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[IGSMAIL-5438]: IGS switch to absolute antenna model and ITRF2005

IGS Electronic Mail      09 Oct 02:26:26 PDT 2006      Message Number 5438

Author: Gerd Gendt

Dear colleagues,

After the release of the long expected ITRF2005 on 2006-10-05 the IGS can now

  the switch to the IGS05 (the official IGS05 realization will follow soon) 

  and, as already announced long before (IGSMAIL-5272, 2005-12-19), 
  the switch to the absolute antenna models 

The first IGS products with IGS05 and igs05_1390.atx will be distributed for the
- Final Products       starting week 1400     (distribution  Nov 24)
- Rapid Products       starting day  14000    (distribution  Nov 06, 17:00 GMT)
- Ultra Rapid Products starting hour 14000_18 (distribution  Nov 06, 21:00 GMT)     

Together with this switches the IGS Analysis Centers will introdue some 
changes like the use of the ocean tide loading model FES2004 with corresponding
center of mass  corrections(CMC). 
During the generation of the SP3 products the CMC are accounted for and the
Earth-fixed SP3 files have not to be corrected further. The user of the SP3 
products has to take the FES2004 model without CMC!

To reflect the used models a new comment line will be inserted into the SP3
file. Its format is atteached.

Best regards 

Gerd Gendt

Comment line in the SP3 file:

/* PCV:IGS05 TL:FES2004    Y S1S2       Y CLK:CoN ORB:CoN

- format: ('/* PCV:',a5,' TL:',2(a10,1x,a1,1x),'CLK:',a3,' ORB:',a3)
- Models applied during estimation of orbits
   - PCV: antanne model used (without _WWWW)
   - TL : Ocean and atmo tide loading models plus CMC flags:

          OTL__MODEL F ATL__MODEL F    

      - OTL__MODEL: Name of Ocean tide loading model  or  "COMBI" or "NONE"
                    COMBI is given if not all AC submissions have used the same
      - ATL__MODEL: Name of Atm tide loading model    or  "COMBI" or "NONE" 

      - F         : Flag if CMC is included in the model (Y or N)

- Corrections applied during generation of SP3
     - CLK: CoM or CoN or CMB or N/A;
            CoN if staco are fixed to ITRF during CLK adjustment
            CMB (for Combi) is given if not all AC submissions have used the
     - ORB: CoN if CMC are corrected for applied loading models
            CoM otherwise
/* PCV:IGS05 TL:FES2004    Y NONE         CLK:CoN ORB:CoN
/* PCV:IGS05 TL:FES2004    Y S1S2       Y CLK:N/A ORB:CoN

*                         Gerd Gendt                                         *
*  _/_/_/  _/_/_/_/_/_/   GeoForschungsZentrum                               *
* _/       _/       _/    Department Geodesy and Remote Sensing              *
* _/ _/_/  _/_/    _/     Telegrafenberg A17                                 *
* _/    _/ _/     _/      D-14473 Potsdam ,  GERMANY                         *
*  _/_/_/  _/    _/_/_/   Phone : ++49 331 288 1114   Fax :++49 331 288 1759 *
*                         E-Mail: gendt @ gfz-potsdam.de                       *
* IGS GFZ AC         :    AFTP://ftp.gfz-potsdam.de/pub/igsprod              *
*                         http://www.gfz-potsdam.de/igs                      *
* IGS Analysis Coord.:    AFTP://ftp.gfz-potsdam.de/pub/igsacc               *
*                         http://www.gfz-potsdam.de/igsacc                   *