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6 February 2002

Text: Powell Says Terrorism Remains First U.S. Priority

(He seeks support for 2003 international affairs budget) (10,615)

U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell says the president has set two

major foreign policy objectives that must be met before all else --

win the war on terrorism and protect Americans at home and abroad.

"This administration will not be deterred from accomplishing these

objectives. I have no doubt that this committee and the Congress feel

the same way," Powell said in prepared remarks to the Senate Foreign

Relations Committee February 5.

The committee was conducting a hearing on President Bush's fiscal year

(FY) 2003 budget request for international affairs, which totals

$25,400 million, an increase of 5.9 percent over the FY 2002 level.

The budget request includes funding for a wide array of international

assistance programs and for the operations of the State Department and

the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID).

Powell said that the war on terrorism continues even as reconstruction

begins in Afghanistan following the removal of the oppressive Taliban

regime and destruction of the al-Qaida terrorist network.

"This campaign is transnational, cross-border, even global in a way we

have never contemplated," he said.

The United States is trying to analyze where al-Qaida cells might seek

refuge, he said. And he said several come to mind, including Somalia.

"We are watching Somalia very closely. Terrorism might find fertile

ground there and we do not want that to happen," he said.

Powell also said Yemen has been taking actions that "are a good first

step toward the goal of uprooting the al-Qaida network there."

However, the secretary said, this is not just a campaign against

al-Qaida -- "it is a campaign against terrorism throughout the world."

Powell told the senators that the State Department was seeking $5,000

million to help battle terrorism:

-- $3,600 million for economic and security assistance, military

equipment, and training for front-line states and other partners;

-- $1,400 million for secure diplomatic facilities, including

security-driven construction ($755 million), upgrades for worldwide

security ($553 million), and a new Center for Anti-Terrorism Security

Training ($152 million); and

-- $60 million for an aggressive public diplomacy effort through

international broadcasting to eliminate support for terrorists.

Following are terms and abbreviations used in the text:

-- billion: equals 1,000 million.

-- UN: United Nations.

-- WMD: Weapons of Mass Destruction.

-- EU: European Union.

-- FBI: Federal Bureau of Investigation.

-- CIA: Central Intelligence Agency.

-- INS: Immigration and Naturalization Service.

-- NSC: National Security Council.

Following is a text of Powell's remarks as prepared for delivery:

(begin text)


Office of the Spokesman

February 5

As Prepared



February 5, 2002

Washington, D.C.

Mr. Chairman, members of the committee, I am pleased to appear before

you to testify in support of President Bush's budget request for FY


Before beginning, I want to thank you for confirming almost all of the

nominees for the State Department. They are now hard at work.

Of those who remain to be confirmed, our ambassador-designate to the

Philippines is of particular concern to me. We need Frank Ricciardone

in Manila and we need him there as soon as possible. Not only have we

not had an ambassador there in over 18 months, it is now an even more

crucial requirement as we scale up our assistance in helping President

Arroyo combat the terrorists in her country. So, Mr. Chairman, I ask

for your help in getting Frank confirmed, and in getting the remainder

of our people to work as well.

I also ask that you help me get the FY 2002/2003 State Department

Authorization Bill passed as quickly as possible and that it include

full authorization of our budget request for FY 2003, that it lift the

cap on U.N. Peacekeeping dues, allow us to pay the third tranche of

U.N. arrears with no additional strings attached, and include the

management authorities we have requested. Moreover, I would also be

grateful for your help in removing from the final bill the foreign

policy restrictions, earmarks, and reporting requirements that tie the

Department's hands.

And let me say here at the outset, Mr. Chairman, before I go into the

details of the budget and our foreign policy, that President Bush has

two overriding objectives that our foreign policy must serve before

all else. These two objectives are to win the war on terrorism and to

protect Americans at home and abroad. This Administration will not be

deterred from accomplishing these objectives. I have no doubt that

this committee and the Congress feel the same way.

As many of you will recall, at my first budget testimony last March I

said I was going to break the mold and instead of talking exclusively

about foreign affairs, I was going to focus on the financial condition

of the department -- both in terms of State Department operations and

in terms of foreign operations. I did that because the resources

challenge for the Department of State had become a serious impediment

to the conduct of the nation's foreign policy. And you heard my

testimony and you responded, and we are grateful.

Because of your understanding and generosity, we have already made

significant progress and in the remainder of FY 2002 we will make

more. In new hires for the Foreign Service, we have made great

strides. For example, we doubled the number of candidates for the

Foreign Service Written Examination -- and this year we will give the

exam twice instead of just once. Moreover, our new recruits better

reflect the diversity of our country with nearly 17 percent of those

who passed last September's written exam being members of minority

groups. We have also improved Civil Service recruitment by creating

new web-based recruiting tools. And once we identify the best people

we bring them on more quickly. For Foreign Service recruits, for

instance, we have reduced the time from written exam to entry into

service from 27 months to less than a year. We are also working with

OMB to create extensive new performance measures to ensure that we are

hiring the very best people.

We are also well underway in bringing state-of-the-art information

technology to the Department. We have an aggressive deployment

schedule for our OpenNet Plus system, which will provide desktop

Internet access to our unclassified system for over 30,000 State users

worldwide. We are deploying our classified connectivity program over

the next two years. Our goal is to put the Internet in the service of

diplomacy and we are well on the way to accomplishing it.

In right-sizing our facilities and in shaping up and bringing smarter

management practices to our overseas buildings program, we are moving

forward briskly as well -- as many of you are aware because General

Chuck Williams has been keeping you informed about our progress. In

fact, that is the first change we made, putting General Williams in

charge and giving him assistant secretary equivalent rank. His

Overseas Building Operations (OBO) has developed the Department's

first long-range plan, which covers our major facility requirements

through fiscal year 2007.

The OBO has also developed a standard embassy design concept for

small, medium, and large embassies. This concept will reduce cost

while speeding up construction and enhancing quality. And in making

all of our facilities, overseas and stateside, more secure, we are

also making good headway. By the end of FY 2002, over two-thirds of

our overseas posts should reach minimal security standards, meaning

secure doors, windows, and perimeters. And we are making progress in

efforts to provide new facilities that are fully secure, with 13 major

capital projects in design or construction, another eight expected to

begin this fiscal year, and nine more in FY 2003.

I am also pleased that we have been able to improve the morale of our

State Department families. We are especially proud of our interim

childcare center at the National Foreign Affairs Training Center. It

opened on September 4 and can handle a full complement of 30 infants

and toddlers.

The idea of family and the quality of life that must always nourish

that idea even in the remotest station is uppermost in our minds at

the Department. While we concentrate on the nation's foreign affairs

we must also focus on caring about those Americans who conduct it, as

well as the many thousands of Foreign Service Nationals who help us

across the globe. For example, our 60 Afghan employees in Kabul worked

diligently to maintain and protect our facilities throughout the 13

years the Embassy was closed. They worked at considerable personal

risk and often went months without getting paid. They even repaired

the chancery roof when it was damaged by a rocket attack. This is the

sort of diligence and loyalty that is typical of our outstanding

Foreign Service Nationals.

With regard to our budget, last year I told you that the out years

were a source of concern to me -- and they still are. In fact, given

the costs of the war on terrorism, the downturn in the economy and

accompanying shrinkage of revenues, I am even more concerned this year

than last. But I was confident last year that I could make the case

for State and I am confident this year that I can do so. We have a

solid case to make, and it is the case of how we best pursue America's

interests and there is no doubt in this old soldier's mind that

foreign policy stands foremost among the answers to that "how." And

Mr. Chairman, I am excited about the changes we've made and the

momentum we've developed.

We need to keep that momentum going. That is why for FY 2003 you will

get no break from me. I am going to focus on resources again this year

in my testimony, because it is so critical that we continue to push

the organization and conduct of America's foreign policy into the 21st


Since that heart-rending day in September when the terrorists struck

in New York, Virginia, and Pennsylvania, we have seen why our foreign

policy is so important.

We have had great success over the past five months in the war on

terrorism, especially in Afghanistan. And behind the courageous men

and women of our armed forces has been the quiet, steady course of

diplomacy, assisting our military's efforts to unseat the Taliban

government and defeat the al-Qaida terrorists in Afghanistan.

We've reshaped that whole region -- a new U.S.-Pakistan relationship,

a reinvigorated U.S.-India relationship, a new Interim Authority in

Kabul, the Taliban gone, and the terrorists dead, in jail, or on the

run. We are also forming important new relationships with the nations

of Central Asia.

In his second visit to the Department last year, President Bush told

us that despite the great tragedy of September 11, we could see

opportunities through our tears -- and at his direction, the

Department of State has been at flank speed ever since, making as much

as possible of those opportunities.

And we need to continue to do so and for many years to come. We will

need resources to do it, so first let me focus on my "CEO dollars",

and then I will turn to foreign policy.

The Budget Priorities for FY 2003: Department of State and Related


The President's request for the Department of State and Related

Agencies for FY 2003 is $8.1 billion. These dollars will allow us to:

-- Continue initiatives to recruit, hire, train, and deploy the right

work force. The budget request includes $100 million for the next step

in the hiring process we began last year. With these dollars, we will

be able to bring on board 399 more foreign affairs professionals and

be well on our way to repairing the large gap created in our personnel

structure and, thus, the strain put on our people by almost a decade

of too few hires, an inability to train properly, and hundreds of

unfilled positions. In FY 2004, if we are able to hire the final 399

personnel, we will have completed our three-year effort with respect

to overseas staffing -- to include establishing the training pool I

described to you last year that is so important if we are to allow our

people to complete the training we feel is needed for them to do their

jobs. Soon, I will be back up here briefing you on the results of our

domestic staffing review.

-- Continue to upgrade and enhance our worldwide security readiness --

even more important in light of our success in disrupting and damaging

the al-Qaida terrorist network. The budget request includes $553

million that builds on the funding provided from the Emergency

Response Fund for the increased hiring of security agents and for

counterterrorism programs.

-- Continue to upgrade the security of our overseas facilities. The

budget request includes over $1.3 billion to improve physical

security, correct serious deficiencies that still exist, and provide

for security-driven construction of new facilities at high-risk posts

around the world.

-- Continue our program to provide state-of-the-art information

technology to our people everywhere. Just as I promised you last year,

the budget request will continue projects aimed at extending

classified connectivity to every post that requires it and to

expanding desktop access to the Internet for Department employees. We

have included $177 million for this purpose. Over the past decade, we

let the Department's essential connectivity ebb to very low levels and

we need to correct that situation.

-- Continue and enhance our educational and cultural exchange

programs. The budget request includes $247 million for strategic

activities that build mutual understanding and develop friendly

relations between America and the peoples of the world. These

activities help build the trust, confidence, and international

cooperation necessary to sustain and advance the full range of our

interests. Such activities have gained a new sense of urgency and

importance since the brutal attacks of September. We need to teach

more about America to the world. We need to show people who we are and

what we stand for, and these programs do just that.

-- Continue to meet our obligations to international organizations --

also important as we pursue the war on terrorism to its end. The

budget request includes $891.4 million to fund U.S. assessments to 43

international organizations, active membership of which furthers U.S.

economic, political, security, social, and cultural interests.

-- Continue to try to meet our obligations to international

peacekeeping activities. The budget request includes $726 million to

pay our projected United Nations peacekeeping assessments -- all the

more important as we seek to avoid increasing even further our U.N.

arrearages. U.N. peacekeeping activities allow us to leverage our

political, military, and financial assets through the authority of the

United Nations Security Council and the participation of other

countries in providing funds and peacekeepers for conflicts worldwide.

As we have seen in Afghanistan, it is often best to use American GIs

for the heavy lifting of combat and leave the peacekeeping to others.

-- Continue and also enhance an aggressive public diplomacy effort to

eliminate support for terrorists and thus deny them safe haven. The

budget includes almost $518 million for International Broadcasting, of

which $60 million is for the war on terrorism. This funding will

enable the Voice of America and Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty to

continue increased media broadcasts to Afghanistan and the surrounding

countries and throughout the Middle East. These international

broadcasts help inform local public opinion about the true nature of

al-Qaida and the purposes of the war on terrorism, building support

for the coalition's global campaign.

Mr. Chairman, on this last subject let me expand my remarks.

The terrorist attacks of 9/11 underscore the urgency of implementing

an effective public diplomacy campaign. Those who abet terror by

spreading distortion and hate and inciting others, take full advantage

of the global news cycle. We must do the same. Since 9/11, there have

been over 2,000 media appearances by State Department individuals. Our

continuous presence in Arabic and regional media by officials with

language and media skills, has been unprecedented. Our international

information website on terror is now online in seven languages.

Internet search engines show it is the hottest page on the topic. Our

25-page color publication, "The Network of Terrorism", is now

available in 30 languages with many different adaptations, including a

full insert in the Arabic edition of Newsweek. "Right content, right

format, right audience, right now" describes our strategic aim in

seeing that U.S. policies are explained and placed in the proper

context in the minds of foreign audiences.

I also serve, ex officio, as a member of the Broadcasting Board of

Governors, the agency that oversees the efforts of Voice of America

and Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty to broadcast our message into

South Central Asia and the Middle East. With the support of the

Congress, our broadcasting has increased dramatically since September

11. We have almost doubled the number of broadcast hours to areas that

have been the breeding grounds of terrorists. The dollars we have

requested for international broadcasting will help sustain these key

efforts through the next fiscal year.

In addition, Undersecretary Charlotte Beers leads an aggressive effort

to create and implement new programs to reach new audiences. She is

working with private sector companies, government agencies, and with

our embassies to create avenues to broader, younger audiences in

critical regions. One of our new initiatives will focus on Muslim life

in America. It will include television documentaries and radio

programs co-produced with Muslim-Americans, speaker exchanges, and

op-ed pieces. We know that this must be a long-term effort that will

bear fruit only over time. But we must do it. Two of America's

greatest strengths during the Cold War were our vigorous information

and exchange programs. I believe that we can and must build a

comparable capability today if we are to confront successfully the new

threat to our security.

Mr. Chairman, all of these State Department and Related Agencies

programs and initiatives are critical to the conduct of America's

foreign policy. Some of you know my feelings about the importance to

the success of any enterprise of having the right people in the right

places. If I had to put one of these priorities at the very pinnacle

of our efforts, it would be our people. We must sustain the strong

recruiting program we began last year. At the same time, we will

continue measuring our progress not simply on numbers hired but on how

our new hire's enhance the Department's mission. We want to get to a

point where our people can undergo training without seriously

jeopardizing their missions or offices; where our men and women don't

have to fill two or three positions at once; and where people have a

chance to breathe occasionally. Morale at the Department has taken a

definite swing upward and we want it to continue to rise and to stay

as high as possible. As a soldier, I can tell you that such high

morale, combined with superb training and adequate resources, is the

key to a first-class offense -- and that is what our men and women

are, the first line of offense for America.

So, before I turn to foreign policy, let me say once again how

strongly I feel as the CEO of the State Department about this part of

our budget. It is essential that we have the funds necessary to pay

for our operations worldwide.

Foreign Policy: Successes, Challenges, and Opportunities

In addition to the successes of the war on terrorism and the regional

developments its skillful pursuit has made possible, we have been busy

elsewhere as well.

With regard to Russia, President Bush has defied some of our critics

and structured a very strong relationship. The meetings that he had

with President Putin and the dialogue that has taken place between

Russian Foreign Minister Ivanov and me and between Secretary of

Defense Rumsfeld and his counterpart, and at a variety of other

levels, have positioned the United States for a strengthened

relationship with the land of eleven time zones.

The way that Russia responded to the events of September 11 was

reflective of this positive relationship. Russia has been a key member

of the antiterrorist coalition. It has played a crucial role in our

success in Afghanistan, by providing intelligence, bolstering the

Northern Alliance, and assisting our entry into Central Asia. As a

result, we have seriously eroded the capabilities of a terrorist

network that posed a direct threat to both of our countries.

Similarly, the way we agreed to disagree on the ABM Treaty reflects

the intense dialogue we had over eleven months, a dialogue in which we

told the Russians where we were headed and we made clear to them that

we were serious and that nothing would deter us. And we asked them if

there was a way that we could do what we had to do together, or a way

that they could accept what we had to do in light of the threat to

both of our countries from ballistic missiles.

At the end of the day, we agreed to disagree and we notified Russia

that we were going to withdraw from the ABM Treaty. I notified FM

Ivanov -- we talked about our plans for two days. President Bush

called President Putin. Then the two presidents arranged the way we

would make our different announcements. And the world did not end. An

arms race did not break out. There is no crisis in Russia-U.S.

relations. In fact, our relations are very good. Both presidents

pledged to reduce further the number of their nuclear weapons and we

are hard at work on an agreement to record these mutual commitments.

This is all part of the new strategic framework with Russia.

We even managed to come to an agreement on how we are going to work

through NATO. We are now developing mechanisms for pursuing joint

Russia-NATO consultations and actions "at 20" on a number of concrete

issues. Our aim is to have these mechanisms in place for the Reykjavik

ministerial in May. And as we head for the NATO Summit in Prague in

November, I believe we will find the environment for the continued

expansion of NATO a great deal calmer than we might have expected.

I believe the way we handled the war on terrorism, the ABM Treaty,

nuclear reductions, and NATO is reflective of the way we will be

working together with Russia in the future. Building on the progress

we have already made will require energy, good will, and creativity on

both sides as we seek to resolve some of the tough issues on our

agenda. We have not forgotten about Russian abuse of human rights in

Chechnya, Moscow's nuclear proliferation to Iran, or Russian

intransigence with respect to revision of Iraq sanctions. Neither have

we neglected to consider what the situation in Afghanistan has made

plain for all to see: how do we achieve a more stable security

situation in Central Asia? We know that this is something we cannot do

without the Russians and something that increasingly they realize

can't be done without us, and without the full participation of the

countries in the region. We are working these issues as well.

In fact, the way we are approaching Central Asia is symbolic of the

way we are approaching the relationship as a whole and of the growing

trust between our two countries. We are taking issues that used to be

problems between us and turning them into opportunities for more

cooperation. Such an approach does not mean that differences have

vanished or that tough negotiations are a thing of the past. What it

means is that we believe there are no insurmountable obstacles to

building on the improved relationship we have already constructed.

It will take time. But we are on the road to a vastly changed

relationship with Russia. That can only be for the good -- for America

and the world.

We have also made significant progress in our relationship with China.

We moved from what was a potentially volatile situation in April

involving our EP-3 aircraft which was forced to land on China's Hainan

Island after a PLA fighter aircraft collided with it, to a very

successful meeting in Shanghai in October between President Jiang

Zemin and President Bush and an APEC Conference, hosted by China, that

was equally successful.

There are certain shared interests that we have with China and we have

emphasized those interests. They are regional and global interests,

such as China's accession to WTO, stability on the Korean Peninsula,

and combating the scourge of HIV/AIDs. On such issues we can talk and

we can produce constructive outcomes. There are other interests where

we decidedly do not see eye-to-eye, such as Taiwan, human rights,

religious freedom, and missile proliferation. On such issues we can

have a dialogue and try to make measurable progress.

But we do not want the interests where we differ to constrain us from

pursuing those where we share common goals. And that is the basis upon

which our relations are going rather smoothly at present. That, and


President Jiang Zemin was one of the first world leaders to call

President Bush and offer his sorrow and condolences for the tragic

events of September 11. And in the almost five months since that day,

China has helped in the war against terrorism. Beijing has also helped

in the reconstruction of Afghanistan and we hope will help even more

in the future.

Moreover, China has played a constructive role in helping us manage

over these past few weeks the very dangerous situation in South Asia

between India and Pakistan. When I could call China's Foreign Minster

Tang and have a good discussion, making sure our policies were known

and understood, it made for a more reasoned approach to what was a

volatile situation. As a result, China supported the approach that the

rest of the international community had taken. Beijing was not trying

to be a spoiler but instead was trying to help us alleviate tensions

and convince the two parties to scale down their dangerous

confrontation -- which now it appears they are beginning to do.

All of this cooperation came as a result of our careful efforts to

build the relationship over the months since the EP-3 incident. We

never walked away from our commitment to human rights,

non-proliferation, or religious freedom; and we never walked away from

the position that we don't think the Chinese political system is the

right one for the 21st century. And we continued to tell the Chinese

that if their economic development continues apace and the Chinese

people see the benefits of being part of a world that rests on the

rule of law, we can continue to work together constructively.

A candid, constructive, and cooperative relationship is what we are

building with China. Candid where we disagree; constructive where we

can see some daylight; and cooperative where we have common regional

or global interests. These are the principles President Bush will take

with him to Beijing later this month. After meeting with Prime

Minister Koizumi in Tokyo and with President Kim in Seoul, the

President will spend a day and a half in Beijing and meet with

President Jiang Zemin, as well as Premier Zhu Rongji. He will have

ample opportunity to put these principles to work.

As we improved our relationship with China, we also reinvigorated our

bilateral alliances with Japan, Korea, and Australia. Nowhere has this

been more visible than in the war on terrorism -- where cooperation

has been solid and helpful.

Prime Minister Koizumi immediately offered Japan's strong support,

within the confines of its constitution. And he is working to enhance

Japan's ability to contribute to such global and regional actions in

the future. President Bush's dialogue with this charismatic and

popular Japanese leader has been warm, engaging, and productive.

Always the linchpin of our security strategy in East Asia, the

U.S.-Japan Security Alliance is now as strong a bond between our two

countries as it has been in the half-century of its existence. Our

shared interests, values, and concerns, plus the dictates of regional

security, make it imperative that we sustain this renewed vigor in our

key Pacific alliance. And we will.

With respect to the Peninsula, our alliance with the Republic of Korea

(ROK) has also been strengthened by Korea's strong response to the war

on terrorism and by our careful analysis of and consultations on where

we needed to take the dialogue with the North. President Bush has made

it very clear that we are dissatisfied with the actions of North Korea

that they continue to develop and sell missiles that could carry

weapons of mass destruction. But we have also made clear that both we

and the ROK are ready to resume dialogue with Pyongyang, on this or

any other matter, at any time the North Koreans decide to come back to

the table. The ball is in Kim Jong-il's court.

The Australians have been clearly forward leaning in their efforts to

support the war on terrorism. Heavily committed in East Timor already,

Canberra nonetheless offered its help immediately and we have been

grateful for that help. The people of Australia are indeed some of

America's truest friends.

As I look across the Pacific to East Asia I see a much-improved

security scene and I believe that President Bush deserves the lion's

share of the credit for this success.

Another foreign policy success is the improvement we have achieved in

our relations with Europe. In waging war together on terrorism, our

cooperation has grown stronger. NATO invoked Article 5 for the first

time ever on September 12. Since then, the European Union has moved

swiftly to round up terrorists, close down terrorist financing

networks, and improve law enforcement and aviation security


Moreover, President Bush has made clear that even as we fight the war

on terrorism, we will not be deterred from achieving the goal we share

with Europeans of a Europe whole, free, and at peace. We continue to

work toward this goal with our Allies and Partners in Europe. While in

the Balkans there remain several challenges to our achieving this

goal, we believe we are meeting those challenges. We have seized war

criminals, helped bring about significant changes in governments in

Croatia and Yugoslavia, and our military forces are partnered with

European forces in Kosovo and Bosnia to help bring stability and

self-governance, while European-led action fosters a settlement in

Macedonia. We need to finish the job in the Balkans -- and we will.

I also believe we have been successful in bringing the Europeans to a

calmer level of concern with respect to what was being labeled by many

in Europe "unbridled U.S. unilateralism".

There was significant concern among the Europeans earlier last year

that because we took some unilateral positions of principle for us

that somehow the U.S. was going off on its own without a care for the

rest of the world. This was particularly true with respect to the

Kyoto Protocol. So we set out immediately to correct this

misperception. Beginning with President Bush's speech in Warsaw, his

participation in the G-8 meetings and the European Union summit, our

extensive consultations with respect to the new strategic framework

with Russia, and culminating in the brilliant way in which the

President pulled together the coalition against terrorism, I believe

that we demonstrated to the world that we can be decisively

cooperative when it serves our interests and the interests of the


But we have also demonstrated that when it is a matter of principle,

we will stand on that principle. In his first year in office President

Bush has shown the international community who he is and what his

administration is all about. That is an important accomplishment --

and one that is appreciated now everywhere I go. People know where

America is coming from and do not have to doubt our resolve or our

purpose. They may not always agree with us, but they have no doubt

about our policy or our position. We want to ensure that this policy

clarity and this firmness of purpose continue to characterize our

foreign policy, and not just with the Europeans but with all nations.

Let me just note that this sort of principled approach characterizes

our determined effort to reduce the threat from weapons of mass

destruction -- an effort well underway before the tragic events of

September 11 added even greater urgency. We and the Russians will

reduce our own deployed nuclear weapons substantially. In the

meantime, we are using a comprehensive approach, along with our

friends and allies, to tackle WMD elsewhere, an approach that includes

export controls, non-proliferation, arms control, missile defenses,

and counter-proliferation. As you heard President Bush say last

Tuesday night in the chambers of this Congress, "the price of

indifference [to WMD] would be catastrophic." There are terrorists in

the world who would like nothing better than to get their hands on and

use nuclear, chemical, or biological weapons. So there is a definite

link between terrorism and WMD. Not to recognize that link would be

foolhardy to the extreme.

Principled approach does not equate to no cooperation. We know that

cooperation is often essential to get things done. On our efforts to

lift countries out of poverty, for example, and to create conditions

in which trade and investment flourish, we need to cooperate. This

summer in Johannesburg, we will participate in the World Summit on

Sustainable Development. There we will have an opportunity to address

such issues as good governance; protection of our oceans, fisheries,

and forests; and how best to narrow the gap between the rich countries

and the poor countries of the world. And that brings me to my next

high mark in our foreign policy for the past year, Africa.

Mr. Chairman, we have crafted a new and more successful approach to

Africa -- the success of which was most dramatically demonstrated in

the WTO deliberations in Doha last November that led to the launching

of a new trade round. The United States found its positions in those

deliberations being strongly supported by the developing countries,

most notably those from Africa. You may have some idea of how proud

that makes your Secretary -- proud of his country, and proud of this

Congress for its deliberate work to make this possible. The Congress

laid the foundation for our efforts with the African Growth and

Opportunity Act -- an historic piece of legislation with respect to

the struggling economies in Africa. In the first year of

implementation of this Act, we have seen substantial increases in

trade with several countries -- South Africa by 11 %, Kenya by 21%,

Lesotho by 51 percent, and Madagascar by a whopping 117%, all based on

the first three quarters of 2001 compared to the same period in 2000.

Likewise, we are very pleased with the excellent success of the first

U.S.-Sub-Saharan Africa Trade and Economic Cooperation Forum, which

was held last October.

A large part of our approach to Africa and to other developing regions

and countries as well, will be a renewed and strengthened concern with

progress toward good governance as a prerequisite for development

assistance. Where conditions are favorable, our development assistance

in Africa will emphasize the vigorous promotion of agriculture.

Agriculture is the backbone of Africa's economies and must be

revitalized to reduce hunger and to lift the rural majority out of

poverty. In addition, we will emphasize fighting corruption and

President Bush's new initiative on basic education. Moreover, we want

to emphasize methods that directly empower individuals -- methods such

as micro lending, a superb vehicle for increasing the economic

participation and security of the working poor. The people of Africa

in particular know that in many cases their governments do not deliver

the health care, transportation and communication networks, education

and training, and financial investment needed to create 21st century

economies. They know that this must change if there is to be hope of

economic success -- of job creation, private investment, stable

currencies, and economic growth.

We also know and more and more of Africa's people are coming to know

that none of this economic success is possible if we do not meet the

challenge of HIV/AIDS. That is why I am pleased to report that pledges

to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria now exceed

$1.7 billion and continue to grow. Soon, the Fund is expected to

accept proposals and provide grants to partnerships in those countries

with the greatest disease burden and the least resources with which to

alleviate that burden.

We want the Global Fund to complement national, bilateral, and other

international efforts to fight these dreaded diseases. Strong

congressional support will ensure that the United States remains the

leader in this global humanitarian and national security effort.

I have not exhausted the list of our foreign policy successes either.

In our own hemisphere we have met with considerable success, from the

President's warm relationship with Mexico's President Fox, to the

Summit of the Americas in Quebec, to the signing of the Inter-American

Democratic Charter in Lima, Peru, to our ongoing efforts to create a

Free Trade Area of the Americas -- including, as President Bush

described three weeks ago, not only our current negotiations with

Chile but also a new effort to explore the concept of a free trade

agreement with Central America.

Moreover, we have every expectation that the Financing for Development

Conference in Mexico later this month will be successful. There, the

importance of good governance, trade, and private investment will be

the focus. We need to keep democracy and market economics on the march

in Latin America. And to be sure, there are some dark clouds moving in

now, and one of the darkest looms over Colombia where a combination of

narco-terrorism and festering insurgency threatens to derail the

progress the Colombians have made in solidifying their democracy.

Our Andean Regional Initiative is aimed at fighting the illicit drugs

problem while promoting economic development, human rights, and

democratic institutions in Colombia and its Andean neighbors. Intense

U.S. support and engagement has been the critical element in our

counter-drug successes in Bolivia and Peru and will continue to be

critical as we help our regional partners strengthen their societies

to confront and eradicate this threat to their own democracies and to

America's national security interests.

There is another element to this challenge caused by our intense focus

right now and for the foreseeable future on the war on terrorism. U.S.

military and law enforcement forces previously assigned to interdict

the flow of drugs between South America and the United States have

been reduced by more than fifty per cent. Because of this reduction we

have less capability to stem the flow of drugs from south to north,

thus we will be even more dependent on friendly countries in source

and transit zones to help us deal with the drug threat.

For our Caribbean neighbors, making the situation worse are the end

results of September 11 -- lower growth, decreased tourism, increased

unemployment, decreased tax revenue, and decreased external financial

flows. This economic decline is compounded by high rates of HIV/AIDS

infection and financial crime, as well as the traffic in illicit


President Bush's Third Border Initiative (TBI) seeks to broaden our

engagement with our Caribbean neighbors based on recommendations by

the region's leaders on the areas most critical to their economic and

social development. The TBI is centered on economic capacity building

and on leveraging public/private partnerships to help meet the

region's pressing needs.

In addition to its economic provisions, the Third Border Initiative

includes 20 million dollars for HIV/AIDS education and prevention

efforts. This represents a two-fold increase in U.S. HIV/AIDS

assistance to the region in just two years.

As you are aware, Mr. Chairman, our ties to the Caribbean region are

as much cultural and human as they are economic and political. The

countries of the Caribbean attract millions of American visitors every

year and the region is our sixth largest export market. Large numbers

of Caribbean immigrants have found their way to America, including, I

am proud to say, my Jamaican forbearers. Here people from the region

have found freedom and opportunity and have added something wonderful

to the great American cultural mix. But our primary goal must be to

help ensure that the peoples of the Caribbean find new opportunities

for work, prosperity and a better life at home.

At the end of the day, it is difficult to exaggerate what we have at

stake in our own hemisphere. Political and economic stability in our

own neighborhood reduces the scale of illegal immigration, drug

trafficking, terrorism, and economic turmoil. It also promotes the

expansion of trade and investment. Today, we sell more to Latin

America and the Caribbean than to the European Union. Our trade within

NAFTA is greater than that with the EU and Japan combined. We sell

more to MERCOSUR than to China. And Latin America and the Caribbean is

our fastest growing export market. Clearly, the President is right to

focus attention on this hemisphere and we will be working hard in the

days ahead to make that focus productive, both economically and


Mr. Chairman, in addition to the dark clouds I have described within

our hemisphere, there are vexing problems that persist elsewhere, the

most prominent of which are in the Middle East. The situation between

Israel and the Palestinians, Iraq, and Iran are among our concerns.

With respect to the tragic confrontation between Israel and the

Palestinians, we will continue to try and focus the parties on the

need to walk back from violence to a political process. Our priorities

have been and will remain clear: ending the violence and terror

through establishment of an enduring cease-fire and then movement

forward along the path outlined in the Tenet Security Work plan and

the Mitchell Report recommendations, agreed to by both sides and

supported by the international community. This forward movement would

lead ultimately to negotiations on all the issues that must be


Israelis and Palestinians share a common dream: to live side-by-side

in genuine, lasting security and peace in two states, Israel and

Palestine, with internationally recognized borders. We share that hope

for a better tomorrow for both peoples. President Bush expressed this

positive vision in his speech to the United Nations last November, and

I described it in my speech later that month in Louisville. And I

thank one of your Senate colleagues, Senator Mitch McConnell, for

inviting me on that occasion.

We must not become frustrated, or yield to those who would have us

turn away from this conflict -- or from this critical region. As the

President has said, the United States has too many vital interests at

stake to take such a step, and one of those vital interests is the

security of Israel. We must not lose sight of what we have achieved

through our hard work and diplomacy in the region and beyond. There is

a path out of the darkness, accepted by both Israel and the

Palestinians -- the Tenet Work plan and the Mitchell Report. We have

mobilized our friends and allies, including the UN, the European

Union, Russia and others throughout the region and the world, to speak

with one voice in supporting this road back to peace.

But first things first. Our positive vision will never be realized so

long as violence and terror continue. The President and I, and General

Zinni, have been unequivocal with Chairman Arafat. The Palestinian

people will never see their aspirations achieved through violence.

Chairman Arafat must act decisively to confront the sources of terror

and choose once and for all the option of peace over violence. He

cannot have it both ways. He cannot engage with us and others in

pursuit of peace and at the same time permit or tolerate continued

violence and terror. In that regard, I have made clear to Chairman

Arafat that the smuggling of arms to the Palestinian Authority by Iran

and Hizballah aboard the Karine A is absolutely unacceptable. Chairman

Arafat must ensure that no further activities of this kind ever take

place and he must take swift action against all Palestinian officials

who were involved.

Chairman Arafat knows what he must do. Actions are required, not just

words, if we are to be in the position of working effectively again

with him to help restore calm and forward movement. Israel too must

act. Prime Minister Sharon has spoken of his desire to improve the

situation of Palestinian civilians, confronted with a disastrous

economic crisis and suffering daily. We have urged the Israeli

government to act in ways that help ease these hardships and avoid

further escalation or complicate efforts to reduce violence. Difficult

as the present circumstances are, the United States will remain

involved. But, in the end, Israel and the Palestinians must make the

hard decisions necessary to resume progress toward peace.

With regard to Iraq, that country remains a significant threat to the

region's stability. We are working at the UN and elsewhere to

strengthen international controls on Iraq. In the last year, we

successfully stopped the free fall of sanctions and began to rebuild

United Nations Security Council consensus on Iraq. The UNSC

unanimously adopted resolution 1382 in November, committing itself to

implement the central element of "smart sanctions" by May 30 of this

year. This central element, or Goods Review List (GRL), identifies

materials UNSC members must approve for export to Iraq and ensures

continued supervision and control over dual-use goods. Its

implementation will effectively lift economic sanctions on purely

civilian trade and focus controls on arms, especially WMD. This will

further strengthen support for UN controls by showing the

international community that Saddam Hussein, not the UN and not the

U.S., is responsible for the humanitarian plight of the Iraqi people.

We are working with the Russians to get final agreement on the GRL.

At the end of the day, we have not ruled out other options with

respect to Iraq. We still believe strongly in regime change in Iraq

and we look forward to the day when a democratic, representative

government at peace with its neighbors leads Iraq to rejoin the family

of nations.

With regard to Iran, we have a long-standing list of grievances, from

concerns about proliferation to Iran's continued sponsorship of

terrorism. We have been clear in communicating to Teheran that its

support for terrorism remains a serious unaddressed concern -- and

this includes the case of the Karine A transporting arms.

Teheran's latest provocation, besides the arms aboard the Karine A,

has been its apparent unhelpful activities in the post-Taliban

environment of western Afghanistan. This, after being quite helpful as

we prosecuted the war against terrorism in Afghanistan and, at the

Bonn Conference, being helpful with the setup of the Interim Authority

in Kabul.

After citing the list of our grievances with Iran, however, I am still

convinced that we may be able to talk to Iran, that we may be able to

have a reasonable conversation with Iranian leaders. With respect to

the situation in Afghanistan, for example, I believe we can

demonstrate to them that it is not in their interest to destabilize

the government that they helped to create in Bonn. The other issues

will be more difficult; but I do believe constructive talks with Iran

on Afghanistan are possible.

Mr. Chairman, I have not yet spoken at length about the crisis in

South Asia or the war against terrorism, both of which I know are on

all of the committee members' minds. Let me turn to those two very

important matters now.

The Crisis in South Asia

The standoff between India and Pakistan is a very dangerous situation.

Any situation where you have forces that are mobilized and are in

proximity to one another and are at something of a war footing with

nearly a million soldiers deployed, is a dangerous situation. One

where both sides have nuclear and missile capability is dramatically

more so. As President Bush and I worked this issue over the past few

weeks, we noted however that there was an opportunity for a political

and diplomatic solution -- a solution that would avoid what could be a

very disastrous conflict if it came to war.

Prime Minister Blair visited the region in early January. Chinese

premier, Zhu Rongji, visited New Delhi the week of January 14. As you

know, I visited New Delhi and Islamabad three weeks ago. I talked

frequently by phone with General Musharraf and with my counterpart in

India, Foreign Minister Singh. We talked at length about how to reach

a point where the two sides could say, "All right, let's start to


President Musharraf's speech on January 12 was a seminal event. It not

only dealt with terrorism and extremism in a way that I believe New

Delhi found constructive, it sent a clear message to Pakistanis that

terrorism must end if Pakistan is to enter the 21st century with

expectations of progress and a decent life for its people. President

Musharraf showed great courage and foresight in sending such a

decisive message to his country and, by extension, to the Islamic

world at large. Now he must show equal courage in implementing his

concepts in Pakistan.

From the start of this crisis, both New Delhi and Islamabad have

indicated that they want to avoid war, that they are desirous of

solving the standoff through political and diplomatic means. Now, as

we are seeing and as we are hoping, events seem to be progressing

toward that end. We will continue monitoring the situation, urging

restraint and dialogue, and helping where and when we can. We will

encourage both India and Pakistan to refrain from provocative rhetoric

and to move toward redeployment of their military forces. We need to

continue carefully walking down from the very precarious position each

country has created with respect to the other.

Mr. Chairman, let me now turn to the war on terrorism.

The War On Terrorism

A little over two weeks ago, I was in Tokyo to join the European

Union, Saudi Arabia, and Japan in hosting the Afghan Donor Conference.

Representatives from over 60 countries attended, as well as experts

from the Multilateral Development Banks, and a number of U.N.

agencies. The conference helped to ensure that a wide range of

countries will help the Afghans rebuild their country. The United

States pledged $296 million at the conference and others pitched in

accordingly. The total pledged at this point is around $4.5 billion

with more than $1.8 billion for the first year. I am pleased with the

first-year funds, but we must do much better for the long haul.

The heavy lifting with respect to Afghanistan is only just beginning.

We have helped the Afghans remove the oppressive Taliban regime from

their country. We have destroyed the al-Qaida network in Afghanistan,

with our troops mopping up some of the remnants as we speak. We have

made possible the delivery of humanitarian aid, including massive

amounts of food. We have avoided the wholesale starvation that many

predicted. Moreover, we have helped the people of Afghanistan

establish a multi-ethnic Interim Authority in Kabul, led by Chairman

Karzai. One of its ultimate goals is to oversee an agreed process that

will lead to a broad-based Afghan government -- one that represents

all the people of the country, people of every background and region,

women as well as men.

We also have a rare chance to disrupt seriously the flow of opium in

the world, as Afghanistan has been the world's largest source of this

drug, which is the base for heroin. A government that is headed toward

reconstruction, toward building a new and better life for its

citizens, and a government that is concerned with feeding its

population and giving them adequate education, good roads, clean

water, and other needed services, will not be a government that

permits the selling of opium to the world. And such a government needs

to be secure as well.

Many of our key allies and partners are contributing to the

International Security Assistance Force in Kabul to help ensure a

secure environment for Mr. Karzai to build a new Afghanistan. We are

reviewing whether or not more forces might be needed for this force

and we will continue to look closely at the security needs as we move

forward. We want to do everything possible to prevent the rise of any

alternative power to the Interim Authority, until a permanent

government can be established and begin to take care of that challenge

on its own.

Much remains to be done and admittedly a lot of what remains will be

difficult to accomplish. But we believe that at long last Afghanistan

is on a positive track. There is no question that this is a time of

great challenge for the Afghan people, but it is equally

unquestionable that this is also a time of great hope. And, as

President Bush pledged last week during Chairman Karzai's visit to

Washington: "The United States is committed to playing a leading role

in the reconstruction of Afghanistan."

Mr. Chairman, you and several other Senators have been to Afghanistan.

You have seen at first hand the desperate need but also the hope for

the future. You know from your visit how important it is to provide

the needed funds for reconstruction. We must have a long-term

commitment, from America and from the other countries dedicated to

this process. If we can ensure such a commitment, and if we can

achieve proper accountability and use of these funds, then I believe

there is a good chance of making significant progress in bringing a

new future to Afghanistan -- and ending the days of warlordism and

political chaos that bred the Taliban and made a fertile ground for


And as reconstruction begins in Afghanistan, the war against terrorism

continues. As President Bush said last week in his State of the Union

Address, "What we have found in Afghanistan confirms that, far from

ending there, our war against terror is only beginning." The

administration is working together in new ways never before

envisioned. And that's what this effort is going to require. FBI, CIA,

INS, Treasury, State, NSC, the Attorney General and Justice

Department, and others, are all coming together. This campaign is

transnational, cross-border, even global in a way we have never


What we are trying to do on the foreign policy side is to help analyze

where al-Qaida cells might seek refuge. A country that immediately

comes to mind is Somalia because it is quite a lawless place without

much of a government and because it has been this sort of terrorist

haven in the past, providing training camps, communications links, and

financial cover.

We are watching Somalia very closely. Terrorism might find fertile

ground there and we do not want that to happen. No plans have been

made -- yet. But if we find al-Qaida there, you can rest assured we

will take the appropriate action.

We have also had a good dialogue with President Ali Abdallah Salih of

Yemen and we believe that actions he is taking are a good first step

toward the goal of uprooting the al-Qaida network there.

There are other countries we are working with as well, some of whom

have their own sort of terrorist problem that has spillover into our

own problem. The Philippines has the Abu Sayyaf, who in the past have

had connections with al-Qaida. But this is not just a campaign against

al-Qaida -- it is a campaign against terrorism throughout the world.

So we are working with President Arroyo in the Philippines to assist

that country in combating its terrorists -- who as you know right now

hold two American citizens as hostages.

We are also working with the Sudan, a country with whom we have had

major difficulties in the past few years. Even before September 11 we

had been working with the Sudanese, asking them "What do you get for

this? What do you get for letting people like these terrorists have

safe haven in the Sudan? What does it do for you except bring down the

condemnation of the world?" And they have been somewhat responsive.

The problems in the Sudan are not solved by any means. But some new

opportunities have opened up.

As you can see, then, part of our approach to this extended campaign

against terrorism is to work with countries such as the Sudan. We are

not being na?ve, not being unmindful of the challenges that exist, but

using diplomacy, using good people like Senator Danforth and others,

and at the same time cooperating together on intelligence and law

enforcement activities to put a stop to easy passage or safe haven for


We have not made any recommendation to the President about the major

use of military force and the President has made no decision as yet

with respect to such use of force. But there are many other actions

that are taking place -- actions of a law enforcement, political,

diplomatic, financial, and intelligence-sharing nature.

A sizable portion of the President's budget request is dedicated to

these counterterrorism efforts, as you will see as I turn to the

specific priorities of our budget request for Foreign Operations.

The Budget Priorities for FY 2003: Foreign Operations

The President's FY 2003 request for Foreign Operations is a little

over $16.1 billion. These dollars will support the continuing war on

terrorism, the work we are doing in Colombia and the Andean region at

large, our efforts to combat HIV/AIDS and other infectious diseases,

the important work of the Peace Corps and the scaling up of that work,

and our plan to clear arrearages at the Multilateral Development


War on Terrorism

As the war on terrorism expands, it will remain the top U.S. foreign

policy priority. To fight terrorism as well as alleviate the

conditions that fuel violent extremism, we are requesting an estimated

$5 billion. In addition to the initiatives outlined previously under

the budget for the State Department and Related Agencies, this funding


-- Foreign assistance -- $3.5 billion for economic and security

assistance, military equipment, and training for front-line states and

our other partners in the war on terrorism.

-- $3.4 billion from Foreign Operations accounts such as the Economic

Support Fund, International Military Education and Training, Foreign

Military Financing, and Freedom Support Act.

-- $88 million for programs in Russia and other states of the former

Soviet Union to reduce the availability to terrorists of weapons of

mass destruction. Ongoing programs engage former weapons scientists in

peaceful research and help prevent the spread of the materials

expertise required to build such weapons.

-- $69 million for counterterrorism engagement programs, training, and

equipment to help other countries fight global terror, thereby

strengthening our own national security.

-- $4 million for the Treasury Department's Office of Technical

Assistance to provide training and other necessary expertise to

foreign finance offices to halt terrorist financing.

And Mr. Chairman, while in the FY 2003 budget request there is no

money identified at the moment for Afghanistan reconstruction, I know

that President Bush, the Congress, and the American people recognize

that rebuilding that war-torn country must be and will be a multi-year

effort. The Administration will be working closely with this committee

and with the Congress to sustain our contribution in future years.

Andean Counter-drug Initiative

We are requesting $731 million in FY 2003 for the multi-year

counter-drug initiative in Colombia and other Andean countries that

are the source of the cocaine sold on America's streets. ACI

assistance to Andean governments will support drug eradication,

interdiction, economic development, and development of government

institutions. Assisting efforts to destroy local coca crops and

processing labs there increases the effectiveness of U.S. law

enforcement here.

Global Health and HIV/AIDS

In FY 2003, we are requesting $1.4 billion for USAID global health

programs. Of this amount, we are requesting $540 million for bilateral

HIV/AIDS prevention, care, and treatment activities, and $100 million

for the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria, to which

I referred earlier. All of this funding will increase the already

significant U.S. contribution to combating the AIDS pandemic and make

us the single largest bilateral donor to the effort. I should add that

the overall U.S. Government request for international HIV/AIDS

programs exceeds one billion dollars, including $200 million for the

Global Fund.

The Peace Corps

All of you heard the President's remarks last Tuesday evening with

respect to the USA Freedom Corps and his objective to renew the

promise of the Peace Corps and to double the number of volunteers in

the Corps in the next five years. We have put $320 million for the

Peace Corps in the FY 2003 budget request. This is an increase of over

$42 million over our FY 2002 level. This increase will allow us to

begin the scaling up that the President has directed. In addition to

re-opening currently suspended posts, the Peace Corps will establish

new programs in eight countries and place over 1,200 additional

volunteers worldwide. By the end of FY 2003 the Peace Corps will have

more than 8,000 volunteers on the ground.

MDB Arrears

The FY 2003 request includes an initiative to pay one third of the

amount the United States owes the Multilateral Development Banks

(MDBs) for our scheduled annual commitments. With U.S. arrears

currently now totaling $533 million, the request would provide $178

million to pay one third of our total arrears during the fiscal year.

The banks lend to and invest in developing economies, promoting growth

and poverty reduction. We need to support them.

Summing Up

Mr. Chairman, you have heard from me as CEO of the State Department

and as principal foreign policy advisor to the President. I hold both

responsibilities dear. Taking care of the great men and women who

carry out America's foreign policy is as vital a mission in my view as

helping to construct and shape that foreign policy.

As I told this committee last year and as I have already reminded it

again this year, the conduct of the nation's foreign policy suffered

significantly from a lack of resources over the past decade. I have

set both my CEO hat and my foreign policy hat to correct that

situation. But I cannot do it without your help and the help of your

colleagues in the Senate and across the capitol in the House. I

believe we have demonstrated in the past year that we are worth the

money. I believe we have demonstrated that we can be wise stewards of

the people's money and put it to good use in the pursuit of America's

interests abroad. I also believe that we have demonstrated

conclusively that we are essential to that process of pursuing the

nation's interests. With your able assistance, we will continue to do

so in the months ahead.

Thank you, and I will be pleased to take your questions.

(end text)

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