Surface-water quality and flow Modeling Interest Group

The GIS Weasel

An Interface for the Development of Parameter Inputs for Watershed Modeling

by Roland Viger, Steven Markstrom, and George Leavesley The GIS weasel home page is The most recent version of the software may be downloaded from there.

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The GIS Weasel is a graphical user interface (GUI) that is being developed as a tool to aid hydrologists in the delineation, characterization, and parameterization of hydrologic response units (HRU's) for use in distributed- or lumped-parameter hydrologic models. HRU's are defined here as land surfaces that are delineated within a watershed to reflect a model's treatment of spatially distributed characteristics. HRU's can be treated as homogeneous or heterogeneous with respect to some or all of the physical characteristics. The interface does not require user expertise in geographic information systems (GIS). The user does need knowledge of the hydrologic model that will use the output from the GIS Weasel. The interface currently uses Arc/INFO and the Arc Macro Language (AML), as well as C subroutines. This application is being developed to use ArcView3's functionality, GUI, and programming language, Avenue. Where ArcView3 capabilities are deficient, processing will be done by C subroutines or an Arc/INFO server to the ArcView application.

Applications require an Arc/INFO grid of a digital elevation model (DEM) that contains the area of interest. A set of watershed boundaries are automatically delineated from the grid of the DEM. A watershed may be selected from this set or derived on the basis of a user-digitized point. After the watershed area is determined, the user is asked for the minimum drainage area assumed to support a channel. This value controls the density and configuration of the delineated drainage network. Summary statistics and iterative trials allow the user to experiment before choosing the final value. Once the basin and drainage network are established, HRU's can be delineated according to one of several different methodologies: 1) fixed interval grids; 2) irregular polygons; and 3) non-contiguous pixels. A menu for examining and modifying the HRU map and its attributes is provided. Data derived from the original elevation grid (e.g.; slope, aspect) or other grids of attribute data (e.g.; vegetation, soils) can be examined on the basis of HRU, grid cell, or attribute. The statistical distribution of an attribute within single HRU's or groups of HRU's can also be shown. HRU's can be grouped, divided, or eliminated. The GIS Weasel provides version control and documentation to track modifications of HRU maps. Once HRU's are defined, selected model parameters can be generated using HRU attributes and their statistical measures.

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U.S. Geological Survey
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