INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR EXPIRE.CSH Expire.csh is used by NWS San Diego to check the expiration codes in a product. Incorrect codes will create a text product which can be alarmed. To install: 1. Create a subdirectory /awips/dev/bin/expire 2. Put expire.csh into that subdirectory, as well as expirecodes. 3. Edit expirecode to include any of the first three letters which could appear in your zone codes (CAZ, PZZ (for marine), etc.). 4. Edit your cron file to run the expire.csh at specified times of the day. A typical entry would look like this: 45 22 * * * /awips/dev/bin/expire/expire.csh LAXZFPSGX 1130 1 2 This entry would run at 2245 UTC every day for the LAXZFPSGX product. The proper expiration time would be for 1130Z. The "1" after the 1130 would stand for the next day (UTC), versus "0", which would be used for the same day. The 2 at the end would correspond with the workstation in the product name. The output is stored in LAXMISEXx (with the x standing for the workstation). This is good for alarms for specific workstations. The output name is changeable (change the line in expire.csh that starts out as "set pil").