Laboratory for High-Energy Astrophysics Seminar Series:

2002, October-December

Time: 3:45 pm (following refreshments at 3:30 pm) for Tuesday seminars.

Location: Building 2 Ground Floor Conference Room (Room 8)

unless otherwise noted.

To view the abstract of a seminar, click on the title.

Past LHEA Seminars

First quarter of 2002.

Second quarter of 2002

Third quarter of 2002

Future LHEA Seminars

First quarter of 2003

Other GSFC Seminars

Center Director's Colloquium
Goddard Science Colloquium

Laboratory for Astronomy and Solar Physics (Code 680) Seminar Series.

Laboratory for Extraterrestrial Physics (Code 690) Seminar Series.








October 1

Dr. Pierre Sokolsky

U. Utah

The Sky Above, the Mud Below - the UHECR debate: Technique-or Theology?




Dr. Volker Beckmann

INTEGRAL Science Data Centre (ISDC)

Ultra high frequency peaked BL Lac objects

1pm, Bldg,2, Rm. 8





8 No Seminar (Maryland Conference)


10 Dr. Alvin Sanders, University of Tennessee 3pm, Bldg 2, Rm. 8Project SEE: A Next-Generation Gravitation Mission


Dr. Argyris Nicolaidis
 Cosmic Rays and the Search for Extra Dimensions





Dr. Asif UD-Doula

NC State

The Effects of Magnetic Fields on Line-Driven Hot-Star Winds








Dr. Yousaf Butt


CHANDRA/VLA follow-up of Unidentified
TeV source TeV J2032+4131



Dr. Doris Neumann
New results of clusters of galaxies observed with XMM-Newton






Dr. Olaf Reimer

U. Bochum

EGRET observations of X-ray bright clusters of galaxies

Dr. Randall Smith CfA
Interstellar dust and the X-ray halo of GX13+1 3:00pm


November 1





Dr. Koji Mukai

USRA & LHEAX-ray Binaries in M101







Dr. Barry McKernan, JHU

Hot outflows in Seyfert 1's: New results from Chandra HETG

Dr. Don Lamb, U. Chicago, 2:00pm,  HETE-2 and Swift: Using GRBs as a Probe of Cosmology

14 Dr. Eric Adelberger, U. Washington, Sub-millimeter tests of the gravitational inverse square law: extra dimensions and all that






Dr. John Monnier

U. Michigan

Infrared and Radio Properties of Dusty Wolf-Rayet Stars





Badenes, IEEC/UPC, 1:00pm Prospects for Type Ia SN Explosion Mechanism Identification through Supernova Remnants




Dr. Mike Corcoran  12:00
A Report from the Chandra Calibration Workshop
Dr. Milos Milosavljevic, 3:00,
Long-Term Evolution
of Massive Black Hole Binaries

26 Dr. Analia Cillis LHEA 
Air Shower Simulations of High Energy Cosmic Rays





December 1


Dr. Ann Hornschemeier, JHU
Galaxies in the Chandra deep fields



6 Dr. Stephen Reynolds, NCSU,2:00pmX-ray Synchrotron Radiation from Shell Supernova Remnants: A Diagnostic of Strong-Shock Physics




10 Dr Roeland  van der Marel, STScIIntermediate Mass Black Holes in the Universe: Formation Mechanisms and Observational Constraints


12 Dr. Bronson Messer, University of Tennessee/ORNL, 1:30pm
Simulating Core-Collapse Supernovae: Understanding the Death of Massive Stars




16 Dr.Alessandra Buonanno 3:30Searching for gravitational waves from inspiraling binaries of compact objects with Earth-based interferometers


Dr. Rolf Walder

Institut fuer Astronomie, ETH Zurich

Flow collisions in astrophysics: far from stationary and full of surprises



19Dr. Tim McKay, University of Michigan Time: 2:00pm Measuring the Evolution of Cosmic Expansion with SNAP





24 No seminar







31 No seminar

The Sky Above, the Mud Below -

the UHECR debate:

Technique or Theology?

Dr. Pierre Sokolsky

High Energy Astrophysics Institute, University of Utah

October 1


The UHE Cosmic Ray spectrum has been measured by two different techniques -one based on atmospheric fluorescence(HiRes) and one based on sampling the shower as it hits the ground(AGASA). The results do not agree well in the neighborhood of the Greisen-Zatsepin-Kuzmin cut-off. The status of the measurements and systematics will be discussed and ways to resolve the issue suggested.

Ultra high frequency peaked BL Lac objects

Dr. Volker Beckmann

INTEGRAL Science Data Centre (ISDC)

Thursday, October 3, 1pm, Building 2, Room 8


Blazars are the most extreme class of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) known. The extreme properties which are observed, such as high polarization and variability, are believed to result from a highly relativistic jet, pointing towards the observer. The unification of the blazar sequence is based on the observation that the differences between radio and X-ray selected blazars are due to different peak frequencies of their synchrotron and inverse Compton emission. Based on the large and complete HRX-BL Lac sample, dependencies of several physical parameters (such as luminosity, spectral shape, and spectral energy distribution) on the synchrotron emission peak are shown. It is also possible to explain the different evolutionary behaviour in a unified scheme. Finally, implications on the existence of ultra high frequency peaked BL Lac objects (UHBL) can be made. These objects have their synchrotron peak at frequencies higher than 100 keV and make them possible targets for observations in Gamma-rays using INTEGRAL. First encouraging results from studying UHBL candidates of the HRX-BL Lac sample and from follow-up observations in the optical domain and with BeppoSAX will be presented. One recently discovered UHBL is likely to be the counterpart of an unidentified EGRET source.

Project SEE: A Next-Generation Gravitation Mission

Dr. Alvin Sanders

University of Tennessee

Thursday, October 10, 3pm, Building 2, Room 8


Project S.E.E. (Satellite Energy Exchange) is an international effort to organize a new space mission for fundamental measurements in gravitation, which entails launching a dedicated satellite and making detailed observations of free-floating test bodies within its experimental chamber. The planned experiments include tests of the equivalence principle (EP), both by composition dependence (CD) and by inverse-square-law (ISL) violations, determination of G, and a test for non-zero G-dot. The CD tests will be both at intermediate distances (few meters) and at long distances (radius of the Earth). Thus, a SEE mission would obtain accurate information self- consistently on a number of distinct gravitational effects. The EP tests by CD would provide confirmation of earlier, more precise experiments. All other tests would significantly improve our knowledge of gravity. In particular, the error in G is projected to be less than 1 ppm, and the test for non-zero G-dot will be at the level of less than one part in 10^13

Cosmic Rays and the Search for Extra Dimensions

Dr. Argyris Nicolaidis

Department of Theoretical Physics, University of Thessaloniki

Friday, October 11, 1:15pm, Building 2, Room 8


We propose that the cosmic ray spectrum "knee", i.e. the steepening of the cosmic ray spectrum at energy $E \gsim 10^{15.5}$ eV,
may be the manifestation of the existence of a low fundamental scale for the gravitational interaction, i.e. that this scale is
of order ~TeV (at the center of mass or 10^{15} eV at the lab frame). The reduction of the fundamental scale from the commonly accepted  Planck value (10^{19} GeV) to ~ 1 TeV is achieved by considering that the graviton propagates, besides the usual four dimensions, into an additional $\delta$, compactified, large radius (~ 1 Fermi) dimensions, as has been recently suggested in order to account for the hierarchy problem (i.e. the disparity between the electroweak and gravitational scales) in high energy physics. We compute the cross section for graviton production in this framework and calculate the energy lost to gravitons in high energy pp collisions. This energy does not trigger the cosmic ray detectors and leads to a steepening of the cosmic ray spectrum at cosmic ray energies greater than that of the fundamental gravity scale (i.e. 10^{15.5} eV at the Lab frame). Incidentally, this energy scale
is coincident with that of the "knee" of the Cosmic ray spectrum, which thus finds its explanation in the physics of high energy
particle collisions. By fitting the cosmic ray spectrum data we deduce that the favorite values for the fundamental scale for gravity
($M_f \sim 5$ TeV) and the number of compactified dimensions ($\delta =4$).

The Effects of Magnetic Fields on Line-Driven Hot-Star Winds

Dr. Asif UD-Doula

North Carolina State University

October 15


There is extensive evidence that the line-driven stellar winds of OB-type stars are not the steady, smooth outflows envisioned in classical models, but instead exhibit extensive structure and variability on a range of temporal and spatial scales. This talk will examine the possible role of stellar magnetic fields in forming large-scale wind structure based on numerical magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations of the interaction of a line-driven flow with an assumed stellar dipole field. Unlike previous fixed-field analyses, the MHD simulations here take full account of the dynamical competition between the field and flow. A key result is that the overall degree to which the wind is influenced by the field depends largely on a single, dimensionless, `wind magnetic confinement parameter', $\eta_*$ ($=B_{eq}^2 R_*^2/{\dot M} v_\infty$), which characterizes the ratio between magnetic field energy density and kinetic energy density of the wind. For weak confinement, $\eta_* \le 1$, the field is fully opened by wind outflow, but nonetheless, for confinements as small as $\eta_*=1/10$ it can have a significant back-influence in enhancing the density and reducing the flow speed near the magnetic equator. For stronger confinement, $\eta_* > 1$, the magnetic field remains closed over a limited range of latitutde and height about the equatorial surface, but eventually is opened into nearly radial configuration at large radii. Within the closed loops, the flow is channeled toward loop tops into shock collisions that are strong enough to produce hard X-rays. Within the open field region, the equatorial channeling leads to oblique shocks that are again strong enough to produce X-rays and also lead to a thin. dense, slowly outflowing ``disk'' at the magnetic equator.

CHANDRA/VLA Follow-up of Unidentified
TeV source TeV J2032+4131

Dr. Yousaf Butt

Center for Astrophysics

October 22


The HEGRA Cherenkov telescope group recently reported an extended unidentified TeV source in the Cyg OB2 region. We obtained a 5 ksec Director's Discretionary Time (DDT) CHANDRA observation of the region of this source. In addition, we secured a near-simultaneous VLA B-configuration observation sensitive to point-like sources. We will present the results of our CHANDRA and VLA follow-up observations of this source. Preliminary analysis indicates that the TeV source may be the signature of the cumulative wind-shock of the  >2000 O & B stars in Cyg OB2 accelerating nuclei to TeV energies, as in the model proposed by Bykov, SSRv, 99, 317 (2001).

New Results of Clusters of Galaxies Observed with XMM-Newton

Dr. Doris Neumann


October 24


Clusters of galaxies host huge amounts of hot X-ray emitting gas, which is an ideal tracer for internal physics and dynamical processes. The X-ray observatory XMM-Newton with its superb spectro-imaging capabilities offers a unique possiblity to study in great detail this hot gas. I will show recent results on clusters observed with XMM-Newton and will thereby address several issues: the dynamical state of clusters, which is closely linked to structure formation, the dark matter content of clusters, cluster X-ray shapes, which indicate strong self-similarity as well as cluster evolution, which is tightly related to cosmological parameters.

EGRET Observations of X-ray Bright Clusters of Galaxies

Dr. Olaf Reimer

University of Bochum

October 29


We report EGRET upper limits on the high-energy gamma-ray emission from clusters of galaxies. EGRET observations between 1991 and 2000 were analyzed at positions of 58 individual clusters from a flux-limited sample of nearby X-ray bright galaxy clusters.
Subsequently, a cumulative overlay of the data from individual galaxy clusters has been analyzed utilizing an adequately adapted diffuse gamma-ray background model. The resulting upper limit is ~ 6 x 10^{-9} cm^{-2} s^{-1} for E > 100 MeV.  Implications from the nondetection of prominent individual clusters and the general inability to detect the X-ray brightest galaxy clusters as a class of gamma-ray emitters are discussed in comparison with existing predictions on the high-energy gamma-ray emission and, especially, in respect of recent contradictory claims about possible associations between gamma-ray sources and clusters of galaxies.

Interstellar Dust and the X-ray Halo of GX13+1

Dr. Randall Smith

Center for Astrophysics

October 30


I will present observations of the X-ray halo around the LMXB GX 13+1 from the Chandra X-ray telescope. The halo is caused by scattering in interstellar dust grains, and we used it to diagnose the line-of-sight position, size distribution, and density of the grains. Using the intrinsic energy resolution of Chandra's ACIS CCDs and the recent calibration observation of the Chandra point spread function (PSF), we were able to extract the halo fraction as a function of energy and off-axis angle. I will present a new quantity, the "halo coefficient," or the total halo intensity relative to the source at 1 keV which we measured to be 1.5+0.5-0.1 for GX 13+1. There is a direct relationship between this value and the dust size, density, and hydrogen column density along the line of sight to GX 13+1. I will also show that our data does not agree with "fluffy" dust models earlier X-ray halo observations have supported, nor does it agree with models including a substantial large dust grain population.

X-ray Binaries in M101

Dr. Koji Mukai


November 5


I will present results on X-ray binaies from our Chandra ACIS-S observations of the nearby face-on spiral galaxy, M101.  The main aim of the proposal was the study of the diffuse soft X-ray emission in this galaxy (Kuntz et al, submitted) for which the removal of point sources (catalog published by Pence et al) is essential.  I will present spectra and light curves of five bright X-ray sources that can be described as bright black hole binaries in M101.  The brightest source detected (P098), however, does not fit the norm, although it, too, is likely to be a black hole binary in M101.  The observed X-ray photons may have been scattered in an outflow, rather than originating in the accretion disk. I will briefly compare tese results with other studies of Ultraluminous X-ray Sources.  Finally, I will compare the X-ray binary population of M101 with that of the Milky Way.

Hot outflows in Seyfert 1's: New results from Chandra HETG

Dr. Barry McKernan

Johns Hopkins University

November 12


I present the soft X-ray spectra of several Seyfert 1 AGN as observed recently with Chandra HETG. I discuss the constraints on the warm absorbing gas in these AGN, including composition, location and kinematics. I shall also discuss the link between X-ray and UV warm absorption in Mkn 509 (using simultaneous HST-STIS data), the possibility of a dusty warm absorber in NGC 4593, as well as some intruiging absorption features in the spectrum of the Seyfert 1/BLRG 3c120.

HETE-2 and Swift: Using GRBs as a Probe of Cosmology

Dr. Don Lamb

University of Chicago

Wednesday, November 13, 2:00pm


HETE-2 is currently localizing GRBs at a rate of ~ 30 yr^-1, many in near real-time. About forty percent of the bursts that it has detected and localized are XRFs. In addition, HETE-2 has localized a short burst, making possible the first rapid follow-up of such a burst at X-ray, optical, and radio wavelengths. The results of the HETE-2 mission so far highlight the importance of a spacecraft and instruments providing accurate, real-time localizations for GRBs, and imply that Swift will make major contributions to our understanding of GRBs. In addition, HETE-2, and particularly Swift, hold out the promise of using GRBs as a probe of cosmology. We describe recent work that we have done in support of this goal

Sub-millimeter tests of the gravitational inverse square law: extra dimensions and all that

Dr. Eric Adelberger

University of Washington

2002 William Nordberg Lecturer

Thursday, November 14, 1:00pm


Attempts to unify gravity with the other 3 fundamental interactions face  two famous hierarchy problems: the extreme weakness of gravity compared to  electromagnetism and the smallness of the observed "cosmological constant" compared to the vacuum energy prediction. Proposed solutions to these two hierarchy problems predict modifications of the Newtonian inverse-square law at  separations less than 1 mm. Recent experimental tests that test gravity at length  scales down to 80 microns will be discussed.


Infrared and Radio Properties of Dusty Wolf-Rayet Stars

Dr. John Monnier

University of Michigan

November 19


The 10-meter Keck-I telescope has been converted into an interferometric array using aperture masking techniques, allowing near-infrared imaging with the diffraction-limited resolution of ~50 milli-arcseconds.  In this talk, I will focus on our observations of dust shells around Wolf-Rayet stars, and what the newly-resolved spatial structure and time evolution reveals about the underlying systems, the physics of colliding winds, and high mass stellar evolution in general.  We have also used the Very Large Array to measure the broadband radio spectrum of WR stars in suspected binary systems and discovered non-thermal emission, which is usually attributed to colliding winds.  Combining the near-IR imaging with the radio results has provided fresh insights into the nature of colliding winds. Lastly, I will report new results on WR 140, a 7.9-year binary system known to produce dust for only a few months per orbit, which we successfully imaged at multiple epochs during and after its recent periastron passage.

Prospects for Type Ia SN Explosion Mechanism Identification through Supernova Remnants 

Dr.  Carles Badenes

Institut d'Estudis Espacials de Catalunya/Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya

Friday November 22, 1:00pm


Thermonuclear supernovae -also known as type Ia SN- have become a key tool in modern astronomy. The recent spectacular results about the accelerated expansion of our universe are based on the properties of these objects as 'standard candles', but our knowledge of the physics behind them is far from being complete. In this talk I will make a short review of type Ia SN explosion models and how their young supernova remnants might provide clues to learn more about the explosions themselves.

A Report from the Chandra Calibration Workshop

Dr. Mike Corcoran


November 21; 12:00


The first annual Chandra Calibration Workshop was held at the Chandra X-ray Center on Nov 6 & 7.  Topics covered included PSF's and the Telescope, Detectors and the PSF, ACIS & HRC, spectral imaging, grating spectroscopy and other issues.  This talk will be an informal overview of the results reported at the workshop.

Long-Term Evolution of Massive Black Hole Binaries

Dr. Milos Milosavljevic


Monday November 25, 3:00pm


Air Shower Simulations of High Energy Cosmic Rays

Dr. Analia Cillis


November 26


The history of the study of the cosmic rays start with Victor Hess in 1912, but it wasn’t until the 30’s when Pierre Auger observed the particle cascade of the air showers initiated by a cosmic ray. He identified coincidences between detectors separated 300 m and deduced that these coincidences were associated with secondary showers produced by the interaction of a high energy cosmic ray with an atom of the atmosphere. He thought that the cosmic ray spectrum could be extended beyond 1015eV.
Nowadays these cascades of particles or air showers can be detected by different techniques like the fluorescent detectors and the surface arrays. But the detection of air showers is not enough to infer the nature of the primary particle. Numerical simulations are needed to analyze the different processes that take place throughout the development of the cascade.
In this seminar I will present some of the results I have obtained during my PhD work at University of La Plata (Argentina). Several numerical techniques were developed in order to simulate some of the processes that appear in the high energy air showers. These algorithms were incorporated in the air shower simulation system AIRES. The processes studied were: The Landau-Pomeranchuk-Migdal effect and the dielectric suppression, the electromagnetic processes with muons, and the deflections produced by the geomagnetic field over the charged particles in the cascade.
The AIRES program is one of the simulation tools that is being used by the Pierre Auger team. The Pierre Auger Observatory is now under construction in Pampa Amarilla (Mendoza, Argentina).

Galaxies in the Chandra Deep Fields

Dr. Ann Hornschemeier

Johns Hopkins University

December 3


This talk will cover recent results on the population of normal and starburst galaxies being detected in extremely deep exposures with the Chandra X-ray Observatory. This population is diverse, and includes galaxies which are dominated by an individual off-nuclear X-ray source (e.g., extremely luminous X-ray binaries or supernova remnants). These sources may provide the first direct constraints on the prevalence of lower-mass black holes at significantly earlier times. The X-ray emission from such ``normal" galaxies may also be a useful star-formation rate indicator, based on radio/X-ray cross-identifications. Such studies will be greatly improved through the Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey (GOODS) which covers the two Chandra Deep Fields. The HST Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) observations for the southern field have been partially completed and I will provide a GOODS ACS "sneak preview" of these publicly available data. I will also suggest that it is important that the population of X-ray faint normal and starburst galaxies be well constrained in order to design the next generation of X-ray observatories.

X-ray Synchrotron Radiation from Shell Supernova Remnants:
A Diagnostic of Strong-Shock Physics

Dr. Stephen P. Reynolds

Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics and
Physics Department, North Carolina State University

Friday December 6, 2:00pm


If supernova-remnant shock waves are responsible for the production of Galactic cosmic rays, as has long been assumed, they should produce power-law distributions of electrons, as well as ions, to extremely high energies, possibly to 1000 TeV and beyond. Electrons with energies above a few tens of TeV should radiate synchrotron radiation in the soft X-ray regime. This contribution to the complex X-ray spectrum of remnants was predicted over 20 years ago, but only unambiguously identified in the last seven years. Four or five Galactic remnants now show strong evidence for synchrotron X-ray emission which can be interpreted as coming from the cutting-off tail of the same electron distribution responsible for radio emission. The observed cutoff energies, and the spatial distribution of synchrotron emission, contain information on both macroscopic and microphysical parameters of the remnants: shock speed and remnant age, but also electron diffusion coefficients and the obliquity angle between the shock normal and the upstream magnetic field. I shall review both theory and observations of this important new phenomenon, and its contributions to our understanding of the acceleration of particles to high energies in astrophysical shock waves in general.

Intermediate Mass Black Holes in the Universe: Formation Mechanisms and Observational Constraints

Dr. Roeland van der Marel

Space Telescope Science Institute

December 10


Astronomers have long believed that black holes naturally form in the Universe in two mass ranges. Stellar-mass black holes form when a heavy star collapses under its own weight in a supernova explosion, and have been identified in X-ray binaries. Super-massive black holes probably form as a byproduct of galaxy formation, and are found in the centers of galaxies where they sometimes generate prodigious activity. However, black holes could have formed in the Universe in different mass ranges. Intermediate mass black holes of 10^2-10^5 solar masses are an especially interesting possibility. I will review the possible formation mechanisms for such black holes, as well as the observational constraints on their existence. This includes discussions of recent work with HST on nearby globular clusters and with Chandra on intermediate luminosity X-ray objects in nearby galaxies.

Simulating Core-Collapse Supernovae: Understanding the Death of Massive Stars

Dr.  Bronson Messer

Univ. of Tennessee/ORNL

Thursday December 12 1:30pm


Core-collapse supernovae are among the most spectacular of astrophysical events, and their associated phenomenology is
remarkably varied.  Not coincidentally, simulating these massive stellar explosions is one of the most challenging problems in computational astrophysics.  I will describe recent results highlighting the need to enhance the realism incorporated in supernovae simulations, ranging from improvements in microphysical inputs to the need for multidimensional models with sophisticated neutrino transport.

Searching for Gravitational Waves from Inspiraling
Binaries of Compact Objects with Earth-Based Interferometers

Dr.  Alessandra Buonanno

Monday December 16 3:30 pm


Flow Collisions in Astrophysics:
Far from Stationary and Full of Surprises

Dr. Rolf Walder

ETHZ Institut fuer Astronomie

December 17


New high resolution observations of colliding flow regions - supernova-remnants, wind-driven structures, jets, or star- and galaxy-formations - reveal a wealth of density structures and turbulent motion, in wave-length bands from infrared to X-rays. Modern, numerical models of such objects indeed show the involved radiative shocks to develop highly time-dependent and turbulent
structure. These numerical results, although difficult to interpret in detail and not accounting for all the physics involved, generally fit better with observations than do stationary models.

In my talk, I present numerical simulations of colliding flows. This comprises rather theoretical investigations of basic processes as well as simulations of astrophysical objects. I want to address two main aspects of the physics of colliding flows: the stability of radiative shocks and the supersonic turbulent state of the cooled gas. The insights gained here form the basis for a more thorough understanding of the observed complex shape and internal structure of interaction zones, with their mixing of hot and cold gas and their clumpy and filamentary appearance. I will discuss some astrophysical implications at the example of colliding wind binaries and of wind-driven structures. This brings me to the last focal point of my talk, namely the collision of non-homogeneous, clumped flows as they occur for example in hot star binaries. The possible connection to the observed formation of dust in the immediate neighborhood of X-ray emitting gas in such systems will be discussed.

Measuring the Evolution of Cosmic Expansion with SNAP

Dr.  Tim McKay

University of Michigan

Thursday December 19 2:00pm


Over the last decade we have witnessed the emergence of a 'consensus cosmology' in which the current baryon density, dark matter density, expansion rate, and cosmological constant are reasonably well known. The coming task is to explore the expansion history of the universe.

Details of the expansion history are imprinted on cosmological distance measures and on the growth of structure. I will compare several promising observational signatures, then focus on the most mature; measurements of the luminosity distance using type Ia supernovae. I'll describe details of the proposed Supernova/Acceleration Probe (SNAP); a wide field optical-NIR space telescope designed to enable a precise measurement of the expansion history out to redshifts approaching 2. I'll also comment on the possible impact of such a powerful survey telescope on
other science topics.

Page Author: Dr Robin Corbet

Last Update: 2002-08-07