Title: 2000 Publications List. Series: Publication List Author: Bureau of Justice Assistance Published: 2000 Subject: Criminal Justice General, Information Systems 43 pages 65,536 bytes ---------------------------- Figures, charts, forms, and tables are not included in this ASCII plain-text file. To view this document in its entirety, download the Adobe Acrobat graphic file available from this Web site or order a print copy from BJA at 800-688-4252. ---------------------------- U.S. Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs 810 Seventh Street NW. Washington, DC 20531 2000 Publications List BJA Bureau of Justice Assistance ---------------------------- U.S. Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs 810 Seventh Street NW. Washington, DC 20531 Janet Reno Attorney General Daniel Marcus Acting Associate Attorney General Mary Lou Leary Acting Assistant Attorney General Nancy E. Gist Director, Bureau of Justice Assistance Office of Justice Programs World Wide Web Home Page www.ojp.usdoj.gov Bureau of Justice Assistance World Wide Web Home Page www.ojp.usdoj.gov/BJA For grant and funding information contact U.S. Department of Justice Response Center 1-800-421-6770 The Bureau of Justice Assistance is a component of the Office of Justice Programs, which also includes the Bureau of Justice Statistics, the National Institute of Justice, the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, and the Office for Victims of Crime. ---------------------------- U.S. Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs 810 Seventh Street NW. Washington, DC 20531 2000 Publications List BJA Bureau of Justice Assistance BC 000189 ---------------------------- CONTENTS INTRODUCTION THE BJA CLEARINGHOUSE CATALOGED BJA PUBLICATIONS USING THIS PUBLICATIONS LIST TO OBTAIN DOCUMENTS HOW TO OBTAIN BJA PUBLICATIONS FROM THE INTERNET DOCUMENT SOURCE CONTACT INFORMATION DOCUMENT SOURCE KEY CONTACT INFORMATION NEW DOCUMENT HIGHLIGHTS DOCUMENTS AVAILABLE FROM THE BJA CLEARINGHOUSE PUBLICATIONS ADMINISTRATION/GRANTS/EVALUATIONS ADJUDICATION CORRECTIONS CRIME PREVENTION LAW ENFORCEMENT TECHNOLOGY AND TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE BJA CLEARINGHOUSE DOCUMENT ORDER FORM ---------------------------- INTRODUCTION ---------------------------- The Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) was established in 1984 as a component within the Office of Justice Programs (OJP), U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ). BJA provides assistance to state and local governments through innovative programs to improve and strengthen the nation's criminal justice system, with special emphasis on drug control strategies to support nationwide antidrug policies. BJA distributes funds to state and local criminal justice systems through its Formula Grant and Discretionary Grant Programs. In addition to funding assistance, BJA provides technical support and training and disseminates information to the criminal justice community. Key to BJA's information dissemination activities is the publication of documents that detail promising and proven programs in the fight against drug abuse and violent crime. This guide contains a listing of currently available BJA publications. These publications serve varied purposes for criminal justice professionals. They are offered to the states to help them structure their statewide criminal justice and drug-abuse prevention strategies and subgrant projects. Several are used frequently in state and local training academies and at training conferences. In addition, they provide relevant and useful information to criminal justice practitioners and policymakers for program implementation and policy development. ---------------------------- THE BJA CLEARINGHOUSE Created to improve dissemination of valuable information to criminal justice professionals, the BJA Clearinghouse coordinates and centralizes the distribution of BJA publications. As a component of the National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS), the Clearinghouse also provides a direct link to other OJP agency publications and a database of more than 150,000 criminal justice documents. Through its convenient toll-free telephone line (1-800-688-4252), the Clearinghouse offers easy access to a range of resources and services. The toll-free number connects callers with information specialists who answer inquiries, provide funding and publications information, and make referrals that put the caller in touch with the appropriate contacts within BJA or other agencies. The NCJRS Web site, the Justice Information Center (JIC) (www.ncjrs.com), gives users direct online access to information about BJA funding, copies of BJA publications, and other resources. In fulfilling its goal of providing criminal justice professionals with reliable information and effective tools in the fight against crime, the Clearing-house serves as the foremost source of publications and other resources for its users. ---------------------------- CATALOGED BJA PUBLICATIONS To meet the various information needs of the criminal justice community, BJA publishes several differ-ent types or series of documents. These include the following: Program Briefs. A Program Brief is a concise description of a program proved to be effective in the control of drug-related and violent crime. It outlines the program concept, goals and objectives, critical program elements, implementation steps, and actual experiences of participants in the program. A Program Brief is produced following successful program execution and evaluation, which determines the program's essential elements and performance standards. Implementation Manuals. Serving as a tool for replication of a proven program, an Implementation Manual provides a detailed description of the program, including specific policies, practices, and procedures used in program planning, organization, implementation, operations, monitoring, and evaluation. An Implementation Manual is produced only after extensive experience and evaluation to ensure that administrative and operational details are accurate and effective. Training Manuals. Based on the Implementation Manual for a given program, a Training Manual presents a curriculum for teaching program operations to management staff. It contains instructions for trainers as well as exercises for students that outline the steps required to replicate the program and maintain con-tinuity and program integrity in the process. Monographs. A Monograph serves one of two purposes: provide indepth information on a particular element of a program or describe a program that appears promising but has not yet been proved effective. A Monograph may be likened to a scholarly essay, with documentation to support opinions or positions expressed by the author. BJA has introduced three new Monograph series to address current topics of importance to the justice community: Community Justice series, Indigent Defense series, and Hate Crimes series. Bulletins. Bulletins are produced to inform the criminal justice community of new and emerging issues and to highlight innovative and progressive ideas and approaches to address these issues. Bulletins provide a brief introduction to topics that are likely to be covered later in greater detail in Program Briefs, Implementation Manuals, Monographs, and other publications. The latest addition to BJA's Bulletins is the Practitioner Perspectives: Bulletin From the Field series. Fact Sheets. A Fact Sheet is a short, easy-to-read introduction to a specific BJA-sponsored program. Designed to help criminal justice professionals identify programs of possible value to specific agencies and/or jurisdictions, a Fact Sheet always includes a list of resources to contact for further information. ---------------------------- USING THIS PUBLICATIONS LIST TO OBTAIN DOCUMENTS All documents in this Publications List were produced by BJA or a BJA grantee organization and are available either from the BJA Clearinghouse or from the grantee organization that produced the document. To help the user locate documents on a particular topic, the Publications List is organized by subject matter. Each listing contains the document title, a document order number, and cost of the document. Although most documents available from the Clearinghouse are free, some include a cost that must be prepaid by check or money order, credit card, NCJRS deposit account, or government purchase order for an additional $1.95. Other documents are available only through interlibrary loan (ILL) for a fee of $15.00 per item for loans within the United States and $16.50 (U.S. funds) for loans to Canada. Documents cannot be lent to requesters in other countries. To order documents from the Clearinghouse, complete the order form beginning on page 21 and mail the entire form, with any required payment, to Bureau of Justice Assistance Clearinghouse P.O. Box 6000 Rockville, MD 20849-6000 Documents may also be obtained by calling the Clearinghouse at 1-800-688- 4252 or faxing the form to 410-792-4358. To order documents from other sources, contact the grantee organization directly, using the contact information found on pages 5-7 of this guide. To be included on the NCJRS mailing list for the latest information on BJA and other OJP publications, go to www.ncjrs.org/register to register on-line or use the form in the back of the book. ---------------------------- HOW TO OBTAIN BJA PUBLICATIONS FROM THE INTERNET Publications that are only available electronically are designated "Internet." These documents are provided in full text with graphics using Adobe Acrobat(r) software, which is free to users and can be downloaded from the JIC home page, and many of the print publications listed in this catalog are also available electronically. Documents can be accessed through the following Internet resources: o The NCJRS Web site, the Justice Information Center (www.ncjrs.org), is the focal point of NCJRS online services. It provides full-text versions of OJP and Office of National Drug Control Policy publications, grant announcements and applications, and press releases. Subject areas include corrections, courts, crime prevention, criminal justice statistics, drugs and crime, juvenile justice, law enforcement, research and evaluation, and victims. Simply click on the subject area of interest and then select "Documents" to access full-text publications. In addition, the Web site links to other criminal justice-related sites and listservs on the Internet. o The NCJRS Abstracts Database (www.ncjrs.org/database.htm) contains summaries and links to full text when available[1] of more than 150,000 publications on criminal justice, including fed-eral, state, and local government reports, books, research reports, journal articles, and unpublished research from the early 1970s to today. To search for a specific document, complete as many search fields as possible and click on "Submit." If a full-text version is available online, a link to the document is included with the abstract. The Abstracts Database is maintained by NCJRS for the National Institute of Justice, the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, the Office for Victims of Crime, the Bureau of Justice Statistics, the Bureau of Justice Assistance, the Office of the Assistant Attorney General, the Corrections Program Office, the Drug Courts Program Office, the Executive Office for Weed and Seed, the Office for State and Local Domestic Preparedness Support, and the Violence Against Women Office (all part of the Office of Justice Programs) as well as for the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy. o Justice Information (JUSTINFO) Electronic Newsletter (www.ncjrs.org/justinfo/) provides criminal justice professionals with current and useful criminal and juvenile justice-related information. The newsletter, published on the 1st and 15th of every month, reports on the following topics: --Information from NCJRS sponsoring agencies. --New products and services from NCJRS. --Important criminal justice resources on the Internet. --NCJRS international services. If you would like to subscribe to the mailing list, send an e-mail message to listproc@ncjrs.org and in the body of your message type subscribe justinfo and your name. o E-mail questions to askncjrs@ncjrs.org or e-mail orders for print publications to puborder@ncjrs.org. Send your feedback on this service to tellncjrs@ncjrs.org. Note: 1. Full-text versions of most documents published by BJA since 1995 are available online. ---------------------------- DOCUMENT SOURCE CONTACT INFORMATION ---------------------------- The following chart provides a key to the document source codes that appear in the New Document Highlights and Publications sections. Each organization's address and phone number are provided in the list following the chart. To order documents from grantee organization, please contact the organization directly. Single copies of all grantee reports also are available through interlibrary loan (ILL) from the BJA Clearinghouse/NCJRS. For further information, call the BJA Clearinghouse at 1-800-688-4252. ---------------------------- DOCUMENT SOURCE KEY ABA--American Bar Association ACA--American Correctional Association APRI--American Prosecutors Research Institute AU--The American University CSSP--Center for the Study of Social Policy D.A.R.E.(R)--Drug Abuse Resistance Education IACP--International Association of Chiefs of Police Join Together JRSA--Justice Research and Statistics Association NAAG--National Association of Attorneys General NAPS--National Association of Pre-Trial Services NCJA--National Criminal Justice Association NCPC--National Crime Prevention Council NSA--National Sheriffs' Association OJP--Office of Justice Programs Olmos Productions PCAH--President's Committee on the Arts and the Humanities SEARCH--SEARCH Group, Inc. VERA--Vera Institute of Justice ---------------------------- CONTACT INFORMATION American Bar Association (ABA) 750 North Lake Shore Drive Chicago, IL 60611 312-988-5000 312-988-6281 (fax) American Correctional Association (ACA) 4380 Forbes Boulevard Lanham, MD 20709 1-800-222-5646 301-918-1800 American Prosecutors Research Institute (APRI) 99 Canal Center Plaza Suite 510 Alexandria, VA 22314-1588 703-549-4253 703-836-3195 (fax) The American University (AU) Courts Technical Assistance Project 4400 Massachusetts Avenue NW. Brandywine Suite 100 Washington, DC 20016-8159 202-885-2875 202-885-2885 (fax) Center for the Study of Social Policy (CSSP) 1250 Eye Street NW., Suite 503 Washington, DC 20005-3922 202-371-1565 202-371-1472 (fax) D.A.R.E.(R) America P.O. Box 512090 Los Angeles, CA 90051-0090 310-215-0575 310-215-0180 (fax) D.A.R.E.(R) Eastern Regional Training Center Virginia State Police 7700 Midlothian Turnpike Richmond, VA 23235 804-674-2219 804-674-2640 (fax) Serves Connecticut, Delaware, the District of Columbia, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Virginia. D.A.R.E.(R) Midwestern Regional Training Center Missouri State Highway Patrol 1510 East Elm Street P.O. Box 568 Jefferson City, MO 65102-0568 573-526-3273 573-751-9920 (fax) Serves Arkansas, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Ohio, Pennsylvania, U.S. Virgin Islands, and Wisconsin. D.A.R.E.(R) Southeastern Regional Training Center North Carolina Bureau of Investigation P.O. Box 29500 Raleigh, NC 27626-0500 919-662-4500 919-662-4454 (fax) Serves Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, North Carolina, Puerto Rico, South Carolina, Tennessee, and West Virginia. D.A.R.E.(R) Southwestern Regional Training Center Arizona Department of Public Safety 3110 North 19th Avenue, Suite 290 Phoenix, AZ 85015 602-223-2544 602-279-0853 (fax) Serves Alaska, American Samoa, Arizona, Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, and Texas. D.A.R.E.(R) Western Regional Training Center City of Los Angeles Police Department 6000 South St. Andrews Place Los Angeles, CA 90047 213-485-4856 213-485-8867 (fax) Serves California, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, North Dakota, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming. International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) National Law Enforcement Policy Center 515 North Washington Street Alexandria, VA 22314-2357 1-800-843-4227 703-836-6767 Join Together 441 Stuart Street Boston, MA 02116 617-437-1500 617-437-9394 (fax) Justice Research and Statistics Association (JRSA) 777 North Capitol Street NE. Suite 801 Washington, DC 20002 202-842-9330 202-842-9329 National Association of Attorneys General (NAAG) 750 First Street NE. Suite 1100 Washington, DC 20002 202-326-6000 National Association of Pre-Trial Services (NAPS) P.O. Box 280808 San Francisco, CA 94128-0808 650-588-0212 National Criminal Justice Association (NCJA) 44 North Capitol Street NW. Suite 618 Washington, DC 20001 202-624-1440 202-508-3859 (fax) National Crime Prevention Council (NCPC) 1700 K Street NW. Second Floor Washington, DC 20006-3817 202-466-6272 National Sheriffs' Association (NSA) 1450 Duke Street Alexandria, VA 22314-3490 703-836-7827 703-519-8567 (fax) Office of Justice Programs (OJP) 810 Seventh Street NW. Fifth Floor Washington, DC 20531 202-307-0623 Olmos Productions, Inc. 18034 Ventura Boulevard, #288 Encino, CA 91316-3516 818-501-0843 President's Committee on the Arts and the Humanities (PCAH) 1100 Pennsylvania Avenue NW. Suite 526 Washington, DC 20506 202-682-5409 202-682-5668 (fax) Search Group, Inc. (SEARCH) 7311 Greenhaven Drive Suite 145 Sacramento, CA 95831 916-392-2550 916-392-8440 (fax) Vera Institute of Justice (VERA) 337 Broadway 11th Floor New York, NY 10013 212-334-1300 ---------------------------- NEW DOCUMENT HIGHLIGHTS ---------------------------- DOCUMENTS AVAILABLE FROM THE BJA CLEARINGHOUSE The following documents are available from the BJA Clearinghouse, the NCJRS Web site, or the Abstracts Database. When calling the Clearinghouse (1-800-688-4252) to request copies or for more information, please be sure to reference the document number. Addressing Hate Crimes: Six Initiatives That Are En-hancing the Efforts of Criminal Justice Practitioners. Monograph. (NCJ 179559). Focuses on law enforcement's pivotal role in responding to the investigation, prosecution, and prevention of hate crimes. Several BJA-funded projects are described that offer training and support to law enforcement officials. Each project has helped DOJ design comprehensive training programs, protocols for the fast and effective response to hate crime incidents, and systems for coordinated enforcement and prosecution. Building a Better Criminal Justice System: Bureau of Justice Assistance Fiscal Year 1999 Annual Report to Congress. Monograph. (NCJ 182954). Describes the funding and technical assistance provided to state and local criminal justice systems by the Bureau of Justice Assistance in fiscal year (FY) 1999. In FY 1999, BJA administered $1.8 billion to state and local agencies to support and measure the effectiveness of programs in every area of the justice system: crime prevention, community justice, law enforcement, adjudication, correctional services, and technology. The first section of the Annual Report provides an overview of fiscal year FY 1999 activities, and the second section identifies support to state and local criminal justice systems. Appendixes contain BJA legislative purpose area descriptions, grant awards to states and U.S. territories, and a list of FY 1999 publications. Contracting for Indigent Defense Services: A Special Report. Monograph. (NCJ 181160). Addresses the issues surrounding the provision of defense services to defendants who cannot afford counsel. It was written for individuals in the justice system who are using, considering, or implementing an indigent defense contract system. The report presents the major judicial and legislative attempts to deal with those systems, examines the best and worst features of contract systems, and discusses the national standards that govern contract systems. The experiences of indigent defense systems discussed in this special report support the conclusion that contract systems can deliver quality indigent defense services if appropriate safeguards are developed. Creating a New Criminal Justice System for the 21st Century: Findings and Results From State and Local Program Evaluations. Monograph. (NCJ 178936). Presents the approaches and results of criminal justice program evaluations funded by the Edward Byrne Memorial State and Local Law Enforcement Assistance Formula Grant Program. In highlighting the diverse programs of seven States, this Effective Programs Monograph gives justice system planners and managers insight into the scope and level of effort required to implement innovative approaches to dealing with drug abuse and violent crime. A bibliography lists 10 years of research and evaluation by multijurisdictional task forces, and an appendix describes how to identify and nominate effective criminal justice programs. Emerging Judicial Strategies for the Mentally Ill in the Criminal Caseload: Mental Health Courts in Fort Lauderdale, Seattle, San Bernardino, and Anchorage. Monograph. (NCJ 182504). Examines four pioneering mental health courts to identify common, critical ingredients that may form basic elements of a mental health court model as this judicial problem-solving strategy becomes more prominent. The four sites represent the first judge-supervised, court-based innovations designed to address the problems of mentally ill defendants and offenders in the criminal caseload in the United States. The court initiatives grew from efforts to respond to three basic critical problems: the public safety risk posed by mentally ill offenders; the difficulties associated with housing the mentally ill in local jails; and the inadequacy of the criminal process in dealing with mentally ill defendants. FY 2000 Program Plan. Monograph. (SL 000421). Provides an overview of programs BJA will support in fiscal year 2000. The funds appropriated for BJA activities will support collaborative efforts in every area of the criminal justice system including law enforcement, crime prevention, the courts, supervision services, prosecution and indigent defense, pretrial services, technology and systems integration, evaluation, and training and technical assistance. BJA will also continue to support innovative solutions to local problems through the Open Solicitation Grant Program. The document provides a compilation of program titles and grantee names. A History of the Local Law Enforcement Block Grants Program: Supporting Local Solutions to Crime. Bulletin. (NCJ 179982). Discusses the Local Law Enforcement Block Grants (LLEBG) Program and its progress over the past 4 years. Administered by BJA, the program provides funds to State, local, and tribal governments for crime prevention and multijurisdictional task force projects. Funds are allocated for a variety of purposes including law enforcement; new technology and equipment; and projects addressing domestic violence, drug trafficking, gang violence, drunk or aggressive driving, and sex offenses. This bulletin includes a section on how to improve the program and examples of innovative projects from grantees. Indigent Defense and Technology: A Progress Report. Monograph. (NCJ 179003). Analyzes how technology is changing the way attorneys and staff work in public defender offices and how that technology can add efficiency to the system by educating criminal justice practitioners, elected officials, and the public about the challenges facing the indigent defense community. This report is part of BJA's Indigent Defense Series, which addresses key issues that attorneys and managers in indigent defense systems struggle with daily. Integrating Drug Testing Into a Pretrial Services System: 1999 Update. Monograph. (NCJ 176340). Updates a 1992 BJA Monograph on how to integrate pretrial drug testing into the court process, including the risk assessment and supervised release phases. This update examines the practices of federal pretrial programs and provides current information on legal issues and on the costs of pretrial drug testing, updates on problems related to urine testing, and innovations in testing methods and in the chain of custody process. An updated annotated bibliography is also included. Keeping Illegal Activity Out of Rental Property: A Police Guide for Establishing Landlord Training Programs. Monograph. (NCJ 148656). Provides materials to help police agencies implement the Landlord Training Program, which emphasizes cooperation among property owners, tenants, and law enforcement agencies to fight drug-related crime in neighborhoods. Section I, Program Description, supplies a program overview for law enforcement personnel that offers instructions for implementing the program and coordination strategies. Section II, National Landlord Training Program Participant's Manual, reproduces the national version of the manual that landlords receive at training. Key Elements of Successful Adjudication Partner-ships. Bulletin. (NCJ 173949). Presents general information about adjudication partnerships and describes critical elements that lead to successful partnerships, as observed in a variety of well-established partnerships operating in jurisdictions across the country. Local and state criminal justice systems are under pressure to operate more efficiently and effectively without diminishing the quality of their services. One way to achieve this objective is through developing cooperative arrangements with key local justice system agencies. This BJA Bulletin identifies these partnerships and provides contact information. A checklist is also included to guide the novice coalition in developing a workable partnership and to emphasize the important key elements that must be present in a partnership to ensure that all involved agencies are part of the decisionmaking process. Kid's Korner Program: City of Reno, Nevada, Police Department. Bulletin. (NCJ 181718). Describes how the Reno Police Department assists Washoe County, Nevada, low-income children by linking their families with public- and private-sector resources and services to increase their opportunity for a healthy future. Kid's Korner is a knock-and-talk program in which police officers accompanied by a public health nurse visit and check on the welfare of children living in local motels. Initial and followup visits provide families with information on how to receive free medical assistance, food, and other necessities as well as how to enroll their children in schools. Begun in 1996 and supported with funding from BJA, this program of collaborative local partnerships has become an integral part of the Reno Police Department. National Training and Information Center: Empowering Communities To Fight Crime. Bulletin. (NCJ 182903). Provides an overview of the National Training and Information Center's (NTIC's) mission. NTIC builds grassroots leadership and strengthens neighborhoods by listening to neighborhood residents identify local problems, bringing them together to find solutions, and empowering residents and representatives of other institutions to solve those problems. The center provides participating community groups with low-cost training, research, technical assistance, and consultation to help them reduce and prevent crime in their neighborhoods. Opening the Courts to the Community: Volunteers in Wisconsin's Courts. Bulletin. (NCJ 178935). Offers an overview of 164 court-related volunteer programs operating throughout the state of Wisconsin. The programs have been studied and grouped into 12 categories by type of services offered, which include alternative dispute resolution, court information and assistance, court ombudsman, domestic violence and sexual assault programs, family services, guardian services, jail and detention center programs, juvenile services, legal services, mentoring programs, probation/parole and community service, and victim services. Practitioner Perspectives: Chelsea, Massachusetts--A City Helps Its Diverse People Get Along. Bulletin. (NCJ 179866). Describes the efforts of the Conflict Intervention Unit (CIU) in Chelsea, Massachusetts, to resolve noncriminal disputes through mediation. Through CIU, Chelsea residents can take their conflicts to trained, neutral civilian mediators who are neither police officers nor city employees. This Practitioner Perspectives Bulletin presents the history of CIU and offers case examples and a discussion of elements that make the program a success. Practitioner Perspectives: Memphis, Tennessee, Police Department's Crisis Intervention Team. Bulletin. (NCJ 182504). Describes the efforts of the Memphis police Department's Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) to deal with mentally ill members of the community. The deinstitutionalization of mentally ill people in the 1960s resulted in the downsizing of mental health institutions and the abandonment of many patients who, unable to cope with the outside world, found themselves being cycled into the criminal justice system. To break this cycle, Memphis formed the CIT unit to better address the problems of the mentally disabled and their families. The success of the program, which other communities are eager to emulate, is described in this Bulletin. Practitioner Perspectives: National Night Out--Building Police and Community Partnerships To Prevent Crime. Bulletin. (NCJ 180775). Provides an overview of National Night Out, a crime prevention program established in 1984 with BJA funding that emphasizes building a partnership between the police and the community. This Bulletin describes National Night Out efforts in five cities that have been ranked among the best in their size category for many years: New Orleans, Louisiana; Minneapolis, Minnesota; The Woodlands (Houston), Texas; Boston, Massachusetts; and Lodi, California. The Bulletin not only summarizes activities in these cities but also provides tips and strategies for successful implementation of National Night Out. Practitioner Perspectives: Robert Taylor Boys and Girls Club of Chicago. Bulletin. (NCJ 174442). Describes the success of a Boys and Girls Club in providing a safe learning environment for neighborhood children in one of Chicago's most crime-ridden areas. Funded in part by a BJA grant to the Boys and Girls Clubs of America, "the Club" provides facilities for a library, gym, and computer room, where chil-dren can develop their social skills and a sense of self-worth. The Club also provides literacy classes and welfare-to-work programs for adults from the Robert Taylor Homes, a development with 5 of its 28 buildings slated for demolition. This Bulletin further describes how the Club maintains a supportive relationship with residents in the troubled community that surrounds it. Pretrial Drug Testing: An Overview of Issues and Practices. Bulletin. (NCJ 176341). Provides an overview of the evolution of drug testing in the criminal justice system--from its original use in the 1960s as a treatment tool to its expanded use in the 1970s and early 1980s as a tool to monitor offenders under supervision to its new use as a tool to predict and reduce pretrial misconduct. This BJA Bulletin outlines the reasons for the decreased use of drug testing as a tool to identify and monitor drug users and, in response, offers a comprehensive review of new drug testing technologies, a discussion on estimating pretrial drug testing costs, and a summary of current pretrial drug testing applications. Promising Practices Against Hate Crimes: Five State and Local Demonstration Projects. Monograph. (NCJ 181425). Describes five BJA-funded demonstration programs developed by state and local agencies and considered to be the most promising programs in the nation for confronting and reducing hate crimes. This Monograph discusses the Simon Wiesenthal Center's National Institutes Against Hate Crimes, the San Diego Police Department and the Anti-Defamation League's Victim Assistance Project, the Los Angeles County District Attorney's JOLT Program, the Maine Department of the Attorney General's Civil Rights Team Project, and the Massachusetts Governor's Task Force on Hate Crimes. Together these programs demonstrate how multifaceted approaches are needed to respond to and prevent hate violence. The Monograph also includes a comprehensive list of other organizations that address hate crimes. Report of the National Task Force on Court Automation and Integration. Monograph. (NCJ 177601). Identifies key issues and challenges to justice system automation and integration from the perspective of the courts. Compiled as part of the Court Information Systems Technical Assistance Project, this BJA Monograph includes data on the status of integrated systems in 34 states as well as strategies for agencies considering or currently administering court automation and integration projects. New responsibilities associated with the increase in information technology throughout the nation's court systems-- including rules to govern the exchange and security of data; funding and procurement procedures to guide the acquisition, maintenance, and upgrade of integrated information systems; and standards to ensure that the justice process remains uncompromised--are also addressed. Responding to Hate Crimes: A Police Officer's Guide to Investigation and Prevention. Training Manual. (NCJ 179087). Explains the differences between hate incidents and hate crimes and how to respond to both. This Guide lists steps officers should take at the scene, factors that indicate a hate crime may have been committed, and ways for police to offer effective support to hate crime victims and the community throughout the investigation and prosecution processes. Responding to Hate Crimes: A Roll Call Training Video for Police Officers. Videotape. (NCJ 179015). Instructor's Guide. (NCJ 180808). Discusses the differences between a hate incident and a hate crime and how to distinguish between the two. The Video addresses what first responders to a hate crime incident need to be aware of to set the tone of the investigation, with a special emphasis on evidence collection and interviewing witnesses. Narrated by Joseph Carter, Vice Chair of the International Association of Chiefs of Police, the Video also addresses the impact of hate crimes on communities and offers strategies to combat them. ---------------------------- PUBLICATIONS ---------------------------- The following publications, organized by subject matter and title alphabetically, are available from the BJA Clearinghouse, the NCJRS Web site, or the Abstracts Database if designated "Free"; through the NCJRS Web site or Abstracts Database if designated "Internet"; through interlibrary loan ($15.00 fee) from the BJA Clearinghouse if designated "ILL"; and from a BJA grantee organization if designated with a document source code (see Document Source Key on page 5). Publication fees are listed when applicable. ---------------------------- ADMINISTRATION/GRANTS/EVALUATIONS Documents Available From the BJA Clearinghouse Asset Forfeiture Series. NCJ 134370--Free Series titles include the following: 1. Civil Forfeiture: Tracing the Proceeds of Narcotics Trafficking. (15 pp.) 1988. 2. Public Record and Other Information on Hidden Assets. (22 pp.) 1998. 3. Management and Disposition of Seized Assets. (44 pp.) 1980. 4. Financial Search Warrants. (40 pp.) 1989. 5. Disclosing Hidden Assets: Plea Bargains and Use of the Polygraph. (48 pp.) 1980. 6. Tracing Money Flows Through Financial Institutions. (48 pp.) 1989. 7. Uncovering Assets Laundered Through a Business. (30 pp.) 1989. 8. Starting Forfeiture Programs: A Prosecutors' Guide. (44 pp.) 1989. 9. Developing Plans to Attack Drug Traffickers' Assets. (28 pp.) 1989. 10. Profile Factors After Sokolow. (35 pp.) 1989. 11. Tracking Money Proceeds: Bank Secrecy Act Reports. (28 pp.) 1989. 12. Protection of Third Party Rights. (64 pp.) 1990. 13. Informants and Undercover Investigations. (44 pp.) 1990. 14. Forfeiture of Real Property: An Overview. (64 pp.) 1991. 15. Guide to Preseizure Planning. (35 pp.) 1993. 16. How To Present the Forfeiture Case to the Prosecutor. (23 pp.) 1993. BJA--Approaching the Year 2000: The Changes...The Challenges...The Choices (Videotape/16 min.) 1996. NCJ 159542--ILL Building a Better Criminal Justice System: Bureau of Justice Assistance Fiscal Year 1999 Annual Report to Congress (Monograph/58 pp.) 2000. NCJ 182954--Free The Bulletproof Vest Partnership (Fact Sheet) 2000. FS 000259--Free Bureau of Justice Assistance Annual Report Fiscal Year 1996 (49 pp.) 1997. NCJ 168621--Free Bureau of Justice Assistance Annual Report Fiscal Year 1997 (52 pp.) 1998. NCJ 171697--Free Bureau of Justice Assistance Annual Report Fiscal Year 1998 (62 pp.) 1999. NCJ 176326--Free Bureau of Justice Assistance Annual Report Fiscal Year 1999 (58 pp.) 2000. NCJ 182954--Free Defense Procurement Fraud Debarment Clearinghouse (Fact Sheet) 2000. FS 000257--Free Denial of Federal Benefits Program and Clearinghouse (Fact Sheet) 1997. FS 000102--Free Edward Byrne Memorial State and Local Law Enforcement Assistance (Fact Sheet) 2000. FS 000264--Free Emergency Federal Law Enforcement Assistance (Fact Sheet) 1996. FS 000034--Free FY 1996 Discretionary Grant Program Awards (Monograph/32 pp.) 1997. NCJ 163919--Free FY 1997 Discretionary Grant Program Awards (Monograph/71 pp.) 1998. NCJ 169272--Free FY 1998 Discretionary Grant Program Awards (Monograph/67 pp.) 1999. NCJ 174456--Free FY 1998 Open Solicitation: The Results (Monograph/29 pp.) 1999. NCJ 178232--Free FY 1999 Program Plan (Monograph/85 pp.) 1999. SL 000343--Internet FY 2000 Local Law Enforcement Block Grants Program (Fact Sheet) 2000. FS 000262--Free FY 2000 Program Plan (Monograph/82 pp.) 2000. SL 000421--Free FY 2000 State Criminal Alien Assistance Program (Fact Sheet) 2000. FS 000260--Free A History of the Local Law Enforcement Block Grants Program: Supporting Local Solutions to Crime (Bulletin/6 pp.) 2000. NCJ 179982--Free Improving the Nation's Criminal Justice System: Findings and Results From State and Local Program Evaluations (Monograph/54 pp.) 1997. NCJ 166822--Free Local Law Enforcement Block Grants Program: Public Safety Officers' Health Benefits Provision (Fact Sheet) 1997. FS 000188--Internet Public Safety Officers' Benefits Program (Fact Sheet) 1999. FS 000066--Free Public Safety Officers' Educational Assistance Program (Fact Sheet) 1999. FS 000246--Free The State and Local Law Enforcement Equipment Procurement Program (Fact Sheet) 1999. FS 000242--Free Documents Available From Other Sources Innovative State and Local Programs, Volume II: Successful Collaborative Programs; Youth, Drugs, and Violence; Innovative Court Programs (455 pp.) 1995. NCJ 156390--JRSA or ILL Prosecutorial Response to Drug Abuse and Violent Crime: Highlighted Programs From the State Annual Reports (64 pp.) 1995. NCJ 151758--JRSA or ILL State and Local Programs: Focus on What Works, Volume 1 (350 pp.) 1995. NCJ 157143--JRSA or ILL ---------------------------- ADJUDICATION Documents Available From the BJA Clearinghouse Assets Seizure and Forfeiture: Developing and Maintaining a State Capability (125 pp.) 1995. NCJ 152056--Free Contracting for Indigent Defense Services: A Special Report (Monograph/26 pp.) 2000. NCJ 181160--Free Emerging Judicial Strategies for the Mentally Ill in the Criminal Caseload: Mental Health Courts in Fort Lauderdale, Seattle, San Bernardino, and Anchorage (Monograph/126 pp.) 2000. NCJ 182504--Free How To Use Structured Fines (Day Fines) as an Intermediate Sanction (Monograph/81 pp.) 1996. NCJ 156242--Free Improving State and Local Criminal Justice Systems: A Report on How Public Defenders, Prosecutors, and Other Criminal Justice System Practitioners Are Collaborating Across the Country (Monograph/13 pp.) 1998. NCJ 173391--Free Indigent Defense and Technology: A Progress Report (Monograph/30 pp.) 1999. NCJ 179003--Free Integrating Drug Testing Into a Pretrial Services System: 1999 Update (Monograph/139 pp.) 1999. NCJ 176340--Free Key Elements of Successful Adjudication Partnerships (Bulletin/11 pp.) 1999. NCJ 173949--Free National Assessment of Structured Sentencing (Monograph/152 pp.) 1996. NCJ 153853--Free Overcoming Obstacles to Community Courts: A Summary of Workshop Proceedings (Monograph/22 pp.) 1998. NCJ 173400--Free Planning Guide for Using Trial Court Performance Standards and Measurement System (Monograph/174 pp.) 1997. NCJ 161568--Internet or ILL Practitioner Perspectives: Chelsea, Massachusetts--A City Helps Its Diverse People Get Along (Bulletin/8 pp.) 2000. NCJ 179866--Free Practitioner Perspectives: Connecticut's Alternative Sanctions Program (Bulletin/16 pp.) 1998. NCJ 172870--Free Pretrial Drug Testing: An Overview of Issues and Practices (Bulletin/12 pp.) 1999. NCJ 176341--Free Regional Seminar Series on Developing and Implementing Antistalking Codes (Monograph/154 pp.) 1996. NCJ 156836--Free Report of the National Task Force on Court Automation and Integration (Monograph/125 pp.) 1999. NCJ 177601--Free Responding to the Community: Principles for Planning and Creating a Community Court (Bulletin/11 pp.) 1997. NCJ 166821--Internet Trial Court Performance Standards and Measurement System (Fact Sheet) 1995. FS 000059--Free Trial Court Performance Standards and Measurement System (Program Brief/34 pp.) 1997. NCJ 161569--Free Trial Court Performance Standards and Measurement System: A Comprehensive Implementation Manual (Monograph/482 pp.) 1997. NCJ 161567--Internet or ILL Trial Court Performance Standards With Commentary (Monograph/50 pp.) 1997. NCJ 161570--Free Documents Available From Other Sources Assets Seizure and Forfeiture: A Case Law Compendium (70 pp.) 1995. NCJ 153523--NCJA or ILL Children in the Halls of Justice: A Report of Child Care in the Courts (88 pp.) 1995. NCJ 157142--CSSP or ILL Domestic Violence: Prosecutors Take the Lead (91 pp.) 1997. NCJ 167239--APRI or ILL Drug Case Management and Treatment Intervention Strategies in the State and Local Courts, Volume 1 (107 pp.) 1996. NCJ 148796--AU or ILL Drug Case Management and Treatment Intervention Strategies in the State and Local Courts, Volume II Excerpt (56 pp.) 1994. NCJ 152688--AU or ILL Granting Children a Court Recess: A Program Operations Manual for Child Care in the Courts (264 pp.) 1995. NCJ 157640--CSSP or ILL Guidelines for Pretrial Release and Diversion: Drug Testing (99 pp.) 1995. NCJ 158604--NAPS or ILL Money Laundering: A Practice Manual for State Prosecutors (472 pp.) 1995. NCJ 155129--NAAG or ILL The New Jersey Enforcement Court Pilot Program, A Case Study (79 pp.) 1995. NCJ 157646--AU or ILL Stalking: Prosecutors Convict and Restrict (62 pp.) 1997. NCJ 168104--APRI or ILL Structured Fines: Day Fines as Fair and Collectable Punishment in American Courts (24 pp.) 1995. NCJ 157141--VERA or ILL ---------------------------- CORRECTIONS Documents Available From the BJA Clearinghouse 1996 National Survey of State Sentencing Structures (Monograph/37 pp.) 1998. NCJ 169270--Free Critical Elements in the Planning, Development, and Implementation of Successful Correctional Options (Monograph/45 pp.) 1998. NCJ 168966--Free Federal Surplus Real Property Transfer Program (Fact Sheet) 1995. FS 000045--Free Prison Industry Enhancement Certification Program (Fact Sheet) 1995. FS 000046--Free Programs in Correctional Settings: Innovative State and Local Programs (Monograph/126 pp.) 1998. NCJ 170088--Free ---------------------------- CRIME PREVENTION Documents Available From the BJA Clearinghouse Addressing Hate Crimes: Six Initiatives That Are Enhancing the Efforts of Criminal Justice Practitioners (Monograph/32 pp.) 2000. NCJ 179559--Free Boys and Girls Clubs of America (Fact Sheet) 2000. FS 000263--Free Creating a New Criminal Justice System for the 21st Century: Findings and Results From State and Local Program Evaluations (Monograph/40 pp.) 1999. NCJ 178936--Free Crime Prevention and Community Policing: A Vital Partnership (Monograph/27 pp.) 1997. NCJ 166819--Internet or ILL East Bay Public Safety Corridor Partnership (Monograph/26 pp.) 1997. NCJ 165695--Free East Bay Public Safety Corridor Partnership (Videotape) 1997. NCJ 166378--$20.25 U.S./$23.50 Canada/Other countries It Ain't Love (Videotape/60 min.) NCJ 171653--BJA Clearinghouse or Olmos Productions Kid's Korner Program: City of Reno, Nevada, Police Department (Bulletin/8 pp.) 2000. NCJ 181718--Free La Bodega de la Familia: Reaching Out to the Forgotten Victims of Substance Abuse (Bulletin/8 pp.) 1998. NCJ 170595--Free Money Laundering Forfeitures-Landmark Structuring Case Provides Guidance (Bulletin/12 pp.) 1995. NCJ 152056--Free National Citizens' Crime Prevention Campaign (Fact Sheet) 1995. FS 000121--Free National Night Out: A Community-Police Partnership Program (Fact Sheet) 1999. FS 000255--Free National Training and Information Center: Empowering Communities To Fight Crime (Bulletin/4 pp.) 2000. NCJ 182903--Free Northglenn Crime-Free Multi-Housing Program: Keeping Illegal Activity Out of Rental Property (130 pp.) 1996. NCJ 144766--ILL One America in the 21st Century: The President's Initiative on Race (Dialogue Guide/31 pp.) 1998. NCJ 173431--Free Opening the Courts to the Community: Volunteers in Wisconsin's Courts (Bulletin/20 pp.) 1999. NCJ 178935--Free A Policymaker's Guide to Hate Crimes (Monograph/79 pp.) 1997. NCJ 162304--Free Practitioner Perspectives: Memphis, Tennessee, Police Department's Crisis Intervention Team (Bulletin/12 pp.) 2000. NCJ 182504--Free Practitioner Perspectives: National Night Out-Building Police and Community Partnerships To Prevent Crime (Bulletin/20 pp.) 2000. NCJ 180775--Free Practitioner Perspectives: Robert Taylor Boys and Girls Club of Chicago (12 pp.) 1999. NCJ 174442--Free Promising Practices Against Hate Crimes: Five State and Local Demonstration Projects (Monograph/22 pp.) 2000. NCJ 181425--Free Responding to Hate Crimes: A Roll Call Training Video for Police Officers (Videotape/20 min.) 2000. NCJ 179015--Free (Instructor's Guide/16 pp.) 2000. NCJ 180808--Free Revitalizing Communities: Innovative State and Local Programs (Monograph/157 pp.) 1997. NCJ 165360--Free The Watch Your Car Program (Fact Sheet) 2000. FS 000261--Free Documents Available From Other Sources 350 Tested Strategies To Prevent Crime (393 pp.) 1995. NCJ 159777--NCPC or ILL Coming Up Taller: Arts and Humanities Programs for Children and Youth at Risk (164 pp.) 1996. NCJ 165473--PCAH or ILL Creating a Blueprint for Community Safety: A Guide for Local Action (167 pp.) 1998. NCJ 171674--NCPC or ILL Crime Prevention Starts at Home: Setting the Stage for Community Action (72 pp.) 1995. NCJ 156819--NCPC or ILL Designing Safer Communities: A Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design Handbook (81 pp.) 1997. NCJ 171641--NCPC or ILL Fixing a Failing System (36 pp.) 1996. NCJ 160127--Join Together or ILL Helping Kids Handle Conflict-A Guide for Those Teaching Children (101 pp.) 1995. NCJ 158977--NCPC or ILL How Communities Can Bring Up Youth Free From Fear and Violence (72 pp.) 1995. NCJ 158378--NCPC or ILL Making Children, Families, and Communities Safer From Violence (24 pp.) 1995. NCJ 159773--NCPC or ILL Part of the Solution: Creative Alternatives for Youth (96 pp.) 1995. NCJ 152982--NCPC or ILL Partner With the Media To Build Safer Communities: An Action Kit (99 pp.) 1995. NCJ 156820--NCPC or ILL Powerful Partnerships: Twenty Crime Prevention Strategies That Work for Refugees, Law Enforcement, and Communities (151 pp.) 1998. NCJ 171675--NCPC Preventing Violence Against Women: Not Just a Women's Issue (108 pp.) 1995. NCJ 157773--NCPC or ILL Reducing Gun Violence-What Communities Can Do (45 pp.) 1995. NCJ 160817--NCPC or ILL Sex Offender Community Notification, Policy Report (85 pp.) 1997. NCJ 168620--NCJA or ILL Sex Offender Registration and Notification: Problem Avoidance and Barriers to Implementation and Sex Offender Registration and Notification, Cost Survey Results (72 pp.) 1999. NCJ 178938--NCJA or ILL Taking a Stand Against Crime and Drugs: A User's Guide (130 pp.) 1993. NCJ 146048--NCPC or ILL Teaching Brain Power, Not Gun Power: Low-Intensity, Low-Cost Programs for Juvenile Weapons Offenders (22 pp.) 1997. NCJ 169269--VERA ---------------------------- LAW ENFORCEMENT Documents Available From the BJA Clearinghouse Addressing Community Gang Problems: A Model for Problem Solving (Monograph/55 pp.) 1997. NCJ 156059--Free Addressing Community Gang Problems: A Practical Guide (Monograph/228 pp.) 1998. NCJ 164273--Free The BJA Firearms Trafficking Program: Demonstrating Effective Strategies To Control Violent Crime (Bulletin/7 pp.) 1997. NCJ 166818--Free Center for Task Force Training (CenTF) Program (Fact Sheet) 1999. FS 000252--Free Keeping Illegal Activity Out of Rental Property: A Police Guide for Establishing Landlord Training Programs (Monograph/126 pp.) 2000. NCJ 148656--Free Lessons Learned From the Organized Crime Narcotics (OCN) Trafficking Enforcement Program Model (Monograph/83 pp.) 1998. NCJ 172878--Free Multijurisdictional Task Forces: Use of Overtime and Related Issues-A Report to the Attorney General (Monograph/34 pp.) 1996. NCJ 160936--Internet or ILL National White Collar Crime Center (Fact Sheet) 1995. FS 000120--Free Responding to Hate Crimes: A Police Officer's Guide to Investigation and Prevention (Training Manual/11 pp.) 1999. NCJ 179087--Free or IACP Stopping Hate Crime: A Case History From the Sacramento Police Department (Fact Sheet) 1997. FS 000161--Free Strategic Approaches to Clandestine Drug Laboratory Enforcement (Fact Sheet) 1999. FS 000247--Free Strategies for Reducing Homicide: The Comprehensive Homicide Initiative in Richmond, California (Monograph/43 pp.) 1998. NCJ 168100--Free Training Local Law Enforcement Officers in Criminal Activities Involving Illegal Aliens (Fact Sheet) 1995. FS 000109--Free Urban Street Gang Enforcement (Monograph/140 pp.) 1997. NCJ 161845--Free Document Available From Other Sources Lengthening the Stride-Employing Peace Officers From Newly Arrived Ethnic Groups (55 pp.) 1995. NCJ 159738--NCPC or ILL ---------------------------- TECHNOLOGY AND TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE Documents Available From the BJA Clearinghouse Early Experiences With Criminal History Records Improvement (Monograph/157 pp.) 1997. NCJ 152977--Internet or ILL Regional Information Sharing Systems (Fact Sheet) 1995. FS 000037--Free The SEARCH National Technical Assistance and Training Program (Fact Sheet) 1999. FS 000253--Free System Integration: Issues Surrounding Integration of County-Level Justice Information Systems (Monograph/39 pp.) 1996. NCJ 156841--Internet or ILL Document Available From Other Sources Keynote Presentations: 1999 Symposium on Integrated Justice Information Systems (96 pp.) 1999. NCJ 178231--JRSA or ILL ---------------------------- BJA CLEARINGHOUSE DOCUMENT ORDER FORM ---------------------------- Use this form to order BJA/NCJRS documents in this Publications List. To Order Please state the quantity needed of each publication next to the titles desired. 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Free. ______Bureau of Justice Assistance Annual Report Fiscal Year 1999. NCJ 182954. Free. ______Defense Procurement Fraud Debarment Clearinghouse. FS 000257. Free. ______Denial of Federal Benefits Program and Clearinghouse. FS 000102. Free. ______Edward Byrne Memorial State and Local Law Enforcement Assistance. FS 000264. Free. ______Emergency Federal Law Enforcement Assistance. FS 000034. Free. ______FY 1996 Discretionary Grant Program Awards. NCJ 163919. Free. ______FY 1997 Discretionary Grant Program Awards. NCJ 169272. Free. ______FY 1998 Discretionary Grant Program Awards. NCJ 174456. Free. ______FY 1998 Open Solicitation: The Results. NCJ 178232. Free. ______FY 2000 Local Law Enforcement Block Grants Program. FS 000262. Free. ______FY 2000 Program Plan. SL 000421. Free. ______FY 2000 State Criminal Alien Assistance Program. FS 000260. Free. ______A History of the Local Law Enforcement Block Grants Program: Supporting Local Solutions to Crime. NCJ 179982. 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Free. ______Improving State and Local Criminal Justice Systems: A Report on How Public Defenders, Prosecutors, and Other Criminal Justice System Practitioners Are Collaborating Across the Country. NCJ 173391. Free. ______Indigent Defense and Technology: A Progress Report. NCJ 179003. Free. ______Integrating Drug Testing Into a Pretrial Services System: 1999 Update. NCJ 176340. Free. ______Key Elements of Successful Adjudication Partnerships. NCJ 173949. Free. ______National Assessment of Structured Sentencing. NCJ 153853. Free. ______Overcoming Obstacles to Community Courts: A Summary of Workshop Proceedings. NCJ 173400. Free. ______Practitioner Perspectives: Chelsea, Massachusetts-A City Helps Its Diverse People Get Along. NCJ 179866. Free. ______Practitioner Perspectives: Connecticut's Alternative Sanctions Program. NCJ 172870. Free. ______Pretrial Drug Testing: An Overview of Issues and Practices. NCJ 176341. Free. ______Regional Seminar Series on Developing and Implementing Antistalking Codes. NCJ 156836. Free. ______Report of the National Task Force on Court Automation and Integration. NCJ 177601. Free. ______Trial Court Performance Standards and Measurement System. FS 000059. Free. ______Trial Court Performance Standards and Measurement System. NCJ 161569. Free. ______Trial Court Performance Standards With Commentary. NCJ 161570. Free. CORRECTIONS ______1996 National Survey of State Sentencing Structures. NCJ 169270. Free. ______Critical Elements in the Planning, Devel-opment, and Implementation of Successful Correctional Options. NCJ 168966. Free. ______Federal Surplus Real Property Transfer Program. FS 000045. Free. ______Prison Industry Enhancement Certification Program. FS 000046. Free. ______Programs in Correctional Settings: Innovative State and Local Programs. NCJ 170088. Free. CRIME PREVENTION ______Addressing Hate Crimes: Six Initiatives That Are Enhancing the Efforts of Criminal Justice Practitioners. NCJ 179559. Free. ______Boys and Girls Clubs of America. FS 000263. Free. ______Creating a New Criminal Justice System for the 21st Century: Findings and Results From State and Local Program Evaluations. NCJ 178936. Free. ______East Bay Public Safety Corridor Partnership. NCJ 165695. Free. ______East Bay Public Safety Corridor Partnership (Videotape). NCJ 166378. $20.25 U.S./$23.30 Canada/Other countries. ______Kid's Korner Program: City of Reno, Nevada, Police Department. NCJ 181718. Free. ______La Bodega de la Familia: Reaching Out to the Forgotten Victims of Substance Abuse. NCJ 170595. Free. ______Money Laundering Forfeitures-Landmark Structuring Case Provides Guidance. NCJ 152056. Free. ______National Citizens' Crime Prevention Campaign. FS 000121. Free. ______National Night Out: A Community-Police Partnership Program. FS 000255. Free. ______National Training and Information Center: Empowering Communities To Fight Crime. NCJ 182903. Free. ______One America in the 21st Century: The President's Initiative on Race. NCJ 173431. Free. ______Opening the Courts to the Community: Volunteers in Wisconsin's Courts. NCJ 178935. Free. ______A Policymaker's Guide to Hate Crimes. NCJ 162304. Free. ______Practitioner Perspectives: Memphis, Tennessee, Police Department's Crisis Intvervention Team. NCJ 182504. Free. ______Practitioner Perspectives: National Night Out-Building Police and Community Partnerships To Prevent Crime. NCJ 180775. Free. ______Practitioner Perspectives: Robert Taylor Boys and Girls Club of Chicago. NCJ 174442. Free. ______Promising Practices Against Hate Crimes: Five State and Local Demonstration Projects. NCJ 181425. Free. ______Responding to Hate Crimes: A Roll Call Training Video for Police Officers. ______Videotape NCJ 179015. Free. ______Instructor's Guide. NCJ 180808. 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Free. ______Stopping Hate Crime: A Case History From the Sacramento Police Department. FS 000161. Free. ______Strategic Approaches to Clandestine Drug Laboratory Enforcement. FS 000247. Free. ______Strategies for Reducing Homicide: The Comprehensive Homicide Initiative in Richmond, California. NCJ 168100. Free. ______Training Local Law Enforcement Officers in Criminal Activities Involving Illegal Aliens. FS 000109. Free. ______Urban Street Gang Enforcement. NCJ 161845. Free. TECHNOLOGY AND TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE ______Regional Information Sharing Systems. FS 000037. Free. ______The SEARCH National Technical Assistance and Training Program. FS 000253. Free. FORTHCOMING The following documents will be available from the BJA Clearinghouse in 2000. ______Emerging Issues on Privatized Prisons. NCJ 181249. Free. ______Investing Wisely in Crime Prevention: International Experiences. NCJ 182412. Free. ______Juveniles in Adult Prisons and Jails: A National Assessment. NCJ 182503. 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