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Accession No 00496586
Authors Young, G K; WALKER, S
Period Covered 860300-8709
Corp. Authors
/ Publisher
GKY & Associates, Incorporated information; Federal Highway Administration information
Publication Date   19900300
Description 55 p.; Appendices(3); Figures(15); References(16); Tables(11)
Abstract A practical method for determining the road surface drainage system design with the theoretic Lowest Total Economic Cost (LTEC) is developed. The LTEC design determines the design rain which, when used in a rational-based design context, will yield the most economic choices of gutters, inlets, and laterals considering both construction costs and risk costs. The data needed to find the LTEC design rain are: the number of rains per year, the design gutter flow, duration of average rainfall, runoff coefficient, drainage area, inlet and lateral costs, capital recovery factor, and a traffic loss coefficient. A nomograph and data selection guidance are provided as design aids. Three case studies are presented in an appendix. The method, based on minimizing traffic delay costs, applies to freeways, arterials, and major collectors; local streets with low traffic may be excluded.
TRT Terms Case studies information; Coefficients information; Costs information; Design information; Drainage structures information; Economic analysis information; Economic efficiency information; Least overall cost information; Nomographs information; Rainfall information; Risk assessment information; Runoff information; Storm sewers information; Surface drainage information
Other Terms Highway drainage; Lowest total economic costs, ltec; Risk; Runoff coefficients
Subject Areas H22 HYDROLOGY AND HYDRAULICS; I26 Water Run-off - Freeze-thaw
Contract Number DTFH61-84-C-00082
Report Number FHWA-RD-88-126; 3D3d2042
National Technical Information Service information
Order Number: PB91-104497/AS
Database TRIS Online
TRIS is a bibliographic database funded by sponsors of the Transportation Research Board (TRB), primarily the state departments of transportation and selected federal transportation agencies. TRIS Online is hosted by the National Transportation Library under a cooperative agreement between the Bureau of Transportation Statistics and TRB.
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