There is also additional background information for this table group.

Contents for Table

Table 3.  Percent of Families in Poverty, by Definition of Income and Selected Characteristics: 2003-RS
 (White alone or in combination)

                                                                         Before taxes
                                                                                                Definition 3
                                                                Money income--                          plus
                                                    Excluding                                         health
                                                      capital    Definition 1   Definition 2       insurance
                                                        gains            less           plus  supplements to
                                                     (current      government        capital  wage or salary
                                            Total    measure)       transfers          gains          income
                                         (thous.)      Def 1           Def 2          Def 3           Def 4

White alone or in combination

    All families                            63459         6.7            15.1           14.8            14.3

Age of Householder

15 to 24 years                               2657        22.0            24.2           24.3            22.9
25 to 44 years                              25764         8.7            10.7           10.6            10.1
45 to 54 years                              14362         4.1             6.6            6.5             6.2
55 to 64 years                              10056         4.6            11.8           11.4            11.2
65 years and over                           10621         3.7            38.2           36.9            36.6

Type of Family

Married-couple families                     50587         3.9            12.3           11.9            11.6
  With related children under 18            22926         5.1             6.8            6.8             6.3
    With related children under 6           10642         6.8             8.1            8.1             7.5
Male householder, no wife present            3627         8.9            16.7           16.5            15.8
Female householder, no husband present       9245        21.1            30.0           29.9            28.7
  With related children under 18             6154        28.4            34.6           34.4            33.0
    With related children under 6            2319        40.8            45.9           45.8            43.8

Type of Residence

Inside metropolitan areas                   50058         6.4            13.9           13.5            13.1
  Inside central cities                     14453         9.2            17.1           16.8            16.2
  Outside central cities                    35604         5.3            12.6           12.2            11.8
Outside metropolitan areas                  13401         7.9            19.9           19.6            19.1
Table 3.  Percent of Families in Poverty, by Definition of Income and Selected Characteristics: 2003-RS
 (White alone or in combination)

                                                                         Before taxes
                                                                                                Definition 3
                                                                Money income--                          plus
                                                    Excluding                                         health
                                                      capital    Definition 1   Definition 2       insurance
                                                        gains            less           plus  supplements to
                                                     (current      government        capital  wage or salary
                                            Total    measure)       transfers          gains          income
                                         (thous.)      Def 1           Def 2          Def 3           Def 4


Northeast                                   11797         5.8            14.5           14.3            13.9
Midwest                                     15231         5.0            12.7           12.3            11.8
South                                       22279         7.6            16.8           16.4            16.1
West                                        14152         8.0            15.5           15.3            14.7

Educational Attainment

Less than 12th grade, no diploma             8828        17.7            36.3           35.9            34.9
High school graduate, no college            19373         7.4            17.6           17.1            16.6
College: Less than bachelor's degree        17284         5.2            11.5           11.3            10.9
         Bachelor's degree or more          17975         2.1             5.5            5.2             5.1

Work Experience in 2003-RS

     Total, 15 to 64 years                  52839         7.3            10.5           10.3             9.9
Worked at full-time jobs                    38237         3.3             4.1            4.1             3.7
  50 to 52 weeks                            32828         2.0             2.4            2.3             2.1
Worked at part-time jobs                     5790        12.1            15.8           15.7            15.0
Did not work                                 8811        21.6            34.7           33.9            33.3

Year-Round Full-Time Workers

No workers                                  17932        18.1            46.4           45.3            44.5
  Householder 15 to 64 years                 9835        29.5            44.5           43.8            42.5
  Householder 65 years and over              8097         4.4            48.7           47.2            47.0
One worker                                  27735         3.4             4.3            4.2             3.7
Two workers or more                         17792         0.4             0.5            0.5             0.5
Table 3.  Percent of Families in Poverty, by Definition of Income and Selected Characteristics: 2003-RS
 (White alone or in combination)

                                                                         Before taxes
                                                                                                Definition 3
                                                                Money income--                          plus
                                                    Excluding                                         health
                                                      capital    Definition 1   Definition 2       insurance
                                                        gains            less           plus  supplements to
                                                     (current      government        capital  wage or salary
                                            Total    measure)       transfers          gains          income
                                         (thous.)      Def 1           Def 2          Def 3           Def 4

Program Participation Status of
  Family Members

One or more members received:
  Cash assistance                            2638        32.5            60.0           59.0            58.1
    Public assistance or wefare non-SSI      1067        54.3            73.8           73.0            72.3
    SSI                                      1748        19.9            54.6           53.6            52.6
  Food stamps                                3089        49.7            67.2           66.5            65.1
  Housing assistance                         1299        44.9            61.5           61.2            60.3
  Energy assistance                          1097        40.2            67.3           66.5            64.9
  Free or reduced-price school lunches       5441        31.1            39.9           39.5            37.6
Family received both food stamps and
  cash assistance                            1195        55.2            83.0           82.0            81.7

Health Insurance Coverage

One or more members covered by:
  Employer-provided plan                    46063         2.1             5.4            5.3             4.7
  Medicare                                  14515         4.9            35.8           34.6            34.3
  Medicaid                                   9554        24.7            38.6           38.1            37.1
No members covered by:
  Employer-provided plan or Medicare or
    Medicaid                                 6416        15.0            17.8           17.4            17.4
  Health insurance                           3826        19.0            21.7           21.4            21.4
Family received:
  Medicare and Medicaid                      2248        13.4            49.8           48.5            47.7
Table 3.  Percent of Families in Poverty, by Definition of Income and Selected Characteristics: 2003-RS
 (White alone or in combination)

                                                                       After taxes
                                                                                                      Definition 8
                                          Definition 4                  Definition 6                          plus
                                                  less   Definition 5           plus   Definition 7      nonmeans-
                                                Social           less         Earned           less         tested
                                              Security        Federal         Income          state     government
                                               payroll         income            Tax         income           cash
                                                 taxes          taxes         Credit          taxes      transfers
                                                Def 5          Def 6          Def 7          Def 8          Def 9

White alone or in combination

    All families                                  15.0           15.1           13.8           13.8            6.4

Age of Householder

15 to 24 years                                    24.9           25.0           24.1           24.2           22.0
25 to 44 years                                    10.9           11.0            8.5            8.4            7.2
45 to 54 years                                     6.6            6.7            5.9            5.9            4.1
55 to 64 years                                    11.6           11.7           11.3           11.3            5.3
65 years and over                                 37.1           37.2           37.1           37.1            4.6

Type of Family

Married-couple families                           12.1           12.1           11.3           11.3            3.7
  With related children under 18                   7.0            7.0            5.2            5.2            4.2
    With related children under 6                  8.6            8.6            6.2            6.2            5.4
Male householder, no wife present                 16.9           17.3           15.7           15.7            8.6
Female householder, no husband present            30.2           30.3           26.8           26.7           20.1
  With related children under 18                  34.8           34.9           29.6           29.5           25.7
    With related children under 6                 46.1           46.2           41.0           40.7           37.6

Type of Residence

Inside metropolitan areas                         13.7           13.8           12.6           12.5            6.0
  Inside central cities                           17.1           17.2           15.2           15.2            8.7
  Outside central cities                          12.4           12.4           11.5           11.5            5.0
Outside metropolitan areas                        19.8           19.9           18.4           18.4            7.8
Table 3.  Percent of Families in Poverty, by Definition of Income and Selected Characteristics: 2003-RS
 (White alone or in combination)

                                                                       After taxes
                                                                                                      Definition 8
                                          Definition 4                  Definition 6                          plus
                                                  less   Definition 5           plus   Definition 7      nonmeans-
                                                Social           less         Earned           less         tested
                                              Security        Federal         Income          state     government
                                               payroll         income            Tax         income           cash
                                                 taxes          taxes         Credit          taxes      transfers
                                                Def 5          Def 6          Def 7          Def 8          Def 9


Northeast                                         14.5           14.5           13.5           13.4            5.9
Midwest                                           12.3           12.3           11.4           11.3            4.6
South                                             16.9           17.0           15.5           15.5            7.1
West                                              15.5           15.5           13.9           13.9            7.6

Educational Attainment

Less than 12th grade, no diploma                  36.9           37.0           33.7           33.7           17.5
High school graduate, no college                  17.3           17.4           15.9           15.9            6.9
College: Less than bachelor's degree              11.4           11.4           10.4           10.3            4.8
         Bachelor's degree or more                 5.3            5.3            5.0            5.0            2.0

Work Experience in 2003-RS

     Total, 15 to 64 years                        10.6           10.6            9.1            9.1            6.8
Worked at full-time jobs                           4.3            4.4            3.0            3.0            2.5
  50 to 52 weeks                                   2.7            2.7            1.6            1.6            1.4
Worked at part-time jobs                          15.9           16.0           13.3           13.1           10.2
Did not work                                      34.2           34.4           32.9           32.9           22.8

Year-Round Full-Time Workers

No workers                                        45.5           45.6           43.7           43.6           18.5
  Householder 15 to 64 years                      43.8           44.0           40.6           40.5           29.1
  Householder 65 years and over                   47.5           47.5           47.5           47.5            5.7
One worker                                         4.6            4.6            3.0            3.0            2.4
Two workers or more                                0.6            0.6            0.5            0.5            0.4
Table 3.  Percent of Families in Poverty, by Definition of Income and Selected Characteristics: 2003-RS
 (White alone or in combination)

                                                                       After taxes
                                                                                                      Definition 8
                                          Definition 4                  Definition 6                          plus
                                                  less   Definition 5           plus   Definition 7      nonmeans-
                                                Social           less         Earned           less         tested
                                              Security        Federal         Income          state     government
                                               payroll         income            Tax         income           cash
                                                 taxes          taxes         Credit          taxes      transfers
                                                Def 5          Def 6          Def 7          Def 8          Def 9

Program Participation Status of
  Family Members

One or more members received:
  Cash assistance                                 59.3           59.5           56.9           56.7           44.3
    Public assistance or wefare non-SSI           74.0           74.1           70.6           70.1           61.7
    SSI                                           53.5           53.8           51.9           51.9           36.7
  Food stamps                                     67.0           67.1           60.4           59.9           50.0
  Housing assistance                              62.2           62.2           57.1           56.6           47.2
  Energy assistance                               66.3           66.4           60.0           59.7           41.7
  Free or reduced-price school lunches            40.3           40.4           31.9           31.7           26.5
Family received both food stamps and
  cash assistance                                 82.7           82.7           80.0           79.5           68.6

Health Insurance Coverage

One or more members covered by:
  Employer-provided plan                           4.9            4.9            4.5            4.5            1.5
  Medicare                                        34.8           34.9           34.6           34.6            6.1
  Medicaid                                        39.2           39.3           34.1           34.0           25.0
No members covered by:
  Employer-provided plan or Medicare or
    Medicaid                                      19.3           19.4           16.4           16.4           13.8
  Health insurance                                23.9           24.1           19.8           19.7           17.2
Family received:
  Medicare and Medicaid                           48.5           48.7           47.2           47.3           21.2
Table 3.  Percent of Families in Poverty, by Definition of Income and Selected Characteristics: 2003-RS
 (White alone or in combination)

                                                                        After taxes
                                                                                                       Definition 13
                                                                        Definition 11                           plus
                                                         Definition 10           plus                          other
                                                                  plus   means-tested                   means-tested
                                          Definition 9   regular-price     government  Definition 12      government
                                                  plus          school           cash           plus         noncash
                                              Medicare         lunches      transfers       Medicaid       transfers
                                               Def 10          Def 11         Def 12         Def 13          Def 14

White alone or in combination

    All families                                   6.3             6.3            5.7            5.6             5.0

Age of Householder

15 to 24 years                                    21.9            21.8           21.5           20.1            18.5
25 to 44 years                                     7.2             7.2            6.7            6.5             5.6
45 to 54 years                                     4.1             4.1            3.6            3.5             3.2
55 to 64 years                                     5.1             5.1            4.4            4.3             4.1
65 years and over                                  4.3             4.3            3.6            3.6             3.4

Type of Family

Married-couple families                            3.7             3.6            3.3            3.2             3.0
  With related children under 18                   4.1             4.1            3.8            3.6             3.2
    With related children under 6                  5.3             5.3            5.1            4.7             4.1
Male householder, no wife present                  8.3             8.2            7.6            7.4             6.8
Female householder, no husband present            19.8            19.8           18.2           17.6            15.3
  With related children under 18                  25.5            25.5           23.9           23.0            19.9
    With related children under 6                 37.5            37.5           35.9           34.1            29.8

Type of Residence

Inside metropolitan areas                          5.9             5.9            5.4            5.3             4.8
  Inside central cities                            8.5             8.5            7.5            7.2             6.3
  Outside central cities                           4.9             4.9            4.6            4.5             4.1
Outside metropolitan areas                         7.6             7.6            6.9            6.7             6.0
Table 3.  Percent of Families in Poverty, by Definition of Income and Selected Characteristics: 2003-RS
 (White alone or in combination)

                                                                        After taxes
                                                                                                       Definition 13
                                                                        Definition 11                           plus
                                                         Definition 10           plus                          other
                                                                  plus   means-tested                   means-tested
                                          Definition 9   regular-price     government  Definition 12      government
                                                  plus          school           cash           plus         noncash
                                              Medicare         lunches      transfers       Medicaid       transfers
                                               Def 10          Def 11         Def 12         Def 13          Def 14


Northeast                                          5.8             5.7            5.0            4.8             4.2
Midwest                                            4.5             4.5            4.2            4.0             3.7
South                                              7.1             7.0            6.6            6.5             5.9
West                                               7.4             7.4            6.7            6.5             5.7

Educational Attainment

Less than 12th grade, no diploma                  16.9            16.9           15.3           14.9            13.2
High school graduate, no college                   6.7             6.7            6.2            6.0             5.5
College: Less than bachelor's degree               4.7             4.7            4.3            4.1             3.6
         Bachelor's degree or more                 2.0             2.0            1.9            1.9             1.8

Work Experience in 2003-RS

     Total, 15 to 64 years                         6.7             6.7            6.2            6.0             5.3
Worked at full-time jobs                           2.5             2.5            2.4            2.3             2.0
  50 to 52 weeks                                   1.4             1.4            1.4            1.3             1.1
Worked at part-time jobs                          10.1            10.1            9.5            9.1             7.9
Did not work                                      22.4            22.4           20.3           19.9            18.2

Year-Round Full-Time Workers

No workers                                        18.1            18.1           16.4           15.9            14.4
  Householder 15 to 64 years                      28.7            28.7           26.3           25.5            23.0
  Householder 65 years and over                    5.2             5.2            4.4            4.3             4.0
One worker                                         2.4             2.4            2.3            2.2             1.9
Two workers or more                                0.4             0.4            0.4            0.3             0.3
Table 3.  Percent of Families in Poverty, by Definition of Income and Selected Characteristics: 2003-RS
 (White alone or in combination)

                                                                        After taxes
                                                                                                       Definition 13
                                                                        Definition 11                           plus
                                                         Definition 10           plus                          other
                                                                  plus   means-tested                   means-tested
                                          Definition 9   regular-price     government  Definition 12      government
                                                  plus          school           cash           plus         noncash
                                              Medicare         lunches      transfers       Medicaid       transfers
                                               Def 10          Def 11         Def 12         Def 13          Def 14

Program Participation Status of
  Family Members

One or more members received:
  Cash assistance                                 42.1            42.1           29.9           28.0            23.0
    Public assistance or wefare non-SSI           60.7            60.7           49.9           46.1            37.5
    SSI                                           33.6            33.6           18.3           17.5            13.9
  Food stamps                                     49.1            49.1           42.7           39.7            30.8
  Housing assistance                              45.5            45.5           38.7           34.9            21.4
  Energy assistance                               40.4            40.4           33.1           29.8            24.4
  Free or reduced-price school lunches            26.2            26.2           24.1           23.1            19.1
Family received both food stamps and
  cash assistance                                 67.0            67.0           50.7           46.7            36.3

Health Insurance Coverage

One or more members covered by:
  Employer-provided plan                           1.5             1.5            1.5            1.5             1.4
  Medicare                                         5.6             5.6            4.6            4.6             4.2
  Medicaid                                        24.4            24.3           21.0           19.8            16.7
No members covered by:
  Employer-provided plan or Medicare or
    Medicaid                                      13.8            13.8           13.7           13.7            13.3
  Health insurance                                17.2            17.2           17.2           17.2            16.6
Family received:
  Medicare and Medicaid                           18.4            18.4           12.5           12.3            10.3
Table 3.  Percent of Families in Poverty, by Definition of Income and Selected Characteristics: 2003-RS
 (White alone or in combination)

                                                                   After taxes
                                            Definition 14
                                                      net                            Money
                                                  imputed     Definition 14         Income          Money
                                                   return              less    after Taxes         Income
                                                on equity           medical  not including          after
                                              in own home          programs           EITC          Taxes
                                                  Def 15            Def 16         Def 17         Def 18

White alone or in combination

    All families                                      4.7               5.1            7.3            6.1

Age of Householder

15 to 24 years                                       18.2              19.0           24.4           23.7
25 to 44 years                                        5.5               5.7            9.5            7.1
45 to 54 years                                        3.0               3.2            4.5            3.7
55 to 64 years                                        3.5               4.1            4.8            4.6
65 years and over                                     2.6               3.4            3.9            3.8

Type of Family

Married-couple families                               2.7               3.0            4.4            3.6
  With related children under 18                      3.1               3.3            5.9            4.2
    With related children under 6                     4.1               4.3            8.1            5.7
Male householder, no wife present                     6.4               6.9            9.7            8.2
Female householder, no husband present               14.7              15.4           22.5           18.9
  With related children under 18                     19.5              20.1           30.1           24.8
    With related children under 6                    29.4              30.3           43.1           37.5

Type of Residence

Inside metropolitan areas                             4.5               4.8            7.0            5.7
  Inside central cities                               6.2               6.4           10.0            7.9
  Outside central cities                              3.8               4.1            5.7            4.8
Outside metropolitan areas                            5.4               6.0            8.7            7.3
Table 3.  Percent of Families in Poverty, by Definition of Income and Selected Characteristics: 2003-RS
 (White alone or in combination)

                                                                   After taxes
                                            Definition 14
                                                      net                            Money
                                                  imputed     Definition 14         Income          Money
                                                   return              less    after Taxes         Income
                                                on equity           medical  not including          after
                                              in own home          programs           EITC          Taxes
                                                  Def 15            Def 16         Def 17         Def 18


Northeast                                             3.9               4.2            6.1            5.2
Midwest                                               3.5               3.7            5.5            4.5
South                                                 5.4               6.0            8.3            7.0
West                                                  5.4               5.8            8.7            7.1

Educational Attainment

Less than 12th grade, no diploma                     12.1              13.4           19.3           16.1
High school graduate, no college                      5.2               5.5            8.1            6.6
College: Less than bachelor's degree                  3.4               3.7            5.6            4.6
         Bachelor's degree or more                    1.6               1.8            2.2            2.0

Work Experience in 2003-RS

     Total, 15 to 64 years                            5.1               5.4            8.0            6.5
Worked at full-time jobs                              1.9               2.0            4.0            2.7
  50 to 52 weeks                                      1.1               1.1            2.6            1.6
Worked at part-time jobs                              7.7               8.0           12.9           10.2
Did not work                                         17.0              18.3           22.3           20.9

Year-Round Full-Time Workers

No workers                                           13.4              14.6           18.7           16.9
  Householder 15 to 64 years                         21.9              23.2           30.4           27.1
  Householder 65 years and over                       3.0               4.0            4.6            4.5
One worker                                            1.8               2.0            4.3            2.7
Two workers or more                                   0.3               0.3            0.6            0.4
Table 3.  Percent of Families in Poverty, by Definition of Income and Selected Characteristics: 2003-RS
 (White alone or in combination)

                                                                   After taxes
                                            Definition 14
                                                      net                            Money
                                                  imputed     Definition 14         Income          Money
                                                   return              less    after Taxes         Income
                                                on equity           medical  not including          after
                                              in own home          programs           EITC          Taxes
                                                  Def 15            Def 16         Def 17         Def 18

Program Participation Status of
  Family Members

One or more members received:
  Cash assistance                                    21.6              23.1           33.0           30.5
    Public assistance or wefare non-SSI              36.5              37.9           55.4           50.8
    SSI                                              12.2              13.9           20.1           18.9
  Food stamps                                        29.7              31.3           52.1           44.4
  Housing assistance                                 21.4              21.9           46.7           39.8
  Energy assistance                                  23.2              24.7           42.0           35.5
  Free or reduced-price school lunches               18.4              19.3           33.7           25.4
Family received both food stamps and
  cash assistance                                    34.8              36.6           56.1           51.9

Health Insurance Coverage

One or more members covered by:
  Employer-provided plan                              1.3               1.4            2.3            1.9
  Medicare                                            3.3               4.3            5.1            4.9
  Medicaid                                           16.0              17.0           26.8           21.9
No members covered by:
  Employer-provided plan or Medicare or
    Medicaid                                         12.5              13.3           16.6           13.7
  Health insurance                                   16.0              16.6           21.3           17.2
Family received:
  Medicare and Medicaid                               8.8              10.5           14.2           13.4
Table 3.  Percent of Families in Poverty, by Definition of Income and Selected Characteristics: 2003-RS
 (White alone or in combination)

                                          Defin 1   Defin 2   Defin 3   Defin 4   Defin 5   Defin 6   Defin 7   Defin 8   Defin 9

White alone or in combination

    All families                             4267      9603      9381      9099      9539      9569      8752      8744      4062

Age of Householder

15 to 24 years                                584       643       645       608       662       665       641       643       584
25 to 44 years                               2234      2759      2734      2590      2817      2824      2183      2170      1863
45 to 54 years                                590       954       939       889       949       958       851       853       594
55 to 64 years                                467      1189      1144      1125      1168      1174      1140      1139       529
65 years and over                             392      4058      3918      3887      3944      3948      3937      3939       493

Type of Family

Married-couple families                      1993      6222      6020      5872      6132      6139      5707      5705      1894
  With related children under 18             1175      1567      1551      1436      1608      1608      1194      1192       957
    With related children under 6             723       865       858       801       913       915       662       658       573
Male householder, no wife present             321       607       597       574       614       626       570       568       310
Female householder, no husband present       1953      2773      2764      2653      2793      2803      2475      2470      1857
  With related children under 18             1745      2127      2120      2030      2144      2146      1822      1816      1583
    With related children under 6             945      1064      1062      1016      1070      1071       951       945       873

Type of Residence

Inside metropolitan areas                    3211      6934      6760      6546      6879      6899      6284      6275      3021
  Inside central cities                      1336      2465      2426      2337      2476      2484      2197      2192      1253
  Outside central cities                     1874      4469      4334      4209      4404      4415      4087      4083      1768
Outside metropolitan areas                   1057      2669      2620      2554      2660      2669      2468      2469      1041


Northeast                                     682      1713      1683      1642      1706      1707      1593      1585       694
Midwest                                       763      1940      1873      1803      1869      1873      1730      1727       705
South                                        1689      3750      3660      3579      3776      3789      3455      3459      1591
West                                         1133      2200      2164      2075      2189      2199      1974      1972      1072
Table 3.  Percent of Families in Poverty, by Definition of Income and Selected Characteristics: 2003-RS
 (White alone or in combination)

                                          Defin 1   Defin 2   Defin 3   Defin 4   Defin 5   Defin 6   Defin 7   Defin 8   Defin 9

Educational Attainment

Less than 12th grade, no diploma             1560      3208      3165      3085      3258      3266      2978      2975      1542
High school graduate, no college             1435      3418      3319      3220      3358      3370      3085      3085      1331
College: Less than bachelor's degree          897      1991      1954      1882      1971      1976      1793      1787       825
         Bachelor's degree or more            375       986       942       912       953       957       896       896       364

Work Experience in 2003-RS

     Total, 15 to 64 years                   3875      5545      5463      5212      5595      5621      4815      4804      3570
Worked at full-time jobs                     1268      1578      1562      1409      1660      1665      1150      1145       966
  50 to 52 weeks                              672       773       765       692       878       879       527       526       466
Worked at part-time jobs                      700       912       910       870       923       925       770       761       592
Did not work                                 1907      3055      2991      2933      3012      3031      2896      2898      2011

Year-Round Full-Time Workers

No workers                                   3254      8323      8128      7986      8158      8172      7835      7826      3321
  Householder 15 to 64 years                 2900      4376      4309      4183      4310      4324      3991      3980      2863
  Householder 65 years and over               354      3947      3820      3803      3848      3848      3845      3846       459
One worker                                    941      1188      1162      1025      1266      1282       835       836       673
Two workers or more                            72        91        90        88       115       115        81        81        67

Program Participation Status of
  Family Members

One or more members received:
  Cash assistance                             857      1583      1557      1533      1565      1571      1500      1496      1168
    Public assistance or wefare non-SSI       580       787       779       771       790       791       753       748       659
    SSI                                       348       954       936       920       934       940       906       907       642
  Food stamps                                1536      2076      2056      2012      2070      2072      1865      1850      1544
  Housing assistance                          584       799       795       783       807       808       741       735       613
  Energy assistance                           442       739       730       713       727       728       659       655       458
  Free or reduced-price school lunches       1692      2171      2151      2046      2195      2199      1733      1726      1443
Family received both food stamps and
  cash assistance                             660       991       980       976       989       989       956       950       820
Table 3.  Percent of Families in Poverty, by Definition of Income and Selected Characteristics: 2003-RS
 (White alone or in combination)

                                          Defin 1   Defin 2   Defin 3   Defin 4   Defin 5   Defin 6   Defin 7   Defin 8   Defin 9

Health Insurance Coverage

One or more members covered by:
  Employer-provided plan                      958      2504      2450      2169      2266      2272      2055      2054       710
  Medicare                                    708      5196      5023      4974      5056      5072      5018      5025       892
  Medicaid                                   2365      3691      3642      3540      3743      3754      3255      3247      2389
No members covered by:
  Employer-provided plan or Medicare or
    Medicaid                                  961      1140      1115      1115      1238      1245      1052      1050       883
  Health insurance                            727       832       819       819       914       921       759       754       657
Family received:
  Medicare and Medicaid                       301      1120      1091      1071      1090      1095      1062      1064       475
Table 3.  Percent of Families in Poverty, by Definition of Income and Selected Characteristics: 2003-RS
 (White alone or in combination)

                                         Defin 10  Defin 11  Defin 12  Defin 13  Defin 14  Defin 15  Defin 16  Defin 17  Defin 18

White alone or in combination

    All families                             3981      3978      3645      3531      3181      2956      3215      4641      3847

Age of Householder

15 to 24 years                                581       579       571       534       491       483       505       647       629
25 to 44 years                               1848      1847      1729      1670      1452      1423      1469      2459      1819
45 to 54 years                                583       583       514       505       464       427       465       641       537
55 to 64 years                                513       513       443       437       416       350       417       484       460
65 years and over                             456       456       387       386       358       273       359       410       402

Type of Family

Married-couple families                      1848      1846      1685      1635      1519      1362      1538      2211      1801
  With related children under 18              941       939       872       830       733       714       750      1360       966
    With related children under 6             567       565       538       501       440       439       458       857       602
Male householder, no wife present             299       298       276       268       248       234       251       352       296
Female householder, no husband present       1834      1834      1684      1628      1414      1361      1425      2078      1750
  With related children under 18             1572      1572      1471      1416      1226      1197      1237      1854      1527
    With related children under 6             871       871       833       791       692       681       703      1001       869

Type of Residence

Inside metropolitan areas                    2961      2959      2714      2634      2378      2237      2406      3481      2871
  Inside central cities                      1224      1224      1088      1041       912       895       929      1442      1147
  Outside central cities                     1737      1735      1626      1594      1466      1343      1477      2039      1724
Outside metropolitan areas                   1020      1019       931       897       802       719       809      1161       976


Northeast                                     679       678       586       565       498       461       500       718       613
Midwest                                       682       682       635       613       563       537       570       833       683
South                                        1571      1570      1475      1438      1314      1201      1330      1852      1551
West                                         1048      1048       949       915       806       758       814      1237      1000
Table 3.  Percent of Families in Poverty, by Definition of Income and Selected Characteristics: 2003-RS
 (White alone or in combination)

                                         Defin 10  Defin 11  Defin 12  Defin 13  Defin 14  Defin 15  Defin 16  Defin 17  Defin 18

Educational Attainment

Less than 12th grade, no diploma             1494      1494      1354      1312      1166      1067      1185      1708      1420
High school graduate, no college             1302      1302      1205      1167      1059      1000      1065      1560      1278
College: Less than bachelor's degree          821       818       745       713       624       594       633       973       793
         Bachelor's degree or more            364       364       341       339       332       295       332       400       356

Work Experience in 2003-RS

     Total, 15 to 64 years                   3525      3522      3258      3146      2823      2683      2856      4231      3445
Worked at full-time jobs                      960       959       917       869       761       735       776      1517      1014
  50 to 52 weeks                              461       459       449       425       368       356       377       863       518
Worked at part-time jobs                      587       587       552       527       460       447       465       748       592
Did not work                                 1977      1976      1789      1750      1602      1501      1614      1967      1839

Year-Round Full-Time Workers

No workers                                   3246      3246      2937      2856      2591      2401      2611      3360      3025
  Householder 15 to 64 years                 2824      2824      2583      2505      2265      2155      2284      2991      2663
  Householder 65 years and over               422       422       353       352       326       247       327       369       362
One worker                                    669       666       644       614       533       495       544      1181       751
Two workers or more                            66        66        64        61        57        60        59       101        71

Program Participation Status of
  Family Members

One or more members received:
  Cash assistance                            1110      1110       789       740       606       569       610       872       805
    Public assistance or wefare non-SSI       648       648       533       492       400       390       404       591       542
    SSI                                       588       588       321       306       243       214       243       352       331
  Food stamps                                1518      1516      1320      1228       952       917       968      1609      1372
  Housing assistance                          591       591       503       453       278       278       285       607       518
  Energy assistance                           444       444       364       327       267       254       272       461       389
  Free or reduced-price school lunches       1427      1427      1313      1256      1041       999      1048      1832      1381
Family received both food stamps and
  cash assistance                             801       801       606       558       433       416       437       670       620
Table 3.  Percent of Families in Poverty, by Definition of Income and Selected Characteristics: 2003-RS
 (White alone or in combination)

                                         Defin 10  Defin 11  Defin 12  Defin 13  Defin 14  Defin 15  Defin 16  Defin 17  Defin 18

Health Insurance Coverage

One or more members covered by:
  Employer-provided plan                      705       705       680       677       630       597       633      1072       857
  Medicare                                    811       811       673       669       609       475       617       741       710
  Medicaid                                   2328      2325      2005      1892      1597      1529      1627      2564      2090
No members covered by:
  Employer-provided plan or Medicare or
    Medicaid                                  883       883       878       878       853       801       853      1065       878
  Health insurance                            657       657       657       657       637       612       637       814       657
Family received:
  Medicare and Medicaid                       414       414       281       276       232       197       236       318       301
Race Footnotes

Source: U.S. Census Bureau
Contact: Housing and Household Economic Statistics Information Staff at (301)763-3242
Last revised: February 1, 2006