o More data are also needed on cigarette flavor additives and their combustion products. Flavoring agents and additives should be studied by cigarette companies for carcinogenicity and toxicity before their commercial use is permitted, and the results of such studies should be made available. o Research should be done on the distribution, partitioning, and penetration of lower "tar" and nicotine cigarette smoke in the lung, with consideration of potential changes in smoking patterns by those who smoke lower "tar" and nicotine ciga- rettes. Cigarette smoking-machines currently in use and the techniques by which animals inhale cigarette smoke in research models may not be representative of the human situation because human smokers are able to take larger, more frequent, and higher velocity puffs. To conduct meaningful assays of cigarette yields and the biological activity of cigarette smoke, it must be determined how smokers actually smoke various types of commercial cigarettes. When this information is available, it will be possible to design smoking-machines that yield more accurate estimates of human risk. o Controlled studies are needed to determine the role of nicotine as a primary reinforcer in cigarette smoking and to determine whether there are other chemicals in addition to nicotine that may contribute to or reinforce the smoking habit. By analyzing the mechanisms whereby nicotine reinforces smoking behavior, it may be possible to design more efficacious methods of smoking cessation. o Research should be conducted to define what effects modifica- tions of the physical and chemical properties of leaf tobaccos have on the pharmacology of cigarette smoke. Since tobacco culturing and curing practices are continually changing, it is important to determine whether such changes as the use of new pesticides also alter the composition and biological activity of cigarette smoke. o Standardized experimental cigarettes have frequently proved unpalatable and unacceptable for behavioral research. Proto- type cigarettes should be especially designed to deliver a wide range of constituent concentrations, particularly those that approximate commercial cigarettes. This would allow research- ers to predict the behavior of smokers of new types of cigarettes more accurately. 26 Section 2. PHARMACOLOGY AND TOXICOLOGY CONTENTS Introduction Experimental Systems for Assay of Relative Risks of Cigarette Smoking Lung Cancer Animal Models Lung Carcinogens in Cigarette Smoke Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Tobacco-Specific N-Nitrosamines Other Mutagenic or Co-mutagenic Agents Weak Acids Nicotine Polonium 210 Volatile N-Nitrosamines Bladder Cancer Laryngeal Cancer Other Cancers Early End Points Suggestive of Carcinogenic Potential Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease Sudden Death Due to Cardiovascular Disease Animal Models Nicotine Carbon Monoxide Other Agents Complications of Pregnancy and Early Childhood Nonspecific End Points of Toxicologic Significance Reduction of Lung Defense Mechanisms Induction of Microsomal Oxidase Changes in Genetic Status Changes in Immune Status composition of Smokes From Various Types of Cigarettes Smoking-Machine Design Dependence of Smoke Composition on Cigarette Design Filters Ventilation Tobacco Variety Agricultural Practice Reconstituted Sheet and Modified Tobaccos 29 Additives Variations in Human Smoking Behavior Research Needs Surveillance of New Cigarettes Determination of Parameters of Human Cigarette Smoking Evaluation of Health Effects of Nicotine The Effects of Smoking-Machine Parameters on Relative and Absolute Yields of Smoke Components From Various Types of Cigarettes Influence of Raw Product Modification on Pharmacology of Cigarette Smoke Physical and Chemical Properties of Smoke From Cigarettes Delivering Less Than 10 mg of "Tar" Development and Validation of Analytical Methods Other Research Needs Summary References LIST OF FIGURES Figure l.-Effect of cigarette smoke differing in selected chemical components on pancreatic elastase levels in beagle dogs after a f5OO-day exposure protocol of 12 cigarettes per day, 7 days per week LIST OF TABLES Table I.-Major toxic agents in the gas phase of cigarette smoke (unaged) Table 2.-Major toxic agents in the particulate matter of cigarette smoke (unaged) Table 3.Ahefficient.a and standard deviations of coefficients for Prediction Model 10 Table 4.-Comparison of mutagenic and tumor-promoting activity of fractions of cigarette smoke condensate 31 lntroductlon Tobacco and tobacco smoke are very complex mixtures. In 1968, Stedman (155) reported that they contained more than 1,200 clearly identified substances in addition to a number of polymer classes, such as pigments, resins, and proteins, that were not resolved into specific compounds. Since that time, many additional compounds have been isolated; at least a thousand additional constituents were found in tobacco and tobacco smoke in the following 10 years (67). Cigarette smoke components arise through distillation of volatile and semivola- tile materials from the leaf and from the pyrolytic decomposition of leaf constituents. In addition, nonvolatile components of tobacco leaf can be transferred to the smoke without degradation. Thus, the components of smoke are very diverse. Many suspected or proved toxic agents have been identified in the gas phase (Table 1) or in the particulate matter (Table 2) of smoke (290). It is not surprising that chronic exposure to such a complex mixture will lead to a variety of pharmacologic and toxicologic responses. TABLE l.-Major toxic agents in the gas pham of cigarette smoke (unaged)* Di~thylnitmaamine EthYlmethytnitroMmine Diethylnitmsandne Nitnxopyrrdidine other nitmoaminen (4 compotmde) Hydrrdw Vinyl chloride urethane Folldd&@ Hydmseneyanide Aaolein Aeetaldehyde Nitrogen oxides (NO& Ammonia Pyridii Carton monoxide C C TI CT Qc `X T Ei T T?d TM T TABLE 2.-Major toxic agents in the particulate matter of cigarette smoke (unaged)* B-+h~ bbiethmne Ber&jjuonulthene Bellr+~thInceDe other polymlclear erometic hydm carbons (>26 compound@ JXben&jJecridhe Diben&h~dine Dibe.nz&gJcuhemie m= Fl~OthlX B-ofaimw other polymldsv -tic by&o- carbons (>lO compounds) NapMtmlenea l-Methylindokd MbhthylarbsFales Other neutrel compoundn catechol b & CMethyka~ 0th c&e&oh (>4 mmpounde) U&OtWlphC3ldSIWldhd6 N'-Nitmmnombtine other nonvoletik nitmeeminea &N~htbyluniM OthW-tiCMUilE8 Unknown nitro compound8 Polonium-210 Niid mmpour& Cedmium compounds Aneaic Nkotine Mioor t4baan 8lkabida I%mol Crcaols (3 eompouoda) TI TI TI TI TI TI TI TI ac cot ccc cd: cot COG cd2 cot cd2 ccc cot cd2 C C Bc Bc Bc C C C C T T CT CT ? l-10 M 0.349 H o.m.2 pg ? u)-r16ocB 80-4oM ? ? loo-250 !q ? o-26 w ? ? 0.62-1.2 pci 1@600 w 9-70 ng l-26 M 0.1-20 mg 0.01-02 mg l&206 #tg 10-166 R ? 6 M 0s P2 0.1 pg Experimental Systems for Assay of Relative Risks of Cigarette Smoklng Lung Cancer Animul Models The mouse skin carcinogenesis assay is thus far the most fruitful method of evaluating smoke condensates from different types of cigarettes for carcinogenic potency for the human lung (46,51,89,106). 34 This model for the development of cancer dates back to 1915 (191). A large body of laboratory experience has provided consistent evidence for the quantitative validity of this relationship. Procedures providing good dose-response relationships are in use in many laboratories. Assays can be standardized to give relatively consistent results within a laboratory, and probably among laboratories (62, 63,64, 65). The assay depends on a number of similarities between the laboratory model and human experience. The epithelium of both the skin and lung is directly exposed to the presumptive carcinogenic agent-in this case, cigarette smoke or cigarette smoke condensate. Babbit and mouse skin develop tumors after exposure to coal tar, a known occupational carcinogen. Mouse skin assays have predicted occupational induction of human lung cancer by bis-chloromethyl ether w, 170. It is conceivable that the mouse skin carcinogenesis assay may give a misleading measure of the relative risk of various types of cigarettes. Skin is covered with a lipid film, and the pilo-sebaceous apparatus is particularly suited for penetration of lipid materials into the skin. In contrast, the airway surface is covered by an aqueous film and might be less readily penetrated by fat-soluble materials. There is no evidence, however, that such a difference is important. Indeed, the response of mouse skin to different types of experimental cigarettes is roughly parallel to the response of hamster larynx to the same materials (49,50,189). The hamster larynx has been used for comparative studies of different types of cigarettes (17, 50, 52). Invasive carcinomas of the larynx were induced in 37 percent of inbred hamsters exposed to cigarette smoke for 59 to 30 weeks. Both the cancer incidence and the incidence of other epithelial changes were dose related. Exposure of rats and mice to cigarette smoke for up to 21/2 years resulted in a small incidence of respiratory tract tumors, primarily pulmonary adenomas (44, 68, 72). Cigarette smoke `produced changes in cultured human gastric epithelial cells suggestive of malignancy (158). Experience in man and with the mouse skin system indicates that two or more distinct classes of carcinogenic stimuli lead to the occurrence of tumors (16, 26, 48). Tumor initiators appear to alter the genetic constitution of the cell; tumor promoters accelerate and enhance the neoplastic expression of previously initiated cells. Both may play a role in the induction of tumors. Other types of coca&n+ gens may also play a role in the induction of mouse skin tumors by cigarette smoke condensate (16, 74,89,176). If similar mechanisms act in man, it may not be possible to differentiate between a human carcinogen in the conventional sense and a cocarcinogen or tumor 35 promoter acting on a diverse population already exposed to low levels of a variety of tumor initiators. Two prominent classes of tumor initiators are found in smoke condensates of commercial cigarettes-polycyclic aromatic hydrocar- bons (PAH) and tobacco-specific nitrosamines (TSNA), Other car&+ gens or tumor initiators are present in cigarette smoke as well; however, they appear to be less significant because they either are less potent or are present at lower concentrations than are PAH or TSNA. Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons A large variety of PAH molecules are formed by the pyrolytic process during combustion of the cigarette (87, 105). Of the PAHs, be&a&rene (BaP) is the most prominent and has been studied most intensively. Chemical assays for BaP in smoke condensates are well established, and it has been suggested that such assays can serve as indicators of production of all of the PAHs. This appears to be generally true. Among smoke condensates from 98 experimental cigarettes, the correlation coefficient between BaP and bem$a]anthracene content was 0.78 (15). Although highly signiicant, the value is sufficiently low to indicate that real differences do exist in the ratios of these cyclic molecules in the various cigarette smokes. Nevertheless, BaP appears to be the most important single member of this class of compounds, taking into consideration both its concentra- tion and its relative carcinogenic potency. The contribution of BaP or PAH in general to mouse skin carcinogenesis by cigarette smoke condensate cannot be fully mea- sured at this time. Wynder and Hoffmann (188) found a correlation between BaP levels and carcinogenic activity of smoke condensates from several types of cigarettes. A much larger series of experimental cigarettes was studied in the smoking and health program of the National Cancer Institute. No significant dependence of carcinogenic potency on BaP content was observed (6&63,64,65). The relationship between chemical composition of the experimental smoke condensates and the biological activity of this series was examined extensively by Bayne (15). He employed the linear terms, squared terms, and all interaction terms between any 2 of 10 independent variables. Starting with a 66-&m regression equation, he searched for simpler prediction models that would provide useful estimates of carcinogenic activity. The simplest model (Table 3) that retained good predictability contained nine terms. The interaction of BaP with the nicotine term was one that appeared important. BaP and other tumor initiators are particularly important because humans are already exposed to a number of initiators in the environment. The effect of initiators is cumulative and irreversible. Hence, any additional exposure to initiators such as the PAH might be expected to increase tumor incidence in smokers. 36 TABLE 3.-Coeffkienta and standard deviations of coefficients for Prediction Model 10 t3taDdIud deviatioo Terms. Coefficienta of aleffiientd 1 Intercept 2.667 0292 2C 4.792 E-2 0.234 Is2 2cI 4.66s E-4 0.406 El 1 PH 4.464 E-l OMO El-1 5vwA 1.242 E-l 0.555 Fe-1 6NxN 245oEl-5 0.668E-5 7 pH x pH 2.662 J3-2 0.875 E-2 8NxpH -7.078 E-t 1.664 E-4 9NxBAP -1.T70 EL9 0.2TIE4 bs:; Cbmmhdon (m&&y); VWA-very wed mcih (u&g); N-nicoh (n@g); and BAP-bearo[+ymm Born Bayme (26). Tobacco-Specific N-Nitrosamines During tobacco curing, fermentation, and burning, nornicotine gives rise to N'-nitrosonomicotine (NNN), nicotine to NNN and to 4-(N- methyl-N-nitrosamino)-l-(3-pyridil)-1-butanone (NNK), and anatabine to N'-nitrosoanatabine (NAT). NNN is a moderately active carcinogen, inducing tumors in the respiratory tract of mice, rats, and hamsters. NNK is a strong carcinogen, inducing lung carcinoma in each of the three animal species (75, 84, 86). The concentration of these carcino- gens in cigarette smoke is very high in comparison with usual environmental exposures, being 1 to 35 ppm in tobacco and 1 to 9 erg in the smoke of a cigarette (57). These tobacco-specific N-nitrosamines may play a role in the development of several types of human cancer. NNN is metabolically activated by human liver microsomes (76) and, together with NNK and NAT, may be formed in wivo from the tobacco alkaloids. Other Mutagenic or Co-mutagenic Agents It is generally believed that tumor initiators are mutagens that can be detected by one or more short-term biological assays (2, 103). A number of fractions of cigarette smoke condensate are positive in the Ames assay system (93, 101). The agents responsible for this activity have not been fully identified, but probably include products of protein pyrolysis (119). Ames test activity, however, does not predict the activity of fractions in the mouse skin carcinogenesis assay. Fractions of smoke condensate that show activity as complete carcinogens (89) or in a promotion assay that would detect skin carcinogens as well as tumor promoters (24) are not correspondingly active in the Ames system (Table 4). It cannot be determined whether the unidentified mutagens in cigarette smoke are an important cause of lung cancer in 37 TABLE 4.-Comparison of mutagenic and tumor-promoting activity of fractions of cigarette smoke condensate whole eondeneate Beeollatiblted Bmea before, insoluble Baaee after, iduble Bmen, ether soluble Bass, water soluble week acid.9$ iMobible Weak ad4 e&r soluble Strong acidq iaaohble Strong aci4 ether soluble strong aei& water Eoluble Neutrala, 80% methuwl dubie Neutde, cyclobexane mluble Neutrala, nitrome~ duble 100 89 21 26 11 1 30 5 2 <1 <2 2 51 2 humans; however, added exposure to any tumor initiators probably carries an incremental risk of cancer. Weak Acids Cigarette smoke contains weak organic acids that exhibit tumor- promoting or cocarcinogenic activity (24,74,176). The concentration of very weak acids in cigarette smoke condensates was one of the terms predictive of the skin carcinogenic activity of smoke condensates (Table 3). Of the weak acids, catechol appears to be the most important on the basis of concentration and activity (74,176). It is probable that the weakly acidic constituents of smoke act as tumor promoters or cocarcinogens rather than as tumor initiators, This is true for phenols and for catechol (27, 176). There is no reason to believe that tumor promoters or other types of cocarcinogens exhibit either a cumulative or an irreversible effect. Indeed, for tumor promotion in mouse skin by croton oil, clear thresholds for frequency of application and for the amount of promoter in each applied dose are apparent (26). If this is also true for man, the risk of very small doses of weak acids might be negligible. Phenol (1.26, 188), but not catechol (29), can be selectively removed by filters. The extent to which the cocarcinogenic weak acids are reduced by selective filtration cannot be determined at this time. 33 Nicotine Nicotine exhibits neither complete carcinogenic activity nor tumor- promoting activity. The nicotine content of cigarette smoke condensate did not affect its carcinogenic activity when suspended in beeswax- tricaprylin pellets implanted in rat lungs (48); however, in mouse skin bioassays, this alkaloid is an important cocarcinogen (20). Not only is nicotine active in models with other compounds such as BaP and 12-O- tetradecanoylphorbol-X%-acetate (TPA), but also the measured carcino- genic potency of cigarette smoke condensates appears to depend on the nicotine content of the "tar." Of all of the individual compounds of smoke condensates assayed in the smoking and health program of the National Cancer Institute, nicotine was most closely related to carcinogenic activity (62, 63, 64, 65). In the simplest predictive model developed by Bayne, every term but one involved nicotine concentra- tion, pH, or the concentration of crude condensate (Table 3). The availability of nicotine to the tissues depends on the pH and concentra- tion of condensate. Hence, available nicotine was a factor of all but one term of the prediction model. Nicotine may also play a role in the development of oral cancer in tobacco chewers. Aqueous extracts or unburned tobacco exhibit tumor- promoting activity when tested on mouse skin. This activity depends on the presence of nicotine acting together with a fraction having a molecular weight greater than 13,000 daltons (21). In addition, nicotine gives rise to carcinogenic N-nitrosamines during tobacco chewing (84). Data of Morosco and Coeringer (122) suggest that nicotine reduced serum alpharantitrypsin activity and elevated pancreatic elastase levels in dogs exposed to cigarette smoke. These workers believe that interference with the protease-protease inhibitor balance may be a factor in carcinogenesis (123). It must be pointed out that the relationship between carcinogenic activity of smoke condensates and their nicotine contents may be caused in part by the conversion of nicotine to tobacco-specific nitrosamines or to the co-occurrence of nicotine and some other unidentified carcinogen. For example, the nicotine level of tobacco is dependent on the amount of nitrate fertilizer used in tobacco culture (166). High levels of tobacco-specific nitrosamines were found in the unburned tobaccos usually raised with high levels of nitrogen fertilizer (77). The level of volatile nitrosamines in cigarette smoke also depends on nitrate fertilizer (170). One may postulate that the nicotine level of cigarette smoke condensates is an indicator of such nitrogenous carcinogens that were not measured directly. At present, however, there is no direct evidence that this is the case. In any event, the carcinogenic activity of mixtures of pure BaP and TPA are enhanced by the concomitant application of nicotine under conditions such that nitrosamine formation would not be expected (20). 39 Whether the cocarcinogenic effects of nicotine are important for man is a matter of speculation. Tumor-promoting activity of croton oil exhibits a threshold both for frequency of application and for the quantity of agent present with any given treatment (26). The animal studies in which nicotine acts as a cocarcinogen employ nearly lethal levels of nicotine administered once or twice a day. In contrast, smokers are exposed to a large number of low doses of nicotine daily. If a threshold amount of nicotine per dose is required for cocarcinogenic activity, human smokers may not be affected in a manner similar to that of the mouse skin system. Polonium 210 There have been repeated suggestions that "PO might contribute to the carcinogenic activity of cigarette smoke in man (137). Polonium levels in tobacco result primarily from the use of phosphate fertilizers that are contaminated with radium decay products, particularly mPb, a precursor of ~OPO (162,168). Very little uOPo is found in tobacco leaf, but some is transferred to the smoke. Yields of 10 to 15 fCi of alpha emitters were recently reported for experimental cigarettes and 490 fCi/gm for commercial cigarette smoke condensate (36). Most of the radioactivity was due to insoluble forms of ~Po. Cancer may arise from a single affected cell. It has been suggested that small amounts of insoluble nOPo concentrated in small areas might deliver an effective carcinogenic dose to a target cell (112). Harley et al. (71), however, found very few "hot spots" in the lungs of deceased smokers. Based on human experience with radon daughters, they assumed a lifetime risk of lung cancer of 1 x 10-Z for a dose of one rad/year. At most, the radioactivity they detected was estimated to explain only 10 percent of the lung cancers suffered by cigarette smokers. They consider polonium 210 a questionable risk factor in human carcinogenesis. Polonium 210 contamination of tobacco can be effectively reduced by selection of plant types and sources of phosphate fertilizer, and by removal using chelating agents (71,171). Volatile N-Nitrosamines Tobacco smoke contains a number of secondary and tertiary amines. These amines, together with nitrogen oxides, may give rise to the in &uo formation of nitrosamines. Although the formation of most nitrosamines is favored at low pH (llO), a small amount of volatile nitrosamines is found in cigarette smoke and may be formed in the lungs under normal conditions (30, 84, 170). The volatile N-nitrosa- mines are organ-specific carcinogens, which in mice give rise to tumors of the liver and kidney. At present, there is no reason to assume that volatile nitrosamines cause lung cancer in smokers. Nevertheless, it is prudent to limit the presence of any carcinogen in cigarette smoke. Volatile nitrosamines in smoke can be reduced by selective filtration and by limiting the nitrate content of tobaccos (SO, 121). Bladder Cancer The induction of bladder cancer in animals has been studied intensively over the past several decades. The bladder appears to be a particularly sensitive target for agents that are metabolized in the liver and excreted in the urine. Among the compounds known to produce bladder cancer in both man and animals is P-naphthylamine. The presence of Snaphthylamine in cigarette smoke has been demon- strated (85), along with other carcinogenic aromatic amines (129). The yield was so low, however, that they did not believe these agents contributed significantly to the risk of bladder cancer in smokers. The urine of 10 smokers and 21 nonsmokers was examined by Yamasaki and Ames (192) for mutagens or for substances that were converted to mutagens by rat liver microsomes. Increased levels of mutagens were found in the urine of seven smokers, but in none of the nonsmokers. If promutagens in urine are responsible for the bladder cancers occurring in cigarette smokers, it is possible that certain individuals are particularly sensitive to bladder carcinogenesis by cigarette smoke. If true, this sensitivity may be exploited for disease prevention. Large quantities of mutagen-containing urine can be collected from sensitive individuals. Isolation and identification of the promutagens might permit removal of the precursors from cigarette smoke. Laryngeal Cancer Hamsters develop laryngeal cancer after long-term inhalation of diluted cigarette smoke (17, 50, 52). The effect is dose related and has been used to compare different cigarettes. Tobacco-specific nitrosa- mines induce cancer in the trachea and lungs of hamsters and may be of particular importance in the induction of human cancer of the larynx (84). Other carcinogens and cocarcinogens of cigarette smoke that are active in the mouse skin bioassay system may also contribute to induction of laryngeal cancer. Both organ systems involve epithelial tissue directly exposed to the carcinogenic mixture. Other Cancers Cigarette smoking is also associated with cancer of the kidney, pancreas, oral cavity, and esophagus (173). No animal model of these cancers has been developed to the point where it could be used for quantitative comparisons of different types of cigarettes. Oral cavity and esophageal tumors may be induced by direct exposure to smoke carcinogens. NNN, when given in the drinking water of rats, induces cancer of the esophagus (84). This finding suggests that tobacc+ 41 specific nitrosamines may be active as "contact" carcinogens. Alterna- tively, the carcinogens might be produced through metabolism at distant sites, such as the liver, and then transported to the target site, where they can be further activated. Pancreatic cancer was induced in hamsters with diisopropylnitrosamine (134). This observation suggests the possibility of a similar action of smoke nitrosamines. Any carcinogen in cigarette smoke might contribute to induction of cancer distant from the exposure site. To this extent, elimination of the carcinogens causing lung cancer or bladder cancer would reduce the induction of cancer in other organs as well. Alcohol usage and cigarette smoking show synergistic effects in the induction of cancer in the upper digestive tract (113,172). The effect of alcohol in this circumstance may result from the induction of microsomal enzymes, which are believed to metabolize carcinogens to their active forms (213). Early End Points Suggestive of Carcinogenic Potential It is generally considered that the induction of cancer requires a specific genotoxic event that may be preceded or followed by ill- defined and less specific epigenetic changes that enhance the manifea- tation of the genetic event (182). In the two-stage carcinogenesis system of mouse skin, the first step-initiation-appears to be genotoxic, and the second step-promotion-appears to be epigenetic. Several other forms of cocarcinogenesis have been described (16). Tobacco smoke owes its carcinogenic activity to several carcinogens and cocarcinogens (24,87,176,188). Agents capable of producing genetic change can often be detected by mutagenesis assay systems (2). Most carcinogens are mutagens. Conversely, agents capable of inducing mutations are suspect as possible carcinogens. Cigarette smoke condensates and some of their fractions are mutagenic in the Ames salmonella assay systems (93, 119). These fractions are clearly of interest because they possess the capability of inducing genetic changes that might lead to tumor formation. Mutagenesis assays may provide a basis for the quantita- tive comparisons of new cigarettes when the relative importance of the genetic and epigenetic factors in smoke-induced cancer is understood. The Ames test gives poor results for fractions of smoke condensate that appear to be most active in systems designed to detect tumor- promoting activity (Table 4). Furthermore, mutagenesis assays of a series of experimental cigarettes have not provided consistent results (167). The complexity of carcinogenesis by tobacco smoke condensates renders mutagenesis assays of uncertain value for quantitative comparisons of relative carcinogenicity. Several in vitro systems measure the transformation of normal cells into malignant cells after exposure to carcinogens. These systems are sensitive to both genetic and epigenetic processe s (90,186). Such assays 42 may prove to be useful short-term indicators of the relative potency of different types of cigarette smoke. The toxicity of most experimental smoke condensates may interfere with the conduct of such studi=, however. Experimental cigarettes that yield smoke condensates with a wide range of carcinogenic activity are now available. It should be possible to determine the usefulness of in vitro systems with this material. For organ-specific carcinogens, the DNA repair test is a good predictor of relative carcinogenic activity (186). Most chemicals that are carcinogenic to mouse skin selectively destroy the sebaceous glands of the treated skin (23). The sebaceous gland suppression assay is a good predictor of the activity of experimental smoke condensates as carcinogens in mouse skin (22). Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease No animal models for chronic obstructive lung disease are available to measure the potency of smoke from various types of cigarettes. Long-term inhalation studies with hamsters, dogs, and primates have not given rise to disease states comparable to emphyse- ma observed in humans (17,50,52,114). In two experiments, Sprague- Dawley and CD rats exposed to cigarette smoke for 6 to 26 months developed emphysematous changes (104,12d. Similar results were not reported in other long-term studies with rats (44,68). A number of pulmonary function tests have been evaluated as measures of early lung disease in man (31, 61, 73, 100, 135, 154. Thus far, similar tests have not proved useful as animal assays. They might, however, be useful in comparing the effects of different types of cigarettes on human smokers. Exposure of CD rats to whole tobacco smoke for 6 months led to a loss of lung parenchymal tissue distal to the terminal airways (124). This was indicated by a 21 percent decrease in parenchymal tissue and 12 percent decrease in alveolar surface area. Recent evidence suggests that emphysema results from a shift in the balance of elastase production and elastase inhibition in the lung (97). A few individuals with genetically determined very low levels of alphal-antitrypsin, an elastase inhibitor, are particularly prone to develop the disease (58). When purified elastase is instilled into the lungs of dogs, emphysematous changes appear in as little as 96 minutes (96,98). Cigarette smoke can act on this system in two ways. In vitro tests with cigarette smoke condensate show that this material suppressed the antiprotease activity of human serum, pulmonary lavage fluid, and purified human alphal-antitrypsin (94). The suppression of protease inhibitors by cigarette smoke is blocked by the presence of phenolic antioxidants, suggesting that oxidants or free radicals of the smoke were responsible for the effect (107). In one study, the serum levels of alphal-antitrypsin in smokers were higher than in nonsmokers (76). Another study found, however, that immediately after smoking, serum alphal-antitrypsin activity was reduced in smokers (95). Likewise, the activity of alphai-antitrypsin in lung lavage fluid from Sprague Dawley rats was reduced by 30 to 40 percent after 3 to 6 puffs of cigarette smoke. Similar reductions were observed in lavage fluid from the lower respiratory tract of asymptomatic smokers (58). Even greater differences were seen between smokers and nonsmokers with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. Cigarette smoke also stimulates the release of elastase from macrophages in vitro and in &VU and from polymorphonuclear leukocytes in vitro (19,1&9,185). Thus, smoke may increase the elaboration of elastase in the lung and at the same time suppress its inactivation. The techniques used in these studies could he applied to smoke from various types of cigarettes; they might then serve as short-term end points to evaluate relative cigarette risk. Dogs exposed to cigarette smoke through tracheostomies for 600 days had significantly higher levels of pancreatic elastase than sham- smoked controls (122). The greatest effects were seen in animals exposed to higher nicotine cigarettes, although the blood carboxyhem- oglobin levels were the same for both higher and lower nicotine smokers (Figure 1). The lower nicotine cigarettes in this study were produced by removal of the alkaloid by a commercial process (65). It cannot he stated with confidence that other constituents were not removed as well. Sudden Death Due to Cardiovascular Disease Animal Models No animal model permitting the quantitative comparison of death rates due to cardiovascular disease induced by different types of cigarettes is presently available. Long-term inhalation studies using smoke-exposed rats, hamsters, dogs, and primates have been conducted (17,& 50,52,68,104,114). None has provided an end point comparable to sudden death observed in human smokers. There are, however, several avenues of investigation whose intermediate experimental observations might indicate a mechanism for mortality caused by cardiovascular effects. Much attention has been given to changes induced by nicotine-induced catecholamine release (138, 156, 160). Methods to follow these effects in animals are well established. Other short-term end points being studied include lipoprotein levels (79), alteration of arterial morphology (9, 10, 32, 111), and changes in arachidonic acid metabolism (12, 82). These procedures might be adapted for estimation of the relative potency of various types of cigarettes, but there is no direct evidence that any of these changes are either necessary or sufficient indicators of the risk of sudden death due to heart disease. 44 30- -z 5 25- g Y 2 5 20- Y g 15- ?! f `O- 5- 0 oooE32 - I 1, I t I 1 CODE13 colm?OL FIGURE l.-Effect of cigarette smoke differing in selected chemical components on pancreatic elastase levels in beagle dogs after a 6OOday exposure protocol of 12 cigarettes per day, 7 days per week. Bars indicate mean *SD. Animals exposed to code 32 (hiih-nicotine) and code 13 (low-nicotine) cigarettes diff'ered significantly (p