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Battuello K, Furlong C, Fenske R, Austin M, Burke W. 2003. Paraoxonase polymorphisms and susceptibility to organophosphate pesticides: Implications for pesticide applicators. In: Human Genome Epidemiology. Khoury M, Little J, Burke W, editors. Oxford University Press.

Brophy V, Hastings M, Clendenning J, Richter R, Jarvik G, Furlong C. 2001. Polymorphismsin the human paraoxonase (PON1) promoter. Pharmacogenetics 11(1):77-84.

Brophy V, Jampsa R, Clendenning J, McKinstry L, Jarvik G, Furlong C. 2001. Effects of 5’Regulatory-Region Polymorphisms on Paraoxonase-Gene (PON1) Expression. Am J HumGenet 68(6):1428-1436.

Brophy V, Jampsa R, Richter R, Jarvik G, Furlong C. 2001. Paraoxonase (PON1) regulatory region polymorphisms affect activity level. Toxicol. Sci. 60(Supp):51.

Brophy V, Jarvik G, Furlong C. 2002. PON1 polymorphisms. In: Paraoxonase (PON1) in Health and Disease: Basic and Clinical Aspects. Costa L, Furlong C, editors. Boston:Kluwer Academic Press.

Brophy V, Jarvik G, Richter R, Rozek L, Schellenberg G, Furlong C. 2000. Analysis of paraoxonase (PON1) L55M status requires both genotype and phenotype. Pharmacogenetics 10(5):453-60.

Burbacher T, Grant K. 2000. Methods for studying nonhuman primates in neurobehavioral toxicology and teratology. Neurotoxicol Teratol 22(4):475-86.

Burbacher T, Grant K, Gilbert S, Rice D. 1999. The effects of methyl mercury exposure on visual and auditory functions in nonhuman primates. The Toxicologist 19:243.

Burry M, Guizzetti M, Oberdoerster J, Costa L. 2003. Developmental neurotoxicity of toluene: in vivo and in vitro effects on astrolglial cells. Developmental Neuroscience25(1):14-19.

Caughlan A, Newhouse K, Namgung U, Xia Z. 2004. Chlorpyrifos induces apoptosis in rat cortical neurons that is regulated by a balance between p38 and ERK/JNK MAP kinases. Toxicol Sci 78(1):125-34.

Cole T, Jampsa R, Walter B, Arndt T, Richter R, Shih D, Tward A, Lusis A, Jack R, Costa L and others. 2003. Expression of human paraoxonase (PON1) during development. Pharmacogenetics 13(6):357-364.

Cole T, Li W, Richter R, Furlong C, Costa L. 2002. Inhibition of paraoxonase (PON1) by heavy metals. Toxicological Sciences 66(Suppl. 1):312.

Cole T, Walter B, Costa L, Richter R, Pettan-Brewer C, Shih D, Tward A, Lusis A, Furlong C. 2003. Contribution of paraoxonase (PON1) levels and Q192R genotype to organophosphate detoxication: evidence from humans and “humanized” transgenic mice. Toxicol. Sci. 72(Suppl. 1):100.

Cole T, Walter B, Pettan-Brewer C, Costa L, Furlong C. In press. Organophosphate toxicity in mice expressing the human 192R or 192Q isoforms of paraoxonase (PON1).

Coronado G, Thompson B, Strong L, Griffi th W, Islas I. 2004. Agricultural task and exposure to organophosphate pesticides among farmworkers. Environ Health Perspect 112(2):142-7.

Costa L. 2000. The emerging field of ecogenetics. Neurotoxicology 21(1-2):85-9.

Costa L. 2001. Pesticide exposure: differential risk for neurotoxic outcomes due to enzyme polymorphisms. Clinics Occup. Environm. Med. 1:511-523.

Costa L, Aschner M, Vitalone A, Syverson T, Soldin O. 2004. Devlopmental neuropathology of environmental agents. Annual Review of Pharmacology and Toxicology 44:87-110.

Costa L, Cole T, Furlong C. 2003. Polymorphisms of paraoxonase (PON1) and their significance in clinical toxicology of organophosphates. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol 41(1):37-45.

Costa L, Cole T, Jarvik G, Furlong C. 2003. Functional genomics of the PON1polymorphisms: Effects on pesticide sensitivity, cardiovascular disease, and drug metabolism. Ann Rev Med 54:371-92.

Costa LG, Cole TB, Vitalone A, Furlong CE. 2005. Measurement of paraoxonase (PON1) status as a potential biomarker of susceptibility to organophosphate toxicity. Clin ChimActa 352(1-2):37-47.

Costa L, Furlong C, editors. 2002. Paraoxonase (PON1) in Health and Disease: Basic and Clinical Aspects. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Costa L, Furlong C. 2002. Perspectives in PON1 research. In: Paraoxonase (PON1) in Health and Disease: Basic and Clinical Aspects.

Costa L, Furlong C, editors. Boston: Kluwer Academic Press. Costa L, Furlong C. in press. Paraoxonase (PON 1) polymorphisms. In: Encyclopedia of Medical Genomics and Proteomics. Fuchs J, Podda M, editors. New York: Marcel Dekker.

Costa L, Guizzetti M, Burry M, Oberdoerster J. 2002. Developmental neurotoxicity: do similar phenotypes indicate a common mode of action? A comparison of fetal alcohol syndrome, toluene embryopathy and maternal phenylketonuria. Toxicol Lett 127(1-3):197-205.

Costa L, Guizzetti M, Lu H, Bordi F, Vitalone A, Tita B, Palmery M, Valeri P, Silvestrini B. 2001. Intracellular signal transduction pathways as targets for neurotoxicants. Toxicology 160(1-3):19-26.

Costa L, Li W, Richter R, Shih D, Lusis A, Furlong C. 1999. The role of paraoxonase (PON1) in the detoxication of organophosphates and its human polymorphism. Chem Biol Interact119-120:429-38.

Costa L, Li W, Richter R, Shih D, Lusis A, Furlong C. 2002. PON1 and organophosphate toxicity. In: Paraoxonase (PON1) in Health and Disease: Basic and Clinical Aspects.

CostaL, Furlong C, editors. Boston: Kluwer Academic Press.Costa L, Richter R, Li W, Cole T, Guizzetti M, Furlong C. 2003. Paraoxonase (PON1) as a biomarker of susceptibility for organophosphate toxicity. Biomarkers 8(1):1-12.

Costa LG, Vitalone A, Cole TB, Furlong CE. 2005. Modulation of paraoxonase (PON1) activity. Biochem Pharmacol 69(4):541-50.

Curl C. 2000. Evaluation of organophosphorus pesticide exposure in children of agricultural families in the lower Yakima Valley [M.S.]. Seattle, WA: University of Washington.

Curl C, Fenske R, Elgethun K. 2003. Organophosphorus pesticide exposure of urban and suburban preschool children with organic and conventional diets. Environ Health Perspect 111(3):377-82.

Curl C, Fenske R, Kissel J, Shirai J, Moate T, Griffi th W, Coronado G, Thompson B. 2002.Evaluation of take-home organophosphorus pesticide exposure among agricultural workers and their children. Environ Health Perspect 110(12):A787-92.

Daston G, Faustman E, Ginsberg G, Fenner-Crisp P, Ollin S, Sonawane B, Bruckner J, Breslin W, McLaughlin T. 2004. A framework for assessing risks to children from exposure to environmental agents. Environmental Health Perspectives 112(2):238-56.

Elgethun K, Fenske R, Yost M, Palcisko G. 2003. Time-location analysis for exposure assessment studies of children using a novel global positioning system instrument. Environ Health Perspect 111(1):115-22.

Eskenazi B, Harley K, Bradman A, Weltzien E, Jewell N, Barr D, Furlong C, Holland N. 2004. Association of in utero organophosphate pesticide exposure and fetal growth and length of gestation in an agricultural population. Environmental Health Perspectives112(10):1116-24.

Faustman E, Gohlke J, Judd N, Lewandowski T, Bartell S, Griffi th W. In press. Modeling developmental processes in animals: Applications in neurodevelopmental toxicology, environmental toxicology and pharmacology. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology (special issue).

Faustman E, Gohlke J, Ponce R, Lewandowski T, Seeley M, Whittaker S, Griffith W. In press. Experimental Approaches to Evaluate Mechanisms of Developmental Toxicity. In:Developmental and Reproductive Toxicology: A Practical Approach. Hood R, editor. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.

Faustman E, Silbernagel S, Fenske R, Burbacher T, Ponce R. 2000. Mechanisms underlying children’s susceptibility to environmental toxicants. Environ Health Perspect 108 Suppl 1:13-21.

Faustman E, Yu X, Hong S, Sidhu J. 2003. An improved primary sertoli cell-goncyte coculture system from neonate rat: In Vitro model for the assessment of male reproductive toxicity. Toxicologist 72:1069.

Fenske R. 1999 November, 1999. Organophosphates and the Risk Cup. Agrichemical and Environmental News.

Fenske R. 2000 February, 2000. Pesticide Exposure and Children. Part 1: Why Focus on Kids? Agrichemical and Environmental News.

Fenske R. 2000 March, 2000. Pesticide Exposure and Children. Part 2: Children in Agricultural Communities. Agrichemical and Environmental News.

Fenske R, Kedan G, Lu C, Fisker-Andersen J, Curl C. 2002. Assessment of organophosphorous pesticide exposures in the diets of preschool children in Washington State. J Expo Anal Environ Epidemiol 12(1):21-8.

Fenske R, Kissel J, Lu C, Kalman D, Simcox N, Allen E, Keifer M. 2000. Biologically based pesticide dose estimates for children in an agricultural community. Environ Health Perspect 108(6):515-20.

Fenske R, Lu C, Barr D, Needham L. 2002. Children’s exposure to chlorpyrifos and parathion in an agricultural community in central Washington state. Environmental Health Perspectives 110(5):549-553.

Fenske R, Lu C, Simcox N, Loewenherz C, Touchstone J, Moate T, Allen E, Kissel J.2000. Strategies for assessing children’s organophosphorus pesticide exposures in agricultural communities. J Expo Anal Environ Epidemiol 10(6 Pt 2):662-71.

Furlong C, Cole T, Jarvik G, Costa L. 2002. Pharmacogenomic considerations of the paraoxonase polymorphisms. Pharmacogenomics 3(3):341-8.

Furlong C, Cole T, Li W, Arndt T, Shih D, Tward A, Lusis A, Costa L. 2002. Organophosphate toxicity in mice expressing the human 192R or 192Q isoforms of paraoxonase (PON1). Toxicological Sciences 66 (Late-breaking Abstracts):35.

Furlong C, Li W, Brophy V, Jarvik G, Richter R, Shih D, Lusis A, Costa L. 2000. The PON1 gene and detoxication. Neurotoxicology 21(4):581-7.

Furlong C, Li W, Costa L, Richter R, Shih D, Lusis A. 1998. Genetically determined susceptibility to organophosphorus insecticides and nerve agents: Developing a mouse model for the human PON1 polymorphism. Neurotoxicology 19(4-5):645-50.

Furlong C, Li W, Richter R, Shih D, Lusis A, Alleva E, Costa L. 2000. Genetic and temporal determinants of pesticide sensitivity: role of paraoxonase (PON1). Neurotoxicology 21(1-2):91-100.

Furlong C, Li W, Shih A, Richter R, Costa L. 2002. Genetic factors in susceptibility: Serum PON1 variation between individuals and species. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment 8(1).

Furlong C, Rieder M, Carlson C, Nickerson D, Jampsa R, Costa L, Jarvik G. 2003. New polymorphisms in the human paraoxonase (PON1) gene. Toxicol. Sci. 72 (Suppl. 1):100.

Garlock T, Shirai J, Kissel J. 1999. Adult responses to a survey of soil contact-related behaviors. J Expo Anal Environ Epidemiol 9(2):134-42.

Gohlke J, Griffi th W, Bartell S, Lewandowski T, Faustman E. 2002. A computational model for neocortical neuronogenesis predicts ethanol-induced neocortical neuron number deficits. Dev Neurosci 24(6):467-77

.Gohlke J, Griffi th W, Faustman E. 2003. Evaluation of interspecies variability during neocortical neurogenesis using biologically based computational models. Toxicologist72:179.

Gohlke J, Griffi th W, Faustman E. 2004. The role of cell death during neocortical neurogenesis and synaptogenesis: Implications from a computational model for the rat and mouse. Developmental Brain Research 151(1-2):43-54.

Gribble E, Mendoza A, Hong S, Sidhu J, Faustman E. 2003. Evaluation of cell cycle kinetics in p53 mouse embryonal fibroblasts: Effects of methylmercury. Toxicologist 72(322).

Griffi th W, Gohlke J, Lewandowski T, Mendoza M, Ponce R, Faustman E. 2003. Building BBDR models for cell signaling pathways using transgenic animal models. Toxicologist72:182.

Grossman J. 2001. The take-home pathway for agricultural pesticides: Contribution of occupational factors to home contamination. [M.P.H.] Seattle, WA: University of Washington.

Heimann J. 2000. Self-reported occupational pesticide exposure among farm workers in the lower Yakima Valley of Washington State [M.P.H.] Seattle, WA: University of Washington.

Hong S, Sidhu J, Kim E, Faustman E. 2003. Refinement of high-throughput 2D-Page technique for the evaluation of ubiquitin-conjugated protein status induced bydevelopmental toxicants. Toxicologist 72:732.

Jarvik G, Jampsa R, Richter R, Carlson C, Rieder M, Nickerson D, Furlong C. 2003. Novelparaoxonase (PON1) nonsense and missense mutations predicted by functional genomicassay of PON1 status. Pharmacogenetics 13(5):291-5.

Jarvik G, Rozek L, Brophy V, Hatsukami T, Richter R, Schellenberg G, Furlong C. 2000. Paraoxonase (PON1) phenotype is a better predictor of vascular disease than is PON1(192) or PON1(55) genotype. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 20(11):2441-7.

Judd N, Karr J, Griffith W, Faustman E. 2003. Challenges in defining background levels for human and ecological risk assessments. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment 9(7):1623.

Kelada S, Costa-Mallen P, Checkoway H, Viernes H, Farin F, Smith-Weller T, Franklin G, CostaL, Longstreth W, Jr, Furlong C and others. 2003. Paraoxonase 1 promoter and coding region polymorphisms in Parkinson’s disease. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 74(4):546-7

Kissel J, Curl C, Kedan G, Lu C, Griffi th W, Barr D, Needham L, Fenske R. 2005. Comparison of organophosphorus pesticide metabolite levels in single and multiple daily urine samples collected from preschool children in Washington State. J Expo Anal Environ Epidemiol 15(2):164-171.

Kissel J, Kedan G, Wawrukiewicz A, Fenske R. 1999. Attempted reconcilliation of predicted children’s exposures to organophosphate pesticides with measured metabolite levels in urine. Epidemiology 10(4):Supplement.

Koch D, Lu C, Fisker-Andersen J, Jolley L, Fenske R. 2002. Temporal association of children’s pesticide exposure and agricultural spraying: report of a longitudinal biological monitoring study. Environ Health Perspect 110(8):829-833.

Lewandowski T, Ponce R, Charleston J, Hong S, Faustman E. 2003. Changes in cell cycle parameters and cell number in the rat midbrain during organogenesis. Developmental Brain Research 141(1-2):117-28.

Lewandowski T, Ponce R, Charleston J, Hong S, Faustman E. 2003. Effect of methylmercury on midbrain cell proliferation during organogenesis: potential cross-species differences and implications for risk assessment. Toxicol Sci 75(1):124-33.

Li W, Costa L, Richter R, Hagen T, Shih D, Tward A, Lusis A, Furlong C. 2000. Catalytic efficiency determines the in-vivo efficacy of PON1 for detoxifying organophosphorus compounds. Pharmacogenetics 10(9):767-79.

Lu C, Fenske R. 1999. Dermal transfer of chlorpyrifos residues from residential surfaces: comparison of hand press, hand drag, wipe, and polyurethane foam roller measurements after broadcast and aerosol pesticide applications. Environ Health Perspect 107(6):463-7

Lu C, Fenske R, Simcox N, Kalman D. 2000. Pesticide exposure of children in an agricultural community: Evidence of household proximity to farmland and take home exposure pathways. Environ Res 84(3):290-302.

Lu C, Knutson D, Fisker-Andersen J, Fenske R. 2001. Biological monitoring survey of organophosphorus pesticide exposure among pre-school children in the Seattle metropolitan area. Environ Health Perspect 109(3):299-303.

Mirkes P, Little S. 2000. Cytochrome c release from mitochondria of early post implantation murine embryos exposed to 4-hydroperoxycyclophosphamide, heat shock, and staurosporine. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 162(3):197-206.

Mirkes P, Little S, Umpierre C. 2001. Co-localization of active caspase-3 and DNA fragmentation (TUNEL) in normal and hyperthermia-induced abnormal mouse development. Teratology 63:134-143.

Mirkes P, Wilson K, Cornel L. 2000. Teratogen-induced activation of ERK, JNK, and p38 MAP kinases in early post implantation murine embryos. Teratology 62(1):14-25.

Moate T, Furia M, Curl C, Muniz J, Yu J, Fenske R. 2002. Size exclusion chromatographic cleanup for GC/MS determination of organophosphorus pesticide residues in household and vehicle dust. J AOAC Int 85(1):36-43.

Moate T, Lu C, Fenske R, Hahne R, Kalman D. 1999. Improved cleanup and determination of dialkyl phosphates in the urine of children exposed to organophosphorus insecticides. JAnal Toxicol 23(4):230-6.

Namgung U, Xia Z. 2001. Arsenic induces apoptosis in rat cerebellar neurons via activation of JNK3 and p38 MAP kinases. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 174(2):130-8.

Palcisko G. 2000. Children’s exposure to lead and arsenic in orchard soils [M.S.] Seattle,WA: University of Washington.

Polifka J, Faustman E. 2002. Developmental toxicity: web resources for evaluating risk in humans. Toxicology 173:35-65.

Ramaprasad J, Tsai M, Elgethun K, Hebert V, Felsot A, Yost M, Fenske R. 2004. The Washington aerial spray drift study: Assessment of off-target organophosphorus insecticide atmospheric movement by plant surface volatilization. Atmospheric Environment 38(33):5703-5713.

Richter R, Furlong C. 1999. Determination of paraoxonase (PON1) status requires more than genotyping. Pharmacogenetics 9(6):745-53.

Richter R, Jampsa R, Jarvik G, Costa L, Furlong C. 2004. Determination of paraoxonase 1(PON1) status and genotypes at specific polymorphic sites. In: Maines M, Costa LG, ReedD, Hodgson E, editors. Current Protocols in Toxicology. New York, NY: John Wiley andSons. p 1-19.

Schumacher K. 2004. Toxicokinetic and toxicodynamic factors affecting chlorpyrifos developmental toxicity [M.S.] Seattle, WA: University of Washington. Showlund R. 2002. Transfer of pesticide surrogate residue to skin following contact with a contaminated surface [M.S.] Seattle, WA: University of Washington.

Strong L, Thompson B, Coronado G, Griffi th W, Vigoren E, Islas I. 2004. Health symptoms and exposure to organophosphate pesticides in farmworkers. American Journal of Industrial Medicine 46(6):599-606.

Thompson B, Coronado G, Grossman J, Puschel K, Solomon C, Islas I, Curl C, Shirai J, KisselJ, Fenske R. 2003. Pesticide take-home pathway among children of agricultural workers:study design, methods, and baseline findings. J Occup Environ Med 45(1):42-53.

Thompson B, Coronado G, Puschel K, Allen E. 2001. Identifying constituents to participate in a project to control pesticide exposure in children of farmworkers. Environmenta lHealth Perspectives 109:443-448.

Weppner S, Elgethun K, Lu C, Hebert V, Fenske R. submitted. Washington aerial spray drift study: Post-application methamidophos residues on indoor and outdoor surfaces and children’s hands. J Expo Anal Environ Epidemiol.

Wong E, Farrow S, Ponce R, Faustman E. 2002. Examination of health toxicity data with application to benefi t-cost analysis of environmental health policy. Toxicologist 66(1-S):100.

Wong E, Ponce R, Farrow S, Bartell S, Lee R, Faustman E. 2003. Comparative risk and policy analysis in environmental health. Risk Anal 23(6):1337-49.

Wong E, Shirai J, Garlock T, Kissel J. 2000. Adult proxy responses to a survey of children’s dermal soil contact activities. J Expo Anal Environ Epidemiol 10(6 Pt 1):509-17.

Wong E, Shirai J, Garlock T, Kissel J. 2000. Survey of selected activities relevant to exposures to soils. Bull Environ Contam Toxicol 65(4):443-50.

Wong E, Shirai J, Kissel J. submitted. Estimation of residential-child scenario soil contact rates using activity pattern data. Journal of Exposure Analysis and Environmental Epidemiology.

Young JG, Eskenazi B, Gladstone EA, Bradman A, Pedersen L, Johnson C, Barr DB, Furlong CE, Holland NT. 2005. Association between in utero organophosphate pesticide exposure and abnormal reflexes in neonates. Neurotoxicology 26(2):199-209.

Yu X, Sidhu JS, Hong S, Faustman EM. 2005. Essential role of extracellular matrix (ECM) overlay in establishing the functional integrity of primary neonatal rat Sertoli cell/gonocyte co-cultures: an improved in vitro model for assessment of male reproductive toxicity. Toxicol Sci 84(2):328-93.

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