gROOT->Reset(); /* Program to: Make distribution of gains histogram for every eta bin Input: B2Csummary.csv (file_sum) Output: Author: J. Millane */ #include "Riostream.h" const char file1[100]="tables/F2Gsummary.dat"; const char file2[100]=""; const int nEtabin = 12, nSector = 12, nSubsector = 5, nTower = 720; float gainMin[nEtabin+1], gainMax[nEtabin+1]; float oldGain[nSector+1][nSubsector+1][nEtabin+1], newGain[nSector+1][nSubsector+1][nEtabin+1]; Plot4() { // Initialize arrays for(int eta = 1; eta <= nEtabin; eta++) { gainMin[eta]=1000; gainMax[eta]=0; for(int sub = 1; sub <= nSubsector; sub++) for(int sec = 1; sec <= nSector; sec++) oldGain[eta][sub][sec]=newGain[eta][sub][sec]=0; } readSum(); // Graphics TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1","Type A",1); c1->Divide(4,6); for(int eta = 1; eta <= nEtabin; eta++) { // Decide which pad to draw histogram onto if(eta < 5) c1->cd(eta); else if(eta < 9) c1->cd(eta+4); else c1->cd(eta+8); plot(&eta,oldGain,"Old Gain"); // Decide which pad to draw histogram onto if(eta < 5) c1->cd(eta+4); else if(eta < 9) c1->cd(eta+8); else c1->cd(eta+12); plot(&eta,newGain,"New Gain"); } // begin testing for(int i = 1; i <= nEtabin; i++) printf("gainMin[%d]=%2.2f, gainMin[%d]=%2.2f\n",i,gainMin[i],i,gainMax[i]); // end testing // clean up c1->Print(file2); cout << endl; return; } readSum() { char trash_ca[100], trash_c, subsector_holder; int sec, sub, eta; // open summary file ifstream ifile(file1,ios::in); if (!ifile) { cerr << file1 << " could not be opened" << endl; exit(1); } for(int i = 0; i < 14; i++) ifile >> trash_ca; // discard header // read in oldGain and newGain for(int i = 0; i < nTower; i++) { ifile >> eta; for(int j = 0; j < 4; j++) ifile >> trash_ca; ifile >> sec >> trash_c >> subsector_holder >> trash_ca; // read in tower sub = subChar2num(subsector_holder); for(int j = 0; j < 2; j++) ifile >> trash_ca; ifile >> oldGain[sec][sub][eta] >> newGain[sec][sub][eta]; for(int j = 0; j < 4; j++) ifile >> trash_ca; // begin testing if(i==1) { printf("tower %2.2dT%c%2.2d : oldGain = %2.2f, newGain = %2.2f\n",sec,subsector_holder,eta,oldGain[sec][sub][eta],newGain[sec][sub][eta]); } // end testing // Determine gain Min, gain max if(oldGain[sec][sub][eta] > gainMax[eta]) gainMax[eta]=oldGain[sec][sub][eta]; if(oldGain[sec][sub][eta] < gainMin[eta]) gainMin[eta]=oldGain[sec][sub][eta]; } ifile.close(); return; } int subChar2num(char holder) { int sub = 13; if(holder=='A') sub = 1; else if(holder=='B') sub = 2; else if(holder=='C') sub = 3; else if(holder=='D') sub = 4; else if(holder=='E') sub = 5; return sub; } void plot(int *eta, float g[nSector+1][nSubsector+1][nEtabin+1],char t[]) { TString title = "Gain Distribution of etabin "; title+=*eta; TH1F *histo = new TH1F("histo",title,40,gainMin[*eta]-1,gainMax[*eta]+1); // TH1F *histo = new TH1F("histo",title,40,0,20); // setFillColor if(t[0]=='O') histo->SetFillColor(4); else histo->SetFillColor(2); for(int sec = 1; sec <= nSector; sec++) for(int sub = 1; sub <= nSubsector; sub++) histo->Fill(g[sec][sub][*eta]); // begin testing //histo->SetAxisRange(0,20); //cout << "gainMin[*eta]=" << gainMin[*eta] << endl; // end testing //histo->Draw("bar"); histo->Draw(); histo->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(t); histo->Draw("same"); return; }