Zx-eiarw Stories ~ ~ (Pew) lui 5e niggers~ He buys and sells ea ail de time. You see, dere was traders dat traveled frœi place to place den days and dey takis aome~ time. as auch as 100 nigger. for to trade. Dere was sheds outside of t own, whaT dey keep. de nigger. ihen dey comes to town. “D, Mariter and de tra4er talks dia away ‘How you trade?‘ ‘I‘se give y~i even trade,‘ ‘Wo, I1ee wants $25,00 for de diff‘xunoe.‘ I‘.. gives y~i $5.00.~ Oat‘s de wq dey talks on and on. Maybe dey aakes de trade and maybe dey don ~. “Dey have auction soaetiae and Marster ailus tend ‘ea. At de auction I‘.. seen dea sell a faaiLy. Maybe one man btq~ de aaaay, am~dder buy de pappy and anudder buy ail de chiliens or asybe jus‘ one, like d&t. t‘a. see dew cry like dey at de funeral wIen dey sa part cd. Dey has to dr ~ ‚ em away. “When de giotion begin, he says: ‘Dia nigger ta so and so oie, he never •bu.ed, he soun‘ as a doUar. Just look at de ausci. and de big shouid.rs. He ‚ e worth a thousen ‚ of any aan s aoney. How much ~ t offered?‘ Den de biddin‘ starts. It goes like dis ‘$200 VE~a heal‘, does Itae hear $250, does I hear $300.‘ Den de nigger take. hias clothes ~ ~ey have one extry suit and goes wid de man dat bix1y. him. “De day befo‘ Marster gives wetuns freedoa, he says to we1uns, ‘I‘se wants ail y~ niggers to come to de front of d.c house Sunday aornint‘ I. ‘~me was clore and he was standin ‚ on de gaiiez7, hoidin‘ a peer in Iiias han ‚ a~d readin ‚ • Dere was tears in hias lye. and soe dr~ on ~1• paper. Irs. have tears in a~r eyes, too; aos‘ of ~sm have. When hias done r.a&in~, hin‘s ..ys: ‘You darkies is as fr.. as I‘ es is.