                                          |                                         |
                                          |                BI-WEEKLY                |
                                          | PRELIMINARY TEXTILE AND APPAREL IMPORTS |                                March 12, 2009
                                          |         HTS Chapters 50-63 ONLY!        |
                                          |                                         |
                                          |               By Category               |

                                           Category 239:  BABIES' GARM. / CLOTH. ACCESS.
                                                      Data in Kg..

(P)  These data are limited preliminary import data based on import figures from U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP).
It will be supplanted by official imports from the Census Bureau as those data become available.  The release of these data 
is to allow preliminary analysis of the impact of total imports into the United States and imports from China into the 
United States to facilitate the administration of the textile safeguard in China's WTO Accession Agreement.

                        ----------- Official Data -------- |  --------------- Preliminary Data (unofficial) --------------------------------------------| 
                                                    Monthly Data                          Two Weeks-ending Data  (2008 - 2009)     
                        --------------------------------------------------------   ---------------------------------------------------------------------   
 Country                  1/2008    2/2008   12/2008       |   1/2009    2/2009       12/13     12/27      1/10      1/24      2/07      2/21      3/07
                                                                 (P)       (P)          (P)       (P)       (P)       (P)       (P)       (P)       (P)
 World                  11474795  10364760  11442199       |   9726273   7155933     5407028   4616388   4346971   4799425   4349334   3226447   3921819

 China                   7113005   6445402   6472396       |   5716406   3358258     3070476   2663044   2390076   2900888   2585674   1504264   1572963

 Bangladesh               655385    486195   1123324       |    737033    675193      529823    458287    422471    313556    256718    298107    541514

 India                    496796    480944    606700       |    582898    490884      212545    279974    291472    300016    223449    213563    307403

 Thailand                 603737    628550    601811       |    542534    451727      292656    294565    291370    216454    267913    176001    277165

 Vietnam                  374692    409962    364366       |    408285    322561      185534    109833    146180    222608    163873    195124    133814

 Philippines              321494    244543    238044       |    296867    243562      124052     81408    170506     98742    130141    107909    154963

 Cambodia                 354494    238395    305056       |    293218    220043      111750    128431     85838    193857    131687     97018    114568

 Indonesia                306800    314708    390336       |    290007    376814      148576    134116     92142    157695    136865    169780    280662

 Sri Lanka                109902    120489    135659       |    112555    117774       44684     66011     61211     50748     33674     52740     82610

 Pakistan                 126957     76764    121097       |    110727    121245       75276     27823     49748     43699     62993     47654     55152

 El Salvador              111027    146370    270323       |     83859    175673      193511     68872     54469     56872     57584     89184     79751

 Guatemala                179443    127042    111105       |     69970     41782       71212     16683     34702     34718     39878     20097     17732

 Mexico                    13319     26544     59218       |     52634     62465       18212     26523     25851     27408     35078     30347     30657

 Malaysia                  87246     51131     56028       |     51914     47916       31084     24713     10273     39108     25698     15895     36952

 Egypt                     91983     81824     78405       |     49141     87671       40953     33405     14830     28296     33554     53295     31320

 _ASEAN                  2096195   1897557   1979009       |   1891393   1677653      897661    788667    796556    936032    863966    766232   1002171

 _CBI                     407499    405618    515813       |    205293    336115      340400    140237    107153    113561    138175    164987    172638

 _CAFTA                   407444    405529    515004       |    205216    335269      340386    139443    107061    113561    138175    164271    172495

 _SUB-SAHARA               75717     98612    128890       |     78512     85543       50798     51975     89965     10701     35503     24709     52202

 _ANDEAN (ATPA)            91616     89228     43570       |     64017     39701       20675     17645     37236     27386     10479     24956     24657