Document describes the format required to use the LGA facility

Citing LGA:
Zemla A., "LGA - a Method for Finding 3D Similarities in Protein Structures", Nucleic Acids Research, 2003, Vol. 31, No. 13, pp. 3370-3374. [MEDLINE]

Server accessible at:

LGA program is being developed for structure comparative analysis of two selected 3D protein structures or fragments of 3D protein structures. Structure comparative analysis can be made in two general modes:

The data for LGA processing should contain two sets of 3D structures coordinates (molecule1 and molecule2) in the format of the PDB standard ATOM records. As a result of LGA processing user will get the rotated coordinates of the first structure (molecule1) , and (optionally) the coordinates of the second structure (target - molecule2, not changed).

For the purpose of structure similarity search and ordering of models (Molecule1: templates, PDB files), the target (Molecule2, frame of reference) should be fixed and then user may sort models (see SUMMARY line from the LGA output) by the number N of superimposed residues (under one selected DIST cutoff), or by GDT_TS (average from four fixed distance cutoffs), or LGA_S value (weighted results from the full set of distance cutoffs, see [3], [6]).

Using LGA system you can choose several options:

  -1              standard RMSD
  -2              RMSD using ISP (Iterative Superposition Procedure)
  -3              GDT and LCS analysis
  -4              structure alignment analysis
  -atom:CA        CA (Calpha) atoms will be used for calculations. 
                    NOTE: to specify special character "'" use ",". 
                    For example: use "-atom:CB" to select CB atom,
                    use "-atom:H5,1" to select H5'1 atom.
  -cb:f           CB (Cbeta) atom position will be calculated for each 
                    amino-acid, and the coordinates of the point representing    
                    amino-acid position (BMO - backbone model) for LGA processing 
                    will be defined by the vector CA-CB: -5.0 <= f <= 5.0 , 
                    e.g. f=0 corresponds to CA position, and f=1 represents 
                    CB position)
                    NOTE1: a complete set of main chain atoms (N,CA,C,O) is required
                    for both input structures
                    NOTE2: if "-cb:f" is combined with "-atom:CB" then all 
                    existing CB atoms are leveraged and only missing CB atoms 
                    are calculated
  -ch1:A          chain A selected from molecule1
  -ch2:B          chain B selected from molecule2
  -ah:i           ATOM or HETATM records are used for calculations:
                    i=0 both
                    i=1 ATOM
                    i=2 HETATM
  -d:f            DIST distance cutoff (f Angstroms; default f=5.0)
  -gdt            can be combined with "-3" option. If used then the 
                    superposition that fits maximum number of residues under 
                    a given distance cutoff is reported. Otherwise standard 
                    superposition calculated using the set of identified N 
                    residues is reported (rotated molecule1)
  -lw:n           "Lesk window", rms calculated on residue window
                    (length of the window = 2*n+1)
  -sda            facilitates the selection of residues for calculation:
                    sequence dependent analysis (residue numbering, and
                    chain ID should be the same in both structures)
  -sia            facilitates the selection of residues for calculation:
                    sequence independent analysis
                    NOTE: If you use -sia option with -1, -2, or -3, then
                    the same number of the first residues from both
                    structures will be taken for LGA processing.
  -aa1:n1:n2      range of residues from the molecule1 used for calculations
                    -9999 < n1 < n2 < 9999 
                    NOTE: only one aa1 parameter is allowed.
  -aa2:n1:n2      range of residues from the molecule2 used for calculations
                    -9999 < n1 < n2 < 9999 
                    NOTE: only one aa2 parameter is allowed.
  -gap1:n1:n2     range of residues from the molecule1 removed from
                    calculations -9999 < n1 < n2 < 9999 
                    NOTE: only one gap1 parameter is allowed.
  -gap2:n1:n2     range of residues from the molecule2 removed from
                    calculations -9999 < n1 < n2 < 9999 
                    NOTE: only one gap2 parameter is allowed.
  -er1:s1:s2      exact range of residues from the molecule1 used for
                    calculations (s1 , s2 - strings e.g.: s1 = 13L_A < s2 = 45_B)
                    the si pairs (ranges) can be separated by ','
                    Up to 50 er1 parameters are allowed (WARNING: no overlaps)
  -er2:s1:s2      exact range of residues from the molecule2 used for
                    calculations (s1 , s2 - strings e.g.: s1 = 16 < s2 = 245A)
                    the si pairs (ranges) can be separated by ','
                    Up to 50 er2 parameters are allowed (WARNING: no overlaps)
  -gdc:n          n - number of bins used for GDC evaluation of atom pairs from the
                    corresponding residues (1 <= n <= 20; bins: <0.5, <1.0, ... <10.0).
                    NOTE: this option changes the default number of "bins" (n=20) for
                    GDC calculations (GDC_all - all atoms, GDC_mc - main chain atoms, 
                    and GDT_at - selected atoms). The default number n=20 defines bins 
                    from 0.5 to 10.0 Angstroms.
  -gdc_sup:s1:s2  exact range of residues from the molecule2 used for 
                    GDC superposition calculations. This additional standard (-1) 
                    superposition is calculated on CA atoms from the set of 
                    amino-acid ranges (s1,s2) defined by s1 and s2 strings. 
                    e.g. -gdc_sup:s1:s2,s3:s4,s5:s6,s7:s8,s9:s10 
                    Format is the same as for er2 parameters.
                    NOTE: this option is applied to the molecule2 only. Corresponding
                    residues from molecule1 are automatically determined using main 
  -gdc_set:s1:s2  exact range of residues from the molecule2 for which the
                    "Global Distance Calculations" (GDC) will be performed.
                    e.g. -gdc_set:s1:s2,s3:s4,s5:s6,s7:s8,s9:s10 
                    Format is the same as for er2 parameters.
                    NOTE: this option is applied to the molecule2 only. Amino-acids
                    from the molecule2 serve as a frame of reference for GDC evaluation
                    (corresponding amino-acids or atoms that are missing in molecule1
                    are counted as 0 scores in GDC calculations).
  -gdc_at:a1,a2   amino-acid atom names (one atom per one name of amino-acid) from 
                    the molecule2 for which the GDC calculations (distances and GDC 
                    summary) will be calculated. 
                    Format example (aaname.atom): -gdc_at:a1,a2,a3,a4
                    where: a1 = V.CG1, a2 = C.SG, a3 = T.OG1, a4 = H.NE2
                    NOTE: this option is applied to the molecule2 only. The 
                    corresponding atoms from the molecule1 will be detected based 
                    on the calculated alignment. Up to 20 representative atoms 
                    (one atom per each of 20 amino-acid) can be selected for 
                    GDC evaluation. Number of identified identical "amino-acid.atom"
                    pairs serve as a frame of reference for GDC evaluation.
                    Results from the GDC-at calculations are reported in Dist_at and 
                    GDC_at columns. 
  -gdc_at:*.at    allows a selection of one mainchain or CB atom (at: N,CA,C,O,CB)
                    the same for all amino acids (e.g. -gdc_at:*.N).
                    NOTE: amino-acids from the molecule2 serve as a frame of reference
                    for GDC evaluation (corresponding amino-acids or atoms that are
                    missing in molecule1 are counted as 0 scores in GDC calculations).
  -gdc_eat:e1:e2  exact atom "e1" from the molecule1 and "e2" from the molecule2 for 
                    which the GDC calculations (distances and GDC summary) will be 
                    calculated. Format example (aanumber_chain.atom):
                    where: for each pair (em:en) em is a selected atom from the 
                    molecule1, and en is an atom from the molecule2.
                    For example: e1 = 10_A.OD2, e2 = 21_B.ND2
  -gdc_sc         automated selection of all flags required for GDC_sc calculations: 
                    -swap -gdc:10 -gdc_at:V.CG1,L.CD1,I.CD1,P.CG,M.CE,F.CZ,W.CH2,S.OG
                    NOTE: this option changes the default number of "bins" (see the
                    selection "-gdc:n"; n=10). All GDC calculations (GDC_all - all atoms, 
                    GDC_mc - main chain atoms, and GDT_at - selected atoms) will be 
                    performed using n=10 as a number of bins from 0.5 to 5.0 Angstroms.
                    Results from the GDC_sc calculations are reported in GDC_at column. 
  -aa             generates a list of all residues from the molecule1 and
                    molecule2 (AAMOL* records)
  -al             calculations will be made only on the set of residues from
                    the attached AAMOL* or LGA records
  -o0             no coordinates are printed out
  -o1             only molecule 1 (rotated) is printed out into the
                    subdirectory TMP
  -o2             molecule 1 (rotated) and molecule 2 (target) both are
                    printed out into the subdirectory TMP
  -r              the residue ranges of compared structures are reported in the
                    SUMMARY line: e.g. (1_A:214_A:7_A:196_A)
  -rmsd           additional RMSD and GDC calculations will be performed on all
                    aligned CA, MC and ALL atoms. 
                    RMSD is "rmsd-based" measures: see MC and ALL colums
                    GDC is "distance-based" measures: see Dist_max, GDC_mc, and GDC_all
  -gdc            expands an option "-rmsd". If used then the superposition which is 
                    used for GDC calculations is reported and used to rotate molecule1.
                    Otherwise the standard LGA superposition is reported.
  -swap           expands an option "-rmsd". RMSD and GDC calculations will be 
                    performed with checking for swapping atoms in amino acids: 
                    ASP, GLU, PHE, and TYR
  -stral          two output files in TMP directory are created: 
                    TMP/*.stral and TMP/*.pdb 
  -ie             ignores errors in PDB data (force calculations). 
                    If "-ie" is not present then in case of ERROR detected in
                    input data the calculations are terminated
  -check          reports amino acids with missing pre-selected atoms

There is a default set of parameters: -4 -o1 -d:4.0 -swap

If two structures from PDB have to be analyzed then please use the following notation:

   1cpi_A     for PDB entry: 1cpi, chain: 'A'
   1akf       for PDB entry: 1akf, chain: ' '
and specifying NMR MODEL:
   1bve_B_5   for PDB entry: 1bve, chain: 'B', model: 5 
   1rel___4   for PDB entry: 1rel, chain: ' ', model: 4

If your data (two structures) is already prepared as one file then please check if each one of the two 3D structures begins with MOLECULE record and ends with END record:

ATOM      1  N   ILE     2       1.002  23.117  39.181  1.00 82.49           N   
ATOM      2  CA  ILE     2       1.295  23.768  40.454  1.00 83.70           C   
ATOM    400  CD1 LEU    54      14.696   9.978  30.085  1.00 56.40           C   
ATOM    401  CD2 LEU    54      12.844  11.030  31.407  1.00 31.93           C   
ATOM    419  N   LEU A  57      13.121   3.012  34.495  1.00 40.04           N
ATOM    420  CA  LEU A  57      13.125   1.748  35.211  1.00 43.79           C
ATOM    558  C   GLU A  74       7.298  12.565  26.328  1.00 43.72           C
ATOM    559  O   GLU A  74       6.545  13.347  26.910  1.00 49.34           O

Examples of the output from the LGA program


Example of the output from the LGA program ("-4" - structure alignment search):
LGA-parameters used: -4  -d:2.3  -swap 

# Molecule1: number of CA atoms   99 (  760),  selected   22 , name 1sip_A
# Molecule2: number of CA atoms   99 ( 1560),  selected   31 , name 1bve_B_5
# PARAMETERS: 1sip_A.1bve_B_5  -4  -d:2.3  -swap  -aa1:25:46  -aa2:20:50
# Search for Atom-Atom correspondence
# Structure alignment analysis

# Checking swapping
#   possible swapping detected:  D    30_A      D    30_B

#      Molecule1      Molecule2  DISTANCE    Mis    MC     All    Dist_max   GDC_mc  GDC_all
LGA    -       -      K    20_B      -        -     -       -         -        -        -
LGA    -       -      E    21_B      -        -     -       -         -        -        -
LGA    -       -      A    22_B      -        -     -       -         -        -        -
LGA    -       -      L    23_B      -        -     -       -         -        -        -
LGA    -       -      L    24_B      -        -     -       -         -        -        -
LGA    D    25_A      D    25_B     1.295     0    0.067   0.282     1.545   81.429   83.750
LGA    T    26_A      T    26_B     1.342     0    0.076   0.813     3.538   85.952   76.122
LGA    G    27_A      G    27_B     0.619     0    0.171   0.171     1.071   90.595   90.595
LGA    A    28_A      A    28_B     0.415     0    0.126   0.113     0.538   97.619   98.095
LGA    D    29_A      D    29_B     0.335     0    0.195   0.437     1.720   95.238   91.845
LGA    D    30_A      D    30_B     0.942     0    0.086   0.767     3.322   85.952   74.643
LGA    S    31_A      T    31_B     0.978     2    0.190   0.214     1.130   85.952   60.748
LGA    I    32_A      V    32_B     0.885     2    0.131   0.168     1.460   88.214   62.041
LGA    V    33_A      L    33_B     0.865     3    0.118   0.205     1.350   90.476   55.417
LGA    T    34_A      E    34_B     1.598     4    0.088   0.081     2.505   69.048   38.783
LGA    G    35_A      E    35_B      -        -     -       -         -        -        -
LGA    I    36_A      M    36_B     2.065     3    0.040   0.061     2.714   71.190   44.702
LGA    E    37_A      S    37_B     0.338     1    0.037   0.059     0.938   95.238   78.571
LGA    L    38_A      L    38_B     0.472     0    0.704   0.627     1.912   88.452   85.060
LGA    G    39_A      P    39_B      #        -     -       -         -        -        -
LGA    P    40_A      G    40_B     2.563     0    0.616   0.616     5.018   51.310   51.310
LGA    H    41_A      R    41_B     1.616     6    0.044   0.042     1.726   77.143   34.675
LGA    Y    42_A      W    42_B     0.919     9    0.095   0.120     1.160   88.214   31.667
LGA    T    43_A      K    43_B     1.421     4    0.136   0.140     1.477   81.429   45.238
LGA    P    44_A      P    44_B     1.239     0    0.068   0.278     1.239   81.429   82.721
LGA    K    45_A      K    45_B     0.583     0    0.288   1.176     2.594   84.048   77.302
LGA    I    46_A      M    46_B     1.241     3    0.047   0.069     2.020   79.286   47.738
LGA    -       -      I    47_B      -        -     -       -         -        -        -
LGA    -       -      G    48_B      -        -     -       -         -        -        -
LGA    -       -      G    49_B      -        -     -       -         -        -        -
LGA    -       -      I    50_B      -        -     -       -         -        -        -

# RMSD_GDC results:       CA      MC common percent     ALL common percent   GDC_mc  GDC_all
NUMBER_OF_ATOMS_AA:       20      80     80  100.00     155    118   76.13                31
SUMMARY(RMSD_GDC):     1.227          1.374                  1.450           53.813   42.291

#CA            N1   N2   DIST      N    RMSD   Seq_Id      LGA_S     LGA_Q
SUMMARY(LGA)   22   31    2.3     20    1.23    45.00     64.078     1.507

Unitary ROTATION matrix and the SHIFT vector superimpose molecules  (1=>2)
  X_new =   0.207331 * X  +   0.070492 * Y  +  -0.975728 * Z  +  21.289257
  Y_new =   0.207127 * X  +  -0.977951 * Y  +  -0.026640 * Z  + -17.874228
  Z_new =  -0.956092 * X  +  -0.196577 * Y  +  -0.217360 * Z  +  14.324877

Euler angles from the ROTATION matrix. Conventions XYZ and ZXZ:
           Phi     Theta       Psi   [DEG:       Phi     Theta       Psi ]
XYZ:  0.784907  1.273364 -2.406362   [DEG:   44.9718   72.9584 -137.8744 ]
ZXZ: -1.543500  1.789906 -1.773575   [DEG:  -88.4361  102.5540 -101.6183 ]

# END of job

The output (see above) from LGA calculations contains the following information:

1) The residue-residue equivalences are reported in LGA lines,

2) In the DISTANCE column the distances in Angstroms between corresponding residues 
are reported when final global superposition is applied ("-" is present when 
residues are not aligned under selected distance cutoff DIST).
The "#" in the sequence alignment (DISTANCE column) indicates that the calculated 
distance between corresponding residues is above selected cutoff, and potentially 
these residues can be included to the alignment if DIST cutoff is changed.
User may vary DIST cutoff to calculate more tight (accurate) or more relaxed 
(to recognize overall similarity) superpositions (the default: DIST=5 Angstroms),

3) The option "-rmsd" allows the calculation of RMSD values on aligned CA, MC 
(main chain; N,CA,C,O), and ALL atoms. If the option "-swap" is chosen then 
calculating RMSD on ALL atoms "swapping" is considered. It means that in amino 
acids where atom names can be switched, i.e.
       for ASP: OD1 <-> OD2
       for GLU: OE1 <-> OE2
       for PHE: CD1 <-> CD2
                CE1 <-> CE2
       for TYR: CD1 <-> CD2
                CE1 <-> CE2
cartesian rmsd is calculated with an option to minimize its value. Sets (CD1, CE1) and 
(CD2, CE2) in PHE and TYR, as well as atoms OD1 and OD2 in ASP, OE1 and OE2 in GLU are 
exchanged and more favorable contributions to rmsd are taken into account. In the above 
example the possible swapping was detected for residue pair: D 30_A  -  D 30_B
#   possible swapping detected:  D    30_A      D    30_B

In the "Mis" column the number of missing atoms in a given amino acid (relative to the 
definition of the amino acid from the second molecule (target=1bve_B_5)) is reported.
The following atoms are expected for a given amino acid:
  aa   1 2  3 4 5  6   7   8   9   10  11  12  13  14 
  A:   N CA C O CB                                      : Alanine
  V:   N CA C O CB CG1 CG2                              : Valine
  L:   N CA C O CB CG  CD1 CD2                          : Leucine
  I:   N CA C O CB CG1 CG2 CD1                          : Isoleucine
  P:   N CA C O CB CG  CD                               : Proline
  M:   N CA C O CB CG  SD  CE                           : Methionine
  F:   N CA C O CB CG  CD1 CD2 CE1 CE2 CZ               : Phenylalanine
  W:   N CA C O CB CG  CD1 CD2 NE1 CE2 CE3 CZ2 CZ3 CH2  : Tryptophan
  G:   N CA C O                                         : Glycine
  S:   N CA C O CB OG                                   : Serine
  T:   N CA C O CB OG1 CG2                              : Threonine
  C:   N CA C O CB SG                                   : Cysteine
  Y:   N CA C O CB CG  CD1 CD2 CE1 CE2 CZ  OH           : Tyrosine
  N:   N CA C O CB CG  OD1 ND2                          : Asparagine
  Q:   N CA C O CB CG  CD  OE1 NE2                      : Glutamine
  D:   N CA C O CB CG  OD1 OD2                          : Aspartic acid
  E:   N CA C O CB CG  CD  OE1 OE2                      : Glutamic acid
  K:   N CA C O CB CG  CD  CE  NZ                       : Lysine
  R:   N CA C O CB CG  CD  NE  CZ  NH1 NH2              : Arginine
  H:   N CA C O CB CG  ND1 CD2 CE1 NE2                  : Histidine
  X:   N CA C O CB                                      : Nonstandard (ATOM or HETATM records)
  #:   N CA C O                                         : Unknown (ATOM records)

4) There are three "distance based" values calculated for each selected amino acid: Dist_max, 
GDC_mc and GDC_all (GDC - Global Distance Calculation). Dist_max is a maximum distance 
between atoms from the corresponding (superimposed, equivalent) amino acids. This measure 
can help evaluate how far from each other the side chain ends are for a given amino acid 
under calculated superposition. GDC_mc and GDC_all are the measures (range: 0 - 100) which 
for each listed and aligned amino acid combine the percentages of atoms (mainchain atoms 
and all atoms) that fit under the selected distances: 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, ..., 10.0 (a similar 
procedure as in GDT and LGA_S measures; see below). 

NOTE: when different amino-acids are superimposed then "rmsd All", "Dist_max", and 
"GDC_all" calculations are restricted to provided coordinates of mainchain+CB atoms 
only (i.e.: N,CA,C,O,CB). If identical amino-acids are superimposed, then all corresponding 
atoms (if provided) are evaluated. For both cases the rmsd "MC" and "GDC_mc" measures are
calculated on mainchain atoms only (i.e.: N,CA,C,O). 

5) The SUMMARY(RMSD_GDC) line reports values of RMSD calculated on all aligned CA atoms,
MC atoms, and ALL atoms from aligned amino acids. The GDC_mc from the SUMMARY(RMSD_GDC)
line contains a sum of all calculated GDC_all values devided by the number of amino acids
selected in the molecule2 (in this example: 31).

NOTE: the option "-rmsd" can be combined with "-lw:n" to specify the length of 
sliding window for calculating local RMSDs,

6) In the SUMMARY(LGA) line the following information is reported:

#CA            N1   N2   DIST      N     RMSD   Seq_Id     LGA_S    LGA_Q
SUMMARY(LGA)   22   31    2.3     20     1.23    45.00    64.078    1.507
                |    |     |       |      |        |        |        |
where           |    |     |       |      |        |        |        |
                |    |     |       |      |        |        |        |
  number of residues |     |       |      |        |        |        |  
  from mol1 (model)  |     |       |      |        |        |        |
                     |     |       |      |        |        |        |
  number of residues from  |       |      |        |        |        |
  mol2 (target)            |       |      |        |        |        |
                           |       |      |        |        |        |  
  selected distance cutoff DIST    |      |        |        |        |  
                                   |      |        |        |        |  
  N number of residues superimposed under |        |        |        | 
  distance cutoff DIST                    |        |        |        | 
                                          |        |        |        | 
  RMSD calculated on N residues superimposed       |        |        |
  under the distance DIST                          |        |        |
                                                   |        |        |
  Sequence Identity. Percent of identical residues from     |        |
  the total of N aligned under the distance DIST            |        |
                                                            |        | 
  LGA_S score (0.00 - 100.00) calculated with reference to the       |
  number of residues in target (name2 - here 18 residues)            |
  LGA_Q (quality) score calculated with use of the formula: Q=0.1*N/(0.1+RMSD)
  (Q below 2.0 indicates rather weak alignment)


Example of the output from the LGA program ("-3" - LCS and GDT analysis).
LGA-parameters used: -3 -sda -o0 -d:4.0 

# FIXED Atom-Atom correspondence
# GDT and LCS analysis

LCS - RMSD CUTOFF   5.00      length       segment         l_RMS    g_RMS
  LONGEST_CONTINUOUS_SEGMENT:    46      26_A - 71_A        4.99     6.22
  LONGEST_CONTINUOUS_SEGMENT:    46      27_A - 72_A        4.95     6.14
  LCS_AVERAGE:     53.38

LCS - RMSD CUTOFF   2.00      length       segment         l_RMS    g_RMS
  LONGEST_CONTINUOUS_SEGMENT:    15      58_A - 72_A        1.56    25.45
  LCS_AVERAGE:     13.60

LCS - RMSD CUTOFF   1.00      length       segment         l_RMS    g_RMS
  LONGEST_CONTINUOUS_SEGMENT:    14      59_A - 72_A        0.62    25.61
  LCS_AVERAGE:     10.28

LCS_GDT    MOLECULE-1    MOLECULE-2     LCS_DETAILS     GDT_DETAILS                                                    TOTAL NUMBER OF RESIDUE PAIRS:   72
LCS_GDT     RESIDUE       RESIDUE       SEGMENT_SIZE    GLOBAL DISTANCE TEST COLUMNS: number of residues under the threshold assigned to each residue pair
LCS_GDT   NAME NUMBER   NAME NUMBER    1.0  2.0  5.0    0.5  1.0  1.5  2.0  2.5  3.0  3.5  4.0  4.5  5.0  5.5  6.0  6.5  7.0  7.5  8.0  8.5  9.0  9.5 10.0
LCS_GDT     M     1_A     M     1_A      3    5   21      3    3    3    6    7   10   14   20   23   33   43   53   61   69 72   72   72   72   72   72
LCS_GDT     N     2_A     N     2_A      4    9   21      3    4    6    6    9    9   13   19   23   31   41   53   61   69 72   72   72   72   72   72
LCS_GDT     I     3_A     I     3_A      4    9   21      3    4    6    6    9    9   13   13   18   26   34   53   60   69 72   72   72   72   72   72
LCS_GDT     F     4_A     F     4_A      6    9   21      3    4    6    6    9    9   10   15   23   32   41   53   61   69 72   72   72   72   72   72
LCS_GDT     E     5_A     E     5_A      6    9   21      4    5    6    8   11   11   13   21   26   33   43   53   61   69 72   72   72   72   72   72
LCS_GDT     M     6_A     M     6_A      6    9   21      4    5    6    6    9    9   13   15   23   28   35   53   61   69 72   72   72   72   72   72
LCS_GDT     L     7_A     L     7_A      6    9   21      4    5    6    6    9    9   10   12   18   26   35   53   61   69 72   72   72   72   72   72
LCS_GDT     K    65_A     K    65_A     14   15   46      9   13   14   14   14   15   17   20   26   33   43   53   61   69 72   72   72   72   72   72
LCS_GDT     L    66_A     L    66_A     14   15   46      6   13   14   14   14   14   14   17   25   33   43   53   61   69 72   72   72   72   72   72
LCS_GDT     F    67_A     F    67_A     14   15   46      9   13   14   14   14   14   18   22   26   33   43   53   61   69 72   72   72   72   72   72
LCS_GDT     N    68_A     N    68_A     14   15   46      9   13   14   14   14   14   18   22   26   33   43   53   61   69 72   72   72   72   72   72
LCS_GDT     Q    69_A     Q    69_A     14   15   46      6   13   14   14   14   15   17   18   25   33   43   53   61   69 72   72   72   72   72   72
LCS_GDT     D    70_A     D    70_A     14   15   46      9   13   14   14   14   14   14   15   16   27   41   53   61   69 72   72   72   72   72   72
LCS_GDT     V    71_A     V    71_A     14   15   46      6   13   14   14   14   14   18   22   26   33   43   53   61   69 72   72   72   72   72   72
LCS_GDT     D    72_A     D    72_A     14   15   46      5   10   14   14   14   15   17   21   26   33   43   53   61   69 72   72   72   72   72   72
LCS_AVERAGE  LCS_A:  25.75  (  10.28   13.60   53.38 )

GLOBAL_DISTANCE_TEST (summary information about detected largest sets of residues (represented by selected AToms) that can fit under specified thresholds)
GDT DIST_CUTOFF  0.50   1.00   1.50   2.00   2.50   3.00   3.50   4.00   4.50   5.00   5.50   6.00   6.50   7.00   7.50   8.00   8.50   9.00   9.50  10.00
GDT NUMBER_AT      9     13     14     14     14     15     18     22     26     33     43     53     61     69     72     72    72     72     72     72
GDT PERCENT_AT  12.50  18.06  19.44  19.44  19.44  20.83  25.00  30.56  36.11  45.83  59.72  73.61  84.72  95.83 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
GDT RMS_LOCAL    0.33   0.55   0.62   0.62   0.62   1.94   2.70   2.93   3.25   4.01   4.43   5.09   5.26   5.54   5.65   5.65   5.65   5.65   5.65   5.65
GDT RMS_ALL_AT  26.69  25.68  25.61  25.61  25.61   7.05   7.10   7.07   7.08   6.11   6.00   5.81   5.71   5.66   5.65   5.65   5.65   5.65   5.65   5.65

#      Molecule1      Molecule2  DISTANCE
LGA    M     1_A      M     1_A     9.592
LGA    N     2_A      N     2_A    11.124
LGA    I     3_A      I     3_A    13.468
LGA    F     4_A      F     4_A    11.355
LGA    E     5_A      E     5_A     8.107
LGA    M     6_A      M     6_A    13.142
LGA    L     7_A      L     7_A    13.326
LGA    R     8_A      R     8_A     8.502
LGA    I     9_A      I     9_A     6.853
LGA    D    10_A      D    10_A    10.670
LGA    E    11_A      E    11_A    10.752
LGA    G    12_A      G    12_A    10.538
LGA    L    13_A      L    13_A    10.580
LGA    R    14_A      R    14_A     9.468
LGA    L    15_A      L    15_A     9.420
LGA    K    16_A      K    16_A     8.212
LGA    K    60_A      K    60_A     6.946
LGA    D    61_A      D    61_A     7.011
LGA    E    62_A      E    62_A     3.782
LGA    A    63_A      A    63_A     3.027
LGA    E    64_A      E    64_A     4.870
LGA    K    65_A      K    65_A     5.735
LGA    L    66_A      L    66_A     5.332
LGA    F    67_A      F    67_A     2.681
LGA    N    68_A      N    68_A     4.077
LGA    Q    69_A      Q    69_A     8.089
LGA    D    70_A      D    70_A     7.413
LGA    V    71_A      V    71_A     2.131
LGA    D    72_A      D    72_A     7.762

#CA            N1   N2   DIST      N    RMSD    GDT_TS    LGA_S3     LGA_Q
SUMMARY(GDT)   72   72    4.0     22    2.93    42.014    33.626     0.726

LGA_LOCAL      RMSD:   2.929  Number of atoms:   22  under DIST:   4.00
LGA_ASGN_ATOMS RMSD:   8.532  Number of assigned atoms:   72
Std_ASGN_ATOMS RMSD:   5.648  Standard rmsd on all 72 assigned CA atoms

Unitary ROTATION matrix and the SHIFT vector superimpose molecules  (1=>2)
  X_new =   0.407935 * X  +  -0.032836 * Y  +   0.912420 * Z  +  11.435461
  Y_new =   0.509052 * X  +  -0.821424 * Y  +  -0.257154 * Z  +  61.613953
  Z_new =   0.757928 * X  +   0.569372 * Y  +  -0.318373 * Z  + -36.757996

Euler angles from the ROTATION matrix. Conventions XYZ and ZXZ:
           Phi     Theta       Psi   [DEG:       Phi     Theta       Psi ]
XYZ:  0.895225 -0.860131  2.080649   [DEG:   51.2926  -49.2818  119.2124 ]
ZXZ:  1.296085  1.894809  0.926514   [DEG:   74.2602  108.5646   53.0853 ]

Some notes about parameters for LGA calculations


After setting an option: -lw:3
the LGA records will look like below:

#      Molecule1      Molecule2  DISTANCE  RMSD(lw:3)
LGA    M     1_A      M     1_A     9.592      -
LGA    N     2_A      N     2_A    11.124      -
LGA    I     3_A      I     3_A    13.468      -
LGA    F     4_A      F     4_A    11.355     2.541
LGA    E     5_A      E     5_A     8.107     1.718
LGA    M     6_A      M     6_A    13.142     1.511
LGA    L     7_A      L     7_A    13.326     1.622
LGA    R     8_A      R     8_A     8.502     2.042
LGA    I     9_A      I     9_A     6.853     2.876
LGA    D    10_A      D    10_A    10.670     3.337
LGA    E    11_A      E    11_A    10.752     3.222

where in the last column for each residue a RMSD value is
calculated on 3+1+3=7 residues window. This information can be
helpful to detect local similarity of structures when such
a similarity is difficult to capture from the global superposition.


There are several ways how to select from both structures the set
of residues for calculations. Here are some described options and examples:

  -sda            - amino-acids identical by numbering and chain IDs are selected
  -ch2:B          - chain B from molecule2 is selected
  -aa1:1:317      - residues 1 till 317 from molecule1
  -gap1:152:156   - remove residues 152 - 156 from molecule1
  -aa2:45:361     - residues 45 till 361 from molecule2
  -er2:45_B:50_B  - residues 45 till 50 from molecule2 chain B

Let us note that with "-sda" mode the two protein structures have to overlap 
by the numbering of amino acids and also by the chain IDs (unless the chains 
are specified using parameters: -ch1:A -ch2:B ,...).

The mode "-sia" has to be used for structure comparison of regions where proteins
differ in residue numbering.
If user needs to perform LCS and GDT analysis ("-3" option) of two structures 
(mol1 and mol2) in selected regions, then "-sia" mode and the exact range of 
residues (-er1:s1:s2 -er2:s1:s2) may be used:
  -3 -sia -o1 -d:5.0 -er1:10:23 -er2:45_B:50_B,56_B:63_B
And the following residue correspondence is established:
  mol1        mol2
    10        45_B
    11        46_B
    12        47_B
    13        48_B
    14        49_B
    15        50_B
    16        56_B
    17        57_B
    18        58_B
    19        59_B
    20        60_B
    21        61_B
    22        62_B
    23        63_B
Only residue-pairs above will be used for "-3 -sia" calculations.

The following sets of parameters are equivalent:
  -3 -sia -d:5.0 -lw:3 -aa1:1:317 -ch2:B -aa2:45:361 -gap1:152:156
  -3 -sia -d:5.0 -lw:3 -er1:1:151,157:317 -er2:45_B:361_B 
And in both cases the following residue-residue correspondence is established 
for "-3 -sia" calculation:
  mol1     mol2  
     1     45_B
     2     46_B
    --- - ---
   151    195_B
   157    201_B
    --- - ---
   316    360_B
   317    361_B
Running lga program with an option: -aa
  lga -aa mol1.mol2
the following list of amino-acids from both structures is generated:

AAMOL1    I       2      1
AAMOL1    V       3      2
AAMOL1    T       4      3
AAMOL1    Q       5      4
AAMOL1    L      46      5
AAMOL1    K      47      6
AAMOL1    P      48      7
AAMOL1    T      49      8
AAMOL1    P      50      9
AAMOL1    E      51     10
AAMOL1    G      52     11
AAMOL1    D      53     12
AAMOL1    L      54     13

AAMOL2    L      57      1
AAMOL2    L      58      2
AAMOL2    Q      59      3
AAMOL2    K      60      4
AAMOL2    W      61      5
AAMOL2    E      62      6
AAMOL2    N      63      7
AAMOL2    G      64      8
AAMOL2    E      65      9
AAMOL2    C      66     10
AAMOL2    A      67     11
AAMOL2    Q      68     12
AAMOL2    K      69     13
AAMOL2    K      70     14
AAMOL2    I      71     15
AAMOL2    I      72     16
AAMOL2    A      73     17
AAMOL2    E      74     18
User can attach to the "mol1.mol2" file a selected AAMOL* records and run lga 
with an option "-al". In this case only residues listed in AAMOL* records will be 
used for calculations.

User can attach to the "mol1.mol2" file a selected "LGA" records (see below), 
and run lga with an option "-al". In this case only residue pairs for which the 
DISTANCE column is different than "-" will be used for calculations.

#      Molecule1      Molecule2       DISTANCE
LGA    -       -      A    30_B           -
LGA    -       -      A    31_B           -
LGA    -       -      I    32_B           -
LGA    -       -      A    33_B           -
LGA    -       -      K    34_B           -
LGA    -       -      E    35_B           -
LGA    L    39_A      L    36_B          0.401
LGA    K    40_A      K    37_B          0.409
LGA    -       -      L    38_B           -
LGA    D    42_A      D    39_B          0.350
LGA    Y    43_A      Y    40_B          0.236
LGA    E    44_A      E    41_B          0.560
LGA    L    45_A      L    42_B          0.466
LGA    K    46_A      K    43_B           -
LGA    P    47_A      P    44_B           -
LGA    M    48_A      M    45_B          0.329
LGA    D    49_A      D    46_B          0.089
LGA    F    50_A      F    47_B          0.037
LGA    S    51_A      S    48_B          0.186
LGA    G    52_A      G    49_B          0.176
LGA    I    53_A      I    50_B           #
LGA    I    54_A      I    51_B           #
LGA    P    55_A      P    52_B          0.210
LGA    A    56_A      A    53_B          0.558
LGA    L    57_A      L    54_B          0.398
LGA    Q    58_A      -       -           -
LGA    T    59_A      -       -           -
LGA    K    60_A      K    57_B           #
LGA    N    61_A      N    58_B           #
LGA    V    62_A      V    59_B           #
LGA    D    63_A      D    60_B           #
LGA    L    64_A      L    61_B           #
LGA    A    65_A      A    62_B           #
LGA    L    66_A      L    63_B           #
LGA    A    67_A      A    64_B           #
LGA    G    68_A      G    65_B           #
LGA    I    69_A      I    66_B           #
LGA    T    70_A      T    67_B           #
LGA    -       -      I    68_B           -
LGA    -       -      T    69_B           -
LGA    -       -      D    70_B           -
LGA    -       -      E    71_B           -
ATOM    269  N   LEU A  39      16.096 -48.145  12.331  1.00 12.81           N 
ATOM    270  CA  LEU A  39      15.692 -49.459  12.808  1.00 13.11           C 
ATOM    271  C   LEU A  39      16.406 -50.631  12.156  1.00 16.36           C 
ATOM    237  N   ALA B  30       7.845  28.839   9.911  1.00 16.17           N 
ATOM    238  CA  ALA B  30       8.434  30.179   9.855  1.00 15.10           C 
ATOM    239  C   ALA B  30       9.116  30.407   8.502  1.00 17.22           C 
ATOM    240  O   ALA B  30       8.909  31.432   7.859  1.00 16.39           O 
ATOM    552  OE1 GLU B  71      -7.284   5.475   5.563  1.00 46.00           O 
ATOM    553  OE2 GLU B  71      -6.414   4.507   7.314  1.00 42.95           O 

The options -1, -2, -3 work on already established residue-residue
correspondence. The residue-residue correspondence will not be changed
during calculations.
If user needs to find structure alignment (automatically establish the
residue-residue correspondence), then the option "-4" has to be used.

LGA general description

LGA has been designed to search for the best structure superposition of two 
protein structures or fragments of protein structures.
Structure comparative analysis can be made in two general modes:

  - Fixed residue-residue correspondence (options: -1, -2, -3). 
    This mode can be used when user knows how to establish residue-residue 
    correspondence for LGA processing (the residue-residue correspondence will 
    not be changed during the calculations). For example by using the option 
    "-3 -sda" the program will select for calculations the residues that are 
    identical ("-sda") by the numbering of amino acid and chain id, and then 
    identify the fragments where two structures are similar or structurally 
    different ("-3": LCS and GDT analysis).
  - Search for residue-residue correspondence (option: -4). 
    This mode can be used for structural comparison of any two proteins. 
    For example using the option "-4 -sia" the best superposition (according 
    to the LGA technique) is calculated completely ignoring sequence 
    relationship ("-sia") between the two proteins, and the suitable amino 
    acid correspondence (structural alignment) is reported ("-4").

Most of the structure comparison programs are built on the principle that a
suitable scoring function can be defined with its optimum corresponding to the
most significant structural match. Many established comparison techniques
define structural similarity by two numbers, the root mean square deviation
(RMSD) between two superimposed structures together with the number of
"equivalent" (structurally aligned) residues. However, it is impossible
to optimize these two quantities simultaneously, since one can be optimized
on the expense of the other. The structural aligner DALI by L. Holm [1] solves
the optimization problem by combining several numbers to a single quantity,
called z-score. ProSup aligner by M. Sippl [2] maximizes the number of equivalent
residues while RMSD is kept close to the constant value.

As a basis for scoring function for LGA aligner serve two new measures LCS and
GDT. These two measures established by A. Zemla [3] for detection of local and 
global structure similarities between two proteins were successfully verified 
during CASP process (see [4], [5]) providing very good ranking of evaluated 
protein models. Comparing two protein structures LCS procedure is able to localize 
(along the sequence) the Longest Continuous Segments of residues that can fit 
under selected RMSD cutoff. Global Distance Test (GDT) algorithm is designed to
complement evaluations made with LCS searching for the largest (not necessary
continuous) set of "equivalent" residues deviating by no more than a specified
DISTANCE cutoff. In comparison with LCS, which provides numerically exact results,
generation of maximal sets of residues that are not necessarily continuous along
the main chain is only approximate. The algorithm however uses many different
DISTANCE cutoffs to find the best global structural match.

                     LCS, GDT, and LGA_S description (see [3], [6])

Longest Continuous Segments under specified CA RMSD cutoff (LCS).
  The algorithm identifies the longest continuous segments of residues
  in the target deviating from the model by not more than specified
  CA RMSD cutoff. Each residue in a target is assigned to the longest 
  of such segments provided if is a part of that segment (see LCS_GDT records).
  For different values of the CA RMSD cutoff (1.0 A, 2.0 A, and 5.0 A) the
  longest continuous segments in the target are reported.

Global Distance Test (GDT). The algorithm identifies in the target
  the sets of residues deviating from the model by no more than
  specified CA DISTANCE cutoff using many different superpositions.
  Each residue from the target is assigned to the largest set of the residues
  (not necessary continuous) deviating from the model by no more than a
  specified distance cutoff (see LCS_GDT records: GDT_DATA_COLUMNS).
  For different values of DISTANCE cutoff (0.5 A, 1.0 A, 1.5 A, ... 10.0 A)
  the several measures are reported:
    NUMBER_CA   - the number of CA's from the "largest set" that can fit
                    under specified distance cutoff
    PERCENT_CA  - percent of CA's from the "largest set" comparing to the
                    total number of CA's in target (see GDT_Pn below)
    RMS_LOCAL   - RMSD (root mean square deviation) calculated on the
                    "largest set" of CA's
    RMS_ALL_CA  - RMSD calculated on all CA after superposition of the
                    prediction structure to the target structure based on
                    the "largest set" of CA's

    GDT_TS = (GDT_P1 + GDT_P2 + GDT_P4 + GDT_P8)/4.0
      where GDT_Pn is an estimation of the percent of residues that can
      fit under distance cutoff <= n.0 Angstroms

The GDT procedure is the following. Each three-residue segment and each
continuous segment found by LCS is used as a starting point to give an
initial equivalences (model-target CA pairs) for a superposition.
The list of equivalences is iteratively extended to produce the largest
set of residues that can fit under considered distance cutoff.
For collecting data about largest sets of residues the Iterative 
Superposition Procedure (ISP) is implemented.
The goal of the ISP method is to exclude from the calculations atoms
that are more than some threshold (cutoff) distance between the
model and the target structure after the transform is applied.
Starting from the initial set of atoms (C-alphas) the algorithm is the
  a) calculate the transform
  b) identify in superimposed structures all atom pairs for which the 
     distance is not larger than the threshold
  c) calculate a new transform on the set of identified atom pairs
  d) exclude from that set the atoms for which the distance (after 
     applying a new transform) is larger than the threshold
  e) repeat a) - d) until the set of atoms used in calculations
     is the same for two cycles running

Results of the analysis given by LCS algorithm show rather local features 
of the model compared to the target, while the residues considered in GDT 
come from the whole model structure (they do not have to maintain the continuity 
along the sequence). From this point of view GDT can detect the kind of GLOBAL 
level of structure similarity.

By combining these two techniques (RMSD based and distance based), LGA not only 
calculates a "best" superposition between two proteins (meaning "under certain 
RMSD and distance cutoffs"), but also identifies the regions of local similarity 
between compared structures. In the structure alignment search procedure, for each 
generated list of equivalent residues, the following values are calculated: 
   LCS_vi - percent of residues in target (continuous set) that can fit under an RMSD 
            cutoff of vi Angstroms (for vi = 1.0, 2.0, ...), and 
   GDT_vi - an estimation of the percent of residues in target (largest set) that 
            can fit under the distance cutoff of vi Angstroms (for vi = 0.5, 1.0, ...). 
A scoring function (LGA_S - structure similarity score) is defined as a combination 
of these values. For a given parameter w (0.0<=w<=1.0), representing a weighting 
factor, LGA_S value is calculated by the formula (see [3], [6] for details): 
   LGA_S = w*S(GDT) + (1-w)*S(LCS) 
where S(F) function is defined as follows:
   S(F) = 2 * (k*F_v1 + (k-1)*F_v2 +...+ 1*F_vk) / ((k+1)*k)

This formula is used to calculate LGA_S values in both cases: the sequence 
dependent ("-3") and in the sequence independent ("-4") modes.
NOTE: LGA_S values may slightly differ between "-3" and "-4" calculations even if 
      performed on the same set of residues. This is because "-3" and "-4" modes use 
      different procedures to search for the "best" sets of residue pairs to calculate 
      "optimal" superpositions (to detect maximum number of residues that can fit under 
      rmsd and distance cutoffs).
      In order to distinguish these two cases ("-3" and "-4") the calculated value LGA_S
      is named LGA_S3 when the option "-3" is used.

For the purpose of structure similarity search or ordering of models (or PDB templates),
the target (frame of the reference, second molecule) should be fixed and then user may
sort models (see SUMMARY results) by the number of superimposed residues N (under one 
selected DIST cutoff), or by the values of GDT_TS (average from four distance cutoffs), 
or LGA_S (weighted results from the full set of distance cutoffs). Let us notice that 
LGA_S can be used to evaluate the level of structure similarity between proteins in 
sequence dependent ("-3") mode as well as in structure alignment search ("-4") mode. 
The experiments show that LGA_S is slightly more sensitive and accurate in scoring 
structural similarity than GDT_TS.


[1]   L. Holm, C. Sander: "Protein structure comparison by alignment of distance
      matrices", J Mol Biol, 1993, 233, pp. 123-138.

[2]   Z. K. Feng, M. J. Sippl: "Optimum superimposition of protein structures:
      ambiguities and implications", Fold Des, 1996, 1, pp. 123-132.

[3]   A. Zemla: "LGA - A Method for Finding 3-D Similarities in Protein Structures",
      Nucleic Acids Research, 2003, Vol. 31, No. 13, pp. 3370-3374.

[4]   A. Zemla, C. Venclovas, J. Moult, K. Fidelis: "Processing and evaluation of
      predictions in CASP4", PROTEINS: Structure, Function, and Genetics,
      Volume 45, Issue S5, 2001, pp. 13-21.

[5]   S. Cristobal, A. Zemla, D. Fischer, L. Rychlewski, A. Elofsson: "A study
      of quality measures for protein threading models", BMC Bioinformatics
      2001 2: 5.

[6]   A. Zemla, B. Geisbrecht, J. Smith, M. Lam, B. Kirkpatrick, M. Wagner, T. Slezak, 
      C.E. Zhou. "STRALCP structure alignment-based clustering of proteins", Nucleic 
      Acids Research, 2007, 35, 22, Pp. e150; doi: 10.1093/nar/gkm1049.


Changes, improvements, development:


### Date: 15 Oct 1999

First version of the LGA program was tested.

### Date: 21 Mar 2000

An extensive analysis of the structure comparison results from PROSUP and LGA programs
used to evaluate CASP3 models was performed. Evaluation results were compared with Alexey
Murzin's "Fold recognition" CASP3 assessment.

### Date: 10 May 2000

An analysis of the LGA performance and other structure comparison programs was 
performed. Collaborative work with: S. Cristobal, D. Fischer, L. Rychlewski, 
and A. Elofsson.

### Date: 29 Aug 2000

The results of the comparison of different measures used for the analysis of the 
quality of protein structure predictions were prepared for the manuscript [5]:
   S. Cristobal, A. Zemla, D. Fischer, L. Rychlewski, A. Elofsson: "A study
   of quality measures for protein threading models", BMC Bioinformatics
   2001 2: 5, 2001.
### Date: 20 Mar 2001

Thanks to the suggestion from Daniel Barsky (barsky@llnl.gov) an option to
perform calculation on selected CA atoms was included (AAMOL1 and AAMOL2 records).

### Date: 06 Sep 2001

"Lesk window" option was included to the program. RMSD value calculated 
on length=2*n+1 residue window (-lw:n).

### Date: 15 Jul 2002

Thanks to the suggestion from Dat H. Nguyen (nguyend@gps01.llnl.gov) an option to
perform calculations on chosen atoms (NOT only CA) was included.

  -atom:CB    CB atoms will be used for calculations. NOTE (special character
              in the PARAMATER-OPTIONS line): use , instead of '
              (for example: H5,1 to select H5'1 atom)

  -ah:i       ATOM or HETATM records are used for calculations:
                i=0 both (default)
                i=1 ATOM
                i=2 HETATM

### Date: 05 Jan 2003

Thanks to the discussions with Michael Levitt (michael.levitt@stanford.edu) the 
accuracy of LGA (GDT_TS) calculations was improved, and the problem with erroneous 
calculations on "singular structures" (compressed coordinates, very small distances 
between atoms) was reduced. 

### Date: 02 Mar 2003

Thanks to the discussions with Nick Grishin (grishin@chop.swmed.edu)
LGA_S scoring function was improved.

### Date: 11 Oct 2003

Thanks to the suggestion from Bernhard Rupp (br@llnl.gov) the calculation of Euler
angles has been included:

The convention used (XYZ):
    phi is about x-axis
    theta is about y-axis
    psi is about z-axis

and the translation formulas are the following:

    c1 = cos(phi);    s1 = sin(phi);
    c2 = cos(theta);  s2 = sin(theta);
    c3 = cos(psi);    s3 = sin(psi);

    r[1][1] =  c1 * c2;
    r[2][1] =  c1 * s2 * s3 - s1 * c3;
    r[3][1] =  c1 * s2 * c3 + s1 * s3;
    r[1][2] =  s1 * c2;
    r[2][2] =  s1 * s2 * s3 + c1 * c3;
    r[3][2] =  s1 * s2 * c3 - c1 * s3;
    r[1][3] = -s2;
    r[2][3] =  c2 * s3;
    r[3][3] =  c2 * c3;

LGA reports ROTATION matrix, VECTOR and Euler angles in the following format:

Unitary ROTATION matrix and the SHIFT vector superimpose molecules  (1=>2)
  X_new =   0.407935 * X  +  -0.032836 * Y  +   0.912420 * Z  +  11.435461
  Y_new =   0.509052 * X  +  -0.821424 * Y  +  -0.257154 * Z  +  61.613953
  Z_new =   0.757928 * X  +   0.569372 * Y  +  -0.318373 * Z  + -36.757996

Euler angles from the ROTATION matrix. Conventions XYZ and ZXZ:
           Phi     Theta       Psi   [DEG:       Phi     Theta       Psi ]
XYZ:  0.895225 -0.860131  2.080649   [DEG:   51.2926  -49.2818  119.2124 ]
ZXZ:  1.296085  1.894809  0.926514   [DEG:   74.2602  108.5646   53.0853 ]

### Date: 21 Dec 2003

Alignment verification module has been improved.

### Date: 11 Jan 2004

New options: -er1:s1:s2 and -er2:s1:s2 have been included. This allows to select
the exact ranges of residues from molecule1 and molecule2.
Example: -er1:10_A:16_A -er1:B:B -er2:8_A:20_A -er2:7S_B:7_C
  where: -er1:10_A:16_A selects in molecule1 the residues 10-16 (chain A)
         -er1:B:B selects in molecule1 all residues from chain B
         -er2:8_A:20_A selects in molecule2 the residues 8-20 (chain A)
         -er2:7S_B:7_C selects in molecule2 the residues 7S_B (residue 7 insertion S
                       from chain B) up to 7_C (residue 7 from chain C)

### Date: 05 Aug 2004

To run lga calculation on the selected set of residues defined by the 
attached AAMOL* or LGA records, user has to use the parameter: -al
otherwise the attached records are ignored.

### Date: 07 Jan 2006

The residue selection module has been improved.

### Date: 23 Jun 2006

The reported total number of atoms in compared structures has been corrected.
It was calculated based on the number of selected residues, not based on the 
actual number of residues in compared structures. 
Thanks to Andriy Kryshtafovych (akryshtafovych@ucdavis.edu) for reporting the issue.

### Date: 25 Sept 2006

The residue selection options "-er1:s1:s2" and "-er2:s1:s2" were corrected.
Thanks to Yun He (jarod@spg.biosci.tsinghua.edu.cn) for poining out the error.

The residue selection options -er1:s1:s2 (s1 , s2 - strings) have been upgrated. 
Now, if several "-er1" or "-er2" options are used, then the si pairs (ranges) can be
separated by ',' -er1:s1:s2,s3:s4,s5:s6,s7:s8,s9:s10 

### Date: 15 Oct 2006

The following option has been introduced: -cb:f
The coordinates of the point representing amino-acid position for LGA processing 
can be defined by the point f on the CA-CB vector: -5.0 <= f <= 5.0
For example: -cb:0 is equivalent to CA position, and -cb:1 is equivalent to CB position
NOTE: for each amino-acid a complete set of main chain atoms (N,CA,C,O) is required 
in the input structures.

### Date: 28 Dec 2007

The following options have been introduced: -rmsd , -swap
They allow to calculate RMSD values on aligned CA, MC (main chain), and ALL atoms. 
If the option "-swap" is chosen then calculating RMSD on ALL atoms "swapping" 
is considered. It means that in amino acids where atom names can be switched, i.e.
       for ASP: OD1 <-> OD2
       for GLU: OE1 <-> OE2
       for PHE: CD1 <-> CD2
                CE1 <-> CE2
       for TYR: CD1 <-> CD2
                CE1 <-> CE2
cartesian rmsd is calculated with an option to minimize its value. Sets (CD1, CE1) and 
(CD2, CE2) in PHE and TYR, as well as atoms OD1 and OD2 in ASP, OE1 and OE2 in GLU are 
exchanged and more favorable contributions to rmsd are taken into account.
For example, if "-rmsd" option is included (./lga 2gff_A.1lq9_A -4 -rmsd) then program 
will produce results in the following format:

#      Molecule1      Molecule2  DISTANCE    Mis    MC     All    Dist_max   GDC_mc  GDC_all
LGA    I    52_A      N    62_A     0.500     3    0.031   0.038     0.639   92.857   58.929
LGA    Y    53_A      Y    63_A     0.745     0    0.017   1.384     3.159   88.214   80.040
LGA    E    54_A      A    64_A     0.907     0    0.095   0.095     1.019   88.214   88.667
LGA    A    55_A      Q    65_A     1.665     4    0.089   0.104     2.060   79.286   42.434
LGA    Y    56_A      W    66_A     1.275     9    0.076   0.099     1.556   79.286   28.469
LGA    T    57_A      E    67_A     1.446     4    0.026   0.030     1.614   81.429   44.286
LGA    D    58_A      S    68_A     1.400     1    0.070   0.118     1.400   81.429   67.857
LGA    E    59_A      E    69_A     1.595     0    0.082   1.042     2.146   75.000   77.884
LGA    A    60_A      Q    70_A     1.584     4    0.033   0.032     1.774   77.143   42.381
# RMSD_GDC results:       CA      MC common percent     ALL common percent   GDC_mc  GDC_all
NUMBER_OF_ATOMS_AA:       91     364    364  100.00     700    490   70.00               112
SUMMARY(RMSD_GDC):     2.343          2.349                  2.539           56.941   41.648

#CA            N1   N2   DIST      N    RMSD   Seq_Id      LGA_S     LGA_Q
SUMMARY(LGA)   97  112    5.0     91    2.34    18.68     62.085     3.724

where "Mis" column gives the number of missing atoms in a given amino acid (missing atom 
pairs; relative to the amino acid defined in Molecule2), "MC" - rmsd calculated on main 
chain atoms, and "All" - rmsd on all corresponding (common) atoms from aligned amino acids. 

If both options are included "-rmsd -swap" (or just "-swap") then the following results 
are reported:
# Checking swapping
#   possible swapping detected:  Y    53_A      Y    63_A
#   possible swapping detected:  E    59_A      E    69_A
#   possible swapping detected:  E    76_A      E    87_A

#      Molecule1      Molecule2  DISTANCE    Mis    MC     All    Dist_max   GDC_mc  GDC_all
LGA    I    52_A      N    62_A     0.500     3    0.031   0.038     0.639   92.857   58.929
LGA    Y    53_A      Y    63_A     0.745     0    0.017   0.058     1.037   88.214   88.214
LGA    E    54_A      A    64_A     0.907     0    0.095   0.095     1.019   88.214   88.667
LGA    A    55_A      Q    65_A     1.665     4    0.089   0.104     2.060   79.286   42.434
LGA    Y    56_A      W    66_A     1.275     9    0.076   0.099     1.556   79.286   28.469
LGA    T    57_A      E    67_A     1.446     4    0.026   0.030     1.614   81.429   44.286
LGA    D    58_A      S    68_A     1.400     1    0.070   0.118     1.400   81.429   67.857
LGA    E    59_A      E    69_A     1.595     0    0.082   0.640     1.898   75.000   80.741
LGA    A    60_A      Q    70_A     1.584     4    0.033   0.032     1.774   77.143   42.381

# RMSD_GDC results:       CA      MC common percent     ALL common percent   GDC_mc  GDC_all
NUMBER_OF_ATOMS_AA:       91     364    364  100.00     700    490   70.00               112
SUMMARY(RMSD_GDC):     2.343          2.349                  2.524           56.941   41.751

#CA            N1   N2   DIST      N    RMSD   Seq_Id      LGA_S     LGA_Q
SUMMARY(LGA)   97  112    5.0     91    2.34    18.68     62.085     3.724

These options can be combined with "-lw:n" to specify the length of sliding window for 
calculating local RMSDs.

### Date: 02 Jan 2008

The output from the calculations of Euler angles from the ROTATION matrix has been 
modified. The calculations for two most popular conventions XYZ and ZXZ (ZXZ is used 
in CHIMERA) are now reported:

Unitary ROTATION matrix and the SHIFT vector superimpose molecules  (1=>2)
  X_new =  -0.347115 * X  +  -0.009255 * Y  +   0.937777 * Z  + -11.467628
  Y_new =  -0.754312 * X  +  -0.591409 * Y  +  -0.285043 * Z  +  10.637938
  Z_new =   0.557247 * X  +  -0.806319 * Y  +   0.198306 * Z  +  -8.800918

Euler angles from the ROTATION matrix. Conventions XYZ and ZXZ:
           Phi     Theta       Psi   [DEG:       Phi     Theta       Psi ]
XYZ: -2.002079 -0.591067 -1.329643   [DEG: -114.7107  -33.8656  -76.1829 ]
ZXZ:  1.275714  1.371167  2.536865   [DEG:   73.0930   78.5621  145.3516 ]

The translation formulas for ZXZ convention are the following:

    c1 = cos(phi);    s1 = sin(phi);
    c2 = cos(theta);  s2 = sin(theta);
    c3 = cos(psi);    s3 = sin(psi);

    r[1][1] =  c1 * c3 - s1 * c2 * s3;
    r[1][2] =  s1 * c3 + c1 * c2 * s3;
    r[1][3] =  s2 * s3; 
    r[2][1] = -c1 * s3 - s1 * c2 * c3;
    r[2][2] = -s1 * s3 + c1 * c2 * c3;
    r[2][3] =  s2 * c3;
    r[3][1] =  s1 * s2;
    r[3][2] = -c1 * s2;
    r[3][3] =  c2;

Thanks to Bernhard Rupp (bernhardrupp@sbcglobal.net) for suggesting this modification.

### Date: 21 Feb 2008

The format of the LCS_GDT lines has been slightly modified to provide a better description 
of the results reported in the LCS GDT section:
LCS_GDT    MOLECULE-1    MOLECULE-2     LCS_DETAILS     GDT_DETAILS                   ...
LCS_GDT   NAME NUMBER   NAME NUMBER    1.0  2.0  5.0    0.5  1.0  1.5  2.0  2.5  3.0  ...

The option "-gdt" has been introduced. It can be combined ONLY with the "-3" option. 
If "-3 -gdt" is used then the reported final superposition is the one that fits maximum 
number of residues (N) under a given distance cutoff. This is exactly the same superposition 
as is reported by default in the previous versions of the LGA program when "-3" option was used.
From now the default reported superposition for "-3" mode is the standard superposition 
calculated using the set of identified N residues. 
NOTE: when the standard superposition is applied then not all residues from N identified by 
LGA (GDT algoritm) may stil fit under a selected distance cutoff DIST.

### Date: 10 July 2008

The option of calculating CB atom positions "-cb:f" can be combined with "-atom:CB".
If two options are combined (e.g. "-cb:1 -atom:CB"), then all existing CB atoms are 
leveraged and only missing CB atoms are calculated.

A new option "-check" has been introduced to check and report amino acids with missing 
pre-selected atoms ("CA" atoms are pre-selected as default atoms for LGA calculations).
If "-cb:f" option is used, then program will report amino-acids with missing main chain 
atoms (N, CA, C, or O).

### Date: 18 July 2008

The new two options "-gdc_sup" and "-gdc_set" have been introduced  to allow calculate 
an additional superposition on a selected set of amino acids and use this superposition 
to evaluate distances between atoms from another set of selected amino acids.

Thanks to Yun He (jarodpardon@gmail.com) and Daniel Barsky (barsky@llnl.gov) for 
suggesting this modification.

When "-swap" or "-rmsd" options are used, then the GDC (Global Distance Calculations) 
analysis (as default) is performed on all amino acids that are used for regular LGA 

To define a set of amino acids for calculating additional superposition for GDC analysis
we can make amino acids selection using an option "-gdc_sup:s1:s2,s3:s4". 
To evaluate a selected set of amino acids we can use an option "-gdc_set:s5:s6,s7:s8". 
For example, if we run the LGA program as:
./lga model.target -3 -sda -d:4 -swap -gdc_sup:s1:s2 -gdc_set:s5:s6,s7:s8
then the SUMMARY(GDT) results (GDT_TS, LGA_S3, N, ...) will be calculated as before 
(using all (in common) amino acids from both structures (model and target)), but the 
GDC results (Dist_max and GDC columns in LGA records, and SUMMARY(RMSD_GDC)) will be 
calculated for s5:s6,s7:s8 ranges only using the superposition created based on the 
amino acids from the range s1:s2.

Another example: 
./lga 1hiv_A.1sip_A -4 -er2:10_A:70_A -gdc_sup:14_A:50_A -gdc_set:24_A:33_A

#      Molecule1      Molecule2  DISTANCE    Mis    MC     All    Dist_max   GDC_mc  GDC_all
LGA    E    21_A      E    21_A     0.828     0    0.109   0.345      -        -        -
LGA    A    22_A      V    22_A     0.377     2    0.057   0.109      -        -        -
LGA    L    23_A      L    23_A     0.409     0    0.075   0.255      -        -        -
LGA    L    24_A      L    24_A     0.296     0    0.123   0.142     0.714  100.000   96.429
LGA    D    25_A      D    25_A     0.242     0    0.136   0.346     0.787  100.000   96.429
LGA    T    26_A      T    26_A     0.393     0    0.074   0.236     0.501  100.000   98.639
LGA    G    27_A      G    27_A     0.181     0    0.032   0.032     0.273  100.000  100.000
LGA    A    28_A      A    28_A     0.481     0    0.103   0.203     0.681   97.619   96.190
LGA    D    29_A      D    29_A     0.355     0    0.121   0.157     0.563  100.000   98.810
LGA    D    30_A      D    30_A     0.484     0    0.075   0.531     2.046  100.000   88.869
LGA    T    31_A      S    31_A     0.726     1    0.025   0.059     0.762   97.619   80.159
LGA    V    32_A      I    32_A     0.473     3    0.095   0.149     0.857  100.000   61.310
LGA    L    33_A      V    33_A     0.287     2    0.086   0.096     0.722   97.619   68.707
LGA    E    34_A      T    34_A     0.791     2    0.095   0.102      -        -        -
LGA    E    35_A      G    35_A     3.617     0    0.609   0.609      -        -        -
LGA    M    36_A      I    36_A     2.135     3    0.044   0.095      -        -        -
LGA    S    37_A      E    37_A     1.098     4    0.029   0.042      -        -        -
# RMSD_GDC results:       CA      MC common percent     ALL common percent   GDC_mc  GDC_all
NUMBER_OF_ATOMS_AA:       61     244    244  100.00     457    361   78.99                10
SUMMARY(RMSD_GDC):     1.281          1.245                  1.560           99.286   88.554

#CA            N1   N2   DIST      N    RMSD   Seq_Id      LGA_S     LGA_Q
SUMMARY(LGA)   99   61    5.0     61    1.28    45.90     95.952     4.417

In the example above the main superposition and the distances between CA atoms (DISTANCE 
column) were calculated using selected set of CA atoms (see range: -er2:10_A:70_A) from 
the target (molecule2; 1sip_A). MC and All columns contain "local" RMSD values calculated 
on mainchain (MC) and all (All) atoms from the given aligned amino acids. The GDC columns 
(Dist_max, GDC_mc and GDC_all) contain results from distance calculations using an additional 
superposition which is calculated as a standard CA-based superposition applied to the 
restricted set (see range "-gdc_sup:14_A:50_A" from molecule2) of residue-residue pairs 
(correspondences) identified by the main LGA superposition. The additional superposition is 
used for GDC calculations applied to the set of residue-residue pairs from the range defined 
by "-gdc_set:24_A:33_A". The row SUMMARY(RMSD_GDC) contains an average value from all 10 (in
this example) calculated GDC_mc and 10 GDC_all values. Dist_max is a maximum distance between 
corresponding atoms from the aligned (equivalent) amino acids.

For each amino acid from the set "-gdc_set:24_A:33_A" the values of GDC_mc and GDC_all are
calculated by the following GDC algorithm:
1) superposition is calculated using the range "-gdc_sup:14_A:50_A" of amino acids from 
   the molecule2
2) the distances between corresponding atoms (model.target) from each selected amino acid 
   are assigned to the k=20 distance bins: 0.5A, 1.0A, 1.5A, 2.0A, 2.5A, ... 
   (NOTE: the lowest distance deviation bin is defined as a range: 0.0 - 0.5 Angstroms,
   the second bin is defined as" 0.0 - 1.0 Angstroms, third: 0.0 - 1.5A, etc)
3) for each bin_i (i=1 ... 20) the percentages Pa_i of assigned atoms are calculated
4) all percentages are added by the formula: 
   GDC_all = 100.0 * 2 * (k*Pa_1 + (k-1)*Pa_2 +...+ 1*Pa_k) / ((k+1)*k), where k=20.

NOTE: The ranges defined by the options "-gdc_sup" and "-gdc_set" have to be the subsets 
of the list of residues used for main superposition. It is because the LGA program needs 
to identify residue-residue correspondences (equivalences) before GDC evaluation of the 
selected residues and atoms can be performed.

If ranges "-gdc_sup" and "-gdc_set" are not specified, then the GDC calculations are 
performed on the same set of amino acids as is used for regular LGA calculations (main

### Date: 31 July 2008

Many thanks to Jane Richardson (dcrjsr@kinemage.biochem.duke.edu) and the members of 
the Richardson Lab. A number of improvements and new options has been introduced to 
the LGA program. Details are below.

A new option "-gdc" has been introduced to report and rotate molecule1 using the 
superposition that is used for GDC calculations (e.g. defined by "-gdc_sup"). 
If "-gdc" is not specified then the standard LGA superposition is reported.

A new option: -gdc_at:a1,a2,a3,a4 has been implemented. It allows to select atoms (one 
atom per one name of amino-acid) from the molecule2 for which the GDC calculations 
(distances and GDC summary) will be calculated. 
Format example (aa.atom): a1 = V.CG1, a2 = C.SG, a3 = T.OG1, a4 = H.NE2
NOTE: this option is applied to the molecule2 only. The corresponding atoms from the 
molecule1 will be detected based on the calculated alignment. Up to 20 representative 
atoms (one atom per each of 20 amino-acids) can be selected for GDC evaluation.

The following "aa.atom" naming scheme is allowed:
  aa   atom
  A:   N CA C O CB                                     
  V:   N CA C O CB CG1 CG2                             
  L:   N CA C O CB CG  CD1 CD2                         
  I:   N CA C O CB CG1 CG2 CD1                         
  P:   N CA C O CB CG  CD                              
  M:   N CA C O CB CG  SD  CE                          
  F:   N CA C O CB CG  CD1 CD2 CE1 CE2 CZ              
  W:   N CA C O CB CG  CD1 CD2 NE1 CE2 CE3 CZ2 CZ3 CH2 
  G:   N CA C O                                        
  S:   N CA C O CB OG                                  
  T:   N CA C O CB OG1 CG2                             
  C:   N CA C O CB SG                                  
  Y:   N CA C O CB CG  CD1 CD2 CE1 CE2 CZ  OH          
  N:   N CA C O CB CG  OD1 ND2                         
  Q:   N CA C O CB CG  CD  OE1 NE2                     
  D:   N CA C O CB CG  OD1 OD2                         
  E:   N CA C O CB CG  CD  OE1 OE2                     
  K:   N CA C O CB CG  CD  CE  NZ                      
  R:   N CA C O CB CG  CD  NE  CZ  NH1 NH2             
  H:   N CA C O CB CG  ND1 CD2 CE1 NE2                 
  X:   N CA C O CB                                     

NOTE: if selected atom is not present in the coordinates of superimposed amino-acids 
in both molecules (molecule1 and molecule2), then particular amino-acid position will 
not be evaluated.
Example of the complete list of atoms (side chain ends) selected for each amino-acid:

Example of the command line for running LGA program (the same example as shown above):
./lga 1hiv_A.1sip_A -4 -er2:10_A:70_A -gdc_sup:14_A:50_A -gdc_set:24_A:33_A -gdc_at:G.CA,A.CB,V.CG1,L.CD1,I.CD1,M.CE,S.OG,T.OG1,C.SG,N.OD1,Q.OE1,D.OD2,E.OE2,K.NZ,R.NH2,P.CG,W.CH2,H.NE2,F.CZ,Y.OH

The LGA program will produce the following output:

#      Molecule1      Molecule2  DISTANCE    Mis    MC     All    Dist_max   GDC_mc  GDC_all  Dist_at
LGA    E    21_A      E    21_A     0.828     0    0.109   0.345      -        -        -        -
LGA    A    22_A      V    22_A     0.377     2    0.057   0.109      -        -        -        -
LGA    L    23_A      L    23_A     0.409     0    0.075   0.255      -        -        -        -
LGA    L    24_A      L    24_A     0.296     0    0.123   0.142     0.714  100.000   96.429    0.714
LGA    D    25_A      D    25_A     0.242     0    0.136   0.346     0.787  100.000   96.429    0.787
LGA    T    26_A      T    26_A     0.393     0    0.074   0.236     0.501  100.000   98.639    0.501
LGA    G    27_A      G    27_A     0.181     0    0.032   0.032     0.273  100.000  100.000    0.216
LGA    A    28_A      A    28_A     0.481     0    0.103   0.203     0.681   97.619   96.190    0.681
LGA    D    29_A      D    29_A     0.355     0    0.121   0.157     0.563  100.000   98.810    0.563
LGA    D    30_A      D    30_A     0.484     0    0.075   0.531     2.046  100.000   88.869    2.046
LGA    T    31_A      S    31_A     0.726     1    0.025   0.059     0.762   97.619   80.159     -
LGA    V    32_A      I    32_A     0.473     3    0.095   0.149     0.857  100.000   61.310     -
LGA    L    33_A      V    33_A     0.287     2    0.086   0.096     0.722   97.619   68.707     -
LGA    E    34_A      T    34_A     0.791     2    0.095   0.102      -        -        -        -
LGA    E    35_A      G    35_A     3.617     0    0.609   0.609      -        -        -        -
LGA    M    36_A      I    36_A     2.135     3    0.044   0.095      -        -        -        -
LGA    S    37_A      E    37_A     1.098     4    0.029   0.042      -        -        -        -
# RMSD_GDC results:       CA      MC common percent     ALL common percent   GDC_mc  GDC_all   GDC_at
NUMBER_OF_ATOMS_AA:       61     244    244  100.00     457    361   78.99                10        7
SUMMARY(RMSD_GDC):     1.281          1.245                  1.560           99.286   88.554   88.163

#CA            N1   N2   DIST      N    RMSD   Seq_Id      LGA_S     LGA_Q
SUMMARY(LGA)   99   61    5.0     61    1.28    45.90     95.952     4.417

Another example of the command line for running LGA program:
./lga 1m2f_A_2.1m2e_A -3 -gdc_at:G.CA,A.CB,V.CG1,L.CD1,I.CD1,M.CE,S.OG,T.OG1,C.SG,N.OD1,Q.OE1,D.OD2,E.OE2,K.NZ,R.NH2,P.CG,W.CH2,H.NE2,F.CZ,Y.OH -gdc_set:100_A:110_A
The LGA program will produce the following output:
# Molecule1: number of CA atoms  135 ( 2092),  selected  135 , name 1m2f_A_2
# Molecule2: number of CA atoms  135 ( 2091),  selected  135 , name 1m2e_A
# PARAMETERS: 1m2f_A_2.1m2e_A  -3  -gdc_at:G.CA,A.CB,V.CG1,L.CD1,I.CD1,M.CE,S.OG,T.OG1,C.SG,N.OD1,Q.OE1,D.OD2,E.OE2,K.NZ,R.NH2,P.CG,W.CH2,H.NE2,F.CZ,Y.OH  -gdc_set:100_A:110_A
# FIXED Atom-Atom correspondence
# GDT and LCS analysis
#      Molecule1      Molecule2  DISTANCE    Mis    MC     All    Dist_max   GDC_mc  GDC_all  Dist_at
LGA    K    95_A      K    95_A     0.975     0    0.443   1.011      -        -        -        -
LGA    E    96_A      E    96_A     1.543     0    0.128   0.130      -        -        -        -
LGA    Q    97_A      Q    97_A     1.169     0    0.056   0.702      -        -        -        -
LGA    L    98_A      L    98_A     0.808     0    0.067   0.162      -        -        -        -
LGA    Y    99_A      Y    99_A     0.356     0    0.024   0.128      -        -        -        -
LGA    H   100_A      H   100_A     0.720     0    0.024   0.144     0.887   90.476   90.476    0.509
LGA    S   101_A      S   101_A     1.141     0    0.006   0.611     1.420   83.690   82.937    1.073
LGA    A   102_A      A   102_A     1.001     0    0.015   0.016     1.022   85.952   85.048    1.022
LGA    E   103_A      E   103_A     0.627     0    0.060   0.777     1.947   90.476   89.630    1.475
LGA    L   104_A      L   104_A     0.499     0    0.016   0.050     0.796  100.000   96.429    0.796
LGA    H   105_A      H   105_A     0.458     0    0.002   0.222     0.949  100.000   94.286    0.817
LGA    L   106_A      L   106_A     0.403     0    0.046   0.088     0.708   97.619   97.619    0.502
LGA    G   107_A      G   107_A     0.486     0    0.027   0.027     0.486  100.000  100.000    0.486
LGA    I   108_A      I   108_A     0.561     0    0.035   0.075     0.904   90.476   90.476    0.861
LGA    H   109_A      H   109_A     0.765     0    0.046   1.005     6.852   90.476   59.190    6.852
LGA    Q   110_A      Q   110_A     0.374     0    0.029   0.460     1.399  100.000   94.815    1.238
LGA    L   111_A      L   111_A     0.381     0    0.006   0.042      -        -        -        -
LGA    E   112_A      E   112_A     0.468     0    0.029   0.160      -        -        -        -
LGA    Q   113_A      Q   113_A     0.475     0    0.015   0.630      -        -        -        -
# RMSD_GDC results:       CA      MC common percent     ALL common percent   GDC_mc  GDC_all   GDC_at
NUMBER_OF_ATOMS_AA:      135     540    540  100.00    1054   1054  100.00                11       11
SUMMARY(RMSD_GDC):     0.914          0.949                  1.486           93.561   89.173   81.039

#CA            N1   N2   DIST      N    RMSD    GDT_TS    LGA_S3     LGA_Q
SUMMARY(GDT)  135  135    5.0    135    0.91    96.296    98.268    13.314

LGA_LOCAL      RMSD:   0.914  Number of atoms:  135  under DIST:   5.00
LGA_ASGN_ATOMS RMSD:   0.914  Number of assigned atoms:  135
Std_ASGN_ATOMS RMSD:   0.914  Standard rmsd on all 135 assigned CA atoms

In "Dist_at" column are provided results from the distance calculations between 
corresponding atoms (model:1m2f_A_2 - target:1m2e_A) using standard LGA (-3) 
In the "GDC_at" column is shown the number of amino-acids for which "Dist_at" 
values are calculated and the summary value GDC_at is calculated using similar 
algorithm as for calculating GDC_mc and GDC_all:
1) the distances (Dist_at) between corresponding atoms (model.target) from each 
   selected amino acid are assigned to the k=20 distance bins: 0.5A, 1.0A, 1.5A, 
   2.0A, 2.5A, ... 
2) for each bin_i (i=1 ... 20) the percentages Pa_i of assigned atoms are calculated
3) all percentages are added by the formula: 
   GDC_at = 100.0 * 2 * (k*Pa_1 + (k-1)*Pa_2 +...+ 1*Pa_k) / ((k+1)*k), where k=20.

A new option: -gdc_eat:e1:e2,e3:e4 has been implemented. It allows to select exact 
atoms from the molecule1 and molecule2 for the GDC calculations (distances and GDC 
Format example (aanumber.atom): e1 = 132_A.CG1, e2 = 124_B.SG, e3 = 400.FE, e4 = 300.FE
NOTE1: this option allows calculate the distances between any atoms from the molecule1 
and molecule2. The distances are calculated after superposition is applied.
NOTE2: "-gdc_eat" provides an information about the distances between any exact atom 
positions (as they are loaded from the PDB file), so in this case a "-swap" option is 
not fixing a possible ambiguity in atom names. See example below:

Example of the command line:
./lga 1m2f_A_2.1m2e_A -4 -gdc_set:20_A:30_A -swap -gdc_at:D.OD1 -gdc_eat:27_A.OD1:27_A.OD1,27_A.OD1:27_A.OD2,27_A.OD2:27_A.OD1,27_A.OD2:27_A.OD2 

Created output:

# Molecule1: number of CA atoms  135 ( 2092),  selected  135 , name 1m2f_A_2
# Molecule2: number of CA atoms  135 ( 2091),  selected  135 , name 1m2e_A
# PARAMETERS: 1m2f_A_2.1m2e_A  -4  -gdc_set:20_A:30_A  -swap  -gdc_at:D.OD1  -gdc_eat:27_A.OD1:27_A.OD1,27_A.OD1:27_A.OD2,27_A.OD2:27_A.OD1,27_A.OD2:27_A.OD2
# Search for Atom-Atom correspondence
# Structure alignment analysis

# Checking swapping
#   possible swapping detected:  D    27_A      D    27_A
#      Molecule1      Molecule2  DISTANCE    Mis    MC     All    Dist_max   GDC_mc  GDC_all  Dist_at
LGA    Q    18_A      Q    18_A     0.271     0    0.082   0.430      -        -        -        -
LGA    D    19_A      D    19_A     0.644     0    0.046   0.155      -        -        -        -
LGA    C    20_A      C    20_A     0.405     0    0.013   0.062     0.505   97.619   98.413     -
LGA    Q    21_A      Q    21_A     0.448     0    0.024   0.087     0.871   95.238   92.593     -
LGA    R    22_A      R    22_A     0.871     0    0.031   0.841     4.423   90.476   68.052     -
LGA    A    23_A      A    23_A     0.767     0    0.025   0.029     0.778   90.476   90.476     -
LGA    L    24_A      L    24_A     0.453     0    0.027   0.054     0.593   92.857   96.429     -
LGA    S    25_A      S    25_A     0.746     0    0.067   0.108     0.916   90.476   90.476     -
LGA    A    26_A      A    26_A     0.550     0    0.037   0.046     0.647   90.476   92.381     -
LGA    D    27_A      D    27_A     0.720     0    0.020   0.231     0.846   90.476   90.476    0.818
LGA    R    28_A      R    28_A     0.613     0    0.026   0.293     1.315   90.476   91.385     -
LGA    Y    29_A      Y    29_A     0.562     0    0.025   0.627     1.799   90.476   88.413     -
LGA    Q    30_A      Q    30_A     0.857     0    0.009   1.029     2.645   90.476   81.905     -
LGA    L    31_A      L    31_A     0.970     0    0.072   0.437      -        -        -        -
LGA    Q    32_A      Q    32_A     0.471     0    0.043   0.113      -        -        -        -
GDC_eat:   ASP     27_A.OD1     ASP     27_A.OD1   distance:    2.386
GDC_eat:   ASP     27_A.OD1     ASP     27_A.OD2   distance:    0.846
GDC_eat:   ASP     27_A.OD2     ASP     27_A.OD1   distance:    0.818
GDC_eat:   ASP     27_A.OD2     ASP     27_A.OD2   distance:    1.985

# RMSD_GDC results:       CA      MC common percent     ALL common percent   GDC_mc  GDC_all   GDC_at  GDC_eat
NUMBER_OF_ATOMS_AA:      135     540    540  100.00    1054   1054  100.00                11        1        4
SUMMARY(RMSD_GDC):     0.914          0.949                  1.461           91.775   89.182   90.476   79.643

In the lines "GDC_eat:" are provided results from the distance calculations between selected 
atoms (model:1m2f_A_2 - target:1m2e_A) using standard LGA (-4) superposition.
In the section "# RMSD_GDC results:" are provided summary results from the distance 
calculations ("GDC_eat" column). It is shown the number of compared pairs of atoms (4) and 
the summary value GDC_eat calculated using a similar algorithm as is used for calculating 
"GDC_at" (see above).

### Date: 07 August 2008

The following addition has been introduced to the option: -gdc_at:a1,a2,a3,a4 
Now the selection of CB position for glycine is allowed: G.CB (the CB coordinates will be 
calculated automatically based on the main chain atoms possitions).
NOTE: a complete set of main chain atoms (N,CA,C,O) is required for both input structures.

### Date: 28 August 2008

The following addition to the option "-gdc_at" has been introduced: -gdc_at:*.atom 
The selection of one mainchain or CB atom (N,CA,C,O,CB) the same for all amino-acids ('*') 
is now allowed (e.g. -gdc_at:*.N).
NOTE: amino-acids from the molecule2 serve as a frame of reference for GDC evaluation 
(corresponding amino-acids or atoms that are missing in molecule1 are counted as 0 scores 
in GDC calculations). If the option "-gdc_at:*.CB" is selected, then for "Dist_at" and "GDC_at" 
calculations the coordinates for CB possitions are automatically calculated for GLYcines only
(the CB coordinates for other than GLY amino-acids have to be present in the provided files).

### Date: 14 March 2009

A new option "-gdc:n" has been introduced to define a number of bins used for GDC evaluation 
of atom pairs from the corresponding residues (1 <= n <= 20; bins: <0.5, <1.0, ... <10.0).
If "-gdc:n" is not specified then n=20 (default).

Many thanks to Jane Richardson (dcrjsr@kinemage.biochem.duke.edu) and the members of the 
Richardson Lab for introducing a new GDT-like score called GDC_sc (global distance calculation 
for sidechains). Instead of comparing residue positions on the basis of Calphas, GDC_sc uses a
characteristic atom near the end of each sidechain type for the evaluation of residue-residue 
distance deviations. The list of 18 atoms is given by the -gdc_at flags in the LGA command shown 
below, where each one-letter amino-acid code is followed by the PDB-format atom name to be used. 

List of flags to perform GDC-sc calculations: 
  -swap -gdc:10 -gdc_at:V.CG1,L.CD1,I.CD1,P.CG,M.CE,F.CZ,W.CH2,S.OG

Gly and Ala are not included, since their positions are directly determined by the backbone.  
The -swap flag takes care of the possible ambiguity in Asp or Glu terminal oxygen naming.
For GDC-sc, the "optimal" LGA superposition is used to calculate percentages of corresponding 
model-target atom pairs that fit under 10 distance-limit values from 0.5A to 5A.  
The procedure assigns each reference atom to the relevant bin for its model vs target distance: 
<0.5A, <1.0A, ... <4.5A, <5.0A; for each bin_i, the fraction (Pa_i) of assigned atoms is calculated; 
finally the fractions are added and scaled to give a GDC-sc value between 0 and 100, by the formula:

GDC_sc = 100*2*(k*Pa_1 + (k-1)*Pa_2 ... + 1*Pa_k) / (k+1)*k, where k=10.

A new flag: "-gdc_sc" has been introduced to the LGA program to facilitate GDC_sc calculations.
This new flag selects all parameters required for GDC-sc calculations (see list of GDC_sc flags