11                           ATLANTA, GEORGIA 
12                       6:00 P.M., JUNE 22, 1997 
13                       RENAISSANCE WAVERLY HOTEL 
 1       (Introduction of Newt Gingrich) 
 2                        THE HONORABLE NEWT GINGRICH:  
 3       Thank you, Bill, for that very, very nice 
 4       introduction, although I must say to all of 
 5       you, while you emphasize my courage, I notice 
 6       he didn't say I could have been a sheriff, so 
 7       I've got to talk to Bill Byrne later.  I feel 
 8       like I got slightly short-changed here on the 
 9       quality introduction, but Sheriff Hutson does 
10       a marvelous job.  He's a remarkable leader in 
11       law enforcement in Cobb County.  And we are 
12       very honored.  Also, I have to tell you a 
13       side story.  When this Galleria Center was 
14       first being developed, there was a great deal 
15       of question about whether or not it would get 
16       filled up.  As it happens, once it was 
17       developed, it now has a waiting list and is 
18       crowded every single night.  But the first 
19       major convention to agree to come here, 
20       Sheriff Hutson delivered when he announced 
21       that you would be coming here.  So you 
22       represented a greater sigh of relief to the 
23       community than you can imagine at a time when 
24       people thought maybe this would be vacant.  
25       So we were doubly delighted when we knew you 
 1       were coming.  And, of course, the size of 
 2       your turnout, as your president has 
 3       indicated, is truly a great tribute I think 
 4       to your organization and to the drawing power 
 5       of Atlanta and the relative ease of getting 
 6       here. 
 7                        It is good to be here with 
 8       the Attorney General.  I am very grateful 
 9       that she would come to Atlanta tonight.  
10       We're always thrilled to have her here.  It 
11       was great to have Lt. Governor Howard here 
12       earlier.  Everything that Bill Hutson said 
13       about Bill Byrne is right.  The fact is that 
14       Bill Byrne is doing a fabulous job as our 
15       commission chairman.  And we're glad to have 
16       him here to welcome you. 
17                        Before we were told that 
18       story about the young man who had a new 
19       opportunity to meet sheriffs, I was looking 
20       out here thinking to myself, "This is about 
21       as secure a crowd as I've been in since I 
22       dined with the 82nd Airborne at Ft. Bragg.  
23       You have this notion, looking at this many 
24       sheriffs, that somehow you're in a relatively 
25       safe environment. 
 1                        And I was also thinking that 
 2       we don't communicate often enough why you 
 3       matter, not just matter in the sense of law 
 4       enforcement, but the "shire reeve" is an 
 5       early medieval concept.  It evolved trying to 
 6       combine the notion of security and freedom.  
 7       And it evolved in a way that while the king 
 8       in the middle ages could establish law for 
 9       the whole country, the law was, as a matter 
10       of routine, enforced only at the local level 
11       by the local sheriff.  And it was the 
12       combination of the local "shire reeve," or 
13       sheriff as it became, with the local jury 
14       trial which established the core principle 
15       that we both had a right to expect security 
16       from danger and security from the state.  
17       And, in fact, it's very important, for 
18       example, that we never resemble the French or 
19       others who have a truly national police 
20       force.  While the Federal Bureau of 
21       Investigation and other agencies do a very 
22       important job at the national level, they are 
23       not local law enforcement.  They are not the 
24       first line of defense, defense both against 
25       crime and against a state which might at some 
 1       point become dictatorial.  And it is this 
 2       unique institution, growing first in England 
 3       and then transported across the Atlantic, of 
 4       local sheriffs providing local security in a 
 5       local setting and accountable to local 
 6       citizens, which makes you such a unique part 
 7       of the American tradition and of the 
 8       tradition of freedom.  And so I am delighted 
 9       to be here tonight to have a chance to share 
10       with you and to recognize just how important 
11       you are to the very core fabric of freedom 
12       which is at the heart of being American. 
13                        In Washington, we're trying 
14       to prepare for the 21st century, just as you 
15       are in your offices.  We're trying to do it 
16       in a very principled way -- that is, we're 
17       trying to really think through what are the 
18       principles at stake, and then implement 
19       activities.  To give you an example, we 
20       believe that the principle of work matters.  
21       And so we set out several years ago to reform 
22       welfare to reestablish the work ethic.  We 
23       believe that if you're going to pursue 
24       happiness, which our Declaration of 
25       Independence says God has endowed every 
 1       American with the right to do, that you have 
 2       to have a work ethic in order to pursue.  "To 
 3       pursue happiness" is an active concept.  And 
 4       so, through several years of struggle, we 
 5       wrote a welfare reform bill emphasizing 
 6       leaving welfare to go to work and emphasizing 
 7       leaving poverty to move towards prosperity.  
 8       And several interesting things happened, 
 9       which I think give me hope for the near 
10       future.  The first was that welfare 
11       applications began to decline a year before 
12       the bill was signed, because as people heard 
13       the debate, they said to themselves, "Oh.  
14       You mean you don't want us to be on welfare?  
15       You would like us to go to work?  Well, why 
16       didn't you say so?"  In one Oklahoma county, 
17       there was a 40 percent drop in welfare 
18       applications in one year.  Under Governor 
19       Tommy Thompson of Wisconsin, welfare 
20       applications, welfare rolls, have declined by 
21       over 50 percent since he first became 
22       governor.  People went to work.  They got 
23       educated.  They acquired responsibility.  And 
24       recently, to their credit, the New Republic, 
25       a relatively liberal magazine, ran an 
 1       editorial saying they were wrong, that in 
 2       fact their fear of welfare reform was a 
 3       misdiagnosis of the problem, and in fact they 
 4       had come to the conclusion that about 60 
 5       percent of the people -- this is their number 
 6       -- about 60 percent of the people on welfare 
 7       just needed to be shoved towards work.  That 
 8       left, in their estimate, 40 percent who are 
 9       hard-core unemployed.  And I would argue that 
10       has to get us into faith-based and other 
11       kinds of charitable outreach to transform 
12       people who are hard-core unemployed.  But, 
13       nonetheless, for a liberal publication to 
14       admit they had been wrong in their analysis 
15       and that at least 60 percent of the people 
16       could go to work simply by being encouraged 
17       that that was the right behavior, I think 
18       when you come later, as I will in a few 
19       minutes, to drugs and to crime and to 
20       children being born outside of marriage to 
21       teenagers, there are a number of 
22       opportunities here where just saying the 
23       right thing has an enormous impact and can, 
24       in fact, begin to change things.  And then, 
25       as we did, if you actually pass laws to begin 
 1       to shift the reward system, to begin to shift 
 2       the incentives, to begin to set rules and 
 3       regulations moving us in the right direction, 
 4       I think we could be very pleased in a few 
 5       years with how far we've moved back towards a 
 6       country that is healthier and more stable. 
 7                        Just this coming week, we 
 8       will pass the first balanced budget in 
 9       twenty-nine years with the commitment from 
10       the President to sign it.  We passed one two 
11       years ago, but as you know, we collided for 
12       partisan reasons.  It was vetoed.  We have 
13       worked together in a bipartisan team this 
14       spring.  And so this coming week, we will 
15       pass a balanced budget.  And I would argue 
16       that that is a moral as much as a financial 
17       decision.  We do not have the right in 
18       peacetime to spend our children and 
19       grandchildren's money.  We have an obligation 
20       to live within the means we're prepared to 
21       raise.  And this will be a major step in the 
22       right direction. 
23                        We will also pass this 
24       coming week a bill to save Medicare.  This 
25       was a very radical bill two years ago.  
 1       Virtually the identical bill passed out of 
 2       the Ways and Means Committee a week ago by 
 3       thirty-six to three on a huge bipartisan 
 4       majority because as people talked it through, 
 5       they came to believe that senior citizens 
 6       should have the same right to choose their 
 7       health care as their children and 
 8       grandchildren.  They came to believe that 
 9       medical savings accounts were an important 
10       choice that should be made available.  They 
11       came to believe that hospitals and doctors 
12       should be able to form provider-sponsored 
13       networks to compete with health maintenance 
14       organizations.  They came to believe that 
15       senior citizens should be recruited -- 
16       engaged in, if you will -- to help fight 
17       fraud.  There's an estimate that as much as 
18       ten percent of Medicare and Medicaid is 
19       fraud.  And so this kind of reform, which two 
20       years ago was very controversial, came out of 
21       the Ways and Means Committee by thirty-six to 
22       three.  And I believe it will pass this 
23       coming Thursday and go to conference. 
24                        In addition, we will pass 
25       the first tax cut in sixteen years.  Now, 
 1       this is going to be a fairly comprehensive 
 2       tax cut.  It's not everything I would like, 
 3       but it's a significant step.  It will include 
 4       a $500 per child tax credit, which is 
 5       basically a simple definition, that parents 
 6       are more important than bureaucrats in taking 
 7       care of children, and, therefore, at the 
 8       margin, we ought to get the money to the 
 9       parents so they can do the work rather than 
10       have higher taxes to hire more bureaucrats to 
11       do for the kids what the parents can't do 
12       because they had to go to a second job to be 
13       able to pay the taxes to hire the 
14       bureaucrats.  We don't think that's the right 
15       model, so we are deliberately cutting taxes 
16       with a bias towards children.  We also will 
17       have educational tax credits as the President 
18       recommended, along with some other 
19       educational incentives to encourage people to 
20       go to college and vocational-technical 
21       school.  We will have a cut in the tax on 
22       savings, job creation and investment called 
23       capital gains, and we will have zero capital 
24       gains if you sell your house, if it's below 
25       $500,000 in value, so people will not have to 
 1       pay any capital gains if they've owned their 
 2       own house and sold it.  And they won't 
 3       automatically have to buy another house.  And 
 4       we have a reduction in the death tax on the 
 5       premise that you should not have to visit the 
 6       undertaker and the IRS the same week, and 
 7       that families should not have to sell their 
 8       business or their farm.  We believe it is 
 9       good for grandparents and parents to save for 
10       their children and grandchildren, not 
11       something which should be punished.  And so 
12       these are first steps in the right direction. 
13                        Now, normally you would 
14       think a week in which you were passing a 
15       balanced budget, a major tax cut and saving 
16       Medicare would be a fairly big week.  But I 
17       want to suggest to you that there are some 
18       underlying lessons to be learned.  We believe 
19       cutting taxes has a moral purpose.  The goal 
20       is to leave more money in your pocket so you 
21       have more take-home pay and more free time, 
22       so you can be more of a parent, more of a 
23       citizen, more of a volunteer.  And I have no 
24       problem looking every American in the eye and 
25       saying to them, "If America has been good to 
 1       you, you have an obligation to be good to 
 2       other Americans."  And I think that's the 
 3       real model that works.  Not let's have a 
 4       bureaucrat for every problem, but let's find 
 5       a way to organize ourselves at the local 
 6       level.  I was with President Jimmy Carter 
 7       last Monday in Kentucky building houses.  I 
 8       wear a Habitat for Humanity pin and an 
 9       Earning by Learning pin.  And Habitat is a 
10       perfect model of what I'm describing.  It's 
11       what Tocqueville wrote about in Democracy in 
12       America.  It's what Marvin Olasky wrote about 
13       in the Tragedy of American Compassion.  
14       Habitat, first of all, screens people for 
15       character so they reestablish that character 
16       matters.  Then they require them to work a 
17       hundred hours on somebody else's house to 
18       prove their commitment.  Then they require 
19       them to work three hundred hours building 
20       their own house.  Then they require them to 
21       take a twenty hour course on how to be a 
22       homeowner because, by definition, if you've 
23       never owned a house, it is a major learning 
24       experience.  Then they require them to pay 
25       for the house.  It's a no-interest loan.  But 
 1       over twenty years, they pay the house off.  
 2       This is not giving things to people who then 
 3       can be victims and sit there and pity 
 4       themselves.  This is reaching out a helping 
 5       hand to a person who has already proven that 
 6       they will reach out a helping hand.  And the 
 7       result is a totally different attitude and a 
 8       totally different approach.  And I might say, 
 9       when they have the dedication ceremony with a 
10       Bible and a prayer to turn over the key, the 
11       family has been transformed.  The Habitat 
12       motto is to grow the family as well as build 
13       the house. 
14                        It is in that tradition that 
15       I came here today to encourage your 
16       association to join with us in taking on 
17       three great challenges and to open my door 
18       and say that sometime this fall, I would like 
19       very much to have a meeting where we could 
20       follow up on this, if, over the next few 
21       days, you decide it's the right direction. 
22                        But I want to paint a word 
23       picture for a minute.  Imagine that it is 
24       January 1, 2001, the first day of a new 
25       millennium, the first day of a new century.  
 1       It happens to be a Monday morning.  Imagine 
 2       you woke up that morning, and you lived in a 
 3       country which was virtually drug free, in 
 4       which practically every child was learning at 
 5       their best rate, and in which children are 
 6       either born into or adopted into families 
 7       that could care for them.  Now, how much 
 8       healthier would America be if we were 
 9       virtually drug free, every child was 
10       learning, and children routinely were in 
11       families that cared for them instead of 
12       abused them?  And what is it worth to us to 
13       make this real? 
14                        These are not just the words 
15       of a politician.  I come here tonight after a 
16       four-year effort in which we said we would 
17       reform welfare, balance the budget, cut 
18       taxes, and save Medicare.  We're in the habit 
19       of keeping our word. 
20                        This is not about a new 
21       government bureaucracy.  I'm not here tonight 
22       to say to you, "Give us more money in 
23       Washington so we can build five more 
24       bureaucracies, and we will achieve these."  
25       This is about an American crusade.  This is a 
 1       great country filled with good people.  And 
 2       if we arouse the spirit of the American 
 3       people, we can solve these.  And, by the way, 
 4       I think all three are related.  It's no 
 5       accident that 70 percent of the children in 
 6       juvenile delinquency come out of families 
 7       with no fathers.  It's no accident that girls 
 8       whose mothers grew up without a father have a 
 9       high percentage likelihood of becoming 
10       pregnant.  It's no accident that children who 
11       don't do well at school tend to end up on the 
12       street and then tend to be into drugs or 
13       violence or both.  So all three come 
14       together.  If you save the children, the 
15       children are saved.  If the children are 
16       saved, they're not in prison.  So they all 
17       relate.  It's all the same community.  It's 
18       all the same story. 
19                        Now, I'm really speaking to 
20       you tonight more in the tradition of Wesley 
21       and the Methodist movement, of Wilberforce 
22       and the anti-slavery movement, of those great 
23       awakenings which aroused a country to change 
24       itself.  And yet, you know in your 
25       communities that the potential is there.  We 
 1       know under Reagan and Bush that drug use 
 2       dropped dramatically.  We know that it began 
 3       rising in late 1992, I think largely because 
 4       we failed to educate the next generation.  
 5       And so we've had what I think will prove in 
 6       the end to be a temporary increase, but I 
 7       believe we can win the struggle on drugs. 
 8                        Recently I had the 
 9       opportunity to meet with General Barry 
10       McCaffrey, the so-called drug czar.  And I 
11       don't mean this in the sense of denigrating 
12       him, but the fact is, he's really the senior 
13       advisor on drugs.  He doesn't control.  A 
14       czar would control all the assets.  He's in 
15       fact a senior advisor.  He's a brilliant man.  
16       He was a great combat general.  And I asked 
17       him to create a World War II style, 
18       unconstrained victory plan.  Don't tell me 
19       how we can do okay.  Don't tell me how we can 
20       get fairly far.  Tell me what it will take to 
21       be drug free by January 1, 2001.  And I don't 
22       mean utopian, no drugs anywhere in America.  
23       But when I was in high school in 1960, drug 
24       use was under three percent.  There were 
25       remarkably few children born outside of 
 1       marriage.  And there was an expectation you 
 2       could read the diploma before they gave it to 
 3       you.  So we're talking not about a utopia, 
 4       but about a country that most of us in this 
 5       room lived in.  And General McCaffrey was 
 6       very excited about this idea. 
 7                        Now, when I say 
 8       "unconstrained," I have a portrait on my wall 
 9       in the office in the Capitol of Dwight David 
10       Eisenhower in his general's uniform standing 
11       in front of a picture of Omaha Beach.  
12       Normandy was the largest, most complex 
13       activity every undertaken by human beings, 
14       far bigger than going to the moon or anything 
15       we've done since, far, far bigger than Desert 
16       Storm, and done without computers, done by a 
17       country which in 1939 had the 13th largest 
18       army in the world, done by a country which 
19       said, once its attention was aroused at Pearl 
20       Harbor, we would do everything.  And what I 
21       mean by "doing everything" is simple.  The 
22       American way of war is to lay out a vision of 
23       where we're going, to design strategies to 
24       implement that vision, to create projects 
25       which are definable, delegate-able 
 1       achievements and give them to people with 
 2       remarkable abandon, and then tactically to 
 3       work our tails off every single day, cutting 
 4       through the red tape and getting it done.  
 5       The American way of war is to focus enormous 
 6       energy and enormous resources and simply 
 7       drown the problem in resources.  Eisenhower's 
 8       model at Normandy was simple: we couldn't get 
 9       knocked off the beach.  And so he simply 
10       threw everything Britain, America, Canada and 
11       our allies could get into one huge effort 
12       that was literally physically not stoppable.  
13       The Germans could never have stopped it 
14       because of the sheer weight. 
15                        Well, let me suggest to you, 
16       we have six areas: educate our children not 
17       to use drugs; rehabilitate those who are 
18       using drugs; enforce the law locally; seal 
19       off the border; interdict and destroy sources 
20       before they reach the border; and go after 
21       the money sources to bankrupt the drug lords.  
22       The American way of war would say, "Fine.  
23       Drown all six.  Do what it takes.  Win." 
24                        You know, it's fifteen years 
25       since Reagan first used the phrase, "The war 
 1       on drugs."  It's estimated we've spent over 
 2       $279 billion.  But we've repeated Vietnam.  
 3       We didn't spend $279 billion in a one-time 
 4       spasm campaign of decisive victory.  We 
 5       fought the same war every year.  And I will 
 6       give you a minor example.  And I mean no 
 7       disrespect by this, but when I learned it, I 
 8       was startled.  I still find it hard to 
 9       believe it's true, but I checked it again 
10       today.  The Immigration and Naturalization 
11       Service union work rules state that if you 
12       believe there's a body in a car, a person in 
13       a car, you can open the trunk.  If you 
14       believe that there are drugs in the car, you 
15       have to call over a customs agent.  Can you 
16       imagine the Normandy invasion if we had said, 
17       "Now, if you belong to the Coast Guard and 
18       you need a shot fired, call for an Army guy 
19       to come over, but don't shoot it yourself 
20       because your union work rule is to drive the 
21       boat.  And if you're an Army guy and the boat 
22       is sinking, don't bail because that's not 
23       your assignment."  In Normandy, the American 
24       pragmatism said, "Get it done.  Do what makes 
25       sense.  Cut through the red tape.  Cut 
 1       through the baloney."  And I can assure you 
 2       if that work rule is not changed with 
 3       remarkable speed, we will pass a law to 
 4       change it because we are going to focus every 
 5       day of every week from now until we win the 
 6       war on drugs, we're going to change every law 
 7       we need to change, we're going to reorganize 
 8       every bureaucracy we need to reorganize, 
 9       we're going to invest power at whatever 
10       levels we need to, because for the greatest 
11       country in the world to fail to do this is 
12       nuts. 
13                        And part of what I'm asking 
14       from you is both advice on the big picture, 
15       take your county, imagine that three years 
16       from now or four years from now, we're drug 
17       free, every child is learning, and kids are 
18       not involved in getting pregnant outside of 
19       marriage.  How did that happen?  What do you 
20       need?  What can we do to help you?  But I'm 
21       also going to ask you at a tiny level.  We 
22       have a program chaired by Dave Camp of 
23       Michigan called Corrections Day.  If you find 
24       some small glitch in the law, some small 
25       glitch in a bureaucracy, we need to know 
 1       that, too, so we can get it fixed, so we can 
 2       cut through the baloney and get things to 
 3       work. 
 4                        But let me give you just one 
 5       or two examples.  Senator Lott and I have 
 6       introduced a bill which is very 
 7       straightforward.  If you cross the American 
 8       border carrying a commercial quantity of 
 9       illegal drugs and it is the first time you 
10       have done so, you get life without parole.  
11       If, on the other hand, the jury concludes 
12       you're a professional narcotics trafficker 
13       who has repeatedly crossed the border, you 
14       get a mandatory death sentence. 
15                        Sealing the border is 
16       largely a mechanical problem.  There are 
17       borders sealed all over this planet.  The 
18       fact is, if Mexico will not seal the border 
19       from their side, we have an absolute national 
20       security obligation to seal the border from 
21       our side.  We should say to the Mexicans very 
22       straightforward, "If you want to cooperate, 
23       we will have much less resistance on the 
24       border.  If you don't want to cooperate, 
25       we're going to do what it takes.  If that 
 1       means National Guard engineer battalions 
 2       spend all summer building fences, we will 
 3       build the fences.  If that means backup with 
 4       helicopters, we'll backup with helicopters."  
 5       To say that this country cannot protect its 
 6       border is nonsense.  It just takes willpower 
 7       and direction. 
 8                        In terms of deep 
 9       intelligence assets, you don't have to have 
10       P-3's and AWACS for twenty years.  If you 
11       have to, you put satellites up.  The fact is, 
12       again, when we took the Russians seriously, 
13       we covered their country with satellites.  We 
14       could put a geostationary satellite over the 
15       Caribbean and have a hundred percent coverage 
16       and have infrared look-down as well as radar 
17       look-down.  And yes, it would be expensive, 
18       but it would be cheaper than losing 30,000 
19       more kids to heroin and cocaine, and it would 
20       be cheaper than losing police. 
21                        It is vital that we not 
22       involve the military directly in the drug 
23       trafficking, partly because they'll frankly 
24       become corrupted, which has happened in every 
25       other country, partly because it goes to the 
 1       core of why you are important.  Local laws, 
 2       local arrests, local enforcement; it should 
 3       be military backup and military intelligence, 
 4       but enforced at the local level by the 
 5       appropriate local authorities.  But we can 
 6       build that team so that there is a seamless, 
 7       real-time transfer of information exactly as 
 8       needed and real-time backup with assets 
 9       exactly as needed, with the sheriff taking 
10       the local lead while the military provide 
11       more than enough backup anytime we have a 
12       problem.  And the fact is, we have to win 
13       this.  We cannot afford another generation of 
14       decay and another generation of people going 
15       to jail.  The biggest cost of the last 
16       fifteen years is the children who have become 
17       drug addicts and the young men who have ended 
18       up in prison.  When we have as many African- 
19       Americans in prison as we have today, it is a 
20       national tragedy.  If you're going to have a 
21       dialogue on race, let's start with the idea 
22       of wiping out the drug trade which has 
23       destroyed the lives of hundreds of thousands 
24       of poor African-Americans, and let's save the 
25       poorest kids in our community from being 
 1       tempted by the drug dealer to earn a lot of 
 2       money without taxes and without education by 
 3       doing something totally illegal, which 
 4       becomes a trap at the end of which they are 
 5       destroyed and in prison, and their lives are 
 6       ruined.  We owe it to the next generation of 
 7       those kids to seal off the temptation by 
 8       ending the flow of drugs and eliminating the 
 9       potential of them ending up in jail.  That 
10       has been the real cost of not having won this 
11       war in the last decade or so. 
12                        We are going to more than 
13       fully fund the President's request for media.  
14       I think as Jim Burke of the Partnership for a 
15       Drug-Free America will tell you, effective, 
16       targeted media works.  It dramatically 
17       reduces drug usage.  Tragically, where we 
18       once had to target eighth graders, we now 
19       have to target fifth and sixth graders.  But 
20       we're going to fund it.  But it's not enough 
21       by itself.  We also need local community drug 
22       programs.  The sheriff is working with us on 
23       one right here.  I want to recommend to every 
24       one of you, if you don't already have a local 
25       coalition, get involved with one.  If you 
 1       haven't already brought in the Fellowship of 
 2       Christian Athletes, bring them in.  You need 
 3       to have everything from the local 
 4       neighborhood, the local football or baseball 
 5       coach, the local active involvement of your 
 6       community leaders, up through what appears on 
 7       television, up through leadership from the 
 8       President and the other political leadership.  
 9       That kind of continuous message will 
10       dramatically reduce drug use in the next 
11       generation.  We can do all this. 
12                        Let me give you one last 
13       example of how we can do it.  And I was 
14       really encouraged by Kay Grainger, who is the 
15       wonderful freshman member from Fort Worth.  
16       She was the mayor of Fort Worth, and she 
17       convinced me to be this daring and this bold.  
18       She said she had a YWCA program for 800 
19       teenage girls who were at risk: poor, public 
20       housing; their mothers had gotten pregnant 
21       outside of marriage as teenagers.  
22       Statistically, 70 percent of those girls 
23       should have gotten pregnant.  They taught 
24       them ambition and integrity and motivation.  
25       They worked very hard to get them to see 
 1       beyond themselves, to see that they had a 
 2       life beyond one night.  The result was, 
 3       instead of having 560 girls get pregnant, 
 4       they only had two.  So they have 558 
 5       additional girls who are going on to a job, 
 6       to college, to vo-tech school, to a future 
 7       where they can earn a living, find somebody 
 8       decent who will actually stay with them, and 
 9       have a chance to raise their family.  Now, 
10       I'm adopted, and both my father and my 
11       stepfather were adopted.  So I know that life 
12       can be complex.  My wife has both a brother, 
13       who is now deceased, and a sister who are 
14       adopted.  So we come out of a background of 
15       knowing that it's not always some simple, 
16       easy, obvious answer.  But when you look at a 
17       program in one city that saves 558 and only 
18       loses two, you have to say to yourself, "We 
19       can get this done." 
20                        And I came here tonight to 
21       urge you to take seriously as an association 
22       the idea of setting the goals for 2001, the 
23       idea of looking in your hearts and looking at 
24       your counties, and you tell us from the front 
25       line where you live, what do we need to 
 1       change, what do we need to get it done?  And 
 2       I will guarantee you that whether you do it 
 3       directly or through your national association 
 4       or through Sheriff Hutson, my time and 
 5       others' time will be available.  And I can 
 6       assure you -- the Attorney General and I were 
 7       talking earlier tonight -- I talked to 
 8       General McCaffrey again this afternoon -- 
 9       this is going to be a nonpartisan, total 
10       commitment because I believe these are the 
11       goals the American people want. 
12                        And all I ask you in closing 
13       is to think about this.  I have a nephew 
14       named Kevin and three nieces, Lauren, Susan 
15       and Emily.  They're right before the age when 
16       they begin to be vulnerable to drugs.  And I 
17       asked myself, "What is it worth to have none 
18       of them hurt?  What's it worth to see them at 
19       twenty-five, never having been a drug addict, 
20       never having been killed in a drive-by 
21       shooting, never having been picked up and 
22       gone to jail?  What am I willing to do every 
23       day, now, to try to change this country 
24       enough that they have that kind of future?"  
25       And I would just ask you, when you go back 
 1       home, look at some child you love, and you 
 2       ask yourself, what is it going to be worth to 
 3       you?  And if we could get every American to 
 4       develop that level of intensity, in two or 
 5       three years, we can break the back of this 
 6       problem, we can mop it up, and we can live in 
 7       a dramatically healthier, safer and freer 
 8       country.  Thank you, good luck, and God bless 
 9       you. 
10                         (Applause) 
11                        NSA PRESIDENT, SHERIFF 
12       HATHAWAY:  Thank you, Speaker Gingrich.  As a 
13       token of appreciation for you being our 
14       keynote speaker tonight, I would like to 
15       present you with this plaque which prescribes 
16       that you will be an honorary life member of 
17       the National Sheriffs' Association.  And I 
18       present also with it your gold membership 
19       card.  Thank you very much. 
20                        MR. GINGRICH:  Thank you 
21       very much. 
22                        SHERIFF HATHAWAY:  There 
23       will be several awards presented tonight, but 
24       the first award that I would like to make 
25       this evening is the National Sheriffs' 
 1       President's Award which was established in 
 2       1984.  This award is made each year to 
 3       recognize an individual whose efforts have 
 4       led to greater cooperation between sheriffs, 
 5       sheriffs' offices, and criminal justice 
 6       agencies at all levels of government, thereby 
 7       contributing to the improvement of criminal 
 8       justice services.  To receive the 1997 
 9       President's Award, I have selected United 
10       States Attorney Janet Reno.  If you will join 
11       me here, I would like to read your bio. 
12                         (Applause) 
13                        SHERIFF HATHAWAY:  I want to 
14       just mention that Janet Reno was sworn in as 
15       the nation's 78th Attorney General by 
16       President Clinton on March 12, 1993.  From 
17       1978 to the time of her appointment, Ms. Reno 
18       served as the State Attorney for Dade County, 
19       Florida.  She was initially appointed to the 
20       position by the Governor of Florida and was 
21       subsequently elected to that office five 
22       times.  She was born and raised in Miami, 
23       Florida, where she attended Dade County 
24       public schools.  She received her A.B. 
25       Bachelor of Arts degree in chemistry from 
 1       Cornell University in 1960 and her LL.B. 
 2       Bachelor of Law degree from Harvard Law 
 3       School in 1963. 
 4                        I might add that I believe 
 5       that the National Sheriffs' Association was 
 6       the first national organization to recommend 
 7       support for her to be the recipient of the 
 8       position that she now holds to President 
 9       Clinton. 
10                        Going along with that, it 
11       gives me great pleasure to present this award 
12       to the Attorney General of the United States, 
13       Janet Reno.  Do you want to say a few words? 
14                         (Applause) 
15                        ATTORNEY GENERAL RENO:  Mr. 
16       Speaker and Mr. President, this is a very, 
17       very great honor for me.  As I think some of 
18       you know, the first real job I ever had was 
19       in the Dade County Sheriff's Office.  I 
20       learned then about the tremendous 
21       responsibilities of the sheriff, the 
22       beginnings of the laboratory at the time, the 
23       jail, the record system, the road patrol, the 
24       homicide detective, the juvenile officer.  
25       The sheriffs are on the front line across 
 1       America.  Now, in these four years, I have 
 2       learned so much more about what sheriffs deal 
 3       with in different communities, in rural 
 4       areas, in more urban areas.  You do so much 
 5       for this nation.  And this award means a 
 6       very, very great deal to me.  I will try my 
 7       very best to justify your confidence. 
 8                         (Applause) 
 9                        SHERIFF HATHAWAY:  Speaker 
10       Gingrich, if you'll join me at the other 
11       podium, then we can make some further awards 
12       at this time. 
 1                                                  32 
 2                   C E R T I F I C A T E 
 5                        I, Dana Grantham Lennox, 
 6       Certified Court Reporter and Notary Public in 
 7       and for the State of Georgia at Large, do 
 8       hereby certify that this is a true and 
 9       complete transcription of the above-entitled 
10       proceedings and that I am neither of kin nor 
11       counsel to any of the parties hereto nor 
12       financially interested in the event of these 
13       causes. 
14                        WITNESS my hand and official 
15       seals at Atlanta, Fulton County, Georgia, 
16       this the 23rd day of June, 1997. 
21                DANA GRANTHAM LENNOX, CVR-CM 
22                   Certificate No. B-1683 
23                          (SEALS) 