MOM4 Frequently Asked Questions

Giang Nong


This page contains questions that have arisen when using MOM4. Some questions are from mom4p0 mailing list, others are points that are worth highlighting from the User's Guide. These questions and answers can be of some assistance especially to new MOM4 users. Please refer also to the material in the MOM4 online Users Guide and comments within the source code to get further information about setting up, running, and debugging experiments.

1. Code/data distribution
Q: Is there any non-web based portal I could access like ftp, sftp, or scp? It would be nice to download the code without accessing the web
2. MOM4 test cases
Q: How seriously should I take the mom4-test cases?
Q: In test5, I notice axes X and Y in files are not the same between files and, why?
Q: In test4, I am trying to apply open boundary conditions to eastern and southern region. In the namelist how can I define the is, ie, js, and je points?
Q: I run test4 with non_boussinesq=true, then I got this error: "fms_io,read_data_3d_new:field rho_nbt NOT found in file INPUT/" what could be the problem here? can test4 run with non_boussinesq option?
Q: On my Beowulf machine using IFC test4 can be run OK with 4 processor, but using just 1 processor lead to crash, any solution?
3. Setting up a new experiment
Q: I want to generate a grid that is similar to the grid used in test1. I use ocean_grid_generator.csh. What is the recommended setting?
Q: I have started a new experiment that is similar to one of the mom4 test cases, can I simply use the namelists in the input directory of mom4 test?
Q: Can I simply use the diag_table in the input directory of mom4 test?
Q: Can I simply use the field_table in the input directory of mom4 test?
Q: Can I simply use the data_table in the input directory of mom4 test?
Q: Can I simply use the forcing datasets of mom4 test?
Q: Can I use the initial conditions from a mom4 test?
Q: Which tools should I use to generate my own forcing data sets?
Q: Can I use the datasets of mom4 test as input for the regrid procedure, or do I need to use original lat-lon datasets?
Q: Where can I obtain the datsets on lon/lat grid as input for regridding?
Q: When do I need to generate an exchange grid?
Q: How do I generate the exchange grid?
Q: We are trying to set up a regional model for Indian ocean using mom4 in Origin 3000. On integration model blows with CFL violation and gives an error message in fm.out file =>Error: Land cell at (i,j,k) = ( 1, 1, 1), (lon,lat,dpt) = ( 30.25, -29.75, 5.m) has tracer(n= 1) = NaN What may be the reason?
Q: I try to perform a spin-up run from rest with temperature and salinity initial condition from Levitus, but I often have systematic violations of CFL condition associated with the vertical velocity. Any suggestion?
Q: I generated a file ( and use the file as inital condition. However, time_interp_external.F90 can not read my file and issue error messaage: "file/field INPUT/ couldnt recognize axis atts in time_interp_external".
Q: I have problem with my data because the calendar attribute is missing. However, I do not have NCO library to use the ncatted tool. Is there any way to add calendar attribute without NCO command?
Q: I tried to use daily forcing to run MOM4, then I found that the routine "test_time_interp_ext" actually interpolates the daily data to the monthly data by assuming each month has 31 days. If MOM4 code does the same thing as the routine "test_time_interp_ext", then there's no difference to input daily forcing or monthly forcing. Am I correct?
Q: The routine "test_time_interp_ext" reads in the times as the indices. So, it doesn't matter if the "time" starts from 1 to 365 ("days since ....") or the "time" starts from "17216112" to "17224848" ('hours since ...'), which is the case for the daily surface flux data from NCAR/NCEP reanalysis. Well, it turned out that the test_time_interp_ext routine always assumes that the time for NCAR/NCEP reanalysis data starts from previous year at 12/18, no matter of what. While the correct start time for these data should be at 1/1 of current year.
Q: I run a new experiment and get this error:
Q: I need to read in external data along a boundary. Now that I have identified that I am on the easternmost PE, I need to use the read_data command to read just the easternmost column. My data external data is dimensioned: eta(1,90)
Q: I'm running an ocean solo experiment. I'd like to use an omip sea level pressure field as input to surface forcing field. I did the following on my data_table:
4. Issues with tables
Q: What is the use of data_table?
Q: What is the use of diag_table?
Q: What is the significance of the time at the top of the diag_table? How does this time interact with the time used in the model?
Q: I have error in time_manager: "FATAL from PE 0: time_manager: Invalid day in set_date_julian" what could be the reason?
Q: What is the meaning of the lines starting with "xland"... in the field table?
5. Using the runscripts
Q: Are the compile and run scripts platform dependent? What do I need to change when I go from one platform to another?
Q: How do I set the length of run?
Q: How do I set the number of processors?
Q: What is STATIC option, how do I use this option?
Q: How can I change the time step of the model?
Q: How do I view the model output?
Q: What should I do to run a test case using restart data?
Q: How do I know if two runs using different number of processors produce identical results?
Q: Should I care about the contents of the fms.out file
Q: What does mppnccombine do? How can I use it
6. Some questions about model setup and namelists
Q: How serious should I take the warning:"WARNING from ocean_freesurf_mod: eta_t( 26 , 86 )= -1. has been truncated to 1."? does it affect the model outcome?
Q: I want to apply realistic forcing to the model, what may be the unit to the water flux (lprec)?
Q: The model seems to have ended naturally without errors, however model results (history files) contain only zeroes. What could be the reason here?
Q: How serious should I take this warning in fms.out: WARNING from PE 1: ==>Warning: nxland > 0, but use_xlandmix=.false. Remove xland table entries to reduce memory
Q: I run of MOM4 on a simple rectangular grid, with idealized restoring boundary conditions. My temperature field looks fine for the whole domain except j=1, where temp[j=1] = 0. Why?
Q: I want to do an experiment with an inversion, so I try to turn off the convection by setting the relevant namelists as follows: convect_ncon=.false., convect_full_scalar=.false., convect_full_vector=.false. convective_adjust_on=.false., use_frazil = .false., bryan_lewis_diffusivity=.false. I still get an overturing when the horizontal velocity is non-zero, why?
Q: I have turned off frazil by setting use_frazil = .false. and yet fms.out says: Processing diag tracer frazil. Why? Am I wasting CPU time?
Q: Mom4 offers Bryan-Lewis vertical mixing which may vary from equator to the poles. However, the coefficients afkph_00 and afkph_90 ... defined in ocean_vert_mix.f90 are the same at the equator and the poles. Is this an error?
Q: When I increase the number of processing elements (PE), the total run time seems not decrease accordingly, is Mom4 code scalable?
7. Analyzing MOM4 results
Q: Does MOM4 have a meridonial overturning streamfunction diagnostic? If not, how can I get this diagnostic from MOM4 output?
8. Shared code
Q: How can I determine what the PE layout is and which PE I am on within FMS. Specifically, I need to know if I am on an easternmost or westernmost or northernmost or southernmost PE.
9. IBM
Q: When I run the "run_mom4_test1" script on IBM machine, it stopped at the link stage with error message "ld: 0711-317 ERROR: Undefined symbol: .flush".
Q: When I compile mom4_test5 on IBM machine, it stopped at the link stage with error message "ld: 0711-318 ERROR: Undefined symbols were found". I use the following compiler flag:
10. SGI Irix
Q: I use SGI and I have problem compiling and linking memuse.c, here is the error message: ld64: FATAL 12 : Expecting n64 objects: memuse.o is n32. *** Error code 2 (bu21)
11. Reading data created in Ferret
Q: When creating a Netcdf file Ferret adds a dimension bnds to the netcdf-file and defines a double variable like in the example

1. Code/data distribution

Q: Is there any non-web based portal I could access like ftp, sftp, or scp? It would be nice to download the code without accessing the web

Is there any non-web based portal I could access like ftp, sftp, or scp? It would be nice to download the code without accessing the web


Here are a number of things you can try:

-- wget, it provides command-line access to the http protocol.

-- curl and snarf are two other command-line, script-friendly applications widely available for *NIX machines, allowing the use of a variety of proxies on various ports.

2. MOM4 test cases

Q: How seriously should I take the mom4-test cases?
Q: In test5, I notice axes X and Y in files are not the same between files and, why?
Q: In test4, I am trying to apply open boundary conditions to eastern and southern region. In the namelist how can I define the is, ie, js, and je points?
Q: I run test4 with non_boussinesq=true, then I got this error: "fms_io,read_data_3d_new:field rho_nbt NOT found in file INPUT/" what could be the problem here? can test4 run with non_boussinesq option?
Q: On my Beowulf machine using IFC test4 can be run OK with 4 processor, but using just 1 processor lead to crash, any solution?

How seriously should I take the mom4-test cases?


The mom4-test cases are not well tuned models. Hence, they generally will not result in physically meaningful simulations. Additionally, the models may crash if run for longer than suggested in the distributed run scripts. That is, the test cases are supported ONLY for testing the integrity of the code on various platforms (i.e., does the code compile and run for a few time steps?). PLEASE PLEASE do not take the test cases and write papers based on them. We are not providing models--instead we are providing code.


In test5, I notice axes X and Y in files are not the same between files and, why?


The reason is that ice model and ocean model use different axis. The ocean model simply just uses the grid axis gridlon_t/gridlat_t of the grid spec file as the diag axis of the output file. The ice model uses the average of the geographical longitude/latitude average along j-index/i-index. When the grid is tripolar grid, these two will have different axis.


In test4, I am trying to apply open boundary conditions to eastern and southern region. In the namelist how can I define the is, ie, js, and je points?


Try the following setting, suppose ni, nj is the grid size:

      nobc                = 2
      direction           = 'east', 'north' 
      is                  = ni-1, 1
      ie                  = ni-1, ni
      js                  = 1, nj-1
      je                  = nj, nj-1
      name                = 'eastern', 'northern'
      ctrop_min           = 1.
      ctrop_max           = 1.
      obc_relax_eta       = .false.
      obc_relax_tracer    = .false.
      obc_tracer_orlanski = .true.
      obc_consider_convu  = .true.
      obc_vert_advel_u    = .true.
      obc_vert_advel_t    = .true.
      debug_obc           = .false. 
      adjust_topog        = .true.
      debug_phase_speed   = .true. /


I run test4 with non_boussinesq=true, then I got this error: "fms_io,read_data_3d_new:field rho_nbt NOT found in file INPUT/" what could be the problem here? can test4 run with non_boussinesq option?


It is probable that you are starting your non-boussinesq run from a restart generated from the Boussinesq. That is the problem. The Boussinesq restart does not have the extra rho_nbt variable saved, so the model bombs when switching to the non-Boussinesq in the middle of your run.

Two options:

  1. restart from initial conditions, where the model will not need the rho_nbt at time-0.
  2. modify the restart file by adding a rho_nbt variable. To get started, simply let rho_nbt=1035.

There is no fundamental reason that test4 cannot run non-Boussinesq.


On my Beowulf machine using IFC test4 can be run OK with 4 processor, but using just 1 processor lead to crash, any solution?


At GFDL we can run test4 using 1 processor after increasing stacksize by the command: unlimit stacksize

3. Setting up a new experiment

Q: I want to generate a grid that is similar to the grid used in test1. I use ocean_grid_generator.csh. What is the recommended setting?
Q: I have started a new experiment that is similar to one of the mom4 test cases, can I simply use the namelists in the input directory of mom4 test?
Q: Can I simply use the diag_table in the input directory of mom4 test?
Q: Can I simply use the field_table in the input directory of mom4 test?
Q: Can I simply use the data_table in the input directory of mom4 test?
Q: Can I simply use the forcing datasets of mom4 test?
Q: Can I use the initial conditions from a mom4 test?
Q: Which tools should I use to generate my own forcing data sets?
Q: Can I use the datasets of mom4 test as input for the regrid procedure, or do I need to use original lat-lon datasets?
Q: Where can I obtain the datsets on lon/lat grid as input for regridding?
Q: When do I need to generate an exchange grid?
Q: How do I generate the exchange grid?
Q: We are trying to set up a regional model for Indian ocean using mom4 in Origin 3000. On integration model blows with CFL violation and gives an error message in fm.out file =>Error: Land cell at (i,j,k) = ( 1, 1, 1), (lon,lat,dpt) = ( 30.25, -29.75, 5.m) has tracer(n= 1) = NaN What may be the reason?
Q: I try to perform a spin-up run from rest with temperature and salinity initial condition from Levitus, but I often have systematic violations of CFL condition associated with the vertical velocity. Any suggestion?
Q: I generated a file ( and use the file as inital condition. However, time_interp_external.F90 can not read my file and issue error messaage: "file/field INPUT/ couldnt recognize axis atts in time_interp_external".
Q: I have problem with my data because the calendar attribute is missing. However, I do not have NCO library to use the ncatted tool. Is there any way to add calendar attribute without NCO command?
Q: I tried to use daily forcing to run MOM4, then I found that the routine "test_time_interp_ext" actually interpolates the daily data to the monthly data by assuming each month has 31 days. If MOM4 code does the same thing as the routine "test_time_interp_ext", then there's no difference to input daily forcing or monthly forcing. Am I correct?
Q: The routine "test_time_interp_ext" reads in the times as the indices. So, it doesn't matter if the "time" starts from 1 to 365 ("days since ....") or the "time" starts from "17216112" to "17224848" ('hours since ...'), which is the case for the daily surface flux data from NCAR/NCEP reanalysis. Well, it turned out that the test_time_interp_ext routine always assumes that the time for NCAR/NCEP reanalysis data starts from previous year at 12/18, no matter of what. While the correct start time for these data should be at 1/1 of current year.
Q: I run a new experiment and get this error:
Q: I need to read in external data along a boundary. Now that I have identified that I am on the easternmost PE, I need to use the read_data command to read just the easternmost column. My data external data is dimensioned: eta(1,90)
Q: I'm running an ocean solo experiment. I'd like to use an omip sea level pressure field as input to surface forcing field. I did the following on my data_table:

I want to generate a grid that is similar to the grid used in test1. I use ocean_grid_generator.csh. What is the recommended setting?




I have started a new experiment that is similar to one of the mom4 test cases, can I simply use the namelists in the input directory of mom4 test?


You may need to change coupler_nml dt_ocean if using the coupler_main to drive the ocean, or dt_ocean in ocean_solo_nml if using the ocean_solo.F90 to drive the ocean. The model time steps generally need to change when changing grid resolution. Also, if you alter the layout of the parallel processors used to run the model, then you may need to change ocean_model_nml layout.

So, in general, the test case namelists will need to be changed both for computational and physical reasons. Please do not assume that all is directly transferrable to your new experiment configuration.


Can I simply use the diag_table in the input directory of mom4 test?


The diag_table sets up the diagnostics to be saved during the model integration. If you wish to add or remove some of the diagnostics, then the diag_table will need to be changed. mom4 provides numerous possible diagnostics, so do not assume those fields that are enabled in the diag_table examples are all that are available.


Can I simply use the field_table in the input directory of mom4 test?


The field table sets up certain numerical and initial conditions for the tracer fields. Many different advection algorithms are set here, as well as certain idealized initial conditions (e.g., constant tracer). The field_table provided in the mom4 tests may happen to be fine for your purposes. But such assumption is not guaranteed.


Can I simply use the data_table in the input directory of mom4 test?


The data_table is used to bring in forcing fields from datasets to run the ocean model. The file names and the field names of your forcing fields will generally be different from those in the mom4 tests. Remember that if you wish to run with on_grid=.false. for a particular field, then the dataset must be in spherical grid. The exchange grid algorithm assumes that the source field is on a spherical grid as it interpolates to the mom4 spherical or tripolar grids.


Can I simply use the forcing datasets of mom4 test?


If your model grid is the same as that of a mom4 test, then the answer is "yes".

If your grid is different, then you can use the mom4 forcing data if it is on a spherical grid and you set "on_grid=.false." in the data_table. If the mom4 forcing data is on a tripolar grid, then you cannot use this data since the bilinear horizontal interpolation algorithm can only interpolate from a spherical source grid to a spherical or tripolar target grid. In this case, you must regenerate the forcing by following the prodecure discussed in the preprocessing section of this user guide.


Can I use the initial conditions from a mom4 test?


If your model grid is the same as that of the mom4 test, then "yes".

If your grid is different, then "no". You must generate the initial conditions on the model grid prior to running. Note that if one wishes to start the model with constant tracers, then it is possible to do so via the appropriate setting in the field_table. More nontrivial initial conditions must be generated from either one of the idealized_ic in the preprocessing portion of the mom4 distribution, or by remapping realistic fields onto the model grid using the remap_3d functionality (again in the preprocessing code).


Which tools should I use to generate my own forcing data sets?


All forcing data can be mapped onto the model grid once the file has been generated.

a) Idealized 3-D data (initial conditions) can be generated through preprocessing/mom4_prep/idealized_ic

b) Realistic 3-D data (initial condition) can be generated through preprocessing/regrid_3d when the source data is on lon/lat grid.

c) Idealized 2-D forcing data can be generated through preprocessing/mom4_prep/idealized_bc. These idealized forcing data will be placed in the files,, and

d) Realistic 2-D forcing data can be generated through preprocessing/regrid_2d when the input data is on lon/lat grid.

e) When the input dat is on tripolar grid, preprocessing/regrid can be used to regrid 2-D and 3-D forcing data. Keep in mind that preprocessing/regrid is not fully tested hence may fail on some cases. So try to find input forcing data on regular lon/lat grid. If you have to use preprocessing/regrid and encouter some problems, please send an email to the mom4 email list about your issues and the issues will be addressed as soon as possible.

f) If runoff need to be regridded onto your own grid, preprocessing/runoff_regrid should be used. runoff_regrid can only accept input data sets on regular lon/lat grid. This tool moves the river runoff from a spherical grid onto your model grid, whether spherical or tripolar. It places the river runoff onto the sea point nearest to the land near where the original data was located. Care should be taken to be sure you are satisfied with the results of these steps.


Can I use the datasets of mom4 test as input for the regrid procedure, or do I need to use original lat-lon datasets?


You can use the datasets of mom4 test as input for regridding, but it is not recommended when the grid of the mom4 test is tripolar grid. When the input data is on tripolar grid, you have to use preprocessing/regrid. As mentioned in the previous question, you may encounter some problems when you use this tool. If the original lat-lon datasets are available, those datasets are recommended to use.


Where can I obtain the datsets on lon/lat grid as input for regridding?


You can obtain such data sets on the GFDL NOMADS server http://nomads/nomads/forms/mom4.html.


When do I need to generate an exchange grid?


You need to generate exchage grid when your model is driven by the coupler_main in the directory /coupler. You do not need to generate an exchange grid if you are driving the ocean with ocean_solo.F90 in the directory mom4/drivers.

You can check path_names in the input directory to find out if your test is coupled model or solo model. If coupler/coupler_main.f90 is included in the path_names, your test is a coupled model, otherwise it is a solo model.


How do I generate the exchange grid?


You can use preprocessing/generate_grid/make_xgrids to generate exchange grid. The usage of make_xgrids is:

make_xgrids -o -a -l

Normally and are chosen to be the same. In this case, the usage will be:

make_xgrids -o -a

Assume you already generated the grid for ocean model and we call it If you decide you want to pick atmosphere grid the same as ocean grid, you can generate the exchange grid by: make_xgrids -o -a

If you want to pick different resolution of atmosphere grid, you can use ocean_grid_generator to generate another grid file and passed the grid file to make_xgrids through option -a .


We are trying to set up a regional model for Indian ocean using mom4 in Origin 3000. On integration model blows with CFL violation and gives an error message in fm.out file =>Error: Land cell at (i,j,k) = ( 1, 1, 1), (lon,lat,dpt) = ( 30.25, -29.75, 5.m) has tracer(n= 1) = NaN What may be the reason?


This message is often the result of the model bombing because of a large time step. Here is what typically happens.

  1. The model produces infinity for some reason, such as a time step instability. The computer interprets infinity as NaN.
  2. Some computers are happy to"compute" with NaNs, and so the model will continue running. NaNs can easily move to land points, since 0.0*NaN is NaN.
  3. When mom4 reaches one of the "diag_freq" time steps determining when to write output to stdout, it will write NaNs. One of these diagnostic checks examines whether there are nonzero values of tracer and velocity over land. Since NaN is nonzero, the model brings itself down and produces the message you quoted.

If the above is happening, then here is what I suggest:

1. Examine the initialization portion of the stdout file fms.out to see if mom4 has found any a priori problems with your time steps. Are you on the edge of stability, or safely within the linear constraints for the barotropic, baroclinie, and advection time steps? mom4 performs rudimentary time step analyses that are often sufficient to find time step problems. However, it certainly cannot find all problems before running the model.

2. set diag_freq=1 for all places that you can do so, such as the following places:

<namelist name="ocean_model_nml"> energy_diag_freq=1

These diagnostics may help determine where the NaNs start. The diagnostics may also help to determine if there is simply a time step instability (resolved by reducing time steps) or something wrong with your land/sea mask


I try to perform a spin-up run from rest with temperature and salinity initial condition from Levitus, but I often have systematic violations of CFL condition associated with the vertical velocity. Any suggestion?


Model spin-up is, unfortunately, an art rather than a science. Here are some suggestions:

  1. Are you satisfying the time step limits printed in the fms.out file from mom4 computed during initialization? There are a number of places where mom4 prints this information depending on the physical process being considered. It may be that you simply have too large time step. Please read the fms.out file fully to see if there is something happening along these lines.
  2. If you think your time steps are fine, then try running for some days/months with zero surface forcing. The initial conditions from Levitus will create waves that allow the model velocity field to spin up and remove some of the initialization shock. What often happens when starting from rest and using full boundary forcing is strong initialization shock that creates fast processes (e.g., strong convection, strong waves) that can go unstable whereas normally the model would be stable. Assuming the model stays stable with no surface forcing, add surface forcing after a few months. You may wish to add surface forcing piecemeal (e.g., first add surface buoyancy forcing for a few days/weeks and then add winds).
  3. If the model bombs with zero surface forcing, then you may have some problems with the Levitus values interpolated to your grid. A way to check whether this is a problem is to start with zonally averaged Levitus initial conditions (you can generate these from Ferret). These are smoother and tend to initiate more mild waves upon startup than with the normal Levitus initial conditions. If you find this does the trick, then return to the full Levitus initial conditions and try to move through the initialization shock by taking small time steps for some period of weeks to months.
  4. If the model continues to bomb, then you will need to carefully investigate the integrity of the surface forcing fields. Have they been properly interpolated to your model grid? Are there any spurious values that are well outside the expected physical range? Are the fluxes in the proper units?
  5. Finally, there may be some problems initializing the model with a particular piece of physics/numerics. Try simplifying the physics from what likely is a realistic suite to something more like in mom4_test1. We often see problems with KPP during initialization, so this is a good candidate to remove first. After some months of running without your desired physics, then return to the physics you wish. If there continues to be problems when using the desired physics, then you may be onto a bug, in which case you will need to diagnose the problem carefully and understand what is going wrong algorithmically. If you do so, and it is indeed a bug, then you are beginning to understand what it is to be a mom developer :-)

I generated a file ( and use the file as inital condition. However, time_interp_external.F90 can not read my file and issue error messaage: "file/field INPUT/ couldnt recognize axis atts in time_interp_external".


You need to check if the time axis has the cartesian_axis attribute. If it doesn't, you need to add the the following to your data file:

TIME:cartesian_axis = "T" through ncatted.


I have problem with my data because the calendar attribute is missing. However, I do not have NCO library to use the ncatted tool. Is there any way to add calendar attribute without NCO command?


You can use ncdump/ncgen but this is harder to do with large files since most editors have limited buffer capacity. ncdump/ncgen are included with the NetCDF library.

ncdump > foo.cdl

open foo.cdl with your favorite editor and modify header, in this case add "calendar" attribute to time axis

ncgen -o < foo.cdl


I tried to use daily forcing to run MOM4, then I found that the routine "test_time_interp_ext" actually interpolates the daily data to the monthly data by assuming each month has 31 days. If MOM4 code does the same thing as the routine "test_time_interp_ext", then there's no difference to input daily forcing or monthly forcing. Am I correct?


For daily data, forcing fields are linearly interpolated on each call to "time_interp_external" data to the current model time. For example, assuming daily forcing times are centered at 12Z, for model time Jan 1 0Z, the result is (0.5*Dec31 + 0.5*Jan1). The "test_time_interp_ext" program is defaulted to increment the model time in units of months. You can change this through the namelist. The important thing to verify is that the forcing times as printed in the output are the correct values.


The routine "test_time_interp_ext" reads in the times as the indices. So, it doesn't matter if the "time" starts from 1 to 365 ("days since ....") or the "time" starts from "17216112" to "17224848" ('hours since ...'), which is the case for the daily surface flux data from NCAR/NCEP reanalysis. Well, it turned out that the test_time_interp_ext routine always assumes that the time for NCAR/NCEP reanalysis data starts from previous year at 12/18, no matter of what. While the correct start time for these data should be at 1/1 of current year.


Time encoding in the forcing file, e.g. "days since 0001-01-01" or "hours since 0001-01-01" is converted into the model representation of time appropriate either the "no_leap" or "julian" calendars. We currently do not support the Gregorian calendar in the FMS code. This is the source of your problem. We REQUIRE the "calendar_type" attribute associated with the time axis in order to decode the time data correctly. In your case, the NCEP Reanalysis data is encoded using the Gregorian calendar and the reference date is year 1, leading to a substantial drift over nearly 2000 years. Providing the "julain" calendar_type attribute leads to incorrect time decoding. Until the FMS developers at GFDL (or someone in the community) provides Gregorian calendar support in the FMS "time_manager" module, the only suggestion I can give is to either change the time data/metadata using tools such as the NCO operators, or use an application such as Ferret . Sorry for this inconvenience, but I've been requesting support for the Gregorian calendar for some time (check the GForge site under MOM4 feature requests).

Here's an example Ferret script to save a modified version of the NCEP Reanalysis data with time values which can be handled correctly in the model:

use ""
def ax/t="31-dec-($year) 12:00:00":"02-jan-($year) 
12:00:00":24/units="hours" time_out
define grid/like=var/t=time_out grid_out
let var_mod = var[gt=grid_out@ave]
repeat/l=1:365 save/app/file="" var_mod

I run a new experiment and get this error:

FATAL: MPP_UPDATE_DOMAINS user stack overflow: call mpp_domains_set_stack_size( 70656) from all PEs.


The problem can be solved by adding namelist fms_nml in your runscripts.

       domains_stack_size = 70656/

where 70656 is the number appeared in the error message.


I need to read in external data along a boundary. Now that I have identified that I am on the easternmost PE, I need to use the read_data command to read just the easternmost column. My data external data is dimensioned: eta(1,90)


If you want to use fms_io read_data, do NOT pass domain in the list of args, read ALL data onto a temporary array like tmp(1, 90) then in each PE just assign eta(1,jsc:jec)=tmp(1,jsc:jec). Besides, you can also use netcdf routines directly or use mpp_io to do this task.


I'm running an ocean solo experiment. I'd like to use an omip sea level pressure field as input to surface forcing field. I did the following on my data_table:

"OCN" , "p" , "pressure", "./INPUT/" , .false. , 1.0

question: how is sea level pressure treated in ocean_solo, what is the name of this variable?


In ocean_solo.F90, the atmospheric pressure is held inside of the derived type Ice_ocean_boundary%p

This field is read from the data_table entry just as you suggest. The atmospheric pressure is then read into the ocean model field "patm" inside ocean_sbc.F90 subroutine using the code

   if(use_waterflux) then
      var = grav*rho0*max_ice_thickness
      do j = jsc_bnd,jec_bnd
         do i = isc_bnd,iec_bnd
            ii = i + i_shift
            jj = j + j_shift
            patm(ii,jj) = min(Ice_ocean_boundary%p(i,j),var)
      call mpp_update_domains(patm(:,:), Dom%domain2d)

We have this min function as a cludge to keep the top model grid cell from being lost in cases where the ice is very thick.

Note the need to run with use_waterflux=.true. to get a nontrivial patm into mom4. This constraint is necessitated when using an ice model in order to get water balances correct for the combined system ocean+ice. If you are using use_waterflux=.false., then you can modify the code as need be. But I recommend against this change.

So bottomline, your data_table is correct. But to get a nontrivial patm into mom4p0c, you need to have use_waterflux=.true.

4. Issues with tables

Q: What is the use of data_table?
Q: What is the use of diag_table?
Q: What is the significance of the time at the top of the diag_table? How does this time interact with the time used in the model?
Q: I have error in time_manager: "FATAL from PE 0: time_manager: Invalid day in set_date_julian" what could be the reason?
Q: What is the meaning of the lines starting with "xland"... in the field table?

What is the use of data_table?


During the course of model integration user may want to replace a model field with values from a data file or even with a const. Data_table lists all fields you want to override and the source of data used for override. Data_table is also a convenient way to initialize model. More details are available in shared/data_override.


What is the use of diag_table?


Diag_table is for writing model's results. The table lists all field names, file names, output frequency and other information. More details are available in shared/diag_manager.


What is the significance of the time at the top of the diag_table? How does this time interact with the time used in the model?


Let's call the time at the top of diag_table T1 and the model's initial time T2. The time at the top of the diag_table (T1) is used as starting time of time axis in all output files that have time axis. When you open any output file and look for variable Time, you will see:

      Time:units = "hours since T1"

(assuming unit is hours).

T2 is the initial time of the model, all fields cannot be written to output files sooner than T2. Since time can not be negative you should have T2 >= T1. In practice, to keep values in time axis from being exceedingly large, you'd better have T2=T1.


I have error in time_manager: "FATAL from PE 0: time_manager: Invalid day in set_date_julian" what could be the reason?


It is possible that in the diag_table you have initial time = Dec. 31 19xx and the saving frequency is MONTHS. The day is fixed (31) and the month is incremented by 1. You will end up having Feb. 31 which is illegal, hence the error message.


What is the meaning of the lines starting with "xland"... in the field table?


The xland portion in the field table specifies the rate of flow between two points, one inside and one outside of a land-locked region. That is, we mix between (i,j) points (ixland_1,jxland_1) and (ixland_2,jxland_2).

In the example below, there are two sets of points chosen: set A and set B.


set A mixes between (i,j) point (274,146) and (276,146) over k-levels 1,28 with rate 0.55e6 m^3/sec


set B mixes between (i,j) point (274,147) and (276,147) over k-levels 1,28 with rate 0.55e6 m^3/sec

Note that set B is one latitude row north of set A. We recommend mixing in coupled sets, such as those chosen here, in order to minimize the splitting between grid cells that can occur on the B-grid. That is, it is important to couple the black and white squares on the "checkerboard". This point is mentioned in Section 13.8 of the mom4 technical guide.

All tracers are affected similarly. And since k=1 is chosen, volume is mixed as well as tracer.

5. Using the runscripts

Q: Are the compile and run scripts platform dependent? What do I need to change when I go from one platform to another?
Q: How do I set the length of run?
Q: How do I set the number of processors?
Q: What is STATIC option, how do I use this option?
Q: How can I change the time step of the model?
Q: How do I view the model output?
Q: What should I do to run a test case using restart data?
Q: How do I know if two runs using different number of processors produce identical results?
Q: Should I care about the contents of the fms.out file
Q: What does mppnccombine do? How can I use it

Are the compile and run scripts platform dependent? What do I need to change when I go from one platform to another?


At GFDL, we try our best to make the scripts independent from platforms as much as possible. In theory, all platform specifics are contained in Make templates (mkmf.template.platform). When users set platform (sgi, ibm, ifc ...) the scripts will pick the right template.

In reality, users encounter various problems related to implementation on different platforms. Users may need to modify the source code and/or scripts. Please refer to MOM4 on Various Computer Platforms section to find if your problems are listed there. If not, please report your problems to us and we try our best to address your problems.


How do I set the length of run?


In the runscript you see:

      set days = 1
      set months = 0

You can change days and months to any number you want. However, note that the tests are provided for checking ports of the code to different machines, and overall numerical integrity of the code. The tests are not guaranteed to run for an indefinite period of time (i.e., they are not `` tuned models''). A test case therefore may bomb if changing the runlength to something longer.


How do I set the number of processors?


In the runscript you see:

      set npes = 15

In this example, there are 15 processors, you can set npes to any number your system can afford. However, You need to pay attention in case of STATIC option.


What is STATIC option, how do I use this option?


Based on our experience with SGI Origins at GFDL, The compiler is performing an excessive number of array copies if all the arrays are dynamically allocated. The solution is to allocate arrays at compile time.

Requirements of static option: each processor should have the same number of grid points as all other processor. For example, if your global grid is 100x100 you can not have 13 processors but you can have 2, 4, 8, 10 ... processors.

For more details see the script for static option (test1/run_mom4_test1_static).


How can I change the time step of the model?


In the runscript look for &ocean_solo_nml (or &ocean_coupler_nml if you run coupled model). You will see:

      dt_ocean = 3600

This is time step of ocean model measured in seconds. Note that a longer time step may violate CFL conditions and the model may bomb.

"dt_ocean" corresponds to the ocean tracer time step. The other model time steps are set relative to one another via the correspondence

       dt_ocean = dtts
                = baroclinic_split * dtuv
                = surface_height_split * dteta
                = barotropic_split * baroclinic_split * dtfs


       dtts  = tracer time step
       dtuv  = baroclinic momentum time step
       dteta = "big leap-frog" time step (the time which updates the surface height)
       dtfs  = barotropic momentum time step

How do I view the model output?


Output files are compressed in tar format. First, you need to uncompress the output files. The command for extracting a tar file is:

      tar -xvf filename.tar

As a result, you will get a number of files in NetCDF format. Some common tools working with NetCDF are ncview and ferret.


What should I do to run a test case using restart data?


Basically, you need to use restart data instead of initial condition data. If you are using the runscripts provided by the mom4p0 release. Do the following:

      Remove the following section from the runscript:

         cp $expdir/preprocessing/ocean_tracers_ic.tar .
         tar -xvf ocean_tracers_ic.tar
         rm -f ocean_tracers_ic.tar

      and add the following in the same place:

         cp . (including the path)
         tar -xvf
         rm -f

How do I know if two runs using different number of processors produce identical results?


It is good idea for each test case to check if:

    - model results reproduce across different sets of processors
    - model results reproduce across restart data

In both cases users can rely on checksums that are printed at the end of each run (output file fms.out). For example a run using 1 processor and another run using 10 processors should have the same checksums. NetCDF tool ncdiff can also be used to view differences of two .nc files.


Should I care about the contents of the fms.out file


MOM4 has plenty of material written to stdout (which is what is written to fms.out). The user is strongly recommended to become familiar with the contents of fms.out, especially when building a new model experiment. This file contains numerous notes, warnings, error messages, and numerical diagnostics. Our experience is that most of the problems running MOM4 can be resolved by reading through the fms.out file.


What does mppnccombine do? How can I use it


When running the model on many processors each processor will have a separate output file (like,, ...). mppnccombine will put all these separate pieces together so that we have a file corresponding to the whole grid.

Here is the combining command: $MPPNCCOMBINE where is the unified output file, the input is not specified in the command line because it is assumed to be identical to the output plus 0000, 0001, .... By the way running the combining command without any argument will give help on how to use this command

6. Some questions about model setup and namelists

Q: How serious should I take the warning:"WARNING from ocean_freesurf_mod: eta_t( 26 , 86 )= -1. has been truncated to 1."? does it affect the model outcome?
Q: I want to apply realistic forcing to the model, what may be the unit to the water flux (lprec)?
Q: The model seems to have ended naturally without errors, however model results (history files) contain only zeroes. What could be the reason here?
Q: How serious should I take this warning in fms.out: WARNING from PE 1: ==>Warning: nxland > 0, but use_xlandmix=.false. Remove xland table entries to reduce memory
Q: I run of MOM4 on a simple rectangular grid, with idealized restoring boundary conditions. My temperature field looks fine for the whole domain except j=1, where temp[j=1] = 0. Why?
Q: I want to do an experiment with an inversion, so I try to turn off the convection by setting the relevant namelists as follows: convect_ncon=.false., convect_full_scalar=.false., convect_full_vector=.false. convective_adjust_on=.false., use_frazil = .false., bryan_lewis_diffusivity=.false. I still get an overturing when the horizontal velocity is non-zero, why?
Q: I have turned off frazil by setting use_frazil = .false. and yet fms.out says: Processing diag tracer frazil. Why? Am I wasting CPU time?
Q: Mom4 offers Bryan-Lewis vertical mixing which may vary from equator to the poles. However, the coefficients afkph_00 and afkph_90 ... defined in ocean_vert_mix.f90 are the same at the equator and the poles. Is this an error?
Q: When I increase the number of processing elements (PE), the total run time seems not decrease accordingly, is Mom4 code scalable?

How serious should I take the warning:"WARNING from ocean_freesurf_mod: eta_t( 26 , 86 )= -1. has been truncated to 1."? does it affect the model outcome?


The warning takes place only when truncate_eta=.true. in ocean_freesurf_nml. This is intended for spinups where the surface height may become extremely large and result in negative thickness for the top model grid cell. Truncating eta to a small value will NOT conserve ocean properties. Hence, this option is not recommended for experiments where you are interested in the results.


I want to apply realistic forcing to the model, what may be the unit to the water flux (lprec)?


In ocean_core/ocean_sbc.F90, search for "lprec". You will see that lprec is part of Ice_ocean_boundary derived type. The assumed units of lprec are mass units, so there is a division in the code by rho0 to bring it to m/s. Here are the comments from ocean_sbc.F90

! freshwater flux in kg/(m^2 sec) from rivers and calving land glaciers ! rho0r converts mass flux to (m/s)


The model seems to have ended naturally without errors, however model results (history files) contain only zeroes. What could be the reason here?


It is possible that the output frequency (defined in diag_table) is larger than the model's run length. If output frequency is a month and the model has run only 10 days there will be zeroes in model output. You need to change either output frequency or run length.


How serious should I take this warning in fms.out: WARNING from PE 1: ==>Warning: nxland > 0, but use_xlandmix=.false. Remove xland table entries to reduce memory


The namelist "use_xlandmix" refers to the algorithm "mom4/ocean_param/sources/xlandmix/ocean_xlandmix.f90" which handles isolated basins such as the Mediterranean, Red Sea, etc. whose relatively narrow passages are not resolved by the model resolution. In these cases, an ASCII formatted table containing mixing rates and a depth range between selected points in grid ccordinates can be supplied to achieve the desired exchange of tracers. You can refer to the html file in the above directory for more information. If you are not interested in achieving this effect or your model does not contain isolated basins, then you can safely remove the table from your runscript. Otherwise, you should consider examining the table entries and enabling this option.


I run of MOM4 on a simple rectangular grid, with idealized restoring boundary conditions. My temperature field looks fine for the whole domain except j=1, where temp[j=1] = 0. Why?


When you generate topography, there is an option


My guess is that you have this set .true. in your preprocessing topography generation. In this case, the zeros that you are reading at j=1 mean this is land. The reason that we have this option is due to technical details related to coupling to our ice model. If you are not coupling to the GFDL sea ice model, then fill_first_row=.false. is fine.


I want to do an experiment with an inversion, so I try to turn off the convection by setting the relevant namelists as follows: convect_ncon=.false., convect_full_scalar=.false., convect_full_vector=.false. convective_adjust_on=.false., use_frazil = .false., bryan_lewis_diffusivity=.false. I still get an overturing when the horizontal velocity is non-zero, why?


Here are some things to consider:

-- are you indeed using the constant vertical diffusion module, or perhaps are you using ppvmix or kppvmix but do not realize this to be the case?

-- do you see vertically unstratified water in your solution?

-- why would you expect to get a zero overturning without convection? There are still downwelling and upwelling near boundaries that may contribute to vertical motion.


I have turned off frazil by setting use_frazil = .false. and yet fms.out says: Processing diag tracer frazil. Why? Am I wasting CPU time?


We always have frazil enabled (see mom4/ocean_core/ocean_tracer.F90) in order to allow the diagnostic tracer type "T_diag" to be nontrivial, even with idealized simulations where frazil is not used. It is a bit unclean, but there are trivial computations added which should be of minimal consequence to the cpu cost.


Mom4 offers Bryan-Lewis vertical mixing which may vary from equator to the poles. However, the coefficients afkph_00 and afkph_90 ... defined in ocean_vert_mix.f90 are the same at the equator and the poles. Is this an error?


The mom4 default has no latitudinal dependence, since that is the traditional implementation of the scheme according to Bryan and Lewis (1979). We have found some utility in our coupled modelling with increased vertical mixing in the higher latitudes, especially the NAtl. Hence the new flexibility added to mom4.


When I increase the number of processing elements (PE), the total run time seems not decrease accordingly, is Mom4 code scalable?


Please refer to section 5.6 of the online User's manual for more details. In general, the test cases need some kind of "tuning" to make them more scalable. The modification may involve diag_freq, diag_table, clock_grain in fms_nml. Also, one should not count times that are spent in initialization and termination of a run since these may involve heavy I/O activities

7. Analyzing MOM4 results

Q: Does MOM4 have a meridonial overturning streamfunction diagnostic? If not, how can I get this diagnostic from MOM4 output?

Does MOM4 have a meridonial overturning streamfunction diagnostic? If not, how can I get this diagnostic from MOM4 output?


To create the overturning streamfunction, you must create one from the following diagnostics added to the diag_table:


These fields have the grid factors built in, and they have dimensions of Sv. The code computing these fields is in ocean_adv_vel_diag.F90 and ocean_neutral_physics.F90.

To get global overturning in (j,k) space using Ferret, say

let moc = ty_trans[i=@sum,k=@rsum] + ty_trans_gm[i=@sum]

Note the difference in sums. There is no indefinite sum needed for ty_trans_gm, since the vertical integral is already performed analytically within mom4. If you wish to see what I mean, then look at equation (9.97) in Stephen Griffies' book.

If you have a basin mask defined (mask=1 in region of interest, 0 elsewhere), then you can construct by-basin streamfunctions within Ferret using the following commands.

let trans_atl_euler = ty_trans*tmask_atl
let trans_atl_gm    = ty_trans_gm*tmask_atl
let moc_atl = trans_atl_euler[i=@sum,k=@rsum] + trans_atl_gm[i=@sum]

You can construct overturning mapped to potential density surfaces by using ty_trans_rho. Note that this diagnostic only incorporates the resolved velocity field. We do not have the GM velocity mapped to density surfaces.

8. Shared code

Q: How can I determine what the PE layout is and which PE I am on within FMS. Specifically, I need to know if I am on an easternmost or westernmost or northernmost or southernmost PE.

How can I determine what the PE layout is and which PE I am on within FMS. Specifically, I need to know if I am on an easternmost or westernmost or northernmost or southernmost PE.


You can obtain such information by comparing global and compute domain. You can get compute and global domain by pseudocode like this:

  call mpp_get_compute_domain(domain, isc, iec, jsc, jec)
  call mpp_get_global_domain(domain, isg, ieg, jsg, jeg)

  if(isc == isg) westmost
  if(iec == ieg) eastmost
  if(jsc == jsg) southmost
  if(jec == jeg) northmost

9. IBM

Q: When I run the "run_mom4_test1" script on IBM machine, it stopped at the link stage with error message "ld: 0711-317 ERROR: Undefined symbol: .flush".
Q: When I compile mom4_test5 on IBM machine, it stopped at the link stage with error message "ld: 0711-318 ERROR: Undefined symbols were found". I use the following compiler flag:

When I run the "run_mom4_test1" script on IBM machine, it stopped at the link stage with error message "ld: 0711-317 ERROR: Undefined symbol: .flush".


use: LDFLAGS= -brename:.flush,.flush_ -brename:.memuse,.memuse_ in your makefile or in the mkmf template.


When I compile mom4_test5 on IBM machine, it stopped at the link stage with error message "ld: 0711-318 ERROR: Undefined symbols were found". I use the following compiler flag:

LDFLAGS = -bmaxdata:2000000000 -bmaxstack:20000000 -brename:.flush,.flush_ -brename:.memuse,memuse_ $(LIBS) -bnoquiet


There's a typo in your compiler flag, it should contain the following: LDFLAGS= -brename:.memuse,.memuse_

10. SGI Irix

Q: I use SGI and I have problem compiling and linking memuse.c, here is the error message: ld64: FATAL 12 : Expecting n64 objects: memuse.o is n32. *** Error code 2 (bu21)

I use SGI and I have problem compiling and linking memuse.c, here is the error message: ld64: FATAL 12 : Expecting n64 objects: memuse.o is n32. *** Error code 2 (bu21)


This is probably because memuse.c is compiled with 32 bit option while other files are compiled with 64 bit. You may need to add CFLAGS=-64 to your SGI template. This will ensure that memuse.o will be a 64-bit object.

11. Reading data created in Ferret

Q: When creating a Netcdf file Ferret adds a dimension bnds to the netcdf-file and defines a double variable like in the example

When creating a Netcdf file Ferret adds a dimension bnds to the netcdf-file and defines a double variable like in the example

        LON = 44 ;
        LAT = 38 ;
        bnds = 2 ;
        TAX = UNLIMITED ; // (1714 currently)
        double LAT(LAT) ;
               LAT:units = "degrees_north" ;
               LAT:point_spacing = "uneven" ;
               LAT:axis = "Y" ;
               LAT:bounds = "LAT_bnds" ;
        double LAT_bnds(LAT, bnds) ;

There is no axis named bnds!

- MOM4 tries to read bounds too. However, it expects a complete axis. However, the axis corresponding to the dimension bnds is not there and remains unknown. Later in shared/axis_utils/get_axis_bounds, mom4 gets confused. It finds bounds in the attribute list of one axis and tries to extract the values from a data structure. However, there is no axis but a field, hence a fatal error.


The problem is correctly diagnosed. A quick solution is to simply remove the "bounds" attribute from the dataset using the NCO utility "ncatted". In the future, MOM4 and Ferret developers will cooperate to solve this problem.