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F--Munitions and Explosives of Concern (MEC) Verification Sampling and Drilling Requirements for FY09 BRAC-D program at Red River Army Depot, Texas

Solicitation Number: W9128F09R0021
Agency: Department of the Army
Office: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Location: U.S. Army Engineer District, Omaha
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Added: Feb 05, 2009 4:11 pm Modified: Feb 05, 2009 5:04 pmTrack Changes
Project Description:

Munitions and Explosives of Concern (MEC) Verification Sampling and Drilling Requirements for FY09 BRAC-D program at Red River Army Depot, Texas. Only businesses located within the vicinity (Bowie, Cass, Morris, Red River TX, Little River, Miller AR, McCurtain OK) of the military installation that is being realigned under the base closure law shall be provided opportunity to participate in acquisitions that support the realignment, including acquisitions for environmental restoration and mitigation.

Scope of Current Request: The goal of this award is to provide Red River Army Depot the required information for delivering Affected Property Assessment Reports (APARS) to achieve transfer of these properties. Specific services to be included in this project are as follows:

a. MEC Verification Sampling at RRAD-008-R-01 (North West Surveillance Function Test Range), and RRAD-009-R-01 (South West Surveillance Function Test Range)

b. Drilling Requirements at RRAD-008-R-01 (North West Surveillance Function Test Range), RRAD-009-R-01 (South West Surveillance Function Test Range), Area 9(7) HRPR- Scarred Area, and 5(6) HRX - Igloo A7-07. Drill operator must be licensed by the State of Texas.

c. Laboratory Analytical Services for soils and groundwater samples to be taken at the sites listed above at various locations.

Background Information

Red River Army Depot (RRAD) is located on 18,316 acres of land in Bowie County, Texas, approximately 18 miles west of Texarkana and is adjacent to Hooks, Texas (population 2,684) and New Boston, Texas (population 5,057).Lone Star Army Ammunition Plant is adjacent to RRAD to the east. In July 1995, the Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) Commission recommended realigning RRAD by moving all maintenance missions associated with the M113 Tactical Vehicle Series to other depot maintenance activities. 765 acres were originally designated for transfer to the Red River Redevelopment Authority (RRRA). The water treatment plant, industrial waste treatment plant, sewer treatment plant and high voltage electrical distribution system were privatized through BRAC in 2001 adding an additional 32 acres. Of the total 797 acres, approximately 104 acres remain to be transferred.

Instruction to Offerors

Interested parties, headquartered in one of the counties identified above, must notify Mr. Michael Orr @ no later than 4:00 P.M. on 19 February, 2009.
US Army Corps of Engineer - Omaha District, 1616 Capital Ave, Omaha, NE 68102-4901
Red River Army Depot . Bowie County TX
Michael C. Orr, 4029952076

US Army Corps of Engineer - Omaha District