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Search returned: 40 matching applications

Application Search Results
File Number Form Paper/
Call Sign Facility Id Service Status Status Date Details
BL 2856 302-AM P KOAC 50587 AM GRANTED   Info  |  Application
BDERET 20090109AFI 388 E KOAC-TV 50590 TV RECEIVED 01/12/2009 Info  |  Application
BAFEDT 20081126AKW 317 E KOAC-TV 50590 DT RECEIVED 11/28/2008 Info  |  Application
BDTUET 20081020ANG 387 E KOAC-TV 50590 TV ACCEPTED FOR FILING 10/21/2008 Info  |  Application
BDERET 20081008AIJ 388 E KOAC-TV 50590 TV RECEIVED 10/09/2008 Info  |  Application
BDTUET 20080718ADF 387 E KOAC-TV 50590 TV ACCEPTED FOR FILING 07/21/2008 Info  |  Application
BDERET 20080710AAT 388 E KOAC-TV 50590 TV RECEIVED 07/10/2008 Info  |  Application
BDTRET 20080219BMC 387 E KOAC-TV 50590 TV ACCEPTED FOR FILING 02/21/2008 Info  |  Application
BPEDT 20080215ABJ 340 E KOAC-TV 50590 DT GRANTED 03/10/2008 Info  |  Application
BAFEDT 20071130ALX 317 E KOAC-TV 50590 DT RECEIVED 12/03/2007 Info  |  Application
BAFEDT 20061129AHU 317 E KOAC-TV 50590 DT RECEIVED 11/30/2006 Info  |  Application
BRET 20060926ANK 303 E KOAC-TV 50590 TV GRANTED 01/31/2007 Info  |  Application
BAFEDT 20051129AJD 317 E KOAC-TV 50590 DT RECEIVED 11/30/2005 Info  |  Application
BR 20051003AWR 303 E KOAC 50587 AM GRANTED 06/20/2006 Info  |  Application
BFRCET 20050811ABI 383 E KOAC-TV 50590 TV APPROVED 10/04/2005 Info  |  Application
20050503ACQ STA P KOAC 50587 AD DENIED 06/08/2005 Info  |  Application
BFREET 20050121ACE 382 E KOAC-TV 50590 TV DISAPPROVED 06/23/2005 Info  |  Application
BAFEDT 20041126ACE 317 E KOAC-TV 50590 DT RECEIVED 11/29/2004 Info  |  Application
BCERET 20041101AEZ 381 E KOAC-TV 50590 TV TENDERED FOR FILING 11/02/2004 Info  |  Application
BSTA 20030728AKV STA P KOAC-TV 50590 DT DISMISSED 03/04/2004 Info  |  Application
BLEDT 20030227AAX 302-DTV E KOAC-TV 50590 DT GRANTED 11/02/2004 Info  |  Application
BLET 20020111AAG 302-TV E KOAC-TV 50590 TV GRANTED 08/21/2003 Info  |  Application
BPET 20001127AAN 340 P KOAC-TV 50590 TV GRANTED 06/11/2001 Info  |  Application
BMPEDT 20000414ABA 340 P KOAC-TV 50590 DT GRANTED 12/27/2000 Info  |  Application
BPEDT 19990903AAJ 340 P KOAC-TV 50590 DT GRANTED 02/18/2000 Info  |  Application
BRET 19980924KG 303 P KOAC-TV 50590 TV GRANTED 01/28/1999 Info  |  Application
BR 19971001A5 303 P KOAC 50587 AM GRANTED 05/06/1998 Info  |  Application
BRET 19931001KH 303 P KOAC-TV 50590 TV GRANTED 01/28/1994 Info  |  Application
BALET 19930716KE 314 P KOAC-TV 50590 TV GRANTED 08/30/1993 Info  |  Application
BAL 19930716EA 314 P KOAC 50587 AM GRANTED 09/20/1993 Info  |  Application
BR 19901001ZM 303 P KOAC 50587 AM GRANTED 01/29/1991 Info  |  Application
BRET 19880928KH 303 P KOAC-TV 50590 TV GRANTED 01/23/1989 Info  |  Application
BR 19830927UT 303 P KOAC 50587 AM GRANTED 01/17/1984 Info  |  Application
BRET 19830927KO 303 P KOAC-TV 50590 TV GRANTED 01/26/1984 Info  |  Application
BALET 19811013KG 314 P KOAC-TV 50590 TV GRANTED 11/27/1981 Info  |  Application
BAL 19811013HR 314 P KOAC 50587 AM GRANTED 11/27/1981 Info  |  Application
BR 19800929UG 303 P KOAC 50587 AM GRANTED 01/30/1981 Info  |  Application
BRET 19800929KE 303 P KOAC-TV 50590 TV GRANTED 01/30/1981 Info  |  Application
BMLET 19800527KN 302-TV P KOAC-TV 50590 TV GRANTED 08/18/1980 Info  |  Application
BLET 147 302-TV P KOAC-TV 50590 TV GRANTED   Info  |  Application

Please send comments via standard mail to the Federal Communications Commission, Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau, 445 12th Street, S.W., Washington, D.C., 20554. Questions can also be answered by calling the FCC's National Call Center, toll free, at 1-888-Call FCC (1-888-225-5322).
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