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USGS Open-File Report 02-362

Documentation of Precipitation Runoff Modeling System modules for the Modular Modeling System modified for the Watershed and River Systems Management Program

Prepared in cooperation with


by M.C. Mastin and J.J. Vaccaro


A decision support system is being developed by the U.S. Geological Survey and the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation as part of a long-term project, the Watershed and River Systems Management Program. The goal of the program is to apply the decision support system to U.S. Bureau of Reclamation projects in the western United States. An important component of the decision support system is the physical hydrology modeling, which consists of watershed models using the U.S. Geological Survey's Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System within the Modular Modeling System.

To construct models and to enhance the tools for the application of the decision support system, selected Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System modules were modified or developed. These modules are documented in this report.


The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) are working collaboratively on a long-term program, the Watershed and River Systems Management Program (WARSMP). The program goals are to (1) couple watershed and river-reach models that simulate the physical hydrology with routing and reservoir management models that account for water availability and use, and (2) apply them to USBR projects in the western United States. The coupling provides a database-centered decision support system (DSS) for use by WARSMP and other programs. An important product of the program is the development of the models and necessary software tools for the coupling and use of the models (U.S. Geological Survey, 1998).

The USGS Modular Modeling System (MMS) is used for the watershed modeling component of the DSS. MMS is an integrated system of computer software developed to provide a framework for the development and application of numerical models to simulate a variety of water, energy, and biogeochemical processes (Leavesley and others, 1996). MMS's three major components--preprocess, model, and post-process--all include graphical user interfaces and data-management interfaces. The model component for the watershed modeling is generally the USGS Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System (PRMS; Leavesley and others, 1983); the physical process modules for PRMS are contained in the module library of MMS.

Purpose and Scope

Twelve modified and one new module are documented in this report. Seven existing modules were modified and are being used in WARSMP projects; six of the seven modules were existing PRMS modules and one was a USBR module (Ryan, 1996). In addition for future use, five existing modules were modified (three of the five modules included additional modifications to the modified modules described above) and one new module was developed. The latter six modules were modified or developed to account for diversions, return flows, and the application of irrigation water; the newly developed module reads in daily values of the diversion, return flow, and application rate data.

The modules are documented in this report using the MMS module documentation standard. Except for the USBR module and the one new module, existing MMS module documentation is used in this report. For the existing PRMS modules, the original PRMS documentation is shown and the modifications are identified in bold text. Two additional headings are added, one includes the original PRMS module name and the other includes special factors that need to be considered in using this module. The original PRMS module documentation can be found at:

Naming conventions for the modified PRMS modules use the PRMS module name followed by a name to identify the type of modification; this convention was identified as the preferred one by the MMS developers (G. Leavesley, U.S. Geological Survey, oral commun., 1997). For example, the PRMS module "temp_2sta_prms.f" was modified for an inverse distance-squared interpolation method and is named "temp_2sta_prms_dist2.f." For the USBR module and the newly developed module, the naming convention uses "_prms" because they are integrated with PRMS.

Modified or new modules

Naming conventions for the module documentation is the same as the module name except that the suffix, ".f" is not used. This suffix indicates a module written in FORTRAN computer language. Module code or documentation can be seen by opening any of the highlighted names listed below. A more detailed description of the modifications can be found in the documentation files, and they are also described in Mastin and Vaccaro (in press).

The name and purpose of each module is:


Reads in daily diversion, return flow, and irrigation application rates.


Sets a minimum ground-water storage for any user defined ground-water reservoir. Used in the models applied by Mastin and Vaccaro (in press) as part of WARSMP.


Same as above and also allows for ground water to move laterally from an upslope ground-water reservoir to a downslope reservoir and ultimately to a stream.


Allows for the interception and evaporation of applied irrigation water using a sprinkler irrigation method, and calculates the net irrigation water reaching the land surface. For drip or furrrow irrigation, irrigation water is not intercepted and goes directly to the land surface.


Allows the user to define nodes along the stream network at which flow is accumulated and then routed to a downstream node. Used in the models applied by Mastin and Vaccaro (in press) as part of WARSMP.


Same as above and also allows for diversions to be subtracted from the accumulated flow at nodes and returns flows to be added.


Interpolates daily precipitation data to a hydrologic/modeling response unit (HRU) using data from all available sites. Interpolated values are weighted by the inverse of the square distance between a site and an HRU and are multiplied by the ratio of the mean monthly precipitation value of an HRU to the value for a weather site. Used in the models applied by Mastin and Vaccaro (in press) as part of WARSMP.


Same as above but does not incorporate groundmelt from the snowpack. Users could use this module in place of standard PRMS to account for water bodies.


Allows for an HRU to be identified as water covered and sets the actual evapotranspiration equal to the potential evapotranspiration for an HRU. Brings in any additional water flux to the ground surface from the groundmelt of the snowpack (a water component calculated in a modified module described above). Used in the models applied by Mastin and Vaccaro (in press) as part of WARSMP.


Adds an additional snowmelt pathway to the PRMS snow accumulation and ablation module. Allows for the snowpack to melt through a groundmelt component. Used in the models applied by Mastin and Vaccaro (in press) as part of WARSMP.


Allows for an HRU to be identified as glacier covered. Glacier melt occurs when there is no snow present and is added directly to the surface runoff component for an HRU. Used in the models applied by Mastin and Vaccaro (in press) as part of WARSMP.


Same as above and also includes an additional source of water from the application of irrigation water that is calculated in the modified module intcp_prms_apply.f.


Interpolates daily maximum and minimum air temperature data to a HRU using data from all available sites and is weighted by the inverse of the square of the distance between a site and an HRU. Interpolated values are also adjusted by daily maximum and minimum lapse rates that are calculated using all of the daily values for the weather sites. Used in the models applied by Mastin and Vaccaro (in press) as part of WARSMP.


The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) are working collaboratively on a long-term program, termed the Watershed and River Systems Management Program. The goals are to (1) couple watershed and river-reach models that simulate the physical hydrology with routing and reservoir management models that account for water availability and use, and (2) apply them to USBR projects in the western United States. The coupling provides a decision support system.

As part of the application of the decision support system, watershed models are constructed, calibrated, and tested; these models form a major physical hydrology component of the Decision Support System. The models are generally constructed using the USGS Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System watershed model that is a part of the Modular Modeling System. To enhance and improve the tools available for the watershed modeling, seven existing Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System modules were modified and used as part of WARSMP, six of which were existing Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System modules and one was a USBR module. In addition for future use, five existing modules were modified (three of the five modules included additional modifications to the modified modules described above) and one new module was developed. Six of the latter modules were modified or developed to account for diversions, return flows, and the application of irrigation water; the newly developed module reads in daily values of the diversion, return flow, and application rate data. The modifications to existing modules and the new module are documented in this report.


Leavesley, G.H., Lichty, R.W., Troutman, B.M., and Saindon, L.G., 1983, Precipitation-runoff modeling system--Users manual: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 83-4238, 207 p.

Leavesley, G.H., Restrepo, P.J., Markstrom, S.L., Dixon, M., and Stannard, L.G., 1996, The modular modeling system (MMS)--User's manual: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 96-151, 142 p.

Mastin, M.C., and Vaccaro, J.J., in press, Watershed models for decision support in the Yakima River Basin, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report..

Ryan, Thomas, 1996, Global climate change response program--Development and application of a physically based distributed parameter rainfall runoff model in the Gunnison river basin: United States Department of Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, 64 p.

U. S. Geological Survey, 1998, Watershed and River Systems Management Program--Application to the Yakima River Basin, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 037-98.


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