June 1999

OneCall up by late summer: Setting it up right takes time

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The OneCall system for voice-response benefits information and assistance is taking longer than expected to get into place, but patience will be rewarded when it’s up and going, say Benefit Plans officials.

“We had planned a May 1 implementation of OneCall Benefits Service Center,” says Benefit Plans Manager Jill Freeman. “The system’s underlying technical enchancements are truly complicated because of our own unique internal systems and because of the need to integrate the OneCall enhancements into our systems. At the same time, we must assure the system’s security. “We believe that the final product will be well worth the wait.”

Freeman says they are currently expecting to turn on the OneCall enhancements near the end of the summer. “When this technology is live you will be able to make on-line benefit changes for many of our plans if you meet the eligibility requirements,” she said.

OneCall will be able to connect customers to the majority of benefit-plan vendors, eliminating the need to remember carrier numbers. A benefit summary of elections and coverages will be available at any time across the voice response system by entering a personal identifying number, or “PIN,” when you call.

For personal information security, individual PINs will not be issued until two weeks before the OneCall enhancements are live. The PIN numbers will be sent to employees’ and retirees’ home addresses.

Look for additional updates near the end of the summer. In the meantime, call-center customer service representatives will continue to handle benefit plan questions. If they don’t have an answer, you will receive a return call from a Benefit Plans person who can assist you.

Call 574-1500 for local assistance and 1-877-TO-1-CALL (877-861-2255) if you are out of the area.