A Midsummer Trip to tlie Tropics. 19 the sea-circle the edge of the heaven glows as if bathed in greenish flame. The swaying circle of the resplendent sea seems to flash its jewel-color to the zenith. Clothing feels now almost too heavy to endure ; and the warm wind brings a languor with it as of tempta- tion. . . . One feels an irresistible desire to drowse on deck ;—the rushing speech of waves, the long rocking of the ship, the lukewarm caress of the wind, urge to slum- ber;—but the light is too vast to permit of sleep. Its blue power compels wakefulness. And the brain is wearied at last by this duplicated azure splendor of sky and sea. How gratefully comes the evening to us,—with its violet glooms and promises of coolness ! All this sensuous blending of warmth and force in winds and waters more and more suggests an idea of the spiritualism of elements,—a sense of world-life. In all these soft sleepy swayings, these caresses of wind and sobbing of waters, Nature seems to confess some pas- sional mood. Passengers converse of pleasant tempting things,—tropical fruits, tropical beverages, tropical mount- ain-breezes, tropical women-----It is a time for dreams— those day-dreams that come gently as a mist, with ghostly realization of hopes, desires, ambitions. . . . Men sailing to the mines of Guiana dream of gold. The wind seems to grow continually warmer ; the spray feels warm like blood. Awnings have to be clewed up, and wind-sails taken in ;—still, there are no white-caps,— only the enormous swells, too broad to see, as the ocean falls and rises like a dreamer's breast. . . . The sunset comes with a great burning yellow glow, fading up through faint greens to lose itself in violet light;—there is no gloaming. The days have already become shorter. . . . Through the open ports, as we lie down to sleep, comes a great whispering,—the whisper- ing of. the seas : sounds as of articulate speech under the breath,—as of women telling secrets. . . .