Liquid nitrogen is manufactured by cooling down air to a temperature of 77 K.Liquid nitrogen is very common and easy to obtain, if you know where to look. It is used by hospitals, physicians, cattle breeders, universities, factories, and welding shops. Liquid nitrogen can be obtained from these sources for a minimal cost.

Small quantities of liquid nitrogen can be stored in Dewar bottles. Dewar bottles are hollow-walled glass-lined containers which provide excellent insulation.Dewar bottles will keep liquid nitrogen for a fairly long period of time. If you do not have a dewar, a standard Thermos bottle with a stainless steel shell will work fine for transporting and storing small amounts of liquid nitrogen for a short time. Thermos bottles have screw-on caps. CAUTION !!! THE CAP MUST NEVER BE SCREWED ON AT ANY TIME LIQUID NITROGEN IS IN THE BOTTLE. If the cap is not vented the liquid nitrogen will boil and build up pressure until the bottle EXPLODES.

Safety procedures for handling liquid nitrogen:

Liquid nitrogen is a hazardous substance. If misused it may cause, frostbite,eye damage, torn flesh, or asphyxiation. FOLLOW THE FOLLOWING SAFETY RULES:

Date posted 04/01/96 (ktb)