Header Information

 num_header_records            = 1                                            ;
LongName                      = QuikSCAT Merged Wind Vectors and Sigma0s     ;
ShortName                     = QSCATMGDR                                    ;
VersionID                     = 2.0                                          ;
producer_agency               = NOAA                                         ;
producer_institution          = NESDIS                                       ;
InstrumentShortName           = SeaWinds                                     ;
PlatformLongName              = NASA Quick Scatterometer                     ;
project_id                    = QuikSCAT                                     ;
data_format_type              = BINARY                                       ;
GranulePointer                = QS_NRT20090742037.dat                        ;
InputPointer                  = QS_P1B20090742037                            ;
sis_id                        = 686-644-nn/yyyy-mm-dd                        ;
build_id                      = n.n.n/yyyy-mm-dd                             ;
OperationMode                 = Wind Observation                             ;
ephemeris_type                = GPS                                          ;
StartOrbitNumber              = 50715                                        ;
StopOrbitNumber               = 50716                                        ;
EquatorCrossingTime           = 2009-074T19:49:45.979                        ;
EquatorCrossingLongitude      = 129.0135                                     ;
OrbitSemiMajorAxis            =  7176469                                     ;
OrbitEccentricity             = 0.00165168                                   ;
OrbitInclination              =  98.6388                                     ;
OrbitNodalPeriod              = 6058.531                                     ;
DataStartTime                 = 2009-074T20:35:03.965                        ;
DataEndTime                   = 2009-074T21:49:48.549                        ;
ProductionDateTime            = 2009-074T22:46:44.000                        ;
num_data_records              =  1203                                        ;
data_record_length            = 13252                                        ;
sigma0_composition_method     = Composite-composite/one measurement per beam ;
sigma0_attenuation_method     = Attenuation Map                              ;
geophysical_model_function    = QSCAT-1                                      ;
nudging_method                = AVN Forecast Field (1 deg/6 hr res.) ini     ;
median_filter_method          = Wind vector median filter with DIR           ;
rain_flag_algorithm1          = Multi-Parameter algorithm/ unified rain flag ;
rain_flag_algorithm2          = Normalized Objective Function algorithm      ;
rain_flag_algorithm3          = Atmospheric attenuation from Tb computed     ;
rain_flag_alg1_threshold      = 0.10                                         ;
rain_flag_alg2_threshold      = 20                                           ;
rain_flag_alg3_threshold      =                                              ;