large number of buildings were also struck. 25th.-Thuuderstorm activity was renewed the next day (the 25th) in New Pork, Pennsylvania, and New England, ill which region 22 persons were struck, 11 being killed. 3lsL-A tropical storm struck the coast of Georgia in the neighhorhood of Savannah, August 31, and while there was 110 loss of life the damage to property will aggregate close to half a million dollars. The storm began early on the night of the 30th and raged with increasing violence until about 8 a. m. of the 31st. Probably 100 buildings were wholly or partially unroofed and as many others damaged in other ways. The storm was not so severe i i ~ the sea islands as the great storm of 1893. The beaches north of Tybee, however, were lined with wrecks of small craft, and a t Blufftoii and the small settlements near by nearly all of the houses were unroofed and many were destroyed. The Norwegian bark R a g ~a , which went ashore 011 Gnakin Bank, is a total wreck. The bark Noe was wrecked and has about disappeared. This is the vessel in which Lieutenant Morgan and one of his companions lost their lives in attempting to rescue the crew. The loss to the rice crop 011 the Savannah River is estimated a t $200,000. AUGUST, 1898. MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. 361 The steam pilot boat J. ET. Estill, which arrived in Tybee Roads on the night of September 2, after a cruise of a day and a night, reported six wrecks of coastwise schooners off Martin’s Industry Lightship, 15 miles from Tybee. Several of them were sunk, others bottom upward, and all of them apparently having been anchored when the storm struck them. The storm was not felt except within a comparatively short distance from the Savannah River, and nearly as much damage was done by water as by wind. WATERSPOUTS ON THE GREAT LAKES. The following description of a nnmber of waterspouts oh- served on Lake Erie, August 13, 1898, is taken from the Marine Record of Cleveland, Ohio, August 25, 1598 : We cleared from Ashland with ore, and on Saturday morning were about 20mileseast of t h e Dummy. There ma$ a 10-knot breeze, and the sun was shining as bright as could be. The captain was a t the wheel and had her course laid due east, calculating to touch Ashtabula. About 8 o’clock I noticed a black cloud forming on the starboard quarter. It kept growing bigger and blacker, and rising higher and higher. It seemed to gain on the ship, and we began making prepara- tions for a blow. I n a little while the cloud was to our bow, racing along on a parallel course, but not going up into the sky far enough to obscure the sun. Then a peculiar thing happened. A portion of the cloud seemed to drop down toward the water. The section was forked like the tail of a fish, ani1 it dropped lower ancl lower until it nearly reached the water. We could see the water whirling round and round, and then begin to rise to meet t h e descending cloud. Then they came together and the cluud seemed to rise up again, taking toils and tons of water along with it. We had none of us ever peen a waterspout before, but we knew this was the genuine article. The spout appeared to be about 10 feet in rli- ameter and connected the great cloud and the lake like a big cable. It was black as the cluud and seemed tu be surrounded by a heavy mist, which, after a little, when t h e strange freak got nearer, we found was descending water, falling like the spray from a fountain. A11 t h e time the sun was shining and the falling mist was turned into a rainbow that danced and fasherl about the column of water in a way that 1 can’t describe. I t was the prettiest sight I’ve ever seen. But it wasn’t long before another part of the cloud hepan to clescend and another section of the lake to boil and rise, and pretty soon there was another waterspout racing alongside of t h e Forhea, a bit closer than the first, ancl we began to think it inclined to be a trifle too familiar. Right along on our starboard side the two black fellows raced, and worse yet, another ani1 another was formed, until seven of the big columns of black water were waltzing and swaying along. some pretty close to the ship, others farther away toward -the southward. Sometimes the columns of water would move alongnsstiff anti straight as a squad of soldiers, and then they would begin to stagger ant1 swinp around like a lot of drunken fellows trying to do a cake-nalk. All the time the water for 100 feet about the base of each pillar was churned into a white foam, and I tell you it was an awful sight. There wouItI not have been a ghost of a show for any lake vessel once in among the racing columns of water, and we were moving along right a t the edge in a parallel direction, not knowing at what minute the wind would veer and send them all in our direction. Our greatest fear was that the big fellows, in their crazy gyrations, might collide and go to pieces. Were they to do so it meant a suclden fall of tons upon tons of water, and if the Forbe8 should be in the path of the descending flood, you can guess what the result woulG be. After a while the first waterspout began to disa pear; just as it had formed, t h e cloud a t that point settling lower ant1 kwer, then separat- ing from the lower part of the column, and rising away again, while where i t had been the water once more became comparatively quiet. One by one they disappeared, and we were beginning to congratulate ourselves upon our good fortune, when I saw the captain turn the wheel sharp. What do you think? Why, there, dead ahead, and nearer than any of the others, was the king pin of all. It looked to be half a mile in diameter, but wasn’t black like the others, having more the appearance of a big waterfall. We just naturally concluded we could seeour finish then. You know sailors are superstitious, and I guess some of them thought the Falls had taken a move up t h e lake since the last trip down, from what they said. The wind seemed to slacken a bit, and that helped us, for the big waterspout did not move as rapidly as t h e others had, and it was soon well to starboard, and thus we gradually worked away from it. That, too, shortly afterword began to disappear as the smaller ones had done, and i n an hour and a half from t h e time the cloud had first appeared, it and the cables it had picked up, asif to tow itself along, had all disap eard and the sky was as clear as before. Capt. fames Montgomery, master of the Kittia M. Forbur, was asked his imprqssions of the peculiar lake phenomenon. He corroborated Then the lake clirectly under i t hegan to boil. REV-2 t h e main details of t h e mate’s story, and declared that h e had never seen anything to equal the spectacle presented by this strange freak. I’ve heard a great many lake men tell of seeing waterspouts here, but I always gave them a grain of allowance. I supposed they ware only fpund on the ocean, but I can back up their stories with my own expe- rience now. I must confess that I was a bit scary of the big fellow dead ahead of us, for I had heard that those strange formations burst sometimes, and I knew the Kittie M. would be sure to go down should that mass of water fall upon her. I think that prompt action in sheering to the northward prevented a collision, and probably the fact that the wind eased up aider1 our escape. I counted seven of the waterspouts, and it as more than an hour and a half from the time we saw the first one until the last had disap- peared. They were of varying size, from that of a man’s body to that of a house. They geemed to extend from the surface of the lake into the clouds. I n a letter to First Mate Reynolds inquiry was made as to the location of the spouts ancl the date of their occurrence. His reply is, in part, as follows : We were about 15 or 50 miles east-northeast of the Dummy or Point Pelee Light on Lake Erie when the black cloucl began to move from a north-northeasterly to a southwesterly direction on the morning of August 13, 1898. On that date, between 7:30 a. m. and 9:OO a. m., we saw seven full-fledged waterspouts. The greatest of these appeared to be directly in our course, so we turned out and passed about half a mile from it. Although the others were some distance away they were plainly seen, as the day was clear. The Weather Map of August 13 (7 a. 111. central time) sli~ws an area of low pressure, central over the niouth of the St. Lawrence. The weather a t all statione on Lakes Erie and Huron was clear, with light winds, pressure between 30.10 and 30.20. Two points in the description given by RIate Reynolds are (J f especial interest, viz, the direction in which the spouts progressed and the fact that the weather was clear. It is quite generally believed that tornadoes and waterspouts are closely allied phenomena. The direction of niovenierit in a tornado is almost invariably from southwest to northeast or a direction almost exactly contrary to that taken by the water- spouts ohserved by Mate Reynolds. Toriiadoes rarely, if ever, form under the conditions of tmiperature, pressure, and humidity that obtained over Lake Erie on the morning of August 13. The impression that the vessel would be swamped in case the spout broke over her was a natural though erroneous one. Little water is carried up in waterspouts, contrary to a some- what general belief. The danger to ft vessel coining into actual contact with a waterspout would be from the whirling winds rather than the water. ATMOSPRERIC ELECTRICITY. Thunderstorn;s.-Four thousand eight hundred and fifty- three reports of thunderstorms were received during the cur- rent nionth as against 4,260 in 1897, and 5,376 during the preceding month. The dates on which the number of reports of thunderstorms for the whole country were niost numerous were: l’ith, 319; %th, 391 ; 23d, 277 ; lSth, 258; 16th, 355. Reports were most numerous from New York, 310; Ohio, 496 ; Pennsylvania, 249; Colorado, 231. Auroras.-The evenings on which bright moonlight must have interfered with observations of faint auroras are as- s u m d to he the four preceding and following the date of full moon, viz, from 1st to 5bh, and 26th to 31st. The greatest number of reports were received for the fol- lowing dates: 16th, 8, and 12th, 7. Reports were most numerous from Wisconsin, 8 ; Mon- tana, 6. I n Canada-Auroras were reported as follows: St. Johns, 18; Father Point,, 14, 17, 19, 22; Quebec, 16, 17,1S, 19, 26; 362 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. AUQUST, 1898 ~~ White River, 26; Minnedosa, 12, 13, 16, 16, 17; Qu'Appelle, 6 ; Swift Current, 16; Prince Albert, 24; Banff, 16. Thunderstorms were reported as follows: St. Johns, 23, 31 ; Halifax, 23, 25 ; Grand Manan, 17, 22 ; Bermuda, 12, 14,20, 22, 23, 26; Yarmouth, 25; Charlottetown, 9, 10; Father Point, 6, 16, 17; Quebec, 4, 9, 13, 36, l'i,22; Montreal, 12, 16, 29; Rockliffe, 3; Toronto, 3, 11, 12, 16, 21, 23, 24; White River, 4, 6, 11, 20, 28, 31; Ottawa, 16, 29, 31; Port Stanley, 3, 7, 8, 11, 12, 16, 24; Saugeen, 15, 25; Parry Sound, 3, 11, 26,28; Port Arthur, 28, 31; Winnipeg, 14, 15, 16, 24, 28; hlinnedosa, 4, 18, 19,22 ; Qu'Appelle, 14 ; Medicine Hat,, 1,3, 4, 5, 14, 21, 28; Swift Current, 3, 4, 11,17, 22, 31; Kamloops, 3 ; Prince Albert, 8,20; Battleford, 8; Esquimalt, 15; Banff, 13, 3, 8, 11, 19, 31. ~_______ _____ CLIMATE AND CROP SERVICE. By Javm BEBBY. Chief of Climate and Crop Service Divlsion. The following extracts relating to the general weather con- ditions in the several States and Territories are taken from the monthly reports of the reepective sections of the Cliniate and Crop Service. The name of the section director is given after each summary. Rainfall is expressed in inches. Ahbarn.-The mean temperature was 78.io, or about normal; the highest was lo?', a t Pineapple on the 24th, and the lowest, 59', at Florence on the 24th. The average precipitation was 7.43, or 3.11 above normal; the greatest monthly amount, 17.48, occurred a t Alco, and the least, 1.02, a t Riverton.-P. P. Chzfce. Bnbna.-The mean temperature was 81.9'; the highest was I%", a t Fort Mohave on t h e loth, and the lowest, 41', a t Fort Defiance on the 11th. The average precipitation was 3.01: the greatest monthly amonn't. 8.51, occurred a t Calabasas, and the least, 0.19, a t Yuma.- W. 6. Burne. 8rhnuas.-The mean temperature was 79.4', or 0.6 above normal; the highest was lCSo, a t Lonoke on t h e 23~1, and the lowest, 55', at Fayetteville on t h e 4th. The average precipitation was 4.35, or 1.01 above normal; the greatest monthly amount, 8.42. occurred a t Jones- , boro, and the least, 1.86, a t Conway.-E. B. Richal.de. CulifornCz.-The mean temperature was 71.5', or normal ; the high- est was I%', at Volcano Springs on the IJth, ancl the lowest, 23', at Bodie on the 3d. The average precipitation was 0.03, or 0.03 below normal; tlie greatest monthly amount, 0.99, occurred a t Etlgeaood, while no rain fell a t more than lialf of tlie stations.-W. H. Eammon. Cobrado.-The mean temperature was 66.9', or 2.3' above normal; the highest was 107' a t Delta on the l4th, and the lowest, 29', a t Wagon Wheel Gap on t h e 26, and a t Breckenridge on the 10th. The average precipitation was 1.48, or 0.27 below normal; t h e greatest monthl amount, 3.62, occurred at Yuma, and the least 0.14 a t Crook--F. 2 Brandenhurg. Flurit/a.-The mean temperature was 80.8', or slightly below nor- mal; the highest was 97', occurring at several stations on different dates; the lowest wax5S0, at St. Andrews Bay on the 7th. The average precipitation was 12.96, or about .6.50 above normal; the greatest monthly amount, 31.26, occiirred at St. Andrews Bay, and t h e least, 5.34, a t Sebastian.-.4. J. Xifchell. ffemgia.-The mean temperature was 78.5', or about normal; tlie highest was 99', at Millen on the 25th, and the lowest, 59', a t Dia. mond on the 13th. The average precipitation was 10.09, or 4.66 above normtil; the greatest monthly amount, 28.70, occurred a t Fleming, and the leabt, 2.45, a t Greenbush.-J. B. Hurbwy. Idoho.-The mean temperature was 69.1'; the highest was lln', ai Payette on t h e l l t h . and the lowest, 31', at Swan Valley on t h e 23d. The average precipitat;on was 0.51; the greatest monthly amount, 1.44 occurred a t Rurnsille, and the least, trace, at Downey ani1 Itlahc City .- D. P. Nc Callum. Il1inoia.-The mean temperature was 73.S0, or 0.3 above normal; the highest was lOO', a t Rfartinsville on the 2 d , and a t New Burnside on the 24th, and the lowest, 45', a t Lanark and Scales RIuiind on the E t h , and a t Kishwaukee on the 13th. The average precipitation waE 4.41 or 1.69 above normal, antl was very unevenly distributed, ovei 10.00 falling at Laharpe and Knoxville, while less than 2.00 fell a1 severtil stations.-C. E. Linney. Indiana. -The mean temperature was 74.2', or 0.8' above normal the highest was 98', a t Boonville on the 2311, and at Vincennes and Washington on the 24th, and the lowest, 46', a t Winamac 011 the 5th The average precipitation was 3.36, or 0.35 above normal; the greatest monthly amount, 6.85, occurred a t Jasper, and the least, 0.94, a t Greens. burg.--. F. R. Wappnhane. Iowa.-The mean temperature was 71.2", or nearly normal; the high. est was 103'. a t Clarinda and Couiicil Bluffs on t h e 20t11, and the low. est, 40°, a t Britt on the 1st. The average precipitation was 3.44, being very unequally distributecl; the greatest monthly amount, 10.55, oc. curred a t Bonaparte, and the least, 0.58, at Adair.--8. M. &ppel. Eanscls.-The mean temperature was 78.2', or 1.9' above normal .he highest was 108', a t Eureka Ranch on the 20th, a t Minneapolis oe ,he 29th, and at Meade on the 31st; the lowest was 46' at Frankfort on ,he 1st. The average precipitation was 2.46, or 0.63 below normal; ,he greatest monthl amount, 6.30, occurred at Osage City, while none tell a t Hoxie.-2'. 2 Jenninge. Kentucky.-The mean temperature was 76.7", or 1.3' above normal; ;he highest was looo, at Paducah and Russellville on the 23d, and the lowest, 55', at Princeton on the 12th, at Loretto on the 19th, and a t Maysville and Owenton on the 23th. The average precipitation was 3.82, or 0.64 above normal; the greatest monthly amount, 9.86, occurred i t Alpha, and the least, 1.10, at Woodburn.-G. E. Bunt. Loui8iaim.-The mean temperature was 81.0°, or 0.3' above normal; the highest was 102", a t Liberty Hill on the 18th and 234 and the lowest, 5S0, a t Minden on the 31st. The average precipitation was 6.26, 3r 1.30 above normal; the greatest monthly amount, 14.39, occurred 5t Venice, and the least, 1.39, at Como.-A. G. Mcddie. hfarybnd and Dehtntcre.-The mean temperature was %.go, or 3.0' above normal; the highest was 9So, at Boettcherville, and Laurel, Md., on the 31st, and the lowest. 46', a t Deerpark, Md., on the 28th. The average precipitation was 6.27, or 3.79 above normal; the greatest monthly amonnt, 10.61, occurred at Receiving Reservoir, D. C., ancl the least. 2.81, a t Annapolis, Md.-3'. J. Wak. Xichigan.-The mean temperature was 67.4', or 1.5' above normal; the highest was 101', a t Owosso on the 23~1, and the lowest, 28', at Newberry on the 19th. The average precipitation was 3.88, or 0.36 below normal; the greatest monthly amount, 5.92, occurred at Gladwin, and the least, 0.75, at Mount C1emens.-C. F. Schnetifcr. Min~mohc.-The mean tem erature was B6.9', or about normal; the highest was 102', a t Wabasfia on the 31st, and the lowest, 33', a t Roseau on the 17th. The average precipitation was 3.32, or about 0.75 above normal; t h e greatest monthly amount, 6.17, occurred at Monte- video, and t h e least, 0.86, at Morris.--. 8. Outrani. ~4fi88~88&ppi.-The mean temperature was 80.4', or 0.4' above normal; the highest was 105', at Columbus on the 234 24th, and 29th, and the lowest, 59", at French Camp on the 14th. The average precipita- tion was 5.97, or 3.01 above normal; the greatest monthly amount, 16.95, occurred at Mnsspoint, and the least, 1.83, at Greenwood-R. J. Hyolt. Xhuri.-The mean temperature was 75.6', or about 1.0' above nor- mal; the highest was 103', at Jefferson City on the 23d, and the lowest, 44', at Potosi on the 5th. The average precipitation was 3.01, or about normal; the greatest monthl amount, i.20, occurred at Oto, and the least, 0.40. at Bo1ckow.--8. d Haekctt. .Uoiitaiuz.-The mean temperature was 68.0°, or 1.6' above normal; the highest was 105', a t Glendive on the 21st, and the loyest; 31', at Adel on the 23d. The average precipitation was 0.66, or about nor- mal; the greatest monthl amount, 1.38, occurred at Columbia Falls, and the least, 0.09, a t Poprar.- E. J. cfluse. 1Ye6raeh.-The mean temperature was 74.2', or about normal; the highest was log', at Camp Clarke on the 3lst, and the lowest, E', at Lodgepole on the 9th. The average precipitation was 2.24, or about 0.33 below normal; the greatest monthlv amount, 6.85, occurred at Cal- laway, while none fell at Lodgepole.-G. A. Lowland. NeDada.-The mean temperature was 73.6', or about 1.0' above nor- mal; the highest was 112', a t St. Thomas on the l l t h , and the lowest, 2O0, at Blaine on the 31st. The average precipitation was 0.45, or 0.04 above normal; the greatest monthly amount, 2.85, occurred a t Ely, while none fell at a number of stations.-R. F. Toung. New England.-The mean temperature was 69.6', or 3.7' above nor- mal; the highest was 95', a t Plymouth, N. H., on the 4th, and the low- est, 33', at Flagstaff, Me., on the 12th. The average precipitation was 5.67, or 1.62 above normal ; the greatest monthly amount, 11.89, oc- curred at Jefferson, Mass., and the least, 0.70, at North Conway, N. H.-J. W. b'mith. New Jmeq.-The mean temperature was 74.8', or 2.7' above normal; the highest was 98', at Imlaystown on the 31st, and t h e lowest, 42', at Charlotteburg on the 28th. The average precipitation was 5.36, or 1.53 above normal; the greatest monthl amount, 9.26. occurred a t Camden, antl the least, 2.i0, at Barnegat Lig&house.-E. W. NcGann. New Mczico.-The mean temperature was 71.0', or 2.6' below normal; the highest was 99' a t Gila on the 14th, and the lowest, 34', at Win- sors on the 26th. The average precipitation was 2.27, or 0.28 below