Subject: Brian will not go home in Jan. Thursday afternoon 1/29 Dear Friends and Family, Brian is still on oxygen, vomits anytime something is put in his NG tube (his stomach is still very sensitive, although CDEF infection is gone), and still has fevers and needs antibiotics. His red blood count was very low yesterday, so he got a blood transfusion last night. He is weak, but not in pain---still on morphine. His new room is great!! We moved in yesterday afternoon to room #759! The one Sara picked out! She moved most of their stuff down the night before the actual move. It is small, but private. Has a nice S.F. view and is very quiet. Sara and Stan went out to dinner last night while Denny and Susan stayed with Brian. He got mad when the nurse put Tylenol in his NG tube (it feels very cold to his throat). He threw his bed pan and Clifford dog. He told us all to "Get out!". He is so tired of feeling uncomfortable. Changes are hard for him ;moving to a new room was not easy. He fell asleep after getting mad and had a good night's sleep. It was a long day for him. He had a CATSCAN (uncomfortable for him) early in the day to check on a spot that showed up in an x-ray the day before. This test showed the spot to be nothing of consequence--thank goodness. The 7th floor of the hospital was crazy all day yesterday. Nurses could not find things--whatever they needed was in an unknown box in an unknown place.!! Everyone was pleased to be moved, but it was a messy day. Nurses and Doctors were extra tired from the confusion created by the move. At times they had patients on both floors---making it impossible to care for them in a timely fashion. IV poles did a lot of beeping! Don and Thelma Swearingen--Sara and Susan's parents---flew in from N.C. yesterday to visit for a few days. They are staying at a hotel near the hospital. They are happy to be here to see Brian. He is not feeling very well, but his condition may improve a bit before they leave on Monday. Brian's treatment schedule changed again. He is having all the evaluation tests tomorrow. He will not be going home before they start chemo again next week. If his blood counts come back up and he feels good, Sara is going to arrange for Garreth to come play with him in the hospital. Brian often says he misses Garreth. Diane and Jim are going to "do dinner" with Brian so that the Burkes, Warnes and Swearingens can go to dinner at the S.F. wharf. Don wants to have crabs! After dinner, I will stay and spend the night so the Warnes can stay at Happy House together. A psychologist has been meeting with Brian everyday this week. He is trying to help him deal with his sadness. He told Sara that the sessions are confidential, but he did tell her that Brian does not like all the changes and noise. We have known both of those things for a long time. It is good for Brian to have someone to discuss his feelings with. He really likes Brett. Pray that the tests tomorrow show that the chemo has been successfully killing the cancer cells. Pray that his blood counts go up and he starts feeling better this weekend. Love, Susan