4 HISTORY OF SETTLEMENTS AND TRADE book united at firft by infpiration to raife a body of troops, xvm. in 1525 they were united to compofe a religious code. '—'—' In this mixed fyftem of intoleration and mildnefs, the Anabaptift church, being the only one in which the pure word of God is taught, neither can nor ought to communicate with any other. The fpirit of the Lord blowing wherefoever it lift- eth, the power of preaching is not limited to one or- der of the faithful, but is difpenfed to all. Every one likewife has the gift of prophecy. Every fed which hath not preferved a community of all things which conftituted the life and fpirit of pri- mitive Chriftianity, has degenerated, and is for that reafon an impure fociety. Magiftrates are ufelefs in a fociety of the truly faith- ful. A Chriftian never has occafion for any ; nor is a Chriftian allowed to be one himfelf. Chriftians are not permitted to take up arms even in their own defence, much lefs is it lawful for them to enlift as foldiers in mercenary armies. Both law-fuits and oaths are forbidden the difciples of Chrift, who has commanded them to let their yea, be yea, and their nay, nay. The baptifm of infants is an invention of the devil and the pope. The validity of baptifm depends upon the voluntary confent of adults, who alone are able to receive it with a confcioufnefs of the engagement they take upon themfelves. Such was in its origin the religious fyftem of the Anabaptifts. Though it appears founded on charity and mildnefs, yet it produced nothing but violence and iniquity. The chimerical idea of an equality of ftations, is the moft dangerous one that can be adopt- ed in a civilized fociety. To preach this fyftem to the people, is not to put them in mind of their rights, it is leading them on to affaffination and plunder ; it is let- ting domeftic animals loofe, and transforming them into wild beafts. The rulers of the people muft be more enlightened, or the laws by which they are go- verned muft be foftened : but there is in fact no fuch ¦¦'-.x' 'v'"