Alabama xaought‘• nigh played out, so I‘ll sing hit for you. It goes lack di. s: //p ~ wonder w~iar was good ol‘ Dan‘ ei, f I wonder whar was good ol‘ Dan‘ ei, ~ I wonder whar was thankin‘ (thinking) Peter, ~i I wonder whar was tiiani~jn‘ Peter. ~ ~ /\\ ~ ‚ (Chorus) . ~ -~ ‚~ ~ I‘m goin‘ away, goin‘ away. t~ I‘m goin‘ away, goin‘ away, ~ I wonder whar was weepin‘ Mary, k I wonder whar was weepin‘ Mary, \ I j~ t away ‚ ~ In goin‘ away, !~ I‘m goin‘ away to live forever, L~11 never turn back no mo‘ . “De slaveawould git tired of de way dey was treated an‘ try to run away to de No‘ Ui . I had a e ous in to run away one time • Hirn ~ anudder fellow had got ‘way up in Virginny ~f0~ Massa Jim foun‘ out whar dey was. ~‚/~oon as Mas sa Jim un‘ de whar‘ bouts of George he went atter him. ~‘hen Massa Jim gits to Ge orge an‘ ‚ em, Ge orge per-. tended lack he didn‘ know Massa Jim. Massa Jim a& him, ‘George ~ you know me?‘ George he say. ‘I neber seed you ‘fo‘ in my life.‘ Den dey as‘ George an‘ ~ whar did dey come from. George an‘ dis yuther fellow look up in de sky an‘ say, ‘I come from above, whar ail is love. ‚ Iffen dey had owned dey knowed Massa Jim he could have brung ‘em back home. My pappy tried to git away de same time as George an‘ dein did, but he couidri‘ see how totake all U~ chillun wid him, so he had to 8tay wid us. De blacks an‘ de whites would have de terr‘blea‘ battles sometimes. Dat would be when de blacks would slip off to de No‘th an‘ was caught an‘ brung back. De paterollers‘d ketch de colored folks an‘ lock ‘em up