Environmental Remediation Sciences Program

Annual ERSP PI Meeting - April 3-5, 2006, Warrenton, VA


Objective: To provide an annual update of research results, discuss significant research issues, and identify opportunities to interact with other research efforts and make use of new capabilities.
Sunday April 2, 2006
All day Arrival of ERSD (now CESD) PIs, Co-PIs, ERSD (now CESD) program staff and guest speakers.
Monday April 3, 2006
7:00 AM Breakfast (all meals served at the Airlie Center)
8:00 AM Welcome and Opening Remarks (Paul Bayer, ERSD (now CESD) Program Manager)
8:10 AM BER Programs (David Thomassen, Acting Director, BER)
8:20 AM Environmental Remediation Sciences Division (ERSD (now CESD)) Update (Mike Kuperberg, Acting Director, ERSD (now CESD)/BER) ppt file
Biomolecular Studies of Metal/Radionuclide Reduction
8:45 AM Enzyme Design for Cr(VI) and U(VI) Reduction (A.C. Matin, Stanford University) ppt file
9:10 AM Membrane Proteome of Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 (Carol Giometti, ANL) ppt file
9:35 AM Biomolecular Mechanisms of Metal/Radionuclide Transformations in Anaeromyxobacter dehalogenans (Alex Beliaev, PNNL) ppt file
10:00 AM Genes Involved in Microbial Survival in Aquifer Sediments (Lee Krumholz, University of Oklahoma) ppt file
10:25 AM Break
Latest Findings from Microbial Community Dynamics Studies
10:40 AM Natural Gene Transfer to Develop Resistance to Metal Toxicity in Bacterial Strains and Communities (Jeffrey Fitts, BNL) ppt file
11:05 AM Adaptation of Subsurface Microbial Communities to Mercury (Soren Sorenson, University of Copenhagen) ppt file
11:30 AM Community Structure in Contaminated Habitats: The Dynamic Tension between Selective Forces and Environmental Heterogeneity (Alan Konopka, Purdue University) pdf file
11:55 AM Uranium Immobilization through Microbial Phosphatases (Patricia Sobecky, Georgia Tech)
12:20 PM Lunch
2:00 PM Introduction of the Genomics:GTL Roadmap (Roland Hirsch, BER) ppt file
2:10 PM Overview of NRC Review of the Genomics: GTL Roadmap (Jennie Hunter-Cevera, University of Maryland Biotechnology Institute) ppt file
2:40 PM Breakout Sessions
  1) Genomics: GTL Roadmap: Overview and Opportunities (Roland Hirsch, BER and Jim Fredrickson, PNNL)
  2) Coupling Physical, Chemical and Biological Processes (Scott Fendorf, Stanford, George Redden, INL and Carl Steefel, LBNL)
5:00 PM Dinner
6:30 PM Poster Session
Microbial Ecology, Integrative Studies, Students
9:00 PM Adjourn
Tuesday April 4, 2006
7:00 AM Breakfast
8:00 AM Announcements and Other Logistics (Paul Bayer, ERSD (now CESD)
Reduction of Metals/Radionuclides
8:10 AM Influence of Geochemistry and Microbial Community Structure on Metal Reduction Rates (Anthony Palumbo, ORNL) ppt file
8:35 AM Influence of Mass Transfer on U(VI) Reduction (Chongxuan Liu, PNNL) ppt file
9:00 AM Stimulating the Microbial Reduction of Chromium (Terry Hazen, LBNL) ppt file
9:25 AM Aqueous Complexation Reactions and Biogeochemical U(VI) Reduction (Scott Brooks, ORNL) pdf file
9:50 AM Break
10:05 AM Transformation of U(VI) Under Iron Reducing Conditions (Edward O’Loughlin, ANL) pdf file
10:30 AM Chromate Bioremediation: Formation and Fate of Organo-Cr(III) Complexes (Luying Xun, Washington State University) ppt file
Grand Challenge in Biogeochemistry
10:55 AM Overview of the Biogeochemistry Grand Challenge at the Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory (Jim Fredrickson, PNNL) ppt file
11:20 AM Mechanisms of Bacterial Metal Reduction (Tom DiChristina, Georgia Tech) ppt file
11:45 AM Electron Transfer at Mineral Surfaces (Kevin Rosso, PNNL) ppt file
12:10 PM Lunch
2:15 PM Breakout Sessions
  1) Relating –Omic Approaches to Other Field Data (Jizhong Zhou, University of Oklahoma and Matthew Fields, Miami of Ohio) doc file

2) Identifying New Science Opportunities in Biogeochemistry for DOE Sites (John Zachara, PNNL and Eric Roden, University of Wisconsin) pdf file

  • Summary Report, Zachara (pdf)
  • Hanford Report, Zachara (pdf)
  • Savannah River Site Report, Kaplan (pdf)
  • ORNL WAGs Presentation, Brooks (pdf)
  • INL Cleanup Presentation, Fujita (pdf)
  Breakout Summary, Zhou & Fields
Lipton, Hazen, Kerkhof, Konopka (pdf files)
5:00 PM Dinner
6:30 PM Poster Session
Biogeochemistry/Biotransformation, Biomolecular Sciences
9:00 PM Adjourn
Wednesday April 5, 2006
7:00 AM Breakfast
8:00 AM Announcements and Other Logistics (Paul Bayer, ERSD (now CESD))
Reduction and other (Bio)Geochemical Processes
8:10 AM Uranium Reduction by Clostridia (A.J. Francis, BNL) ppt file
8:35 AM Behavior of Sorbed 90Sr in Contaminated Subsurface Sediments (John Zachara, PNNL) pdf file
9:00 AM Heterogeneity Impacts on Contaminant and Microbial Dynamics (Scott Fendorf, Stanford University) ppt file
9:25 AM Reductive Immobilization of Metals by H2S Treatment (Baolin Deng, University of Missouri) ppt file
9:50 AM Use of Isotopic Tracers at the Hanford Site (Don DePaolo, LBNL) ppt file
10:15 AM Break
Coupled Physical, Chemical and Biological Processe
10:30 AM The Biogeochemistry of Pu Mobilization and Retention (Bruce Honeyman, CSM) ppt file
10:55 AM Upscaling Coupled Pore-Scale Reactive Transport Processes to the Continuum Scale (Peter Lichtner, LANL) pdf file
11:20 AM Coupled Flow and Reactivity in Variably Saturated Porous Media (Carl Palmer, INL) ppt file
11:45 PM Breakout Session Summary Presentations (Breakout group leads)
12:30 PM Adjourn & Lunch
1:30 PM UMTRA Group Meeting
5:00 PM All meetings adjourn
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DOE Office of Science Environmental Remediation Sciences Program