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1983-89 Panel Survey of Consumer Finances
Here: Question Text, Variable Names, & Responses
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  1. 1989 Control File Variables for the Panel
  2. Additional 1989 Household Listing Variable for the Panel
  3. 1989 Variables Collected Only for the Panel
  4. 1983 Recodes Variables
  5. 1989 Variables

IMPORTANT NOTE: Not all variables listed below appear in the public use data set -- see the Public Data Set Variable List for included variables.

IMPORTANT NOTE: For the public-use data set, all dollar amounts $1 to $999 and -$1 to -$999 are rounded to the nearest 10. Values larger in abolute value than $999 are rounded to the nearest 1000. Values of less than negative 1 million are truncated at -1000000.

Top of Page I. 1989 CONTROL FILE VARIABLES RELEVANT ONLY TO THE PANEL ---------------------------------------------------------- 8000 R: Respondent and spouse variables reversed to male and spouse/partner in all subsequent occurences in data set (data rearranged except when male not living at sampled address). Also, all response categories altered to reflect this change. 1. REVERSED 5. NOT REVERSED 40001 1989 ID number 40002 Respondent type 1 Original Panel Member 2 '86 Splitoff 3 '89 Splitoff 0 Cross-Section Only 40003 '83 PSU number 40004 '83 SEGMENT number 40005 '83 LINE number 40006 Field Area Code 40007 COVERSHEET COLOR 1 Green (define..... 2 Yellow ( 3 Pink ( 4 White ( 40008 STRATA 01 1983 Area Sample R Age 22-44 02 1983 Area Sample R Age 45+ 03 1983 Area Sample R Less than 22 years - Not Panel 04 1983 Area Sample R - Not Panel due to Item MData 05 1983 Area Sample Refusal 06 1983 Area Sample NonInterview 07 1983 Area Sample NonSample 08 1983 High Income Sample Age 22-44 09 1983 High Income Sample Age 45+ 11 1986 Splitoff 00 1989 Cross-Section only 40009 SEGMENT SUBSAMPLE 0 Area Sample: Not in Segment Subsample 1 Area Sample: Included in Segment Subsample 9 High Income Sample 40010 SAMPLE TYPE 1 List Sample (Panel Only) 2 Area Sample (Potential Panel/Cross-Section) 3 Area Sample (Cross-Section Only) 40011 '86 MOVE CODE 1 Yes, moved 5 No, didn't move 0 Not interviewed in '86 40012 TRACKING CODE 1 Track Respondent only 2 Track Respondent and '83 Spouse 3 Do not track 4 Cross-Section Only 5 See Tracking Memo (Special instructions for selected splitoff pairs) different housing units 40013 '83 CASE ID 40014 '83 RESULT CODE 40015 '86 CASE ID 40016 '86 RESULT CODE 40017 '86 MARITAL STATUS 1 Married in '83; no spouse in '86 2 Not married in '83; married in '86 3 Married in both '83 and '86 - same spouse 4 Married in both '83 and '86 - different spouse 5 Not married in either '83 or '86 6 Married in '83; not interviewed in '86 7 Not married in '83; not interviewed in '86 9 NA 0 Cross-Section Only 40018 SPLIT-OFF INDICATOR 0 Only R in sample 1 R and '83 spouse in sample independently 40019 INITIAL INTERVIEW MODE INDICATOR 1 Face-to-face 2 Telephone 0 Cross-Section Only 40021 INITIAL INTERVIEWER 40022 IINTERVIEWER OF RECORD 40023 REFUSAL CONVERSION INDICATOR 40024 OTHER INTERVIEWER (involved in RC situation) 40025 VERIFICATION INDICATOR 40026 PROBLEM CODE 40027 INTERVIEWER TO WHOM PROBLEM SENT 40028 DATE PROBLEM SENT 40029 PROBLEM RESOLUTION INDICATOR 40030 DATE RESOLUTION RETURNED 40031 '89 CASE# 2001 Cross-section only Interview series start 3001 Panel/Cross-section Interview series start 4001 Panel only Interview series start 5001 Cross-section only NonInterview series start 6001 Panel/Cross-section NonInterview series start 7001 Panel only NonInterview series start 8001 Cross-section only NonSample series start 9001 Panel/Cross-section NonSample series start 9501 Panel only NonSample series start 40032 SAMPLE GROUP Sample Group 1 Cross-section only (at '83 sample address but not '83 R or spouse) 2 Panel/Cross-section ('83 R or spouse still at '83 sample address) 3 Panel Only ('83 R or spouse not at '83 sample address) 40033 RECEIPT DATE 40034 RECEIPT MONTH 99 NA 40035 RECEIPT DAY 99 NA 40036 INTERVIEWER INTERVIEW NUMBER 999 NA 000 INAP., not an interview 40037 INTERVIEW LENGTH (in minutes) 999 NA 000 INAP., not an interview 40038 EDIT LENGTH (in minutes) 999 NA 000 INAP., not an interview 40039 PERSUASION LETTER REQUIRED? 1 Yes 5 No 9NA 40040 TOTAL CALLS (call # of final call) 99 NA 40041 DATE OF FINAL RESULT 40042 MONTH OF FINAL RESULT 99 NA 40043 DAY OF FINAL RESULT 99 NA 40044 '89 FINAL RESULT CODE 40045 INTERVIEW MODE 1 Face-to-face 2 Telephone 9 NA 0 INAP., not an interview 40046 DOES R LIVE AT HU? 1 Yes 5 No 9 NA 0 INAP., white (cross only)/pink (split-off) coversheet 40047 DOES R'S SPOUSE LIVE AT HU? 1 Yes 5 No 9 NA 0 INAP., white (cross only)/pink (split-off) coversheet; R not married in '83 40048 CURRENTLY LIVING AT '83 SAMPLE ADDRESS? 1 Yes, R living at '83 sample address 2 Yes, '83 spouse only living at '83 sample address 3 Yes, current resident living at '83 sample address (not R or '83 spouse) 5 No, HU not '83 sample address 9 NA 0 INAP., white (cross only)/pink (split-off) coversheet 40049 NUMBER OF ADDITIONAL HU'S AT '83 SAMPLE ADDRESS 9 NA 0 INAP., not a cross-section only coversheet 40050 HAS '83 SPOUSE SPLITOFF SINCE LAST INTERVIEW? 1 Yes 5 No 9 NA 0 INAP., cross-section only; not married in '83; splitoff prior to '86 iw. 40051 ADDITIONAL HU GENERATION SOURCE 1 Green Panel/Cross-section coversheet (mover from '83 sample address - determined by iwer). 2 An HU structure added to Listing Sheet and selected for this study. 3 An added HU found at a listed and selected line. 4 Green Panel/Cross-section coversheet (mover from '83 sample address - determined prior to field period; panel R put on yellow coversheet and cross-section coversheet labeled. 0 INAP., not an additional cross-section coversheet 40070 LOG DATE 40071 TRANSFERS 40072 TRANSFER IWER 40073 TRANSFER RESULT 40074 TRANSFER REPORT 40075 TRANSFER DATE 40076 TRANSFER LOG DATE 40089 CASETYPE X40084 if X40084 > 0 (89 SOI) 20 if X40010 = 1 (83 SOI) 30 if XX1 > 3000 and X40010 ne 1 (PANEL AREA PROB) 40 otherwise (89 AREA PROB) WGT0195 This variable is the nonresponse-adjusted weight for the 1983-89 panel. (see description in introduction.) WGT0296 This variable is the WGT0195 after adjustment by a 2-stage post-stratification (age and homeownership categories) and a three-level raking (using net worth categories for comparable age groups in the 1983 and 1989 SCF cross-sections). (see description in introduction.) We have used this weight for all our tabulations of changes in the panel. Top of Page II. ADDITIONAL 1989 HOUSEHOLD LISTING VARIABLES FOR PANEL VARIABLES IN THIS SECTION ARE NOT IMPUTED OR COMPLETELY CLEANED! --------------------------------------------------------------------- 27201 HHL1. Would you please tell me your current marital status--are you married, living with a partner, separated, divorced, widowed, or have you never been married? 1. MARRIED 2. PARTNER 3. SEPARATED 4. DIVORCED 5. WIDOWED 6. NEVER MARRIED 27202 HHL2. Are you (married to/living with) the same person that you were when we interviewed you on (DATE OF '83 INTERVIEW), (married to/living with) a different person, or were you not (married to/living with) anyone at that time? 1. SAME 2. DIFFERENT 3. NOT MARRIED 0. Inap. 27203 HHL3. Were you married when we interviewed you on (DATE OF '83 INTERVIEW)? 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. 27204 HHL8h.Total number of family members who moved out since last IW Code actual NUMBER 27205 HHL13h. Total number of family members who moved in since last IW Code actual NUMBER 27206 HHLx. History of 1989 R Code 1st number precoded at bottom of HHL sheet 01. Respondent in '83, '86 and '89 02. Respondent in '83, '89; no interview in '86 03. Spouse in '83; split-off R in '86; R in '89 04. Spouse in '83; no interview in '86; split-off R in '89 05. Spouse in '83, '86; split-off R in '89 R/S Reversals - Deaths/Institutionalization of R (For Supervisor's Use Only) ** 10. Spouse in '83; no interview in '86; R in '89 ** 11. * Spouse in '83, '86; R in '89 ** 12. * Spouse in '83; R in '86, '89 13. R in '83; Spouse in '86; R in '89 ** 20. * Not in HH in '83; Spouse in '86; R in '89 99. NA ** '89 R/S data needs switching; Done in editing * '86 R/S data needs switching 27207 HHLy. History of 1989 Spouse Code 2nd number precoded at bottom of HHL sheet 00. No spouse in '83, '86, '89 01. Same spouse in '83, '86, '89 02. Spouse present in '83; no interview in '86; same spouse in '89 03. Spouse present in '83; no interview in '86; new spouse in '89 04. Spouse present in '83; new spouse in '86, '89 05. Spouse present in '83; new spouse #1 in '86; new spouse #2 in '89 06. No spouse in '83; new spouse in '86, '89 07. No spouse in '83; new spouse #1 in '86; new spouse #2 in '89 08. No spouse in '83, '86; new spouse in '89 09. No spouse in '83; no interview in '86; new spouse in '89 10. Spouse present in '83, '86; no spouse in '89 11. Spouse present in '83; no interview in '86; no spouse in '89 12. No spouse in '83; no interview in '86; no spouse in '89 13. Spouse present in '83; no spouse in '86, '89 14. No spouse in '83; new spouse in '86; no spouse in '89 15. Spouse present in '83; no spouse in '86; new spouse in '89 16. Spouse present in '83, '86; new spouse in '89 17. Spouse present in '83; new spouse in '86; no spouse in '89 19. Other situation not described in 01-16 Split-off R in 1986 50. No spouse in '86, '89 51. Same spouse in '86, '89 52. Spouse present in '86; new spouse in '89 53. No spouse in '86; new spouse in '89 54. Spouse present in '86; no spouse in '89 Split-off R in 1989 60. No interview in '86; no spouse in '89 61. No interview in '86; split-off spouse in '89 62. No spouse in '89 63. Split-off spouse in '89 R/S Reversals 70. '83 spouse is '89 R while '89 spouse is '83 R; no interview in '86 71. '83, '86 spouse is '89 R while '89 spouse is '83 R 72. '83 spouse is '89 R because '83 R died; no spouse in '86, '89 73. Same spouse in '83, '89 but '83 R was '86 spouse 74. '83 spouse is '89 R because '83 R died; no interview in '86; no spouse in '89 75. '83 spouse was also spouse in '86; then '83 R died/institutionalized and '83 spouse correctly became '89 R; no spouse or absent spouse in '89 76. '83 spouse taken as R in '86; then '83 R died and '83 spouse remained '89 R; no spouse in '89 77. No spouse in '83; new spouse in '86; '86 spouse taken as '89 R 78. '83 spouse is '86 R and '89 R, while '83 R is '86 and '89 spouse 79. Other situation not described in 50-75 99. NA 27208 HHLz. Extent of problems in HHL data Code 3rd number precoded at bottom of HHL sheet 00. No problems noted; all listings are accurate and consistent. No corrections to the data. 01. Corrections to '83 ages only 02. Corrections to '86 ages only 03. Corrections to both '83 and '86 ages 04. Birthdate(s) changed in '89 HHL to be consistent with age 05. Birthdate(s) changed on '83 data listing to be consistent with age 06. Sex of child(ren)/grandchild(ren) changed on '83 data listing 07. Sex of child(ren)/grandchild(ren) changed on '86 data listing 08. Sex changes to R/S in '83 listing (see Supervisor before using) 09. Sex changes to R/S in '86 listing (see Supervisor before using) 10. Corrections to '89 "Movers in" 11. Corrections to '89 "Movers out" 12. Corrections to both "Movers in" and "Movers out" 20. People missing on '89 pre-printed listing; were there but not coded in '83; added to '83 and '89 listing 21. People missing on '89 pre-printed listing; were there but not coded in '86; added to '86 and '89 listing 22. People removed from '86 and '89 listing (R did not live with them) 23. People removed from '83 listing 30. Corrections to relationship codes (other than R/S) in '83 list 31. Corrections to relationship codes (other than R/S) in '86 list 32. Corrections to relationship codes (other than R/S) in both '83 and '86 list 40. R/S reversed on '83 listing 41. R/S reversed on '86 listing 42. R/S reversed on both '83 and '86 listing 50. "Spouse" changed to "partner" (or vice versa) in '83 51. "Spouse" changed to "partner" (or vice versa) in '86 90. Both age and sex changes made to '83 data listing 91. Both age and sex changes made to '86 data listing 96. No listing sheet found--made up by edit supervisor 97. Other 99. NA 27209 SUMMARY: # persons in Household Listing (includes movers out) Code total # of persons in HHL HHL4. When we last spoke with you in 1983 we listed the people living in your household. We'd like to update that listing. HHL-B. Relationship to Respondent 27210(#1) 27220(#2) 01. RESPONDENT 27230(#3) 02. Spouse of Respondent (same as last interview) 27240(#4) 03. "Partner" of Respondent 27250(#5) (same as last interview) 27300(#6) 04. Child (incl. in-laws, step and adopted children, 27310(#7) and child's spouse.) 27320(#8) 13. Child of Partner 27330(#9) 05. Grandchild 27340(#10) 06. Parent (incl. in-laws) 27350(#11) 07. Grandparent (incl. in-laws) 08. Aunt/uncle 09. Cousin 10. Niece/nephew 11. Sister/brother (incl. in-laws) 12. Great grandchild 21. Ex-spouse, estranged spouse 22. Deceased spouse 23. New spouse since last interview 24. New partner since last interview 25. Ex-partner 26. Deceased partner 29. Other relative 31. Roommate 32. "Friend" (exc. 03) 33. Relative of Partner (except Child, code 13) 34. Boarder or roomer/lodger 35. Paid help (maid, etc.) 36. Foster child 39. Other unrelated person 00. Inap. HHL10.What is the sex, age and relationship to you of each of the new household members? 27211(#1) 27221(#2) 1. Male 27231(#3) 2. Female 27241(#4) 0. Inap, no further persons 27251(#5) 27301(#6) 27311(#7) 27321(#8) 27331(#9) 27341(#10) 27351(#11) 27212(#1) HHL-D. AGE 27222(#2) 27232(#3) Code AGE (01-95) 27242(#4) 27252(#5) 01. One year or less 27302(#6) 95. 95 years or older 27312(#7) 00. Inap, no further persons, person known to be 27322(#8) deceased. 27332(#9) 27342(#10) 27352(#11) For the public-use data set, the year is rounded to the nearest 5 for all non-respondents. 27213(#1) HHL-E. MARITAL STATUS 27223(#2) 27233(#3) Code number precoded in Col. E. 27243(#4) 27253(#5) 1. (M) Married 27303(#6) 2. (P) Living with a partner If Person is 17 or 27313(#7) 3. (S) Separated less, assume marital 27323(#8) 4. (D) Divorced status=6, do not code 27333(#9) 5. (W) Widowed NA for persons 0-17. 27343(#10) 6. (NM) Never married 27353(#11) 7. Married but spouse in institution (nursing home/jail) or outside U.S. (not available to be sampled elsewhere) 8. Married but spouse not current resident of HU or in institution (samplable at another residence) 9. NA 0. Inap, no further persons, person known to be deceased For the public-use data set, responses (7), and (8) are combined in 1. HHL5.In what month and year was (PERSON) born? HHL11. In what month and year was (PERSON) born? 27214(#1) HHL-F. MONTH OF BIRTH 27224(#2) 27234(#3) Code actual MONTH (01-12) 27244(#4) 27254(#5) 98. DK 27304(#6) 99. NA 27314(#7) 00. Inap, no further persons, person known to be deceased 27324(#8) 27334(#9) 27344(#10) 27354(#11) 27215(#1) HHL-F. YEAR OF BIRTH 27225(#2) 27235(#3) Code actual YEAR (1890-1990) 27245(#4) 27255(#5) 9998. DK 27305(#6) 9999. NA 27315(#7) 0000. Inap, no further persons, person known to be 27325(#8) deceased 27335(#9) 27345(#10) 27355(#11) For the public-use data set, the year is bottom-coded at 1900, and rounded to the nearest 5. HHL6. Is (PERSON) living in your household now? 27216(#1) 27226(#2) 27236(#3) Codes 2-4 edited in green 27246(#4) 27256(#5) 1. YES (incl. R and Spouse/Partner) 27306(#6) 2. Child (17 and under) living in HU for part of each 27316(#7) year 27326(#8) 3. Child (18 and over) away at college part of year 27336(#9) 4. Other adult living in this HU for part of each year 27346(#10) 5. NO 27356(#11) 6. Mover In--Lives here full time or NFS 7. Mover In--Lives here part time 8. Been there all along but no in LB (not a mover-in) 9. NA 0. Inap, no further persons HHL7.When did (PERSON) (move out/die)? HHL12. When did (PERSON) move in with you? 27217(#1) HHL-H. MONTH MOVED OUT OR IN 27227(#2) 27237(#3) Code actual MONTH (01-12) 27247(#4) 27257(#5) 98. DK 27307(#6) 99. NA 27317(#7) 00. Inap, has not moved in/out; no further persons 27327(#8) 27337(#9) 27347(#10) 27357(#11) 27218(#1) HHL-H. YEAR MOVED OUT OR IN 27228(#2) 27238(#3) Code actual YEAR (1983-1990) 27248(#4) 27258(#5) 9998. DK 27308(#6) 9999. NA 27318(#7) 0000. Inap, has not moved in/out; no further persons 27328(#8) 27338(#9) 27348(#10) 27358(#11) HHL8. (ASK ABOUT ALL [related] ADULTS 22 YEARS AND OLDER EXCEPT RESPONDENT AND SPOUSE) Is (PERSON) financially independent? HHL13. (ASK FOR EACH NEW HOUSEHOLD ADULT 22 YEARS AND OLDER.) Is (PERSON) financially independent? 27219(#1) HHL-K. 27229(#2) 27239(#3) 1. FINANCIALLY DEPENDENT; R (Unit #1) 27249(#4) 2. INDEPENDENT FINANCES--Unit #2 27259(#5) 3. " " --Unit #3 27309(#6) 4. " " --Unit #4 27319(#7) 5. " " --Unit #5 27329(#8) 9. NA 27339(#9) 0. Inap, no further persons 27349(#10) 27359(#11) Top of Page III. 1989 VARIABLES COLLECTED ONLY FOR THE PANEL ------------------------------------------------- VARIABLES IN THIS SECTION ARE NOT IMPUTED UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED VIRTUALLY NO CLEANING ASIDE FROM CHECKING THE SIMPLEST QUESTIONNAIRE LOGIC HAS BEEN PERFORMED ON VARIABLES IN THIS SECTION 24103 R1e. About how much were you earning when you (retired/became disabled)? (Is that per hour, per week, month, year, or what?)--$ 24703 S1e. About how much was (he/she) earning when (he/she) (retired/became disabled)? (Is that per hour, per week, month, year, or what?)--$ Code actual amount (Convert $ per hr. to weekly amount using 40hrs/wk for men and 35hrs/wk for women and code 8 at X4104.) -1. Zero; take no pay out of business 0. Inap. 24104 R1e. PER 24704 S1e. PER 1. Day 2. Week 3. Biweekly 4. Month 5. Quarter 6. Year -7. Other 8. Wages per hour edited to $ per week 0. Inap. WORK HISTORY FOR THOSE CURRENTLY WORKING FULL-TIME 24515 R45. Now I have a few questions about your past jobs. Were you working for pay in January 1983? 25115 S45. Now I have a few questions about (his/her) past jobs. Was (he/she) working for pay in January 1983? 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. 24516 R45a. Was that January 1983 job with your present employer, another employer, were you self-employed, or what? (IF SELF-EMPLOYED BOTH IN 1983 AND NOW, CHECK "PRESENT EMPLOYER") 25116 S45a. Was that January 1983 job with (his/her) present employer, another employer, was (he/she) self-employed, or what? (IF SELF-EMPLOYED BOTH IN 1983 AND NOW, CHECK "PRESENT EMPLOYER") 1. PRESENT EMPLOYER 2. DIFFERENT EMPLOYER 3. SELF-EMPLOYED IN 1983, NOT NOW 4. SELF-EMPLOYED NOW, NOT IN 1983 -7. OTHER 0. Inap. 24517 R45b. What was the reason you left (that job/self-employment)? Did you retire, become disabled, quit, were you laid off, did the business close, or what? 25117 S45b. What was the reason (he/she) left (that job/self- employment)? Did (he/she) retire, become disabled, quit, was (he/she) laid off, did the business close, or what? 1. RETIRED 2. DISABLED 3. QUIT 4. LAID OFF 5. BUSINESS CLOSED 6. FIRED -7. OTHER 0. Inap. For the public-use data set, LAID OFF (4) and BUSINESS CLOSED (5) are combined in 5, and FIRED (6) and OTHER (-7) are combined in -7. 24518 R45c. Were you included in a pension or retirement plan on that job? 25118 S45c. Was (he/she) included in a pension or retirement plan on that job? 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. R45d. Did you get a cash settlement from that pension plan, do you expect to get retirement benefits from that plan in the future, are you getting retirement benefits from that plan now, or what? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY) S45d. Did (he/she) get a cash settlement from that pension plan, does (he/she) expect to get retirement benefits from that plan in the future, is (he/she) getting retirement benefits from that plan now, or what? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY) 24519 R45d. A. CASH SETTLEMENT 25119 S45d. A. CASH SETTLEMENT 24520 R45d. B. EXPECT FUTURE BENEFITS 25120 S45d. B. EXPECT FUTURE BENEFITS 24521 R45d. C. GETTING BENEFITS NOW 25121 S45d. C. GETTING BENEFITS NOW 24522 R45d. D. NO BENEFITS 25122 S45d. D. NO BENEFITS 24523 R45d. E. OTHER 25123 S45d. E. OTHER 1. Checked 5. Not checked 0. Inap. 24524 R45e. During the past 36 months, that is the last three years, how many months have you worked full-time? 25124 S45e. During the past 36 months, that is the last three years, how many months has (he/she) worked full-time? Code # MONTHS -1. Zero; none 0. Inap. 24525 R45f. How many different employers have you had on full-time jobs over the past 36 months? 25125 S45f. How many different employers has (he/she) had on full-time jobs over the past 36 months? Code # OF EMPLOYERS -1. NONE 0. Inap. For the public-use data set, the number of such employers is top-coded at 20. 24526 R45g. Have there been any months over this period when you only worked part-time? 25126 S45g. Have there been any months over this period when (he/she) only worked part-time? 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. 24527 R45h. How many of the past 36 months have you only worked part-time? 25127 S45h. How many of the past 36 months has (he/she) only worked part-time? Code # MONTHS 0. Inap. Top of Page WORK HISTORY FOR THOSE CURRENTLY WORKING PART-TIME 24531 R46. Now I have a few questions about your past jobs. Were you working for pay in January 1983? 25131 S46. Now I have a few questions about (his/her) past jobs. Was (he/she) working for pay in January 1983? 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. 24532 R46a. Was that January 1983 job with your present employer, another employer, were you self-employed, or what? (IF SELF-EMPLOYED BOTH IN 1983 AND NOW, CHECK "PRESENT EMPLOYER") 25132 S46a. Was that January 1983 job with (his/her) present employer, another employer, was (he/she) self-employed, or what? (IF SELF-EMPLOYED BOTH IN 1983 AND NOW, CHECK "PRESENT EMPLOYER") 1. PRESENT EMPLOYER 2. DIFFERENT EMPLOYER 3. SELF-EMPLOYED IN 1983, NOT NOW 4. SELF-EMPLOYED NOW, NOT IN 1983 -7. OTHER 0. Inap. 24533 R46b. What was the reason you left (that job/self-employment)? Did you retire, become disabled, quit, were you laid off, did the business close, or what? 25133 S46b. What was the reason (he/she) left (that job/self- employment)? Did (he/she) retire, become disabled, quit, was (he/she) laid off, did the business close, or what? 1. RETIRED 2. DISABLED 3. QUIT 4. LAID OFF 5. BUSINESS CLOSED 6. FIRED -7. OTHER 0. Inap. For the public-use data set, LAID OFF (4) and BUSINESS CLOSED (5) are combined in 5, and FIRED (6) and OTHER (-7) are combined in -7. 24534 R46c. Were you included in a pension or retirement plan on that job? 25134 S46c. Was (he/she) included in a pension or retirement plan on that job? 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. R46d. Did you get a cash settlement from that pension plan, do you expect to get retirement benefits from that plan in the future, are you getting retirement benefits from that plan now, or what? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY) S46d. Did (he/she) get a cash settlement from that pension plan, does (he/she) expect to get retirement benefits from that plan in the future, is (he/she) getting retirement benefits from that plan now, or what? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY) 24535 R46d. A. CASH SETTLEMENT 25135 S46d. A. CASH SETTLEMENT 24536 R46d. B. EXPECT FUTURE BENEFITS 25136 S46d. B. EXPECT FUTURE BENEFITS 24537 R46d. C. GETTING BENEFITS NOW 25137 S46d. C. GETTING BENEFITS NOW 24538 R46d. D. NO BENEFITS 25138 S46d. D. NO BENEFITS 24539 R46d. E. OTHER 25139 S46d. E. OTHER 1. Checked 5. Not checked 0. Inap. 24540 R46e. During the past 36 months, that is the last three years, how many months have you worked part-time? 25140 S46e. During the past 36 months, that is the last three years, how many months has (he/she) worked part-time? Code # MONTHS 0. Inap. 24541 R46f. Have there been any months over this period when you worked full-time? 25141 S46f. Have there been any months over this period when (he/she) worked full-time? 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. 24542 R46g. How many of the past 36 months have you worked full-time? 25142 S46g. How many of the past 36 months has (he/she) worked full-time? Code # OF MONTHS 00. Inap. 24543 R46h. How many different employers have you had on full-time jobs over this time? 25143 S46h. How many different employers has (he/she) had on full-time jobs over this time? Code # OF EMPLOYERS 0. Inap. 24544 R46i. When did you last work full-time for pay?--MONTH 25144 S46i. When did (he/she) last work full-time for pay?--MONTH Code MONTH 0. Inap. 24545 R46i. When did you last work full-time for pay?--YEAR 25145 S46i. When did (he/she) last work full-time for pay?--YEAR Code YEAR 0. Inap. WORK HISTORY FOR THOSE CURRENTLY RETIRED/DISABLED, HOMEMAKER, STUDENT, OR OTHER 24601 R47. Now I have a few questions about your past jobs. Were you working for pay in January 1983? 25201 S47. Now I have a few questions about (his/her) past jobs. Was (he/she) working for pay in January 1983? 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. 24602 R47a. What was the reason you left that job? Did you retire, become disabled, quit, were you laid off, did the business close, or what? 25202 S47a. What was the reason (he/she) left that job? Did (he/she) retire, become disabled, quit, was (he/she) laid off, did the business close, or what? 1. RETIRED 2. DISABLED 3. QUIT 4. LAID OFF 5. BUSINESS CLOSED 6. FIRED -7. OTHER 0. Inap. For the public-use data set, LAID OFF (4) and BUSINESS CLOSED (5) are combined in 5, and FIRED (6) and OTHER (-7) are combined in -7. 24603 R47b. Were you covered by a pension or retirement plan on that job? 25203 S47b. Was (he/she) covered by a pension or retirement plan on that job? 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. R47c. Did you get a cash settlement from that pension plan, do you expect to get retirement benefits from that plan in the future, are you getting retirement benefits from that plan now, or what? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY) S47c. Did (he/she) get a cash settlement from that pension plan, does (he/she) expect to get retirement benefits from that plan in the future, is (he/she) getting retirement benefits from that plan now, or what? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY) 24604 R47c. A. CASH SETTLEMENT 25204 S47c. A. CASH SETTLEMENT 24605 R47c. B. EXPECT FUTURE BENEFITS 25205 S47c. B. EXPECT FUTURE BENEFITS 24606 R47c. C. GETTING BENEFITS NOW 25206 S47c. C. GETTING BENEFITS NOW 24607 R47c. D. NO BENEFITS 25207 S47c. D. NO BENEFITS 24608 R47c. E. OTHER 25208 S47c. E. OTHER 1. Checked 5. Not checked 0. Inap. 24609 R47d. During the last three years, or 36 months, have you done any work for pay? 25209 S47d. During the last three years, or 36 months, has (he/she) done any work for pay? 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. 24610 R47e. How many months over this period have you worked full-time? 25210 S47e. How many months over this period has (he/she) worked full-time? Code # MONTHS -1. NONE 0. Inap. 24611 R47f. How many different employers have you had on full-time jobs over this time? 25211 S47f. How many different employers has (he/she) had on full-time jobs over this time? Code # OF EMPLOYERS 0. Inap. 24612 R47g. How many months over this period have you only worked part-time? 25212 S47g. How many months over this period has (he/she) only worked part-time? Code # MONTHS -1. NONE 0. Inap. Top of Page 25852 T8. Now I'd like to ask you some questions about your (family's) income in previous years. How much was the total income you (and your family living here) received in 1987 from all sources, before taxes and other deductions were made? 25854 T10. How much was the total income you (and your family living here) received in 1986 from all sources, before taxes and other deductions were made? Code actual amount -1. Zero; no income 25853 T9. Did you (and your family living here) receive more than $30,000 in 1987? T9a. Was it $50,000 or more? T9b. Was it $100,000 or more? T9c. Was it $250,000 or more? T9d. Was it $5,000 or more? T9e. Was it $10,000 or more? T9f. Was it $20,000 or more? 25855 T11. Did you (and your family living here) receive more than $30,000 in 1987? T11a. Was it $50,000 or more? T11b. Was it $100,000 or more? T11c. Was it $250,000 or more? T11d. Was it $5,000 or more? T11e. Was it $10,000 or more? T11f. Was it $20,000 or more? 01. Less than $5,000 (NO at T9d) 02. $5,000-$10,000 (NO at T9e) 03. $10,000-$20,000 (NO at T9f) 04. $20,000-$30,000 (YES at T9f) 05. $30,000-$50,000 (NO at T9a) 06. $50,000-$100,000 (NO at T9b) 07. $100,000-$250,000 (NO at T9c) 08. $250,000 or more (YES at T9c) 97. REFUSED 98. DON'T KNOW 99. NA 0. Inap. 25856 T12. During either 1986 or 1987, did you (or anyone in your family living there) receive any income from ADC, AFDC, SSI, or other public assistance? 1. YES 5. NO 25857 T13. During either 1986 or 1987, did you (or anyone in your family living there) receive any worker's compensation or unemployment benefits? 1. YES 5. NO 25858 T14. During either 1986 or 1987, did you (or anyone in your family living there) receive any financial support from relatives or friends who do not live here, or receive any alimony or child support payments? 1. YES 5. NO 25859 T14a. Altogether, about how much such support did you (and your family) receive in 1986 and 1987? Code actual amount -1. Zero; nothing 0. Inap. 25860 T15. During either 1986 or 1987, did you (or anyone in your family living there) provide any financial support for relatives or friends who do not live here, or pay any alimony or child support payments? 1. YES 5. NO 25861 T15a. Altogether, about how much such support did you (and your family) provide in 1986 and 1987? Code actual amount -1. Zero; nothing 0. Inap. Top of Page 26001 V1. Now I'd like to ask you some questions about the changes to your (family's) finances over the past several years. Since January 1983, have you (or anyone living here) bought or sold a home that was your primary residence? 1. YES 5. NO 26002 V1a. Did you only buy, only sell, both buy and sell, or what? 1. ONLY BOUGHT 2. ONLY SOLD 3. BOTH BOUGHT AND SOLD 0. Inap. 26003 V1b. In what month and year did you most recently sell a home? --MONTH Code MONTH 0. Inap. 26004 V1b. In what month and year did you most recently sell a home? --YEAR Code YEAR 0. Inap. 26005 V1c. What was the selling price? Code actual amount 0. Inap. 26006 V1d.And when did you buy that home?--MONTH Code MONTH 0. Inap. 26007 V1d. And when did you buy that home?--YEAR Code YEAR 0. Inap. For the public-use data set, the year is rounded to the nearest 5. 26008 V1e. What was the purchase price? Code actual amount 0. Inap. 26009 V1f. Since January 1983, have you sold any other home that was your primary residence? 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. 26010 V1g. In what month and year was this other home sold? (IF MORE THAN ONE, RECORD MOST RECENT SALE)--MONTH Code MONTH 0. Inap. 26011 V1g. In what month and year was this other home sold? (IF MORE THAN ONE, RECORD MOST RECENT SALE)--YEAR Code YEAR 0. Inap. 26012 V1h. What was the selling price? Code actual amount 0. Inap. 26013 V1j. And when did you buy that home?--MONTH Code MONTH 0. Inap. 26014 V1j. And when did you buy that home?--YEAR Code YEAR 0. Inap. For the public-use data set, the year is rounded to the nearest 5. 26015 V1k. What was the purchase price? Code actual amount 0. Inap. 26016 V2. Since January 1983, did you (or anyone in your family living here) make any major additions or home improvements to a primary residence that you owned? (Do not count general maintenance or upkeep.) 1. YES 5. NO 26017 V2a. What was the dollar cost of these additions and improvements, plus the value of any work you may have done yourself? Code actual amount 0. Inap. 26018 V4. Since January 1983, have you (or anyone in your family living here) sold any real estate other than your principal residence, such as a vacation home, land, or rental or investment property? 1. YES 5. NO 26019 V4a. Have you bought any such real estate properties since January 1983? 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. 26020 V4b. How many such real estate properties have you sold since January 1983? Code # PROPERTIES SOLD 0. Inap. For the public-use data set, the number of such properties is top-coded at 25. 26021 V4c. In what month and year did you sell that property?--MONTH Code MONTH 0. Inap. 26022 V4c. In what month and year did you sell that property?--YEAR Code YEAR 0. Inap. 26023 V4d. About how much did you sell it for? Code actual amount 0. Inap. 26024 V5. Have you also bought any such real estate properties since January 1983? 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. 26025 V5a. About how much in total did you pay for this real estate? Code actual amount 0. Inap. 26026 V6. Did you also buy any real estate of this sort since January 1983? 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. 26027 V6a. About how much in total was the dollar value of the real estate you sold since January 1983? Code actual amount 0. Inap. 26028 V6b. Overall, was the dollar value of the real estate you bought greater than the dollar value of what you sold, less than the value of what you sold, about equal, or what? 1. BOUGHT MORE THAN SOLD 2. BOUGHT LESS THAN SOLD 3. BOUGHT AND SOLD ABOUT EQUAL AMOUNTS 0. Inap. 26029 V6c. Roughly, about how much (more/less) did you buy than you sold? Code actual amount 0. Inap. 26030 V6d. INTERVIEWER CHECKPOINT 1. R ANSWERED "YES"--OWNS REAL ESTATE 2. R ANSWERED "NO" 0. Inap. 26031 V7. Since January 1983, did you (or anyone in your family living here) make any major additions or home improvements to any real estate properties that you own? (Do not count general maintenance or upkeep.) 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. 26032 V7a. What was the dollar cost of these additions and improvements, plus the value of any work you may have done yourself? Code actual amount 0. Inap. 26033 V8. Since January 1983, have you (or anyone in your family living here) put personal funds into a privately held business, professional practice, partnership or farm that you own or share ownership in? 1. YES 5. NO 26034 V8a. Altogether, about how much new money did you (or your family living here) put into that, including any funds that you borrowed personally? Code actual amount 0. Inap. 26035 V9. Since January 1983, have you (or anyone in your family living here) sold part or all of any interest in a privately held business, professional practice, partnership, or farm? 1. YES 5. NO 26036 V9a. Altogether, about how much did you (or your family living here) sell your interest for? (What was the selling price?) (IWER: WE WANT THE PRICE THE BUYER PAID.) Code actual amount 0. Inap. 26037 V9b. In what month and year did you sell that? (MOST RECENT SALE, IF MORE THAN ONE.)--MONTH Code MONTH 0. Inap. 26038 V9b. In what month and year did you sell that? (MOST RECENT SALE, IF MORE THAN ONE.)--YEAR Code YEAR 0. Inap. 26039 V10. Since January 1983, have you (or anyone in your family living here) put money into or taken money out of an IRA or Keogh accounts? 1. YES 5. NO 26040 V10a. Did you (or anyone in your family) put money in or take money out? 1. PUT IN 2. TAKE OUT 3. BOTH 0. Inap. 26041 V10b. Altogether, about how much did you (put in/take out)? Code actual amount 0. Inap. 26042 V11. Not counting any IRAs, Keoghs or pension accounts, since January 1983, did you (or anyone in your family living here) bought any shares of stock in publicly held corporations, or put money into mutual funds, managed investment accounts or trusts, including any automatic reinvestments? 1. YES 5. NO 26043 V12. Did you (or your family living with you) also sell or cash in any such assets? 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. 26044 V13. Did you but more or sell more--that is, overall, did you put money into stocks, mutual funds, managed investment accounts or trusts, take money out of them, or put in about as much as you took out? 1. PUT MONEY IN 2. TAKE MONEY OUT 3. PUT IN ABOUT AS MUCH AS TOOK OUT 0. Inap. 26045 V13a. About how much more money did you (or your family living here) (put in/take out)? Code actual amount 0. Inap. 26046 V14. Altogether, how much money (including any automatic reinvestment) did you (or your family living here) put in? Code actual amount 0. Inap. 26047 V15. Since January 1983, have you (or anyone in your family living here) sold any shares of stock in publicly held corporations, or taken money out of mutual funds, managed investment accounts or trusts? 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. 26048 V15a. Altogether, how much money did you (or your family living here) get from that? Code actual amount 0. Inap. 26049 V16. Since January 1983 have you done any work for pay? 26129 V19. Since January 1983 has your (husband/wife) done any work for pay? 1. YES 5. NO 26101 V17. Not counting IRAs or Keoghs, have you been included in any employer-sponsored pension or retirement plan, or in any tax-deferred saving plan, since January 1983? 26130 V19a. Not counting IRAs or Keoghs, has (he/she) been included in any employer-sponsored pension or retirement plan, or in any tax-deferred saving plan, since January 1983? 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. 26102 V17a. Have you contributed to any of these plans, such as by having money deducted from your pay? (INCLUDE CONTRIBUTIONS THROUGH UNION DUES OR OTHER SOURCES) 26131 V19b. Has (he/she) contributed to any of these plans, such as by having money deducted from (his/her) pay? (INCLUDE CONTRIBUTIONS THROUGH UNION DUES OR OTHER SOURCES) 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. 26103 V17b. For each year beginning with 1983, about what percent of pay or amount of money per month or year have you contributed to these plans? 26132 V19c. For each year beginning with 1983, about what percent of pay or amount of money per month or year has (he/she) contributed to these plans? 1. Year-by-year figure(s) given 8. DON'T KNOW YEAR-BY-YEAR 0. Inap. 26104 V17c. Altogether during this period, about how much would you guess?--% 26133 V19d. Altogether during this period, about how much would you guess?--% Code % -1. None that year -2. 99.6 percent or above 0. Inap. 26105 V17c. Altogether during this period, about how much would you guess?--$ 26134 V19d. Altogether during this period, about how much would you guess?--$ Code actual amount 0. Inap. 26106 V17c. Altogether during this period, about how much would you guess?--PER 26135 V19d. Altogether during this period, about how much would you guess?--PER 2. Week 3. Biweekly 4. Month 5. Quarter 6. Year -7. Other 8. Total amount 1983-89 0. Inap. (About what percent of pay or amount of money per month or year have you contributed...) 26107 V17d. First, in 1983?--% OF PAY 26136 V19e. First, in 1983?--% OF PAY 26110 V17e. ... in 1984?--% OF PAY 26139 V19f. ... in 1984?--% OF PAY 26113 V17f. ... in 1985?--% OF PAY 26142 V19g. ... in 1985?--% OF PAY 26116 V17g. ... in 1986?--% OF PAY 26145 V19h. ... in 1986?--% OF PAY 26119 V17h. ... in 1987?--% OF PAY 26148 V19j. ... in 1987?--% OF PAY 26122 V17j. ... in 1988?--% OF PAY 26151 V19k. ... in 1988?--% OF PAY 26125 V17k. ... in 1989?--% OF PAY 26154 V19m. ... in 1989?--% OF PAY Code % 0. Inap. 26108 V17d. First, in 1983?--$ 26137 V19e. First, in 1983?--$ 26111 V17e. ... in 1984?--$ 26140 V19f. ... in 1984?--$ 26114 V17f. ... in 1985?--$ 26143 V19g. ... in 1985?--$ 26117 V17g. ... in 1986?--$ 26146 V19h. ... in 1986?--$ 26120 V17h. ... in 1987?--$ 26149 V19j. ... in 1987?--$ 26123 V17j. ... in 1988?--$ 26152 V19k. ... in 1988?--$ 26126 V17k. ... in 1989?--$ 26155 V19m. ... in 1989?--$ Code actual amount 0. Inap. 26109 V17d. PER 26138 V19e. PER 26112 V17e. PER 26141 V19f. PER 26115 V17f. PER 26144 V19g. PER 26118 V17g. PER 26147 V19h. PER 26121 V17h. PER 26150 V19j. PER 26124 V17j. PER 26153 V19k. PER 26127 V17k. PER 26156 V19m. PER 2. Week 3. Biweekly 4. Month 5. Quarter 6. Year -7. Other 0. Inap. 26201 V20. Sometimes changes in a family's savings or assets are due to people joining or leaving the family. Was there anyone living with you in 1983 who doesn't live with you now who took $5,000 or more in assets or debts away with them? (IF R ASKS: DO NOT INCLUDE SPOUSE) 1. YES 3. Yes, but HHL sheet does not indicate that anyone moved out 5. NO 26202 V20a. Altogether, what is the total dollar value of assets that were removed that way? Code actual amount -1. Zero; nothing 0. Inap. 26203 V20b. Altogether, what is the total dollar value of debts that were removed that way? Code actual amount -1. Zero; nothing 0. Inap, 5, 8-9 in 6201 26205 V22. Is there anyone in your family living with you now who has joined the family since 1983 and who had $5,000 or more in assets or debts at the time they joined the family? (IF R ASKS: DO NOT INCLUDE NEW SPOUSE) 1. YES 3. Yes, but HHL sheet does not indicate that anyone moved out 5. NO 0. Inap. 26206 V22a. Altogether, what is the total dollar value of assets that were brought into the family in that way? Code actual amount -1. Zero; nothing 0. Inap. 26207 V22b. Altogether, what is the total dollar value of debts that were brought into the family in that way? Code actual amount -1. Zero; nothing 0. Inap. 26208 V26. Since 1983, have you (or your [husband/wife]) or any of your children attended college or trade school? 1. YES 5. NO V26a. Did you attend school, (did your [husband/wife]), or did your children? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY, AND ASK ALL FOLLOWUP QUESTIONS) 26209 V26a. A. RESPONDENT 26210 V26a. B. SPOUSE 26211 V26a. C. CHILDREN 1. Checked 5. Not checked 0. Inap. 26212 V26b. Did you get a degree? 26214 V26d. Did your (husband/wife) get a degree? 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. 26213 V26c. What degree did you earn? (What was the highest?) 26215 V26e. What degree did (he/she) earn? (What was the highest?) 1. ASSOCIATES 2. BACHELORS 3. MA/MBA 4. PHD 5. MD 6. LAW -7. OTHER 0. Inap. For the public-use data set, PHD (4), MD (5), and LAW (6) are combined in 4. 26216 V27. How much in total did you (and your [husband/wife]) personally have to pay for all these college or trade school expenses since 1983, including any loans you may have taken out? Code actual amount -1. NOTHING 0. Inap. 26217 V28. Since 1983 did you (or your [husband/wife]) pay any (other) tuition expenses for a private or parochial school for anyone? 1. YES 5. NO 26218 V28a. In total, how much did you pay for private or parochial school tuition expenses during that period? Code actual amount 0. Inap. 26219 V29. Now I have some questions about the past three years. During the past three years, have you (or anyone in your family living here) purchased any kind of vehicle--car, business or any leased vehicles? 1. YES 5. NO 26220 V29a. About how much in total was the purchase price of these vehicles? Code actual amount 0. Inap. 26221 V30. During the past three years have you (or anyone in your family living here) made purchases totaling $3,000 or more for any furniture, appliances, or recreation items? 1. YES 5. NO 26222 V30a. About how much did these items cost in total? Code actual amount 0. Inap. 26223 V31. During the past three years did you (or anyone in your family living here) have a major illness or disability which required hospitalization or cost more than $1,000? 1. YES 5. NO 26224 V31a. Not including the costs paid for by insurance, during the past three years how much in total did you (or anyone in your family living here) personally have to pay for expenses related to such illnesses or disabilities? Code actual amount -1. NOTHING 0. Inap. 26225 V32. During the past three years, did you (or anyone in your family living here) have any unusually large expenses that you paid for yourself, such as a child's marriage, a lawsuit, or any other large expenses you have not mentioned already? 1. YES 5. NO 26226 V32a. What was that expense for? (Were there any other 26227 unusually large expenses?) Code 2 mentions 01. Special occasions: wedding/funeral/graduation 02. Medical/dental 03. Home repairs or improvements 04. Purchase of consumer goods; vacations 05. Gifts to children (incl. money for their home purchase) 11. Legal fees and expenses; "lawsuit"; "divorce"--NFS 12. Business or investment related expenses -7. Other 0. Inap. 26228 V32b. How much did it cost you in total (for all these expenses)? Code actual amount 0. Inap. 26229 V33. During the past three years, did you (or anyone in your family living here) receive any unusually large amounts of money or property, such as an insurance or legal award, winning the lottery, or any other unusually large financial benefits that you have not already mentioned? 1. YES 5. NO 26230 V33a. From what source did you receive this money or property? 26231 (Were there any other sources?) Code 2 mentions 01. Insurance settlement 02. Lottery winnings 03. Divorce settlement 04. Other legal judgments; lawsuits 05. Employer 06. Gifts (from relatives) 07. Profits in savings/investments -7. Other 0. Inap. 26232 V33b. How much did you receive in total from (this/all these) sources? Code actual amount 0. Inap. 26317 Y7a. We are interested in how changes in marital status affect people's financial well-being. At the time of your marriage, about how much did your (husband/wife) have in assets? 26334 Y8a. We are interested in how changes in marital status affect people's financial well-being. At the time of your marriage, about how much did your (husband/wife) have in assets? 26404 Y9b. We are interested in how changes in living situations affect people's financial well-being. At the time you began living together, about how much did your partner have in assets? 26432 Y10c. We are interested in how changes in marital status affect people's financial well-being. At the time of your marriage, about how much did your (husband/wife) have in assets? Code actual amount -1. NONE 0. Inap. 26318 Y7b. At that time, about how much did (he/she) have in debts? 26335 Y8b. At this time, about how much did (he/she) have in debts? 26405 Y9c. At this time, about how much did (he/she) have in debts? 26433 Y10d. At this time, about how much did (he/she) have in debts? Code actual amount -1. NONE 0. Inap. 26322 Y7g. At the time of your (husband's/wife's) death, were any assets given to charities or to anyone not living with you now? 26341 Y8g. At the time of your (husband's/wife's) death, were any assets given to charities or to anyone not living with you now? 26423 Y9y. At the time of your (husband's/wife's) death, were any assets given to charities or to anyone not living with you now? 26456 Y12c. At the time of your (husband's/wife's) death, were any assets given to charities or to anyone not living with you now? 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. 26323 Y7h. About how much was that? 26342 Y8h. About how much was that? 26424 Y9z. About how much was that? 26457 Y12d. About how much was that? Code actual amount 0. Inap. 26324 Y7j. Did you receive any settlements from life insurance on your (husband/wife)? 26343 Y8j. Did you receive any settlements from life insurance on your (husband/wife)? 26425 Y9aa. Did you receive any settlements from life insurance on your (husband/wife)? 26458 Y12e. Did you receive any settlements from life insurance on your (husband/wife)? 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. 26325 Y7k. About how much was that? 26344 Y8k. About how much was that? 26426 Y9bb. About how much was that? 26459 Y12f. About how much was that? Code actual amount 0. Inap. 26326 Y7m. At the time of your divorce, was there a division of assets? 26345 Y8m. At the time of your divorce, was there a division of assets? 26417 Y9s. At the time of your divorce, was there a division of assets? 26445 Y11c. At the time of your divorce, was there a division of assets? 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. 26327 Y7n. What was the total dollar value of the assets that you retained, including your share of the financial assets, the home and other real estate and any other property that you received? 26346 Y8n. What was the total dollar value of the assets that you retained, including your share of the financial assets, the home and other real estate and any other property that you received? 26418 Y9t. What was the total dollar value of the assets that you retained, including your share of the financial assets, the home and other real estate and any other property that you received? 26446 Y11d. What was the total dollar value of the assets that you retained, including your share of the financial assets, the home and other real estate and any other property that you received? Code actual amount 0. Inap. 26328 Y7p. What was the total dollar value of the assets that your (ex-husband/ex-wife) retained? 26347 Y8p. What was the total dollar value of the assets that your (ex-husband/ex-wife) retained? 26419 Y9u. What was the total dollar value of the assets that your (ex-husband/ex-wife) retained? 26447 Y11e. What was the total dollar value of the assets that your (ex-husband/ex-wife) retained? Code actual amount 0. Inap. 26329 Y7q. Were you required to pay alimony, were you supposed to receive alimony, or was no alimony involved in the settlement? 26348 Y8q. Were you required to pay alimony, were you supposed to receive alimony, or was no alimony involved in the settlement? 26420 Y9v. Were you required to pay alimony, were you supposed to receive alimony, or was no alimony involved in the settlement? 26448 Y11f. Were you required to pay alimony, were you supposed to receive alimony, or was no alimony involved in the settlement? 1. PAY ALIMONY 2. RECEIVE ALIMONY 5. NO ALIMONY INVOLVED 0. Inap. 26330 Y7r. Did you receive custody of your children, did your former (husband/wife) receive custody, do you have joint custody, or were no children involved in the settlement? 26349 Y8r. Did you receive custody of your children, did your former (husband/wife) receive custody, do you have joint custody, or were no children involved in the settlement? 26421 Y9w. Did you receive custody of your children, did your former (husband/wife) receive custody, do you have joint custody, or were no children involved in the settlement? 26449 Y11g. Did you receive custody of your children, did your former (husband/wife) receive custody, do you have joint custody, or were no children involved in the settlement? 1. R CUSTODY 2. SPOUSE CUSTODY 3. JOINT CUSTODY 5. NO CHILD 0. Inap. 26331 Y7s. Were you required to pay child support, were you supposed to receive child support, or was child support not involved in the settlement? 26350 Y8s. Were you required to pay child support, were you supposed to receive child support, or was child support not involved in the settlement? 26422 Y9x. Were you required to pay child support, were you supposed to receive child support, or was child support not involved in the settlement? 26450 Y11h. Were you required to pay child support, were you supposed to receive child support, or was child support not involved in the settlement? 1. PAY 2. RECEIVE 5. NO SUPPORT 0. Inap. 26411 Y9n. Do you receive support from your (husband/wife), do you pay support, or is there no support involved? 1. RECEIVE SUPPORT 2. NO SUPPORT INVOLVED 3. PAY SUPPORT 0. Inap. 26412 Y9p. How much do you receive? Code actual amount 0 000 000. Inap. 26413 Y9p. PER 2. Week 3. Biweekly 4. Month 5. Quarter 6. Year -7. Other 0. Inap. 26414 Y9q. How much do you pay? Code actual amount 0. Inap. 26415 Y9q. PER 2. Week 3. Biweekly 4. Month 5. Quarter 6. Year -7. Other 0. Inap. 26416 Y9r. Are the assets and debts that you've told me about in this interview owned mainly by you, are they owned jointly with your (husband/wife), or what? 26439 Y10h. Are the assets and debts that you've told me about in this interview owned mainly by you, are they owned jointly with your (husband/wife), or what? 1. OWNED BY R 2. OWNED JOINTLY -7. OTHER 0. Inap. Top of Page IV. 1983 RECODES ---------------- ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* The 1983 question identifier is given just to the right of the recode variable number. Where possible, question information is given from either the 1983 Technical Manual and Codebook or from the 1983 questionnaire itself. The variable to the far right is the set of 1983 variables from which the recode was derived. Most of the time, the variable from the 1983 cleaned and imputed data set was used. The responses given are those for the recode variable. For internal users, additional comments from the creation of these variables can be found in the following files: /mfs/scf2/scf89/doc/panel8389, or /mfs/scfa/create/doc/89p/panel8389 on MP1 ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* Top of Page CREDIT ATTITUDES 50040 A1. General credit attitude (B5501) Respondents were asked: "Do you think it is a good idea or a bad idea for people to buy things on the installment plan?" 1. Good idea 3. Good in some ways, bad in others 5. Bad idea (A) Expenses of vacation trip (B) Living expenses when income is cut (C) Finance the purchase of a fur coat or jewelry (D) Finance the purchase of a car (E) Finance educational expenses A2. Reasons for borrowing 50041(A) For each of the potential reasons for (B5504) 50042(B) borrowing given in (A) - (E), respondents were (B5505) 50043(C) asked: "Tell me if it is all right for someone (B5507) 50044(D) like yourself to borrow money to .. (each reason (B5509) 50045(E) asked)?" (B5511) 1. Yes 5. No 50046 A6. Turned down for credit in last few years? (B5522) Respondents were asked if he/she (or their spouse) had had a request for credit turned down by a particular lender or creditor in the past few years, or had been unable to get as much credit as he/she had applied for. 1. Yes, turned down 3. Yes, unable to get as much credit as he/she wanted 5. Not turned down 50047 A6b., A6c. Reapply for credit (B5525) Respondents were asked if he/she (or their spouse) reapplied for credit at the same lender or any other institution after he/she was turned down for credit (or did not get as much as he/she asked for). If he/she had reapplied he/she was asked whether or not he/she eventually received as much credit as he/she had originally wanted. 1. Reapplied for credit and received as much as he/she wanted 2. Reapplied for credit and were again denied or did not receive as much as he/she wanted 3. Reapplied for credit and NA whether he/she received as much as he/she wanted 5. Did not reapply 0. Inap. 50048 A7. Dissuaded from applying for credit? (B5526) Respondents were asked if there had been any time in the past few years that he/she (or their spouse) had thought about applying for credit at a particular place, but changed their mind because he/she thought he/she might be turned down. 1. Yes 5. No CREDIT CARDS AND REVOLVING DEBT (A) Gasoline company credit cards (B) Bank credit cards (Visa, Mastercard, Choice) (C) General purpose credit cards (American Express, Diners Club, Carte Blanche) (D) National retailer credit cards (Sears, Penneys, Wards) (E) Other store or retailer credit cards (F) Other credit cards (rental car, airline etc.) 50049 B1. Does household have any credit cards? (B4103) 1. Yes 5. No 50050 B2a. - B2f. Number of credit cards (B4105+B4108+ B4111+B4114+ Excludes cards owned by business or,multiple B4117+B4120) cards per account. Code # cards 0. none, inap. no credit cards For the public-use data set, the number of credit cards is top-coded at 20. 50055 B4a. - B4f. Total credit card debt (B4102) The sum of the amount owed on gasoline, bank, general purpose, national retail, other retail, and other credit card debt after payment of last bill. Code actual amount -1. None 0. Inap. 50051 B5a. Payment patterns (B4123) Asked of all respondents owning bank, national retail, or other store credit cards. 1. Always pay full amount of credit card bills 3. Sometimes pay full amount or always pay some bills in full 5. Hardly ever pay full amount of bills 0. Inap. 50052 B6. Does household have lines of credit? (B4104) 1. Yes 5. No 50053 B6a. Amount owed on lines of credit (B4125) The amount currently owed on open-ended lines of credit such as checking account overdrafts or credit union borrowing. Code actual amount -1. None 0. Inap. 50054 B6c. Lines of credit secured by equity in home? (B4130) Is home used as collateral for any lines of credit? 1. Yes 5. No 0. Inap. Top of Page HOUSING 50060 C2. Residential ownership code (B3702) 1. Own; buying; or land contract 2. Pays rent 3. Neither owns nor rents - live-in servant; housekeeper; gardener; farm laborer; others for whom housing is part of compensation (janitors, nurses) 4. Neither owns nor rents - house is a gift paid for by someone outside household, household pays only taxes 8. Other arrangement 50061 C4. Amount of rent per month (B3705) Code actual amount 0. Inap. 50062 C4a. Utilities included (B3706) 1. Includes utilities 3. Some utilities included 5. Does not iclude utilities 0. Inap. 50063 C4b. Rented Furnished (B3707) 1. Furnished 3. Partially furnished 5. Unfurnished 0. Inap. 50064 C5. Current value of home (B3708) Code actual amount 0. Inap. 50065 C6. Month home purchased (B3711) Code # MONTHS -1. Household inherited home and no date given 0. Inap. 50066 C6. Year home purchased (B3712) Code YEAR -1. Household inherited home and no date given 0. Inap. For the public-use data set, the year is rounded to the nearest 5. 50067 C7. Purhase price of home (B3713) Code actual amount -1. Household inherited home and no date given 0. Inap. 50068 C8. Do you now have a mortgage or land contract on this (house and lot/apartment/mobile home)? (V247) 1. Yes; mortgage 2. Yes; land contract 5. No 50069 C11a. Amount outstanding on loan(s) (B4002+B4024+ B4452+B4472) Code actual amount 0. Inap. 50083 C11. Amount monthy payment on loan(s) (B4010+B4032+ B4459+B4479) Code actual amount -1. All contributing loans have non-regular payments 0. Inap. * Note that some other housing loans were retrieved from variables that were moved into the consumer loan section (e.g. B4452, B4472, B4459, and B4479) in the 1983 imputed data set. These loans are NOT included in variable 50100, which is also derived from B4472. Top of Page LAND CONTRACTS OR LOANS/NOTES OWED TO HOUSEHOLD 50070 C18. Have you (or anyone in your family living here) ever sold real estate for which you loaned money to the buyer or accepted a note or land contract from the buyer? We do not want to include any property owned by a business which you own or have an interest in. (V401) 1. Yes 5. No 50071 C19. Does the buyer still owe you money on any of these notes or land contracts? (V402) 1. Yes 5. No 0. Inap. 50072 C19b., C19d. Gross present value (B3605+B3620+ B3635) Code actual amount 0. Inap. 50073 C19i., C19j. Amount owed by household on loan/land contract property (B3607+B3622+ B3637) Code actual amount 0. Inap. Top of Page OTHER PROPERTIES 50074 C20. Do you (or anyone in your family living here) own any (other) real estate such as a lot, vacation home, apartment building, or commercial property, or are you purchasing any properties using a land contract? We do not want to include any property owned by a business which you own or have an interest in. (V501,V1402, V1404,V1406) 1. Yes 5. No 50075 C22. Gross value (B3805+B3822+ B3839+b3856) Code actual amount 0. Inap. 50076 C23d. Amount outstanding on mortgage or debt on property (B3806+B3823+ B3840+b3857) Code actual amount 0. Inap. 50084 C23c. Amount monthy payment on loan(s) (B3814+B3831+ B3848) Code actual amount -1. All contributing loans have non-regular payments 0. Inap. * Note that the fourth property was moved from the "other asset" and "other loan" section (i.e. if k27a.=18 then property information is in b3855-b3858). Also, no monthly payment information from "other asset" and "other loan" section. Top of Page ADDITIONS AND REPAIRS 50085 D1. Do you (or anyone in your family living here) currently owe any money on loans for improvements on this (house and lot/ apartment/mobile home) for things like repairs, additions, landscaping, or major painting and decorating projects, excluding money owed on mortgages, credit cards, and lines of credit already mentioned? (V601) 1. Yes 5. No 50086 D6a. Amount outstanding on loan(s) (B4212+B4232) Code actual amount 0. Inap. 50087 D6. Amount monthly payment on loan(s) (B4219+B4239) Code actual amount -1. All contributing loans have non-regular payments 0. Inap. Top of Page VEHICLES 50088 E11. Do you (or anyone in your family living here) own a car, or any kind of truck, van, motorhome, or jeep-type vehicle, not including any leased vehicles or vehicles owned by a business? (V701) 1. Yes 5. No 50089 Total gross market value of vehicles (B3902) Code actual amount 0. Inap. 50090 E8. Is any money owed on loan(s) for this (MAKE/MODEL)? (V709,V727, V745) 1. Yes 5. No 0. Inap. 50091 E10a. Amount outstanding on loan(s) (B4205) Code actual amount 0. Inap. 50092 E10. Amount monthly payment on loan(s) (B4279+B4299+ B4319) Code actual amount -1. All contributing loans have non-regular payments 0. Inap. Top of Page HH DURABLE AND OTHER DEBT 50093 F1., F1a.-F1c., F2 (REGULAR PAYMENTS ONLY) Excluding credit cards and loans we have already talked about, do you (or anyone in your family here) owe money for any (other) loans on which regular payments are required--such as loans or credit for purchases of large things for the home, such as furniture, a refrigerator, stove, washing machine, television set, air conditioner, other household appliances, and so on? (V801-V804) 1. Yes 5. No loans with regular payments 50094 Amount outstanding on loan(s) (B4332+B4352+ B4372) Code actual amount 0. Inap. 50095 F6. Amount monthly payment on loan(s) (B4339+B4359+ B4379) Code actual amount -1. All contributing loans have non-regular payments 0. Inap. 50096 F10. (NON-REGULAR PAYMENTS ONLY) Do you (or anyone in your family living here) owe any money on (other) loans which do not require regular payments, for instance, loans on a life insurance policy, or debts to some other person or bank, or employer, a student loan, or a margin account with a broker? (V901) 1. Yes 5. No 50097 F14. Amount outstanding on loan(s) (B4392+B4412+ B4432) Code actual amount 0. Inap. 50098 F19. Now thinking of all types of debts, were all payments made the way they were scheduled during the last year, or were payments on any of the loans sometimes made later or missed? (only asked for regular scheduled payments) (B4207) 1. All paid as scheduled 5. Sometimes got behind or missed payments 0. Inap Top of Page OTHER LOANS (FOR INVESTMENTS) 50099 K28. Do you (or anyone in your family living here) owe any money not reported previously to make any of the investments you mentioned? (V1408) 1. Yes 5. No 50100 K28a. Amount outstanding on loan(s) (B4472) Code actual amount 0. Inap. * See note after variable 50083 concerning other housing loans in B4472. These were separated out before constructing 50100. Top of Page SAVINGS ATTITUDES H1. Reasons for saving Respondents were asked what the household's most important reasons for saving were. Two variables are provided for answers. This was an open-ended question. 50201(#1) (B5401) 50202(#2) (B5402) 1. Children's education; education of grandchildren 2. Own education; spouse's education; education--NA for whom 3. "For the children/family"--NFS; "to help the kids out" 11. Buying own house (code summer cottage in 12) 12. Purchase of cottage or second home for own use 13. Buy a car 14. Home improvements/repairs 15. To travel; take vacations 16. Buy durable household goods, appliances, home furnishings; hobby items; for other purchases not codable above or not further specified; "buy things when we need/want them"; moving/special occasions 17. Burial; funeral expenses 21. Buying (investing in) own business/farm; equipment for business/farm 22. Retirement; old age 23. Reserves in case of unemployment 24. In case of illness; medical/dental expenses 25. Emergencies; "rainy days"; other unexpected needs; for "security"/independence 26. Investment reasons (to get interest, to be diversified, to buy other forms of assets) 27. To meet contractual commitments (debt repayment, insurance, taxes, etc.); to pay off house 28. "To get ahead"; for the future; to advance standard of living 29. Ordinary living expenses/bills 90. Had extra income; saved because had the money left over--no other purpose specified 91. Wise/prudent thing to do; good discipline to save 97. Other reason -1. Don't/can't save; "have no money" 0. Inap. (No additional reason) 50203 H2. Attitude toward risk (B5403) Respondents were asked: "Which of the following statements on this card comes closest to the amount of financial risk you are willing to take when you save or make investments?" 1. Take substantial financial risks expecting to earn substantial returns 2. Take above average financial risks expecting to earn above average returns 3. Take average financial risks expecting to earn average returns 4. Not willing to take any financial risks 50204 H3. Attitude toward liquidity (B5404) Respondents were asked: "Which of the following statements on this card comes closest to how you feel about tying up your money in investments for long periods of time?" 1. Tie up money for a long period of time to earn substantial returns 2. Tie up money for an intermediate period of time to earn above average returns 3. Tie up money for a short period of time to earn average returns 4. Not willing to tie up money at all (A) Accountant (B) Banker (C) Stock broker (D) Tax adisor (E) Lawyer (F) Spouse (G) Friend or relative H4, H4a.-H4g. Does household use advice from sources? 50205(A) For each potential source of advice in (A) - (G) (B5340) 50206(B) above, the respondent indicated whether or not (B5341) 50207(C) he/she sought advice concerning savings and (B5342) 50208(D) investment decisions. (B5343) 50209(E) (B5344) 50210(F) (B5345) 50211(G) (B5346) 1. Yes 5. No 50212 H4. Other sources of advice (B5347) Other sources used by the household in making decisions about savings and investment than those listed above. 1. Financial advisor/counselor 2. Media; reading; Wall Street Journal 3. Insurance agent/company 4. Employer; company where respondent/spouse work 5. Other source 0. None 50213 H5. Marginal tax rate Respondents were asked: "if you were to earn an extra dollar of income, about what percent would have to be paid in federal income taxes?" (B5405) Code percentage times 10 (1 to 1000) -1. None 50214 H6. Savings in 1982 Respondents were asked: "Considering all of your savings and reserve funds, overall, did you put more money in or take more money out in 1982?" (B5406) 1. Put more money in 3. Stayed the same, no savings 5. Took more money out 50215 H7. Source of savings Respondents were asked: "Overall did most of your savings come from your regular income, or did they come originally from gifts and inheritance, or other sources?" (B5407) 1. Mostly saved from income; own pension/social security; profit sharing 2. Mostly from gifts and inheritances 3. Combinations including income (1 & 2, 1 & 4, 1 & 6) 4. Settlements; insurance; lawsuit; divorce 5. Have no savings 6. Investment income; sale of property; interest 7. Other source 50216 H8. Expect inheritance Respondents were asked if he/she expected to ever receive a large inheritance. (B5408) 1. Yes, expect inheritance 5. No, do not expect inheritance Top of Page BUSINESS ASSETS ACTIVE MANAGEMEMT ROLE BUSINESS(ES) 50077 K25a. Do you (or anyone in your family living here) have an active management role in any of these: own or share ownership in a privately-held business, farm, professional practice, or any type of partnership MENTIONED IN K25.)? (V1302) 1. Yes 5. No 50078 K26c. Dollar amount owed to household by business(es) (B3506+B3519) Code actual amount -1. None 0. Inap. 50079 K26e. Dollar amount owed to business(es) by household (B3507+B3520) Code actual amount -1. None 0. Inap. 50080 K26g. Value of household's net share in business(es) (B3509+B3522) Code actual amount -1. Worthless 0. Inap. NON-ACTIVE MANAGEMEMT ROLE BUSINESS(ES) 50081 K25. Do you (or anyone in your family living here) have an active management role in any of these: own or share ownership in a privately-held business, farm, professional practice, or any type of partnership MENTIONED IN K25.)? (V1302) K25a. (IF NO TO K25) Do you (or anyone in your family living here) have an active amangement role in any of these (MENTIONED IN K25)? (IF NO, ASSUMED NON-ACTIVE) (V1303) K26m. (IF YES TO K25) Do you (or anyone in your family living there) own or have an interest in any other partnership, privately-held business, a farm, or professional practice. (V1325) 1. Yes (if K25a. = 5) 5. No * Note that if there was an active management role in a business and if there was an interest in any other ... (i.e. K26m. = 1), then they were set to be a non-active management type. 50082 K26n. Net value of business(es) with no management role (B3501) Code actual amount 0. Inap. Top of Page FINANCIAL AND OTHER ASSETS, MISC. 50001 K1. Now I'd like to talk about checking accounts that have no restrictions on either minimum check size or maximum number of checks you are allowed to write. Do you (or anyone in your family living here) have any of these checking accounts? (v1101) 1. Yes 5. No 50002 K4. Total dollar amount in unrestricted checking accounts (B3401) Code actual amount 0. Inap. 50003 K7. Do you (or anyone in your family living here) have any Individual Retirement Accounts or IRA's? (v1123) K8. Do you (or anyone in your family living here) have any Keogh accounts? (v1125) 1. Yes (if either of the two above) 5. No (if neither of the two above) 50004 K7a., K8a. Total dollar amount in IRA or KEOGH accounts (B3446) Code actual amount 0. Inap. * NOTE: Money market demand accounts (MMDA) are accounts held at insured institutions (i.e. commercial banks, savings and loans, or credit unions). Money market mutual funds (MMMF) are accounts held at uninsured institutions. In the final 1983 data set, insured money market accounts were separated from uninsured money market accounts. Call accounts were also included with uninsured money market accounts. X50008 removes call money to make 1983 comparable to 1989. The call account is picked up in 50028. MMDA 50005 K14. Do you (or anyone in your family living here) have any money market mutual fund accounts at a mutual fund company or broker or any money market deposit accounts at commercial banks, savings and loan associations, savings banks, or credit unions? (Excluding the certificate accounts you already mentioned.) (v1142) 1. Yes 5. No 50006 K14c., K21c., Total dollar amount in MMDA money market accounts (B3419) Code actual amount 0. Inap. MMMF 50007 K14. Do you (or anyone in your family living here) have any money market mutual fund accounts at a mutual fund company or broker or any money market deposit accounts at commercial banks, savings and loan associations, savings banks, or credit unions? (Excluding the certificate accounts you already mentioned.) (v1142) 1. Yes 5. No 50008 K14c., K21c., Total dollar amount in uninsured MMDA money market accounts (B3420-B3431) Code actual amount 0. Inap. 50009 K11. Do you (or anyone in your family living here) have any all-savers certificates? (v1136) K12. Do you (or anyone in your family living here) have any seven-day to ninety-day savings certificates, any six-month money market certificates, or repurchase agreements? (v1138) K13. Do you (or anyone in your family living here) have any other certificates of deposit or savings certificates, such as small savers or four year certificates? (v1140) 1. Yes (if any of the three above) 5. No (if none of the three above) 50010 K11a., K12a., K13a. Total dollar amount of certificates of deposit (B3453) Code actual amount 0. Inap. 50011 K15. Do you (or anyone in your family living here) have any savings accounts, including passbook, statement savings, share accounts, or Christmas Club Accounts? (v1201) 1. Yes 5. No 50012 K15c. Total dollar amount in all savings or share accounts (B3434) Code actual amount 0. Inap. 50013 K19a. Do you (or anyone in your family living here) have any shares in a tax-free Mutual Fund? (v1223) 1. Yes 5. No 50014 K20a. Total dollar amount of shares in tax-free mutual funds (B3463) Code actual amount 0. Inap. 50015 K19b. (Any other) shares in Mutual Funds? (v1225) 1. Yes 5. No 50016 K20b. Total dollar amount of shares in taxable mutual funds (B3464) Code actual amount 0. Inap. 50017 K16. Do you (or anyone in your family living here) have any U.S. government savings bonds? (v1213) 1. Yes 5. No 50018 K16a. Total face amount of U.S. government savings bonds (B3457) Code actual amount 0. Inap. 50019 K17b. Do you (or anyone in your family) have any state, county, or municipal bonds? (v1218) 1. Yes 5. No 50020 K18b. Total face amount of state, county, or municipal bonds (B3460) Code actual amount 0. Inap. 50021 K17a. Do you (or anyone in your family living here) have any federal government bonds or bills? (v1216) K17c. Any corporate or foreign bonds, or any other bonds? (v1220) 1. Yes (if either of the two above) 5. No (if neither of the two above) 50022 K18a., K18c. Total face amount of federal government bonds or bills plus total face amount of corporate, foreign, or other bonds (B3459+B3461) Code actual amount 0. Inap. 50023 K19c. Publicly traded stock in the company where you (or your family here) work? (v1227) 1. Yes 5. No 50024 K20c. Total dollar amount of publicly traded stock in own company (B3466) Code actual amount 0. Inap. 50025 K19d. Publicaly traded stock held in an investment club or partnership? (v1229) K19e. Any other publicly traded preferred or common stock? (v1231) 1. Yes (if either of the two above) 5. No (if neither of the two above) 50026 K20d., K20e. Total dollar amount of stock held in investment clubs plus total dollar amount of other publicly traded stock (B3465+B3467) Code actual amount 0. Inap. 50027 K21b. Excluding any account you've already mentioned, do you have a cash or call money account at a stock brokerage company? (v1236) 1. Yes 5. No 50028 K21c. Total dollar amountt in call money at brokerage company (B3431) Code actual amount 0. Inap. * note: 83 call money is always at brokerage co. (inst. type=6 for all cases), 89 call money is mostly held at brokerage cos. but 5 cases rpt call money at a non-brokerage inst. 50029 K22. Do you (or anyone in your family living here) have other assets in a trust or managed investment account that you have not already mentioned? (v1240) 1. Yes 5. No 50030 K22a. Total dollar amount in trust accounts (B3470) Code actual amount 0. Inap. 50031 K27., K27a. We have talked about various types of savings and investments. Do you (and your family living here) have any others that we haven't mentioned-- such as a boat, or money loaned or invested with friends or relatives, or antiques, precious metals, gems, or art held for investment purposes? (v1401,v1402 v1404,v1406) * excludes debts owed to Respondent from family/friends/others 1. Yes 5. No 50032 K27b. Total dollar amount in other assets (excludes debts owed to Respondent from family/friends/others) (B3483+B3485+ B3487) Code actual amount 0. Inap. 50033 K27., K27a. We have talked about various types of savings and investments. Do you (and your family living here) have any others that we haven't mentioned-- such as a boat, or money loaned or invested with friends or relatives, or antiques, precious metals, gems, or art held for investment purposes? (v1401,v1402 v1404,v1406) * only includes debts owed to Respondent from family/friends/others 1. Yes 5. No 50034 K27b. Total dollar amount in debts owed to R from family/friends/others (B3483+B3485+ B3487) Code actual amount 0. Inap. 50035 K24a. Are these policies term insurance, or are they the type which build up a cash value and you can borrow on them? (v1245) 1. Yes 5. No 50036 K24d. Dollar cash value of whole life insurance (B3475) Code actual amount 0. Inap. Top of Page EMPLOYMENT 50220(H) R1., R1a.-R1d. Job status at the time of the interview (B4510) 50240(S) S1., S1a.-S1d. Job status at the time of the interview (B4610) 11. Working more than 20 hours a week 12. Working 20 hours per week or less 13. Retired, work more than 20 hours a week 14. Student, work more than 20 hours a week 15. Housewife, work more than 20 hours a week 16. Unemployed, work more than 20 hours a week 17. Other, work more than 20 hours a week 18. Other, work 20 hours per week or less 20. Laid off, will return 21. Laid off, no return 22. Laid off/other, will return 30. Unemployed, worked before 31. Unemployed, never worked 32. Unemployed, work 20 hours per week or less 33. Unemployed/other not working 50. Retired, not working 51. Retired, work 20 hours per week or less 52. Retired/other not working 70. Student, not working 72. Student, work 20 hours per week or less 73. Student/other, not working 80. Housewife, not working 81. Housewife, work 20 hours per week or less 97. Other, not working 0. Inap. 50221(H) R2., R2a., R2b. (B4531) 3 digit 1970 Census of Population occupation code 50241(S) S2., S2a., S2b. 3 digit 1970 Census of Population occupation code (B4631) See other documentation for codes (e. g. 1983 Technical Manual and Codebook) 0. Inap, not working 50222(H) R3. 3 digit 1970 Census of Population industry code (B4536) 50242(S) S3. 3 digit 1970 Census of Population industry code (B4636) See other documentation for codes (e. g. 1983 Technical Manual and Codebook) 0. Inap, not working 50223(H) R4., R4a., R5. Type of employer (B4540) 50243(S) S4., S4a., S5. Type of employer (B4640) 1. Federal government 2. State/local government 3. Public school/college 4. Private school 5. Military 6. Employed by private sector, less than 100 employees 7. Employed by private sector, more than 100 employees 8. Self-employed 0. Inap. 50224(H) R6. Number of years spent working for employer (B4543) 50244(S) S6. Number of years spent working for employer (B4643) Code number of years 0. Inap. For the public-use data set, the number of years with the current employer is top-coded at 50. 50225(H) R7. Reported number of years before expect to leave job (B4551) 50245(S) S7. Reported number of years before expect to leave job (B4651) Code number of years (1 to 50) -7. Never retire 0. Inap. 50226(H) R8. Average hours per week worked (B4544) 50246(S) S8. Average hours per week worked (B4644) Code number of hours (1 to 95) 0. Inap. 50227(H) R9. Average weeks per year worked (B4545) 50247(S) S9. Average weeks per year worked (B4645) Code number of hours (1 to 52) 0. Inap. 50228(H) R10. Annual income (B4546) 50248(S) S10. Annual income (B4646) Code actual amount 0. Inap. 50229(H) R15., R15a. Pension coverage (current job) (B4901) 50249(S) S15., S15a. Pension coverage (current job) (B5001) 1. Covered and vested, anticipates benefits 2. Covered and DK if vested, anticipates benefits 3. Covered but not vested yet, anticipates benefits 4. Covered but not vested yet, does not anticipate benefits 5. Not covered, anticipates will be (pension questions not asked) 6. Not covered, never will be (pension questions not asked) 7. Not covered, DK whether will be in future (pension questions not asked) 8. Self-employed (pension questions not asked) 0. Inap, not currently working 50230(H) R24., R24a. Participation in tax-deferred compensation or savings plans (thrift-type plans for current job other than primary defined contribution plans) (B4941) 50250(S) S24., S24a. Participation in tax-deferred compensation or savings plans (thrift-type plans for current job) (B5041) 2. Thrift plan, savings plan, savings investment plan 3. Profit sharing plan (exception NFS) 4. Stock option plan, ESOP, stock ownership, stock savings plan 5. Annuity plan 7. Tax sheltered, tax deferred, deferred compensation plan not otherwise codable 8. Company name given, type of account NA 9. Other type 0. Inap, no thrift account 50231(H) R23f. Dollar amount in thrift-type account (B4946) 50251(S) S23f. Dollar amount in thrift-type account (B5046) Code actual amount 0. Inap. 50232(H) R23g. Dollar amount withdrawable from thrift-type account now (B4947) 50252(S) S23g. Dollar amount withdrawable from thrift-type account now (B5047) Code actual amount -1. None 0. Inap. Top of Page INCOME T1. We have talked about various sources of income. Now we would like to get the overall picture of all the different sources of income that you (and members of your family living here) had in 1988. Did (you/anyone) have income from wages and salaries, including bonuses, overtime and commissions? (RECORD IN COLUMN T1 AND ASK T2 FOR EACH SOURCE OF INCOME AS IT IS MENTIONED.) T2. In total, how much income from (SOURCE) was received by you (and your family living here) in 1982 before deduct- ions for taxes and anything else? (RECORD IN COLUMN T2.) 50260 T1a. Income in wages and salary? (B3205) 1. Yes (B3205 ne 0) 5. No (B3205 eq 0) 50261 T2a. Income in wages and salary (B3205) Code actual amount 0. Inap. 50262 T1b. Income from a professional practice, business, or farm? (B3206) 1. Yes (B3206 ne 0) 5. No (B3206 eq 0) 50263 T2b. Income from a professional practice, business, or farm (B3206) Code actual amount 0. Inap. 50264 T1c. Income from non-taxable investments such as IRA's or municipals? (B3207) 1. Yes (B3207 ne 0) 5. No (B3207 eq 0) 50265 T2c. Income from non-taxable investments such as IRA's or municipals? (B3207) Code actual amount 0. Inap. 50266 T1d. Taxable interest income? (B3208) 1. Yes (B3208 ne 0) 5. No (B3208 eq 0) 50267 T2d. Taxable interest income (B3208) Code actual amount 0. Inap. 50268 T1e. Dividend income? (B3209) 1. Yes (B3209 ne 0) 5. No (b3209 eq 0) 50269 T2e. Dividend income (B3209) Code actual amount 0. Inap. 50270 T1f. Net gains from the sale of stocks/bonds, or real estate? (B3210) 1. Yes (B3210 ne 0) 5. No (B3210 eq 0) 50271 T2f. Net gains from the sale of stocks/bonds, or real estate (B3210) Code actual amount 0. Inap. 50272 T1g. Rent, trust income, or royalties from another investment? (B3211) 1. Yes (B3211 ne 0) 5. No (B3211 eq 0) 50273 T2g. Rent, trust income, or royalties from another investment (B3211) Code actual amount 0. Inap. 50274 T1h. Worker's or unemployment compensation income? (B3212) 1. Yes (B3212 ne 0) 5. No (B3212 eq 0) 50275 T2h. Worker's or unemployment compensation income (B3212) Code actual amount 0. Inap. 50276 T1j. Child support, alimony, inheritance, gifts, financial support? (B3213) 1. Yes (B3213 ne 0) 5. No (B3213 eq 0) 50277 T2j. Child support, alimony, inheritance, gifts, financial support (B3213) Code actual amount 0. Inap. 50278 T1k. ADC, AFDC, food stamps, SSI, welfare, other public assistance? (B3214) 1. Yes (B3214 ne 0) 5. No (B3214 eq 0) 50279 T2k. ADC, AFDC, food stamps, SSI, welfare, other public assistance (B3214) Code actual amount 0. Inap. 50280 T1m. Retirement, annuity, pension, disability, survivor, benefits? (B3215) 1. Yes (B3215 ne 0) 5. No (B3215 eq 0) 50281 T2m. Retirement, annuity, pension, disability, survivor, benefits (B3215) Code actual amount 0. Inap. 50282 T1n. Other income? (B3216) 1. Yes (B3216 ne 0) 5. No (B3216 eq 0) 50283 T2n. Other income (B3216) Code actual amount 0. Inap. T1n. Sources of other income 50284(#1) (B3217) 50285(#2) (B3218) 1. Settlements from lawsuits, divorce, insurance 2. Gambling winnings 3. Educational scholarships or grants, GI bill, fellowship 4. Other source 0. Inap. 50286 T3. Total 1982 gross (pre-tax) household income (B3201) Code actual amount 0. Inap. Top of Page V. OTHER 1989 VARIABLES ----------------------- Valid values of the J-variables for variables in this section include: 0 = value reported on original data set (includes values reported in the questionnaire that were alered during editing). 1 = question is inapplicable (e.g., R has no checking account so value of checking account is coded as zero -- NOTE: zero is a legitimate value for X-variables only for this value of the associated J-variable). 2 = evidence from problem sheets that data moved from another location, but no evidence that value was altered, or data moved. 3 = evidence from problem sheets that data moved from another location, and evidence that value was somehow altered based on margin notes or other information. 4 = evidence that data imputed from marginal notes. 5 = 83/86 value brought forward. 8 = recode of survey variables, no missing values in antecedents. 9 = recode of survey variables, insufficient data collected to compute value, but not imputed. 12 = in case of regular installment loans where term is DK, non-missing typical payment moved to monthly payment section. 13 = coded value overridden after editing completed. 14 = inapplicable given hard-code decision (15). 15 = hard-coded imputation determined during cleaning. 16 = override of reported 89 data with 86 data. 17 = override of reported 89 data with 83 data. 18 = other panel override of reported data (combination of 16 & 17, logical consistency, misc. intuition). 19 = imputation of missing 89 data using 86 data. 20 = imputation of missing 89 data using 83 data. 24 = range card response A: $1 to $500. 25 = range card response B: $501 to $1,000. 26 = range card response C: $10,01 to $2,500. 27 = range card response D: $2,500 to $10,000. 28 = range card response E: $10,001 to $50,000. 29 = range card response F: $50,001 to $250,000. 30 = range card response G: $250,001 to $1,000,000. 31 = range card response H: $1,000,001 to $10,000,000. 32 = range card response I: $10,000,001 to $100,000,000. 33 = range card response J: more than $100,000,000. 34 = range card response < 0 A: -$1 to -$500. 35 = range card response < 0 B: -$501 to -$1,000. 36 = range card response < 0 C: -$10,01 to -$2,500. 37 = range card response < 0 D: -$2,500 to -$10,000. 38 = range card response < 0 E: -$10,001 to -$50,000. 39 = range card response < 0 F: -$50,001 to -$250,000. 40 = range card response < 0 G: -$250,001 to -$1,000,000. 41 = range card response < 0 H: -$1,000,001 to -$10,000,000. 42 = range card response < 0 I: -$10,000,001 to -$100,000,000. 43 = range card response < 0 J: less than -$100,000,000. 44 = value < 0, amount DK 45 = value < 0, amount NA 49 = variable imputed during editing from margin notes, reimputed. 50 = original response was DK. 51 = original response was NA (includes refusals, interviewer errors, and missing data resulting from editing decisions). Does not include data missing as a result of missing higer-order questions. 52 = original response missing as a result of missing information for a higher-order question (typically a YES/NO cut question). In this case, the higher-order question has been imputed in such a way as to render response appropriate. 53 = refused (available only for aggregate income, income range questions, whether filed tax return, and AGI: T3/4/7b/7d). 54 = some, DK how many (see B6). 79 = data missing becaue of questionnaire error, or data not collected 80 = recode variable, missing because data not collected for a sub-group, data to be imputed. 81 = recode variable, some, but not all components originally missing. 82 = recode variable, all components originally missing. 88 = for property value, only assessed value given. 98 = override of reported information (e.g., R says has 1 IRA, but 2 institution types reported) -- value set to missing. 99 = used for absent spouse for J104 or J105 when X104 OR X105 < 0. 100 = Value set to missing while problem with case is being resolved (temporary code). ************************************************************************* The following set of j-codes correspond to variables that were created and/or updated using panel information from 1983,1986, as well as 1989. ************************************************************************* 183 = demographic and employment recodes for panel and panel/cross-section cases: only 83 data missing. 184 = employment recodes for panel and panel/cross-section cases: 83 and 86 data missing. 185 = demographic and employment recodes for panel and panel/cross-section cases: 83 and 89 data missing. 186 = demographic, marital history, and employment recodes for panel and panel/cross-section cases: only 86 data missing. 187 = demographic, marital history, and employment recodes for panel and panel/cross-section cases: 86 and 89 data missing. 188 = marital history and employment recodes for panel and panel/cross-section cases: 83,86 and 89 data missing. 189 = demographic, marital history, and employment recodes for panel and panel/cross-section cases: only 89 data missing. 200 = marital history variable set to missing due to irreconcilable inconsistencies between 1986 and 1989 data. There are no K-variables for any variables in this section. Top of Page ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MISC. DATA ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- XX1 Original case ID (4-digit) -- identical for all 3 imputation replicates Case ID's for New X Section 0001-2000 Case ID's for Panel Sample 2001 - X Section only Iw's 3001 - Panel and X Section 4001 - Panel only Iw 1 New ID number -- XX1*10 + imputation replicate number (1-5) 2 1. IWER ID No. (4-digit) .N NA 3 3. Start Date of IW--MONTH (*Month 6-12=1989, 1-5=1990) Code MONTH If only one date is .N NA given, code it as the start date and code zero's for end date. 4 3. Start Date of IW--DAY Code DAY .N NA 8095 R Start date of IW--YEAR Code YEAR 5 3. End Date of IW--MONTH Code MONTH .N NA 0. Only one date given 6 3. End Date of IW--DAY Code DAY .N NA 0. Only one data given 7 4. Length of IW Code MINUTES .N NA 8 6. Mode of Interview 1. Face-to-Face (include New X Section) 2. Telephone 9 Precode for List Sample (from Field Office list) 1. Yes, "SPEC" precoded on facesheet 5. Not in Special Sample 10 SAMPLE ID (8 digit) All 0 for new Cross Section sample (Iw's 001-1999) For Panel Sample (2001, 3001, 4001 series), see HOUSEHOLD LISTING UPDATE SHEET Top of Page ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOUSEHOLD LISTING ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8000 R: Respondent and spouse variables reversed to male and spouse/partner in all subsequent occurences in data set (data rearranged except when male not living at sampled address). Also, all response categories altered to reflect this change. 1. REVERSED 5. NOT REVERSED 13 Respondent: 18 Spouse: Age computed from date of birth Code age .N NA 14 Respondent: "Imputed age" 19 Spouse: "Imputed age" (IF HHL AGE=COMPUTED AGE, THE IMPUTED AGE=SAME. IF HHL AGE=COMPUTED AGE +/- 2 YEARS, THEN IMPUTED AGE= COMPUTED AGE (I.E., BASED ON DATE OF BIRTH). IN ALL OTHER CASES, COMPUTED AGE DERIVED BY EDITORS FROM BEST INFORMATION AVAILABLE IN THE IW.) (IMPUTED AGE WAS BE USED IN CONVERSIONS OR CALCULATIONS INVOLVING AGE OF R/S.) Code age 100 ABSENT SPOUSE: Income, debts, assets 1. Included in Iw 5. Not included in Iw 0. Inap. (No absent spouse) 101 SUMMARY: # persons in HHL Code total # of persons in HHL 8020(#1) Before we start the interview, I need to (re-)list the people who 102(#2) live here and obtain some basic information about each one. Let's 108(#3) start with you--how old are you? 114(#4) 120(#5) HHL-A. Relationship to Respondent 126(#6) 132(#7) If a spouse or partner 202(#8) 1. RESPONDENT is present in HH, he/ 208(#9) 2. Spouse of Respondent she must be coded as 214(#10 3. "Partner" of Respondent person #2. 220(#11) 4. Child (incl. in-laws) 226(#12) 13. Child of Partner Child (04) here 5. Grandchild includes step and 6. Parent (incl. in-laws) adopted children 7. Grandparent (incl. in-laws) and child's spouse. 8. Aunt/uncle Code foster child 9. Cousin in 36. 10. Niece/nephew 11. Sister/brother (incl. in-laws) 12. Great grandchild 29. Other relative 31. Roommate 32. "Friend" (exc. 3) 33. Relative of Partner (except Child, code 13) 34. Boarder or roomer/lodger 35. Paid help (maid, etc.) 36. Foster child 39. Other unrelated person 45. Absent spouse (I created this one) 0. Inap. (No further persons) For the public-use data set, Absent spouse (45) and Spouse of Respondent (2) are combined in (2) for the second variable. 8021(#1) HHL-B. SEX 103(#2) 109(#3) 1. Male 115(#4) 2. Female 121(#5) 0. Inap. (No further persons) 127(#6) 133(#7) 203(#8) 209(#9) 215(#10) 221(#11) 227(#12) 8022(#1) HHL-C. AGE 104(#2) 110(#3) Code AGE 116(#4) 122(#5) 1. One year or less 128(#6) 0. Inap. (No further persons) 134(#7) 204(#8) 210(#9) For all ages after X104 (spouse's age), the ages are 216(#10) rounded to the nearest 5 years 222(#11) 228(#12) HHL1. (ASK OF ALL PERSONS 18 AND OLDER, EXCEPT SPOUSE) (Are you/Is [RELATIONSHIP] currently married or living with a partner, separated, divorced, widowed, or (have you/has [he/she]) never been married? (RECORD IN COL. D. ABOVE.) 8023(#1) HHL-D. MARITAL STATUS 105(#2) 111(#3) 1. (M) Married 117(#4) 2. (P) Living with a partner If Person is 17 or 123(#5) 3. (S) Separated less, assume marital 129(#6) 4. (D) Divorced status=6, do not code 135(#7) 5. (W) Widowed NA for persons 0-17. 205(#8) 6. (NM) Never married 211(#9) 7. Married but spouse in institution (nursing home/jail) 217(#10) or outside U.S. (not available to be sampled 223(#11) elsewhere) 229(#12) 8. Married but spouse not current resident of HU or in institution (samplable at another residence) 12. Corresponds to 7 for spouse field 13. Corresponds to 8 for spouse field 0. Inap. (No further persons) For the public-use data set, responses (7), (8), (12), and (13) are all combined in (1). HHL2. (ASK FOR ALL PERSONS 18 YEARS AND OLDER, EXCEPT RESPONDENT AND SPOUSE) Does (he/she) usually live here? (RECORD IN COL. E. ABOVE.) 8024(#1) HHL-E. USUALLY LIVES HERE? 106(#2) 112(#3) 1. YES (incl. R and Spouse/Partner) 118(#4) 2. Child (17 and under) living in HU for part of each 124(#5) year 130(#6) 3. Child (18 and over) away at college part of year 136(#7) 4. Other adult living in this HU for part of each year 206(#8) 5. NO 212(#9) 0. Inap. (No further persons) 218(#10) 224(#11) 230(#12) HHL4. (ASK ABOUT ALL [related] ADULTS 22 YEARS AND OLDER EXCEPT RESPONDENT AND SPOUSE) Does (RELATIONSHIP) depend on you (and your [husband/wife]) for most of (his/her) support or is (he/she) financially independent for the most part? (RECORD IN COL. F. ABOVE.) 8098(#1) HHL-F. 107(#2) 113(#3) 1. FINANCIALLY DEPENDENT; R (Unit #1) 119(#4) Col F should be 125(#5) 2. INDEPENDENT FINANCES--Unit #2 coded/edited 131(#6) 3. " " --Unit #3 for each indi- 137(#7) 4. " " --Unit #4 vidual listed. 207(#8) 5. " " --Unit #5 Codes 2-5 will 213(#9) 0. Inap. (No institutions listed, be edited in 219(#10) no further institutions) green. 225(#11) 231(#12) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 305 A5. The next few questions are about the financial institutions that you do business with. How many financial institutions do you (and your family living here) have accounts with or regularly do personal financial business with? Include banks, savings and loans, credit unions, loan companies, and brokerages. Do not include institutions where you have only a credit card account. Code NUMBER -1. NONE 306 A5k. Can you (or your family living here) deposit or withdraw money from (this institution/any of these institutions) using an automated teller machine or ATM? 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. (No institutions listed, no further institutions) 308(#1) A6. (About Institution #[1/2/3/4/5/6]), what kind of 312(#2) institution is this? (Is it a commercial bank, a savings 316(#3) and loan or savings bank, a credit union, a finance or 320(#4) loan company, a brokerage, or what?) 324(#5) 328(#6) See FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS master reference list 0. Inap. (No institutions listed, no further institutions) For the public-use data set, different institution cells are collapsed for different variables. The SAS code that performs this collapsing is given after the master list below. FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS MASTER REFERENCE LIST 1. Institution #1 from Card A 2. Institution #2 from Card A 3. Institution #3 from Card A 4. Institution #4 from Card A 5. Institution #5 from Card A 6. Institution #6 from Card A 11. Commercial bank; "trust company" 12. Savings & loan association or savings bank 13. Credit union 14. Finance or loan company 15. Store or dealer 16. Brokerage company; "mutual fund"--NFS 17. Insurance company 18. Mortgage company 19. Contractor or developer 20. Prior owner 21. Automobile finance company; GMAC; Ford CDT 22. Doctor or hospital; dentist 23. Lawyer 24. Accountant 25. Employer 26. Friend or relative (not codeable above) 27. Individual lender (not codeable above) 31. Real estate (investment) company 32. School/college/university 33. Local/county/state government (exc. 42) 34. Special federal government agency: FMHA; SBA; VA; FHA; HUD; NDSL 35. Federal government general or NA agency; IRS 37. (83=K22b only; 89=N45 only) Self/spouse (manages own trust) 38. Bank or general purpose credit card company: VISA; Carte Blanche; MasterCard (except American Express, code 51) 39. Union 40. Church 41. AARP (American Association of Retired Persons) 42. Courts 50. (Sears)/Discover Card (V415-418 only) (Code "Sears" mention in 15) 51. American Express/Optima Card 61. Other membership organization: AAA; NEA; NTA (V415-418 only) 92. Money market (mutual) funds, NFS 93. Farm related lenders, not codeable above or NA if membership group or government agency 94. Investment/management companies or consultants--NEC 95. Non-financial institution (exc. 40-42, 61) -1. Combinations of types of financial institutions -7. OTHER *************************************************************************** code to collapse institution cells *************************************************************************** ARRAY INST1 {*} X308 X312 X316 X320 X324 X328; DO I=1 TO DIM(INST1); IF (INST1{I}=15 OR INST1{I}=19 OR INST1{I}=32 OR INST1{I}=40) THEN DO; INST1{I}=-7; END; END; ARRAY INST2 {*} X415 X416 X417 X418; DO I=1 TO DIM(INST2); IF (INST2{I}=32 OR INST2{I}=92) THEN DO; INST2{I}=-7; END; END; ARRAY INST3 {*} X817 X917 X1017 X1046; DO I=1 TO DIM(INST3); IF (INST3{I}=13 OR INST3{I}=15 OR INST3{I}=32 OR INST3{I}=94) THEN DO; INST3{I}=-7; END; END; ARRAY INST4 {*} X1112 X1123 X1134; DO I=1 TO DIM(INST4); IF (INST4{I}=34) THEN DO; INST4{I}=-7; END; END; IF (X1217=13 OR X1217=27) THEN X1217=-7; ARRAY INST6 {*} X1728 X1828 X1928; DO I=1 TO DIM(INST6); IF (INST6{I}=13 OR INST6{I}=31 OR INST6{I}=32 OR INST6{I}=35 OR INST6{I}=94) THEN DO; INST6{I}=-7; END; END; ARRAY INST7 {*} X2220 X2320 X2420 X2521 X2621; DO I=1 TO DIM(INST7); IF (INST7{I}=18 OR INST7{I}=20 OR INST7{I}=39) THEN DO; INST7{I}=-7; END; END; ARRAY INST8 {*} X2725 X2742 X2825 X2842 X2925 X2942; DO I=1 TO DIM(INST8); IF (INST8{I}=20 OR INST8{I}=25 OR INST8{I}=42 OR INST8{I}=61 OR INST8{I}=93) THEN DO; INST8{I}=-7; END; END; ARRAY INST9 {*} X3505 X3509 X3513 X3517 X3521 X3525; DO I=1 TO DIM(INST9); IF (INST9{I}=25 OR INST9{I}=92) THEN DO; INST9{I}=-7; END; END; ARRAY INST10 {*} X3606 X3607 X3608 X3609 X3616 X3617 X3618 X3619 X3626 X3627 X3628 X3629; DO I=1 TO DIM(INST10); IF (INST10{I}=40 OR INST10{I}=93) THEN DO; INST10{I}=-7; END; END; ARRAY INST11 {*} X3705 X3710 X3715; DO I=1 TO DIM(INST11); IF (INST11{I}=61) THEN DO; INST11{I}=-7; END; END; ARRAY INST12 {*} X3722 X3723 X3724 X3725; DO I=1 TO DIM(INST12); IF (INST12{I}=17 OR INST12{I}=94) THEN DO; INST12{I}=-7; END; END; ARRAY INST13 {*} X3803 X3806 X3809 X3812 X3815; DO I=1 TO DIM(INST13); IF (INST13{I}=17 OR INST13{I}=92 OR INST13{I}=93) THEN DO; INST13{I}=-7; END; END; ARRAY INST15 {*} X3943 X3944 X3945 X3946; DO I=1 TO DIM(INST15); IF (INST15{I}=12 OR INST15{I}=31 OR INST15{I}=33 OR INST15{I}=34 OR INST15{I}=35 OR INST15{I}=61) THEN DO; INST15{I}=-7; END; END; *************************************************************************** 309(#1) A7. How (do you/does your family) typically do business with 313(#2) this institution (--by ATM, in person, by mail, by phone, 317(#3) or some other way)? (NOT ASKED IF NON-FINANCIAL INST.) 321(#4) 325(#5) 1. BY ATM 329(#6) 2. IN PERSON--R or R's messenger If adjacent boxes 3. BY MAIL checked, code 4. BY PHONE smallest number. 5. Payroll deduction; direct deposit 6. DON'T DO REG. BUSINESS -7. OTHER 0. Inap. (No institutions listed, no further institutions) 310(#1) A8. Roughly, how many miles is the office or ATM of this 314(#2) institution from the home or workplace of the person who 318(#3) uses it most often? (ACCEPT RANGE.) (IF R ASKS: WE WANT 322(#4) THE CLOSER OF THE DISTANCE FROM HOME OR WORKPLACE.) 326(#5) (NOT ASKED IF NON-FINANCIAL INST.) 330(#6) Code MILES 51. OVER 50 MILES -1. LESS THAN A MILE -7. LOCAL PHONE OR POST BOX 0. Inap. (No institutions listed, no further institutions) Top of Page ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREDIT CARDS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 410 B5. Now I have some questions about credit cards. Do you (or anyone in your family living here) have any credit cards? 1. YES 5. NO TYPES OF CREDIT CARDS #1: bank-type cards #2: store cards #3: gasoline cards #4: general purpose cards #5: other types of cards 411 (#1) B6-A. How many different (TYPE) credit card accounts such 419 (#2) as (EXAMPLES) do you (and your family living here) have? 422 (#3) (READ ONCE: Please do not count duplicate cards for the 425 (#4) same account or any business or company accounts.) 428 (#5) Code # ACCTS -1. NONE 0. Inap. (No credit cards) For the public-use data set, the number of credit cards is top-coded at 20. 412 (#1) B7-A. During the last month, roughly how much were the new 420 (#2) charges made to (this/all these) (TYPE) account(s)? 423 (#3) 426 (#4) 429 (#5) Code $ amount -1. NONE 0. Inap. (No credit cards, no TYPE cards) 413 (#1) B8-A. After the last payment(s) (was/were) made on (this/these) 421 (#2) account(s), roughly what was the balance still owed on 424 (#3) (this/all these) (TYPE) account(s)? 427 (#4) 430 (#5) Code $ amount -1. NONE 0. Inap. (No credit cards, no TYPE cards) 414 (#1) B9. What is the maximum amount you could borrow on (this/all of these) bank-type account(s); that is, what is your total credit limit? Code actual amount -1. NONE/No limit 0. Inap. (No credit cards, no bank-type cards) 415 (#1a) B10. Please look at Card A. (Is this/are these) with any of 416 (#1b) the institution(s) on Card A, or from someplace else? 417 (#1c) (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY.) [IF CARD A: Which 418 (#1d) institution(s)?] [IF "SOMEPLACE ELSE": What type(s) of institution(s)?] Code up to 4 mentions See FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS master reference list 0. Inap. (No credit cards, no bank-type cards, no additional institutions) 9082(#1a) R. Type of institution 9151(#1b) 9152(#1c) Code type of intsitution 9153(#1d) See FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS master reference list 0. Inap. (No credit cards, no bank-type cards, no additional institutions) 432 B12. Thinking only about bank cards or store cards, do you almost always, sometimes, or hardly ever pay off the total balance owed on the account each month? 1. ALMOST ALWAYS 3. SOMETIMES 5. HARDLY EVER 0. Inap. (No credit cards, no bank or store credit cards) Top of Page ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRINCIPAL RESIDENCE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 501 D1. INTERVIEWER CHECKPOINT 1. R LIVES ON A RANCH OR FARM 2. R LIVES IN A MOBILE HOME 3. ALL OTHERS R LIVES ON FARM/RANCH 502 D2. Now I have some questions about this property. About how many acres is this (farm/ranch)? Code ACRES For the public-use data set, the number of acres is top-coded at 50000, and rounded to the nearest 5. 0. Inap. (Does not live on a farm) 503 D3. Do you (or anyone in your family living here) operate a farming or ranching business on this property? 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. (Does not live on a farm) 504 D3a. Do you (or anyone in your family living here) rent out any part of this property to others? 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. (Does not live on a farm, farm business) 505 D3b. How much rent do you collect each month?--$ AMOUNT Code actual amount -7. Other; non-cash rent 0. Inap. (Does not live on a farm, farm business, no rent) 506 D3b. PER 2. Week 3. Biweekly 4. Month 5. Quarter 6. Year -7. Other 0. Inap. (Does not live on a farm, farm business, no rent) 507 D4. What part of this property is used for the farming or ranching business? Code PERCENT to 2 decimal places 9995. ALMOST ALL -1. VERY LITTLE 0. Inap. (Does not live on a farm, no farm business) 508 D5. What is the legal ownership status of this (farm/ranch). Do you (or your family living here) own this (farm/ranch), do you own part of it, do you rent it, is it all owned by a business, or what? 1. OWNS ALL 2. OWNS PART 3. RENTS 4. OWNED BY A BUSINESS -7. OTHER 0. Inap. (Does not live on a farm, no farm business) R OWNS ENTIRE FARM 509 D5a. Does the (farming/ranching) business pay any rent for the use of the property? 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. (Does not live on a farm, no farm business, does not own entire farm) 510 D5b. How much rent do you (or your family living here) collect each month?--$ AMOUNT Code actual amount -7. Other; not-cash rent 0. Inap. (Does not live on a farm, no farm business, does not own entire farm, business does not pay rent) 511 D5b. PER 2. Week 3. Biweekly 4. Month 5. Quarter 6. Year -7. Other 0. Inap. (Does not live on a farm, no farm business, does not own entire farm, business does not pay rent) 512 D5c. Could you tell me the present value of this house and the immediately surrounding land? I mean, about what would it bring if it were sold today? Code actual amount 0. Inap. (Does not live on a farm, no farm business, does not own entire farm) 513 D5d. I will ask you more about the business operation later. The rest of the questions in this section will refer to the entire property. Could you tell me the present value of this entire property--that is, what would it bring if it were sold today? Code actual amount 0. Inap. (Does not live on a farm, no farm business, does not own entire farm) FARM OWNED BY A BUSINESS 514 D5e. Do you (or your family living here) pay the business any rent for this house? 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. (Does not live on a farm, no farm business, farm not owned by a business) 515 D5f. In what month and year did you move into this (farm/ranch)?--MONTH Code MONTH 0. Inap. (Does not live on a farm, no farm business, farm not owned by a business) 516 D5f. In what month and year did you move into this (farm/ranch)?--YEAR Code YEAR 1901. 1901 or earlier 0. Inap. (Does not live on a farm, no farm business, farm not owned by a business) R OWNS PART OF FARM/RANCH 517 D6. Does the (farming/ranching) business pay you (or your family living here) any rent for the use of the property? 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. (Does not live on a farm, no farm business, does not own part of farm) 518 D6a. How much rent do you (or your family living here) collect each month? Code actual amount -7. Other 0. Inap. (Does not live on a farm, no farm business, does not own part of farm, farm does not pay rent) 519 D6a. PER 2. Week 3. Biweekly 4. Month 5. Quarter 6. Year -7. Other 0. Inap. (Does not live on a farm, no farm business, does not own part of farm, farm does not pay rent) 520 D7. Do you (or anyone in your family living here) pay any rent for this property? 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. (Does not live on a farm, no farm business, does not own part of farm) 521 D7a. How much rent do you (or your family living here) pay each month? Code actual amount -7. Other 0. Inap. (Does not live on a farm, no farm business, does not own part of farm, does not pay rent) 522 D7a. PER 2. Week 3. Biweekly 4. Month 5. Quarter 6. Year -7. Other 0. Inap. (Does not live on a farm, no farm business, does not own part of farm, does not pay rent) 523 D8. I will ask you more about the business operation later. Now I'd like to ask about the part of the property that you (and your family living here) personally own. About what percent of the total property is that? Code PERCENT to 2 decimal places 0. Inap. (Does not live on a farm, no farm business, does not own part of farm) 524 D9. Do you (or anyone in your family living here) own this house and the immediately surrounding land? 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. (Does not live on a farm, no farm business, does not own part of farm) 525 D9a. Could you tell me the present value of just this house and lot? I mean, about what would it bring if it were sold today? Code actual amount 0. Inap. (Does not live on a farm, no farm business, does not own part of farm) 526 D10. Could you tell me the present value of the entire part of the property you own? I mean, what would it bring if it were sold today? Code actual amount 0. Inap. (Does not live on a farm, no farm business, does not own part of farm) R LIVES IN MOBILE HOME 601 D11. Now I have some questions about your home. Do you (or your family living here) own both this mobile home and site or lot, do you own only the mobile home, do you own only the site, do you rent both the home and site, or what? 1. OWN BOTH HOME AND SITE 2. OWN ONLY SITE 3. OWN ONLY HOME 4. RENT BOTH -7. NEITHER OWNS NOR RENTS 0. Inap. R OWNS ONLY SITE 602 D11a. About how much rent do you pay on this home each month? Code actual amount -1. Nothing; zero -7. Other 0. Inap. (Does not liven in mobile home, other than owns only site of mobile home) 603 D11a. PER 2. Week 3. Biweekly 4. Month 5. Quarter 6. Year -7. Other 0. Inap. (Does not liven in mobile home, other than owns only site of mobile home) 604 D11b. Could you tell me the present value of the site? I mean, about what would it bring if it were sold today? Code actual amount 0. Inap. (Does not liven in mobile home, other than owns only site of mobile home) 605 D11c. In what month and year was this site purchased?--MONTH Code MONTH 0. Inap. (Does not liven in mobile home, other than owns only site of mobile home) 606 D11c. In what month and year was this site purchased?--YEAR Code YEAR 0. Inap. (Does not liven in mobile home, other than owns only site of mobile home) 607 D11d. How much did this site cost when it was purchased? Code actual amount 0. Inap. (Does not liven in mobile home, other than owns only site of mobile home) 608 D11d. GIFT/INHERITANCE 1. Checked 5. Not checked 0. Inap. (Does not liven in mobile home, other than owns only site of mobile home) R NEITHER OWNS NOR RENTS MOBILE HOME 609 D11e. How is that? 1. Housing is part of job compensation; live-in servant; housekeeper; gardener; farm laborer 2. Housing is a gift paid for by someone outside HU; owned by relative outside HU; R pays only taxes 3. Sold home, has not moved yet 4. Living in house which will inherit; estate in process 5. Living in temporary quarters (garage, shed) while home is under construction -7. Other 0. Inap. (Does not liven in mobile home, owns or rents mobile home) 610 D11f. In what month and year did you move into this mobile home? --MONTH Code MONTH 0. Inap. (Does not liven in mobile home, owns or rents mobile home) 611 D11f. In what month and year did you move into this mobile home? --YEAR Code YEAR 0. Inap. (Does not liven in mobile home, owns or rents mobile home) R OWNS ONLY MOBILE HOME 612 D12. About how much rent do you pay on this site each month? Code actual amount -1. Zero; pays no rent -7. Other 0. Inap. (Does not liven in mobile home, other than owns only mobile home) 613 D12. PER 2. Week 3. Biweekly 4. Month 5. Quarter 6. Year -7. Other 0. Inap. (Does not liven in mobile home, other than owns only mobile home) 614 D12a. Could you tell me the present value of this mobile home? I mean, about what would it bring if it were sold today? Code actual amount 0. Inap. (Does not liven in mobile home, other than owns only mobile home) 615 D12b. In what month and year was this mobile home purchased? --MONTH Code MONTH 0. Inap. (Does not liven in mobile home, other than owns only mobile home) 616 D12b. In what month and year was this mobile home purchased? --YEAR Code YEAR 0. Inap. (Does not liven in mobile home, other than owns only mobile home) 617 D12c. How much did this mobile home cost when it was purchased? Code actual amount 0. Inap. (Does not liven in mobile home, other than owns only mobile home) 618 D12c. GIFT/INHERITANCE 1. Checked 5. Not checked 0. Inap. (Does not liven in mobile home, other than owns only mobile home) R RENTS MOBILE HOME AND SITE 619 D13. About how much rent do you pay on this home and site each month? Code actual amount -7. Other 0. Inap. (Does not liven in mobile home, does not rent mobile home and site) 620 D13. PER 2. Week 3. Biweekly 4. Month 5. Quarter 6. Year -7. Other 0. Inap. (Does not liven in mobile home, does not rent mobile home and site) 621 D13a. In what month and year did you move into this mobile home? --MONTH Code MONTH 0. Inap. (Does not liven in mobile home, does not rent mobile home and site) 622 D13a. In what month and year did you move into this mobile home? --YEAR Code YEAR 0. Inap. (Does not liven in mobile home, does not rent mobile home and site) R OWNS BOTH MOBILE HOME AND SITE 623 D14. Could you tell me the present value of this home and site? I mean, about what would they bring if they were sold today? Code actual amount 0. Inap. (Does not liven in mobile home, does not own mobile home and site) 624 D15. Were the site and mobile home purchased separately? 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. (Does not liven in mobile home, does not own mobile home and site) 625 D15a. In what month and year was this mobile home purchased? --MONTH Code MONTH 0. Inap. (Does not liven in mobile home, does not own mobile home and site, mobile home and site purchased together) 626 D15a. In what month and year was this mobile home purchased? --YEAR Code YEAR 0. Inap. (Does not liven in mobile home, does not own mobile home and site, mobile home and site purchased together) 627 D15b. How much did the mobile home cost when it was purchased? Code actual amount 0. Inap. (Does not liven in mobile home, does not own mobile home and site, mobile home and site purchased together) 628 D15b. GIFT/INHERITANCE 1. Checked 5. Not checked 0. Inap. (Does not liven in mobile home, does not own mobile home and site, mobile home and site purchased together) 629 D15c. In what month and year was this site purchased?--MONTH Code MONTH 0. Inap. (Does not liven in mobile home, does not own mobile home and site, mobile home and site purchased together) 630 D15c. In what month and year was this site purchased?--YEAR Code YEAR 0. Inap. (Does not liven in mobile home, does not own mobile home and site, mobile home and site purchased together) 631 D15d. How much did this site cost when it was purchased? Code actual amount 0. Inap. (Does not liven in mobile home, does not own mobile home and site, mobile home and site purchased together) 632 D15d. GIFT/INHERITANCE 1. Checked 5. Not checked 9. NA 0. Inap. (Does not liven in mobile home, does not own mobile home and site, mobile home and site purchased together) 633 D15e. In what month and year was this mobile home and site purchased?--MONTH Code MONTH 0. Inap. (Does not liven in mobile home, does not own mobile home and site, mobile home and site purchased separately) 634 D15e. In what month and year was this mobile home and site purchased?--YEAR Code YEAR 0. Inap. (Does not liven in mobile home, does not own mobile home and site, mobile home and site purchased separately) 635 D15f. How much did the mobile home and site cost when they were purchased? Code actual amount 0. Inap. (Does not liven in mobile home, does not own mobile home and site, mobile home and site purchased separately) 636 D15f. GIFT/INHERITANCE 1. Checked 5. Not checked 0. Inap. (Does not liven in mobile home, does not own mobile home and site, mobile home and site purchased separately) 701 D16. Now I have some questions about your home. Do you (and your family living here) own this (house and lot/apartment/farm/ranch), do you pay rent, do you own it as a part of a condo, co-op, townhouse association, or what? 1. OWNS OR IS BUYING; LAND CONTRACT 2. PAYS RENT 3. CONDO 4. CO-OP 5. TOWNHOUSE ASSOC. -7. NEITHER OWNS NOR RENTS 0. Inap. (Lives on farm run as business, lives in mobile home) 703 D16b. How much are your condo/co-op/townhouse association) fees? Code actual amount -1. NONE/No regular payment/No typical payment 0. Inap. (Lives on farm run as business, lives in mobile home, house not condo/co-op/townhouse) 704 D16b. PER 2. Week 3. Biweekly 4. Month 5. Quarter 6. Year -7. Other 0. Inap. (Lives on farm run as business, lives in mobile home, house not condo/co-op/townhouse) R NEITHER OWNS NOR RENTS 705 D16c. How is that? 1. Housing is part of job compensation; live-in servant; housekeeper; gardener; farm laborer 2. Housing is a gift paid for by someone outside HU; owned by relative outside HU; R pays only taxes 3. Sold home, has not moved yet 4. Living in house which will inherit; estate in process 5. Living in temporary quarters (garage, shed) while home is under construction -7. Other 0. Inap. (Lives on farm run as business, lives in mobile home, owns or rents house) For the public-use data set, Living in house which will inherit (4) and Other (-7) are combined in -7. 706 D16d. In what month and year did you move into this home?--MONTH Code MONTH 0. Inap. (Lives on farm run as business, lives in mobile home, owns or rents house) 707 D16d. In what month and year did you move into this home?--YEAR Code YEAR 0. Inap. (Lives on farm run as business, lives in mobile home, owns or rents house) For the public-use data set, the year is rounded to the nearest 5. R PAYS RENT 708 D17. How much rent do you pay a month for this (house/ apartment/farm/ranch)? Code actual amount -2. Rental housing fully subsidized -1. Tenant farmer and rent not given in dollars 0. Inap. (Lives on farm run as business and does not rent farm, lives in mobile home, does not rent house) 709 D17. PER 2. Week 3. Biweekly 4. Month 5. Quarter 6. Year -7. Other 0. Inap. (Lives on farm run as business and does not rent farm, lives in mobile home, does not rent house) 710 D17a. Does that include some or all utilities? 1. YES, ALL 3. YES, SOME 5. NO 0. Inap. (Lives on farm run as business and does not rent farm, lives in mobile home, does not rent house) 711 D17b. Do you rent it furnished or unfurnished? 1. FURNISHED 3. PARTIALLY FURNISHED 5. UNFURNISHED 0. Inap. (Lives on farm run as business and does not rent farm, lives in mobile home, does not rent house) 712 D17c. In what month and year did you move into this (house/ apartment/farm/ranch)?--MONTH Code MONTH 0. Inap. (Lives on farm run as business and does not rent farm, lives in mobile home, does not rent house) 713 D17c. In what month and year did you move into this (house/ apartment/farm/ranch)?--YEAR Code YEAR 0. Inap. (Lives on farm run as business and does not rent farm, lives in mobile home, does not rent house) For the public-use data set, the year is rounded to the nearest 5. R LIVES IN MULTIPLE HU STRUCTURE 702 D16a. INTERVIEWER CHECKPOINT: OBSERVATION 1. R LIVES IN MULTIPLE HU STRUCTURE 2. ALL OTHERS 0. Inap. (Lives on farm run as business, lives in mobile home) 714 D18. Do you own the entire building or just your unit? 1. ENTIRE BUILDING 2. JUST R'S UNIT 0. Inap. (Lives on farm run as business, lives in mobile home, does not own house, does not live in a multiple HU structure) 715 D18a. The next few questions are about the entire property. How many housing units are in this building? Code UNITS 95. 95 units or more 0. Inap. (Lives on farm run as business, lives in mobile home, does not own house, does not live in a multiple HU structure) ALL HOMEOWNERS EXCEPT MOBILE HOMES/FARMS OWNED BY A BUSINESS 716 D19. What is the present value of this (home and land/ apartment/property)? I mean, about what would it bring if it were sold today? (IWER: PROPERTY REFERS TO WHATEVER PART R OWNS OF THEIR HOUSE AND LOT, APARTMENT, BUILDING, FARM, RANCH, MOBILE HOME, AND SITE.) Code actual amount 0. Inap. (Lives on farm run as business, lives in mobile home, does not own house) 717 D20. How much did it cost when it was purchased? Code actual amount 0. Inap. (Lives on farm owned by a business, rents farm, lives in mobile home, does not own house) 718 D20. GIFT/INHERITANCE 1. Checked 5. Not checked 0. Inap. (Lives on farm owned by a business, rents farm, lives in mobile home, does not own house) 719 D21. In what month and year was it purchased?--MONTH Code MONTH 0. Inap. (Lives on farm owned by a business, rents farm, lives in mobile home, does not own house) 720 D21. In what month and year was it purchased?--YEAR Code YEAR 0. Inap. (Lives on farm owned by a business, rents farm, lives in mobile home, does not own house) For the public-use data set, the year is rounded to the nearest 5. 721 D22. What are the real estate taxes per year on this (home and land/apartment/property)? Code actual amount -1. NONE/No regular payment/No typical payment 0. Inap. (Lives on farm owned by a business, rents farm, does not own house) 722 D22. PER 2. Week 3. Biweekly 4. Month 5. Quarter 6. Year -7. Other 0. Inap. (Lives on farm owned by a business, rents farm, lives in mobile home, does not own house) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRINCIPAL RESIDENCE MORTGAGES/LAND CONTRACTS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 723(1) D23. Is there a mortgage or land contract on this (home and land/apartment/ property)? (IF R ASKS, DO NOT INCLUDE HOME EQUITY LOANS OR LINES OF CREDIT) 1. YES, MORTGAGE 2. YES, LAND CONTRACT 5. NO 0. Inap. (Not homeowner) 830(2) D40. Do you have a second mortgage or a land contract on this property? (Please do not include any home equity lines of credit.) 1. YES, 2ND MORTGAGE 2. YES, LAND CONTRACT 5. NO 0. Inap. (Not homeowner, no first loan) 931(3) D40a. Do you have any other loans that use this property as collateral? (Please do not include any home equity lines of credit.) 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. (Not homeowner, no second loan) 724 D24. Is the first or main mortgage a federally guaranteed mortgage, such as FHA or VA? 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. (Not homeowner, no loan, 1st loan is land contract) 725 D24a. Does this mortgage carry any type of private mortgage insurance or PMI against default? (IF R ASKS: DO NOT INCLUDE MORTGAGE LIFE INSURANCE.) 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. (Not homeowner, no loan, 1st loan is land contract, FHA/VA loan) 726 D25. Is it an FHA mortgage, a VA mortgage, or is it from some other program? 1. FHA (Federal Housing Admin.) 2. VA 3. Federal Land Bank 4. "Fannie Mae" (Federal National Mortgage Assn) 5. "Freddie Mac" (Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp) -7. OTHER 0. Inap. (Not homeowner, no loan 1st loan is land contract, not FHA/VA loan) 727 D26. Why did you choose this type of loan? 728 CREDIT TERMS/COST OF LOAN 1. Interest rate--low(er)/reasonable/best available rates 4. Finance charges low(er) or none (other than interest or NA if includes interest) 5. Amount of the down payment 6. Size of (monthly) payments; payment amount; longer contracts--more time to pay off loan 9. Easier to get credit--require less information/ collateral; less stringent rules for giving credit; get credit approval faster; no red tape 25. Credit terms/arrangements--NA what; "affordable terms" 26. Give the best (a better) deal--NA how 29. Other credit terms or cost of loan CHARACTERISTICS OF CREDIT INSTITUTION 31. Good reputation--reputable, well known; honest; stable; reliable; experienced; professional 41. Availability of credit: "they would lend me the money"; "I could qualify for a loan"; "only place I could get a loan"; was eligible; qualified; a veteran (VA loan) 49. Other characteristics of credit institution MISCELLANEOUS 80. No choice; only source/lender/institution (not 41); "only place in town" 81. Familiarity; R has previous/good experience dealing with institution; has (other) accounts there, been treated well/fairly in past; am a credit union member 83. Recommended or arranged by dealer/store/contractor/ realtor 84. Recommended by others 88. Convenient/Easy--n.e.c. 90. Reason for lender choice related to item purchased-- "assumed mortgage" (i.e., lender choice already made when R chose this house) (low priority) 91. Like/Trust them--NA why -7. Other 0. Inap. (Not homeowner, no loan, 1st loan is land contract, not FHA/VA loan) 801(1) D27. About the (mortgage/land contract/second mortage/other 901(2) loan), in what month and year was it obtained or last 1001(3) refinanced?--MONTH Code MONTH 0. Inap. (Not homeowner, no loan, no further loans) 802(1) D27. About the (mortgage/land contract/second mortage/other 902(2) loan), in what month and year was it obtained or last 1002(3) refinanced?--YEAR Code YEAR 0. Inap. (Not homeowner, no loan, no further loans) For the public-use data set, the year for the first variable is bottom-coded at 1955. 803(1) D27a. Was this (mortgage/land contract) assumed from the 903(2) previous owner? 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. (Not homeowner, no loan, no further loans) 804(1) D28. How much was borrowed or refinanced? 904(2) 1004(3) Code actual amount 0. Inap. (Not homeowner, no loan, no further loans) 805(1) D29. How much is still owed on this loan? 905(2) 1005(3) Code actual amount 0. Inap. (Not homeowner, no loan, no further loans) 806(1) D30. How many years or payments were agreed upon when the loan 906(2) was taken out or refinanced?--# YEARS 1006(3) Code # YEARS -1. NO SET # 0. Inap. (Not homeowner, no loan, no further loans) 807(1) D30. How many years or payments were agreed upon when the loan 907(2) was taken out or refinanced?--# PAYMENTS 1007(3) Code # PAYMENTS 0. Inap. (Not homeowner, no loan, no further loans) 9154(1) R. Term of loan in months 9155(2) 9156(3) Code # MONTHS 0. Inap. (Not homeowner, no loan, no further loans) 808(1) D31. How much are the payments and how often are they due? 908(2) 1008(3) Code actual amount -1. NO REG. PAYMENTS 0. Inap. (Not homeowner, no loan, no further loans, no set # payments) 809(1) D31. PER 909(2) 1009(3) 2. Week 3. Biweekly 4. Month 5. Quarter 6. Year -7. Other 0. Inap. (Not homeowner, no loan, no further loans, no set # payments) 810(1) D32. Do the payments include property taxes or insurance? (Which?) 1. TAXES ONLY 2. INSURANCE ONLY 3. BOTH 4. NEITHER 0. Inap. (Not homeowner, no loan, no further loans, no set # payments, no regular payments) 811(1) D33. Will the regular payments repay the loan completely, or 911(2) will there be a balance payable, or "balloon" payment, 1011(3) when the loan is due? 1. REPAY COMPLETELY 2. BALLOON 0. Inap. (Not homeowner, no loan, no further loans, no set # payments, no regular payments) 812(1) D33a. What will the balance due or balloon payment be? 912(2) 1012(3) Code actual amount 0. Inap. (Not homeowner, no loan, no further loans, no set # payments, no regular payments, no balloon) 813(1) D34. What is the typical payment and how often is it made? 913(2) 1013(3) Code actual amount -1. NO TYPICAL PAYMENTS 0. Inap. (Not homeowner; no loan; no further loans; set number of payments and regular payments) 814(1) D34. PER 914(2) 1014(3) 2. Week 3. Biweekly 4. Month 5. Quarter 6. Year -7. Other 0. Inap. (Not homeowner; no loan; no further loans; set number of payments and regular payments) 815(1) D34a. When do you expect this loan to be repaid? 915(2) 1015(3) Code YEAR -1. NEVER; won't ever be repaid 0. Inap. (Not homeowner; no loan; no further loans; set number of payments and regular payments) 816(1) D35. What is the current annual rate of interest being charged 916(2) on the loan? 1016(3) Code % to 2 decimal places (ex. 10 3/4 = 1075) -1. Zero; no interest 0. Inap. (Not homeowner, no loan, no further loans) 817(1) D36. Please look at Card A. Is the loan with any of the 917(2) institutions on Card A, or from someplace else? (IF CARD 1017(3) A: Which institution?) (IF SOMEPLACE ELSE: What type of institution is that?) See FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS master reference list 0. Inap. (Not homeowner, no loan, no further loans) 9083(1) R. Type of institution in X817 9084(2) 9085(3) See FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS master reference list 0. Inap. (Not homeowner, no loan, no further loans) 918(2) D37. Was the money from this loan used for the purchase of this 1018(3) home or for some other purpose? (What other purpose?) Use LOAN PURPOSE Master Code, except: 0. Inap. (Not homeowner, no loan, no further loans) 819(1) D38. (RB, P. 1) What is the most important reason you chose this lender? (Was it because they were recommended to you, had low interest rates, because of the location of their offices, because you had done other business with them, because it was easier to qualify for the loan, or for some other reason?) 1. RECOMMENDED 2. LOW INTEREST 3. LOCATION 4. OTHER BUSINESS 5. EASY TO QUALIFY; only place that would give us a loan 6. Many services at one location 7. Low fees/service charges 8. Safety 9. Other convenience mentions: payroll deduction feature; "convenience"--NFS 11. Personal relationship; they know me; know/like them 21. No choice--assumed existing debt and lender from previous owner 22. No choice--financed through contractor/developer/ prev. owner/builder and this was their financial institution 23. No choice--mortgage sold/transferred -7. OTHER including combinations 0. Inap. (Not homeowner, no loan) 820(1) D39. (Not using the booklet) Is this an adjustable rate 920(2) (mortgage/loan); that is, does it have an interest rate 1020(3) that can rise or fall from time time? 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. (Not homeowner, no loan) 821(1) D39a. Does the change in your interest rate depend on some other interest rate? 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. (Not homeowner, no loan, not adjustable rate) 822(1) D39b. On what other rate does it depend? 1. Consumer Price Index; "CPI"; "cost of living" 2. GNP (Gross National Produce) Deflater 3. Prime (interest) Rate 4. Treasury Bill Rate; "T-Bill rate" 5. "Current rate" or "going rate"--NFS 6. District/regional rate 11. FHLBB (Fed. Home Loan Bank Board) 12. FSLIC (Fed. Savings and Loan Ins. Corp.) -7. Other 0. Inap. (Not homeowner, no loan, not adjustable rate, rate doe not depend on another rate) 823(1) D39c. How often can your interest rate change? Code number of times 7. Seven times or more 0. Inap. (Not homeowner, no loan, not adjustable rate) 824(1) D39c. PER 1. Once per 2 years 2. Once per 3 years 3. Once per 5 years 4. Month 5. Quarter 6. Year -7. Other 8. Lump sum/one payment only/in total 0. Inap. (Not homeowner, no loan, not adjustable rate) 825(1) D39d. When the interest rate changes, will the size of your monthly payments change at the same time? 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. (Not homeowner, no loan, not adjustable rate) 826(1) D39e. What is the most the rate can rise at any one time? (POINTS = PERCENTAGE POINTS) Code % to 2 decimal places (ex. 10 3/4 = 1075) -2. NO LIMIT 0. Inap. (Not homeowner, no loan, not adjustable rate) 827(1) D39f. What is the highest the rate can go over the life of the loan? Code % to 2 decimal places -2. NO LIMIT 0. Inap. (Not homeowner, no loan, not adjustable rate) 828(1) D39g. What was the interest rate on this mortgage when you first got it? Code % to 2 decimal places 0. Inap. (Not homeowner, no loan, not adjustable rate) 829(1) D39m. Is this a convertible mortgage; that is do you have an option to convert it to a mortgage with a fixed interest rate? 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. (Not homeowner, no loan, not adjustable rate) FOR OTHER LOANS ASSOCIATED WITH HOME PURCHASE, SEE "CONSUMER LOANS" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LINES OF CREDIT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1101 D52. Do you (or anyone in your family living here) have a home equity line of credit, or any other lines of credit, not counting credit cards or business lines of credit? Please include such lines of credit even if you are not currently drawing against them. (IF R ASKS: A LINE OF CREDIT IS A FORMAL AGREEMENT WITH A LENDER THAT ALLOWS R TO BORROW UP TO AN AGREED UPON LIMIT AND PAY IT OFF AS R DESIRES. A HOME EQUITY LINE OF CREDIT IS A LINE OF CREDIT SECURED BY THE EQUITY IN R'S HOME.) (ASKED OF HOMEOWNERS) D68. Do you (or anyone in your family living here) have any lines of credit, not counting credit cards or business lines of credit? Please include such lines of credit even if you are not currently drawing against them. (IF R ASKS: A LINE OF CREDIT IS A FORMAL AGREEMENT WITH A LENDER THAT ALLOWS R TO BORROW UP TO A SPECIFIED LIMIT AND PAY IT OFF AS R DESIRES.) (ASKED OF NON-HOMEOWNERS) 1. YES 5. NO 1102 D53. How many lines of credit do you (and your family living here) have? (ASKED OF HOMEOWNERS; INFERRED FOR NON- HOMEOWNERS) Code # LINES OF CREDIT 0. Inap. (No lines of credit) 1302 D68a. Altogether, what is the maximum amount you could borrow on these lines of credit? (ASKED FOR NON-HOMEOWNERS; INFERRED FOR HOMEOWNERS) Code actual amount 0. Inap. (No lines of credit) 1303 D68b. Are you currently borrowing any money against such lines of credit? (ASKED OF NON-HOMEOWNERS; INFERRED FOR HOMEOWNERS) 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. (No lines of credit) 1308 D68d. How many such lines of credit are you currently borrowing against? ASKED OF NON-HOMEOWNERS; INFERRED FOR HOMEOWNERS) Code # LINES OF CREDIT (LOC) 0. Inap. (No lines of credit, not borrowing) 1103 (#1) D53a. Is (this/the largest/next) line of credit secured by the 1114 (#2) equity in your home? 1125 (#3) 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. (No lines of credit, no further lines of credit) 1104 D53b. What is the maximum amount you could borrow on this line 1115 of credit? 1126 Code actual amount 0. Inap. (No lines of credit, no further lines of credit) 1105 D53c. Are you currently borrowing any money against this line of 1116 credit? (AKSED FOR HOMEOWNERS; INFERRED FOR NON-HOMEOWNERS) 1127 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. (No lines of credit, no further lines of credit) 1106 (#1a) D53d. What was the money used for? (What was its major use?) 1107 (#1b) (ASKED FOR HOMEOWNERS) 1117 (#2a) D70. What was the (largest/next) line of credit used for? 1118 (#2b) (What was its major purpose?) (ASKED FOR NON-HOMEOWNERS) 1128 (#3a) 1129 (#3b) Use LOAN PURPOSE Master Code, except: 0. Inap. (No lines of credit, not borrowing, no further lines of credit) 1108 D53e./D71. How much is currently owed? 1119 1130 Code actual amount 0. Inap. (No lines of credit, not borrowing, no further lines of credit) 1109 D53f./D72. What is the typical payment and how often is it made? 1120 1131 Code actual amount -1. NO TYPICAL PAYMENTS 0. Inap. (No lines of credit, not borrowing, no further lines of credit) 1110 D53f./D72. PER 1121 1132 2. Week 3. Biweekly 4. Month 5. Quarter 6. Year -7. Other 0. Inap. (No lines of credit, not borrowing, no further lines of credit) 1111 D53g./D73. What is the current annual rate of interest being 1122 charged on this loan? 1133 Code % 0. Inap. (No lines of credit, not borrowing, no further lines of credit) 1112 D53h./D74. (Please look at Card A.) Is this line of credit with 1123 any of the institutions on Card A, or from someplace else? 1134 (IF CARD A: Which institution?) ???? (IF SOMEPLACE ELSE: What type of institution is that? (ASKED OF RESPONDENTS WHO WERE HOMEHOWNERS WHO WERE BORROWING ON LINE OF CREDIT) D68c. (Please look at Card A.) Are these lines of credit with any of the institutions on Card A, or from someplace else? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY.) (IF CARD A: Which institutions?) (IF SOMEPLACE ELSE: What types of institutions are they? (ASKED OF NON-HOMEOWNERS WHO WERE NOT BORROWING ON ANY LINES OF CREDIT) See FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS master reference list 0. Inap. (No lines of credit, not borrowing, no further lines of credit) 9087 R: Type of institution 9088 9089 8096 (4th possibility at D68c) See FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS master reference list 0. Inap. (No lines of credit, not borrowing, no further lines of credit) 1136 D53m./D76. What is the total amount that you (and your family living here) currently owe on all other remaining lines of credit? Code actual amount -1. Nothing; zero 0. Inap. (No lines of credit, no further lines of credit) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADDITIONS AND IMPROVEMENTS TO PRINCIPAL RESIDENCE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1201 D54. Have you (and your family living here) ever made any major additions or done extensive remodeling to this property? 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. (Not homeowner) 1202 D54a. Roughly what was the total cost of all such major additions or remodeling? Code actual amount 0. Inap. (Not homeowner, no home improvements) FOR LOANS ASSOCIATED WITH HOME IMPROVEMENTS, SEE "CONSUMER LOANS" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- RENT OUT PART OF PRINCIPAL RESIDENCE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1223 D67. Do you or anyone in your family here) rent out any portion of this (house or lot/apartment/mobile home/building) to others? (ASKED OF RS WHO DO NOT LIVE ON FARM/RANCH) 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. (Not homeowner, lives on farm or ranch) 1224 D67a. How much rent do you collect each month? Code actual amount -7. Other 0. Inap. (Not homeowner, lives on farm or ranch, no rent) 1225 D67a. PER 2. Week 3. Biweekly 4. Month 5. Quarter 6. Year -7. Other 0. Inap. (Not homeowner, lives on farm or ranch, no rent) Top of Page ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LAND CONTRACTS AND NOTES FOR REAL ESTATE SALES ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1401 E1. Have you (or anyone in your family living here) ever sold real estate for which you loaned money to the buyer? Please include accepting a note, land contract or mortgage from the buyer. (IF YES, SAY: We do not want to include any property owned by a business which you own or have an interest in.) 1. YES 5. NO 1402 E2. Does the buyer still owe (you/your family) money on any of these notes, land contracts, or mortgages? 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. (Never sold real estate) 1403 E2a. Altogether, on how many such loans (are you/is your family) owed money? Code # NOTES/LAND CONTRACTS/MORTGAGES 95. 95 or more 0. Inap. (Never sold real estate, no money still owed) For the public-use data set, the number of such loans is top-coded at 20. LOAN/LAND CONTRACT 1404 E3. (About the [largest/next] loan ...) Is it a land 1504 contract, a mortgage, or a note? 1604 1. LAND CONTRACT 2. MORTGAGE 3. NOTE 0. Inap. (Never sold real estate, no money still owed, no other loan) 1405 E4. How much are you (and your family) owed on this note? 1505 1605 Code actual amount 0. Inap. (Never sold real estate, no money still owed, no other loan, type of loan is mortgage) 1406 E5. In what month and year was this (mortgage/land contract) 1506 taken out?--MONTH 1606 Code MONTH 0. Inap. (Never sold real estate, no money still owed, no other loan, type of loan is note) 1407 E5. In what month and year was this (mortgage/land contract) 1507 taken out?--YEAR 1607 Code YEAR 0. Inap. (Never sold real estate, no money still owed, no other loan, type of loan is note) 1408 E6. How much did (you/your family) lend the borrower? 1508 1608 Code actual amount 0. Inap. (Never sold real estate, no money still owed, no other loan, type of loan is note) 1409 E7. How much is still owed on this (mortgage/land contract)? 1509 1609 Code actual amount 0. Inap. (Never sold real estate, no money still owed, no other loan, type of loan is note) 1410 E8. How much are the (mortgage/land contract) payments and how 1510 often are they due? 1610 Code actual amount -1. NO REGULAR PAYMENTS 0. Inap. (Never sold real estate, no money still owed, no other loan, type of loan is note) 1411 E8. PER 1511 1611 2. Week 3. Biweekly 4. Month 5. Quarter 6. Year -7. Other 9. NA 0. Inap. (Never sold real estate, no money still owed, no other loan, type of loan is note, no regular payments) 1412 E9. How many years or payments were agreed upon when the 1512 (mortgage/land contract) was taken out?--# YRS 1612 Code # YRS -1. NO SET NUMBER 0. Inap. (Never sold real estate, no money still owed, no other loan, type of loan is note, no regular payments) 1413 E9. How many years or payments were agreed upon when the 1513 (mortgage/land contract) was taken out?--# PAYMENTS 1613 Code # PAYMENTS 0. Inap. (Never sold real estate, no money still owed, no other loan, type of loan is note, no regular payments) 1414 E10. Will the regular payments pay off the (mortgage/land 1514 contract) completely or will there be a balance payable or 1614 "balloon" when the (mortgage/land contact) is due? 1. REPAY COMPLETELY 5. BALLOON 0. Inap. (Never sold real estate, no money still owed, no other loan, type of loan is note, no regular payments) 1415 E10a. What will the balance payable or balloon payment be? 1515 1615 Code actual amount 0. Inap. (Never sold real estate, no money still owed, no other loan, type of loan is note, no regular payments, no balloon) 1416 E11. Do you (or your family living here) still owe any money on 1516 loans for this property? 1616 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. (Never sold real estate, no money still owed, no other loan) 1417 E11a. How much do you still owe? 1517 1617 Code actual amount 0. Inap. (Never sold real estate, no money still owed, no other loan, nothing still owed) 1619 E13. About how much in total is owed to (you/your family) on the remaining notes, land contracts or mortgages? Code actual amount 0. Inap. (Never sold real estate, no money still owed, no other loan) 1620 E13a. Do you (or your family here) still owe any money on loans for these other properties? 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. (Never sold real estate, no money still owed, no other loan) 1621 E13b. Altogether how much (do you/does your family) still owe? Code actual amount 0. Inap. (Never sold real estate, no money still owed, no other loan, nothing still owed) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- OTHER REAL ESTATE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1700 E14. Do you (or anyone in your family living here) own any (other) real estate such as a lot, vacation home, apartment building, commercial property, including properties owned in partnership with other people? (IF YES SAY: We do not want to include any property owned by a business that you have an interest in, or any limited partnerships.) 1. YES 5. NO 1701 E15. How many such properties do you (and your family living here) own or have an interest in? Code # PROPERTIES 0. Inap. (No property) For the public-use data set, the number of such properties is top-coded at 20. 1702 E16. EDITOR PRECODE--BUSINESS/JOB CONNECTION 1802 1902 1. This property associated with Bus #1 at M5a 2. " " " " Bus #2 " " 3. " " " " Bus #3 " " 4. This property is associated with business listed at M5a, BUT it is a) a business beyond #3 (at M19a-c) or (b) associated with more than one M5a business or (c) NA which business 5. Property not associated with a business at M5a-M19c or a property at E2 6. This property is associated with R's main job (at R2 or R14) 7. This property is associated with S/P's main job (at S2 or S14) 0. Inap. (No property, no additional property) 1703 E16. (About the [largest/next] property..) What type of 1803 property is this? 1903 LOTS/LAND 10. Farm/ranch--any mention 11. Land only: lot, tract, acreage; building lots; "farmland" 12. Land and (seasonal) residence (exc. 14); "house + 50 acres" 13. Land and some other type of structure 14. Land and trailer/mobile home SEASONAL RESIDENCE 21. Seasonal/vacation house (winter/summer home; cottage; hunting cabin) 22. Trailer/Mobile home 25. Time-share ownership--any OTHER REAL ESTATE 40. One single family house 41. Multiple single family houses 42. Duplex; 2 unit residential 43. Triplex; 3 unit residential 44. Fourplex; 4 unit residential 45. 5 or more unit residential 46. "Apartment house"-NA # units; "rental" units or property--NFS 47. Other business/commercial property (exc. 41-46) 48. Business/commercial and residential combination 49. Condominium (include NA if own use or if one unit or a building) -7. Other, including combinations 0. Inap. (No property, no additional property) 1704 E17. Is this property owned by you (and your family living 1804 here), is it owned jointly with others, owned by a 1904 partnership, or what? 1. OWNED BY R 2. OWNED JOINTLY 3. PARTNERSHIP 4. REAL ESTATE INVEST TRUST 5. Limited partnership -7. OTHER including combinations 0. Inap. (No property, no additional property) 1705 E17a. What percentage of the property do you (and your family 1805 living here) own? 1905 (SET TO 10000 WHEN E17=1) Code PERCENT to 2 decimal places 10000. ALL 0. Inap. (No property, no additional property) 1706 E18. How much in total is this property worth; I mean what 1806 would it bring if it were sold today? (WE WANT THE TOTAL 1906 VALUE NOT JUST R'S SHARE. FOR E18-E29, NOTE IF R ONLY KNOWS THEIR SHARE.) Code actual amount 0. Inap. (No property, no additional property) 1707 E19. In what month and year was the property acquired? (When 1807 did R acquire it?)--MONTH 1907 Code MONTH 0. Inap. (No property, no additional property) 1708 E19. In what month and year was the property acquired? (When 1808 did R acquire it?)--YEAR 1908 Code YEAR 0. Inap. (No property, no additional property) For the public-use data set, the year is rounded to the nearest 5. 1709 E20. What was the total purchase price? 1809 1909 Code actual amount 0. Inap. (No property, no additional property) 1710 E20. GIFT/INHERITANCE 1810 1910 1. Checked 5. Not checked 0. Inap. (No property, no additional property) 1711 E21. Are there any outstanding loans or mortgages on this 1811 property? 1911 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. (No property, no additional property) 1712 E22. In what month and year was the loan obtained or last 1812 refinanced?--MONTH 1912 Code MONTH 0. Inap. (No property, no additional property, no loan) 1713 E22. In what month and year was the loan obtained or last 1813 refinanced?--YEAR 1913 Code YEAR 0. Inap. (No property, no additional property, no loan) 1714 E23. How much was borrowed or refinanced? 1814 1914 Code actual amount 0. Inap. (No property, no additional property, no loan) 1715 E24. How much is still owed? 1815 1915 Code actual amount 0. Inap. (No property, no additional property, no loan) 1716 E25. How many years or number of payments were agreed upon when 1816 the loan was taken out?--# YEARS 1916 Code # YEARS -1. NO SET NUMBER 0. Inap. (No property, no additional property, no loan) 1717 E25. How many years or number of payments were agreed upon when 1817 the loan was taken out?--# PAYMENTS 1917 Code # PAYMENTS -1. NO SET NUMBER 0. Inap. (No property, no additional property, no loan) 9157 (1) R: Term of loan in months 9158 (2) 9159 (3) Code amount -1. NO SET NUMBER 0. Inap. (No property, no additional property, no loan) 1718 E26. How much are the payments and how often are they due? 1818 1918 Code actual amount -1. NO REGULAR PAYMENTS 0. Inap. (No property, no additional property, no loan, no set # or payments) 1719 E26. PER 1819 1919 2. Week 3. Biweekly 4. Month 5. Quarter 6. Year -7. Other 0. Inap. (No property, no additional property, no loan, no set # or payments) 1720 E27. Do the payments include property taxes or insurance? 1820 (Which?) 1920 1. TAXES 2. INSURANCE 3. BOTH 4. NEITHER 0. Inap. (No property, no additional property, no loan, no set # or payments, no regular payments) 1721 E28. Will the regular payments repay the loan completely or 1821 will there be a balance payable, or "balloon" payment when 1921 the loan is due? 1. REPAY COMPLETELY 5. BALLOON 0. Inap. (No property, no additional property, no loan, no set # or payments, no regular payments) 1722 E28a. What will the balance due or balloon payment be? 1822 1922 Code actual amount 0. Inap. (No property, no additional property, no loan, no set # or payments, no regular payments, no balloon) 1723 E29. What is the typical payment and how often is it made? 1823 1923 Code actual amount -1. NO TYPICAL PAYMENTS 0. Inap. (No property; no additional property; no loan; number of payments not "NO SET #" and payments not "NO REGULAR PAYMENTS") 1724 E29. PER 1824 1924 2. Week 3. Biweekly 4. Month 5. Quarter 6. Year -7. Other 0. Inap. (No property; no additional property; no loan; number of payments not "NO SET #" and payments not "NO REGULAR PAYMENTS") 1725 E30. When do you expect this loan to be repaid? 1825 1925 Code YEAR -1. NEVER; won't ever be repaid 0. Inap. (No property; no additional property; no loan; number of payments not "NO SET #" and payments not "NO REGULAR PAYMENTS") 1726 E31. What is the current annual interest rate being charged on 1826 the loan? 1926 Code % to 2 decimal places -1. Zero; no interest 0. Inap. (No property, no additional properties, no loan) 1727 E32. Does this loan have an adjustable rate; that is does it 1827 have an interest rate that can rise and fall from time to 1927 time? 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. (No property, no additional properties, no loan) 1728 E33. (Please look at Card A.) Is this loan with any of the 1828 institutions on Card A, or from someplace else? 1928 (IF CARD A: Which institution?) (IF SOMEPLACE ELSE: What type of institution is that?) See FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS master reference list 0. Inap. (No property, no additional properties, no loan) 9099 (1) R: Type of institution 9100 (2) 9101 (3) See FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS master reference list 0. Inap. (No property, no additional properties, no loan) 1729 E34. Did (you/your family living here) receive any income from 1829 this property in 1988? 1929 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. (No property, no additional properties) 1730 E34a. How much gross income did (you/your family) receive? 1830 1930 Code actual amount 0. Inap. (No property, no additional properties, no income) 2001 E36. About the remaining properties that you (and your family living here) own, are any of these vacation homes or land you use for recreational purposes? 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. (3 or fewer properties) 2002 E36a. How much in total is your (family's) share of these vacation homes or recreational property worth? Code actual amount 0. Inap. (3 or fewer properties, no recreational properties) 2003 E36b. What was your (family's) total purchase price for these properties? Code actual amount 0. Inap. (3 or fewer properties, no recreational properties) 2004 E36b. GIFT/INHERITANCE 1. Checked 5. Not checked 9. NA 0. Inap. (3 or fewer properties, no recreational properties) 2005 E36c. Are there any mortgages or loans outstanding against these vacation homes or recreational land? 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. (3 or fewer properties, no recreational properties) 2006 E36d. Altogether, about how much is owed on your (family's) share of these mortgages or loans? Code actual amount 0. Inap. (3 or fewer properties, no recreational properties, no mortgage) 2007 E36e. How much are the payments on these loans or mortgages and how often are they due? Code actual amount -1. NO REGULAR PAYMENT 0. Inap. (3 or fewer properties, no recreational properties, no mortgage) 2008 E36e. PER 2. Week 3. Biweekly 4. Month 5. Quarter 6. Year -7. Other 0. Inap. (3 or fewer properties, no recreational properties, no mortgage) 2009 E36f. Did you (or your family living here) receive any income in 1988 from renting out these vacation homes or recreational land? 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. (3 or fewer properties, no recreational properties) 2010 E36g. Altogether, how much gross income did (you/your family) receive? Code actual amount 0. Inap. (3 or fewer properties, no recreational properties, no rent) 2011 E36h. Are there any remaining properties you own that you have not told me details about? (ASKED DIRECTLY WHERE >=4 PROPERTIES AND E36=YES, INFERRED OTHERWISE FOR ALL HAVING >=4 PROPERTIES) 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. (3 or fewer properties) 2012 E37. For the remaining properties that you own, about how much in total is your (family's) share worth? I mean, what could you sell them for? Code actual amount -1. Nothing, almost nothing 0. Inap. (3 or fewer properties, no remaining properties) 2013 E37a. About how much was your (family's) total purchase price for these properties? Code actual amount -1. Nothing; zero 0. Inap. (3 or fewer properties, no remaining properties) 2014 E37a. GIFT/INHERITANCE 1. Checked 5. Not checked 0. Inap. (3 or fewer properties, no remaining properties) 2015 E37b. Are there mortgages or loans outstanding against these properties? 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. (3 or fewer properties, no remaining properties) 2016 E37c. Altogether, about how much is owed on your (family's) share of these mortgages or loans? Code actual amount 0. Inap. (3 or fewer properties, no remaining properties, no mortgage) 2017 E37d. How much are the payments on these loans or mortgages and how often are they due? Code actual amount -1. NO REGULAR PAYMENT 0. Inap. (3 or fewer properties, no remaining properties, no mortgage) 2018 E37d. PER 2. Week 3. Biweekly 4. Month 5. Quarter 6. Year -7. Other 0. Inap. (3 or fewer properties, no remaining properties, no mortgage) 2019 E37e. Did you (or your family living here) receive any income in 1988 from renting out any of these other properties? 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. (3 or fewer properties, no remaining properties) 2020 E37f. Altogether, how much gross income did (you/your family) receive in 1988? Code actual amount 0. Inap. (3 or fewer properties, no remaining properties, no rent) Top of Page ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- VEHICLES ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2101 G1. Are you (or anyone in your family living here) currently leasing any cars or other vehicles? (IF YES, SAY: Do not include any vehicle that is leased by a business.) 1. YES 5. NO 2102 G2. Altogether, how many cars or other vehicles do you (and your family living here) lease?--VEHICLE #1 Code # LEASED VEHICLES 0. Inap. (No leased vehicle) 2103 G3. What make and model is the (newest/next) vehicle? 2110 Enter MAKE/MODEL as given by R up to 25 characters 0. Inap. (No leased vehicles) 2104 G4. What model year is it? 2111 Code YEAR 0. Inap. (No leased vehicles) 8163 (1) R: Value of vehicle 8164 (2) 2105 G5. How much are your monthly lease payments? 2112 Code $ amount -1. NONE 0. Inap. (No leased vehicles) 2106 G5. PER 2113 2. Week 3. Biweekly 4. Month 5. Quarter 6. Year -7. Other 0. Inap. (No leased vehicles) 2107 G5a. How many years or months was the original lease? 2114 (YRS) Code YRS 0. Inap. (No leased vehicles) 2108 G5a. How many years or months was the original lease? 2115 (MOS) Code MOS 0. Inap. (No leased vehicles) 2117 G6a. Altogether, about how much per month are the lease payments on your other leased vehicle(s)? Code actual amount 0. Inap. (No leased vehicles) 2118 G6a. PER 2. Week 3. Biweekly 4. Month 5. Quarter 6. Year -7. Other 0. Inap. (No leased vehicles) 2201 G7. Do you (or anyone in your family here) own any cars, or any kind of truck, van, or jeep-type vehicle? Do not include vehicles owned by a business. 1. YES 5. NO 2202 G7a. Altogether, how many such cars or other vehicles do you (and your family living here) own? Code # OWNED VEHICLES 0. Inap. (No owned vehicle) 2203 G8. What type of vehicle is (it/the newest/the next)--(a car, 2303 van, jeep, pickup, or what?) 2403 1. CAR 2. VAN 3. JEEP 4. PICKUP 5. Antique/classic/collector vehicle 6. Truck (except pickup) -7. OTHER 0. Inap. (No owned vehicle) 2204 G9. What make and model is it? (2-WORD ANSWER: MAKE AND MODEL) 2304 2404 Enter MAKE/MODEL as given by R up to 25 characters 0. Inap. (No owned vehicles) 2205 G10. What model year is it? 2305 2405 Code YEAR 0. Inap. (No owned vehicles) For the public-use data set, the year is rounded to the nearest 5. 8166 (1) R: Value of vehicle 8167 (2) 8168 (3) Code amount 0. Inap. (No owned vehicles) 2422 G23a. How much (is/are all) the other such vehicle(s) that you (and others in your family living here) own worth in today's prices? Code actual amount 0. Inap. (No owned vehicles) FOR LOANS ASSOCIATED WITH VEHICLES, SEE "CONSUMER LOANS" 2501 G24. Do you (or anyone in your family living here) have any (other) vehicles that are owned by a business but which you also use regularly for personal purposes? 1. YES 5. NO 2502 G24a. How many such vehicles do you (or someone in your family living here) regularly use? Code # BUSINESS VEHICLES 0. Inap. (No business vehicles) For the public-use data set, the number of such vehicles is top-coded at 10. 2503 G25. Do you (or anyone in your family here) own any other vehicles such as a motorhome, RV, boat, or airplane? 1. YES 5. NO 2504 G25a. Altogether, how many of these other vehicles do you (and your family living here) own? Code # VEHICLES 0. Inap. (No other vehicle) 2505 G26. What type of vehicle is (it/the newest/the next)--(Is it a 2605 motorhome, RV, airplane, boat, or what?) 1. MOTORHOME (one piece that you drive) 2. RV (hauled by a car or truck); "trailer"--NA type; "travel trailer" 3. AIRPLANE 4. BOAT 11. Motorcycle; motor scooter 12. Snowmobile 13. Golf cart -7. OTHER 0. Inap. (No other vehicle) For the public-use data set, Motorhomes (1) and RVs (2) are combined in 1; Boats (3) and Airplanes (4) are combined in 3; and Snowmobiles (12) and Golf carts (13) are combined in 12. 2506 G27. About how much is this (TYPE OF VEHICLE) worth? 2606 Code actual amount 0. Inap. (No other vehicle) 2623 G39a. How much (is/are all) the other such vehicle(s) that you (and others in your family living here) own worth? Code actual amount 0. Inap. (No other vehicle) FOR LOANS ASSOCIATED WITH VEHICLES, SEE "CONSUMER LOANS" Top of Page ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONSUMER LOANS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- THIS SECTION CONTAINS LOANS ORIGINALLY ASKED IN SECTION D (OTHER LOANS FOR THE PURCHASE OF THE PRINCIPAL RESIDENCE -- LOANS 7 BELOW, HOME IMPROVEMENT LOANS -- LOANS 8 AND 9 BELOW), SECTION G (OWN VEHICLES -- LOANS 10 THROUGH 13 BELOW, OTHER VEHCICLES -- LOANS 14 THROUGH 16 BELOW), AND SECTION H (ALL CONSUMER LOANS -- LOANS 1 THROUGH 6 BELOW). NOTE: THERE MAY BE SOME DEVIATIONS FROM THE STRUCTURE OF INAPPLICABLE ANSWERS NOTED BELOW. IN CASES WHERE THE RESPONDENT DID NOT KNOW WHETHER THE TYPE OF LOAN WAS "REGULAR INSTALLMENT" OR DID NOT KNOW THE TERM OF THE LOAN, RESPONDENTS WERE ASKED ABOUT THEIR TYPICAL PAYMENTS AND WHEN THEY EXPECT THE LOAN TO BE REPAID. DATA WILL REMAIN IN THESE VARIABLES WHEN THE LOAN TYPE IS SUBSEQUENTLY IMPUTED TO BE "REGULAR INSTALLMENT" OR IN ALL CASES WHERE THE TERM WAS MISSING. WHILE THIS MAY CAUSE SOME CONFUSION, IT SEEMS THE BEST WAY OF PRESERVING THE ORIGINAL RESPONSES TO THE QUESIONNAIRE. H1. Not counting credit cards or loans you have already told me about, do you (and your family living here) owe any money on loans for: H1a. ..household appliances, furniture, or hobby or recreational equipment? H1b. ..loans for educational expenses or medical bills? H1c. ..loans from friends or relatives? H1d. ..any other loans? (IF R ASKS: INCLUDE CHECKING ACCOUNT OVERDRAFTS. DO NOT INCLUDE LIFE INS. POLICY LOANS.) 1. YES 5. NO H2a. FOR EACH "YES", ASK: How many such loans do you have? Code # 0. Inap. 2709 H3. IWER CHECKPOINT: ADD TOTAL NUMBER OF LOANS FROM H2a - H2d Code TOTAL # -1. NONE For the public-use data set, the number of loans in top-coded at 20. 2710(1a) H4. What was (this/the largest/the next) loan for?--LOAN #1 2711(1b) 2727(2a) 2728(2b) 2810(3a) 2811(3b) 2827(4a) 2828(4b) 2910(5a) 2911(5b) 2927(6a) 2928(6b) For the public-use data set, different loan purpose cells are collapsed for different variables. The SAS code that performs this collapsing is given after the master list below. LOAN PURPOSE MASTER CODE HOME PURCHASE, ADDITION OR REPAIR OF CURRENT RESIDENCE 01. Own home purchase 03. Home improvement or addition (incl. assessments for sewer/ sidewalk, etc.) 04. Home repairs/maintenance/upkeep CAR/HOUSEHOLD DURABLE GOODS 10. Car 11. Refrigerator 12. Stove/Range; microwave oven 13. Dishwasher 14. Freezer 15. Air conditioner 16. Washing machine (incl. washer/dryer combination) 17. Dryer 18. Furniture (excluding pianos and organs--see 34); lamps; mattress and spring combinations; rug and/or carpet; other household furnishings 20. Vacuum cleaners 23. Home computer; calculator; computer terminal 24. Truck/jeep/utility vehicle 25. Combination of appliances (incl. TV); "appliances"--NA type 26. Combination of furniture + appliances 29. Other appliances or durable goods; sewing machine; typewriter SMALL/INDOOR HOBBY OR ENTERTAINMENT GOODS 31. Stereo; phonograph (may include radio); include sound equipment, amplifiers here; radio (AM or FM); tuner; CB equipment; tape recorder, tape player (cassette or reel-to- reel); CD player 34. Piano; organ 35. Musical instruments (excluding pianos and organs) 36. TV--color or black and white; "home entertainment center" (incl. combination TV, radio, phonograph); video cassette recorder/player (VCR); video camera (Cam-corder) 49. Other small/indoor hobby or entertainment items (incl. pool tables and regular cameras) 50. Power tools and yard equipment OUTDOOR HOBBY AND RECREATION GOODS 61. Boat; boating equipment (including trailer) 63. Motorcycles; bicycle; moped; snowmobiles; off-road vehicles 65. Camper-trailers; "RV"--NFS 67. Cottage; vacation property; mobile homes--seasonal residence (if current residence, code 01); "motorhome"; "second home" 69. Other outdoor recreation items; horse SAVINGS AND INVESTMENTS High 71. Invest in Bus #1 (from Section M) Priority 72. " " Bus #2 " " " 73. " " Bus #3 " " " 74. Invest in own business, other than 71-73 or NA which or all 75. Business investment (own) (exc. 71-74), incl. businesses now defunct 76. Other asset investment; bought stocks/bonds; IRA deposit; gold; "investment" -- NFS 78. Investment real estate (incl. cemetery plots and additions and repairs to investment property); farmland (exc. 71-74); include businesses of self-employed R's who don't report a business in the M section 79. Other investments SPECIAL EXPENSES 81. Travel/vacation expenses 82. Medical/dental expenses; attorney's fees 83. Education/school expenses 84. Tax and insurance expenses (exc. vehicle, code 93) 85. Weddings/funerals 88. Moving expenses 89. Other special expenses; encyclopedia; health membership MISCELLANEOUS PERSONAL NEEDS 90. "Personal loan"--NA what for 91. Bill consolidation; "bills" 92. Personal items, incl. clothing, jewelry 93. Vehicle repair/upkeep (incl. insurance) 94. Gifts; goods or gifts of money; "Christmas" 95. Living/general expenses 96. Loans made to others; "loaned friend/son money for a house" -7. Other (incl. combinations) 0. Inap. (No loan) *************************************************************************** code to collapse loan purpose *************************************************************************** ARRAY LOAP1 {*} X1106 X1107 X1117 X1118 X1128 X1129; ARRAY LOAP2 {*} X2710 X2711 X2727 X2728 X2810 X2811 X2827 X2828 X2910 X2911 X2927 X2928; ARRAY LOAP3 {*} X5316 X5324 X5332 X5416 X5424 X5432; IF (X918=61 OR X918=67 OR X918=75 OR X918=76 OR X918=79 OR X918=81 OR X918=88 OR X918=94 OR X918=95) THEN X918=-7; IF (X1018=61 OR X1018=67 OR X1018=75 OR X1018=76 OR X1018=79 OR X1018=81 OR X1018=88 OR X1018=94 OR X1018=95) THEN X1018=-7; DO I=1 TO DIM(LOAP1); IF (LOAP1{I}=16 OR LOAP1{I}=17 OR LOAP1{I}=23 OR LOAP1{I}=49 OR LOAP1{I}=50 OR LOAP1{I}=61 OR LOAP1{I}=63 OR LOAP1{I}=82 OR LOAP1{I}=85 OR LOAP1{I}=88 OR LOAP1{I}=92) THEN LOAP1{I}=-7; END; DO I=1 TO DIM(LOAP2); IF (LOAP2{I}=13 OR LOAP2{I}=20 OR LOAP2{I}=26 OR LOAP2{I}=34 OR LOAP2{I}=35 OR LOAP2{I}=49 OR LOAP2{I}=61 OR LOAP2{I}=63 OR LOAP2{I}=65 OR LOAP2{I}=67 OR LOAP2{I}=69 OR LOAP2{I}=96) THEN LOAP2{I}=-7; END; DO I=1 TO DIM(LOAP3); IF (LOAP3{I}=11) THEN LOAP3{I}=2; END; *************************************************************************** 1032(7) D41. Do you (and your family living here) owe money on any (other) loans used for the purchase of this property, such as loans from relatives or the seller? (Please do not include any home equity lines of credit.) (OTHER LOANS FOR PURCHASE OF PRINCIPAL RESIDENCE) 1203(8) D54b. Other than what I have already recorded, do you (or your family living here) owe any money on loans taken out for these projects? (HOME IMPROVEMENT LOANS) 1218(9) D65. Do you owe money on more than one loan for home additions or improvements? (HOME IMPROVEMENT LOANS) 2206(10) G11. Not counting any loans I've already recorded, is any money 2306(11) still owed on loans for this (MAKE/MODEL)? 2406(12) (OWN VEHICLE GRID) 2423(13) G23b. Not counting loans I have already recorded, is any money still owed on loans for (this/these) vehicle(s)? (LOANS ON OWN VEHICLES BEYOND THE 3RD VEHICLE) 2507(14) G28. Not counting any loans I have already recorded, is any 2607(15) money still owed on loans for this (TYPE OF VEHICLE)? (OTHER VEHICLE GRID) 2624(16) G39b. Not counting loans I have already recorded, is any money still owed on loans for (this/these) vehicle(s)? (LOANS ON OTHER VEHICLES BEYOND THE 2ND VEHICLE) 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. (Not homeowner/no home improvements on current own home/only 3 or fewer own vehicles/ only 2 or fewer other vehicles) 2712(1) H5. In what month and year was this loan taken out?--MONTH 2729(2) 2812(3) 2829(4) 2912(5) 2929(6) 1033(7) D42. In what month and year was this loan taken out?--MONTH 1204(8) D55. In what month and year was the most recent such loan taken out?--MONTH 2207(10) G13. In what month and year was the loan taken out?--MONTH 2307(11) 2407(12) 2508(14) G29. In what month and year was the loan taken out?--MONTH 2608(15) (NOTE: NOT ASKED FOR LOANS 9, 13, AND 16) Code MONTH (01-12) 0. Inap. (No loan) 2713(1) H5. In what month and year was this loan taken out?--YEAR 2730(2) 2813(3) 2830(4) 2913(5) 2930(6) 1034(7) D42. In what month and year was this loan taken out?--YEAR 1205(8) D55. In what month and year was the most recent such loan taken out?--YEAR 2208(10) G13. In what month and year was the loan taken out?--YEAR 2308(11) 2408(12) 2509(14) G29. In what month and year was the loan taken out?--YEAR 2609(15) (NOTE: NOT ASKED FOR LOANS 9, 13, AND 16) Code YEAR (1949-1990) 0. Inap. (No loan) 2714(1) H6. How much was borrowed or financed, not counting the 2731(2) finance charges? 2814(3) 2831(4) 2914(5) 2931(6) 1035(7) D43. How much was borrowed, not including finance charges? 1206(8) D56. How much was borrowed, not including finance charges? 2209(10) G14. How much was borrowed or financed? 2309(11) 2409(12) 2510(14) G30. How much was borrowed or financed, not counting the 2610(15) finance charges? (NOTE: NOT ASKED FOR LOANS 9, 13, AND 16) Code actual amount 0. Inap. (No loan) 2715(1) H7. Is this a regular installment loan where you pay a fixed 2732(2) dollar amount each month for a fixed number of months 2815(3) until the loan is repaid, or some other kind? 2832(4) 2915(5) 2932(6) 1036(7) D44. Is this a regular installment loan where you pay a fixed dollar amount each month for a fixed number of months until the loan is repaid, or some other kind? 1207(8) D57. Is this a regular installment loan where you pay a fixed dollar amount each month for a fixed number of months until the loan is repaid, or some other kind? 2210(10) G15. Is this a regular installment loan where you pay a fixed 2310(11) dollar amount each month for a fixed number of months 2410(12) until the loan is repaid, or some other kind? 2511(14) G31. Is this a regular installment loan where you pay a fixed 2611(15) dollar amount each month for a fixed number of months until the loan is repaid, or some other kind? (NOTE: NOT ASKED FOR LOANS 9, 13, AND 16) 1. REGULAR INSTALLMENT 2. OTHER KIND 0. Inap. (No loan) 2716(1) H8. How many monthly payments or years were agreed upon when 2733(2) the loan was received?--# PAYMENTS 2816(3) 2833(4) 2916(5) 2933(6) 1037(7) D45. How many monthly payments or years were agreed upon when the loan was received?--# PAYMENTS 1208(8) D58. How many monthly payments or years were agreed upon when the loan was received?--# PAYMENTS 2211(10) G16. How many monthly payments or years were agreed upon when 2311(11) the loan was received?--# PAYMENTS 2411(12) 2512(14) G32. How many monthly payments or years were agreed upon when 2612(15) the loan was received?--# PAYMENTS (NOTE: NOT ASKED FOR LOANS 9, 13, AND 16) Code # PAYMENTS -1. NO SET # 0. Inap. (No loan, type of loan "OTHER KIND") 2717(1) H8. How many monthly payments or years were agreed upon when 2734(2) the loan was received?--# YEARS 2817(3) 2834(4) 2917(5) 2934(6) 1038(7) D45. How many monthly payments or years were agreed upon when the loan was received?--# YEARS 1209(8) D58. How many monthly payments or years were agreed upon when the loan was received?--# YEARS 2212(10) G16. How many monthly payments or years were agreed upon when 2312(11) the loan was received?--# YEARS 2412(12) 2513(14) G32. How many monthly payments or years were agreed upon when 2613(15) the loan was received?--# YEARS (NOTE: NOT ASKED FOR LOANS 9, 13, AND 16) Code # YEARS 0. Inap. (No loan, type of loan "OTHER KIND") 2718(1) H9. How much are the monthly payments? 2735(2) 2818(3) 2835(4) 2918(5) 2935(6) 1039(7) D46. How much are the monthly payments? 1210(8) D59. How much are the monthly payments? 1220(9) D65b. Altogether, how much are the monthly payments? 2213(10) G17. How much are the monthly payments? 2313(11) 2413(12) 2425(13) G23d. How much are the total monthly payments on (this/these) loans? 2514(14) G33. How much are the monthly payments? 2614(15) 2626(16) G39d. How much are the total monthly payments on (this/these) loan(s)? Code $ amount -1. NO REGULAR PAYMENTS 0. Inap. (No loan, type of loan "OTHER KIND," "NO SET # OF PAYMENTS) 1221(9) D65b. PER 2426(13) G23d. PER 2627(16) G39d. PER (NOTE: NOT ASKED FOR LOANS 1-8, 10-12, AND 14-15) 2. Week 3. Biweekly 4. Month 5. Quarter 6. Year -7. Other 0. Inap. (No loan, type of loan "OTHER KIND," "NO SET # OF PAYMENTS) 2719(1) H10. What is the typical payment and how often is it made? 2736(2) 2819(3) 2836(4) 2919(5) 2936(6) 1040(7) D47. What is the typical payment, and how often is it made? 1211(8) D60. What is the typical payment, and how often is it made? 2214(10) G18. What is the typical payment and how often is it made? 2314(11) 2414(12) 2515(14) G34. What is the typical payment and how often is it made? 2615(15) (NOTE: NOT ASKED FOR LOANS 9, 13, AND 16) Code $ amount -1. NO TYPICAL PAYMENT; no payment being made -2. Not currently making payments 0. Inap. (No loan; loan "REGULAR INSTALLMENT;" number of payments not "NO SET #" and monthly payments not "NO REGULAR PAYMENTS") 2720(1) H10. PER 2737(2) 2820(3) 2837(4) 2920(5) 2937(6) 1041(7) D47. PER 1212(8) D60. PER 2215(10) G18. PER 2315(11) 2415(12) 2516(14) G34. PER 2616(15) (NOTE: NOT ASKED FOR LOANS 9, 13, AND 16) 2. Week 3. Biweekly 4. Month 5. Quarter 6. Year -7. Other 0. Inap. (No loan; loan "REGULAR INSTALLMENT;" number of payments not "NO SET #" and monthly payments not "NO REGULAR PAYMENTS") 2721(1) H11. In what month and year do you expect this loan to be 2738(2) repaid?--MONTH 2821(3) 2838(4) 2921(5) 2938(6) 1042(7) D48. In what month and year do you expect this loan to be repaid?--MONTH 1213(8) D61. In what month and year do you expect this loan to be repaid?--MONTH 2216(10) G19. In what month and year do you expect this loan to be 2316(11) repaid?--MONTH 2416(12) 2517(14) G35. In what month and year do you expect this loan to be 2617(15) repaid?--MONTH (NOTE: NOT ASKED FOR LOANS 9, 13, AND 16) Code MONTH 0. Inap. (No loan; loan "REGULAR INSTALLMENT;" number of payments not "NO SET #" and monthly payments not "NO REGULAR PAYMENTS") 2722(1) H11. In what month and year do you expect this loan to be 2739(2) repaid?--YEAR 2822(3) 2839(4) 2922(5) 2939(6) 1043(7) D48. In what month and year do you expect this loan to be repaid?--YEAR 1214(8) D61. In what month and year do you expect this loan to be repaid?--YEAR 2217(10) G19. In what month and year do you expect this loan to be 2317(11) repaid?--YEAR 2417(12) 2518(14) G35. In what month and year do you expect this loan to be 2618(15) repaid?--YEAR (NOTE: NOT ASKED FOR LOANS 9, 13, AND 16) Code YEAR -1. NEVER; won't ever be repaid 0. Inap. (No loan; loan "REGULAR INSTALLMENT;" number of payments not "NO SET #" and monthly payments not "NO REGULAR PAYMENTS") 2723(1) H12. How much is still owed on this loan? 2740(2) 2823(3) 2840(4) 2923(5) 2940(6) 1044(7) D49. How much is still owed on this loan? 1215(8) D62. How much is still owed on this loan? 1219(9) D65a. Altogether, how much is still owed on other loans for additions or improvements? 2218(10) G20. How much is still owed on this loan? 2318(11) 2418(12) 2424(13) G23c. Altogether, about how much is still owed on (this/these) loan(s)? (ACCEPT RANGE.) 2519(14) G36. How much is still owed on this loan? 2619(15) 2625(16) G39c. Altogether, about how much is still owed on (this/these) loan(s)? (ASKED DIRECTLY FOR CASES WITH "OTHER KIND" OF LOAN, FOR CASES WITH NO SET # OF PAYMENTS, AND FOR CASES WITH NO REGULAR MONTHLY PAYMENTS; COMPUTED FOR ALL OTHER CASED USING TERMS OF LOAN) Code actual amount 0. Inap. (No loan) 2724(1) H13. What is the current annual rate of interest being charged 2741(2) on this loan? 2824(3) 2841(4) 2924(5) 2941(6) 1045(7) D50. What is the current annual rate of interest being charged on this loan? 1216(8) D63. What is the current annual rate of interest being charged on this loan? 2219(10) G21. What is the current annual rate of interest being charged 2319(11) on this loan? 2419(12) 2520(14) G37. What is the current annual rate of interest being charged 2620(15) on this loan? (NOTE: NOT ASKED FOR LOANS 9, 13, AND 16) Code % to 2 decimal places -1. Zero; no interest 0. Inap. (No loan) 2725(1) H14. (Please look at Card A.) Is this loan with any of the 2742(2) institutions on Card A,or from someplace else? 2825(3) (IF CARD A: Which institution?) 2842(4) (IF SOMEPLACE ELSE: What type of institution is that?) 2925(5) 2942(6) 1046(7) D51. Please look at Card A. Is the loan with any of the institutions on Card A, or from someplace else? (IF CARD A: Which institution?) (IF SOMEPLACE ELSE: What type of institution is that?) 1217(8) D64. (Please look at Card A.) Is the loan with any of the institutions on Card A, or from someplace else? (IF CARD A: Which institution?) (IF SOMEPLACE ELSE: What type of institution is that?) 2220(10) G22. (Please look at Card A.) Is the loan with any of the 2320(11) institutions on Card A, or from someplace else? 2420(12) (IF CARD A: Which institution?) (IF SOMEPLACE ELSE: What type of institution is that?) 2521(14) G38. (Please look at Card A.) Is the loan with any of the 2621(15) institutions on Card A, or from someplace else? (IF CARD A: Which institution?) (IF SOMEPLACE ELSE: What type of institution is that?) (NOTE: NOT ASKED FOR LOANS 9, 13, AND 16) See FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS master reference list 0. Inap. (No loan) 9107(1) R: Type of institution 9108(2) 9109(3) 9110(4) 9111(5) 9112(6) 9086(7) R: Type of institution 9090(8) R: Type of institution 9102 (10) R: Type of institution 9103 (11) 9104 (12) 9105 (14) R: Type of institution 9106 (15) (NOTE: NOT AVAILABLE FOR LOANS 9, 13, AND 16) See FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS master reference list 0. Inap. (No loan) Top of Page ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BUSINESSES ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3103 M3. Do you (and your family living here) own or share ownership in any privately-held businesses, farms, professional practices or partnerships? (SEE INSTRUCTION IN BOX ABOVE.) (asked of Rs who do not operate farm/ranch business, inferred for others) 1. YES 5. NO 3104 M4. Do you (or anyone in your family living here) have an active management role in any of these businesses? (INCLUDE THE GENERAL PARTNERS IN A LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, BUT NOT THE LIMITED PARTNERS.) (asked of Rs who do not operate farm/ranch business, inferred for others with businesses) 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. (No businesses) M2. (Not using the booklet.) Including your (farm/ranch) business here, in how many (farms/ranches), privately-held businesses, professional practices or partnerships do you (or your family living here) own or share ownership in and have an active management role? (INCLUDE THE GENERAL PARTNERS IN A LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, BUT NOT THE LIMITED PARTNERS.) (asked of Rs who operate farm/ranch business) M2a. READ THE FOLLOWING: I will ask you first about your (farm/ranch) business. RECORD # OF BUSINESSES (FROM M2) IN BOX M5 AT TOP OF NEXT PAGE, THEN GO TO M5a 3105 M4a. In how many businesses do you (or anyone in your family living here) have an active management role? (asked of Rs who do not operate farm/ranch business) Code # BUSINESSES 0. Inap. (No businesses, no businesses with active management role) For the public-use data set, the number of such businesses is top-coded at 10. 3107 M5a. What kind of business is (it/the largest business/the next 3207 business) -- that is, what does the business make or do? 3307 1. Farm; nursery; train dogs; forest management; agricultural services; landscaping 2. Restaurant; bar 3. Auto repair; car wash 4. Direct sales: Amway; Avon; Mary Kay; Tupperware; Stanley Home products 5. Contracting; construction services; plastering; painting; plumbing 6. Real estate; insurance 7. Professional practice, incl. law, medicine, architecture; accounting; bookkeeping 8. Beauty shop; barber shop 9. Manufacturing, incl. printing/publishing; oil field services 10. Gas station 11. Food/liquor store 12. Other retail and/or wholesale business (exc. 2, 4, 10,11) 13. Trucking; moving and storage; warehousing 14. Repair services (exc. auto, code 3): appliances, TV, upholstery, furniture, shoes 15. Personal services (exc. beauty shop, code 8): hotel, dry cleaners, funeral home 16. Entertainment services, incl. dance studio, drive-in theatre 17. Business management and consulting services 18. Other business services (exc. 17): advertising, equipment rental, computer programming, auctioneering, pest control 19. Banks and brokerage firms; mortgage/finance company 20. Communications; (cable) TV or radio stations -7. Other, incl. businesses operated outside U.S. 0. Inap. (No businesses, no businesses with active management role, no further businesses with active management role) For the public-use data set, Gas stations (10), Food/liquor store (11), and Other retail (12) are combined in 12; Repair services (14), Entertainment services (16), and Other business services (18) are combined in 18; and Communications (20), and Banks and brokerage firms (19) are combined in 19. 3108 M6. How did you (or your family living here) acquire this 3208 business; was it bought or invested in, started by you, 3308 inherited, given to you, or what? 1. BOUGHT/INVEST 2. STARTED 3. INHERITED 4. GIVEN 5. Joined/became partner -7. OTHER 0. Inap. (No businesses, no businesses with active management role, no further businesses with active management role) 3109 M7. When you invested did you (or anyone in your family living 3209 here) intend to make day-to-day decisions and work at 3309 least 5 hours per week in the business? 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. (No businesses, no businesses with active management role, no further businesses with active management role) 3110 M8. In what year did you (start/acquire) the business? 3210 3310 Code YEAR 0. Inap. (No businesses, no businesses with active management role, no further businesses with active management role) For the public-use data set, the year is rounded to the nearest 5. 3111 M9. How many employees does it have including you (and members 3211 of your family)? 3311 Code # EMPL -1. No one working in business; business is about to be sold 0. Inap. (No businesses, no businesses with active management role, no further businesses with active management role) For the public-use data set, the number of employees is top-coded at 2500. M9b. Which members of your family living here work in the business? (Asked for R does not live alone, inferred for R lives alone) 3113 M9b. A. R 3213 3313 3114 M9b. B. SPOUSE 3214 3314 3115 M9b. C. ADULT CHILD 3215 3315 3116 M9b. D. OTHER ADULT IN HH 3216 3316 3117 M9b. E. OTHER--Person(s) under 18 in HH 3217 3317 1. Checked 5. Not checked 0. Inap. (No businesses, no businesses with active management role, no further businesses with active management role) 3118 M9c. (Other than you [and your husband/wife]), how many hours 3218 does the (other/most involved) family member work in this 3318 business in a normal week? Code HRS 0. Inap. (No businesses, no businesses with active management role, no further businesses with active management role, no one in family living there other than respondent and spouse works for business) 3119 M9d. Is it a partnership, a sole proprietorship, a subchapter S 3219 corporation, another type of corporation, or what? 3319 1. PARTNERSHIP 2. SOLE PROPRIETORSHIP 3. SUBCHAPTER S 4. OTHER CORPORATION -7. OTHER 0. Inap. (No businesses, no businesses with active management role, no further businesses with active management role) 3120 M10. Are you (or your family living here) using personal assets 3220 as collateral or did you have to cosign or guarantee any 3320 loans for this business? 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. (No businesses, no businesses with active management role, no further businesses with active management role) 3121 M10a. How much is guaranteed or collateralized? 3221 3321 Code actual amount 0. Inap. (No businesses, no businesses with active management role, no further businesses with active management role, no cosigned loans or loan guarantees) 3122 M10b. Did I record this earlier? 3222 3322 1. YES 5. NO 8. DK 9. NA 0. Inap. (No businesses, no businesses with active management role, no further businesses with active management role, no cosigned loans or loan guarantees) 3123 M11. (Other than guarantees,) does the business owe you (or 3223 your family living here) any money? 3323 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. (No businesses, no businesses with active management role, no further businesses with active management role) 3124 M11a. How much is owed? 3224 3324 Code actual amount 0. Inap. (No businesses, no businesses with active management role, no further businesses with active management role, business does not owe R money) 3125 M12. Do you (or your family living here) owe the business any 3225 money? 3325 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. (No businesses, no businesses with active management role, no further businesses with active management role) 3126 M12a. How much do you owe? 3226 3326 Code actual amount 0. Inap. (No businesses, no businesses with active management role, no further businesses with active management role, R and family do not owe business money) 3127 M12b. Did I record this earlier? 3227 3327 1. YES 5. NO 8. DK 9. NA 0. Inap. (No businesses, no businesses with active management role, no further businesses with active management role, R and family do not owe business money) 3128 M13. What percentage of the business do you (and your family 3228 living here) own? 3328 Code PERCENT to 2 decimal places 10000. ALL 0. Inap. (No businesses, no businesses with active management role, no further businesses with active management role) 3129 M14. What could you sell it for? (What is your share worth?) 3229 3329 Code actual amount -1. NOTHING 0. Inap. (No businesses, no businesses with active management role, no further businesses with active management role) 3130 M15. If you sold the business now, what would be the cost basis 3230 for tax purposes of this share? (What was your original 3330 investment?) Code actual amount -1. NOTHING 0. Inap. (No businesses, no businesses with active management role, no further businesses with active management role) 3131 M16. What were the gross receipts or gross sales of the 3231 business as a whole in 1988? 3331 Code actual amount -1. NONE 0. Inap. (No businesses, no businesses with active management role, no further businesses with active management role) 3132 M17. What was the business's total net income before taxes in 3232 1988? 3332 Code actual amount -1. NONE 0. Inap. (No businesses, no businesses with active management role, no further businesses with active management role) 3133 M18. What is the total book value of all owners' or 3233 shareholders' equity in this business? 3333 Code actual amount -1. NONE 0. Inap. (No businesses, no businesses with active management role, no further businesses with active management role) 3335 M19a. For the remaining business(es) you (and your family living here) own and actively manage, what could you sell your share for? (What is your share worth?) Code actual amount -1. NOTHING 0. Inap. (No businesses, no businesses with active management role, no further businesses with active management role) 3336 M19b. If you sold (these businesses/this business) now, what would be the cost basis for tax purposes of your share? (What was your original investment?) Code actual amount -1. NOTHING 0. Inap. (No businesses, no businesses with active management role, no further businesses with active management role) 3337 M19c. What was the total net income you (and your family living here) received from (these businesses/this business) in 1988? Code actual amount -1. NONE 0. Inap. (No businesses, no businesses with active management role, no further businesses with active management role) 3401 M20. Do you (or anyone in your family living here) own or have an interest in any other businesses or partnerships where you do not have an active management role? (Asked if R has business with managment interest, inferred for others with businesses) 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. (No businesses) 3402 M20a. How many of these (other) businesses or partnerships do you (and your family living here) own or share ownership in? Code NUMBER 0. Inap. (No businesses, no businesses without management role) For the public-use data set, the number of such businesses is top-coded at 50. #1: Limited partnerships #2: Other partnerships #3: S-corporations #4: Other corporations #5: Sole proprietorships #6: Other types 3407(#1) M20b. Is it a sole-proprietorship, a limited partnership, 3411(#2) another type of partnership, a Subchapter S-corporation, 3415(#3) another type of corporation, or what? (ASKED IF 3419(#4) ONLY ONE BUSINESS) 3423(#5) M21. (I need to know what type of businesses these are.) Are 3427(#6) any of them (TYPE: Limited Partnerships, Other Partnerships, S-Corporations, Sole Proprietorships, Other Types)? (ASKED IF MORE THAN ONE BUSINESS) 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. (No businesses, no businesses without management role no TYPE businesses with active management role) 3408(#1) M20c. What could you sell your (family's) share for? (What is 3412(#2) it worth?) (ASKED IF ONLY ONE BUSINESS) 3416(#3) M22a. What could you sell your (family's) share of all these 3420(#4) (TYPE) for? (What is it worth?) (ASKED IF MORE 3424(#5) THAN ONE BUSINESS) 3428(#6) Code actual amount -1. Nothing; zero -2. LOSS; negative amount 0. Inap. (No businesses, no businesses without management role no TYPE businesses with active management role) 3409(#1) M20d. If you sold this (business/partnership) now, what would be 3413(#2) the cost basis for tax purposes? (What was your original 3417(#3) investment?) (ASKED IF ONLY ONE BUSINESS) 3421(#4) M23a. If you sold these (TYPE) now, what would be the cost basis 3425(#5) for tax purposes of these shares? (What was your original 3429(#6) investment?) (ASKED IF MORE THAN ONE BUSINESS) Code actual amount -1. Nothing; zero -2. LOSS; negative amount 0. Inap. (No businesses, no businesses without management role no TYPE businesses with active management role) 3410(#1) M20e. What was the total net income you (and your family living 3414(#2) here) received from this (business/partnership) in 1988? 3418(#3) (ASKED IF ONLY ONE BUSINESS) 3422(#4) M24a. What was the total net income you (and your family living 3426(#5) here) received from all such (TYPE) in 1988? (ASKED 3430(#6) IF MORE THAN ONE BUSINESS) Code actual amount -1. Nothing; zero 0. Inap. (No businesses, no businesses without management role no TYPE businesses with active management role) Top of Page ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- FINANCIAL AND OTHER ASSETS, MISC. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3501 N1. Now I'd like to ask about different types of assets that you might have. First, do you (or anyone in your family living here) have any checking accounts? 1. YES 5. NO 3502 N2. Have you (or anyone in your family living here) ever had a checking account? 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. (R has checking account) 3503 N2a. (RB, P. 10) Looking at this list, please tell me which is the most important reason (you don't/your family doesn't) have a checking account. 1. DON'T WRITE ENOUGH CHECKS TO MAKE IT WORTHWHILE 2. MINIMUM BALANCE IS TOO HIGH 3. DO NOT LIKE DEALING WITH BANKS 4. SERVICE CHARGES ARE TOO HIGH 5. NO BANK HAS CONVENIENT HOURS OR LOCATION 95. Don't have (enough) money 96. Can't manage/balance a checking account -7. OTHER 0. Inap. (R has checking account) 3504 N3. (Not using the booklet.) How many checking accounts do you (and your family living here) have? (IF R ASKS: INCLUDE MONEY MARKET ACCOUNTS WITH CHECK- WRITING PRIVILEGES ONLY IF THEY ARE AT BANKS, SAVINGS AND LOANS, OR CREDIT UNIONS) Code # ACCOUNTS 0. Inap. (No checking accounts) For the public-use data set, the number of checking accounts is top-coded at 20. 3505(#1) N4. (Please look at Card A.) (Thinking about your main 3509(#2) checking account, the one used to write most of your 3513(#3) checks, / About the next account) is this account with any 3517(#4) of the institutions on Card A, or from someplace else? 3521(#5) (IF CARD A: Which institution?) 3525(#6) (IF SOMEPLACE ELSE: What type of institution is that?) See FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS master reference list 0. Inap. (No checking accounts, no further checking accounts) 9113 (1) R: Type of institution 9114 (2) 9115 (3) 9116 (4) 9117 (5) 9118 (6) See FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS master reference list 0. Inap. (No checking accounts, no further checking accounts) 3506(#1) N5. How much is in this account? (What was the average over 3510(#2) the last month?) 3514(#3) 3518(#4) Code actual amount 3522(#5) -1. Nothing; zero 3526(#6) 0. Inap. (No checking accounts, no further checking accounts) 3507(#1) N6. Is this a money market-type account? 3511(#2) 3515(#3) 1. YES 3519(#4) 5. NO 3523(#5) 0. Inap. (No checking accounts, no further 3527(#6) checking accounts) 3529 N8. How much is in all your (family's) remaining checking accounts? (What was the average over the last month?) Code actual amount 0. Inap. (No checking accounts, no further checking accounts) 3530 N9. (RB, P. 11) Which of the reasons on this page is the most important reason (you/your family living here) chose the institution that you did for your main checking account? (Was it because of the location of their offices, because they had the lowest fees or minimum balance requirement, because you were able to obtain many services at one place, because they offered safety and an absence of risk, or some other reason?) 1. Recommended 2. Low interest rate 3. LOCATION OF OFFICES 4. Other business done here 5. Easy to qualify (for credit); only place that would give us a loan 6. MANY SERVICES IN ONE PLACE 7. LOW FEES or service charges; they pay interest on account(s) 8. SAFETY 9. Other convenience mentions: payroll deduction feature; "convenience"--NFS 11. Personal relationship; they know me; know/like them; R/Spouse works there -7. OTHER 0. Inap. (No checking accounts) 3531 N9a. (Not using the booklet.) For how many years (have you/has someone in your family living here) done business with this institution? Code YEARS -1. LESS THAN ONE YEAR 0. Inap. (No checking accounts) 3601 N10. Do you (or anyone in your family here) have any Individual Retirement Accounts, that is, IRA or Keogh accounts? 1. YES 5. NO #1: Respondent #2: Spouse #3: Other family members N10a. Who has IRA or Keogh accounts? 3602 N10a. RESPONDENT 3612 N10a. SPOUSE ACCOUNTS 3622 N10a. OTHER PERSONS 1. Checked 5. Not checked 0. Inap. (No IRA or Keogh accounts) 3603 N11. How many IRA and Keogh accounts does (PERSON) have? 3613 3623 Code # ACCTS 0. Inap. (No IRA or Keogh accounts, PERSON has no IRA or Keogh accounts) For the public-use data set, the number of accounts is top-coded at 20. N12. About (PERSON'S) accounts (are these/is this an) IRA or Keogh account(s)? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY.) 3604 N12A. IRA 3614 3624 1. Checked (IRA) 2. IRA/SEP (volunteered) 5. Not checked 0. Inap. (No IRA or Keogh accounts, PERSON has no IRA or Keogh accounts) 3605 N12B. KEOGH 3615 3625 1. Checked 5. Not checked 0. Inap. (No IRA or Keogh accounts, PERSON has no IRA or Keogh accounts) 3606 (#1a) N13. (Please look at Card A.) (Is this/Are they) with any of 3607 (#1b) the institutions on Card A, or from someplace else? (CHECK 3608 (#1c) ALL THAT APPLY.) 3609 (#1d) (IF CARD A: Which institution(s)?) 3616 (#2a) (IF SOMEPLACE ELSE: What type(s) of institution(s)? 3617 (#2b) 3618 (#2c) See FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS master reference list 3619 (#2d) 0. Inap. (No IRA or Keogh accounts, PERSON has no 3626 (#3a) IRA or Keogh accounts) 3627 (#3b) 3628 (#3c) 3629 (#3d) 9119 (#1a) R: Type of institution 9120 (#1b) 9121 (#1c) 9122 (#1d) 9123 (#2a) 9124 (#2b) 9125 (#2c) 9126 (#2d) 9127 (#3a) 9128 (#3b) 9129 (#3c) 9130 (#3d) See FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS master reference list 0. Inap. (No IRA or Keogh accounts, PERSON has no IRA or Keogh accounts) 3610 N14. How much in total is in (PERSON'S) account(s)? 3620 3630 Code actual amount 0. Inap. (No IRA or Keogh accounts, PERSON has no IRA or Keogh accounts) 3631 N15. How is the money in (this/all of your [family's]) IRA and Keogh account(s) invested? Is most of it in CDs or other bank accounts, most of it in stocks, most of it in bonds or similar assets, or what? 1. CD'S/BANK ACCOUNTS; "money market" 2. STOCK; "mutual funds" 3. BONDS/SIMILAR ASSETS; T-bills; Treasury notes 4. Combination of 1, 2, and 3; "mixed"/"diversified"--NFS 5. Combination of 2 & 3 above 6. Combination of 1 & 2 above -7. OTHER (incl. combinations exc. 5 & 6 above) 0. Inap. (No IRA or Keogh accounts) 3701 N16. Not including any accounts I have already recorded, do you (or anyone in your family here) have any money market accounts? 1. YES 5. NO 3702 N16a. Altogether, how many money market accounts do you (and your family living here) have? Code # OF MONEY MARKET ACCOUNTS 0. Inap. (No money market accounts) 3703(#1) N17. Does the (largest/next) account have check-writing 3708(#2) privileges? 3713(#3) 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. (No money market accounts, no further money market accounts) 3704(#1) N18. Is this a tax-free money market account? 3709(#2) 3714(#3) 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. (No money market accounts, no further money market accounts) 3705(#1) N19. (Please look at Card A.) Is this account with any of the 3710(#2) institutions on Card A, or from someplace else? 3715(#3) (IF CARD A: Which institution?) (IF SOMEPLACE ELSE: What type of institution is that?) See FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS master reference list 0. Inap. (No money market accounts, no further money market accounts) 9131 (1) R: Type of institution 9132 (2) 9133 (3) See FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS master reference list 0. Inap. (No money market accounts, no further money market accounts) 3706(#1) N20. How much is in this account? 3711(#2) 3716(#3) Code actual amount -1. Zero; none now 0. Inap. (No money market accounts, no further money market accounts) 3718 N21a. How much is in all your (family's) remaining money market accounts? Code actual amount 0. Inap. (No money market accounts, no further money market accounts) 3719 N22. Do you (or anyone in your family here) have any CD's or certificates of deposit at financial institutions? (IF YES, SAY: Please do not include CD's that are part of IRAs or Keoghs.) (IF R ASKS: CD'S ARE CERTIFICATES HELD FOR A SET PERIOD OF TIME THAT MUST BE CASHED OR RENEWED AT THE MATURITY DATE.) 1. YES 5. NO 3720 N22a. Altogether, how many such CD's do you (and your family living here) have? Code # CERTIFICATES 0. Inap. (No CDs) 3721 N22b. What is the total dollar value of (this/all these) CD's? Code actual amount 0. Inap. (No CDs) 3722 N22c. (Please look at Card A.) (Is this/Are these) CD's with any 3723 of the institutions on Card A, or from someplace else? 3724 (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY) 3725 (IF CARD A: Which institution?) (IF SOMEPLACE ELSE: What type of institution is that?) See FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS master reference list 0. Inap. (No CDs, no further institutions) 9134 (1) R: Type of institution 9135 (2) 9136 (3) 9137 (4) See FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS master reference list 0. Inap. (No CDs, no further institutions) 3801 N23. Do you (or anyone in your family living here) have any (other) accounts at banks, savings and loan associations, or credit unions? These could be passbook accounts, share accounts, Christmas Club accounts, or any other type of savings account. 1. YES 5. NO 3802 N23a. Altogether, how many such accounts do you (and your family living here) have? Code # ACCOUNTS 0. Inap. (No savings accounts) 3803(#1) N24. (Please look at Card A.) Is the (next) largest account 3806(#2) with any of the institutions on Card A, or from someplace 3809(#3) else? 3812(#4) (IF CARD A: Which institution?) 3815(#5) (IF SOMEPLACE ELSE: What type of institution is that?) See FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS master reference list 0. Inap. (No savings accounts, no further savings accounts) 9138 (#1) R: Type of institution 9139 (#2) 9140 (#3) 9141 (#4) 9142 (#5) See FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS master reference list 0. Inap. (No savings accounts, no further savings accounts) 3804(#1) N25. How much is in this account? 3807(#2) 3810(#3) Code actual amount 3813(#4) 3816(#5) -1. Nothing; zero 0. Inap. (No savings accounts, no further savings accounts) 3818 N26a. How much is in all your (family's) remaining such accounts? Code actual amount -1. Nothing; zero 0. Inap. (No savings accounts, no further savings accounts) 3819 N27. Do you (or anyone in your family here) have any mutual fund holdings? (IF YES, SAY: Please do not include any pension-type, thrift-saving, 401-K, or IRA/Keogh plans, or accounts I have already recorded.) 1. YES 5. NO 3820 N27a. In how many different mutual funds (do you/does your family) own shares? Code # MUTUAL FUNDS 0. Inap. (No mutual funds) N28. I need to know what type(s) of mutual fund(s) (this is/these are)? (Is it/Are any of them)... 3821 N28a. Stock Funds 3823 N28b. (Are any of them) Tax-Free Bond Funds 3825 N28c. (Are any of them) Government or Government backed Bond Funds 3827 N28d. (Are any of them) other Bond Funds 3829 N28e. Combination funds or any other mutual funds (INCLUDE "DK TYPE" HERE) 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. (No mutual funds) 3822 N29a. What is the total market value of all of the (TYPE) 3824 that you (and your family living here) have? 3826 3828 3830 Code actual amount 0. Inap. (No mutual funds, no TYPE mutual funds) 3831 N30. Overall has there been a gain or loss in the value of all these mutual fund shares since you (or someone in your family here) obtained them? 1. GAIN 3. NEITHER GAIN NOR LOSS 5. LOSS 0. Inap. (No mutual funds) 3832 N30a. How much have they gained in value since they were obtained?--PERCENT Code PERCENT to 2 decimal places -2. Virtually all 0. Inap. (No mutual funds, loss or no change in value of mutual funds) 3833 N30a. How much have they gained in value since they were obtained?--AMOUNT Code actual amount -2. Virtually all 0. Inap. (No mutual funds, loss or no change in value of mutual funds) 3834 N30b. How much have they lost in value since they were obtained?--PERCENT Code PERCENT to 2 decimal places -2. Virtually all 0. Inap. (No mutual funds, gain or no change in value of mutual funds) 3835 N30b. How much have they lost in value since they were obtained?--AMOUNT Code actual amount -2. Virtually all 0. Inap. (No mutual funds, gain or no change in value of mutual funds) 3901 N31. Do you (or anyone in your family here) have any U.S. government savings bonds? (THESE MAY BE CALLED SERIES EE OR HH. THEY CAN BE PURCHASED BY PAYROLL DEDUCTION.) 1. YES 5. NO 3902 N31a. What is the total face value of all the savings bonds that you (and your family) have? Code actual amount 0. Inap. (No savings bonds) 3903 N32. Do you (or anyone here) have any other corporate, municipal, government, or other type of bonds or bills? (IF YES, SAY: Please do not include any bonds or bills held in pension accounts or trusts, or in accounts I have already recorded.) 1. YES 5. NO 3904 N32a. How many different bonds or bills do you (or your family) own? Code # BONDS OR BILLS 0. Inap. (No bonds or bills) For the public-use data set, the number of bonds is is top-coded at 150. N33. I need to know what type(s) of bond or bill (this is/these are)? (Is it/Are any of them)... 3905 N33a. Mortgage-backed bonds such as those from "Ginnie-Mae", "Fannie-Mae" or "Freddie-Mac" 3907 N33b. U.S. Government bonds or Treasury bills 3909 N33c. State or municipal bonds, or other taxfree bonds 3911 N33d. Corporate or foreign bonds, or any other type of bonds (INCLUDE "DK TYPE" HERE) 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. (No bonds or bills) 3906 N34a. What is the total face value of all of the (TYPE) that you 3908 (and your family living here) have? 3910 3912 Code actual amount 0. Inap. (No bonds or bills, no TYPE bonds or bills) 3913 N35. Do you (or anyone in your family living here) own any publicly traded stock? (IF YES, SAY: Please do not include any stock held through mutual funds, pension accounts or trusts, or in accounts or businesses that I have already recorded.) 1. YES 5. NO 3914 N36. In how many different companies do you (or your family living here) own stock? Code # COMPANIES 0. Inap. (No publicly traded stock) For the public-use data set, the number of companies is top-coded at 150. 3915 N37. What is the total market value of this stock? Code actual amount 0. Inap. (No publicly traded stock) 3916 N38. Overall has there been a gain or loss in the value of this stock since you (or someone in your family here) obtained it? 1. GAIN 3. NEITHER GAIN NOR LOSS 5. LOSS 0. Inap. (No publicly traded stock) 3917 N38a. How much has it gained in value since it was obtained? --PERCENT Code PERCENT to 2 decimal places -2. Virtually all 0. Inap. (No publicly traded stock, loss or no change in value of publicly traded stock) 3918 N38a. How much has it gained in value since it was obtained? --AMOUNT Code actual amount -2. Virtually all 0. Inap. (No publicly traded stock, loss or no change in value of publicly traded stock) 3919 N38b. How much has it lost in value since it was obtained? --PERCENT Code PERCENT to 2 decimal places -2. Virtually all 0. Inap. (No publicly traded stock, gain or no change in value of publicly traded stock) 3920 N38b. How much has it lost in value since it was obtained? --AMOUNT Code actual amount -2. Virtually all 0. Inap. (No publicly traded stock, gain or no change in value of publicly traded stock) 3921 N39. Of your (family's) stock, is any of it stock in a company where you (or anyone in your family living here) have worked? 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. (No publicly traded stock) 3922 N39a. What is the total market value of this stock in the company? Code actual amount 0. Inap. (No publicly traded stock, no publicly traded stock in company where work) 3923 N40. Do you (or anyone in your family here) have a brokerage account for the purchase or sale of stocks and other securities? 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. (No publicly traded stock) 3924 N40a. (Please look at Card A.) (Is this/Are these) accounts 3925 with any of the institutions on Card A, or from someplace 3926 else? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY.) 3927 (IF CARD A: Which institution(s)?) (IF SOMEPLACE ELSE: What type(s) of institution(s)?) See FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS master reference list 0. Inap. (No publicly traded stock, no brokerage account, no further institutions) 9143 (1) R: Type of institution 9144 (2) 9145 (3) 9146 (4) See FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS master reference list 0. Inap. (No publicly traded stock, no brokerage account, no further institutions) 3928 N40b. Over the past year, about how many times did you (or anyone in your family living here) buy or sell stocks or other securities through a broker? (ACCEPT RANGE.) Code # TIMES -1. NONE 0. Inap. (No publicly traded stock, no brokerage account) For the public-use data set, the number of time the R traded stock is top-coded at 150. 3929 N40c. Not including any accounts you've told me about, do you (or anyone in your family living here) have a "cash" or "call money" account at a stock brokerage? (IF R ASKS: CASH OR CALL MONEY ACCOUNTS HOLD MONEY RECEIVED FROM THE SALE OF STOCK UNTIL THE MONEY IS REINVESTED.) 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. (No publicly traded stock, no brokerage account) 3930 N40d. What is the total dollar value of all the cash or call money accounts that you (and your family living here) have? Code actual amount -1. Zero; nothing now 0. Inap. (No publicly traded stock, no brokerage account, no call account) 3931 N40e. Other than loans you have already told me about, do you (or anyone in your family living here) have any margin loans at a stock brokerage? 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. (No publicly traded stock, no brokerage account) 3932 N40f. Altogether, how much is owed on these margin loans? Code actual amount 0. Inap. (No publicly traded stock, no brokerage account, no margin loans) 3933 N41. Do you (or anyone in your family here) receive income from or have assets in a trust, annuity, or managed investment account that you have not already told me about? (IF YES, SAY: Please do not include pension-type accounts, or any assets that I have already recorded.) 1. YES 5. NO N42. What are these; are they legal trusts, annuities, or managed investment accounts? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY) 3934 N42A. LEGAL TRUSTS 3935 N42B. ANNUITIES 3936 N42C. MANAGED INVESTMENT ACCOUNTS 3937 N42D. OTHER: 1. Checked 5. Not checked 0. Inap. (No trusts, annuities, or managed investment accounts) 3938 N43. Are any of these set up so that you (or your family living here) are legally entitled only to the income and do not have an equity interest? 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. (No trusts, annuities, or managed investment accounts) 3939 N43a. How much income did (you/your family living here) receive from these income-only trusts, annuities, or accounts in 1988? Code actual amount -1. ZERO; none yet 0. Inap. (No trusts, annuities, or managed investment accounts; no income-only accounts) 3940 N43b. Do you (or your family living here) also have annuities, trusts, or managed investment accounts in which you (or your family) have an equity interest? 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. (No trusts, annuities, or managed investment accounts; no income-only accounts) N43c. What is the total dollar amount of your (family's) interest in these accounts? (Asked if R has income-only accounts) 3942 N44. What is the total dollar value of your (family's) interest in all annuities, trusts, or managed investment accounts? (Asked if R does not have income-only accounts) Code actual amount 0. Inap. (No trusts, annuities, or managed investment accounts; no equity interest in such accounts) 3943 N45. Who manages your (family's) trusts, annuities, or 3944 investment accounts,--is it any of the institutions on 3945 Card A, or are they managed by someone else? 3946 (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY.) (IF CARD A: Which institution(s)?) (IF SOMEPLACE ELSE: What type of institution(s) or who manages them?) See FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS master reference list 0. Inap. (No trusts, annuities, or managed investment accounts; no further institutions) 9147 (1) R: Type of institution 9148 (2) 9149 (3) 9150 (4) See FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS master reference list 0. Inap. (No trusts, annuities, or managed investment accounts; no further institutions) 3947 N46. How is the money in these trusts and managed accounts invested? Is most of it in stocks, most of it in bonds or other interest-earning assets, or what? 1. STOCKS; "mutual fund" (exc. money market) 2. BONDS/INTEREST/CD's/money market 3. Real estate 5. Combination of 1 & 2; "mutual funds and CD's" 6. "Mixed"; "diversified" -7. OTHER; combination of 1, 2 & 3 8. DK 9. NA 0. Inap. (No trusts, annuities, or managed investment accounts) 4001 N47. Do you (or anyone in your family living here) have any life insurance, including individual or group policies? 1. YES 5. NO 4002 N48. Are any of these group or individual term insurance policies? (IF R ASKS: TERM INSURANCE POLICIES HAVE NO VALUE UNLESS THE PERSON DIES. MANY SUCH POLICIES ARE ISSUED THROUGH EMPLOYERS AND UNIONS.) 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. (No life insurance) 4003 N48a. What is the current face value of all the term life policies that you (and your family living here) have? Code actual amount 0. Inap. (No life insurance, no term insurance) 4004 N49. Do you have any policies that build up a cash value or that you can borrow on? (IF R ASKS: THESE ARE SOMETIMES CALLED "WHOLE LIFE" OR "STRAIGHT LIFE".) 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. (No life insurance) N50. What is the current face value of all the (other) life insurance policies that you (and your family living here) own? (Amount assigned to term or whole-life insurance in imputation) 4005 N49a. What is the current face value of all of the policies that build up a cash value that you (and your family living here) have? Code actual amount 0. Inap. (No life insurance, no whole-life insurance) 4006 N49b. What is the total cash value of these policies? (EDITED TO BE GROSS CASH VALUE WHEN REPORTED AS NET) Code actual amount -1. Zero; none yet 0. Inap. (No life insurance, no whole-life insurance) 4007 N49c. Are you (or your family) borrowing against these policies? 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. (No life insurance, no whole-life insurance) 4008 N49d. (ASK ONLY IF AN AMOUNT WAS GIVEN IN N49b.) Is the cash value you just gave me net of any loans you have against the policy or is it the gross cash value? (IF R ASKS: THE NET VALUE IS THE TOTAL CASH VALUE MINUS ANY LOANS.) 1. NET 2. GROSS 3. Value reported at N49b reported as net, but recoded to gross 0. Inap. (No life insurance, no whole-life insurance, not borrowing against whole-life insurance) 4009 N49e. Did I record these loans earlier in the interview? 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. (No life insurance, no whole-life insurance, not borrowing against whole-life insurance) 8175 R: Link code for loan mentioned earlier 1. B10, #1 2. B10, #2 3. B10, #3 4. B10, #4 5. D36, col. 1 6. D36, col. 2 7. D36, col. 3 8. D51 9. D53h, col. 1 10. D53h, col. 2 11. D53h, col. 3 12. D64 13. E33, col. 1 14. E33, col. 2 15. E33, col. 3 16. G22, col. 1 17. G22, col. 2 18. G22, col. 3 19. G38, col. 1 20. G38, col. 2 21. H14, col. 1 22. H14, col. 2 23. H14, col. 3 24. H14, col. 4 25. H14, col. 5 26. H14, col. 6 101. Link not made 0. Inap. (No life insurance, no whole-life insurance, not borrowing against whole-life insurance) 4010 N49f. How much is currently borrowed? Code actual amount 0. Inap. (No life insurance, no whole-life insurance, not borrowing against whole-life insurance) 4011 N49g. Typically how often (do you/does your family) make payments on these loans and how large are the payments? Code $ amount -1. NO TYPICAL PAYMENTS 0. Inap. (No life insurance, no whole-life insurance, not borrowing against whole-life insurance) 4012 N49g. PER 2. Week 3. Biweekly 4. Month 5. Quarter 6. Year -7. Other 0. Inap. (No life insurance, no whole-life insurance, not borrowing against whole-life insurance) 4013 N49h. What is the current annual rate of interest being charged on these loans? Code % to 2 decimal places -1. Zero; none 0. Inap. (No life insurance, no whole-life insurance, not borrowing against whole-life insurance) 4014 N49j. How much in total are the yearly premiums for these policies that build up a cash value? Code actual amount -1. Nothing; paid in full 0. Inap. (No life insurance, no whole-life insurance) 4015 N49j. PER 2. Week 3. Biweekly 4. Month 5. Quarter 6. Year -7. Other 0. Inap. (No life insurance, no whole-life insurance) 4017 N51. We have talked about various types of savings, investments, and loans. Other than what I have already recorded, are you (or anyone in your family living here) owed any money by friends, relatives, businesses, or others? (WE DO NOT WANT TO INCLUDE PENSION-TYPE OR EMPLOYER PROFIT-SHARING ACCOUNTS HERE.) 1. YES 5. NO 4018 N51a. Altogether, how much are you owed? Code actual amount 0. Inap. (No other loans owed to R) 4019 N52. Do you (or anyone in your family living here) have any other substantial assets that I haven't already recorded - - for example, artwork, precious metals, antiques, future proceeds from a lawsuit or estate, oil and gas leases, futures contracts, royalties, or something else? (DO NOT INCLUDE PENSION-TYPE OR EMPLOYER PROFIT-SHARING ACCOUNTS HERE.) 1. YES 5. NO 4020 (#1a) N52a. (About the most valuable of these ..) What kind of asset 4021 (#1b) is it? 4024 (#2a) 4025 (#2b) 1. Gold 4028 (#3a) 2. Silver (incl. silverware) 4029 (#3b) 3. Other metals or metals NA type 10. Jewelry; gem stones (incl. antique) 11. Cars (antique or classic) 12. Antiques; furniture 13. Art objects; paintings; sculpture 14. (Rare) books 15. Coin collections 16. Stamp collection 17. Guns 18. Real estate (exc. cemetery) (overflow from C20) 19. Cemetery plots 20. China; figurines; crystal 21. Musical instruments 22. Livestock; horses 23. Oriental rugs 24. Furs 25. Other collections, incl. baseball cards, records, wine 61. Loans to friends/relatives 62. Other loans/debts owed to R 63. Cash, n.e.c. 64. Future proceeds from a lawsuit 65. " " " an estate 66. Deferred compensation 71. Oil/gas/mineral leases or investments 72. (Commodity) futures contracts 73. Royalties 74. Non-publicly traded stock -7. Other 0. Inap. (No other assets, no additional other assets) For the public-use data set, Future proceeds from a lawsuit (64) and Future proceeds from an estate (65) are combined in 64; Antiques and furniture (12), Art objects (13), Rare books (14), and Oriental rugs (23) are combined in 12; Commidity's (72), Royalties (73), and Non-publicly traded stock (74) are combined in 72; and Cars (11), Furs(24), and Other (-7) are combined in -7. 4022(#1) N52b. What is the total dollar value that you (and your family 4026(#2) living here) have in (TYPE)? 4030(#3) Code actual amount 0. Inap. (No other assets, no additional other assets) 4031 N53. Do you (or anyone in your family living here) owe any other money not recorded earlier? 1. YES 5. NO 4032 N53a. How much is still owed on these loans? Code actual amount 0. Inap. (No other money owed) Top of Page ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CURRENT JOB ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- R1. We are interested in your present job status. Are you working now, temporarily laid off, unemployed and looking for work, disabled and unable to work, retired, a student (a homemaker), or what? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY.) S1. We are interested in your (husband's/wife's) present job status. Is (he/she) working now, temporarily laid off, unemployed and looking for work, disabled and unable to work, retired, a student (a homemaker), or what? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY.) IF R/S IS "WORKING NOW" AND ANY OTHER CATEGORY, ASK ALL FOLLOW-UP QUESTIONS AND GO TO NEXT PAGE, R2/S2. 4100 R1-R1e. SUMMARY OF OCCUPATION STATUS AND WORKING NOW 4700 S1-S1e. SUMMARY OF OCCUPATION STATUS AND WORKING NOW CURRENTLY WORKING FOR PAY: 11. Worker only 12. Worker + disabled 13. Worker + retired 14. Worker + student 15. Worker + homemaker 16. Worker + unemployed/looking for work 17. Worker + temporarily laid off (NO at R1a, YES at R1c, R2=current job) NO CURRENT WORK FOR PAY: 20. Temporarily laid off only (R2=job laid off from, to which R expects to return [YES or DK at R1a]) 21. Temporarily laid off--does not expect to return to job and no current work 30. Unemployed and looking for work 50. Retired only 52. Disabled only "Homemaker" is a low priority working status coded only in 80 and 15. For other combina- tions including "Homemaker", choose a code on the basis of the other item(s) checked. 70. Student only 80. Homemaker/other not in labor force only 90. Unpaid family workers: R's who volunteer that they work in a family business or farm and are unpaid. (Do not include here "volunteer work" for charitable or non-profit organizations.) 96. Other combination incl. WORKER 97. Other (incl. combination) not including WORKER 199. Absent spouse not included in IW 0. Inap. (No spouse) 4101 R1a. Do you expect to go back to this job? 4701 S1a. Does (he/she) expect to go back to this job? 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. (No spouse, not temporarily laid off) 4102 R1b. When did you last work on this job?--MONTH 4702 S1b. When did (he/she) last work on this job? MONTH Code MONTH 0. Inap. (No spouse, not temporarily laid off) 4103 R1b. When did you last work on this job?--YEAR 4703 S1b. When did (he/she) last work on this job? YEAR Code YEAR 0. Inap. (No spouse, not temporarily laid off) 4104 R1d. When did you (retire/become disabled)? 4704 S1d. When did (he/she) (retire/become disabled)? Code YEAR 0. Inap. (No spouse, not retired/disabled) 4105 R1c/R1e. Are you doing any work for pay at the present time? 4705 S1c/S1e. Is (he/she) doing any work for pay at the present time? 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. (No spouse, currently working) 4106 R2. Next are some questions about your current, main job. Do you work for someone else, are you self-employed, or what? 4706 S2. Next are some questions about (his/her) current, main job. Does (he/she) work for someone else, is (he/she) self employed, or what? 1. SOMEONE ELSE 2. SELF-EMPLOYED 0. Inap. (No spouse, not currently working) 4107 R2. EDITOR PRECODE: BUSINESS/JOB CONNECTION (R NOT SE) R14. MARK BOX (BUSINESS IS FROM SECT. M) (R SE) 4707 S2. EDITOR PRECODE: BUSINESS/JOB CONNECTION (S NOT SE) S14. MARK BOX (BUSINESS IS FROM SECT. M) (S SE) Precoded by editor in green 1. This job associated with Bus #1 at M5a 2. " " " " Bus #2 " " 3. " " " " Bus #3 " " 4. This job is associated with business listed at M5a, BUT it is a) a business beyond #3 (at M19a-c) or (b) associated with more than one M5a business or (c) NA which business 5. Job not associated with a business at M5a-M19c or a property at E5; NO businesses listed in M5a-M19c and no properties listed at E15 9. NA 0. Inap. (No spouse, not currently working) 4108 R3. What is the official title of your job? (The title that your employer uses?) (R NOT SE) R4. What sort of work do you do on your main job? (Tell me a little more about what you do.) (R NOT SE) R14. What sort of work do you do? (Tell me a little more about what you do.) (IWER: IF R WORKS FOR BUSINESS REPORTED IN SECTION M, MARK BOX.) (R SE) 4708 S3. What is the official title of (his/her) job? (The title that (his/her) employer uses?) (S NOT SE) S4. What sort of work does (he/she) do on (his/her) main job? (Tell me a little more about what (he/she) does.) (S NOT SE) S14. What sort of work does (he/she) do? (Tell me a little more about what (he/she) does.) (IWER: IF S WORKS FOR BUSINESS REPORTED IN SECTION M, MARK BOX.) ( S SE) Code 3-digit 1970 Census OCCUPATION Code 0. Inap. (No spouse, not currently working) 7401 R: 1980 Occupation code 7411 Code 3-digit 1980 Census OCCUPATION Code 0. Inap. (No spouse, not currently working) The 1980 industry codes were collaped using the SAS code that follows below. *************************************************************************** Code to collapse occupations *************************************************************************** ARRAY OCC {*} X7401 X7405 X7407 X7409 X7411 X7415 X7417 X7419; DO I=1 TO DIM(OCC); IF (3 <= OCC{I} <=37) THEN OCC{I}=1; IF (43 <= OCC{I} <=199) THEN OCC{I}=1; IF (203 <= OCC{I} <=235) THEN OCC{I}=2; IF (243 <= OCC{I} <=285) THEN OCC{I}=2; IF (303 <= OCC{I} <=389) THEN OCC{I}=2; IF (403 <= OCC{I} <=407) THEN OCC{I}=3; IF (413 <= OCC{I} <=427) THEN OCC{I}=3; IF (433 <= OCC{I} <=469) THEN OCC{I}=3; IF (473 <= OCC{I} <=499) THEN OCC{I}=6; IF (503 <= OCC{I} <=699) THEN OCC{I}=4; IF (703 <= OCC{I} <=799) THEN OCC{I}=5; IF (803 <= OCC{I} <=859) THEN OCC{I}=5; IF (863 <= OCC{I} <=889) THEN OCC{I}=5; IF (905 <= OCC{I} <=905) THEN OCC{I}=3; END; *************************************************************************** 4109 R5. What kind of business or industry do you work in--that is, what do they make or do at the place where you work? (R NOT SE) R14a. What industry do you work in? That is, what do they do or make? (What industry do you typically work in?) (R SE) 4709 S5. What kind of business or industry does (he/she) work in that is, what do they make or do at the place where (he/she) works? (S NOT SE) S14a. What industry does (he/she) work in? That is, what do they do or make? (What industry does (he/she) typically work in?) (S SE) Code 3-digit 1970 Census INDUSTRY Code 0. Inap. (No spouse, not currently working) 7402 R: 1980 Industry code 7412 Code 3-digit 1980 Census INDUSTRY Code 0. Inap. (No spouse, not currently working) The 1980 industry codes were collaped using the SAS code that follows below. *************************************************************************** Code to collapse occupations *************************************************************************** ARRAY IND {*} X7402 X7406 X7408 X7410 X7412 X7416 X7418 X7420; DO I=1 TO DIM(IND); IF (10 <= IND{I} <=31) THEN IND{I}=1; IF (40 <= IND{I} <=50) THEN IND{I}=2; IF (60 <= IND{I} <=60) THEN IND{I}=2; IF (230 <= IND{I} <=392) THEN IND{I}=2; IF (100 <= IND{I} <=222) THEN IND{I}=2; IF (400 <= IND{I} <=472) THEN IND{I}=3; IF (500 <= IND{I} <=571) THEN IND{I}=3; IF (580 <= IND{I} <=691) THEN IND{I}=3; IF (700 <= IND{I} <=712) THEN IND{I}=3; IF (721 <= IND{I} <=760) THEN IND{I}=3; IF (761 <= IND{I} <=791) THEN IND{I}=3; IF (800 <= IND{I} <=802) THEN IND{I}=3; IF (812 <= IND{I} <=892) THEN IND{I}=3; IF (900 <= IND{I} <=932) THEN IND{I}=4; END; *************************************************************************** 4110 R6. How many hours do you work on your main job in a normal week? (R NOT SE) R14d. How many hours do you work (for yourself/in this business) in a normal week? (R SE) 4710 S6. How many hours does (he/she) work on (his/her) main job in a normal week? (S NOT SE) S14d. How many hours does (he/she) work (for himself/for herself/in this business) in a normal week? (S SE) Code # HOURS 95. 95 hours or more; "all the time"; "24 hours a day" 0. Inap. (No spouse, not currently working) 4111 R7. (READ SLOWLY) Counting paid vacations as weeks of work, how many weeks do you work on this job in a normal year? (R NOT SE) R14e. (READ SLOWLY) Counting paid vacations as weeks of work, how many weeks per year do you work on this job? (R SE) 4711 S7. (READ SLOWLY) Counting paid vacations as weeks of work, how many weeks does (he/she) work on this job in a normal year? (S NOT SE) S14e. (READ SLOWLY) Counting paid vacations as weeks of work, how many weeks per year does (he/she) work on this job? (S SE) Code # WEEKS 0. Inap. (No spouse, not currently working) R14f. How are you paid? Are you paid a regular salary or wages, do you receive a portion of the net earnings, or what? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY AND ASK BOTH FOLLOW-UP QUESTIONS IF APPLICABLE.) (ONLY ASKED IF R SE) S14f. How is (he/she) paid? Is (he/she) paid a regular salary or wages, does (he/she) receive a portion of the net earnings, or what? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY AND ASK BOTH FOLLOW UP QUESTIONS IF APPLICABLE.) (ONLY ASKED IF SPOUSE SE) 4125 R14f. A. SALARY 4126 R14f. B. WAGES 4127 R14f. C. NET EARNINGS 4128 R14f. D. OTHER 4725 S14f. A. SALARY 4726 S14f. B. WAGES 4727 S14f. C. NET EARNINGS 4728 S14f. D. OTHER 1. CHECKED 5. NOT CHECKED 2. Commission (4128/4728 only) 0. Inap. (No spouse, not currently working, not self-employed) For the public-use data set, Commission (2) is combined with responses in 1. 4112 R8. About how much do you earn before taxes on your main job? (Is that per hour, week, month, year, or what?) (R NOT SE) R14g. How much in salary or wages are you paid before taxes? (R SE -- NOT ANSWERED UNLESS 4125/6 = 1) 4712 S8. About how much does (he/she) earn before taxes on (his/ her) main job? (Is that per hour, week, month, year, or what?) (S NOT SE) S14g. How much in salary or wages is (he/she) paid before taxes? (S SE -- NOT ANSWERED UNLESS 4725/6 = 1) ) Code actual amount -1. Zero; take no pay out of business 0. Inap. (No spouse, not currently working) 4113 R8. PER (R NOT SE) R14g. PER (R SE) 4713 S8. PER (S NOT SE) S14g. PER (S SE) 1. Day 2. Week 3. Biweekly 4. Month 5. Quarter 6. Year -7. Other 8. Wages per hour edited to $ per week 0. Inap. (No spouse, not currently working) 4131 R14h. (In addition to regular salary,) how much do you personally earn from the business before taxes? (What did you earn in 1988?) (ONLY ASKED IF R SE) 4731 S14h. (In addition to regular salary,) how much does (he/she) personally earn from the business before taxes? (What did (he/she) earn in 1988?) (ONLY ASKED IF S SE) Code actual amount -1. Zero; none in 1988 0. Inap. (No spouse, not currently working, not self-employed, no non-wage/salary income from job) 4132 R14h. PER (ONLY ASKED IF R SE) 4732 S14h. PER (ONLY ASKED IF S SE) 1. Day 2. Week 3. Biweekly 4. Month 5. Quarter 6. Year -7. Other 0. Inap. (No spouse, not currently working, not self-employed, no non-wage/salary income from job) 4114 R9. About how many employees work for this company or organization, including all locations? (Is it fewer than 10, 10 to 19, 20 to 99, 100 to 499, or 500 or more?) (ONLY ASKED FOR R NOT SE; INFERRED FROM SECTION M WHERE POSSIBLE; OTHERWISE, IMPUTED) 4714 S9. About how many employees work for this company or organization, including all locations? (Is it fewer than 10, 10 to 19, 20 to 99, 100 to 499, or 500 or more?) (ONLY ASKED FOR S NOT SE; INFERRED FROM SECTION M WHERE POSSIBLE; OTHERWISE, IMPUTED) 1. LESS THAN 10 2. 10 TO 19 3. 20 TO 99 4. 100 TO 499 5. 500 OR MORE 0. Inap. (No spouse, not currently working) 4115 R10. How many years in total have you worked for this employer? (R NOT SE) R14b. How many years have you worked for (yourself/this business)? (R SE) 4715 S10. How many years in total has (he/she) worked for this employer? (S NOT SE) S14b. How many years has (he/she) worked for (himself/herself/ this business)? (S SE) Code # YEARS 1. ONE YEAR OR LESS 0. Inap. (No spouse, not currently working) For the public-use data set, the number of years with the current employer is top-coded at 50. 4116 R11. How many years do you expect to continue working for this employer? (ACCEPT RANGE.) (R NOT SE) R14c. About how many years do you expect to continue working for (yourself/this business)? ACCEPT RANGE (R SE) 4716 S11. How many years does (he/she) expect to continue working for this employer? (ACCEPT RANGE.) (S NOT SE) S14c. About how many years does (he/she) expect to continue working for (himself/herself/this business)? ACCEPT RANGE (S SE) Code # YEARS -1. NEVER STOP 0. Inap. (No spouse, not currently working) 4117 R12. Are you covered on this job by a union or employee- association contract? (R NOT SE) R14j. Are you covered on this job by a union or employee- association contract? (R SE) 4717 S12. Is (he/she) covered on this job by a union or employee association contract? (S NOT SE) S14j. Is (he/she) covered on this job by a union or employee association contract? (R SE) 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. (No spouse, not currently working) INFORMATION LINKED FROM 1989 CURRENT POPULATION SURVEY BY OCCUPATION CODE 8112 (R) R: Average for occupation group of fraction of last 52 8113 (S) weeks worked; multipled by 10,000 8114 (R) R: Average for occupation group of hours worked per week 8115 (S) in 1989 8116 (R) R: Fraction of occupartion group unemployed in 1989; 8117 (S) multiplied by 10,000 8169 (R) R: Unconditional mean wage for occupation group in 1989 8170 (S) For each occupation group, regressions were run separately for males and females of the log of annualized wages on a constant, a spline on age (AGE, MAX(0, AGE-35), MAX(0,AGE-55)), a dummy variable for part-time employemnt (1 = working 20 or fewer hours per week), a dummy variable for self-employment (1 = self- employed), a dummy for race (1 = Hispanic or non-white), and dummy variables for years of education (1 = : 12 years of education, more than 13 to 15 years of education, 16 years of education, more than 16 years of education). If there were too few people in a CPS 3-digit occupation group, either the SCF case was matched to a neighboring occupation group, or the match was made at the level of the 2-digit occupation code. Some of the model coefficients may be identically zero where there are too few cases in the appropriate cells in the CPS to identify the coefficients. 8105 (R) R: Intercept 8106 (S) 8099 (R) R: Coefficient of AGE 8100 (S) 8101 (R) R: Coefficient of MAX(0,AGE-35) 8102 (S) 8103 (R) R: Coefficient of MAX(0,AGE-55) 8104 (S) 8318 (R) R: Coefficient of dummy for part-time employment 8319 (S) 8320 (R) R: Coefficient of dummy for self-emlpoyment 8321 (S) 8322 (R) R: Coefficient of dummy for Hispanic or nonwhite 8323 (S) 8324 (R) R: Coefficient of dummy for 12 years of education 8325 (S) 8326 (R) R: Coefficient of dummy for 13 to 15 years of education 8327 (S) 8328 (R) R: Coefficient of dummy for 16 years of education 8329 (S) 8330 (R) R: Coefficient of dummy for more than 16 years of education 8331 (S) 8107 (R) R: Standard error log regression 8108 (S) 8109 (R) R: Annualized level of expected income from regression 8111 (S) (corrected for non-zero expectation of error term for level) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CURRENT JOB PENSIONS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4135 R15. Many employers have pension or retirement plans, and some provide tax-deferred plans such as thrift, savings, 401K's, profit sharing, or stock ownership plans. Are you included in any pension or retirement plans, or in any tax-deferred savings plans on this job? (DO NOT INCLUDE SOCIAL SECURITY.) IF R MENTIONS IRA OR KEOGH PLANS, NOTE IN MARGIN AND SAY: "We covered those earlier in the interview. Here, I just want to find out about other plans operated through your employer." (R NOT SE) R14k. Aside from IRA or Keogh plans, are you included in any pension plans or tax-deferred savings plans through (your work/the business)? (R SE) 4735 S15. Many employers have pension or retirement plans, and some provide tax deferred plans such as thrift, savings, 401K's, profit sharing, or stock ownership plans. Is (he/she) included in any pension or retirement plans, or in any tax deferred savings plans on this job? (DO NOT INCLUDE SOCIAL SECURITY.) IF R MENTIONS IRA OR KEOGH PLANS, NOTE IN MARGIN AND SAY: "We covered those earlier in the interview. Here, I just want to find out about other plans operated through (his/her) employer." (S NOT SE) S14k. Aside from IRA or Keogh plans, is (he/she) included in any pension plans or tax deferred savings plans through [(his/her) work/the business? (S SE) 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. (No spouse, not currently working) 4136 R16. Does your employer offer any such plans? (ONLY ASKED IF R NOT SE) 4736 S16. Does (his/her) employer offer any such plans? (ONLY ASKED IF SP NOT SE) 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. (No spouse, not currently working, included in pension plan on main job, self-employed) 4137 R16a. Are you eligible to be included in any of these plans? (ONLY ASKED IF R NOT SE) 4737 S16a. Is (he/she) eligible to be included in any of these plans? (ONLY ASKED IF SP NOT SE) 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. (No spouse, not currently working, included in pension plan on main job, self-employed, plan not offered) 4138 R16b. Will you be eligible if you continue to work for this employer? (ONLY ASKED IF R NOT SE) 4738 S16b. Will (he/she) be eligible if (he/she) continues to work for this employer? (ONLY ASKED IF SP NOT SE) 1. YES 3. DEPENDS 5. NO 0. Inap. (No spouse, not currently working, included in pension plan on main job, self-employed, plan not offered, eligible to be included in plan) 4139 R17. In how many different plans of this sort are you included on this job? (ONLY ASKED IF R NOT SE) 4739 S17. In how many different plans of this sort is (he/she) included on this job? (ONLY ASKED IF SP NOT SE) Code # PLANS 0. Inap. (No spouse, not currently working, not included in pension plan on main job) 4140 R17a. Are you currently receiving benefit payments from any retirement plans from this job? 4740 S17a. Is (he/she) currently receiving benefit payments from any retirement plans from this job? 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. (No spouse, not currently working, not included in pension plan on main job) 4141 R17b. I'll ask about the benefits later. Are there any retirement or savings plans from this job where you are not yet drawing benefit payments? 4741 S17b. I'll ask about the benefits later. Are there any retirement or savings plans from this job where (he/she) are not yet drawing benefit payments? 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. (No spouse, not currently working, not included in pension plan on main job, not receiving benefits from any plans on main job) 4201 R17c./R18. How many such plans do you have? (ASKED IF SOME PLANS ON MAIN JOB NOT CURRENLY PAYING BENEFITS, INFERRED FOR OTHER CASES WITH PLANS) 4801 S17c./S18. How many such plans does (he/she) have? (ASKED IF SOME PLANS ON MAIN JOB NOT CURRENLY PAYING BENEFITS, INFERRED FOR OTHER CASES WITH PLANS) Code # PLANS--NOT YET RECEIVING BENEFITS 0. Inap. (No spouse, not currently working, not included in pension plan on main job, receiving benefits from all plans on main job) 4202(1) R19. (Is this/About the (next) most important of these plans, 4302(2) is it) a pension or retirement plan, or a tax-deferred 4402(3) savings plan of some sort? (IF R ASKS: 401-K, 403-B, ESOP, SRA, THRIFT/SAVINGS, STOCK/PROFIT SHARING ARE ALL TAX-DEFERRED SAVINGS PLANS.) 4802(1) S19. (Is this/About the (next) most important of these plans, 4902(2) is it) a pension or retirement plan, or a tax-deferred 5002(3) savings plan of some sort? (IF R ASKS: 401 K, 403 B, ESOP, SRA, THRIFT/SAVINGS, STOCK/PROFIT SHARING ARE ALL TAX DEFERRED SAVINGS PLANS.) 1. PENSION OR RETIREMENT 2. TAX-DEFERRED SAVINGS -7. OTHER 0. Inap. (No spouse, not currently working, not included in pension plan on main job, receiving benefits from all plans on main job, no further plans) 4203(1) R20. (RB, P. 12) I would like to know what general type of plan 4303(2) this is. (In the most common pension or retirement plan, 4403(3) Type A, the amount of the benefit is usually based on a formula involving age, years of service and salary. In other plans, Type B, money is accumulated in an account for you until your retirement.) Is your (first/next) plan like Type A or Type B? ("2" FILLED IN HERE IF R19=2) 4803(1) S20. (RB, P. 12) I would like to know what general type of plan 4903(2) this is. (In the most common pension or retirement plan, 5003(3) Type A, the amount of the benefit is usually based on a formula involving age, years of service and salary. In other plans, Type B, money is accumulated in an account for you until your retirement.) Is (his/her) (first/next) plan like Type A or Type B? ("2" FILLED IN HERE IF S19=2) 1. TYPE A (FORMULA) 2. TYPE B (ACCOUNT) 3. BOTH A & B 0. Inap. (No spouse, not currently working, not included in pension plan on main job, receiving benefits from all plans on main job, no further plans) FORMULA-TYPE PENSIONS AND MIXTURE PLANS 4204(1) R21. (Not using the booklet.) For that part of your plan where 4304(2) money is accumulated in an account, how much is in the 4404(3) account? 4804(1) S21. For that part of (his/her) plan where money is accumulated 4904(2) in an account, how much is in the account? 5004(3) Code actual amount -1. Zero; nothing yet 0. Inap. (No spouse, not currently working, not included in pension plan on main job, receiving benefits from all plans on main job, no further plans, plan not like both types A and B) 4205(1) R22. Do you currently make contributions to this plan? 4305(2) (IF R ASKS: INCLUDE CONTRIBUTIONS THROUGH SALARY 4405(3) DEDUCTIONS, UNION DUES OR OTHER SOURCES) 4805(1) S22. Does (he/she) currently make contributions to this plan? 4905(2) (IF R ASKS: INCLUDE CONTRIBUTIONS THROUGH SALARY 5005(3) DEDUCTIONS, UNION DUES OR OTHER SOURCES) 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. (No spouse, not currently working, not included in pension plan on main job, receiving benefits from all plans on main job, no further plans, plan not like type A/A&B) 4206(1) R23. What percent of your pay or amount of money per month or 4306(2) year do you currently contribute?--PERCENT 4406(3) 4806(1) S23. What percent of (his/her) pay or amount of money per 4906(2) month or year does (he/she) currently contribute? PERCENT 5006(3) Code PERCENT to 2 decimal places -7. Percent calculated from lump sum amount 0. Inap. (No spouse, not currently working, not included in pension plan on main job, receiving benefits from all plans on main job, no further plans, plan not like type A/A&B, R/S does not make contributions) 4207(1) R23. What percent of your pay or amount of money per month or 4307(2) year do you currently contribute?--AMOUNT 4407(3) 4807(1) S23. What percent of (his/her) pay or amount of money per month 4907(2) or year does (he/she) currently contribute? AMOUNT 5007(3) Code actual amount 0. Inap. (No spouse, not currently working, not included in pension plan on main job, receiving benefits from all plans on main job, no further plans, plan not like type A/A&B, R/S does not make contributions) 4208(1) R23. PER 4308(2) 4408(3) 4808(1) S23. PER 4908(2) 5008(3) 1. Day 2. Week 3. Biweekly 4. Month 5. Quarter 6. Year -7. Other 0. Inap. (No spouse, not currently working, not included in pension plan on main job, receiving benefits from all plans on main job, no further plans, plan not like type A/A&B R/S does not make contributions) 4209(1) R24. At what age do you expect to start receiving benefits from 4309(2) this plan? 4409(3) 4809(1) S24. At what age does (he/she) expect to start receiving 4909(2) benefits from this plan? 5009(3) Code AGE -1. DON'T EXPECT BENEFITS 0. Inap. (No spouse, not currently working, not included in pension plan on main job, receiving benefits from all plans on main job, no further plans, plan not like type A/A&B) 4210(1) R25. About how much do you expect your benefits to be? (As a 4310(2) proportion of your pay at retirement, or as an amount per 4410(3) month or year when you start receiving them?)--AMOUNT 4810(1) S25. About how much does (he/she) expect (his/her) benefits 4910(2) to be? [As a proportion of (his/her) pay at retirement, 5010(3) or as an amount per month or year when (he/she) starts receiving them?] Code actual amount 0. Inap. (No spouse, not currently working, not included in pension plan on main job, receiving benefits from all plans on main job, no further plans, plan not like type A/A&B, R/S does not expect benefits) 4211(1) R25. PER 4311(2) 4411(3) 4811(1) S25. PER 4911(2) 5011(3) 1. Day 2. Week 3. Biweekly 4. Month 5. Quarter 6. Year -7. Other 8. Lump sum; one payment only 0. Inap. (No spouse, not currently working, not included in pension plan on main job, receiving benefits from all plans on main job, no further plans, plan not like type A/A&B, R/S does not expect benefits) 4212(1) R25. About how much do you expect your benefits to be? (As a 4312(2) proportion of your pay at retirement, or as an amount per 4412(3) month or year when you start receiving them?)--PERCENT 4812(1) S25. About how much does (he/she) expect (his/her) benefits 4912(2) to be? [As a proportion of (his/her) pay at retirement, 5012(3) or as an amount per month or year when (he/she) starts receiving them?] PERCENT Code PERCENT to 2 decimal places 0. Inap. (No spouse, not currently working, not included in pension plan on main job, receiving benefits from all plans on main job, no further plans, plan not like type A/A&B, R/S does not expect benefits) 4213(1) R26. If you were to (leave this job/sell this business) now, 4313(2) would you start receiving a monthly or annual pension 4413(3) benefit now, would you receive one later, would you get a cash settlement now, would you get nothing or what? (IF R SAYS "ROLL OVER" MARK "CASH SETTLEMENT".) 4813(1) S26. If (he/she) were to (leave this job/sell this business) 4913(2) now, would (he/she) start receiving a monthly or annual 5013(3) pension benefit now, would (he/she) receive one later, would (he/she) get a cash settlement now, would (he/she) get nothing or what? (IF R SAYS "ROLL OVER" MARK "CASH SETTLEMENT".) 1. Monthly or annual BENEFIT NOW If multiple 2. Monthly or annual BENEFIT LATER checks, code smallest # 3. CASH SETTLEMENT now; "Roll Over" checked. 4. NOTHING -7. OTHER incl. any combinations; "lump sum later" 0. Inap. (No spouse, not currently working, not included in pension plan on main job, receiving benefits from all plans on main job, no further plans, plan not like type A/A&B) 4214(1) R26a. About how much per month would you receive? 4314(2) 4414(3) 4914(1) S26a. About how much per month would (he/she) receive? 4914(2) 5014(3) Code $ amount 0. Inap. (No spouse, not currently working, not included in pension plan on main job, receiving benefits from all plans on main job, no further plans, plan not like type A/A&B, if R/S left job now would get cash settlement/ nothing/other) ACCOUNT-TYPE PENSIONS 4216(1) R28. (Could you tell me a little more about this plan?) Is it 4316(2) a thrift or savings plan, a 401K, a profit-sharing plan, a 4416(3) stock purchase plan or what? 4816(1) S28. (Could you tell me a little more about this plan?) Is it 4916(2) a thrift or savings plan, a 401K, a profit sharing plan, a 5016(3) stock purchase plan or what? 1. THRIFT OR SAVINGS; "Savings and Investment plan" 2. 401k/403b/SRA 3. PROFIT SHARING 4. STOCK PURCHASE, ESOP (Employee Stock Option Plan) 5. Annuity; "insurance co." 11. IRA; IRA/SEP -7. OTHER 0. Inap. (No spouse, not currently working, not included in pension plan on main job, receiving benefits from all plans on main job, no further plans, plan not like type B) 4217(1) R29. For how many years altogether have you been included in 4317(2) this plan? (INCLUDE YEARS WITH OTHER EMPLOYERS, IF SAME 4417(3) PLAN.) 4817(1) S29. For how many years altogether has (he/she) been included 4917(2) in this plan? (INCLUDE YEARS WITH OTHER EMPLOYERS, IF SAME 5017(3) PLAN.) Code # YEARS 0. Inap. (No spouse, not currently working, not included in pension plan on main job, receiving benefits from all plans on main job, no further plans, plan not like type B) 4218(1) R30. (Does your employer/Does the business) make contributions 4318(2) to this plan? 4418(3) 4818(1) S30. [Does (his/her) employer/Does the business] make 4918(2) contributions to this plan? 5018(3) 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. (No spouse, not currently working, not included in pension plan on main job, receiving benefits from all plans on main job, no further plans, plan not like type B) 4219(1) R30a. What percent of your pay or amount of money per month or 4319(2) year does (your employer/the business) contribute?-- 4419(3) PERCENT 4819(1) S30a. What percent of (his/her) pay or amount of money per 4919(2) month or year does [(his/her) employer/the business] 5019(3) contribute? PERCENT Code PERCENT to 2 decimal places -7. Percent calculated from lump sum amount 0. Inap. (No spouse, not currently working, not included in pension plan on main job, receiving benefits from all plans on main job, no further plans, plan not like type B, employer does not contribute to plan) 4220(1) R30a. What percent of your pay or amount of money per month or 4320(2) year does (your employer/the business) contribute?-- 4420(3) AMOUNT 4820(1) S30a. What percent of (his/her) pay or amount of money per 4920(2) month or year does [(his/her) employer/the business] 5020(3) contribute? AMOUNT Code actual amount 0. Inap. (No spouse, not currently working, not included in pension plan on main job, receiving benefits from all plans on main job, no further plans, plan not like type B, employer does not contribute to plan) 4221(1) R30a. PER 4321(2) 4421(3) 4821(1) S30a. PER 4921(2) 5021(3) 1. Day 2. Week 3. Biweekly 4. Month 5. Quarter 6. Year -7. Other 0. Inap. (No spouse, not currently working, not included in pension plan on main job, receiving benefits from all plans on main job, no further plans, plan not like type B, employer does not contribute to plan) 4222(1) R31. Do you currently make contributions to this plan? (IF R 4322(2) ASKS: INCLUDE CONTRIBUTIONS THROUGH SALARY DEDUCTIONS, 4422(3) UNION DUES, OR OTHER SOURCES.) 4822(1) S31. Does (he/she) currently make contributions to this plan? 4922(2) (IF R ASKS: INCLUDE CONTRIBUTIONS THROUGH SALARY 5022(3) DEDUCTIONS, UNION DUES, OR OTHER SOURCES.) 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. (No spouse, not currently working, not included in pension plan on main job, receiving benefits from all plans on main job, no further plans, plan not like type B) 4223(1) R31a. What percent of your pay or amount of money per month or 4323(2) year do you currently contribute?--PERCENT 4423(3) 4823(1) S31a. What percent of (his/her) pay or amount of money per month 4923(2) or year does (he/she) currently contribute? PERCENT 5023(3) Code PERCENT to 2 decimal places -7. Percent calculated from lump sum amount 0. Inap. (No spouse, not currently working, not included in pension plan on main job, receiving benefits from all plans on main job, no further plans, plan not like type B, R/S does not contribute to plan) 4224(1) R31a. What percent of your pay or amount of money per month or 4324(2) year do you currently contribute?--AMOUNT 4424(3) 4824(1) S31a. What percent of (his/her) pay or amount of money per month 4924(2) or year does (he/she) currently contribute? AMOUNT 5024(3) Code actual amount 0. Inap. (No spouse, not currently working, not included in pension plan on main job, receiving benefits from all plans on main job, no further plans, plan not like type B, R/S does not contribute to plan) 4225(1) R31a. PER 4325(2) 4425(3) 4825(1) S31a. PER 4925(2) 5025(3) 1. Day 2. Week 3. Biweekly 4. Month 5. Quarter 6. Year -7. Other 0. Inap. (No spouse, not currently working, not included in pension plan on main job, receiving benefits from all plans on main job, no further plans, plan not like type B, R/S does not contribute to plan) 4226(1) R32. Roughly how much money is in your account at present? 4326(2) 4426(3) 4826(1) S32. Roughly how much money is in (his/her) account at present? 4926(2) 5026(3) Code actual amount -1. Zero; none yet 0. Inap. (No spouse, not currently working, not included in pension plan on main job, receiving benefits from all plans on main job, no further plans, plan not like type B) 4227(1) R33. Can you borrow against that account? 4327(2) 4427(3) 4827(1) S33. Can (he/she) borrow against that account? 4927(2) 5027(3) 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. (No spouse, not currently working, not included in pension plan on main job, receiving benefits from all plans on main job, no further plans, plan not like type B) 4228(1) R34. Do you currently have a loan against that account? 4328(2) 4428(3) 4828(1) S34. Does (he/she) currently have a loan against that account? 4929(2) 5028(3) 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. (No spouse, not currently working, not included in pension plan on main job, receiving benefits from all plans on main job, no further plans, plan not like type B, cannot borrow aginst account) 4229(1) R34a. What is the amount of the loan balance? 4329(2) 4429(3) 4829(1) S34a. What is the amount of the loan balance? 4929(2) 5029(3) Code actual amount 0. Inap. (No spouse, not currently working, not included in pension plan on main job, receiving benefits from all plans on main job, no further plans, plan not like type B, cannot borrow against account, no loan against account) 4230(1) R34b. Did you tell me about this loan earlier? 4330(2) 4430(3) 4830(1) S34b. Did you tell me about this loan earlier? 4930(2) 5030(3) 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. (No spouse, not currently working, not included in pension plan on main job, receiving benefits from all plans on main job, no further plans, plan not like type B, cannot borrow against account, no loan against account) 4231(1) R35. If you needed money in an emergency, could you withdraw 4331(2) some of the funds in that account? (CHECK "YES" EVEN IF 4431(3) WITHDRAWAL INVOLVES PENALTY.) 4831(1) S35. If (he/she) needed money in an emergency, could (he/she) 4931(2) withdraw some of the funds in that account? (CHECK "YES" 5031(3) WITHDRAWAL INVOLVES PENALTY.) 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. (No spouse, not currently working, not included in pension plan on main job, receiving benefits from all plans on main job, no further plans, plan not like type B) 4232(1) R36. If you were to (leave this job/sell the business) now, 4332(2) would you lose all, some, or none of the money in this 4432(3) account? 4832(1) S36. If (he/she) were to (leave this job/sell the business) 4932(2) now, would (he/she) lose all, some, or none of the money 5032(3) in this account? 1. ALL 3. SOME 5. NONE -7. OTHER 0. Inap. (No spouse, not currently working, not included in pension plan on main job, receiving benefits from all plans on main job, no further plans, plan not like type B) 4233(1) R36a. What proportion would you lose? 4333(2) (ASKED IF R36=SOME OR OTHER, FILLED IN IF R36=ALL 4433(3) OR NONE) 4833(1) S36a. What proportion would (he/she) lose? 4933(2) (ASKED IF S36=SOME OR OTHER, FILLED IN IF S36=ALL 5033(3) OR NONE) Code PERCENT to 2 decimal places -7. Other including $ amount 0. Inap. (No spouse, not currently working, not included in pension plan on main job, receiving benefits from all plans on main job, no further plans, plan not like type B) 4234(1) R37. How is the money in this account invested? Is it mostly in 4334(2) stocks, mostly in interest earning assets, is it split 4434(3) between these, or what? 4834(1) S37. How is the money in this account invested? Is it mostly in 4934(2) stocks, mostly in interest earning assets, is it split 5034(3) between these, or what? 1. MOSTLY OR ALL STOCK 2. MOSTLY OR ALL INTEREST EARNING 3. SPLIT -7. OTHER 0. Inap. (No spouse, not currently working, not included in pension plan on main job, receiving benefits from all plans on main job, no further plans, plan not like type B) 4436 R39. (IF 4 OR MORE) Altogether how much do you have in your account balance(s) for any other pension plans or savings plan(s) from this job? 5036 S39. (IF 4 OR MORE) Altogether how much does (he/she) have in (his/her) account balance(s) for any other pension plans or savings plan(s) from this job? Code actual amount -1. NOTHING 0. Inap. (No spouse, not currently working, not included in pension plan on main job, receiving benefits from all plans on main job, no further plans) 4437 R39a. Altogether, what other benefit payments do you expect to 4438 receive from (this/these) other pension plan(s) from this job? 5037 S39a. Altogether, what other benefit payments does (he/she) 5038 expect to receive from (this/these) other pension plan(s) from this job? -1. NONE -7. OTHER 0. Inap. (No spouse, not currently working, not included in pension plan on main job, receiving benefits from all plans on main job, no further plans, account balance given at R/S39) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SECOND JOBS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4501 R40. Are you doing any other work for pay now, such as a second job, the military reserves, or (another) business of your own? 5101 S40. Is (he/she) doing any other work for pay now, such as a second job, the military reserves, or (another) business of (his/her) own? 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. (No spouse, not currently working) R40a. Is this a second job, the military reserves, your own business, or what? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY.) 4502 R40a. A. SECOND JOB 4503 R40a. B. MILITARY (Reserves including Cost Guard, National Guard Service) 4504 R40a. C. BUSINESS 4505 R40a. D. OTHER: S40a. Is this a second job, the military reserves, (his/her) own business, or what? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY.) 5102 S40a. A. SECOND JOB 5103 S40a. B. MILITARY (Reserves including Cost Guard, National Guard Service) 5104 S40a. C. BUSINESS 5105 S40a. D. OTHER: 1. Checked 5. Not checked 0. Inap. (No spouse, not currently working, no second job) 4506 R40b. IWER: IF BUSINESS IS ONE OF THE BUSINESSES REPORTED IN SECTION M, MARK BOX. 5106 S40b. IWER: IF BUSINESS IS ONE OF THE BUSINESSES REPORTED IN SECTION M, MARK BOX. Precoded by Editor in green 1. This job associated with Bus #1 at M5a 2. " " " " Bus #2 " " 3. " " " " Bus #3 " " 4. This job is associated with business listed at M5a, BUT it is a) a business beyond #3 (at M19a-c) or (b) associated with more than one M5a business or (c) NA which business 5. Job not associated with a business at M5a-M19c or a property at E5; NO businesses listed in M5a-M19c and no properties listed at E15 6. (Not codeable in 1-4) R's "second" job is associated with a property in Section E 0. Inap. (No spouse, not currently working, no second job) 4507 R41. How many hours do you work on these other jobs in a normal week? 5107 S41. How many hours does (he/she) work on these other jobs in a normal week? Code # HOURS -2. 95 hours or more; "all the time"; "24 hours a day" -1. None; hours accounted for in main job 0. Inap. (No spouse, not currently working, no second job) 4508 R42. Counting paid vacations as weeks of work, how many weeks do you work on these other jobs in a normal year? 5108 S42. Counting paid vacations as weeks of work, how many weeks does (he/she) work on these other jobs in a normal year? Code # WEEKS 0. Inap. (No spouse, not currently working, no second job) 4509 R43. About how much do you earn before taxes from these other jobs? (Is that per hour, week, month, year, or what?) 5109 S43. About how much does (he/she) earn before taxes from these other jobs? (Is that per hour, week, month, year, or what?) Code actual amount -1. Zero; Nothing yet; Unpaid work in family business/farm 0. Inap. (No spouse, not currently working, no second job) 4510 R43. PER 5110 R43. PER 1. Day 2. Week 3. Biweekly 4. Month 5. Quarter 6. Year -7. Other 8. Wages per hour edited to $ per week 0. Inap. (No spouse, not currently working, no second job) 4511 R44. Thinking about all your current work for pay, do you consider yourself to be working full-time or part-time? (IF R IS LAID OFF OR A SEASONAL WORKER, ASK ABOUT "JOBS WHEN R IS WORKING".) 5111 S44. Thinking about all (his/her) current work for pay, does(he/she) consider (himself/herself) to be working full-time or part-time? (IF S IS LAID OFF OR A SEASONAL WORKER, ASK ABOUT "JOBS WHEN S IS WORKING".) 1. FULL-TIME 2. PART-TIME 0. Inap. (No spouse, not currently working) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- WORK HISTORY The questions on employment history were asked directly of new survey respondents. For households in the panel sample, the answers to these questions has been inferred from the 1983 and 1986 data . ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- WORK HISTORY FOR THOSE CURRENTLY WORKING FULL-TIME 4512 R45. (READ SLOWLY:) Now I have a few questions about your past jobs. Including any periods of self-employment, the military, and your current job, since you were 18, how many years have you worked full-time for all or most of the year? (Roughly how many years?) 5112 S45. (READ SLOWLY:) Now I have a few questions about (his/her)past jobs. Including any periods of self- employment, themilitary, and (his/her) current job, since (he/she) was18, how many years has (he/she) worked full-time for all or most of the year? (Roughly how many years?) Code # YEARS -1. NONE 0. Inap. (No spouse, R/S44 not full-time) 4513 R45a. Including any self-employment and your current job, for how many different employers have you worked in full-time jobs lasting one year or more? (If R has worked on current job less than a year -- coded as 1 -- R45a can be 0 or 1.) 5113 S45a. Including any selfemployment and (his/her) current job, for how many different employers has (he/she) worked in full-time jobs lasting one year or more? (If S has worked on current job less than a year -- coded as 1 -- S45a can be 0 or 1.) Code # EMPLOYERS -1. None; not yet worked a full time year 0. Inap. (No spouse, R/S44 not full-time) 4514 R45b. Now, not counting your current job, have you ever had a full-time job that lasted for three years or more? 5114 S45b. Now, not counting (his/her) current job, has (he/she) ever had a full-time job that lasted for three years or more? 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. (No spouse, R/S44 not full-time, no past job of 3 or more years) 4515 R45c. I want to know about the longest such job you had. Did you work for someone else, were you self-employed, or what? 5115 S45c. I want to know about the longest such job (he/she) had. Did (he/she) work for someone else, was (he/she) self- employed, or what? 1. SOMEONE ELSE 2. SELF-EMPLOYED -7. Other 0. Inap. (No spouse, R/S44 not full-time, no past job of 3 or more years) 4516 R45d. What sort of work were you doing when you left that job? (Tell me a little more about what you did.) 5116 S45d. What sort of work was (he/she) doing when (he/she) left that job? (Tell me a little more about what [he/she] did.) Code 3-digit 1970 Census OCCUPATION Code 0. Inap. (No spouse, R/S44 not full-time, no past jobs of 3 or more years) 7405 (R) R: 1980 occupation code 7415 (S) Code 3-digit 1980 Census OCCUPATION Code 0. Inap. (No spouse, R/S44 not full-time, no past jobs of 3 or more years) 4517 R45e. What kind of business or industry did you work in -- that is, what did they make or do at the place where you worked? 5117 S45e. What kind of business or industry did (he/she) work in -- that is, what did they make or do at the place where (he/she) worked? Code 3-digit 1970 Census INDUSTRY Code 0. Inap. (No spouse, R/S44 not full-time, no past jobs of 3 or more years) 7406 (R) R: 1980 industry code 7416 (S) Code 3-digit 1980 Census INDUSTRY Code 0. Inap. (No spouse, R/S44 not full-time, no past jobs of 3 or more years) 4518 R45f. When did you start working at that job? 5118 S45f. When did (he/she) start working at that job? Code YEAR 0. Inap. (No spouse, R/S44 not full-time, no past jobs of 3 or more years) 4519 R45g. When did you stop working at that job? 5119 S45g. When did (he/she) stop working at that job? Code YEAR -1. Didn't stop; still working in this job 0. Inap. (No spouse, R/S44 not full-time, no past jobs of 3 or more years) 4520 R45h. About how much were you earning before taxes when you stopped? (Is that per hour, week, month, year, or what?) 5120 S45h. About how much was (he/she) earning before taxes when (he/she) stopped? (Is that per hour, week, month, year, or what?) Code actual amount 0. Inap. (No spouse, R/S44 not full-time, no past jobs of 3 or more years) 4521 R45h. PER 5121 S45h. PER 1. Day 2. Week 3. Biweekly 4. Month 5. Quarter 6. Year -7. Other 8. Wages per hour edited to $ per week 0. Inap. (No spouse, R/S44 not full-time, no past jobs of 3 or more years) 4522 R45j. Since you were 18, have there been years when you only worked part-time for all or most of the year? 5122 S45j. Since (he/she) was 18, have there been years when (he/she) only worked part-time for all or most of the year? 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. (No spouse, R/S44 not full-time) 4523 R45k. About how many years in total did you work part-time for all or most of the year? 5123 S45k. About how many years in total did (he/she) work part-time for all or most of the year? Code # YEARS -1. None 0. Inap. (No spouse, R/S44 not full-time, never worked part-time for most of a year) 4524 R45m. Thinking now of the future, when do you expect to stop working full-time? 5124 S45m. Thinking now of the future, when does (he/she) expect to stop working full-time? Code YEARS -1. NEVER STOP 0. Inap. (No spouse, R/S44 not full-time) 4525 R45n. Do you expect to work part-time after that? 5125 S45n. Does (he/she) expect to work part-time after that? 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. (No spouse, R/S44 not full-time, never expects to stop working full-time) 4526 R45p. When do you expect to stop working altogether? 5126 S45p. When does (he/she) expect to stop working altogether? Code YEARS -1. NEVER STOP 0. Inap. (No spouse, R/S44 not full-time, never expects to stop working full-time, does not expect to work part-time after ending full-time work) WORK HISTORY FOR THOSE CURRENTLY WORKING PART-TIME 4527 R46. Now I have a few questions about your past jobs. Including any periods of self-employment, the military, and your current job, since you were 18, about how many years in total have you worked part-time for all or most of the year? (Roughly how many years?) 5127 S46. Now I have a few questions about (his/her) past jobs. Including any periods of self-employment, the military, and (his/her) current job, since (he/she) was 18, about how many years in total has (he/she) worked part-time for all or most of the year? (Roughly how many years?) Code # YEARS -1. LESS THAN 1 YEAR 0. Inap. (No spouse, R/S44 not part-time) 4528 R46a. Since you were 18, have you ever worked full-time for pay --including any self-employment and the military? 5128 S46a. Since (he/she) was 18, has (he/she) ever worked fulltime for pay -- including any selfemployment and the military? 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. (No spouse, R/S44 not part-time) 4529 R46b. How many years have you worked full-time for all or most of the year? (Roughly how many years?) 5129 S46b. How many years has (he/she) worked full-time for all or most of the year? (Roughly how many years?) Code # YEARS -1. None 0. Inap. (No spouse, R/S44 not part-time, never worked full-time) 4530 R46c. INTERVIEWER CHECKPOINT 5130 1. R HAS WORKED AT LEAST 5 YEARS FULL-TIME OR DK 2. ALL OTHERS 0. Inap. (No spouse, R/S44 not part-time, never worked full-time) 4531 R46d. When did you last work full time for pay? 5131 S46d. When did (he/she) last work full time for pay? Code YEAR 0. Inap. (No spouse, R/S44 not part-time, never worked full-time, worked full-time 5 or more years) 4532 R46e. About how much did you earn before taxes that year? (Is that per hour, week, month, year, or what?) 5132 S46e. About how much did (he/she) earn before taxes that year? (Is that per hour, week, month, year, or what?) Code actual amount 0. Inap. (No spouse, R/S44 not part-time, never worked full-time, worked full-time 5 or more years) 4533 R46e. PER 5133 S46e. PER 1. Day 2. Week 3. Biweekly 4. Month 5. Quarter 6. Year -7. Other 8. Wages per hour edited to $ per week 0. Inap. (No spouse, R/S44 not part-time, never worked full-time, worked full-time 5 or more years) 4534 R46f. Including any self-employment and your current job, for how many different employers have you worked in full-time jobs lasting one year or more? 5134 S46f. Including any self-employment and (his/her) current job,for how many different employers has (he/she) worked in full-time jobs lasting one year or more? Code # EMPLOYERS -1. None 0. Inap. (No spouse, R/S44 not part-time, never worked full-time, worked full-time fewer than 5 years) 4535 R46g. I want to know about the longest full-time job you had. Did you work for someone else, were you self-employed, or what? 5135 S46g. I want to know about the longest fulltime job (he/she)had. Did (he/she) work for someone else, was (he/she) self-employed, or what? 1. SOMEONE ELSE 2. SELF-EMPLOYED -7. OTHER 0. Inap. (No spouse, R/S44 not part-time, never worked full-time, worked full-time fewer than 5 years) 4536 R46h. What sort of work were you doing when you left that job? (Tell me a little more about what you did.) 5136 S46h. What sort of work was (he/she) doing when (he/she) left that job? (Tell me a little more about what [he/she] did.) Code 3-digit 1970 Census OCCUPATION Code 0. Inap. (No spouse, R/S44 not part-time, never worked full-time, worked full-time fewer than 5 years) 7407 (R) R: 1980 occupation code 7417 (S) Code 3-digit 1980 Census OCCUPATION Code 0. Inap. (No spouse, R/S44 not part-time, never worked full-time, worked full-time fewer than 5 years) 4537 R46i. What kind of business or industry did you work in -- that is, what did they make or do at the place where you worked? 5137 S46i. What kind of business or industry did (he/she) work in that is, what did they make or do at the place where (he/she) worked? Code 3-digit 1970 Census INDUSTRY Code 0. Inap. (No spouse, R/S44 not part-time, never worked full-time, worked full-time fewer than 5 years) 7408 (R) R: 1980 industry code 7418 (S) Code 3-digit 1980 Census INDUSTRY Code 0. Inap. (No spouse, R/S44 not part-time, never worked full-time, worked full-time fewer than 5 years) 4538 R46j. When did you start working at that job? 5138 S46j. When did (he/she) start working at that job? Code YEAR 0. Inap. (No spouse, R/S44 not part-time, never worked full-time, worked full-time fewer than 5 years) 4539 R46k. When did you stop working at that job? 5139 S46k. When did (he/she) stop working at that job? Code YEAR -1. Didn't stop; still working (part-time) at that job 0. Inap. (No spouse, R/S44 not part-time, never worked full-time, worked full-time fewer than 5 years) 4540 R46m. About how much were you earning before taxes when you stopped? (Is that per hour, week, month, year, or what?) 5140 S46m. About how much was (he/she) earning before taxes when (he/she) stopped? (Is that per hour, week, month, year, or what?) Code actual amount 0. Inap. (No spouse, R/S44 not part-time, never worked full-time, worked full-time fewer than 5 years) 4541 R46m. PER 5141 S46m. PER 1. Day 2. Week 3. Biweekly 4. Month 5. Quarter 6. Year -7. Other 8. Wages per hour edited to $ per week 0. Inap. (No spouse, R/S44 not part-time, never worked full-time, worked full-time fewer than 5 years) 4542 R46n. When did you last work full-time for pay? 5142 S46n. When did (he/she) last work fulltime for pay? Code YEAR 0. Inap. (No spouse, R/S44 not part-time, never worked full-time, worked full-time fewer than 5 years) 4543 R46p. Thinking now of the future, do you expect to do any full -time work for pay? 5143 S46p. Thinking now of the future, does (he.she) expect to do any full-time work for pay? 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. (No spouse, R/S44 not part-time) 4544 R46q. When do you expect to start working full-time? 5144 S46q. When does (he/she) expect to start working full-time? Code # YEARS 0. Inap. (No spouse, R/S44 not part-time, does not expect to work full-time in future) 4545 R46r. And when do you expect to stop working full-time? 5145 S46r. And when does (he/she) expect to stop working full-time? Code # YEARS -1. NEVER STOP 0. Inap. (No spouse, R/S44 not part-time, does not expect to work full-time in future) 4546 R46s. When do you expect to stop working for pay altogether? 5146 S46s. When does (he/she) expect to stop working for pay altogether? Code # YEARS -1. NEVER STOP 0. Inap. (No spouse, R/S44 not part-time, never expects to stop full-time work) WORK HISTORY FOR THOSE CURRENTLY RETIRED/DISABLED, HOMEMAKER, STUDENT, OR OTHER 4601 R47. Since you were 18 have you ever worked full-time for pay? 5201 S47. Since (he/she) was 18 has (he/she) ever worked full time for pay? 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. (No spouse, currently working) 4602 R47a. How many years have you worked full-time for all or most of the year? Include any periods of self-employment, and the military. (Roughly how many years?) 5202 S47a. How many years has (he/she) worked full time for all or most of the year? Include any periods of self-employment, and the military. (Roughly how many years?) Code # YEARS -1. None 0. Inap. (No spouse, currently working, never worked full-time) 4603 R47b. INTERVIEWER CHECKPOINT 5203 S47b. INTERVIEWER CHECKPOINT 1. R HAS WORKED AT LEAST 5 YEARS FULL-TIME OR DK 2. ALL OTHERS 0. Inap. (No spouse, currently working, never worked full-time) 4604 R47c. When did you last work full-time for pay? 5204 S47c. When did (he/she) last work full time for pay? Code YEAR 0. Inap. (No spouse, currently working, never worked full-time, worked full-time 5 years or more) 4605 R47d. About how much did you earn before taxes that year? (Is that per hour, week, month, year, or what?) 5205 S47d. About how much did (he/she) earn before taxes that year? (Is that per hour, week, month, year, or what?) Code actual amount 0. Inap. (No spouse, currently working, never worked full-time, worked full-time 5 years or more) 4606 R47d. PER 5206 S47d. PER 1. Day 2. Week 3. Biweekly 4. Month 5. Quarter 6. Year -7. Other 8. Wages per hour edited to $ per week 0. Inap. (No spouse, currently working, never worked full-time, worked full-time 5 years or more) 4607 R47e. Including any self-employment and your current job, for how many different employers have you worked in full-time jobs lasting one year or more? 5207 S47e. Including any self-employment and (his/her) current job, for how many different employers has (he/she) worked in full-time jobs lasting one year or more? Code # EMPLOYERS -1. None 0. Inap. (No spouse, currently working, never worked full-time, worked full-time less than 5 years) 4608 R47f. I want to know about the longest full-time job you had. Did you work for someone else, were you self-employed, or what? 5208 S47f. I want to know about the longest full-time job (he/she) had. Did (he/she) work for someone else, was (he/she) self-employed, or what? 1. SOMEONE ELSE 2. SELF-EMPLOYED -7. OTHER 0. Inap. (No spouse, currently working, never worked full-time, worked full-time less than 5 years) 4609 R47g. What sort of work were you doing when you left that job? (Tell me a little more about what you did.) 5209 S47g. What sort of work was (he/she) doing when (he/she) left that job? (Tell me a little more about what [he/she] did.) Code 3-digit 1970 Census OCCUPATION Code 0. Inap. 7409 (R) R: 1980 occupation code 7419 (S) Code 3-digit 1980 Census OCCUPATION Code 0. Inap. (No spouse, currently working, never worked full-time, worked full-time less than 5 years) 4610 R47h. What kind of business or industry did you work in -- that is, what did they make or do at the place where you worked? 5210 S47h. What kind of business or industry did (he/she) work in -- that is, what did they make or do at the place where (he/she) worked? Code 3-digit 1970 Census INDUSTRY Code 0. Inap. (No spouse, currently working, never worked full-time, worked full-time less than 5 years) 7410 (R) R: 1980 industry code 7420 (S) Code 3-digit 1980 Census INDUSTRY Code 0. Inap. (No spouse, currently working, never worked full-time, worked full-time less than 5 years) 4611 R47i. When did you start working at that job? 5211 S47i. When did (he/she) start working at that job? Code YEAR 0. Inap. (No spouse, currently working, never worked full-time, worked full-time less than 5 years) 4612 R47j. When did you stop working at that job? 5212 S47j. When did (he/she) stop working at that job? Code YEAR 0. Inap. (No spouse, currently working, never worked full-time, worked full-time less than 5 years) 4613 R47k. About how much were you earning before taxes when you stopped? (Is that per hour, week, month, year, or what?) 5213 S47k. About how much was (he/she) earning before taxes when (he/she) stopped? (Is that per hour, week, month, year, or what?) Code actual amount -1. Nothing; zero; "had a loss" 0. Inap. (No spouse, currently working, never worked full-time, worked full-time less than 5 years) 4614 R47k. PER 5214 S47k. PER 1. Day 2. Week 3. Biweekly 4. Month 5. Quarter 6. Year -7. Other 8. Wages per hour edited to $ per week 0. Inap. (No spouse, currently working, never worked full-time, worked full-time less than 5 years) 4615 R47m. Since you were 18, were there any years when you (only) worked part-time for all or most of the year? 5215 S47m. Since (he/she) was 18, were there any years when (he/she) (only) worked part-time for all or most of the year? 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. (No spouse, currently working) 4616 R47n. For about how many years did you work part-time (for all or most of the year)? 5216 S47n. For about how many years did (he/she) work part-time (for all or most of the year)? Code # YEARS -1. None 0. Inap. (No spouse, currently working, never worked part-time) 4617 R47p. Do you expect to work for pay in the future? 5217 S47p. Does (he/she) expect to work for pay in the future? 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. (No spouse, currently working) 4618 R47q. When do you expect to start working? 5218 S47q. When does (he/she) expect to start working? Code # YEARS 0. Inap. (No spouse, currently working, does not expect to work in future) 4619 R47r. Will any of that be full-time work? 5219 S47r. Will any of that be full-time work? 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. (No spouse, currently working, does not expect to work in future) 4620 R47s. When do you expect to start working full-time? 5220 S47s. When does (he/she) expect to start working full-time? Code # YEARS 0. Inap. (No spouse, currently working, does not expect to work in future, does not expect to work full-time in future) 4621 R47t. And when do you expect to stop working full-time? 5221 S47t. And when does (he/she) expect to stop working full-time? Code # YEARS -1. NEVER STOP 0. Inap. (No spouse, currently working, does not expect to work in future, does not expect to work full-time in future) 4622 R47u. When do you expect to stop working for pay altogether? 5222 S47u. When does (he/she) expect to stop working for pay altogether? Code # YEARS -1. NEVER STOP 0. Inap. (No spouse, currently working, does not expect to work in future, does not expect to work full-time in future, never expects to stop full-time work in future) INFORMATION LINKED FROM 1989 CURRENT POPULATION SURVEY BY OCCUPATION CODE FOR PRIOR JOB 8171 (R) R: Unconditional mean wage for occupation group in 1989 8172 (S) For each occupation group, regressions were run separately for males and females of the log of annualized wages on a constant, a spline on age (AGE, MAX(0, AGE-35), MAX(0,AGE-55)), a dummy variable for part-time employemnt (1 = working 20 or fewer hours per week), a dummy variable for self-employment (1 = self- employed), a dummy for race (1 = Hispanic or non-white), and dummy variables for years of education (1 = : 12 years of education, more than 13 to 15 years of education, 16 years of education, more than 16 years of education). If there were too few people in a CPS 3-digit occupation group, either the SCF case was matched to a neighboring occupation group, or the match was made at the level of the 2-digit occupation code. Some of the model coefficients may be identically zero where there are too few cases in the appropriate cells in the CPS to identify the coefficients. 8125 (R) R: Intercept 8126 (S) 8119 (R) R: Coefficient of AGE 8120 (S) 8121 (R) R: Coefficient of MAX(0,AGE-35) 8122 (S) 8123 (R) R: Coefficient of MAX(0,AGE-55) 8124 (S) 8332 (R) R: Coefficient of dummy for part-time employment 8333 (S) 8334 (R) R: Coefficient of dummy for self-emlpoyment 8335 (S) 8336 (R) R: Coefficient of dummy for Hispanic or nonwhite 8337 (S) 8338 (R) R: Coefficient of dummy for 12 years of education 8339 (S) 8340 (R) R: Coefficient of dummy for 13 to 15 years of education 8341 (S) 8342 (R) R: Coefficient of dummy for 16 years of education 8343 (S) 8344 (R) R: Coefficient of dummy for more than 16 years of education 8345 (S) 8127 (R) R: Standard error log regression 8128 (S) 8129 (R) R: Annualized level of expected income from regression 8130 (S) (corrected for non-zero expectation of error term for level) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOCIAL SECURITY, CURRENTLY RECEIVED PENSIONS, PENSIONS TO BE RECEIVED IN THE FUTURE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5301 R50. Are you (or your [husband/wife]) currently receiving Social Security benefit payments, or any other type of pension, retirement, or disability benefit payment? 1. YES 5. NO 5302 R50a. (Do these include Social Security benefit payments?) 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. (Not receiving pension or Social Security income) R50b. (Are you both receiving Social Security payments or is only one of you? [Which one?]) IWER: CHECK PERSON(S) (RESP, SPOUSE) IN R50c. THEN ASK FOLLOWUP QUESTIONS R50d-R50f FOR EACH. 5303 R50c. RECIPIENT -- RESPONDENT 5308 R50c. RECIPIENT -- SPOUSE 1. Checked 5. Not checked 0. Inap. (Not receiving pension or Social Security income, no spouse) 5304 R50d. Are (your/your [husband's/wife's] payments for retirement 5309 or are they disability benefits? 1. RETIREMENT 2. DISABILITY 3. Widow's/survivor's benefits -7. Other 0. Inap. (Not receiving pension or Social Security income, no spouse, PERSON not receiving Social Security benefits) For the public-use data set, Widow's/survivor's benefits (3) are combined with Other (-7) in -7. 5305 R50e. How long (have you/has he/has she) received these 5310 benefits? Code # YEARS 0. Inap. (Not receiving pension or Social Security income, no spouse, PERSON not receiving Social Security benefits) 5306 R50f. How much (do you/does he/does she) receive each month or 5311 year? Code actual amount 0. Inap. (Not receiving pension or Social Security income, no spouse, PERSON not receiving Social Security benefits) 5307 R50f. PER 5312 2. Week 3. Biweekly 4. Month 5. Quarter 6. Year -7. Other 0. Inap. (Not receiving pension or Social Security income, no spouse, PERSON not receiving Social Security benefits) 5313 R51. Are you (or your [husband/wife]) currently receiving any other retirement, pension, or disability benefit payments? 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. 5314 R51a. Not counting Social Security, how many retirement, pension or disability benefit payments are you (and your [husband/wife]) currently receiving? (ASKED IF R/S RECEIVING SOCIAL SECURITY BENEFITS, INFERRED FOR OTHERS) Code # PENSION/DISABILITY PAYMENTS 0. Inap. (Not receiving pension or Social Security income) R51b. (RB, P. 13) Who is receiving these benefit payments and what kind are they? IWER: MARK ONE RECIPIENT AND TYPE OF BENEFIT FOR ALL BENEFITS REPORTED. THEN ASK FOLLOWUP QUESTIONS R51d- R51h FOR EACH BENEFIT. 5315(#1) RECIPIENT 5323(#2) 5331(#3) 1. RESPONDENT 5415(#4) 2. SPOUSE 5423(#5) 0. Inap. (Not receiving pension or Social Security income, no spouse) 5431(#6) 5316(#1) R51c. TYPE OF BENEFIT 5324(#2) 5332(#3) 1. CURR JOB PENS 5416(#4) 2. PAST JOB PENS 5424(#5) 3. DISABILITY 5432(#6) 4. MILITARY (retirement or disability) 5. SPOUSE PENS 11. Union pension -7. OTHER 0. Inap. (Not receiving pension or Social Security income, no further benefits) For the public-use data set, Union pension (2) and Past job pension (2) are combined in 2. 5317(#1) R51d. How long have (you/he/she) received this [TYPE] benefit? 5325(#2) 5333(#3) Code # YEARS 5417(#4) 0. Inap. (Not receiving pension or Social Security 5425(#5) income, no further benefits) 5433(#6) 5318(#1) R51e. How much is received each month or year? 5326(#2) 5334(#3) Code actual amount 5418(#4) 0. Inap. (Not receiving pension or Social Security 5426(#5) income, no further benefits) 5434(#6) 5319(#1) R51e. PER 5327(#2) 5335(#3) 2. Week 5419(#4) 3. Biweekly 5427(#5) 4. Month 5435(#6) 5. Quarter 6. Year -7. Other 0. Inap. (Not receiving pension or Social Security income, no further benefits) 5320(#1) R51f. Has this benefit been increased when the cost of living 5328(#2) has increased? 5336(#3) 5420(#4) 1. YES 5428(#5) 5. NO 5436(#6) 0. Inap. (Not receiving pension or Social Security income, no further benefits) 5322(#1) R51h. If (RECIPIENT) were to die, what percent of this benefit 5330(#2) would (you/your husband/your wife) continue to receive or 5338(#3) would the benefits stop? 5422(#4) 5430(#5) Code PERCENT to 2 decimal places 5438(#6) -1. STOP -7. OTHER 0. Inap. (Not receiving pension or Social Security income, no further benefits, no spouse) 5501 R52. Have you (or your [husband/wife]) ever received a cash settlement from a pension or retirement plan of a previous job? 1. YES 5. NO 5502 R52a. How many different cash settlements have you (or your [husband/wife]) received? Code # CASH SETTLEMENTS 0. Inap. (No cash settlements) R52b. FOR EACH SETTLEMENT: Who received it, about how much was received, and when was it received? 5503(#1) R52b. WHO 5506(#2) 5509(#3) 1. RESPONDENT 5512(#4) 2. SPOUSE 5515(#5) 0. Inap. (No cash settlements, no further settlements) 5504(#1) R52c. AMOUNT 5507(#2) 5510(#3) Code actual amount 5513(#4) 0. Inap. (No cash settlements, no further settlements) 5516(#5) 5505(#1) R52d. YEAR RECEIVED 5508(#2) 5511(#3) Code YEAR 5514(#4) 0. Inap. (No cash settlements, no further settlements) 5517(#5) 5601 R53. Now I want to ask about future pension benefits that you (and your[husband/wife]) have earned rights to. Aside from Social Security and any pension benefits you have already told me about, do you (and your [husband/wife]) expect to receive any (other) pension benefits in the future from any past jobs? 1. YES 5. NO 5602 R53a. How many such benefits do you (and your [husband/wife]) expect to receive in the future? Code # FUTURE BENEFITS 0. Inap. (No other future pension benefits) 5603(A) R53b. About (this/the largest/the next) benefit, is this from a 5611(B) pension plan where a certain amount of money is 5619(C) accumulated in an account for you, a formula plan that 5627(D) will give you a specific amount of income each month or 5635(E) year when you retire, or what? 5643(F) 1. INCOME FORMULA 2. ACCOUNT 3. BOTH 0. Inap. (No other future pension benefits, no further future pension benefits) 5604(A) R53c. How much is in the account now? 5612(B) 5620(C) Code actual amount 5628(D) 0. Inap. (No other future pension benefits, no 5636(E) further future pension benefits, not account-type 5644(F) pension) 5606(A) R53e. Is this benefit based on your earnings (or your 5614(B) [husband's/wife's] earnings)? 5622(C) 5630(D) 1. Respondent 5638(E) 2. Spouse 5646(F) 3. R's ex-spouse 4. S's ex-spouse -7. OTHER 0. Inap. (No other future pension benefits, no further future pension benefits) 5607(A) R53f. When do you expect these benefits to start? 5615(B) 5623(C) Code AGE 5631(D) 0. Inap. (No other future pension benefits, no 5639(E) further future pension benefits) 5647(F) 5608(A) R53g. About how much per month do you expect them to be? 5616(B) 5624(C) Code $ amount 5632(D) -1. NONE 5640(E) 0. Inap. (No other future pension benefits, no 5648(F) further future pension benefits) 5609(A) R53g. PER 5617(B) 5625(C) 5633(D) 2. Week 5641(E) 3. Biweekly 5649(F) 4. Month 5. Quarter 6. Year -7. Other 8. Lump sum; one payment only 0. Inap. (No other future pension benefits, no further future pension benefits) Top of Page ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- INCOME, AGI, MISC. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- T1. We have talked about various sources of income. Now we would like to get the overall picture of all the different sources of income that you (and members of your family living here) had in 1988. Did (you/anyone) have income from wages and salaries, including bonuses, overtime and commissions? (RECORD IN COLUMN T1 AND ASK T2 FOR EACH SOURCE OF INCOME AS IT IS MENTIONED.) 5701 T1a. WAGES AND SALARIES? 5703 T1b. Did (you/anyone) have income or loss from a professional practice, business or farm? (Other than wages or salaries) 5705 T1c. ...non-taxable investments such as municipal bonds? 5707 T1d. ...other interest income? 5709 T1e. ...dividends? 5711 T1f. ...net gains or losses from the sale of stocks, bonds, or real estate? 5713 T1g. ...net rent, trust income, or royalties from any other investment or business? 5715 T1h. ...unemployment or worker's compensation? 5717 T1j. ...child support or alimony? 5719 T1k. Did (you/anyone) have income from ADC AFDC, food stamps, or other forms of welfare or assistance, such as SSI? 5721 T1m. ...income from Social Security or other pensions, annuities, or other disability or retirement programs? 1. YES 5. NO 5702 T2a. In total, how much income from (SOURCE) did you (and your 5704 family) receive in 1988, before deductions for taxes and 5706 anything else? [WRITE LOSSES ( ).] 5708 5710 Code actual amount 5712 0. Inap. (No SOURCE income) 5714 5716 5718 5720 5722 5723 T1n. Did you (or anyone in your family living here) have income from any other sources? (What other sources?) 1. YES 5. NO 5724(1st) T2n. In total, how much income from (SOURCE) did you (and your 5726(2nd) family) receive in 1988, before deductions for taxes and anything else? [WRITE LOSSES ( ).] Code actual amount 0. Inap. (No other income, no additional sources of other income) 5725(1st) T1n. PROBE: What other sources? 5727(2nd) 1. Settlements: from lawsuits, divorce, insurance 2. Gambling winnings; prize money 3. Education scholarships or grants (not incl. loans); G.I. Bill; "fellowships" 4. Honorarium 11. "IRA", NFS; IRA withdrawal 12. Inheritance/gifts 13. Other help/support from relatives 21. Care of foster child in the home 22. Housing subsidy/rent paid by some (gov't) agency -7. Other 0. Inap. (No other income, no additional sources of other income) For the public-use data set, Education (3), Honoraria (4), Care of foster children (21), and Other (-7) are combined in -7. 5728 SUMMARY: # of Refused $ amounts T2a-T2n Count and code 5729 T3. How much was the total income you (and your family living here) received in 1988 from all sources, before taxes and other deductions were made? Code actual amount -1. Zero; no income 8182 R: Sum of values given in T2a through T2n Code amount 5731 T5. During 1988, did you (or anyone in your family living here) pay any alimony or child support? 1. YES 5. NO 5732 T5a. Altogether, how much alimony and/or child support did you (and your family) pay in 1988? Code actual amount 0. Inap. (Paid no alimony or child support) 5733 T6. During 1988, did you (or anyone in your family living here) provide any (other) financial support for relatives or friends who do not live here? 1. YES 5. NO 5734 T6a. How much support did you (and your family) pay? Code actual amount 0. Inap. (Provided no financial support) T6b. To whom was this support given? (Anyone else?) (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY.) 5735 T6b. A. CHILDREN UNDER 18 5736 T6b. B. CHILDREN 18 AND OVER 5737 T6b. C. PARENTS (IN-LAW) 5738 T6b. D. GRANDCHILDREN 5739 T6b. E. GRANDPARENTS 5740 T6b. F. SIBLINGS (IN-LAW) 5741 T6b. G. NIECE/NEPHEW 5742 T6b. H. FRIEND 5743 T6b. J. OTHER 1. Checked 2. Aunt/uncle (5743 only) 5. Not checked 0. Inap. (Provided no financial support) 5744 T7. Did you (or your [husband/wife]) file or do you expect to file a 1988 Federal Income tax return? 1. YES 5. NO 5746 T7b. Did you and your (husband/wife) file a joint return, did you file separately, or did only one of you file? (Which one?) 1. FILE JOINTLY 2. FILE SEPARATE 3. ONLY R FILE 4. ONLY S FILE 0. Inap. (Did not file 1988 return, not married) T7c. Did you (or your [husband/wife]) file a Schedule C, E or F with your return? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY.) (IF R ASKS: SCHEDULE "C" IS FOR BUSINESS INCOME, "E" IS FOR TRUST AND PARTNERSHIP INCOME, AND "F" IS FOR FARM INCOME.) 5747 T7c. A. SCHED C 5748 T7c. B. SCHED E 5749 T7c. C. SCHED F 5750 T7c. D. NO 1. Checked 5. Not checked 0. Inap. (Did not file 1988 return) 5751 T7d. Approximately what was your (and your [husband's/wife's]) total adjusted gross income (AGI) on your 1988 return? (What do you think it will be?) Code actual amount -1. Zero; nothing 0. Inap. (Did not file 1988 return) Top of Page ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- INHERITANCES, MISC. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5801 X1. Have you (or your [husband/wife]) ever received an inheritance, or been given substantial assets in a trust or in some other form? 1. YES (Include if mentioned, inheritances to R's resident "dependent" children--if not from R or spouse. 5. NO 5802 X2. How many of these have you (or your [husband/wife]) ever received? Code # OF INHERITANCES, TRUSTS, OTHER TRANSFERS 0. Inap. (Never received inheritances) For the public-use data set, the number of inheritances is top-coded at 10. 5803(#1) X3. (Thinking about the [largest/next largest] of these) was 5808(#2) that an inheritance, a trust, or what? (CHECK ALL THAT 5813(#3) APPLY.) 1. INHERITANCE 2. TRUST 3. Gift 4. Settlements; insurance; lawsuits 6. Inheritance and trust (1 & 2 checked) -7. OTHER 0. Inap. (Never received inheritances, no further inheritances) For the public-use data set, Settlements (4) and Other (-7) are combined in -7; Inheritance and trust (6) are combined with Inheritance (1) in 1. 5804(#1) X4. What was its approximate value at the time it was 5809(#2) received? 5814(#3) Code actual amount -1. Nothing; zero 0. Inap. (Never received inheritances, no further inheritances) 5805(#1) X5. In what year was it received? 5810(#2) 5815(#3) Code YEAR 0. Inap. (Never received inheritances, no further inheritances) For the public-use data set, the year is rounded to the nearest 5. 5806(#1) X6. From whom was it received? 5811(#2) 5816(#3) 1. GRANDPARENT 2. PARENT (incl. in-law or step-parent) 3. CHILD 4. AUNT/UNCLE 5. SIBLING 6. FRIEND 7. Cousin 11. Deceased spouse 12. Deceased ex-spouse -7. OTHER 0. Inap. (Never received inheritances, no further inheritances) For the public-use data set, Child (3) and Other (-7) are combined in -7; Deceased spouses (11) and Deceased ex-spouses (12) are combined in 11. 5818 (#4) X8. How much altogether were any others you have received? Code actual amount 0. Inap. (Never received inheritances, no further inheritances) 8183 (#1) R: Link code for inheritance/gift reported as source of 8184 (#2) an asset earlier in the questionnaire 8185 (#3) (For #4 only, multiple links may be established: 8186 (#4) these links are coded by summing multiple link codes multiplied by 100 -- e.g. 1506 indicates that there were unlinked assets reported at X8, the principal residence was inherited or received as a gift, and all of these assets are included in variable 5818)) 1. Mobile home site only (Question D11d) 2. Mobile home only (Question D12c) 3. Mobile home site only (Question D15b) 4. Mobile home only (Question D15d) 5. Mobile home and site (Question D15f) 6. Other principal residence (Question D20) 7. Other real estate (Question E20, property #1) 8. Other real estate (Question E20, property #2) 9. Other real estate (Question E20, property #3) 10. Other vacation real estate (Question E36b) 11. Other investment real estate (Question E37a) 12. Active management business (Question M6, business #1) 13. Active management business (Question M6, business #2) 14. Active management business (Question M6, business #3) 15. No link identified 0. Inap. (Never received inheritances, no further inheritances) 5819 X9. Do you (or your [husband/wife]) expect to receive a substantial inheritance or transfer of assets in the future? 1. YES 5. NO 5820 X9a. Is that likely to involve a large amount of money, a moderate amount, or what? 1. LARGE 2. MODERATE 3. Small (volunteered) -7. OTHER 0. Inap. (Does not expect future inheritance) 5821 X9b. IWER: RECORD AMOUNT IF R VOLUNTEERS IT Code actual amount 0. Inap. (Does not expect future inheritance) 5822 X10. During 1988, did you (or anyone in your family living here) make charitable contributions of money or property totaling $500 or more? 1. YES 5. NO 5823 X10a. Roughly, how much did (you/your family) contribute? Code actual amount 0. Inap. (Did not make charitable contributions) 5824 X11. Some people think it is important to leave an estate or inheritance to their surviving heirs, while others don't. Which is closer to your (and your [husband's/wife's]) feelings? Would you say it is very important, important, somewhat important, or not important? 1. VERY IMPORTANT 2. IMPORTANT 3. R & S DIFFER 4. SOMEWHAT IMPORTANT 5. NOT IMPORTANT 5825 X12. Do you (and your [husband/wife]) expect to leave a sizeable estate to others? 1. YES 3. POSSIBLY 5. NO Top of Page ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MISC. DEMOGRAPHICS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5901 Y1. I'd now like to ask you some questions about your background. What is the highest grade of school or year of college you completed? 6101 Y17. I'd now like to ask you some questions about your (husband's/wife's/partner's) background. What is the highest grade of school or year of college (he/she) completed? Code number of years 0. Inap. (No spouse) -1. No education 5902 Y1a. Did you get a high school diploma or pass a high school equivalency test? 6102 Y17a. Did (he/she) get a high school diploma or pass a high school equivalency test? 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. (No spouse, more than 12 years of education) 5903 Y1b. Since completing your formal education, have you had on- the-job training or other vocational training lasting 100 hours or more? 6103 Y17b. Since completing (his/her) formal education, has (he/she) had on-the-job training or other vocational training lasting 100 hours or more? 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. (No spouse, more than 12 years of education) 5904 Y1c. Did you get a college degree? 6104 Y17c. Did (he/she) get a college degree? 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. (No spouse, fewer than 12 years of education) 5905 Y1d. What is the highest degree you have earned? 6105 Y17d. What is the highest degree (he/she) earned? 1. ASSOCIATES 2. BACHELORS 3. MA/MBA 4. PHD 5. MD; DDS 6. LAW -7. OTHER 0. Inap. (No spouse, fewer than 12 years of education, no college degree) For the public-use data set, PHD (4), MD; DDS (5), and LAW (6) are combined in 4. 5906 Y2. Have you ever been in the military service? 6106 Y18. Has (he/she) ever been in the military service? 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. (No spouse) 5907 Y3. What is the month and year of your birth?--MONTH 6107 Y19. What is the month and year of (his/her) birth?--MONTH Code MONTH 0. Inap. (No spouse) 5908 Y3. What is the month and year of your birth?--YEAR 6108 Y19. What is the month and year of (his/her) birth?--YEAR Code YEAR 1890. 1890 or earlier 0. Inap. (No spouse) 5909 Y4. Are you American Indian, Asian, Hispanic, black, white, or another race? 1. AMERICAN INDIAN/ESKIMO/ALEUT 2. ASIAN 3. HISPANIC 4. BLACK 5. WHITE -7. OTHER For the public use file, American Indian/Eskimo/Aleut and Asian are combined with the OTHER (-7) category. 5910 Y5. Now I'd like to ask some questions about your family living elsewhere. Altogether, including children from previous marriages and adopted children, how many sons and daughters do you (or your [husband/wife]) have who do not live with you? Code # CHILDREN -1. NONE For the public-use data set, the number of such children is top-coded at 10. 5911 Y5a. How many of them are 25 or older? Code # 25 OR OLDER -2. ALL OF THEM -1. NONE 0. Inap. (No children outside home) For the public-use data set, the number of such children is top-coded at 10. 5912 Y5b. And how many of them are less than 18 years old? (INFERRED WHERE Y5a = ALL OF THEM) Code # LESS THAN 18 -2. ALL OF THEM -1. NONE 0. Inap. (No children outside home) For the public-use data set, the number of such children is top-coded at 10. 5913 Y6. How many living brothers and sisters do you have? 6109 Y20. How many living brothers and sisters does (he/she) have? Code # BROTHERS/SISTERS -1. NONE 0. Inap. (No spouse) For the public-use data set, the number of such children is top-coded at 10. 5914 Y6a. How many are older than you? 6110 Y20a. How many are older than (he/she) is? Code # OLDER -2. ALL -1. NONE 0. Inap. (No spouse, no living siblings) 6026 Y14. Now I'd like to ask about your parents. Is your mother still living? 6120 Y23. Is your (husband's/wife's/partner's) mother still living? 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. (No spouse) 6027 Y14a. What is her age? 6121 Y23a. What is her age? Code AGE 0. Inap. (No spouse, mother not living) For the public-use data set, the age is rounded to the nearest 5. 6028 Y14b. Is your father still living? 6122 Y23b. Is your (husband's/wife's/partner's) father still living? 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. (No spouse) 6029 Y14c. What is his age? 6123 Y23c. What is his age? Code AGE 0. Inap. (No spouse, father not living) For the public-use data set, the age is rounded to the nearest 5. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MARITAL HISTORY RECODE VARIABLES ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- When sufficient underlying data were available, the following marital history variables were constructed directly. For 1986 panel cases these variables were computed using marital history information obtained in 1986 SCF updated with new quesions; for new cross-section cases and those with no 1986 interview, these variables were computed using new questions. Where sufficient data were not collected to infer this information directly, the missing information was imputed. See the panel and cross-section questionnaires for the underlying questions. NOTE: Not all marital history variables are available on the public-use data set: see list of variables at the end of this file for the set of available variables. 8001 (R) R: Total number of marriages (incl. current partner) 8013 (S) Code number 0. None 8002 (R) R: Total number of times divorced 8014 (S) Code number 0. None; Inap. 8003 (R) R: Total number of times widowed 8015 (S) Code number 0. None; Inap. 8004 R: Month current marriage or partnership began Code month 0. Inap. 8005 R: Year current marriage or partnership began Code year 0. Inap. 8006 (R) R: Month most recent past marriage ended (or separated) Code month 0. Inap. 8007 (R) R: Year most recent past marriage ended (or separated) 8016 (S) Code year 0. Inap. 8008 (R) R: Year most recent past marriage began 8017 (S) Code year 0. Inap. 8009 (R) R: Year next most recent marriage ended Code year 0. Inap. 8010 (R) R: Year next most recent marriage began Code year 0. Inap. 8011 (R) R: Age at first marriage 8018 (S) Code age 0. Inap. For the public-use data set, the age is bottom-coded at 15. 8012 (R) R: Total number of years married, H 8019 (S) Code number of years 0. Inap. 5925 Y8b. Do you receive support from your (husband/wife), do you pay support, or is there no support involved? (ASKED OF SEPARATED RESPONDENTS) 1. RECEIVE SUPPORT 2. NO SUPPORT INVOLVED 3. PAY SUPPORT 0. Inap. 5926 Y8c. How much do you receive? (ASKED OF SEPARATED RESPONDENTS RECEIVING SUPPORT) Code actual amount 0. Inap. 5927 Y8c. PER (ASKED OF SEPARATED RESPONDENTS RECEIVING SUPPORT) 2. Week 3. Biweekly 4. Month 5. Quarter 6. Year -7. Other 0. Inap. 5928 Y8d. How much do you pay? (ASKED OF SEPARATED RESPONDENTS PAYING SUPPORT) Code actual amount 0. Inap. 5929 Y8d. PER (ASKED OF SEPARATED RESPONDENTS PAYING SUPPORT) 2. Week 3. Biweekly 4. Month 5. Quarter 6. Year -7. Other 0. Inap. 5930 Y8e. Are the assets and debts that you've told me about in this interview owned mainly by you, are they owned jointly with your (husband/wife), or what? (ASKED OF SEPARATED RESPONDENTS) 1. OWNED BY R 2. OWNED JOINTLY -7. OTHER 0. Inap. 6111 Y21. Has your (husband/wife/partner) been married before? 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. 6112 Y22. Altogether, how many times was your (husband/wife/partner) married before? Code NUMBER 0. Inap. 6113 Y22a. When did (his/her) first marriage begin? Code YEAR 0. Inap. 6114 Y22b. And when did that marriage end? Code YEAR 0. Inap. 6115 Y22c. Did that marriage end in divorce, or was (he/she) widowed? 3. Separated and not yet divorced 4. DIVORCE 5. WIDOWED 0. Inap. 6116 Y22d. Did any of these marriages end by your (husband/wife/ partner) being widowed? 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. 6117 Y22e. How many? Code # TIMES WIDOWED 0. Inap. 6118 Y22f. At what age was your (husband/wife/partner) first married? Code YEARS OLD 0. Inap. 6119 Y22g. Finally, for about how many years in total has your (husband/wife/partner) been married? (ACCEPT RANGE) Code YEARS 0. Inap. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- HEALTH ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6030 Y15. Now I'd like to ask you about your health; would you say your health is excellent, good, fair, or poor? 6124 Y24. Now I'd like to ask you some questions about your family's health; would you say your (husband's/wife's/partner's) health in general is excellent, good, fair, or poor? 1. EXCELLENT 2. GOOD 3. FAIR 4. POOR 0. Inap. (No spouse) READ: For the rest of the questions in the interview, please include the adults in your household who have independent finances. 6202 Y25a. Do you or anyone in your household (including those with independent finances) have any persistent or chronic health conditions or problems? (R DOES NOT LIVE ALONE) Y26. Do you have any persistent or chronic health conditions or problems? (R LIVES ALONE) 1. YES 5. NO Y25b. Which household members have these health conditions or problems and what are they? (Any others?) (LIST FAMILY MEMBERS BY RELATION TO R) (ASKED FOR R DOES NOT LIVE ALONE; FILLED IN FOR R LIVES ALONE) 6203(#1) Y25c. HOUSEHOLD MEMBER 6207(#2) 6211(#3) 1. RESPONDENT 6215(#4) 2. Spouse of Respondent 6219(#5) 3. "Partner" of Respondent 4. Child (incl. in-laws) 13. Partner's child 5. Grandchild 6. Parent (incl. in-laws) 7. Grandparent (incl. in-laws) 8. Aunt/uncle 9. Cousin 10. Niece/nephew 11. Sister/brother (incl. in-laws) 12. Great grandchild 29. Other relative 31. Roommate 32. "Friend" (exc. 3) 33. Relative of Partner (except Child, code 13) 34. Boarder or roomer/lodger 35. Paid help (maid, etc.) 36. Foster child 39. Other unrelated person 0. Inap. (No chronic health conditions, no further chronic health conditions) 6204(#1) Y25d. AGE (ASKED FOR R DOES NOT LIVE ALONE; FILLED IN 6208(#2) FOR R LIVES ALONE) 6212(#3) 6216(#4) Code AGE 6220(#5) 0. Inap. (No chronic health conditions, no further chronic health conditions) Ages of household members other than the respondent and spouse are rounded to the nearest 5 years 6205(#1a) Y25e. HEALTH CONDITIONS (R DOES NOT LIVE ALONE) 6206(#1b) Y26a. What are these health conditions or problems? (Any 6209(#2a) others?) (R LIVES ALONE) 6210(#2b) 6213(#3a) If a person has more health conditions than there is 6214(#3b) room to code: 6217(#4a) 1) if there is room, code that person more than once 6218(#4b) (i.e., use 2 or more adjacent person mentions for 6221(#5a) the same person--same REL & AGE); 6222(#5b) 2) otherwise, attempt to select the 2 most serious health problems for the person who has excess mentions; 3) if you're still stuck--see Supervisor. HEALTH CONDITIONS MASTER CODE (revised version for 1989 SCF) Cancers and tumors; skin conditions 101. Cancer--any site or type; leukemia; Hodgkin's disease; melanomas; "tumors" if specified as malignant 102. Tumors, cysts or growths (exc. 101); "polyps" 103. Skin conditions--any mention exc. cancer (101) or tumor (102); dermatitis; eczema; "rashes" Musculoskeletal system and connective tissue 111. Arthritis; rheumatism; bursitis 112. Back or spine problems: chronic stiffness, deformity or pain; disc problems; scoliosis; spinal bifida; "bad back" 113. Stiffness, deformity or chronic pain in foot, leg, arm or hand (exc. 104); "bad knee" 114. Missing legs, feet, arms, hands, or fingers (from amputation or congenital deformity) 115. Paralysis--any mention (incl. from polio) 116. Hernias; hiatal hernia 117. Muscular dystrophy 119. Other musculoskeletal or connective tissue problems; lupus; osteoporosis; pinched nerve Heart, circulatory and blood conditions 121. Heart problems: heart attack (coronary) or failure; arteriosclerosis; aneurysms; heart deformities; angina; "bad heart"; congestive heart disease 122. High blood pressure (hypertension) 123. Stroke; cerebral hemorrhage or accident 124. Blood disorders: anemia; hemophilia; polycythemia; "bad blood" 129. Other circulatory problems; phlebitis, clots, embolisms; varicose veins; hemorrhoids; low blood pressure Respiratory system conditions 131. Allergies; hayfever; sinusitis; tonsillitis 132. Asthma 133. Bronchitis; pneumonia; "acute upper respiratory problems" 134. Emphysema 139. Other respiratory problems; tuberculosis Endocrine, metabolic and nutritional conditions 141. Diabetes 142. Thyroid trouble; goiter 143. Cystic fibrosis 144. Nutritional problems; weight problems; eating disorders; high cholesterol 149. Other endocrine/metabolic problems; pancreatitis; pituitary problems Digestive system (stomach, liver, gallbladder, kidney, bladder) 151. Stomach and intestinal conditions: ulcers; colitis; gastritis; diverticulosis; appendicitis; Chron's disease; "stomach pains" 152. Liver conditions: cirrhosis; hepatitis 153. Kidney conditions: kidney stones; kidney failure (incl. dialysis) 154. Gallbladder conditions 155. Bladder conditions 159. Other digestive system problems Neurological and sensory conditions 161. Blindness or vision problems: glaucoma; cataracts; detached retina 162. Deafness, hearing loss or other ear conditions 163. Multiple sclerosis; cerebral palsy; epilepsy; Parkinson's; ALS 164. Speech conditions--any mention: congenital speech defects; stuttering 165. Mental retardation; learning disabilities; Down syndrome 169. Other neurological/sensory problems; sciatica; "headaches"; "dizziness"; "blackouts" Reproductive system and prostate conditions 171. Pregnancy and childbirth problems; miscarriage; stillbirth; RH factor 172. Infertility; sterilization; vasectomy; tubal ligation 173. Prostate conditions 179. Other problems of reproductive system; hysterectomy; ovarian problems; PMS; menopause Emotional and psychological conditions 181. Alcoholism 182. Drug abuse, addiction 183. Other severe psychological conditions: (chronic) depression; schizophrenia; mania; paranoia; autism 189. Other emotional and psychological problems; "mental problems"; "nerves"; "nervous breakdown" Miscellaneous 191. Alzheimer's disease; "senility" 192. Dental and gum conditions--any mention 193. Infectious diseases; flu, colds, fever, mumps, etc. 194. Injuries and traumas: broken bones; pulled muscles; strains; tendon damage; burns, lacerations; concussion -7. Other health condition 0. Inap. (No chronic health conditions, no further chronic health conditions) HEALTH CONDITIONS ALPHABETIC LIST 149. Acromegaly 133. Acute upper respiratory diseases 181. Alcoholism 131. Allergies 103. Alopecia 191. Alzheimer's disease 114. Amputation of limbs 124. Anemia 121. Aneurysm 121. Angina 183. Anxiety 151. Appendectomy 151. Appendicitis 121. Arterial blockage 121. Arteries, hardening 121. Arteriosclerosis 111. Arthritis 132. Asthma 194. Back injuries 112. Back, bad 189. Behavioral problems 102. Benign tumors 183. Bipolar depression 171. Birth of child 139. Black lung 155. Bladder conditions 161. Blindness 129. Blood clots 124. Blood disorders, specific 124. Blood disorders, NFS 194. Bones, broken/damaged from injuries/accidents 151 Bowel, irritable 194. Brain damage, from injuries/accidents 169. "Brain damage," NFS 139. Breathing problems 133. Bronchitis 194. Burns 111. Bursitis 121. Bypass surgery 101. Cancer 101. Carcinoma 161. Cataracts 163. Cerebral palsy ??? Chest pains 171. Childbirth 171. Childbirth, hemorrhaging from 171. Childbirth, complications from 144. Cholesterol, high 129. "Circulation" 129. Circulatory system, other specific 152. Cirrhosis 193. Colds 151. Colitis 151. Colostomy 194. Concussions 121. Congestive heart disease 161. Conjunctivitis 121. Coronary 151. Crohn's disease 143. Cystic fibrosis 155. Cystitis 102. Cysts 162. Deafness 183. Depression 103. Dermatitis 161. Detached retina 141. Diabetes 153. Dialysis 112. Disc, slipped 112. Disc, worn 151. Diverticulosis 182. Drug addiction 182. Drug dependence 179. Dysmenorrhea 162. Ear conditions, all 103. Eczema 134. Emphysema 179. Endometriosis 151. Enteritis 163. Epilepsy 171. Episiotomy 161. Eye conditions, NFS 179. Female problems 193. "Fever" 193. "Flu" 154. Gallbladder conditions 154. Gallbladder, removal 154. Gallstones 151. Gastritis 161. Glaucoma 149. Gout 149. Gland problem 102. "Growths" 179. Gynecological problems, NFS 142. Goiter 131. Hayfever 162. Hearing, loss of 121. Heart attack 121. Heart bypass surgery 121. Heart condition, NFS 121. Heart deformities, congenital 121. Heart murmurs 121. Heart valve blockage 121. Heart valve prolapse 121. Heart valve replacement 124. Hemophilia 129. Hemorrhoids 152. Hepatitis 116. Hernia, hiatal 122. High blood pressure 141. High blood sugar 149. Hormone problems 149. Hyperpituitarism 122. Hypertension 149. Hypoglycemia 179. Hysterectomy 151. Ileitis 193. "Infection" 172. Infertility 193. Influenza 194. Injuries, accidental 189. Insomnia 151. Intestinal conditions 151. Irritable bowel conditions 152. Jaundice 153. Kidney failure 153. Kidney removal 153. Kidney stones 113. Knee, bad 194. Lacerations 164. Laryngectomy 189. Learning disabilities 101. Leukemia 152. Liver conditions 142. Low blood sugar 119. Lupus 101. Malignant tumors 183. Manic-depression 193. Measles 101. Melanoma 101. Melanoma, removal 162. Meniere's disease 179. Menopause 179. Menstrual periods, painful 189. Mental health problem, vague 189. Mental problems 165. Mental retardation 169. Migraines 171. Miscarriage 121. Mitral valve prolapse 102. Mole removal 193. Mononucleosis 163. Multiple sclerosis 193. Mumps 117. Muscular dystrophy 119. Myasthenia gravis 121. Myocardial infarction 121. Myocardial schemia 194. Neck injuries 153. Nephritis 119. Nerve, pinched 189. Nerves, bad 189. Nervous breakdown 189. Nervous condition 119. Neuritis 144. Obesity 144. Overweight 119. Osteoporosis 149. Pancreatitis 183. Panic attacks 163. Parkinson's disease 151. Peritonitis 129. Phlebitis 139. Pleurisy 133. Pneumonia 115. Polio 124. Polycythemia 102. Polyps 179. Premenstrual syndrome (P.M.S.) 173. Prostate conditions 103. Psoriasis 194. Pulled muscle 103. Rash, skin 179. Reproductive organs, removal of (exc. for cancer, tumors) 133. Respiratory diseases, acute upper 161. Retina, detached 161. Retina, torn 121. Rheumatic heart disease 111. Rheumatism 193. Rubella 139. Sarcoidosis 169. Sciatica/sciatic nerve problem 112. Scoliosis 191. Senility 169. "Shaky hands" 169. Shingles 124. Sickle cell anemia 131. Sinusitis 194. Skull bone injuries 194. Skull fracture 164. Speech conditions, all 164. Speech impediment 194. Spinal cord damage, from injuries/accident 194. Sprain 171. Stillbirth 151. Stomach conditions 151. Stomach pains 151. Stomach, removal 193. Strep throat 123. Stroke 164. Stuttering 172. Sterilization 142. Thyroid problems 131. Tonsillitis 139. Tuberculosis 102. Tumors, benign 101. Tumor, malignant (or cancerous) 102. Tumor, NA whether malignant or benign 172. Tubal ligation 172. Tubes tied 151. Ulcerative colitis 151. Ulcers, stomach (peptic or duodenal) 103. Ulcers, skin 172. Vasectomy 129. Varicose veins 193. "Virus," NFS 161. Vision problems, NFS 144. Vitamin deficiency 102. Warts 144. Weight problems 0. Inap. (No chronic health conditions, no further chronic health conditions) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- HEALTH INSURANCE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6301 Y29. Are you or anyone in your household (including family members with independent finances) currently eligible to receive benefits from any government health insurance programs, such as Medicare, Medicaid, or CHAMPUS, VA, or other military programs? (R DOES NOT LIVE ALONE) Y27. Are you currently eligible to receive benefits from any government health insurance programs, such as Medicare, Medicaid, or CHAMPUS, VA, or other military programs? (R LIVES ALONE) 1. YES 5. NO Y29a. Which program is that? (Anything else?) (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY.) (IWER: ONLY PERSONS 65 OR OLDER SHOULD BE ELIGIBLE FOR MEDICATE. ONLY POOR PERSONS SHOULD BE ELIGIBLE FOR MEDICAID. CHAMPUS IS FOR ACTIVE MILITARY.) (R DOES NOT LIVE ALONE) Y27a. Which program is that? (Anything else?) (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY.) (IWER: ONLY PERSONS 65 OR OLDER SHOULD BE ELIGIBLE FOR MEDICARE. ONLY POOR PERSONS SHOULD BE ELIGIBLE FOR MEDICAID. CHAMPUS IS FOR ACTIVE MILITARY.) (R LIVES ALONE) 6302 Y27a./Y29a. A. MEDICARE 6303 Y27a./Y29a. B. MEDICAID (include MediCal) 6304 Y27a./Y29a. C. VA/CHAMPUS 6305 Y27a./Y29a. D. OTHER 1. Checked 5. Not checked 0. Inap. (Not eligible for any government health insurance programs) 6306 Y29b. Is everyone living here covered by (this/one of these) program(s)? 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. (Not eligible for any government health insurance programs) Y29d. Who is not covered? (Anyone else?) (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY.) 6308 Y29d. A. R 6309 Y29d. B. SPOUSE 6310 Y29d. C. CHILD(REN) UNDER 18 6311 Y29d. D. CHILD(REN) 18 AND OVER 6312 Y29d. E. FATHER (IN-LAW) 6313 Y29d. F. MOTHER (IN-LAW) 6314 Y29d. G. OTHER: 1. Checked 2. Grandchild (6314 only) 5. Not checked 0. Inap. (Not eligible for any government health insurance programs, everyone covered by government health insurance programss) 6315 Y29c. Do you or anyone living here have any other type of health coverage such as employer plans, or Blue Cross-Blue Shield, or a Health Maintenance Organization? (R DOES NOT LIVE ALONE) Y30. Do you or anyone living here have any (other) type of health coverage such as employer plans, or Blue Cross-Blue Shield, or a Health Maintenance Organization? Y27b. Do you have any other type of health coverage such as employer plans, or Blue Cross-Blue Shield, or a Health Maintenance Organization? (R LIVES ALONE) Y28. Do you have any type of health coverage such as employer plans or Blue Cross-Blue Shield, or a Health Maintenance Organization? (R LIVES ALONE) 1. YES 5. NO Y31. Is this coverage obtained through your employer, former employer, or union, (your [husband's/wife's/partner's] employer, former employer, or union,) through direct payments to an insurance company, or what? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY.) Y28a. Is this coverage obtained through your employer or former employer, a union, through direct payments to an insurance company, or what? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY.) (R LIVES ALONE) 6316 Y28a./Y31. A. R'S EMPLOYER (incl. R's own business) 6317 Y28a./Y31. B. R'S FORMER EMPLOYER 6318 Y28a./Y31. C. R'S UNION 6319 Y31. D. S'S EMPLOYER 6320 Y31. E. S'S FORMER EMPLOYER 6321 Y31. F. S'S UNION 6322 Y28a./Y31. G. DIRECT PAYMENT 6323 Y28a./Y31. H. OTHER: 1. Checked 2. Employer of HU member (except R or Spouse) (6323 only) 3. Through a relative outside the HU (incl. Ex-spouse); former spouse's employer (R lives alone) (6323 only) 5. Not checked 0. Inap. (No private health insurance coverage) Y31a. How is this coverage paid for -- by you or someone in your household, by an employer, by you and an employer, by a relative not living here, or what? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY.) (R DOES NOT LIVE ALONE) Y28b. How is this coverage paid for -- by you, by an employer, by you and an employer, by a relative, or what? CHECK ALL THAT APPLY. (R LIVES ALONE) 6324 Y28b./Y31a. A. R/FAMILY 6325 Y28b./Y31a. B. EMPLOYER (incl. R's or S's own business) 6326 Y28b./Y31a. C. RELATIVE 6327 Y28b./Y31a. D. FORMER EMPLOYER 6328 Y28b./Y31a. E. OTHER: 1. Checked 2. Employer of someone else in HH other than R/Spouse (6328 only) 3. Employer of person outside HH, incl. relatives/ ex-spouse (6328 only) 5. Not checked 0. Inap. (No private health insurance coverage) 6329 Y31b. Is everyone in your household covered by at least one of these private health programs? 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. (No private health insurance coverage) Y31c. Who is not covered (including those with independent finances)? (Anyone else?) (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY.) 6330 Y31c. A. R 6331 Y31c. B. SPOUSE/PARTNER 6332 Y31c. C. CHILD(REN) UNDER 18 6333 Y31c. D. CHILD(REN) 18 AND OVER 6334 Y31c. E. FATHER (IN-LAW) 6335 Y31c. F. MOTHER (IN-LAW) 6336 Y31c. G. OTHER: 1. Checked 2. Other adult relative(s) (6336 only) 3. Non-relative(s) (6336 only) 5. Not checked 0. Inap. (No private health insurance coverage, everyone covered by private health insurance) 6337 Y32. (RB, P. 14) This is a list of reasons why some people don't have health insurance. Which number best describes why (you/some members of your household) are not covered? 1. TOO EXPENSIVE, CAN'T AFFORD HEALTH INSURANCE 2. CAN'T GET INSURANCE BECAUSE OF POOR HEALTH, AGE, OR ILLNESS 3. DON'T BELIEVE IN HEALTH INSURANCE 4. NOT MUCH SICKNESS IN THE FAMILY; WE HAVEN'T NEEDED INSURANCE 5. DISSATISFIED WITH PREVIOUS INSURANCE 6. JOB LAYOFF OR JOB LOSS 11. Not covered on job yet, but will be soon 95. Those without private insurance are already covered by Medicare/Medicaid -7. OTHER 0. Inap. (Has private health insurance coverage or all covered by a government program) Top of Page ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- FINANCES OF OTHER ECONOMIC UNITS WITHIN THE HOUSEHOLD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6401 Y33. INTERVIEWER CHECKPOINT 1. 1 OR MORE ADULTS WITH INDEPENDENT FINANCES (COL. F MARKED "INDEP") 2. ALL OTHERS 0. Inap. (R lives alone) 6402 Y34. I'd like to ask some questions just about the other adults 22 and over who live with you (and your family) but have independent finances. (Does he/Does she/Do any of these other adults) receive any income from wages or salaries? 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. (No adults with independent finances) 6403 Y34a. Roughly how much total income did (he/she/they) have from wages and salaries in 1988 before taxes and deductions? (ACCEPT RANGE.) Code actual amount -1. Zero; none in 1988 0. Inap. (No adults with independent finances, independent adults have no wages/salaries) 6405 Y35. (Does he/Does she/Do they) receive income from any other sources (such as social security, a pension, disability payments, public assistance, or income from a business or other assets)? 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. (No adults with independent finances) Y35a. What other sources of income (does he/does she/do they) have? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY.) 6406 Y35a. A. SOCIAL SECURITY 6407 Y35a. B. PENSIONS 6408 Y35a. C. DISABILITY 6409 Y35a. D. PUBLIC ASSISTANCE 6410 Y35a. E. INTEREST INCOME 6411 Y35a. F. DIVIDENDS 6412 Y35a. G. BUSINESS 6413 Y35a. H. REAL ESTATE 6414 Y35a. J. OTHER 1. Checked 5. Not checked 0. Inap. (No adults with independent finances, independent adults have no income from other sources) 6415 Y35b. Roughly how much total income did (he/she/they) have from (all these/this) source(s) in 1988 before taxes and deductions? Code actual amount -1. Zero; none in 1988 0. Inap. (No adults with independent finances, independent adults have no income from other sources) 6417 Y36. (Does he/Does she/Do any of them) have any cars or other vehicles? 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. (No adults with independent finances) 6418 Y36a. Roughly, how much (is this/are these) vehicle(s) worth in today's prices? (ACCEPT RANGE.) Code actual amount -1. Zero; worth nothing 0. Inap. (No adults with independent finances, independent adults have no vehicles) 6420 Y37. (Does he/Does she/Do they) have any bank accounts, savings accounts, or savings bonds? 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. (No adults with independent finances) 6421 Y37a. Roughly, how much in total (does he/does she/do they) have in bank accounts, savings accounts, or savings bonds? (ACCEPT RANGE.) Code actual amount -1. Zero; account with no balance 0. Inap. (No adults with independent finances, independent adults have no accounts/savings bonds) 6423 Y38. (Does he/Does she/Do they) have any other assets (such as stocks, bonds, a business, or any properties, including any part of the [house/apartment] you live in)? 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. (No adults with independent finances) Y38a. What other kinds of assets (does he/does she/do they) have? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY.) 6424 Y38a. A. R'S HOME 6425 Y38a. B. STOCKS 6426 Y38a. C. BONDS 6427 Y38a. D. MUTUAL FUNDS 6428 Y38a. E. MONEY MARKET FUNDS 6429 Y38a. F. BUSINESS 6430 Y38a. G. OTHER REAL ESTATE 6431 Y38a. H. OTHER 1. Checked 5. Not checked 0. Inap. (No adults with independent finances, independent adults have no other assets) 6432 Y38b. Roughly, how much in total (does he/does she/do they) have in (all these/this) asset(s)? (ACCEPT RANGE.) Code actual amount -1. Zero value; currently a loss 0. Inap. (No adults with independent finances, independent adults have no other assets) 6435 Y39a. What share of this home (does he/does she/do they) own? Code PERCENT to 2 decimal places 0. Inap. (No adults with independent finances, independent adults do not own part of R's home) 6436 Y39b. What is the present value of this home? I mean, about what would it bring if it were sold today? Code actual amount 0. Inap. (No adults with independent finances, independent adults do not own part of R's home) 6437 Y39c. What is the amount still owed on all the mortgages, land contracts and loans on the home? (ACCEPT RANGE.) Code actual amount -1. NOTHING 0. Inap. (No adults with independent finances, independent adults do not own part of R's home) 6438 Y40. Not including any debts (he/she/they) owe(s) you (or your [husband/wife]), (does he/does she/do they) have any debts? (IF R ASKS: DO NOT INCLUDE MORTGAGE ON R'S HOME.) 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. (No adults with independent finances) 6439 Y40a. Roughly how much in total are (his/her/their) debts? Code actual amount 0. Inap. (No adults with independent finances, independent adults do have any debts) Top of Page ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXPECTATIONS AND ATTITUDES ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 301 A1. I'd like to start this interview by asking you about your expectations for the future. Over the next five years, do you expect the U.S. economy as a whole to perform better, worse, or about the same as it has over the past five years? 1. BETTER 2. WORSE 3. ABOUT THE SAME 302 A2. Five years from now, do you think interest rates will be higher, lower, or about the same as today? 1. HIGHER 2. LOWER 3. ABOUT THE SAME 303 A3. Over the next five years, do you expect your total (family) income to go up more than prices, less than prices, or about the same as prices? 1. UP MORE 2. UP LESS 3. ABOUT THE SAME 304 A4. Over the past five years, did your total (family) income go up more than prices, less than prices, or about the same as prices? 1. UP MORE 2. UP LESS 3. ABOUT THE SAME 401 B1. Now I would like to ask you some questions about how you feel about credit. In general, do you think it is a good idea or a bad idea for people to buy things on the installment plan? 1. GOOD IDEA 3. GOOD IN SOME WAYS, BAD IN OTHERS 5. BAD IDEA B2. People have many different reasons for borrowing money which they pay back over a period of time. For each of the reasons I read, please tell me whether you feel it is all right for someone like yourself to borrow money... 402 B2a. first, to cover the expenses of a vacation trip? 403 B2b. next, to cover living expenses when income is cut? 404 B2c. (next,) to finance the purchase of a fur coat or jewelry? 405 B2d. (next,) to finance the purchase of a car? 406 B2e. finally, to finance educational expenses? 1. YES 5. NO 407 B3. In the past five years, has a particular lender or creditor turned down any request you (or your [husband/wife]) made for credit, or not given you as much credit as you applied for? (Turned down, or not as much credit?) 1. YES, TURNED DOWN 3. YES, NOT AS MUCH CREDIT 5. NO 408 B3a. Were you later able to obtain the full amount you (or your husband/wife) requested by reapplying to the same institution or by applying elsewhere? 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. (Not turned down) 409 B4. Was there any time in the past five years that you (or your [husband/wife]) thought of applying for credit at a particular place, but changed your mind because you thought you might be turned down? 1. YES 5. NO 3001 H16. R HAS ANY LOANS -- RECODED FROM INTERVIEWER CHECKPOINT 1. R HAS ANY TYPE OF LOAN OR DEBT -- MORTGAGE, HOUSING LOAN, PROPERTY, VEHICLE OR OTHER LOANS 2. ALL OTHERS 3. CHECKED "NO DEBTS," BUT R HAD DEBTS 4. CHECKED "DEBTS," R HAD NO DEBTS 3002 H17. (RB, P. 2) Thinking about the loan or mortgage that you took out most recently, what was the main reason you chose the lender that you did? (Was it because of the location of their offices, because they had the best interest rates, because you were able to obtain many services at one place, because they were recommended by someone else, or some other reason?) 1. RECOMMENDED 2. INTEREST RATES 3. LOCATION OF OFFICES 4. Other business done here 5. Easy to qualify (for credit); only place that would give us a loan 6. MANY SERVICES IN ONE PLACE 7. Low fees/service charges 8. Safety 9. Other convenience mentions: payroll deduction feature; "convenience"--NFS 11. Personal relationship; they know me; know/like them; R/Spouse works there 21. No choice--assumed existing debt and lender from previous owner 22. No choice--financed through store/dealer and this was their financial institution -7. OTHER 0. Inap. (R has no loans) 3003 H18. (Not using the booklet.) (READ SLOWLY:) Again thinking about the same loan, roughly how far was the office where the application was made from the home or workplace of the person who made the application? (IF R ASKS: WE WANT THE CLOSER OF THE DISTANCE FROM HOME OR OFFICE.) (ACCEPT RANGE.) Code MILES 51. OVER 50 MILES -1. LESS THAN A MILE 0. Inap. (R has no loans) 3004 H19. Now thinking of all the various loan payments you made during the last year, were all the payments made the way they were scheduled, or were payments on any of the loans sometimes made later or missed? 1. ALL PAID AS SCHEDULED 5. SOMETIMES GOT BEHIND OR MISSED PAYMENTS -1. Payments not due/started yet -7. Other 0. Inap. (R has no loans) 3005 H19a. Were you ever behind in your payments by two months or more? 1. YES 5. NO 0. Inap. (R has no loans, all payments made as scheduled) 3006 J1. Now I'd like to ask a few questions about your (family's) 3007 savings. People have different reasons for saving. What are your (family's) most important reasons for saving? 1. Children's education; education of grandchildren 2. Own education; spouse's education; education--NA for whom 3. "For the children/family"--NFS; "to help the kids out" 11. Buying own house (code summer cottage in 12) 12. Purchase of cottage or second home for own use 13. Buy a car 14. Home improvements/repairs 15. To travel; take vacations 16. Buy durable household goods, appliances, home furnishings; hobby items; for other purchases not codable above or not further specified; "buy things when we need/want them"; moving/special occasions 17. Burial; funeral expenses 18. Charitable or religious contributions 21. Buying (investing in) own business/farm; equipment for business/farm 22. Retirement; old age 23. Reserves in case of unemployment 24. In case of illness; medical/dental expenses 25. Emergencies; "rainy days"; other unexpected needs; for "security"/independence 26. Investment reasons (to get interest, to be diversified, to buy other forms of assets) 27. To meet contractual commitments (debt repayment, insurance, taxes, etc.); to pay off house 28. "To get ahead"; for the future; to advance standard of living 29. Ordinary living expenses/bills 90. Had extra income; saved because had the money left over--no other purpose specified 91. Wise/prudent thing to do; good discipline to save 92. Liquidity; to have cash available/on hand -1. Don't/can't save; "have no money" -7. Other 0. Inap. (No additional reason) 3008 J2. (RB, P. 3) In deciding how much of their (family) income to spend or save, people are likely to think about different financial planning periods. In planning your (family's) saving and spending, which of the time periods listed on this page is most important to you (and your [husband/wife])? 1. NEXT FEW MONTHS 2. NEXT YEAR 3. NEXT FEW YEARS 4. NEXT 5 - 10 YEARS 5. LONGER THAN 10 YEARS -1. R only says: "no savings"/"can't (don't) save" 3009 J3. Which is the least important to you? (RECORD ANSWER IN GRID ABOVE.) 1. NEXT FEW MONTHS 2. NEXT YEAR 3. NEXT FEW YEARS 4. NEXT 5 - 10 YEARS 5. LONGER THAN 10 YEARS -1. R only says: "no savings"/"can't (don't) save" 3010 J4. (Not using the booklet.) Are there any foreseeable major financial obligations that you (and your family) expect will have to be met in the future, such as educational expenses, health care costs, and so forth? (IF R ASKS, THE FUTURE MEANS THE NEXT FIVE TO TEN YEARS.) 1. YES 5. NO 3011 J4a. (RB, P.4) What kinds of obligations are these? (CHECK 3012 ALL THAT APPLY. 3013 Code up to 3 mentions 1. EDUCATION: R'S CHILDREN (incl. step & adopted children); grandchildren 2. EDUCATION: OTHERS (incl. R & spouse) 3. HEALTH CARE: SELF/SPOUSE 4. HEALTH CARE: OTHERS (incl. elderly parents/disabled child) 5. Health care/Medical expenses -- NA for whom 11. General support for R/spouse in retirement or old age 12. General support for (disabled) child/grandchild; "raising my grandson" 13. General support for parents 14. General support for others or NA for whom 21. Home purchase (incl. vacation home) 22. Purchase of car or other large durable goods 23. Burial expenses 24. Taxes 25. Home repairs/improvements 26. Weddings, vacations, moving and other special expenditures 31. Business/investment; start/expand own business 41. Bills/living expenses--NFS -7. OTHER 0. Inap. (No financial obligations, no additional financial obligations) 3014 J5. (RB, P. 5) Which of the statements on this page comes closest to the amount of financial risk that you (and your [husband/wife]) are willing to take when you save or make investments? If more than one box checked, code smallest category #. 1. TAKE SUBSTANTIAL FINANCIAL RISKS EXPECTING TO EARN SUBSTANTIAL RETURNS. 2. TAKE ABOVE AVERAGE FINANCIAL RISKS EXPECTING TO EARN ABOVE AVERAGE RETURNS. 3. TAKE AVERAGE FINANCIAL RISKS EXPECTING TO EARN AVERAGE RETURNS. 4. NOT WILLING TO TAKE ANY FINANCIAL RISKS. J6. (RB, P. 6) Which of the following statements on this page comes closest to describing you(r) (and your [husband's/wife's]) saving habits? (CHECK MORE THAN ONE ONLY IF NECESSARY.) 3015 J6-1. DON'T SAVE -- USUALLY SPEND MORE THAN INCOME 3016 J6-2. DON'T SAVE -- USUALLY SPEND ABOUT AS MUCH AS INCOME 3017 J6-3. SAVE WHATEVER IS LEFT OVER AT THE END OF THE MONTH--NO 3018 J6-4. SAVE INCOME OF ONE FAMILY MEMBER, SPEND THE OTHER 3019 J6-5. SPEND REGULAR INCOME, SAVE OTHER INCOME 3020 J6-6. SAVE REGULARLY BY PUTTING MONEY ASIDE EACH MONTH 1. Checked 5. Not checked 3021 J7. (RB, P. 7) Now I'd like to ask a few questions about how you see various risks. First, on a scale from 0 to 10, where 0 equals almost no risk and 10 equals very great risk, what do you think is the risk that the U.S. economy will experience a major depression sometime during the next ten years or so? 0. ALMOST NO RISK 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. VERY GREAT RISK 3022 J8. (RB, STILL ON P. 7) And what number would you give to the risk that the U.S. economy will experience double digit inflation sometime during the next ten years or so? 0. ALMOST NO RISK 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. VERY GREAT RISK 3023 J9. (RB, P. 8) On a different scale, how would you rate the retirement income you (expect to receive/are receiving) from Social Security and job pensions? 0. TOTALLY INADEQUATE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ENOUGH TO MAINTAIN LIVING STANDARDS 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. VERY SATISFACTORY 3024 J10. (RB, P. 9) When making major decisions about borrowing and saving, some people shop around for the very best terms while others don't. Where would your family be on the scale? 0. ALMOST NO SHOPPING 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. A GREAT DEAL OF SHOPPING Top of Page ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LINKAGE TO PENSION PROVIDER ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6501 Y42. END OF IW REFERENCE: RESPONDENT'S EMPLOYMENT/PENSION INFORMATION 1. R IS COVERED BY PENSION ON CURRENT JOB (1 OR MORE PLANS AT R18, P. 82) 2. ALL OTHERS 6502 Y43. END OF IW REFERENCE: SPOUSE'S EMPLOYMENT/PENSION INFORMATION 3. R IS NOT MARRIED/LIVING WITH PARTNER 4. S IS COVERED BY PENSION ON CURRENT JOB 5. ALL OTHERS Top of Page ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- INTERVIEWER OBSERVATIONS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6503 ZZ1. RELATIONSHIP OF R TO INFORMANT: 1. R IS INFORMANT 2. Spouse of Informant; partner of Informant 3. Child " " 4. Parent " " 5. Roommate/friend 6. Employer of Informant (e.g., maid was Informant) -7. OTHER: R IS __________ OF INFORMANT .N NA 6504 ZZ2. TYPE OF STRUCTURE IN WHICH FAMILY LIVES: 0. IW NOT CONDUCTED AT R'S HOME (low priority code) 1. TRAILER; MOBILE HOME 2. DETACHED SINGLE FAMILY HOUSE 3. 2-FAMILY HOUSE, 2 UNITS SIDE BY SIDE 4. 2-FAMILY HOUSE, 2 UNITS ONE ABOVE THE OTHER; "duplex"--NA whether 3 or 4 5. DETACHED 3-4 FAMILY HOUSE 6. ROW HOUSE (3 OR MORE UNITS IN AN ATTACHED ROW) 7. APARTMENT HOUSE (4 OR FEWER UNITS) 8. CONDO/APARTMENT HOUSE (5 OR MORE UNITS, 3 STORIES OR LESS) 9. CONDO/APARTMENT HOUSE (5 OR MORE UNITS, 4 STORIES OR MORE) 10. APARTMENT IN PARTLY COMMERCIAL STRUCTURE 11. Gov't. housing "projects"--not codeable above -7. OTHER .N NA ZZ3. NEIGHBORHOOD: Look at the structures on R's block and check as many as apply. 6505 ZZ3. A. VACANT LAND (include "lake", "farmland") 6506 ZZ3. B. TRAILER/MOBILE HOME 6507 ZZ3. C. DETACHED SINGLE FAMILY HOUSE 6508 ZZ3. D. 2-FAMILY HOUSE; SIDE BY SIDE OR ONE ABOVE THE OTHER 6509 ZZ3. E. DETACHED 3-4 FAMILY HOUSE 6510 ZZ3. F. ROW HOUSE (3 OR MORE UNITS IN AN ATTACHED ROW) 6511 ZZ3. G. APARTMENT HOUSE (4 OR FEWER UNITS) 6512 ZZ3. H. CONDO/APARTMENT HOUSE (5 OR MORE UNITS, 3 STORIES OR LESS) 6513 ZZ3. J. CONDO/APARTMENT HOUSE (5 OR MORE UNITS, 4 STORIES OR MORE) 6514 ZZ3. K. COMMERCIAL OR INDUSTRIAL STRUCTURE 6515 ZZ3. L. PARK; golf course 6516 ZZ3. M. SCHOOL OR OTHER GOV'T. BUILDING 6517 ZZ3. N. VACANT BUILDING 6518 ZZ3. P. OTHER 1. Checked 2. Gov't/Housing Project--not codeable above 3. Church (6518 only) 5. Not checked .N NA 0. Inap. (Interview not conducted in R's home) 6519 ZZ4. BUILDINGS IN THE IMMEDIATE NEIGHBORHOOD (LOOK UP AND DOWN THE BLOCK) ARE: 1. ALL RESIDENTIAL 2. MOSTLY RESIDENTIAL 3. ABOUT EQUALLY RESIDENTIAL AND NONRESIDENTIAL 4. MOSTLY NONRESIDENTIAL .N NA 0. NONE IN VIEW; Inap. (Interview not conducted in R's home) 6520 ZZ5. HOUSING STRUCTURES ON BLOCK ARE: 1. 0-20 FEET APART 2. 21-100 FEET APART 3. OVER 100 FEET APART .N NA 0. Inap. (Interview not conducted in R's home) 6521 ZZ6. CONDITION OF BUILDING EXTERIOR IS: 1. CLEAN AND SOUND 2. SOME PAINT PEELING OR CRACKS IN MASONRY 3. NEEDS SUBSTANTIAL PAINTING, REFILLING, OR REPAIR 4. DILAPIDATED .N NA 0. Inap. (Interview not conducted in R's home) 6522 ZZ7. CONDITION OF THE EXTERIOR OF BUILDINGS ON BLOCK IN GENERAL (BOTH SIDES OF STREET) LOOKS: 1. BETTER THAN R'S 2. AS GOOD AS R'S 3. WORSE THAN R'S .N NA 0. NO OTHER BUILDINGS IN VIEW; Inap. (Interview not conducted in R's home) 6523 ZZ8. PLEASE RATE THE PHYSICAL CONDITION OF THE INTERIOR OF THE HU: 1. EXCELLENT: WALLS AND CEILINGS HAVE NO CRACKS; PAINT OR PANELLING IS IN GOOD CONDITION 2. GOOD: NEEDS SOME MINOR PAINTING OR REFINISHING 3. FAIR: NEEDS MAJOR INTERIOR WORK--HOLES AND/OR CRACKS NEED PATCHING, PAINTING NEEDED, ETC. 4. POOR: SOME WALLS OR CEILINGS NEED REPLACEMENT 8. DON'T KNOW--WASN'T INSIDE HOUSE .N NA 0. Inap. (Interview not conducted in R's home) 6524 ZZ9. NEIGHBORHOOD RESIDENTS SEEM TO BE: 1. ALL BLACK 2. ALMOST ALL BLACK 3. HALF BLACK AND HALF NON-BLACK 4. ALMOST ALL NON-BLACK 5. ALL NON-BLACK 8. DON'T KNOW .N NA 0. Inap. (Interview not conducted in R's home) 6525 ZZ10. R'S UNDERSTANDING OF THE QUESTIONS WAS . . . 1. EXCELLENT 2. GOOD 3. FAIR 4. POOR 6526 ZZ11. R'S ABILITY TO EXPRESS (HIMSELF/HERSELF) WAS . . . 1. EXCELLENT 2. GOOD 3. FAIR 4. POOR 6527 ZZ12. WAS R SUSPICIOUS ABOUT THE STUDY BEFORE THE INTERVIEW? 1. NO, NOT AT ALL SUSPICIOUS 2. YES, SOMEWHAT SUSPICIOUS 5. YES, VERY SUSPICIOUS 6528 ZZ13. WAS R SUSPICIOUS ABOUT THE STUDY AFTER THE INTERVIEW? 1. NO, NOT AT ALL SUSPICIOUS 2. YES, SOMEWHAT SUSPICIOUS 5. YES, VERY SUSPICIOUS 6529 ZZ14. OVERALL, HOW GREAT WAS R'S INTEREST IN THE INTERVIEW? 1. VERY HIGH 2. ABOVE AVERAGE 3. AVERAGE 4. BELOW AVERAGE 5. VERY LOW ZZ15. OTHER PERSONS PRESENT AT THE INTERVIEW: (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY.) 6530 ZZ15 A. CHILDREN UNDER 6 6531 ZZ15. B. CHILDREN 6 & OVER 6532 ZZ15. C. SPOUSE 6533 ZZ15. D. OTHER RELATIVES 6534 ZZ15. E. OTHER ADULTS 6535 ZZ15. F. NO ONE 1. Checked 5. Not checked 9. NA 6536 ZZ16. DID R REFER TO DOCUMENTS TO ANSWER QUESTIONS? 1. FREQUENTLY 2. SOMETIMES 4. RARELY 5. NEVER 8. DK 9. NA ZZ17. WHICH DOCUMENTS DID R REFER TO? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY) 6537 ZZ17. A. LOAN DOCUMENTS 6538 ZZ17. B. CHECKING; SAVINGS; INVESTMENTS 6539 ZZ17. C. PENSION DOCUMENTS 6540 ZZ17. D. INCOME TAX RETURN 1. Checked 5. Not checked 8. DK 9. NA 0. Inap. (Did not refer to documents) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- END OF QUESTION DEFINITIONS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Top of Page ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MISC. RECODED VARIABLES ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8161 variable to link head/spouse with 1983 (0) not a panel case 1989 R single (1) single in 1983 married/partner in 1983 (2) R was head in 1983 (3) R was spouse in 1983 1989 R married/partner single in 1983 (4) R is head in 1989 (5) R is spouse in 1989 married/partner in 1983 same R and spouse (6) R is head in 1989 (7) R is spouse in 1989 different spouse (8) R is head in 1989 (9) R is spouse in 1989 * note that if absent spouse (i.e. x105=7 or x105=8 or x100 ne 0) then resp is always head and new values for x102,x105,and x107 x102=45 x105=12 or 13 if x8023=7 or 8 x107=12 8152 assets of new spouse since 1983 8153 debt of new spouse since 1983 8154 for widows since 1983, amount of assets bequeathed outside HH 8155 for widows since 1983, amount of insurance settlement 8156 for div since 1983, amount of assets R kept 8157 for div since 1983, amount of assets old S kept 8158 for div since 1983, alimony involved? 8159 for div since 1983, child custody agreement? 8160 for div since 1983, child support? X. VEHICLES 8346 place holder for imputed value of x2103 8347 place holder for imputed value of x2110 8348 place holder for imputed value of x2204 8349 place holder for imputed value of x2304 8350 place holder for imputed value of x2404 XIII. FINANCIAL ASSETS 4016 n50.face val oth life in 8174 intrm var - original value of 4006 4019 n52.if other assets 8173 number of other assets (N52) XIV. EMPLOYMENT 8067 total annual earnings (main job), H -- RECODE AND J 8068 total annual earnings (main job), Sp -- RECODE AND J EMPLOYMENT HISTORY RECODES + J 8069 total years worked full-time, H 8082 total years worked full-time, Sp 8269 total years worked f.t. through 86 (for imp bounds), H no j-code var 8282 total years worked f.t. through 86 (for imp bounds), S no j-code var 8569 total years worked f.t. through 83 (for imp bounds), to be used if 8269 = . , no j-code var H 8582 total years worked f.t. through 83 (for imp bounds), to be used if 8282 = . , no j-code var S 8070 total number of employers >= yr, H (remember to make proper J code for cases where person is pt/nw and worked for < 5 yrs 8083 total number of employers >= yr, Sp (remember to make proper J code for cases where person is pt/nw and worked for < 5 yrs 8270 total number of employers >= yr through 86 (for imp bounds), H no j-code var 8283 total number of employers >= yr through 86 (for imp bounds), S no j-code var 8071 total years worked part-time, H 8084 total years worked part-time, Sp 8271 total years worked p.t. through 86 (for imp bounds), H no j-code var (for new 86 spouses a bound using 89 data only) 8284 total years worked p.t. through 86 (for imp bounds), S no j-code var (for new 86 spouses a bound using 89 data only) 8571 total years worked p.t. through 83 (for imp bounds), to be used if 8271 = . , no j-code var H 8584 total years worked p.t. through 83 (for imp bounds), to be used if 8284 = . , no j-code var S 8501 l.p.j var = < .z when f.t. l.p.j. can't be calculated due to bad data (=.f new sp 89 (p.t. or n.w.) or 86, and questions not asked) =86 if f.t. l.p.j. is 86 job =83 if f.t. l.p.j. is 83 job =1 if new 89 sp never wk f.t. =2 if no f.t. l.p.j. ( >= 3 years if f.t. in 89) =5 if f.t. l.p.j. from new sp info =6 from 83 f.t. l.p.j. =89 from 83-86/90 job H 8601 l.p.j var = < .z when f.t. l.p.j. can't be calculated due to bad data (=.f new sp 89 (p.t. or n.w.) or 86, and questions not asked) =86 if f.t. l.p.j. is 86 job =83 if f.t. l.p.j. is 83 job =1 if new 89 sp never wk f.t. =2 if no f.t. l.p.j. ( >=3 years if f.t. in 89) =5 if f.t. l.p.j. from new sp info =6 from 83 f.t. l.p.j. =89 from 83-86/90 job S 8072 wdk for other/self longest prior job, H 8085 wdk for other/self longest prior job, Sp 8073 occ longest prior job, H 8086 occ longest prior job, Sp 8273 occ longest prior job, H (80 code) 8286 occ longest prior job, Sp (80 code) 8074 ind longest prior job, H 8087 ind longest prior job, Sp 8274 ind longest prior job, H (80 code) 8287 ind longest prior job, Sp (80 code) 8075 when started longest prior job, H (beware J codes) 8088 when started longest prior job, Sp (beware J codes) 8076 when left longest prior job, H (include R46c and R47c) 8089 when left longest prior job, Sp (include R46c and R47c) 8276 imp lower bound for 8076, H 8289 imp lower bound for 8089, Sp 8077 how much made when left longest prior job, H (include R46d and R47d) 8090 how much made when left longest prior job, Sp (include R46d and R47d) 8131 per for how much made, R 8097 per for how much made, R 8078 when expect to start working, nw, h 8091 when expect to start working, nw, Sp 8079 when expect to start pt, ft+nw, h 8092 when expect to start pt, ft+nw, Sp 8080 when stop working full-time, h 8093 when stop working full-time, Sp 8081 when stop working altogether, h 8094 when stop working altogether, Sp

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