JUNE, .1915. NONTHLY WEATKER REVIEW. 303 DESCRIPTION OF TABLES AND CHARTS. ives the data ordinmily 'needed for climaito- logical stufies for about 15s Weather Burom sttitions making simultaneous ohservntions a.t S ti. ni. niid P 1'. m., daily, seventy-fifth meridian time, ~n t l for nhout8 -4 1 others ninkiiig oiily one obsorvntion. The nltitutltrs of the instruments &ore ground are dso givtm. Table I1 gives a record of precipitntioii, tho iiitoiisity of which a t some period of tlie storm's contjnii:i.nce sc~u~ibcl or exceeded the following rntes: Table I Duntion (miniit 6s) :n 111 I.; Xi 25 3u ;:3 411 .I!- 811 I:'I Hates per how (inches).. ____... 3.W l..W 1.41 1.3l 1.0s 1.01) 0.!14 0.W i n k , u.sl L w It is impracticable to make this tablo sufficiently wide to acoomnioclate on one line the record of riccuniuln.ter1 falls that continue n t nn escessivo rate €or sevwnl liouiw. In this case the r.ec0r.d .is broken a.t tlic end (!f cwft 5ri minutts, the accumulated amounts hcinp rccordnd on successive lines until the excessive rate ends. In cases wliere no storni of sufficient intensity to c:ntitle it to a place in the full table litis occurred, the greatest. precipitation of any single storni l i ~ hccn givoii. also the orentest hourly frill during that storni. d e tip ing-bucket niochnnisni is disurnunfrd :mrl in the same. Table I1 records this condition by entering an twterisk (*). Table IT1 gives, for about 30 stations of tlio Cniitidinn Meteorological Service?, tlio inenns of rcssuro and t m i - the respectivo c epn.rturc?s from normal vnluw c?sc:cpt. in the case of snowfall. Chart I.-Hydrograplis for severd ot' tlig priiicipnl rivers of the lTnitod States. Chwt 11.--Tracks of contors of high imm: :i d Chnrt III.--Tracks of cantors of low :i,rt?:is. 'I'lic? romm numerals show the chronolo inn1 orclnr of tho wntors. the letters a and p indicate, rcsImtivdy, tlie ol~cmn- tions at S n. m. and S >. ni.., seventy-fifth meridinn tinin. Within each circle is a I so given (Cliawt 11) tlie hst, tjlirae figures of the highest bnrometric rendin? :i.nd (C'hn.rt IIJ) the low& reading reported a t or mar the center at that. time, and in both ctl~es as rnduced to sea level and stnnd- ard gravity. This oliart pre- sents the departures of the monthly mean tcni ernturcs puting the departures were computed for tt period of 33 years (1873 to 1905) and are published in Weather Bureau Bulletin " R," Washington, 2908. Stations whose records were too short to justifv tho preparation of nor- mals in 1908 have been rovicfed with normals as ade- quate records became avai s able and all have been reduced to the 33-year intervd 1873-1905. The shaded portions of the chart indicate areas of positive departures and reniovecl w 1 en there is clangar of snow or wntm freezing perature, totid frABipitxtion and dcpt f 1 of snowfai.11, nntl The figures within the circlos s a ow the dnvs of t>ho month: Chart 1V.-Temperature depfirtures. from the monthly normds. The normals use 2 in coni- unshaded portions indicate areas of negative departures. Generiilizcd lines connect p1nc.c~ having approximately t!qua.l rlepwturos of like sign. This chart of monthly toni wrature ctepnrturcs in t,hc? linited States \\-as first 1909. The scale of shades showing the cloptli is given on the chnrt. Where the niontlily nniount.; a m too s m d to justify shading, and mor stvtions of the country whero stations are too widely nepnrntd or tlitr topography is too dirersified to warrant rensonnlde il.c:ouracv in shading, the tictud depths are given for R liiiiitod niiiiiher of representative stations. :Inmints loss tmlian 0.005 inch n.ro indicntod by the letter T, and no mci itation by 0. C1i:wt V Y B .-- nrc.eiitzige of clenr sky lwhwoen sunrise n.nd sunsot. 'l'lic nTc?riign oloudinoss a t cnch Weather Bureau st:i.tion is tletwniined hv nuninrous personal ohscrvntions l)ntwc?en sunrise xiid sunsot. The differ- cnce hcrtwunn tho ohsorved cloiiditic?ss and 100 is assumed to rcl~:*esont t h perccmtnge of clear skv, and the values tlius ohtaiinc?.d riro tho bnsis of this chart. The chart (low not. rtrlsi.tc+ to tho nighttime. Ch:wt 1'11. ----lsol.)ni.s ant1 isotsliortns :it sea level and 1,revn.ilin.g wind clireotions. Tho prossurns have bcen re- cluc.ecl to s (~ 1m-d and stnndard gmvity l y tlie mothod rlcscrihnd 1))- Prof. Frank H. Bigclow on pages 13-16 of tmlio RWIKW for January, 1902. Tlin pressuros have aLso h e n rctlured to tho inenn of thn 24 hours by- the appli- (::ition of n suitdde correction to tho innnn of tho 8 a. m. rind 6 1'. in. reridinys at stntions taking two observations (My, :i.ncl to the S tt. ni. or tlit? S p. in. observation, re- spectivdy. i i t stations taking hut 'ii siwlo observation. in (Iiurnal corrections so npplitxl will Eo found in the .Q nniiii.1 .Report of tlie Chief of the Wcnt;\ler Bureau. 1800-1001. volumo 2, Taibln 37, pages 140-164. Tho isotherms on the sea-level plane hnre hen con- structed by nionns of the data. summarized in chtipter 8 of T-oluino 3 of thho :tnnunl report just mentioned. The cvwroction to-t. or temperature on the sen-led plane minus tlio stntinn tempertitiire R.S given hy 'l'hle 48 of tliiit roport, is ridded to tho observed surface temperature to ohtnin tlie adopted sen-level tenipernturo. Tho prcviiiling wind c1irc:c:tions ti.ro determined from hourly observations a t the gent miijority of the stations; :I fow stations linving no wlf-recording wind-direction nppnratus determine the prevailiw direction from the dail or twice-dailv o1>snrvntions on7 T&s is based on the reporb from regular and GOO erative observers and shows the depth in inches and ten& of the snowfd during the month. In general, the depth is shown by lines inclosing areas of equal snowfall, but in special cases figures are also given. Chart VI11 is published only when the gen- erd snow cover is sufficiently estensive to justify its preparation.. pub 1 ishcd in tlie ?iioxTnr.r W m m m REVIEW for July, Clinrt Y.--~.L'otad prtwipitation. d a r t VIII.-Totnl snowfall. 304 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. TABLE I.-Cllmatologiaal dde for United States W e a h Bweau statiorq June, 1915. JUNE, 1916 Elevation of hlStrum0lltS. --eastport... ........... -. GrenuvIJle.. ........... 1 .-.Pmthd, Ye .......... conapld ............... :w2%E::.:: :: : : : : : : ' . Boston ................ BlockIsland .......... Nantucket -. ............ ~ tt pier .......... 91 ......... m= ............ 1 1 1 2151 !%li m.6 ~artdord .............. 159 iu im 29 a New Hav em... ........ 108 1171 155 29:g 4 l h y ................ Singhamton. ......... New York.. .......... Hsrrisbu ............ Rpadlng... ............ &ranton.. ............ -Atlantic City .......... cape May-.. .......... 8snd Hook .......... Baltimore.. __ _. 1. ___. . washhggton.. ......... L &burg ............ OrdOlL. .............. Richmond ............ - Wpthwille ............ 2 Phlladdpfia.. ........ TrSnL... ............ __. p .AShevme. ............. 2 Charlotte. ............. .. Hattern .............. MaUte0 ................ Charleston.. .......... Columbia, 8. C ........ Augusta.. ............ k.annah.. ........... Jacksonville.. ......... ... Rw&L. .......... .......... ,255 701 64 27.7 773 153 161 29.1 11 12 50 29.9 12 4 46..... 376 103 110 29.6 78 81 91 29.9 4 11 97, 29.9 351 41 57 29.6 65 150 1M 29.9 43 rn 245 29.9 im m 97 29.8 KeyWest ............ 22 10 64 29.9 Miami ................ 25 71 79 29.9 W K e y ............. !23 39 7229.9 Tampa ............... I 35 I l l 79 96 29.9 Atlanta ............... 1 adaeon.. ThomaTpille.. ........ B .......... .............. I Peayacola.. ........... A?ml!3tcm.. ........... &%2!Y.. ........ ?SEE!?:::::::::: -Vidmburg. ........... %New OdeSM .......... ,174 1w)' 2161 28.8 273 8 57 29.6 56 140 182 29.9 700 I1 48 29.2 67 135 161 S.9 arc 100 112 9 .7 375 85 93 29.8 247 65 74 29.7 61 76 84 29.9 370 7al 811 29.8 741 9 57 %.a ........... ........... L l t t k W ........... BmwnsvUle ........... ..... ........... ............. .............. TalwtJna ............. .......... ................ _- - 3, =s 82 33 $Z sg $6 co - b. a01 30.01 30.0 30.0 30.0 30.0 30.0 30.0 30.0 30. a 30. a 30. a ._.. 30. a 30.0: 30.0 30.0: 30.0: 30.01 30.0: 30.0: 3o.C 30.01 30.01 30.a 3o.a 30.01 30. a 30. a 30. a 30.01 30. a 29.91 30. o( a91 30. a 29. g! 29. 91 %::in 30. a 29.9 29. 9t as. @ 29.9; 30.01 as. 91 as. Bi as.# 30.01 as. 9f 29.91 a@. !x 29. 8( !a. w 30. a a@.% a. gi 29.g: a. g! a. 9i m. 9: 29.81 S.N 29. 9! 29. % 29. 8( a. B( ..... tam' ad- ..... 58.8!.. t .OB s.a- t .w 62.0- t .M Gl.0- t .04 61.1- ..... 61.9- t .04 64.1- t .04 ffi.0- k .04 69.6- c -01 l35.8- k .a' M.fi - t .a 65.6- _.___ 65.6 _. ..... 67.8 .. k .Oa 70.6- .oO 70.ti- - .01 71.6- .00 71.3- .oO 72.0- - .01 66.4- 16.1 - ..... 169.4.. ..... 70.8 .. - .m 73.2- - .01 7s. 1 - - .01 16.2- - .01 77.5- - -021 79.0+ - .m, :&lo- - .Oal 79.8+ - .01 81.2+ b .01 76.4+ I- .01 77.4- - .01 81.6+ - .Oa m.4+ '.oo 78.4+ I- .Oa 79.0+ - .01 83.8+ m.1+ ..... ..... 491 451 7( 54 49 711 ....... ....I 55 51 734 58 M 711 ............ ......... I .... I I 60 jci 74 73 I 5s 52 59 55 71 ljo 55 65 G3 5-S 71 dl 50 6s 5 R 5 3 w j 61 5s s3 82 61 90 61 57 72 63 59 70 W 59 70 (ij 82 75 65 02 76 65 61 74 Bo 57 7 i 16 62 59 &l 65 tll 72 68 BB S3 65 01 70 69 66 78 71 6s 74 (18 64 73 !9 65 72 13 70 @I 16 76 73 74 n 7s ........ ........... ........... n 70 7s % E %Z 67 72 7 0 6 5 1 01 w 7ti 74 71 i 4 6 8 6 4 6 9 73 70 73 70 66 67 71 68 73 7 2 6 9 7 7 75 71 71 ?I 72 88 74 69 €6 72 70 67 77 77 75 sa 70 88 67 76 74 77 74 72 18 73 68 €6 ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... 2.03 ...... 1 .m - 1.8, 1.51 - 1.0: 2.94- 0.21 3 .m + 0.31 I 5.37 + 1.8' 2.85 - 0.9 3 .a + 0.41 3.51 0.0 3.45-1- 0.2 2 .s - 0.8 3 27- 0.3 i40;- fj.6 6.1+ 2.4 ti.%+ 2.4 4.1G+ 0.3 3.7i + 0.2 ~.521+ 4 2 ZBJ- 1.2 3.981 - 1.01 L i 4 + 0.4 5.4.5 f 1.0 4.62 + 0.3 5.04 + 0.: 3.25 - 1.5 2.28- 3.3 4.52- 0.9 3.71 - 0.4 4 .E - 0.3 4.49- 1.5 1.55- 4.0 6.501- 0.31 I1 7.135 ne. 11 5.093 se. 14 4 44% s. fi 4:550 ne. 13 9.200 n. 8 5.3% ne. I , 13 2,837 N. 171 4 .3 2 IIW. 91 6,061 ne. SM'. 9 8.0% ne. 11 5,161 sw. 7 6,811 Y. 11 3.968 ne. 11 3.683 ne. 11 ti 697 5. 1010.205 5 j i ...... S N . 6 7:591 sc. I !; 3.05- 1.2 10 5,%x e. 12.53 3.04 + 4.6 1 11 G 7i313 134 e. e. 3.93- 4.4 8, 4,745 ne. ...... I 4.481- 0.1! 3 .~1 - 0.1 1.87- 1.7 4.15- 0.6 5.34 + 0.6 1.M - 2.2 4 8 0 +0 9 7:411+ 1:5 2.33- 1.9 5.96+ 1.3 6.31+ 1.8 5.61 - 0.6 8.06- 0.8 ...... ...... ,; 1 9) 3,523 nw. 7 2 RW nw. 9 7 :m sw. 11 3'588 5. 11 5'684 sw. 8 3:733 88. 10 2,944 w. 10 3979 sw. 8 3:751 SW. 11' 6,141 IIN. 12 3 ooo 88. 7 5 015 s. 13 3'335 s. 14 ~'e00 e. 9 5:w s. 0 ...... s. 012 177 se. 1 8'411 s 1 6'901 sw. 3 8:3i51 S. 8 8 8'212 7'866 s. 88. 2 2 5'874 5'293 s' s: 411 ne. 41 e I..:.. %I IlW. 33 \;. 311 uc. 3si sw. 40 w. 2!l w-. 40 e. 44 e. 32 nw. 37 se. 27 n. 32 sw. 54 nw. 25 sw. 34 nw. 51 n. 33 sw. 40 nw. 34 nw. 23 se. 31 n. 21 a. 59 nw. 62 nw. 35 88. 53 s. 52 9B. 23 1. 25 88. 26 s. at s. ........ a0 n. I 27 121 13 5 19 si 16 6 27 SI i 15 11 11 14 5 15 13 12 6 15 17 7 6 28 10: 15 5 I 10 9 17 4 16 11 8 11 16 13 10 7 S I S 8 7 2.5 13 11 6 11 13 13 4 22 8 I1 11 25 17 10 3 11 16 10 4 23 16 4 10 23 14 14 2 14 14 12 4 27 14 10 6 22 6 1 5 9 22 10 9 11 22 11 11 8 13 12 13 5 14 10 10 10 15 27 3 0 25 15 15 0 ............ m 15 14 1 aB 19 13 13 17 16 41 0 1 15 18 8 6.81 7.3: ..... 1 .... 5.81 ._._. 1 ____ 5.0 ._.__ 5.41 ..... 1:::: 6.2,. __. . 5. Si. ... .I: 1:: 5.31 ...._I .... 6.5 ,..... i .... I ............. .... 6.2 5.9 ..... .... 6.3 4.5! ..... ; .... 5.3 ..... !:::: 5.2 _._.. i __.. 8.3 ___..I 5.5 6.3 5.9 5.9 ......... 6.4 ......... 5.3 ......... 5.0 _____ _.__ 5.0 5.0 4.6 ......... ........ 5.2 ......... 5.8 ......... 5.6 ._.._ _._. 4.6 ......... 5.0 ......... 3.7 ......... 4.2 ......... 4.8 ......... 4.2 ......... ............. 4.8 ......... 5.8 1 1 .. ....... :::1:::::i:::: 4.31 1 5.2 ._...I . 4.2 ......... 4.6 ___.. __.. 3.8 ......... 5.2 ......... 3.8 ......... 3.5 ......... 4.1 ......... 3.9 ......... 3.9 ......... 4.4 ._._. 1:::. 4.3 4.5 ......... 6.a ......... 5.1 ......... 5.a ......... ............. 3.9 ......... 4.7 .._.- ._.. 5.0 ......... 3.1 ......... 3.8 ......... 3.8 .._.- ._.. 1.0 ......... a.1 ......... JUNE, 19i5. Districts and stations Okia Valley and Tmnesacr. mttsnooga.. ....... IinoxvUle.. .......... 4L@mpl!is... .......... Nashville.. ........... Lexington.. .......... Louisville.. ........... Evansville. .......... -e4I&mtl.. ......... Columbus.. .......... Dayton.. ............ -Pltt.?bwgh.. ......... Ektns.. ............. Parkasburg. ........ Locpcr Lake S~'on. -%utEslo. ............. Centon.. ............. -08wEgo. ............. Rochester.. .......... S ~U S e .. ........... 4Bd&llllnaa~is:. ....... ........ j!?rii:.:.;: ............ Tlaveland.. .......... Banduskg ............ Toledo.. ............. Fort Wayne.. ....... Detroit.:. ............ Upper Lake Beqion . 4lpena.. ............. Eacsnabn. ........... Q m d Haven.. ...... -d Rapids ........ Laalg.. ............ Lndington ........... Y uets ........... P&um .......... saglnaw ............. -Hdt 8te. Marie.. .... Chicago.. ............ -&aen Bay.. ......... Milwaukee.. ......... Duluth .............. Nortb Dakota. -amrhmd.. .......... Bismarck.. .......... Devils Lake.. ........ "Wlllistou.. ........... UpPSr Valley. LUnnea us .......... 8t. P a x ..___. ._._. . Lacrosse ............ Madison. ............ -les City .......... Davenport.. ......... Des LIoines.. ........ Dub ue ............ *. ................ Peoria.. ............. Bt. huls ............. dlbrourf Vallcy. %k%. ............. #3i%f':.1!!::::::: Colmbh Mo ........ 8t. Jose h ............ r g &l d , Modo.. .... =mpake.. ............ Lhwh. ............. -. .............. valentine.. .......... Bloux: city. .......... LHruon.. ............. pbpn.. .............. y-. ............ leaaas city .......... .................. . MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. TABLE I.-Climatological data for United State8 Weather Bweuu statkma, June, 1915--Continued. Wind. I i Temperatureoftheair. 1 instruments. pressure. I 1: It I Precipitation. Elevation of I --_ Ft. Ft. Ft. 702 189 213 996 93 100 399 76 97 546 168 191 989 75 loa 5251 219 2.55 4311 72 62 575' 9b 129 628 11 51 $24 173 222 699 181 216 SI2 353 410 .,No 41 50 631 77 84 821 1% 164 i 6 i 247 280 448 !0 61 335 10 91 533 97 113 597 97 113 714 130 166 762 190 201 629 rn 103 038m6243 SW 113 124 730 218 245 $5 48 jji m j j a d SR -0 'i30 -0 --- In. In. In. 29.21 30.01 f0.01 25.90 30.00 .00 29.57 29.99+ .cn 29.42 30.00+ .01 28.92 29.97- .03 29.41 29.99+ .01 29.50 29.90- .01 29.11 29.56+ .01 29.34 29.95 ..____ 29.31 29.96- .01 29.13 30.00 + .01 29.02 29.96 .._.__ 29.11 30.00+ .01 28.m 30.01+ .01 29.36 30.M+ .cn 29.18 30.00+ .W 29.54 30.00 ..____ 29.64 30.00+ .03 28.45 30.02+ .05 29.3Y 30.03+ .@3 29.24 30.00+ .02 29.19 30.00+ .02 29.32 30.00 + . 02 29.32 30.W + .03 29.09 30.00 __.__. 29.22 30.01+ .04 609 13 92 012 54 60 632 54 92 70i 70 87 6s1 62 72 878 11 62 637 60 66 734 77 111 8 8 70 120 641 48 82 014 11 61 823 140 310 617 109 144 681 119 133 1,133 11 47 940 8 57 28.94 29.Y5+ .05 1674 8 57 28 19 29.96+ .09 1'4s 11 44 28135 29.92 + .M (872 40 47 27.94 29.91+ .05 i i i 29.34 30.01 -I- .05 29.32 3 .9 8 + .M 29.31 29.98+ .u2 29.23 30.00+ .W 29.23 29.96+ .02 29.05 29.'39 ...... 29.29 29.98 ...... 29.W 30.01 + .07 29.31 30.00+ .W 28.31 30.00 ...... 29.32 30.02+ .uti 9 .1 1 9.99-1- .03 29.31 29.(N+ .01 29.25 20.9s+ -03 28.76 %I.%+ .06 I 918 10 1 7 201 2&3\ 230 714 11 48 974 70 i 8 L,015 10 49 606 71 79 861 €4 97 698 81 96 614 64 78 356 87 93 609 11 45 644 10 91 534 74 109 567 285 XB 3 .9 7 29.94 ...... 29.03 S.W+ .02 29.15 XI.!%+ .03 28.95 29.96+ .04 2890 29.96+ .05 29.30 9 .9 6 + .o? 29.05 29.94+ .m 29.24 9 .9 8 + .05 29.30 29.96+ .02 29.57 P .9 4 - .03 29.31 29.98+ .03 29.28 29.95 .OO 29.39 29.96 + .01 39.35 29.95 .00 25.78 29.94+ .03 2i.24 29.93+ .07 28.74 29.94+ .04 28.57 29.96+ .08 28.29 29.94+ .M 28.63- %.a+ .W i 70.9 - 8.3 74.6- 0.8 94 20 84 -56 72.6- 0.8 85 20 Sa M 70.6- 1.1 92 21 €6 61 74.6- 1.7 %3 20 W 52 70.2- 3.0 60 20 79 51 63.7 - 3.3 04.0- 1.1 90 18 73 46 63.0- 2.8 S i 75 4 GlJ.4- 3.4 81 I 70 44 64.0 - 2.1 89 13 74 46 53.2- 8.7i 84 IS 74 45 04.2'- 2.81 88 16 72 47 63.91- 4.0 87 13 71 44 64.9 - 3. $1 58 13 72 48 M.8 - 4.G. 85 13 731 48 64.8- 3.7 84 6 74' 43 63.1- 4.7 I 13 73 40 68.4 - 4.8 I 50.0- 4.3 65 13 64 39 56.8- 3.8 i 6 2 64 38 60.3- 4.4 83 2s 091 38 61.0- 6.4 SA 6 73 39 57.7 _._.__I 79i 27 67 381 55.2- 3.3 S i ' 27 64 39 59.7- 4.1 8J 13 09 43 61.5 _____. SIj 6 72 4.l 67.0- j 09.0- 3.5 Lnl 12 78 44 , 62.5 ...... 85; 2 i 71 39 6 3 :l l ~ 5.1 SG' 27 73 41 63.41- 614 SD 2 i i31 37 m.6- 4.31 I' 27 77. 43 G i .2 - 3.4 861 12 7ti 45 64.1 - 4.9 86 27 74 44 74.4- 0.8 91 20 I 56 67.6- 3.1 89! 29 79 42 09.6- 2.7 90' 12 80 45 8 .4 - 3.9 89 12 78 461 72.0- 3.1 90 12 81 54 66.7- 4.4 ! 62 4 5.0 11 2; 71 38 Woi- 5 31 s.11 27 71 40 69.8- 3.71 SS' 10 79 50 07.2- 4.4 W 25 77 44 67.6 - 4.0 80 26 76 47 65.0- 4.4 81; 20 74 40 61.4- 5.21 I 27 72 31; 63.8 - 5.0. 8d 20 74 42, 62.0- 5.11 A I 73 3 1 63.1 - 5.81 661 27 73 39 9 (io: ZG 66 ' 3 7!1 24 63 2.9 66 w 7a 6 09 21 69 (15 71 9 61 2b ............ 6 64 28 GG 64 7 i 6 65 28! 6 i 6$ 76 10 00, 27 62 55 691 8 61 28 641 Go 71 1 0 0 0 28 63 59 73 10 59 31 61 55 73 1 0 M 2s ti2 5s 73 21 5s a< 59 81 G3 2 4 5 1 40 58 5.5 74 *&Bo m Q 59 75 70 24 55 35 57 61 66 9 53 40 ............ 10 51 32 55 51 71 2 4 5 4 33 56 49 60 4 5 3 33 56 50 63 9 50 281 58 54 71 24 57 27 56 54 72 2 4 5 8 25 59 55 73 6 5 6 27 59 55 74 10 58 29 59 56 74 23 54 57 52 71 9 6 5 % 6; Q 72 311 74 10 48 34 53 49 75 23 4!J 52 48 72 10 51 32 55 51 73 10 53 28 57 52 68 6 45 33 ............ 10 4!1 34 57 53 i G 9 54 251 ............. 9 53 32 _.-- _.__ __.. 9 52 31 59 5; 9 5s 2s 61 56 70 9 55 30 56 54 70 9 G o 30 63 Go 77 ........ 74 8 61 29 ............ 9 6 2 26 63 60 75 9 Go 28 62 59 75 I 2.22 ...... 4 .4 i + 0.5 5.m + 1.6 4.35+ 0.4 5.36+ 1.5 2.45- 2.6 4.91 + 0.2 -I- m e 8 I 10 4 617 8. 10 a:m ne. 12 5'253 w. 13 5'G52 s 12 3'935 nw: 11 ~' w I sw 10 5'767 nw'. 11 3:642/ ne. 13 0 515 se. 12 5 :~ nw. 12 7 180 uw. 13 2:563 w. 11 3,256 88. 8 5 120 sw. 12 6823Lil Iiw 1.72- 1.4 3.67+ 0.2 2.58- 0.8 3.29- 0.8 3.47 - 0.4 2.5;- 1.2 2.03 - 1.0 3.48- 0.3 1.85- 1.5 2.77 ...... 3.71 - 0.2 11 9 498 sw. 13 6:W w. 10 5 757 w. 9 6:W s. 11 8 639 se. 12 8'580 se. 9 7:077 e. 10 9.286 ne. 12 5.803 ne. 151 8,lW; e. 10 5'323 w. 3.83 + 0.6 5.24+ 1.7 13 7896 se. 3.43- 0 2 12 6'59s s. ?.a+ 013 11 0'790 W. 1.8G- 0 7 12 4'395 se. 4.37 + 6 9 11 6'316 se. $96+ -.54 ...... 0.6 11 15 3:767 6 153 e. So. 5.13 + 1 6 13 6'351 e. 4.10 + 0 9 14 7'242 ne. 4.75 + a'l 14 6'197 e. 3.75+ 1'0 10 6'127 SE. 2.54- 1:0 12 7:550 se. 3.11- 0.6 10 6,183 ne. 4.96+ 0.4 10 8,433 ne. 6.1+ 1.6 3 .w - 0 1 12 7'794 n. 9.13 + 5.0 21 6,023 se. 5.70 + 2 2 12 7 140 nw. 4 .B + 1:0 14 7:aoO SI?. 1-64 - 1.9 10 6,868 nw. 4.(0+ 0.8 4.91+ 0 9 15 8 361 w 3.58- 0 8 14 8'668 se: 3.91 - 0 5 11 3 ' 3 1 nw. 1.75- 2:4 11 5'861 96. 3.74 - 1 4 16 4'412 se. d.47- 0 6 10 5'194 e. 3.60- 1:4 12 5:104 88. 3 OB- 1 5 10 4 4 1 nw. 9:99 + 516 14 4'071 2 42- 1 9 9 4'617 se.' 2.08- 2'2 11 3'813 e. 3:m- 8.93+ 514 1'1 15 la 5'632 5'434 S. SW. 9.77- 5.3 13 7:sSa s. 5.88+ 1.6 E. 11 + 4 7 181 4 538 se. I .%+ 3:2 16 7'535 n 5.77 __ __. . 13 5:138 se'. 5.81 + 0 6 16 6 232 se 8.56+ 3:s 16 4'419 s%: 9 10+ 4 3 15 6'232 se i O 3 - 0 3 13 0'503 se: 2 8 3 - 2'2 14 5'457 se. 4152-k 6 7 18 7'611 8. 6.65+ 1.8 11 8:476 96. 4.60+ 0 7 15 7 838 SB 4.12+ 110 14 7:W W: 4.99+ 0.7 1 s 5,616 m. I R _- 64 s. 27 nw. 42 nw. 46 nw. 30 w. 56 nw. 49 n. 42 sw. 45 w. 37 nw. 52 nw. 46 w. nw. 22 w. 40 nw. 78 SW. 41 SW. 30 w. 36 W. 40 SW. 53 w. 47 s. 40 w. 48 nw. 36 sw. 48 w. 48 se. 40 ne. 36 sw. 28 w. 31 W. 20 w. 35 s. 40 sw. 36 nw. 44 8. 42 nw. 38 s. 37 se. 32 W. 47 w. 45 nw. 34 w. 40 ne. 41 nw. 40 w. 54 se. 18 nw. a? sw. 27 se. 29 w. 30 SW. 23 n. 30 88. 35 SW. 24 w. 27 nw. 50 se. 49 nw. 42 w. 40 nw. 30 nw. 54 sw. 50 6. 48 sa. 571 n. 36 w. -h -0 6' 2 % -0h a u p l f l 5 I 14 7 I! 21 3 1' 11 11 1: 13 4 1( 13 10 11 20 5 1: 21 4 l! 13 8 1d 13 3 9 13 9 1 13 12 I! 13 11 1: 13 9 I 11 5 1' 13' 11 1( 13 12 1 19 20 I 15. 14 I 151 13 ! 19 14 131 10 1: 1: 181 11 1: li Y ,I 14 1 18 I 6 11 1sl 9 l! 12 14 I 12 3 1I 16 9 1 1y 7 1: 18 9 1' 131 4 1 22 10 1I 1s 8 1 2 3 6 ' 12 5 I! 111 3 2( I! 1s 91 11 2.8, 7 26 12 1: 26 9 1: 12 2 l! 20 a 1: 10 2 li 12 10 1' 12 (r 1: 12 8 11 12 5 1d 18 9 I f 6 8 1: 18 7 1' 7 5 l! 111 9 13 11 ii 29 3 1: 30 4 1s 29 7 1E 13 13 14 10 3 21 10 6 30 6 lf 1. - 1 3 B 73 gb e! B 4 -11 6. i 5.4 6. I 5. c 5. c 5.2 6. E 5.1 6.5 5. i 4.4 4. i 5. t 0.1 5.5 4. I 5. ( 3. : 4. : 4. I 4. E 5. ( 4. i 5. c 4.1 6.1 5. c 6. I 5. : 5.2 4. t 0. f 5. t 8. E 5. E 7.1 4. i 6.c 6. I 5.3 ti. 3 6. t 5.4 6.1 4.3 5. t 6.1 L9 6.8 6.6 6.2 6.4 0.8 5.1 5. 4 5. s 6.2 4. E 5. B 5.1 8.1 5.1 4. e 1.4 1.3 5.9 5.5 L. 0 5.5 6.1 5. e 5.4 5.8 5.0 1.8 5.3 3.3 - 0. j 306 - I .._. ,...I:::: ....I .... .... ! .... ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ .... I .... I i .... I .... .... , .... .... 1 .... ......... ........ ........ ........ ....I .... .... i .... ! ... .;. ... ._..I .... .... j .... ........ ........ ........ ........ ....... ....... ........ ........ ........ ........ .. ..!. ... ...i .... : : :I: : : : I I .... I .... .... I .... ... I::. . ..... I I ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ........ ....... ....... ... I .... ....... ....... ....... ........ ....... ...I .... ... ! .... ...I .... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... I 306 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. TABLE I.-Climatological data for United States Wmtker Bureau stations, June, 1915-Continued. JUNE, 1915 1 - j :l i -,_I_ -_ - I L J i 5.6 11! i n 5.i .__.. .... 151 111 ti.? T. _.__ 141 t. 5.Lil..... .... 16, bi 5.9 ..... I:::: 9! 4 4 .9 ..... 5.? ..... .... I Wind. I I Elevation of pressure. I instruments. I I M n s i ni u m velocity. -I & 8 i z 5 .5 __ - 25 ! 25 ! !I i ; 1; 1?1 : I5 ! 25 11 25 : 12 11 17 l i 18 1: 17 I ii 34 ; . ! ?: 1: 31 l! 61 l! 2SI ?I Hwn?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Iz. :fid Helena.. . . . __ . . . . . . . . .I4 110 &lispell. . . . . . . . . . . . . .I?: !~i ? Miles City.. . . . . . . . . . . .%371 Rapid City ... . . . . . . . . .I:!:?: Chcyenni. ____.._.._... h U%S Lander ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.372 Shcridnn.. . . . . . . . . . . . .'3, i!rO \-cllowstane park.. . . . llj, ~K I North Plrtte.. . . . . . . . .j 2 .W ___... - ... . I ... - _. . I-' - -. --- 1.16!-1.5. ~ Soi:thcm Slope. Middle Piatmu. ,: 9! 2 8j 2 1.8 ..... .... .... 1'. .... 3.31 __._.I .... 2.f: T. __._ 2.9 ..... .... 4.0 s.9 ..... .... 3. 71 ... . . . . .. 4.11 .._.. .... 4.11 ..... .... 4.31 :.... .... 3.R . .. ... 3.0 ._... .... j ;i ;~i I I 3s: n. ss' n u s11 nrs: :in 11. 35' q v 401 nu'. 'Ii ;I\\'. 31 i nn.. 11;. S\V. 21 : In\-. ?o w. I I I I i I I I I South Pacific CWsl Rtyion. T. 1- 0.1: ! I ! i .. S m Juan .............. Panama. I I !, - I l l ! 5 n! SI 2 !.3 ._.__ ..., ti 0 9 21 g.9 ,......... J m , 1915. 3:15 p.m. 550 p. ni. 5:10p.m. a15p.m. MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. ...................... 4:50 p. m. 8 :~o p. m. 6r.Z y.m. 10:45p.m. 307 250 p. m. 8:lS a. ul. 0% p. m. TABLE II.-Accumulated amounto of precipitation fur e& 5 minittm, for t l ~ yl.ineipa1 stonns in which the ratc of fall egwlcd or CZceGded 0.25 inch in any 5 minutes, or 0.80 in 1 hoar, during Jimm, 191.5. at all Rtations fiunbhed with selfrega~tering gages. ...................... 4:30 p. m. 11:00 a. m. 7:35 8. m. AbUene. Tex.. ........... i:20 p. m. 3:BY p. m. 1:flPp.m. ~4 1 3 I). m. nibaUy' N. Y.. .......... Amido Ter ............ humtie city, N. J .. ...... Alpena'Mlch.. ........... Annistod, Ala. ........... Asheville, N. C ......... -iUmta Os .............. -4u ta, Oa .............. s, er Oreg .............. Baltimore, Md ............ 7:55 p. 111. 4:13 p. m. 2:3tip.m. D. N.D. m. - 24. Corpus Christi, Tex ....... - -25 18 6 25 27 30 12 22 15 13 13 4 Bmtonville, Ark ......... Blnghamton. N. Y ....... 19 0 Birmingham, Ala ..... ....I/ !6 D u h u y 'fo\y.::. ....... Durengo Colo .................. Eastpod Ye ............. Dulut , Minu ........ Bismarck. K. Dak ........ 15 Block Island, K. I.. ...... li Bolse. Idaho .............. 18 Boston Mass ............. I 1i Bulfald. N. Y ............. 1 19 12 I 17 Burlin . on, V t .. ........ candn. N. T ............. Charles City. Iowa ........ Charleston, S. C .......... Chwlotte. N. C: .......... .I Chatbnwp. Tenu ....... I Cheyenne. Ryo .......... L'hleaPO, I11 ............. ..I Cincinnati, Ohio .......... Cleveland, Ohio. ......... Cairo pi: .................. 8:13nm. 4:48 p. m. 6:51 p. ui. 1:OY p. m. 1:m p. DI. 1338 a.m. 219 p. m. 1:18 p. m. ............ l.N.a.m. S:Olp.m. 036p.m. 7:31 p. m. 1.N.8.m. 622 p. m. 22Sp.m. 055p.m. 5:OZ p. m. 6:50p.m. kl3p.m. 11 4 13-14 23-24 1-2 14 11 5-8 12-13 I 2 I 10 1:mp.m. I 1.44 555 p. m. 0. .SI y:15 p. m. I u. 91 1 3315 p. 111. 1.21 3:09 p. m. I 0.70 4:lO a.m. I 0.74 3:lD p. m. I 2. B ....................... n.cw 3:lO p. m. 0.62 ....................... 0.68 ....................... 0 .Z D.N.3.m. 0.81 D.N.3.m. 1.97 9:ZOp.m. 1.45 ....................... 1.47 ....................... 0.41 10:30 a. m. 3.01 ....................... 0.85 ....................... 2.49 ....................... 1.9s ....................... 0.33 7:05am. 0.84 i:10 p. m. 0. GO 212p.m. 0.5S 9:lS a m . 2.34 7:35 p. m. 1.40 ....................... 0.87 ....................... 1.08 D.N.r.m. 1.43 800p.m. 1-22 ............................. I ............ 0.67 ............................. Frasto Cal ............... QsIve3hi Tex ........... QrandH&en Yich ...... Qreen Bay,Wb Qrand Juwtin. Colo.. ... Omd Raplds Mich.. .... ........... '15 IS 4 4 12-13 I l: Hsnnlbal. YO.. ......... .!lio-ii Harrhbi Pa ........... Hartford t o m ........... Bsttens' N. c'... ......... m e dont ............. Heled Yont ............. aoaghton Yich .......... EOW~~D, 'rex.. .......... 3 15 1-2 M 10-12 W - 15 :::::I:::::: .2S .37 ..... I ,w I .62 .55 I .a Total durkion. ......................... .......... ......................... .*37 I::::: .......... .43 .49 .57 .63 .70 .81 1.01 .......... ............................... * ............... .................................... .32 ............... .................................... * ............... .................................... .33 ............... .67 .73 .78 ............................... .............................................. 6:05p.m. D.N.n.m. 2:34p.m. 3:oO p.m. 5:40 p. ID. i:40 p.m. ...................... ........... Huron,B.Dak Io& Gans.. .............. Jackwnville Fla ......... haependenw Gd ........ m a p o ~i s , fn'i ......... lhlbpell, Mht. .......... {G ro-;; : la 25 25-27 3:s~p.m. 1 4:lbG.m. 030 a.m. 1 1 :~ a.m. ........... I ........... ...........I ........... ........... I::::::::::: 5:3s p. m. I 230 p.m. ........... I ........... ........... l:?jp.m. D.N.~.III. ...................... 095 p.m. D. N.8.m. 2:0ip.m. 1).N.p.m. ........... I . .~.. ....... 334 a.m. 1W0 p. m. 257 p. m. tt50 p. u1. XI p. ni. ;:IO p.m. 8:m p. m. n. N. p. m. 1:45p.m. I 3:l.ip.m. 3:13 p. m. i 4:~s p. 111. ;1:1up.m. , 6%1p.m. ........... 2307 a.m. 1.ij;G;iii 5:lga.m. 1.09n.m. 3:3s p. 111. 1 4:13 p. m. .. .........i......... .. 93s p. m. I ELB p. m. 4 2 7 p. m. I ,550 p. m. ...................... ........... I ........... a:m a. DI. i k i n 8. m. ...................... 529 p. m. I K :~O p. in. G ~o p. m. 9:Zn p. m. 3:37 p. m. 4:83 p. m. $5; am. Y:15 a. In. 1.45 0. as 2.21 0.40 0.61 0.54 1.79 0.5; 1.13 0.23 1.13 1.0s 3.49 0. x3 0.70 0. is 1.41 0. G i 0.31 0. G9 0. 'I4 1.13 0.64 0. 70 1.10 1.24 0.9; 0. Q 1.54 0. Iy) 0. lis 0.83 1.as 1.v2 0. w 0. so 1 .E 0.Y1 0.1 4. (L? 2. w 'P . 0.51 0.80 0. I 11.31 0.56 0. 55 0. 4 i 1.05 0.48 n. 49 n. 3.1 n. Lw n. Sg ...........I......... .. ...... ..".,.......'... SO3 p. m. 950 p. m. ..................... ...................... ...................... ...................... s:ni p. m. n :~ €1. m. ~2:05 a. m. I 6:30 a.m. Bean- 824 p. m. 23.1 p. m. 5% p. m. 4% p.m. 258 p. m. 5:?0 p. m. u:18 p. 111. 255 p. 111. ......... ......... ......... 932a.m. 3:U a.m. 4:lS a. m. 232 p. m. 3:43 p. m. l:?Sp.m. 8:46 p. in. 350 p. m. 0:3P a.m. .......... ......... ......... ......... G:11 p.m. 1:Bap.m. S:4l p. m. 1:4LIp.m. 1:02 p.m. 1:15 p. m. 0:Qd 8. m. B:37 p. m. 621 p. m. 9:ll p.m. 151 p.m. 323 p.m. 3:48p.m. 8:26 a. m. 521 a. In. 3:10 p. m. 9:31 p. m. 4:42 p. m. 3: 17 a. m. 1:OO p. m. 8:59 t~ m. 3:ri p.m. 0:ZO p. m. ......... h:.X p. 111. ......... ......... .......... ......... .......... .......... .......... i:3l; p. m. .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... s:ll p.m. .2:46 a.m. .I :E a.m. 9:Ol a.m. 5110 p. m. 758 p. m. ,?:I5 a.m. 207 p. m. 1:34 a.m. 257 p. m. .......... .......... 217 p. m. .......... .......... .......... 1:31 a.m. s:in p. m. 7:53 p. m. .......... .......... 6:48 a. m. .......... ......... .......... .......... 526 a. m. 627 p. m. 5::s a.m. 6:42 p. m. .......... 33s p. m. .......... .......... 1:19 p. m. 030 p. m. Ended- 9 :~ p. m. ?:rgp. m. ti10p.m. .......... .......... p. m. 6:33 p. m. 5:30 p. m. 10:31 p. m. .......... 3:33 p. m. Y.IO a.m. 3 :~ a.m. .L:I% p. m. 10:54 a. in. .......... .......... .......... .......... 6% p. m. 1 1 :~p .m . $:XI p. m. 031 p.m. 1:43 p.m. .......... .......... L1:17 p. m. 128 p. m. .......... 10:51 :I. m. 4 :~ p. m. 655 p. m. 9% p. m. 2:111p.m. 3 :~ p. m. 4:111 11. m. .......... 11):3R i i . m. 1337 a.m. 4:m; p. m. 9:.% p. m. 4:a p. in. ti00 urn. 615 p. m. 0:Oi a. m. 8:li 11. m. 3:4i 11. in. .......... .......... .......... ........ .......... 9:s p. Ill. .......... .......... .......... .......... s:17 p. In. 1:10 8.111. .......... E l l p. ID. 9:44 a.m. 5:17 p. m. s:3e p. ID. 1:19 a m. 23s p. m. 1: I2 a. m. 230 p. In. .......... 2:32 p. m. .......... .......... .......... 1:IB a.m. &:a p. m. s:35 p. m. .......... -.- I ..A a. m. .......... .......... .......... .......... R:03 a m. G:49 p. m. 1248 p. m. ti:&? a m . 6:03 p. m. .......... .......... .......... 1:45 p. m. 6:50 p. m. - ip Ig i 'Q ! dr r I 'B - 3.09 .ou .u1 .l5 . 01 .01 .01 . 01 .69 .fil 1.01 . 01 . lr2 .01 .uo . w2 T. .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .06 . 02 . v2 .u5 . 01 .01 .14 .01 .03 . 01 .05 . 01 .38 .I1 .31 .O 1 . 01 . 01 .LN .... .... .... .... .... .... Depths of precipitation (in inches) during perlods of time indicated. (w Sh. min. -I-- .....I ..... . IS .25 .81 .22 I ..E .22 1 .B4 ..... I ...... .....! ...... ............ ..... I ...... .,.> I .3s . -.. .l l I ..E ..... /.__._. .18 .31 .17 I .39 ..... I ...... .35 .i n .07 1 .12 .00 .41 .I C .37 .2I I .a .....I ..... ..... I ..... .m ! .22 .wj .35 ..... 4 ..... ..~,.~ ............ . - I .3 J \ .38 ................. pi :;: j ::; .02 .07 .I6 .01 .3Y ..... .......... .....I. I::::: .....I ::::.-I ..... .01 I .33 .4R .a I":io'! .is ............ ............I ..... .....I ...... 1 ..... .01 1 .37 I .ti9 ..... i ...... ...... ..... ......I ..... .07 1 .06 1 .SO ................ .....I ...... i ..... ..... I ...... I ..... ..... I ...... ! ..... 1.67 .05 I--:!!, ..... , ...... ..... I ...... I ...... .....!......!..... . ...... ..._.I ...... ...... ................. :El :El :E - 1.5 mm. - 0.50 .37 .90 .38 . $9 1.09 .94 .51 .35 .IS .s i . fi4 .4s .99 .5u .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .55 .50 .29 .39 .58 .46 .47 . iti .27 .63 .55 .I%! 1.00 . i 4 t .85 .02 .31 .69 -13 .41 ''6 .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ._ .... .... .... .36 .... .... .... .... . .A) .I .52 .35 - 39 .33 .30 .3i .56 .33 .50 .... .... .... .... .... .... . il .48 .55 .19 .... .... .... ._.. .... .... .48 .43 .9s .58 .55 .6a .... ..-. .... .._. 308 MONTHLY WEATmR REME',W. J m , 1915 TABLE II.-Aceumulatd anwunta o/pr&pitatwn for ea& 5 minutcs, for the prim'pal storm k which the rate of fall equaled or exceeded 0.85 inch in any 5 minutea, or 0.80 in 1 how, during June, 1915, at all stations furnished with sel f+egistering gages-continued. -- Rtataom. Dab. Keokuk. Iowa ............ Key West Fla ........... 1.3 crosse. wis.. ......... Lander W o ............. I,ylsini, d c h ............ Iinoxville: Term .......... I t 1, Milwaukee, W-is.. ........ 12-13 Mhneapoli?, Nlun ....... .\{ 2 lo 1 19 20 30 25 1-2 18 25 3rohile,Ils ............... 27 Xodena Utah..; ......... 3-.1 Montgohery, .\la.. ... ....I 12 3.33 .23 .1fi .35 .21 .16 0.51 1 t .ao i 0.5.. .59 j :sj .19 .29 .53 1 .68 -28 ae . ~o r r o ~k va.. ............ 1' 1-8 North Platte. Kebr.. ... ..I Sorthfl$d.Vt.. .......... 17 Sorth Head, Wash ....... 9-10 26 slscou, Cia ................ Marquette. Mirh .......... Memphis, Teun ........... Msdlson, Wk ............. I 16 Oklahoma, Oka.. ..... ...I $ 1-2 12 2s 30 .09 .3? .21 .16 .I 6 .45 .23 .I9 .50 .32 .B .64 .35 .53 .45 .56 .45 ........... I ...... .13 ..i3 .22 .as .40 .68 .30 .io .51 ...... .% .37 .29 .37 .71 .73 .4S .6R .31 .43 ............ .4.. .46 .I 1.13 .50 ...... 1.17 1.5s .m . __. . , .1Y j .4I Rd~BlYff, Csl.. .......... Reno,Kev ................ Rlchmond Vs ........... Roehpstop,'N. Y... ....... Sacrempmto cal ......... 2zxv%k-::::::::: 88glnew, aalch ............ Moorhead, adinn .......... Mount Tamal ais Cal.. .. Nanturket. %as.(. ....... Nashville Tenn. ......... 1-3 15 10-11 9 w, '17 27 St. Joseph, Mo ............ .25 .74 .47 .3P .2d .30 .?l .17 13 .43 .L% .15 .I .44 .I6 .22 . li .30 .31 .3s .31 .49 .E Bt. Louis, Mo ............. St Paul M b ........... 8BitLadecity.uU ..... ~31-2 ................ .40 .43 .8LI .99 .57 .61 .67 1.08 .33 .41 .41 .S4 .27 .33 .33 .48 .36 .69 .a5 .43 .19 :B .til ...... .70 .7B .17 .31 .I1 ...... :Lg .e2 ..le .54 .44 .47 .48 .I .43 .54 .80 .75 ................ .B .m ................ ................. ............ ................. Total duratlon. Omaha, Sebr ............. Oswego N. Y ............ Palest& TEY ............ Parkersbkg, W. Va ...... From- I 56 4 19 15 14 330 p. m. 310 p. m. 845 a.m. n. N. a m. 4% p. m. ................. .....I ............ ................. ................. ................. ................. ................. ................. .30 .43 .18 .34 ................. ................. ................. .29 .30 ................. ........... 1:38 p. m. .I .56 .48 ........... .............................. .YO ............... .............................. .?3 ............... .............................. .33 ............... .............................. .37 ............... ............ 1 :s p. m. 11:31 a m . Portlund Me ............. Portland: Oreg ........... Providence R. 1.. ....... pueblo, Cdo .............. N. c ............. i ?p v h & S. Dak ....... ........... 1:24 p. m. ........... ........... ........... 20 25 2x3 1 1-2 IS-!! ........... 211 p. m. 738 p. 111. 1040 p. m. 1:15 p. m. 1:m p. m. 7:35 p. m. 2% p. m. D. N. a. m. D. N. a m. D.N.am. 820 p. m. 7:30 p. m. D. N. a. m. 32:35 p. m. 1 2 9 p. m. Ik35 p. In. 2:32 p. m. 1:: :: : : : : : : : I::::::::::: I. .......... 230 p. m. ........... 124s p. m. k40 p. m. 159p.m. ........... neaame. ~a .............. I w San Antonio -'I'm.. ...... 5 19 &radIcey,me 20 eSaDieg0, dal ........... 2 ........... ........... io:a5 p. m. 9:05 a. IC. Ilk45 a m . 1l:lOa.m. 10:15 p. m. 3:40 p. m. 5:26 p. m. 8% p. m. 230p.m. ........... ........... ........... 1054 a.m. ........... ........... ........... 6:s p. m. 210 a.m. 7:2U p. m. 304 p. m. 942 p. m. a40 p. m. ........... ........... ........... ........... 1 S p .m . 2lap.m. ........... 550 a m. 10:06 p. m. ?:IS a.m. 2 :s a.m. 1?:50 p. m. 121 a.m. 200 a m . 11:50 a.m. 1:30 a.m. 6:53 p. m. 4:55 a m . 4:30 a. m. 1250 p. m. ........... .70 .36 .83 .25 .16 .51 ........... 4:IU p. m. E 0 5 a.m. ~3 5 p .m . ........... ................. .75 ...... .47 .50 1.01 1.21 .51 .i 7 .43 .69 .76 .sS ........... ......................... ..... .-._.I ..........I ::::: I..:;..I ..... ............... 53 .... !:::::I::::: .................... .I34 I: .............. .....I.............................................. 845 p. m. lk40 am. 0:oU a m. 800 p. m. 310 p. m. 6 G p. m. ........... ........... .............................. .....I , ........... 510 p. m. 1245 p. m. .................... I T. .@a 1 .....I ............... .... 4 ..... ........... &lop. m. ........... ........... ........... ........... 7331 p. m. D.N. p. m. D. N. a m. 4% D. m. R05 a m . D. N. a. m. D.X. p.m. D. N. a m. assp: m. 1:50 p. m. D. N. R. m. 720 p. m. ........... 1:45 p. m. 10% p. m. 3:Y p. m. ............ ........... 6:45 a.m. 1005 a m . 240 p. m. 1 5 5 p. m. D.N.am. %05 p. m. 10:12 p. m. 4 M a. m. ............ 820 a m . 11:lO p.m. 1000 a m . 632 a.m. 1:35 p. m. D.5.a.m. e 1 0 a.m. 1211 p.m. 790 a.m. 8:51 p. m. 8:s a.m. 9:40 a. m. k10 p. m. ............ ........... 8345 p. m. 530 a. ui. 910 p. m. ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... 210 a.m. k06 p. m. ............ ........... ............ 1235 p. m. ............ ........... ........... 6:40 p. m. D3.a.m. 9:W p. m. 728 p. m. D.K.am. 1k45 a. m. ........... ........... ........... ............ 200 p. m. am p. m. - c 0 . -S 84 ga - 3.77 0.8s 0.77 1.39 1.12 a 11 1.10 0. ta 0.66 1.15 T. 0.6! 0.95 0. F 0.47 1.3s 0.81 1.01 0.9s 1.23 0.M 1.64 225 1.01 an 0. so 0.95 1. M 1.54 0. B 2.81 0. B 0.43 2 ti2 O.li4 0.54 2.14 1.18 0. $4 1.31 0. s.5 0.75 1.26 1.83 6.77 0.89 0.40 0.48 0.75 1.41 0.64 1.13 0. m 0. $2 1.50 0. i8 1 .3 1.11 1.27 0.51 0. I(0 0.4s 1. w 0.47 0.23 0. c6 0.74 0. a9 0.3s 0.4s 1.75 1. s-4 0.74 2.42 0.56 0. I 0.08 0.88 0.52 1.09 2.06 1.63 4.27 0.77 1 .D 0.03 T. 0.83 0.78 a 42 3. m n. m .... .... .... ..-. .... Excessive rate. Hegon-- 4:lO p. m. 7:01 p. m. 3:M p. m. 940 a m . 2:13 a m. 4:47 p. m. ........... 218 p. m. ........... ........... 1 9 4 p. m. 11:31 am. ........... 1:21 p. m. ........... ........... ........... ........... 357 p. m. s:48 p. m. 11:32 p. m. 1:lS p.m. 132 p. m. 7:44 p. m. 3:36 p. m. 0:OI a m . 4% a.m. 51tJ a m . k53p.m. 9:46 p. m. I:.% a.m. 1238 p. m. 1222 p. m. 8:0% p. m. 2:41 p. m. 1:oR p. m. 6:OO p m. 7 :s p. m. ........... .......... 206 p. m. ........... I0:M p. m. %(1s a.m. l2:30 p. m. L1:40 a.m. 1216 a.m. 3:45 p. m. 5 % p. m. 10:s p. m. 6:16 a.m. 1019 p. m. 240 a.m. 237 a m . 101 p. m. 1:53 a.m. k2tl a.m. L1:50 a.m. 141 a.m. 656 p. m. 533 a m . 4:15 a. m. 230 p. m. ........... ........... ........... 4 5 0 p. m. 343 a.m. 8:Mp.m. .......... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... k12 p. m. Z45 p. m. ........... ........... ........... lV20 a.m. ........... ........... .......... 600 p. m. 3:16 a.m. 8:18 p. m. 440 p. m. 1023 p. m. 943 p. m. .......... ........... .......... ........... 1:11 p. m. 2:s p.m. Ended- 510 p. m. 1:40 p. m. 4:32 p. m. 1O:OO a.m. 357 a.m. 5fi08 p. m. 2:42 p. m. .......... .......... .......... 251 p. m. 12:o.l p. m. .......... 1:41 p. m. .......... .......... .......... .......... 4:38 p. m. 910 p. m. 121s & m. 1:43 p. m. I:% p. m. 7 :s p. m. 4:53 p. m. 655 a m . .1:44 a.m. 5% a m. 9:P p. m. d:55 p. m. 2:36 a. m. 1:09 p. m. 1231 p. m. 9:M p. m. 252 p. m. .......... 1:21 p. m. 6% p. m. SOD p. m. .......... 231 p. m. .......... 11:17 p. m. 8:39 a.m. 12:5$ p. m. m n 4 p. UI. 1251 a.m. 4:m p. In. 6:0G p. m. 11:lS p. m. .......... 5:44 a.m. 1 0 3 p. m. S:O5 n. m. 317 a.m. 1:12 p. m. 212 a.m. 500 a m . E05 p. m. 231 a.m. 721 p. m. 6% a.m. 5:04 a.m. 3:46 p. m. .......... .......... 5:lO p. m. 434 a.m. S:l7 p. m. .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 436 p. m. 3:OS p. m. .......... .......... .......... 1k40 a.m. .......... .......... .......... e12 p. m. a32 a.m. 8:43 p. m. 515 p. m. 11:s p. m. 10:03 p. m. .......... .......... .......... .......... 1:28 p. m. 2 S p .m . - D m 5P 5. >a i.; $i 85 2s - 0.07 2.51 .M . 01 .O1 .03 .02 .04 .ou .w ..... ..... .._.. ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .2s .15 . luj . 01 . 01 .O1 .21 .12 .I4 1.53 .01 .w . 02 . 01 .OL . 01 . 01 07 . 01 . 01 . 01 . 01 .04 .01 . 01 . 00 .41 . 01 .03 . 01 .O1 .03 .04 . 00 .02 .01 . w2 .08 .01 .15 .02 . ai ..... doc, .... .... ..... ..... .03 . 01 ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .07 .04 ..... ..... ..... .03 ..... ..... ..... . 01 . 01 . 30 .21 . 02 .90 .._. ._.. ..-. .02 .04 - 5 nln. - 1.08 .09 .m .I6 .13 .12 .ls .23 .l 5 .ur, ._.. .... .... .... .... .... .... .m .15 .lyj .I2 .12 .31 .I3 .07 .I8 .15 .15 .36 -12 .IO .w -25 .27 .17 .a5 .17 .I4 .ffi .20 .22 .16 .I9 -10 .10 .os .05 .35 .21 .05 . IS .I1 .13 .06 .M .15 . 22 .21 .13 .?4 .10 .?I .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .._. .... .... .15 .os .... .... .... . 11 .... .... .... .54 .l8 .50 . 11 .06 .30 .._. .... .... .... .19 .l8 ~~ ~- Depths of precipitatfon (in inches) during periods of time Indicated. _I__'__ .q..q _.._.. 63 1.01 ................. ........... , ...... .36 42 .47 .2s I i .F1 ..... ......I ...... .21 .40 I .IS ..... ......I ...... ........... , ..... ..... I ......I ...... ................. .27 I .39 I ...... .71 1.11 1.62 .37 .45 ...... ................. .?6 I .3s 1 46 .39 ............ ..-..I ...... I ...... ................. ................. ................. I I ................. :$ i :E t 1 t 1 t ~1 .5 5 ~.6 2 ~1 .7 5 ~2 0 ~~ ............................... ..... 1 .__._I ..... 0.66 m0.78 1.01 1.10 .35 I .52 .63 .68 I ............................... ... .... .......... ............... ............................... ..... ............... .......... ............... ............................... .......................... ..... T. ............... ..... ..... ............... ..... ............... .... ......... ... ..... ......... ..... .......... ......... ........ ..... ...... ..... ..... ..... ..... .. .... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .... .......... ..... .......... ..... .MI I ......................... I...... I 40 I 47 59 .ti9 ..... .._..I ..................... I :i2 I :sl I i .8g I ..... :i ..... i ..... i ..... 1 4 3 .._.I .................................... I ..... .70 178 1152 1 .YO 11.09 11-28 j 1.53 i1.60 j ..... 1::::: 1103 li 29 1 46 ............................... $ No precipitation occurred during month. t Record imperfect. 1 July 1. * Yay 31. JUNE, 1915. MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. 309 TABLE II.-Aennnulated anioiint of precipitation .for each 5 minutes. for the principal stwms in which the rote of.fiill equaled or rmeded 0.25 ,inch in any 5 minutes, or 030 .in I hour, during ,Tune, 191.5, at all stations f'urnishtd with self-regislering gagcs -Cnntinued. Stations. Date. I -I.- I .... I . ..... ... .... ..... ..... ..... ......... ..... ..... .. ... .......... ... ..... ...... ..... ............ .... ... .. .. ... .......... .... ...... ...... .... .......... .... .... ..... .......... ... ..... .......... ..... ..... ..... ............... ...... ..... ..... ............... .......... ..... ..... ...... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ............... ..... ............... .... ..... ...... ..... ..... ............... ..... ..... ........... ............... ..... ...... .......... .... ... .l G ..... ...... ....... .......... ..... .......... ...... .....I ...... ..... .....I ..... ..... : .01 I ..... .......... Saadusky, Ohio.. ...... am ~raneisco. c,al.. ..... t BanLuiiObis o.Cd ..... wta Fe. N. &ex-. ...... @an Jose Cal Sault We. Marie, Mich.. .. Savannah, Ga ............ ............. ......... ....... ................. .... .............. ... ...........I I . __' ____.__ o .n i . ._I . .......... /. ......... O.IM i ..... ....... ;. ........ 1.:: i ........ ._.I ._ ......... i ....... ,__. ...... ._I .... .I". ................ __. 5 p. in. ::' ; 1'. ni. .IY .18 1:0?p.:ii. I :i

._.;, 2 - :!. li -1;. I' ---' ,% --;..? -I<,!? -2 .g l: . .- Depw- nor?xil. tnre Totd from snowfall. dlran ma.<.+ mean inio.i2. 0 .r, 49.0 5?. 6 5:. i 55. K 55.:' $5. n -II - hiriu! illhi- 1:111711. _ 'F. 42.1 4:;. :3 Jti.4 47.1 4%..J 4s. 0 51.5 5r;. I I 47.2 52.!< 51.8 36.:. H). li i i . 4 47. B 4;:. 45.4 42. s $2. i' 43. h .!A I 42.0 L:. 1 4.3. u -14.4 :4.; .>I . G 50. .; .,I . 9 G;. !. 41;. ,9 .., .. .I _. I ..- __ I- .. .- . I Inches. 29.99 h .N .S ........................................ 29.92 29.9s . 8t.Jahns.N.F ...................................... ey, C. B. I ... ................................... umouth, N. S ...................................... lOttet4ll~U. P. E. I .. ............................. ZI? -L ........................... I: a: .>- 32 4 5 57 ;;5 84 i:< a!. 1; .I 1 .1:; 14 :< i ..- i, I .* - ..I .. - ... .I , .:I8 :I: .i.. OF. 53.9 021.0 ti50 a. 4 a. 0 liY.5 62.4 3. 4 74.7 :-I . 1.; 74.3 71.2 1.1. ! dli. 9 ;u. 5 m I w h x Inelin. -0.lli .......... -!-O .X .......... L,) (.9 -1. 11; .......... -:1.51 .......... +I .$. .......... -4. !XI .......... -!.3 .......... -0.!U -10. til +11, ..... I" .......... -1.12 I:::::::::: 1.. ........ ._ 1, .I; / : : :: :: :::: .......... .......... + 1. .;'.a .......... T. +.I!. .I: : 0. p -8.1.75 I .......... +]...mi i .......... +11.,1: I . ......... +!.: .. I.. ' +1. ;2 i .......... -+2.-?? ........... -i I!. :: ;. .......... -1.32 i .......... +l.Ui 1 .......... -n.59 I ... ....... fl.79: 9.0 +5.03 i .......... .. ........ c .I4 ................... I ......................................... _.._................ bee, Que 3% trpal. Qiie.. ..................................... . %tonecli!Te. Ont ...................................... Ottawa. Ont I Khgston. Ont.. ..................................... I . ........................................ "omto, Ont Port Stanley. Ont .................................... Bouthampton. Out.. Port Arthur, Ont. ................................... i eg Nan ..................................... .! 'A pelle, Sash.. ................................. .: Pdk% e Hat, Alberta.. .............................. i.Ci Current. h s k .. ................................ I . cdgary. Alberta.. ................................. Bsnfl, Alberta.. ..................................... -%dmonton. Alherts.. .............................. Prlnce Albert. &ask. ................................. . ai-, Rusk ...................................... Kamloops. B. C ...................................... I Vetmkr B. C.. ...................................... &I~,B.c ..................................... i ton, Bermuda.. ......................................... .................................. a t n River, Ont.. --Parry Bound. Ont ................................ I L 9 O s ;. Nan.. ................................. ..I ........................... -.. ............................... i la. i ..i . ,,>... . I;,;. .j lii.0 -