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Manufacture of the Model

Hank Schwoob and Jim Scott in the model development shopHank Schwoob and Jim Scott in the Model DevelopmentSho</font>
Hank Schwoob and Jim Scott in the Model Development Shop

Jim Scott being video taped while making a model
Jim Scott being video taped while making a model. (That's Mike filming).

a lathe
Monarch Tool-Room Lathe
(The big hand wheel moves the carriage left and right, the smaller hand
wheel moves the cross-slide with the cutting tool in and out.)

the knobs and dials on the lathe
Other knobs and handles turn the lathe on, engage automatic power feeding
of the tool into or across the work piece, and also enable the
lathe to cut scruew threads. ( Threads. . . the spiral ramp around the
outside of a bolt or on the inside of a nut.)

the engine lathe
Engine Lathe (This lathe can turn a part over 2 feet in diameter.)

a computer controlled lathe
Computer controlled lathe. Also know as a Numerical Controlled Lathe
(N/C). The term N/C was coined back when machines were controlled by paper
tape. The tape had holes punched in it that represented the Numbers and
Control codes for a specific machine.

the data input console for the lathe
The computer consol for the lathe.
The modern computer handles all the functions of the old paper tape N/C
systems much faster.


tools used on the parts
Tools used to make model parts.


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