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The Nineteenth Century in Print: Periodicals

Browse items in Manufacturer and builder Volume 13, Issue 9, September 1881
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  • Strong's Improved Feed-Water Heater and Purifier, 193-195.
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  • Special Fair Number, 195.
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  • The Future of Electricity, 195.
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  • Industrial Emancipation of the United States, 195-196.
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  • Protection against Lightning, 196.
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  • Extending the Utility of the Signal Service, 196.
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  • American Enterprise in Mexico, 196-197.
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  • New Upright Drill Press, 197.
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  • Fair of the New England Manufacturers' and Mechanics' Institute, 197.
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  • Artificial Propagation of the Sponge, 197.
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  • To Magnetize a Steel Bar, 197-198.
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  • Improved Freight and Passenger Elevators, 198-200.
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  • Building Intelligence, 200-201.
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  • Demas Lathe and Universal Slide Rest, 201.
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  • Friction, 201.
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  • Concentration of Iron Sand, 201.
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  • A Valuable Plastic Material, 201-202.
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  • The Gaffney & Co. Boiler Explosion, 202-203.
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  • Water Gas, 203.
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  • The Friction of a Belt, 203-204.
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  • The Jetty Works at the South Pass of the Mississippi, 204-205.
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  • The Fleuss Breathing Apparatus, 205.
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  • The Advantages of the Underground Telegraph, 205-206.
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  • New Facts Concerning the Sahara, 206.
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  • Storage of Electrical Energy, 206.
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  • Novel Machine for Demagnetizing Watches, 206.
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  • Electricity as a Motor, 206.
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  • Alcohol in Nature, 206-207.
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  • Free Fluorine in Certain Fluorspars, 207.
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  • An Improved Copying Process, 207.
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  • Influence of Magnetism on the Electro-Deposition of Metals, 207.
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  • Another Application of Electricity as a Motive Power, 207.
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  • The Artificial Production of Nitric Acid, 207.
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  • The Electric Light in Collieries, 207.
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  • A Simple Method of Obtaining a Relief Plate, 207.
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  • Electrical Indicator, 207.
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  • Expansive Force of Water in Freezing, 207.
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  • The Edison Electric Light, 207-208.
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  • An Improved System of Glass Roofing, 208-209.
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  • A Cooling Apparatus, 209.
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  • An Ingenious Counter, 209.
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  • Natural Gas for Puddling, 209.
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  • The Capacity of the Steel Works of the World, 209-210.
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  • Latest Market Report of Building Materials, 210.
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  • Review of the Markets, 210-211.
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  • A New Instrument in Electro-Therapy, 211.
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  • Ventilation of Workshops, 211.
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  • Removing the Skin of Peaches, 211-212.
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  • Women as Doctors, 212.
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  • The Atlanta Exhibition, 212.
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  • Chicago Industrial Exhibition, 212.
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  • Interesting if True, 212.
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  • Miscellaneous and Advertising, 212.
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  • Design for a Comfortable Dwelling, 212-214.
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  • Blast Furnaces of the United States, 214.
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  • Automatic Track Tester, 214.
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  • Underground Telegraph Lines, 214.
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  • The Stow Flexible Shaft, 214.
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  • Microscopic Examination of Samples of Commercial Arsenic, 214.
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  • Geological Survey of Alabama, 214.
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  • United States Geological Exploration of the Fortieth Parallel, 214.
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  • Odontornithes, 214.
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  • Leffel's Construction of Mill-Dams, and Bookwalter's Millwright and Mechanic, 214.
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  • Are Subterranean Telegraph Lines Practical?, 214.
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  • Mills' Directory of Boiler Owners and Steam Users, 214.
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  • Modern Milling, 214-215.
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  • Notes and Queries, 215-216.
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