Annotation of /home/cljanss/src/SC/src/lib/util/group/ for ./mpqc.vmon.0018

    1                                                             //
    2                                                             //
    3                                                             //
    4                                                             // Copyright (C) 1996 Limit Point Systems, Inc.
    5                                                             //
    6                                                             // Author: Curtis Janssen <>
    7                                                             // Maintainer: LPS
    8                                                             //
    9                                                             // This file is part of the SC Toolkit.
   10                                                             //
   11                                                             // The SC Toolkit is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
   12                                                             // it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by
   13                                                             // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
   14                                                             // any later version.
   15                                                             //
   16                                                             // The SC Toolkit is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   17                                                             // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   18                                                             // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the
   19                                                             // GNU Library General Public License for more details.
   20                                                             //
   21                                                             // You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
   22                                                             // along with the SC Toolkit; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
   23                                                             // the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
   24                                                             //
   25                                                             // The U.S. Government is granted a limited license as per AL 91-7.
   26                                                             //
   28                                                             #include <string.h>
   30                                                             #include <util/misc/formio.h>
   31                                                             #include <util/misc/exenv.h>
   33                                                             #include <util/group/message.h>
   35                                                             #include <util/group/topology.h>
   36                                                             #include <util/group/hcube.h>
   37                                                             #ifdef HAVE_NX
   38                                                             #  include <util/group/messpgon.h>
   39                                                             #endif
   40                                                             #ifdef HAVE_MPI
   41                                                             #  include <util/group/messmpi.h>
   42                                                             #endif
   44                                                             using namespace std;
   46                                                             static ClassDesc MessageGrp_cd(
   47                                                               typeid(MessageGrp),"MessageGrp",1,"public DescribedClass",
   48                                                               0, 0, 0);
   50                                                             MessageGrp::MessageGrp(const Ref<KeyVal>& keyval):
   51                                                               me_(-1),
   52                                                               n_(-1),
   53                                                               index_to_classdesc_(0)
   54                                                             {
   55                                                               gop_max_ = keyval->intvalue("gop_max");
   56                                                               if (keyval->error() != KeyVal::OK) gop_max_ = 320000;
   57                                                               debug_ = keyval->booleanvalue("debug");
   58                                                             }
   60                                                             MessageGrp::MessageGrp():
   61                                                               me_(-1),
   62                                                               n_(-1),
   63                                                               index_to_classdesc_(0)
   64                                                             {
   65                                                               gop_max_ = 320000;
   66                                                               debug_ = 0;
   67                                                             }
   69                                                             MessageGrp::~MessageGrp()
   70                                                             {
   71                                                               if (index_to_classdesc_) delete[] index_to_classdesc_;
   72                                                             }
   74                                                             static Ref<MessageGrp> default_messagegrp;
   76                                                             void
   77                                                             MessageGrp::set_default_messagegrp(const Ref<MessageGrp>& grp)
   78                                                             {
   79                                                               default_messagegrp = grp;
   80                                                             }
   82                                                             MessageGrp*
   83                                                             MessageGrp::get_default_messagegrp()
   84     1     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0 {
   85                                                               if (default_messagegrp.null()) {
   86                                                                   default_messagegrp = new ProcMessageGrp;
   87                                                                 }
   88                                                               return default_messagegrp.pointer();
   89                                                             }
   91                                                             MessageGrp *
   92                                                             MessageGrp::initial_messagegrp(int &argc, char** argv)
   93                                                             {
   94                                                               MessageGrp *grp = 0;
   96                                                               char *keyval_string = 0;
   98                                                               // see if a message group is given on the command line
   99                                                               if (argc && argv) {
  100                                                                   for (int i=0; i<argc; i++) {
  101                                                             	  if (argv[i] && !strcmp(argv[i], "-messagegrp")) {
  102                                                                           char *messagegrp_string = argv[i];
  103                                                                           i++;
  104                                                                           if (i >= argc) {
  105                                                                               ExEnv::err() << "-messagegrp must be following by an argument"
  106                                                                                    << endl;
  107                                                                               abort();
  108                                                                             }
  109                                                                           keyval_string = argv[i];
  110                                                                           // move the messagegrp arguments to the end of argv
  111                                                                           int j;
  112                                                                           for (j=i+1; j<argc; j++) {
  113                                                                               argv[j-2] = argv[j];
  114                                                                             }
  115                                                                           argv[j++] = messagegrp_string;
  116                                                                           argv[j++] = keyval_string;
  117                                                                           // decrement argc to hide the last two arguments
  118                                                                           argc -= 2;
  119                                                                           break;
  120                                                                         }
  121                                                                     }
  122                                                                 }
  124                                                               if (!keyval_string) {
  125                                                                   // find out if the environment gives the containing message group
  126                                                                   keyval_string = getenv("MESSAGEGRP");
  127                                                                   if (keyval_string) {
  128                                                                       if (!strncmp("MESSAGEGRP=", keyval_string, 11)) {
  129                                                                           keyval_string = strchr(keyval_string, '=');
  130                                                                         }
  131                                                                       if (*keyval_string == '=') keyval_string++;
  132                                                                     }
  133                                                                 }
  135                                                               // if keyval input for a message group was found, then
  136                                                               // create it.
  137                                                               if (keyval_string) {
  138                                                                   if (keyval_string[0] == '\0') return 0;
  139                                                                   //ExEnv::out() << "Creating MessageGrp from \"" << keyval_string << "\"" << endl;
  140                                                                   Ref<ParsedKeyVal> strkv = new ParsedKeyVal();
  141                                                                   strkv->parse_string(keyval_string);
  142                                                                   Ref<DescribedClass> dc = strkv->describedclassvalue();
  143                                                                   grp = dynamic_cast<MessageGrp*>(dc.pointer());
  144                                                                   if (dc.null()) {
  145                                                                       ExEnv::err() << "initial_messagegrp: couldn't find a MessageGrp in "
  146                                                                            << keyval_string << endl;
  147                                                                       abort();
  148                                                                     }
  149                                                                   else if (!grp) {
  150                                                                       ExEnv::err() << "initial_messagegrp: wanted MessageGrp but got "
  151                                                                            << dc->class_name() << endl;
  152                                                                       abort();
  153                                                                     }
  154                                                                   // prevent an accidental delete
  155                                                                   grp->reference();
  156                                                                   strkv = 0;
  157                                                                   dc = 0;
  158                                                                   // accidental delete not a problem anymore since all smart pointers
  159                                                                   // to grp are dead
  160                                                                   grp->dereference();
  161                                                                   return grp;
  162                                                                 }
  164                                                             #if defined(HAVE_MPI)
  165                                                               if (ExEnv::initialized() && !strcmp(ExEnv::program_name(), "mpqc-mpi")) {
  166                                                                   grp = new MPIMessageGrp;
  167                                                                   return grp;
  168                                                               }
  169                                                             #endif
  171                                                             #if defined(HAVE_PUMA_MPI2)
  172                                                               //grp = new MPIMessageGrp;
  173                                                               grp = new ParagonMessageGrp;
  174                                                               if (grp->n() == 1) { delete grp; return new ProcMessageGrp; }
  175                                                               else return grp;
  176                                                             #elif defined(HAVE_NX)
  177                                                               grp = new ParagonMessageGrp;
  178                                                               if (grp->n() == 1) { delete grp; return new ProcMessageGrp; }
  179                                                               else return grp;
  180                                                             #endif
  181                                                               return 0;
  182                                                             }
  184                                                             void
  185                                                             MessageGrp::initialize(int me, int n)
  186                                                             {
  187                                                               // This member is called by a CTOR and, ultimately, causes
  188                                                               // 'this' to be converted into a temporary Ref which causes
  189                                                               // this to be deleted (very bad), so reference 'this'
  190                                                               // (and dereference this down below).
  191                                                               this->reference();
  193                                                               if (topology_.null()) {
  194                                                                   topology_ = new HypercubeTopology();
  195                                                                 }
  197                                                               int i;
  198                                                               AVLMap<ClassKey,ClassDescP>::iterator J;
  200                                                               me_ = me;
  201                                                               n_ = n;
  203                                                               // get all of the classes known on this node
  204                                                               AVLMap<ClassKey,ClassDescP>& classes = ClassDesc::all();
  206                                                               // Keeps count of how many classes are known.
  207                                                               int iclass = 0;
  209                                                               for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
  210                                                                   if (i==me) {
  211                                                                       // Find out how many of my classes are not yet in the
  212                                                                       // classdesc to index map.
  213                                                                       int n_new_class = 0;
  214                                                                       int buffer_size = 0;
  215                                                                       for (J=classes.begin(); J!=classes.end(); J++) {
  216                                                                           if (!classdesc_to_index_.contains( {
  217                                                                               n_new_class++;
  218                                                                               buffer_size += strlen(>name()) + 1;
  219                                                                             }
  220                                                                         }
  221                                                                       char* buffer = new char[buffer_size];
  222                                                                       char* currentbuffer = buffer;
  223                                                                       for (J=classes.begin(); J!=classes.end(); J++) {
  224                                                                           if (!classdesc_to_index_.contains( {
  225                                                                               classdesc_to_index_[] = iclass;
  226                                                                               iclass++;
  227                                                             #ifdef DEBUG
  228                                                                               ExEnv::out() << scprintf("node %d adding class %d = \"%s\"\n",
  229                                                                                                me, iclass,>name());
  230                                                             #endif
  231                                                                               strcpy(currentbuffer,>name());
  232                                                                               currentbuffer += strlen(>name()) + 1;
  233                                                                             }
  234                                                                         }
  235                                                             #ifdef DEBUG
  236                                                                       ExEnv::out() << scprintf("node %d bcast n_new_class = %d\n",me,n_new_class);
  237                                                             #endif
  238                                                                       bcast(&n_new_class,1,i);
  239                                                             #ifdef DEBUG
  240                                                                       ExEnv::out() << scprintf("node %d finished bcast\n",me);
  241                                                             #endif
  242                                                                       if (n_new_class) {
  243                                                                           bcast(&buffer_size,1,i);
  244                                                                           bcast(buffer,buffer_size,i);
  245                                                                         }
  246                                                                       delete[] buffer;
  247                                                                     }
  248                                                                   else {
  249                                                                       int j;
  250                                                                       // Get new classnames and indices from node i.
  251                                                                       int n_new_class;
  252                                                             #ifdef DEBUG
  253                                                                       ExEnv::out() << scprintf("node %d begin recv bcast\n",me);
  254                                                             #endif
  255                                                                       bcast(&n_new_class,1,i);
  256                                                             #ifdef DEBUG
  257                                                                       ExEnv::out() << scprintf("node %d recv bcast n_new_class = %d\n",
  258                                                                                        me,n_new_class);
  259                                                             #endif
  260                                                                       if (n_new_class) {
  261                                                                           int buffer_size;
  262                                                                           bcast(&buffer_size,1,i);
  263                                                                           char* buffer = new char[buffer_size];
  264                                                                           char* currentbuffer = buffer;
  265                                                                           bcast(buffer,buffer_size,i);
  266                                                                           for (j=0; j<n_new_class; j++) {
  267                                                                               ClassDescP cd = ClassDesc::name_to_class_desc(currentbuffer);
  268                                                                               if (cd) {
  269                                                             #ifdef DEBUG
  270                                                                                   ExEnv::out() << scprintf("node %d adding \"%s\"\n",
  271                                                                                                    me, currentbuffer);
  272                                                             #endif
  273                                                                                   classdesc_to_index_[cd] = iclass;
  274                                                                                 }
  275                                                             #ifdef DEBUG
  276                                                                               else {
  277                                                                                   ExEnv::out() << scprintf("node %d failed to add \"%s\"\n",
  278                                                                                                    me, currentbuffer);
  279                                                                                 }
  280                                                             #endif
  281                                                                               iclass++;
  282                                                                               // advance the currentbuffer to the next classname
  283                                                                               while(*currentbuffer != '\0') currentbuffer++;
  284                                                                               currentbuffer++;
  285                                                                             }
  286                                                                           delete[] buffer;
  287                                                                         }
  288                                                                     }
  289                                                                 }
  290                                                               nclass_ = iclass;
  292                                                               // Construct the mapping of index to classdesc.
  293                                                               index_to_classdesc_ = new ClassDescP[iclass];
  294                                                               for (i=0; i<nclass_; i++) {
  295                                                                   index_to_classdesc_[i] = 0;
  296                                                                 }
  297                                                               for (J=classes.begin(); J!=classes.end(); J++) {
  298                                                                   if (classdesc_to_index_.contains( {
  299                                                                       index_to_classdesc_[classdesc_to_index_[]] =;
  300                                                                     }
  301                                                                 }
  303                                                               this->dereference();
  304                                                             }
  306                                                             // Sequential send routines
  308                                                             void
  309                                                             MessageGrp::send(int target, double* data, int ndata)
  310                                                             {
  311                                                               raw_send(target, data, ndata*sizeof(double));
  312                                                             }
  313                                                             void
  314                                                             MessageGrp::send(int target, short* data, int ndata)
  315                                                             {
  316                                                               raw_send(target, data, ndata*sizeof(short));
  317                                                             }
  318                                                             void
  319                                                             MessageGrp::send(int target, long* data, int ndata)
  320                                                             {
  321                                                               raw_send(target, data, ndata*sizeof(long));
  322                                                             }
  323                                                             void
  324                                                             MessageGrp::send(int target, float* data, int ndata)
  325                                                             {
  326                                                               raw_send(target, data, ndata*sizeof(float));
  327                                                             }
  328                                                             void
  329                                                             MessageGrp::send(int target, unsigned int* data, int ndata)
  330                                                             {
  331                                                               raw_send(target, data, ndata*sizeof(int));
  332                                                             }
  333                                                             void
  334                                                             MessageGrp::send(int target, int* data, int ndata)
  335                                                             {
  336                                                               raw_send(target, data, ndata*sizeof(int));
  337                                                             }
  338                                                             void
  339                                                             MessageGrp::send(int target, char* data, int ndata)
  340                                                             {
  341                                                               raw_send(target, data, ndata);
  342                                                             }
  343                                                             void
  344                                                             MessageGrp::send(int target, unsigned char* data, int ndata)
  345                                                             {
  346                                                               raw_send(target, data, ndata);
  347                                                             }
  348                                                             void
  349                                                             MessageGrp::send(int target, signed char* data, int ndata)
  350                                                             {
  351                                                               raw_send(target, data, ndata);
  352                                                             }
  354                                                             // Sequential receive routines
  356                                                             void
  357                                                             MessageGrp::recv(int sender, double* data, int ndata)
  358                                                             {
  359                                                               raw_recv(sender, data, ndata*sizeof(double));
  360                                                             }
  361                                                             void
  362                                                             MessageGrp::recv(int sender, short* data, int ndata)
  363                                                             {
  364                                                               raw_recv(sender, data, ndata*sizeof(short));
  365                                                             }
  366                                                             void
  367                                                             MessageGrp::recv(int sender, long* data, int ndata)
  368                                                             {
  369                                                               raw_recv(sender, data, ndata*sizeof(long));
  370                                                             }
  371                                                             void
  372                                                             MessageGrp::recv(int sender, float* data, int ndata)
  373                                                             {
  374                                                               raw_recv(sender, data, ndata*sizeof(float));
  375                                                             }
  376                                                             void
  377                                                             MessageGrp::recv(int sender, unsigned int* data, int ndata)
  378                                                             {
  379                                                               raw_recv(sender, data, ndata*sizeof(int));
  380                                                             }
  381                                                             void
  382                                                             MessageGrp::recv(int sender, int* data, int ndata)
  383                                                             {
  384                                                               raw_recv(sender, data, ndata*sizeof(int));
  385                                                             }
  386                                                             void
  387                                                             MessageGrp::recv(int sender, char* data, int ndata)
  388                                                             {
  389                                                               raw_recv(sender, data, ndata);
  390                                                             }
  391                                                             void
  392                                                             MessageGrp::recv(int sender, unsigned char* data, int ndata)
  393                                                             {
  394                                                               raw_recv(sender, data, ndata);
  395                                                             }
  396                                                             void
  397                                                             MessageGrp::recv(int sender, signed char* data, int ndata)
  398                                                             {
  399                                                               raw_recv(sender, data, ndata);
  400                                                             }
  402                                                             // Typed send routines
  404                                                             void
  405                                                             MessageGrp::sendt(int target, int type, double* data, int ndata)
  406                                                             {
  407                                                               raw_sendt(target, type, data, ndata*sizeof(double));
  408                                                             }
  409                                                             void
  410                                                             MessageGrp::sendt(int target, int type, short* data, int ndata)
  411                                                             {
  412                                                               raw_sendt(target, type, data, ndata*sizeof(short));
  413                                                             }
  414                                                             void
  415                                                             MessageGrp::sendt(int target, int type, long* data, int ndata)
  416                                                             {
  417                                                               raw_sendt(target, type, data, ndata*sizeof(long));
  418                                                             }
  419                                                             void
  420                                                             MessageGrp::sendt(int target, int type, float* data, int ndata)
  421                                                             {
  422                                                               raw_sendt(target, type, data, ndata*sizeof(float));
  423                                                             }
  424                                                             void
  425                                                             MessageGrp::sendt(int target, int type, unsigned int* data, int ndata)
  426                                                             {
  427                                                               raw_sendt(target, type, data, ndata*sizeof(int));
  428                                                             }
  429                                                             void
  430                                                             MessageGrp::sendt(int target, int type, int* data, int ndata)
  431                                                             {
  432                                                               raw_sendt(target, type, data, ndata*sizeof(int));
  433                                                             }
  434                                                             void
  435                                                             MessageGrp::sendt(int target, int type, char* data, int ndata)
  436                                                             {
  437                                                               raw_sendt(target, type, data, ndata);
  438                                                             }
  439                                                             void
  440                                                             MessageGrp::sendt(int target, int type, unsigned char* data, int ndata)
  441                                                             {
  442                                                               raw_sendt(target, type, data, ndata);
  443                                                             }
  444                                                             void
  445                                                             MessageGrp::sendt(int target, int type, signed char* data, int ndata)
  446                                                             {
  447                                                               raw_sendt(target, type, data, ndata);
  448                                                             }
  450                                                             // Typed receive routines
  452                                                             void
  453                                                             MessageGrp::recvt(int type, double* data, int ndata)
  454                                                             {
  455                                                               raw_recvt(type, data, ndata*sizeof(double));
  456                                                             }
  457                                                             void
  458                                                             MessageGrp::recvt(int type, short* data, int ndata)
  459                                                             {
  460                                                               raw_recvt(type, data, ndata*sizeof(short));
  461                                                             }
  462                                                             void
  463                                                             MessageGrp::recvt(int type, long* data, int ndata)
  464                                                             {
  465                                                               raw_recvt(type, data, ndata*sizeof(long));
  466                                                             }
  467                                                             void
  468                                                             MessageGrp::recvt(int type, float* data, int ndata)
  469                                                             {
  470                                                               raw_recvt(type, data, ndata*sizeof(float));
  471                                                             }
  472                                                             void
  473                                                             MessageGrp::recvt(int type, unsigned int* data, int ndata)
  474                                                             {
  475                                                               raw_recvt(type, data, ndata*sizeof(int));
  476                                                             }
  477                                                             void
  478                                                             MessageGrp::recvt(int type, int* data, int ndata)
  479                                                             {
  480                                                               raw_recvt(type, data, ndata*sizeof(int));
  481                                                             }
  482                                                             void
  483                                                             MessageGrp::recvt(int type, char* data, int ndata)
  484                                                             {
  485                                                               raw_recvt(type, data, ndata);
  486                                                             }
  487                                                             void
  488                                                             MessageGrp::recvt(int type, unsigned char* data, int ndata)
  489                                                             {
  490                                                               raw_recvt(type, data, ndata);
  491                                                             }
  492                                                             void
  493                                                             MessageGrp::recvt(int type, signed char* data, int ndata)
  494                                                             {
  495                                                               raw_recvt(type, data, ndata);
  496                                                             }
  498                                                             // Broadcast operations
  500                                                             void
  501                                                             MessageGrp::bcast(double*data, int ndata, int from)
  502     4     0     5     0     1     1     0     0     0     0 {
  503     2     0     0     1     0     0     0     0     0     0   raw_bcast(data, ndata*sizeof(double), from);
  504     0     0     1     0     0     0     0     0     0     0 }
  505                                                             void
  506                                                             MessageGrp::bcast(short*data, int ndata, int from)
  507                                                             {
  508                                                               raw_bcast(data, ndata*sizeof(short), from);
  509                                                             }
  510                                                             void
  511                                                             MessageGrp::bcast(long*data, int ndata, int from)
  512                                                             {
  513                                                               raw_bcast(data, ndata*sizeof(long), from);
  514                                                             }
  515                                                             void
  516                                                             MessageGrp::bcast(float*data, int ndata, int from)
  517                                                             {
  518                                                               raw_bcast(data, ndata*sizeof(float), from);
  519                                                             }
  520                                                             void
  521                                                             MessageGrp::bcast(unsigned int*data, int ndata, int from)
  522                                                             {
  523                                                               raw_bcast(data, ndata*sizeof(int), from);
  524                                                             }
  525                                                             void
  526                                                             MessageGrp::bcast(int*data, int ndata, int from)
  527     1     0     1     1     4     0     0     0     0     0 {
  528     2     0     1     0     0     0     0     0     0     0   raw_bcast(data, ndata*sizeof(int), from);
  529     1     0     0     0     2     0     0     0     0     0 }
  530                                                             void
  531                                                             MessageGrp::bcast(char*data, int ndata, int from)
  532                                                             {
  533                                                               raw_bcast(data, ndata, from);
  534                                                             }
  535                                                             void
  536                                                             MessageGrp::bcast(unsigned char*data, int ndata, int from)
  537                                                             {
  538                                                               raw_bcast(data, ndata, from);
  539                                                             }
  540                                                             void
  541                                                             MessageGrp::bcast(signed char*data, int ndata, int from)
  542                                                             {
  543                                                               raw_bcast(data, ndata, from);
  544                                                             }
  546                                                             // Global classdesc indices
  548                                                             int
  549                                                             MessageGrp::classdesc_to_index(const ClassDesc* cdptr)
  550                                                             {
  551                                                               if (classdesc_to_index_.contains((ClassDesc*)cdptr)) {
  552                                                                   return classdesc_to_index_[(ClassDesc*)cdptr];
  553                                                                 }
  554                                                               else {
  555                                                                   return -1;
  556                                                                 }
  557                                                             }
  559                                                             const ClassDesc*
  560                                                             MessageGrp::index_to_classdesc(int index)
  561                                                             {
  562                                                               if (index < 0 || index >= nclass_) {
  563                                                                   return 0;
  564                                                                 }
  565                                                               else {
  566                                                                   return index_to_classdesc_[index];
  567                                                                 }
  568                                                             }
  570                                                             void
  571                                                             MessageGrp::raw_bcast(void* data, int nbyte, int from)
  572                                                             {
  573                                                               int nbyte_actual = nbyte;
  574                                                               int tgop_max = nbyte;
  575                                                               if (gop_max_ != 0) {
  576                                                                   tgop_max = gop_max_;
  577                                                                   gop_max_ = 0;
  578                                                                   bcast(nbyte_actual,from);
  579                                                                   gop_max_ = tgop_max;
  580                                                                 }
  581                                                               for (int idat=0; idat<nbyte_actual; idat+=tgop_max) {
  582                                                                   int ndat = (idat+tgop_max>nbyte_actual)?(nbyte_actual-idat):tgop_max;
  583                                                                   Ref<GlobalMsgIter> i(topology_->global_msg_iter(this, from));
  584                                                                   for (i->forwards(); !i->done(); i->next()) {
  585                                                                       if (i->send()) {
  586                                                                           raw_send(i->sendto(), &((char*)data)[idat], ndat);
  587                                                                         }
  588                                                                       if (i->recv()) {
  589                                                                           raw_recv(i->recvfrom(), &((char*)data)[idat], ndat);
  590                                                                         }
  591                                                                     }
  592                                                                 }
  593                                                             }
  595                                                             void
  596                                                             MessageGrp::sync()
  597                                                             {
  598                                                               Ref<GlobalMsgIter> i(topology_->global_msg_iter(this, 0));
  600                                                               for (i->backwards(); !i->done(); i->next()) {
  601                                                                   if (i->send()) {
  602                                                                       raw_send(i->sendto(), 0, 0);
  603                                                                     }
  604                                                                   if (i->recv()) {
  605                                                                       raw_recv(i->recvfrom(), 0, 0);
  606                                                                     }
  607                                                                 }
  609                                                               for (i->forwards(); !i->done(); i->next()) {
  610                                                                   if (i->send()) {
  611                                                                       raw_send(i->sendto(), 0, 0);
  612                                                                     }
  613                                                                   if (i->recv()) {
  614                                                                       raw_recv(i->recvfrom(), 0, 0);
  615                                                                     }
  616                                                                 }
  617                                                             }
  619                                                             void
  620                                                             MessageGrp::collect(const double *part, const int *lengths, double *whole)
  621                                                             {
  622                                                               raw_collect(part,lengths,whole,sizeof(double));
  623                                                             }
  625                                                             void
  626                                                             MessageGrp::raw_collect(const void *part, const int *lengths, void *whole,
  627                                                                                     int bytes_per_datum)
  628                                                             {
  629                                                               int offset = 0;
  630                                                               for (int i=0; i<n_; i++) {
  631                                                                   int nbytes = lengths[i];
  632                                                                   if (i==me_) memcpy(&((char*)whole)[offset], part, nbytes);
  633                                                                   raw_bcast(&((char*)whole)[offset], nbytes, i);
  634                                                                   offset += nbytes;
  635                                                                 }
  636                                                             }
  638                                                             /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  640                                                             // Local Variables:
  641                                                             // mode: c++
  642                                                             // c-file-style: "CLJ"
  643                                                             // End: