REMINISCENCES Viennese public, and as sung by their fa- vorite tenor Vandyck (the far-famed Par- sifal of Bayreuth) holds the first place in the repertory of their Grand Opera. Some years earlier than the date of Werther is that of The Cid, with its char- acteristic ballet of gorgeous colour. When- ever and wherever the bewitching music of this ballet is heard, at the first wave and crash of the orchestra with its distinctive tempo, visions arise of the graceful Anda- lusian, advancing in the swing of her na- tional dance. In the spring of 1899 Massenet's Cen- drillon appeared at the Opéra-Comique most beautifully staged. The mere word " Cin- derella " is magic to every heart that re- members the happy days of childhood,— the one great fairy story of the whole civ- ilised world, read in every tongue, known in every land, and a joy to every human being. For who living has not read, re- read, and wept over poor little Cinderella in her chimney-corner, left neglected at home, 122