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Messages for Flight 3407 Families

Please take this opportunity to leave any thoughts or prayers you have for the families of the victims of Continental Flight 3407. Thank you.

Chris Lee

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God Bless you all. My heart goes out to the family and friends who lost love ones in this tragedy. Buffalo is not only the city of good neighbors, Western NY is the area of good neighbors. So many helped and wanted to help. I would also like to thank the news media for the [proffessionalism they showed. My prayers go out to all.

#Posted by | 02/25/09 08:43 PM

My thoughts and prayers are with the victims ,their families and my neighbors who have been affected. I am a Clarence resident and a frequent traveler. I have just returned to home after being gone for 11 days. Those who know me, realize I go between Buffalo and NYC on a weekly basis. I thank all those who were deeply concerned for me, my family and neighbors and ask that all continue to pray for these souls whose lives ended in such tragedy.It is awesome to see how the community has put up ribbons and have come together in this time of crisis. It confirms why I moved back to this area after being gone for so long and feel very proud to be part of this great community in WNY where the people are truly the best in the world!

#Posted by Holly Henderson | 02/21/09 09:24 AM

My thoughts and prayers are with those who perished in the air crash and to their loved ones. My thoughts and prayers too to the good people of Clarence Center. Being from Akron, and living in Thailand and Laos, I was shocked to tears when I turned on CNN to see the horror of the accident in a town so close and close to me. Many friends live in Clarence Center and I know it well. My deepest sympathies to the families of the deceased and my prayers for the people of Clarence Center. Anthony M. Zola formerly: 8151 Maple Road, Rt. 93, Akron, New York

#Posted by Tony Zola | 02/20/09 05:15 PM

My thoughts and prayers go out to all that are in any way connected to this disaster. I grew up halfway between the airport and the crash scene. We watched thousands of planes come in for a landing. I was horified at the news. Once again we are reminded of how fragile life is. Take time to hug and kiss your family. You never know what is in the future.

#Posted by | 02/17/09 05:05 PM

Our prayers for comfort and healing are with the families and friends of the loved ones who left us on flight 3047.May God's grace strengthen and sustain you, and His presence affirm His reality with you day by day. Our deepest sympathy to you all. Paul & Vicki St.Pierre

#Posted by Victoria St.Pierre | 02/15/09 10:14 PM


#Posted by Theresa Schluter | 02/15/09 08:58 AM

I was very saddened to hear about this tragedy. I am a native of Rochester but now live in North Carolina. This really hit home to me since Western New York is still in my heart and is where my relatives live. I have said prayers for all affected by this. I was shocked to hear that two members of Chuck Mangione's band had died. I have fond memories of the band's music from growing up in Rochester.

#Posted by Holly Roberts | 02/15/09 08:19 AM

I am so sorry. My heart goes out to all the families, along with my prayers.

#Posted by Eather Henry | 02/15/09 08:01 AM

The flight of angels have touched me their stories I have heard on tv I wont ever forget to 50 family and friends who loss Love ones and the family who loss their home your in my thoughts and prayers know that on Feb.12 your love ones went into the safe lovely arms of their load Bless All touched in some way by this tragic accident LoL and Many Many Hugs!! Donnie

#Posted by Donnie McGinnis | 02/15/09 06:02 AM

My heart is full of sorrow for every family affected by this tragedy. I am wishing and praying that God will grant you all the comfort and peace that you need at this time. Much love from Canada Grace

#Posted by Grace Guest | 02/15/09 05:41 AM

Mt thoughts and prayers go out to all the families in the air and on that ground for this horrible tragedy, there are not true words that can express my sadness for these families.

#Posted by Irene SElak | 02/15/09 04:29 AM

As a Flight Attendant for Continental and a resident of Lockport, NY, my prayers go out to my Continental Family and to all the victims families. God Bless. Shannon

#Posted by Shannon Covell | 02/13/09 07:23 PM

May our Heavenly Father comfort you and bring you peace. Our prayers have been with you who have lost loved ones, and we will continue to pray for you in the days ahead. the Griffith Family - Rob, Lynn, Stephen, Meaghan and Adam Attica, NY

#Posted by Rob and Lynn Griffith | 02/13/09 05:42 PM

The Flight of the Angels No one will forget that tragic February day. Nor can we find the words that we wish to say. The families are left wondering what happened to that plane. So many unanswered questions still remain. Fifty families joined as one When all this drama was done. May they all find comfort in each others love. Know that their loved ones are with God above. It so hard to see as the names and pictures hit the TV One thing that is left for everyone to see. Is the wreckage this left not just a house and plane torn apart. But the wreckage that is left in each one of their loved ones hearts. May the memories you have bring you comfort at this time. I am sure that many will agree the pictures still haunt my mind. The day that this crew and passengers gathered on the runway of FLight 3407 They had no clue their destination was heaven. So many had stories and touched the world in so many ways. America wont ever be the same since this tragic day. We don’t know their last minutes so many questions still remain unanswered in your mind. I pray that you get answers that you seek with some little time. Know that even though this was a path that they didn’t wish to trod. They ended up in the hands of God. For the day that the angels took off from that runway on Flight 3407. That they are with God and are up in heaven. So please know that America’s prayers are with you it don’t matter what state your from. For these angels bonded a world when it was done. May time help to comfort you and answer the questions that are left. Always remember the memories you will never forget. For hearing their stories broadcasted over the TV set. Gives us all memories that we wont soon forget. Although some of us didn’t know each one of them personally. They touched are lives in the a way that others wont see. So remember to not give up and continue to fight. And pray for the ones that were lost in this flight.

#Posted by Laurie Ramsdale | 02/13/09 03:37 PM

May the families and the residences of Western New York find peace in this time of tragedy. To the victims: R.I.P..

#Posted by Anonymous from California Guest | 02/13/09 02:42 PM

My thoughts and prayers go out to all of those touched by this tragic event.

#Posted by Brian Plecas | 02/13/09 10:13 AM

My heart goes out to all of the family and friends of the victims of this horrible tragedy. I cannot imagine the deep sadness and despair you are going through at this moment. Please know that my love and prayers go out to all of you to find the strength to make it through this very difficult time. May all of the victims rest in peace.

#Posted by Guest | 02/13/09 09:47 AM

My Thoughts and prayers go out to the families of this terrible tragedy.

#Posted by D. A. | 02/13/09 09:33 AM

I wish there were words I could say to wipe away your grief and sadness. May the Lord hold you in his sheltering arms and comfort you. I will keep all of you in my prayers. Please remember we care. Elizabeth

#Posted by Guest | 02/13/09 09:33 AM

I just flew a week ago on one of these planes and we had to change planes cause the engine wasn't working on the plane we were to go on out of Philidalphia. this only brings to mind that how fragile flying is andhow much we need to make sure the planes are having regular maintence done on them. Also, that the use of auto pilot should be the pilots choice. My praYERS GO OUTTO Fmily friends of those who's lives were lost. mY Dughter and her family only live 5 miles from this area and it's frightening knowing of this incidence. May god TAKE CARE OF THOSE WHO LOST THEIR LIVES AND THEIR FAMILIES AND FRIENDS. tHANK YOU TO THE RESCUE PERSONAL WO WORKED TIREDLESSLY TO SAVE OTHERS. lINDA m. pACELLI

#Posted by Linda Pacelli | 02/13/09 09:15 AM

My thoughts and prayers go out to all of the people involved in this tradgic situation. God Bless all of the victims, their families and the people who are working to find the answers.

#Posted by Diane johnston | 02/13/09 08:44 AM

Our thoughts and prayers are with you. We posted a link to coping and crisis resources on our website Tom Kulaga NY Assn of School Psychologists

#Posted by Thomas Kulaga | 02/13/09 08:43 AM

I am a former resident of upstate NY, now living in New Mexico. I was shocked and saddened by this terrible tradgedy. My prayers and thoughts are with all the families. katy steele

#Posted by kathy steele | 02/13/09 08:42 AM

My family and send our deepest concerns and very saddened about the tragic accident that occurred last night in Clarence. I could not leave my TV because I did not want to miss anything I leave in Savannah,Ga. and Iam booked on a Conntinental flight on Feb 18th and I am very concerned and with heart felt feelings with everyone on that flight 3407 and their families my love and prayers are with each and everyone of you.

#Posted by Margie Smith | 02/13/09 08:41 AM

My prayers and thoughts are with all the families. I am especially touched by the loss of the Mrs. Eckert and Ms. Kausner It is indeed sorrowful that events like this happen. It makes one ask the question, why does God allow these sorts of things. There have been many responses. Perhaps the best response I heard is God calls those home that are ready, the rest of us are trying to get ready.

#Posted by Rev. Ronald Williams | 02/13/09 08:37 AM

Very sad, all prayers are with you!!! just ordered a tree to be planted in their memory

#Posted by Karla Jones | 02/13/09 08:35 AM

Know that you are in my prayers, your families and your loved ones "He giveth power to the faint, and to them that have no might he increaseth stregnth" (Isaiah 40:29)

#Posted by Toko Masiane-Brickhouse | 02/13/09 08:33 AM

I am from Pa. nothing can compare to the sadness I feel over this tragedy. There are no words that I can find except to say that I will be praying for everyone involved and it is nice to see a community that is more like a family I pray that time can help you to deal with this tragedy although we never fully heal from something this tragic you are in so many of our prayers. Just so you know You Have Friend In Pennsylvania and I care.

#Posted by Laurie R | 02/13/09 08:33 AM

We are long-time friends of one of the passengers. His family has had their share of tragedy. Very sad.

#Posted by David Guest | 02/13/09 08:31 AM

I wish there were such words that would make any of this tradgedy feel better, and if there were, I would say them. But this is just tragic and deeply sad. I am not religious, and do not pray often, but I am praying the best I know how for all of you and your loved ones.

#Posted by Anna Hewitt | 02/13/09 08:29 AM

My heart aches for the families involved...i'm about 15 min away from where this tragic scene happened....i know how devistated they are..only having going through a terrible tragety in my family killing 3 family members last april due to a house fire in the city of thoughts and prayers are with you all.....just know the world is here for you....may you have peace within ...god bless you...kathleen smaszcz-orchard park ny

#Posted by Kathleen smaszcz | 02/13/09 08:27 AM

The people of St. Mark Catholic Church in Richmond, Kentucky -- home of the last airplane crash 2 1/2 years ago: COMAIR, please know of our continued prayers and solidarity of grief and profound sadness. We trust that through this tragic loss, eternal life is granted to all those who now reside solely with our Creator. Please let us know how we can be of assistance

#Posted by Father Jim Sichko | 02/13/09 08:27 AM

Sending our deepest sympathies to those families and loved ones involved in this horrific event. We will keep you in our prayers. God Bless from Canada.

#Posted by Erica Mathieson Guest | 02/13/09 08:27 AM

My deepest sympathies are extended to all of the families and friends affected by this tragedy. May you somehow find the strength to endure. May you feel a moment of peace in the midst of such pain. You will remain in our prayers. Blessings, J. O'Conor; Vermont.

#Posted by Jeanette O'Conor | 02/13/09 08:19 AM

We are saddened by your lose. We are praying for you that the Lord will give you strength to bear with your loss. Palachuvattil Family

#Posted by | 02/13/09 07:56 AM

To everyone affected by this tragedy but especially to the family members of those lost, know that you all are in my prayers. I know that there is nothing anyone can say right now to make this anymore okay or easier because it is still an "open wound" but do know that in time all wounds heal and so will all of you. In closing, let me say a quick prayer for all of you, 'Lord I want to lift up to you all of those affected by flight 3407. I pray that you work in their lives to somehow bring them peace and heal their broke hearts. Lord we do not always understand why things happen in our lives but we know that you have a plan and our best interests in mind so Lord help us all to trust you completely and in the midst of this tragedy help us to lean on you and allow you to guide us through these days. Lord I pray that you bless everyone reading this and that you provide help to those in need. In your name I pray. Amen.' God's peace be with you all. God bless!

#Posted by Shelley Guest | 02/13/09 07:55 AM

Sending love and healing energy to all families and friends of this awful tragedy. My thoughts are with you.. Blessings. Everett -NYC

#Posted by Everett Bradley | 02/13/09 07:39 AM

I'm a Buffalo native living in Texas now....and I was saddened by the news. Words alone cannot express enough our heartfelt sorrow at your loss. Please know that our loving thoughts are with you, your family and friends; may the peace which comes from the cherished memories of love from those lost comfort you.

#Posted by Danae Kraws-Rush | 02/13/09 07:38 AM

My hearts and prayers go out to all affected by this tragedy. I live in Colorado now, but am coming home in March for a visit and flying into the Buffalo/Syracuse area. Flying home in the winter months always gives me great pause. May your loved ones be with the Lord!! Please know that I am praying for you here in Loveland, Colorado.

#Posted by Nancy Farmer | 02/13/09 07:28 AM

I would like to take this opportunity to extend my deepest condolences to the families and friends of those aboard Flight 3407. There are no words I can say that will take away the anguish you must be feeling.

#Posted by Cathi Pedersen | 02/13/09 07:22 AM

Please know you are in our prayers. God holds your love ones in his arms and he feels your pain and will always be with you. I am so sorry for each one of you. Barbara and family

#Posted by Barbara Green | 02/13/09 07:21 AM

May God Bless all the families involved in this horrible tragedy. My thoughts and prayers are with you all.

#Posted by Mary Perno | 02/13/09 07:09 AM

I live in Costa Rica, Centralamerica. I am praying for you all!!! May the Lord grant you peace and strength! Mariam

#Posted by Mariam Alpizar | 02/13/09 07:07 AM

God Bless You, I know this is very hard as I have lost 2 teenage daughters in the last 5 years. You may find piece in reading the Bible! God Bless your loved one and you! Robert Amos Vacaville, Ca.

#Posted by Robert Amos | 02/13/09 07:04 AM

Dear Families: I am so sorry for your loss. I will be praying for you in PA. God bless you, Jackie

#Posted by Jackie Leftwich | 02/13/09 07:04 AM

My heart goes out to the victims families I can not understand your grief my prayers are with you I was so shocked to hear about this horrible tragedy my heart aches for all of you there is nothing i can say that will bring you comfort just know i am with you and i know god is with you and he is holding your loved ones in his hands. may god watch over your loved ones and may god help you through this horrible time. love brian

#Posted by Brian Guest | 02/13/09 07:03 AM

To the families and friends of Continental Flight 3407, we are very sorry for your tragic loss. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Monctlair, NJ

#Posted by S & J Pires | 02/13/09 07:03 AM

Many thoughts and prayers to everyone involved in this terrible tragedy. My heart goes out to them all. I grew up in Clarence, and my parents and sister live only a few miles away from the crash site. It is so very sad and crazy. Again, many thoughts and prayers...

#Posted by Tami Guest | 02/13/09 06:59 AM

I want to express my deapest sympathy to all family members of this flight and residents of this small town. My prayers are with all of you. It breaks my heart to see this. God Bless All Of You!!

#Posted by Lorraine Viola | 02/13/09 06:58 AM

My sincere condolences to all for your immeasurable loss. May God Bless you all! My prayers are with you all.

#Posted by Lori Ann | 02/13/09 06:57 AM

Many people near and far send deepest sympathy to all those affected by this tragedy, along with grateful thanks for all those who were spared. Thanks for electing Mr. Lee, it seems you chose well, and I thank you for that. Much Love from Florida

#Posted by Bette in Florida | 02/13/09 06:54 AM

We are deeply saddened by the tragic accident that occurred in Clarence last night. When a love one leaves us they remain in our presence through the air we breathe the sun we enjoy and rains that cleanse and the wind that blows. Hope this offers some comfort in the years to come; it has helped me through my difficult times. Again my deepest sympathy to you from Louisiana

#Posted by Gregg Jones | 02/13/09 06:53 AM

Although I may not know you, please know that I speak for many people when I say that we are behind you and are sorry for your losses. Please keep your faith and your hearts will be healed from this terrible pain. I am praying for all of you.

#Posted by Daniel Russell | 02/13/09 06:51 AM

May the loved ones impacted by this horrible tragedy find strength within your families and friends and the support of our community of good neighbors. You are all in our thoughts and prayers. God Bless.

#Posted by jeff hauser | 02/13/09 06:50 AM

May their souls rest in peace.My heart goes out to their families and friends.I just dropped my daughter to school this morning and I remembered to tell her how much I love her..This just reminds me on how limited our time here on earth is, and what is really important to me.God Bless you all!!

#Posted by Fortunata Kasege | 02/13/09 06:49 AM

I just wanted to send my prayers to all the victums, pilots and crew member of flight #3407. Especially to Mrs. Ecker' family who lost her husband on 911. My heart goes out to you all. Carrie from Arizona

#Posted by Carrie Cruz | 02/13/09 06:49 AM

I want to express my deapest sympothy to all family members of this flight and residents of this small town. My prayers are with all of you. It breaks my heart to see this. God Bless All Of You!!

#Posted by Lorraine Viola | 02/13/09 06:49 AM


#Posted by LEN BARON | 02/13/09 06:48 AM

To the families, freinds and loved ones of this horrific tradgedy. My families thoughts and prayers are with you in this time of need. Your loved ones will be never forgotten and live through all of our memories forever. Ontario, Canada

#Posted by Brad S | 02/13/09 06:48 AM

We are so sorry for your tragic loss. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

#Posted by Roy and Shana Hensley | 02/13/09 06:47 AM

I have been up all night after hearing of this tragic event, I feel like I have just lost someone in my own family, I will continue to pray for everyone affected by this event.

#Posted by Steven Ferguson | 02/13/09 06:46 AM

To the families of the passengers that were on flight 3407, our deepest thoughts are with you and your families. I believe the city of good neighbors can come together in such a time of tragedy but there are no word to say how devistating this is.

#Posted by Rob Belin | 02/13/09 06:46 AM

I echo sentiments previously said. There are no words to describe such an event and tragedy. God bless family of the victims, you are certainly in my prayers. I'm deeply saddened to hear this news.

#Posted by John Willhite | 02/13/09 06:46 AM

Our thoughts and prayers are with all the family and friends who are affected by this tragedy. Such a sad day. Bless you all.

#Posted by Val Guest | 02/13/09 06:45 AM

My thoughts and prayers are with your families on this day.. deeply saddened by this tragedy.

#Posted by Alicia Guest | 02/13/09 06:45 AM

Dear Family, This salutation is purposely written to emphasize our love for you, as one unified family in spirit, at this difficult time. Know that Americans and global citizens everywhere are a heart beat away with positive, loving thoughts. Also, know that your loved ones would want you to be grateful for having known you while they were here in body. They would also want you to continue to share the love you had for them to a new or present soul in your life that they may live on in joy, knowing you will find contentment soon. Their presence will always be with you in spirit. No one or no thing can take that a way -never! May peace and sincerity come to you sooner rather than later. Carol

#Posted by Carol Williams | 02/13/09 06:27 AM

To the families of the victims. I was very saddened to hear of your family members death. No words I could type could ever ease your greif, but I wanted you to know that you are in my thoughts and prayers

#Posted by Peggy Miller | 02/13/09 02:03 AM

This is so sad to see something like this happen close to home. We are praying for the families.

#Posted by | 02/13/09 01:04 AM

I can't believe this is happening in our backyard. My thoughts and prayer are with all the family and friends who lost loved ones

#Posted by Erin Guest | 02/13/09 12:52 AM

Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

#Posted by | 02/13/09 12:46 AM