(CO-99-13) Population Estimates for Counties by Age Group: July 1, 1991 Source: Population Estimates Program, Population Division, U.S. Census Bureau, Washington, DC 20233 Contact: Statistical Information Staff, Population Division, U.S. Census Bureau (301-457-2422) pop@census.gov (please include a phone number with email correspondence) Internet Release Date: August 30, 2000 Total Ages Ages Ages Ages Ages Ages Ages Ages Ages Area Name Population 0-4 5-17 18-24 25-44 45-64 16+ 21+ 65+ 85+ FLORIDA 13289497 925320 2117940 1201240 4034297 2579354 10556244 9735439 2431346 222901 Alachua County 185809 12860 29180 39805 59925 26643 147847 124540 17396 1735 Baker County 19190 1569 4372 1907 6571 3257 13882 12450 1514 135 Bay County 129950 9980 24137 12266 41909 25854 99294 90618 15804 1118 Bradford County 23090 1526 4151 2089 8062 4433 18032 16549 2829 255 Brevard County 415045 28842 64968 34947 128729 87589 330478 306696 69970 4777 Broward County 1289241 86719 187608 102607 414196 237009 1041918 974192 261102 25958 Calhoun County 11282 835 2198 1118 3355 2160 8560 7761 1616 181 Charlotte County 117371 5467 13622 6554 25016 27569 100282 95498 39143 2842 Citrus County 97453 4874 12842 5099 20756 23228 81645 77511 30654 2000 Clay County 109966 8701 23873 9966 37453 20491 80899 73005 9482 940 Collier County 160488 10380 22834 11964 43981 34312 130555 122463 37017 2419 Columbia County 43512 3381 9144 3780 12705 8622 32337 29254 5880 419 DeSoto County 24470 1767 4215 2264 6834 4715 19196 17555 4675 352 Dixie County 11017 769 2000 932 3052 2599 8532 7844 1665 113 Duval County 688877 59010 125960 73537 237794 118358 521349 474300 74218 6537 Escambia County 265942 20680 48897 30015 82638 51159 203437 183269 32553 2734 Flagler County 31533 1711 4439 1847 7287 7868 26009 24560 8381 374 Franklin County 9278 611 1623 702 2531 2206 7288 6731 1605 181 Gadsden County 42222 3441 9404 4115 12548 7487 30791 27469 5227 550 Gilchrist County 10311 707 1905 1466 2791 2046 8058 6964 1396 132 Glades County 7517 494 1354 509 1840 1808 5857 5433 1512 87 Gulf County 11515 755 2161 964 3219 2573 8963 8187 1843 159 Hamilton County 11238 856 2432 1249 3547 1893 8347 7408 1261 114 Hardee County 19982 1679 4359 1900 5287 3715 14570 13083 3042 231 Hendry County 26904 2600 6144 2664 7643 4890 19053 16974 2963 225 Hernando County 106828 5569 14618 5995 22709 24523 88832 83841 33414 1748 Highlands County 70171 3828 9688 3797 14113 14893 58072 54959 23852 1718 Hillsborough County 844773 64945 146364 86740 286532 155083 654838 597681 105109 9045 Holmes County 15934 1040 3032 1429 4596 3322 12365 11217 2515 236 Indian River County 92280 5319 13010 6006 22778 19325 75862 71336 25842 1836 Jackson County 41937 2614 8046 4405 12508 8099 32677 29116 6265 619 Jefferson County 11904 892 2565 1087 3497 2180 8802 7913 1683 191 Lafayette County 5635 357 1083 587 1937 1051 4367 3961 620 42 Lake County 157880 9481 23123 10178 37509 34190 128702 120701 43399 3567 Lee County 347231 21938 48518 24398 92452 73690 283649 266708 86235 6229 Leon County 199619 13502 32703 40670 66730 29606 158036 133410 16408 1479 Levy County 26553 1765 4821 1958 6977 5834 20677 19068 5198 343 Liberty County 5726 355 1064 615 2025 1030 4477 4083 637 57 Madison County 16727 1392 3354 1711 4886 3044 12524 11209 2340 252 Manatee County 216883 13514 29778 15133 55989 42184 177813 167280 60285 6202 Marion County 202641 13551 32647 14756 52759 42992 161189 150004 45936 2859 Martin County 103953 5698 13211 6845 27355 22149 87037 82200 28695 2098 Miami-Dade County 1976618 151133 339402 192056 623787 395506 1538355 1403682 274734 31122 Monroe County 78982 4806 9357 5904 27691 18406 66094 62681 12818 743 Nassau County 45461 3513 9124 3936 14670 9443 34183 31035 4775 328 Okaloosa County 148209 12121 27429 15530 50778 28231 112559 102803 14120 1027 Okeechobee County 30380 2509 6021 2659 8255 6013 22773 20733 4923 290 Orange County 699668 54745 118262 85538 246791 119861 543593 490518 74471 7007 Osceola County 115854 9093 21231 11196 36831 21865 88442 80731 15638 1569 Palm Beach County 890406 58596 122341 64679 261358 166283 726654 683126 217149 19620 Pasco County 284908 15776 37619 18245 65752 57913 236981 223698 89603 6844 Pinellas County 862109 47926 111470 62241 246551 172088 719513 676847 221833 27817 Polk County 412409 30460 72254 35776 114348 82004 320428 294107 77567 6307 Putnam County 66271 4827 12527 5045 17640 14221 50745 46615 12011 793 St. Johns County 87596 5904 14281 7363 27148 18215 69513 64000 14685 1281 St. Lucie County 157065 11721 25776 11414 43901 31048 123124 114753 33205 1973 Santa Rosa County 85773 7001 16895 7483 28729 17292 64255 58751 8373 643 Sarasota County 284045 13675 32554 16781 68536 60786 242806 230660 91713 9181 Seminole County 301319 22112 56658 27640 107151 56486 230886 210902 31272 2798 Sumter County 32079 2041 5357 2586 7860 6985 25455 23499 7250 432 Suwannee County 27665 1801 5732 2211 7321 5907 21031 19089 4693 527 Taylor County 17358 1439 3586 1442 5031 3516 12879 11719 2344 180 Union County 11269 733 2012 1000 4905 1788 8818 8133 831 74 Volusia County 382565 23264 54922 34946 106435 76252 312517 288812 86746 8437 Wakulla County 14863 1100 3226 1163 4687 2989 11013 9986 1698 158 Walton County 29529 1878 5141 2394 8579 6847 23272 21450 4690 373 Washington County 17218 1172 3316 1436 4541 3730 13257 12108 3023 288 The estimates presented here were produced by a method which is still in a developmental stage. They may not be accurate for populations which are very small or have unusual distributions. These figures should be used with caution.