(CO-99-13) Population Estimates for Counties by Age Group: July 1, 1997 Source: Population Estimates Program, Population Division, U.S. Census Bureau, Washington, DC 20233 Contact: Statistical Information Staff, Population Division, U.S. Census Bureau (301-457-2422) pop@census.gov (please include a phone number with email correspondence) Internet Release Date: August 30, 2000 Total Ages Ages Ages Ages Ages Ages Ages Ages Ages Area Name Population 0-4 5-17 18-24 25-44 45-64 16+ 21+ 65+ 85+ NEW JERSEY 8054178 558421 1429976 667162 2557221 1738987 6273397 5768495 1102411 123734 Atlantic County 236224 17314 40949 20806 75122 48259 183923 168429 33774 4192 Bergen County 851373 50281 132723 61832 262813 209200 688384 642221 134524 15482 Burlington County 419664 29277 79558 35046 133925 89025 321993 295133 52833 5403 Camden County 504672 39955 102277 40270 157609 100697 376341 344588 63864 6819 Cape May County 97932 6565 16660 6726 27037 20944 76899 71719 20000 2332 Cumberland County 140944 10555 28504 11806 42225 28514 106008 96428 19340 2119 Essex County 750708 53764 138544 69321 239610 156132 579447 527548 93337 11352 Gloucester County 245926 18254 51163 20618 78556 49318 183192 166548 28017 2720 Hudson County 553645 38869 92400 52534 185888 115471 436616 401125 68483 7368 Hunterdon County 120563 8178 22078 8219 41547 28492 93448 86691 12049 1489 Mercer County 329852 22199 56768 33362 104229 69419 259067 234429 43875 4904 Middlesex County 707589 47958 113995 70949 235563 147926 562643 513424 91198 7739 Monmouth County 596791 41643 112373 42995 191227 133165 458705 423253 75388 9357 Morris County 454386 28931 79120 35197 147022 110829 358423 330907 53287 6590 Ocean County 482395 31874 84977 30965 130616 93011 377194 351040 110952 11992 Passaic County 482131 37413 89253 45805 152138 98197 368919 334827 59325 7209 Salem County 65240 4265 13221 4686 18790 14082 49606 45474 10196 1184 Somerset County 276424 19147 44809 19207 97084 64558 218901 204618 31619 3900 Sussex County 141864 11470 29884 9528 49624 28634 104482 95925 12724 1752 Union County 497756 33206 82260 40307 155266 112095 394325 364944 74622 8291 Warren County 98099 7303 18460 6983 31330 21019 74881 69224 13004 1540 The estimates presented here were produced by a method which is still in a developmental stage. They may not be accurate for populations which are very small or have unusual distributions. These figures should be used with caution.