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Partner Profile

Grossman Marketing Group
Location Somerville, MA
Organization Type Marketing, Advtg & PR
Percentage Green Power 100%
Organization-wide Purchase Yes
Partner Profile
Grossman Marketing Group, a fourth-generation family business, is a full-service provider of integrated marketing solutions to customers in fields as varied as financial services, law, biotechnology, education, and the arts. For almost 100 years, we have partnered with our clients to ensure that their communications campaigns are well developed and well executed. Our principal business lines are graphic design, envelopes and direct mail, commercial printing, and promotional products. We are firmly committed to the environment and one of the most effective ways to fight global warming is to support renewable energy, which is why we are purchasing wind power to meet 100 percent of our electricity needs. One of the simplest and most direct ways to address the environment with marketing communications is to produce materials with renewable energy. Any number of third-party reports highlight that using green power for a portion or your electricity needs resonates very well with end consumers. We have seen tremendous business benefits from our early adoption of green energy. Our print and envelope business grew 20 percent in 2007, with much of the growth from clients interested in products made with renewable energy.

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