Munch: Monday, April 30, 2007



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Xenon dark matter results at the recent APS:

arXiv:0704.3426 (cross-list from hep-th) [ps, pdf, other] : Title: Large Nongaussianity from Nonlocal Inflation
Authors: N. Barnaby, J.M. Cline
We study the possibility of obtaining large nongaussian signatures in the Cosmic Microwave
Background in a general class of single-field nonlocal hill-top inflation models. We estimate the
nonlinearity parameter f_{NL} which characterizes nongaussianity in such models and show that
large nongaussianity is possible. For the recently proposed p-adic inflation model we find that
f_{NL} ~ 120 when the string coupling is order unity. We show that large nongaussianity is also
possible in a toy model with an action similar to those which arise in string field theory.

arXiv:0704.2783 [ps, pdf, other] : Title: Nonlinear Evolution of Baryon Acoustic Oscillations
Authors: M. Crocce, R. Scoccimarro
Comments: 18 pages, 8 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. D
We study the nonlinear evolution of the baryon acoustic signature in the dark matter power
spectrum and correlation function using renormalized perturbation theory (RPT). In a previous
paper we showed that RPT successfully predicts the damping of acoustic oscillations; here we
extend our calculation to the enhancement of power due to mode-coupling, showing that this
typically leads to percent-level shifts in the acoustic peak of the two-point correlation function.
We present predictions for this shift as a function of redshift; these should be considered as a
robust lower limit to the more realistic case that includes in addition redshift distortions and
galaxy bias. We show that these nonlinear effects occur at very large scales, leading to a
breakdown of linear theory at scales much larger than commonly thought. We discuss why
virialized halo profiles are not responsible for these effects, which can be understood from basic
physics of gravitational instability. Our results are in excellent agreement with numerical
simulations, and can be used as a starting point for modeling these effects in future
observations. To meet this end, we suggest a simple physically motivated model to correct for
the shifts caused by mode-coupling.

arXiv:0704.3377 [ps, pdf, other] : Title: Halo-model signatures from 380,000 SDSS Luminous Red Galaxies with photometric redshifts
Authors: Chris Blake, Adrian Collister, Ofer Lahav
Comments: 14 pages, 10 figures, accepted by MNRAS
We analyze the small-scale clustering in "MegaZ-LRG", a large photometric-redshift catalogue of
Luminous Red Galaxies extracted from the imaging dataset of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey.
MegaZ-LRG, presented in a companion paper, spans the redshift range 0.4 < z < 0.7 with an
r.m.s. redshift error dz ~ 0.03(1+z), covering 5,914 deg^2 to map out a total cosmic volume
2.5 h^-3 Gpc^3. In this study we use 380,000 photometric redshifts to measure significant
deviations from the canonical power-law fit to the angular correlation function in a series of
narrow redshift slices, in which we construct volume-limited samples. These deviations are
direct signatures of the manner in which these galaxies populate the underlying network of dark
matter haloes. We cleanly delineate the separate contributions of the "1-halo" and "2-halo"
clustering terms and fit our measurements by parameterizing the halo occupation distribution
N(M) of the galaxies. Our results are successfully fit by a "central" galaxy contribution with a
"soft" transition from zero to one galaxies, combined with a power-law "satellite" galaxy
component, the slope of which is a strong function of galaxy luminosity. The large majority of
galaxies are classified as central objects of their host dark matter haloes rather than satellites
in more massive systems. The effective halo mass of MegaZ-LRG galaxies lies in the range
log_10 (M_eff / h^-1 M_sol) = 13.7 - 14.0 (depending on luminosity, assuming large-scale
normalization sigma_8 = 0.8). Our results confirm the usefulness of the halo model for gaining
physical insight into the patterns of galaxy clustering.

arXiv:0704.3437 [ps, pdf, other] : Title: Stellar kinematics in the remote Leo II dwarf spheroidal galaxy -- Another brick in the wall
Authors: A.Koch, J.T. Kleyna, M.I. Wilkinson, E.K. Grebel, G.F. Gilmore, N.W. Evans, R.F.G. Wyse, D.R. Harbeck
Comments: 17 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in the AJ
We present the projected velocity dispersion profile for the remote (d=233kpc) Galactic dwarf
spheroidal (dSph) galaxy Leo II, based on 171 discrete stellar radial velocities that were
obtained from medium-resolution spectroscopy using the FLAMES/GIRAFFE spectrograph at the
European Southern Observatory, Chile. The dispersion profile of those stars with good
membership probabilities is essentially flat with an amplitude of 6.6+-0.7 km/s over the full
radial extent of our data, which probe to the stellar boundary of this galaxy. We find no evidence
of any significant apparent rotation or velocity asymmetry which suggests that tidal effects
cannot be invoked to explain Leo II's properties. From basic mass modeling, employing Jeans'
equation, we derive a mass out to the limiting radius of (2.7+-0.5) 10^7 Msun and a global
mass to light ratio of 27-45 in solar units, depending on the adopted total luminosity. A cored
halo profile and a mild amount of tangential velocity anisotropy is found to account well for Leo
II's observed kinematics, although we cannot exclude the possibility of a cusped halo with
radially varying velocity anisotropy. All in all, this galaxy exhibits dark matter properties which
appear to be concordant with the other dSph satellites of the Milky Way, namely a halo mass
profile which is consistent with a central core and a total mass which is similar to the common
mass scale seen in other dSphs.

arXiv:0704.3271 [ps, pdf, other] : Title: Constraining Models of Neutrino Mass and Neutrino Interactions with the Planck Satellite
Authors: Alexander Friedland, Kathryn M. Zurek, Sergei Bashinsky
Comments: 25 pages, 16 figures
In several classes of particle physics models -- ranging from the classical Majoron models, to
the more recent scenarios of late neutrino masses or Mass-Varying Neutrinos -- one or more of
the neutrinos are postulated to couple to a new light scalar field. As a result of this coupling,
neutrinos in the early universe instead of streaming freely could form a self-coupled fluid, with
potentially observable signatures in the Cosmic Microwave Background and the large scale
structure of the universe. We re-examine the constraints on this scenario from the presently
available cosmological data and investigate the sensitivity expected from the Planck satellite. In
the first case, we find that the sensitivity strongly depends on which piece of data is used. The
SDSS Main sample data, combined with WMAP and other data, disfavors the scenario of three
coupled neutrinos at about the 3.5$\sigma$ confidence level, but also favors a high number of
freely streaming neutrinos, with the best fit at 5.2. If the matter power spectrum is instead
taken from the SDSS Large Red Galaxy sample, best fit point has 2.5 freely streaming
neutrinos, but the scenario with three coupled neutrinos becomes allowed at $2\sigma$. In
contrast, Planck alone will exclude even a single self-coupled neutrino at the $4.2\sigma$
confidence level, and will determine the total radiation at CMB epoch to $\Delta N_\nu^{eff} =
^{+0.5}_{-0.3}$ ($1\sigma$ errors). We investigate the robustness of this result with respect
to the details of Planck's detector. This sensitivity to neutrino free-streaming implies that Planck
will be capable of probing a large region of the Mass-Varying Neutrino parameter space. Planck
may also be sensitive to a scale of neutrino mass generation as high as 1 TeV.

arXiv:0704.3131 [ps, pdf, other] : Title: Observing high redshift galaxy clusters through lensing of the Ostriker-Vishniac effect
Authors: J.M. Diego, D. Herranz
Comments: Submiteed to MNRAS
In this paper we study the possibility of detecting lensing signals in high-resolution and high-
sensitivity CMB experiments. At scales below 1 arcmin, the CMB background is dominated by the
Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect in clusters and by Ostriker-Vishniac effect distortions elsewhere.
Assuming the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich component in clusters can be removed, we focus on the
Ostriker-Vishniac effect and study the possibility of its detection while paying special attention to
contaminants, such as instrumental noise and point sources. After designing an optimal filter for
this particular lensing signal we explore the signal-to-noise ratio for different scenarios varying
the resolution of the experiment, its sensitivity, and the level of contamination due to point
sources. Our results show that the next generation of experiments should be able to do new and
exciting science through the lensing effect of the Ostriker-Vishniac background.

arXiv:0704.3064 [ps, pdf, other] : Title: Diffuse cosmic gamma-rays at 1-20 MeV: A trace of the dark matter?
Authors: Kyle Lawson, Ariel R.Zhitnitsky
Comments: 11 pages, 1 figure
Several independent observations of the galactic core suggest hitherto unexplained sources of
energy. The most well known case is the 511 keV line which has proven very difficult to explain
with conventional astrophysical positron sources. A similar, but less well known mystery is the
excess of gamma-ray photons detected by COMPTEL across a broad energy range 1-20 MeV.
Such photons are found to be very difficult to produce via known astrophysical sources. We
show in this work that dark matter in the form of dense antimatter droplets provides a natural
explanations for the observed flux of gamma-rays in the 1-20 MeV range. We argue thatsuch
photons must always accompany the 511 keV line as they produced by the same mechanism
within our framework. We calculate the spectrum and intensity of the 1-20 MeV gamma-rays,
and find it to be consistent with the COMPTEL data.

arXiv:0704.3031 [pdf] : Title: The Cornell Caltech Atacama Telescope
Authors: Simon J. E. Radford, Riccardo Giovanelli, Thomas A. Sebring, Jonas Zmuidzinas
Cornell University, the California Institute for Technology, and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory are
jointly studying the construction of a 25 m diameter telescope for submillimeter astronomy on a
high mountain in northern Chile. This Cornell Caltech Atacama Telescope (CCAT) will combine
high sensitivity, a wide field of view, and a broad wavelength range to provide an unprecedented
capability for deep, large area, multi-color submillimeter surveys to complement narrow field,
high resolution studies with ALMA. CCAT observations will address fundamental themes in
contemporary astronomy, notably the formation and evolution of galaxies, the nature of the
dark matter and dark energy that comprise most of the content of the universe, the formation of
stars and planets, the conditions in circumstellar disks, and the conditions during the early
history of the Solar system. The candidate CCAT site, at 5600 m in northern Chile, enjoys superb
observing conditions. To accommodate large format bolometer cameras, CCAT is designed with
a 20 arcmin field of view. CCAT will incorporate closed loop active control of its segmented
primary mirror to maintain a half wavefront error of 10 mum rms or less. Instrumentation
under consideration includes both short (650 mum-200 mum) and long (2 mm-750 mum)
wavelength bolometer cameras, direct detection spectrometers, and heterodyne receiver arrays.
The University of Colorado, a Canadian university consortium, and the UK Astronomy Technology
Centre on behalf of the UK community are pursuing participation in the CCAT consortium. When
complete early in the next decade, CCAT will be the largest and most sensitive facility of its
class as well as the highest altitude astronomical facility on Earth.