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Demographic and Economic Profile

Sixteenth Judicial Circuit
FL Circuit Courts

  • Number of general jurisdiction court judges: 4
  • Length of initial term: 6 years
  • How judges are selected for initial full term: Nonpartisan Election

    Note: This table is no longer being maintained.

  • Includes: Monroe County 

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        Item District Florida
    ? Population, 2006 estimate 74,737 18,089,888
    ? Population, net change, April 1, 2000 to July 1, 2006 -4,852 2,107,064
    ? Persons under 5 years old, 2005 3,618 1,118,829
    ? Persons under 18 years old, 2005 12,916 4,067,877
    ? Persons 65 years old and over, 2005 11,551 2,993,160
    ? White persons, 2005 (a) 70,463 14,307,154
    ? Black persons, 2005 (a) 4,133 2,799,489
    ? American Indian and Alaska Native persons, 2005 (a) 294 76,405
    ? Asian persons, 2005 (a) 831 371,895
    ? Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander, 2005 (a) 12 14,715
    ? Persons reporting two or more races, 2005 596 220,206
    ? Persons of Hispanic or Latino origin, 2005 (b) 13,538 3,467,455
    ? White persons not Hispanic, 2005 57,360 11,052,321
    ? Births, 2004 739 218,053
    ? Deaths, 2004 704 169,008
    ? Infant deaths, 2004 5 1,537
    ? Persons with a disability, age 5+, 2000 17,536 3,274,566
    ? Housing units, 2005 52,911 8,256,847
    ? Housing units, net change, April 1, 2000 to July, 2005 1,294 953,739
    ? Households, 2000 35,086 6,337,929
    ? Personal income, 2004 ($1000) 3,136,506 547,107,143
    ? Civilian labor force, 2005 44,699 8,653,670
    ? Full-time and part-time employment by place of work, 2004 55,250 9,691,455
    ? Full-time and part-time employment, net change 2000 to 2004 1,611 758,341
    ? Employment in government, 2004 7,801 1,151,970
    ? Earnings, 2004 ($1000) 1,787,365 375,116,379
    ? Private nonfarm establishments, 2004 3,792 484,938
    ? Private nonfarm employment, 2004 32,471 6,864,987
    ? Manufacturers shipments, 2002 ($1000) 0 78,474,770
    ? Accommodation and foodservices sales, 2002 ($1000) 638,620 29,366,940
    ? Wholesale trade sales, 2002 ($1000) 185,125 219,490,896
    ? Retail sales, 2002 ($1000) 1,183,949 191,805,685
    ? Building permits, 2005 538 287,250
    ? Valuation of building permits, 2005 ($1000) 85,846 46,802,751
    ? Farm land, 2002 (acres) 102 10,414,877
    ? Federal spending, 2004 ($1000) 556,691 121,933,502
    ? Land area, 2000 (square miles) 996.91 53,926.82

    (a) Includes persons reporting only one race.
    (b) Hispanics may be of any race, so also are included in applicable race categories.

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    Page Last Modified: April 25, 2007