Here is a list of ascii doc files pertaining to portable unix TRANSP. ===================================================================== (Last review: dmc 30 Mar 1993): Send comments on documentation to email address: documentation directories: $CODESYSDIR/doc -- formatted versions of VMS HELP files transp.hpr -- TRANSP help file uread.hpr -- UREAD help file $CODESYSDIR/source/doc -- flat text files $CODESYSDIR/source/fppdoc -- Greg Hammett's doc files re: fpp, TRANSP, etc. files (in $CODESYSDIR/source/doc unless otherwise indicated): General information: ==================== genl.inf -- brief overview of TRANSP. TRANSP physics: =============== beambal.doc -- Monte Carlo fast ion code ptcl, momentum, and energy balance outputs, accessible via RPLOT. beta.doc -- essay on "Beta" as understood in TRANSP. refs.doc -- transp related journal article references. TRANSP code features: ===================== acfile.doc -- Ascii Compressed Files -- TRANSP output mechanism for data not accessible via RPLOT. build.doc -- information on `build': the job for changing TRANSP COMMON blocks and recompiling the code. TRANSP code generator. codesys.doc -- summary of transp executable shell scripts in $CODESYSDIR/csh (part of user's PATH). expert.doc -- the TRANSP "EXPERT" subsystem, what it is and how to hook new parts of TRANSP to it. index.doc -- array zone and boundary indexing as commonly used in TRANSP COMMON arrays. nltipro.doc -- Ti profile data analysis options plotgen.doc -- information on `plotgen': the job for changing TRANSP output visible to RPLOT. sample.login -- sample unix .login file for TRANSP development account. May require customization at local sites. sampletr.dat -- suggested TRANSP input namelist, by Greg Hammett, Sept. 1990. sampletr.ufiles -- list of input Ufiles for TFTR TRANSP run -- G. Hammett, 1990. sigtab.doc -- doc file on SIGTAB (ground state atomic physics) program transp.hlp -- VMS help file source -- description of transp and trdat namelist -- detailed description of TRANSP controls. See also the formatted version: $CODESYSDIR/doc/transp.hpr transp_share.doc -- protocol for shared TRANSP code development. transp_devel.doc -- guide to making and testing changes to TRANSP. trdat_update.doc -- summary of March 1992 upgrade to TRDAT, including impact on user namelists. trintro.doc -- introduction to TRANSP, by Greg Hammett. unix_exe.doc -- index to unix transp binary executables. unix_transp.doc -- guide to unix version of TRANSP. Includes step by step installation instructions. unixdirs.doc -- guide to directories in the unix version of TRANSP. Summary of contents and purpose of each directory. uread.hlp -- VMS help file source -- description of UREAD -- library used for scripting system for control of interactive fortran programs. See also the formatted version: $CODESYSDIR/doc/uread.hpr Greg Hammett's FPP code: ======================== (FPP, Fokker-Planck package, is a component of TRANSP). These files in $CODESYSDIR/source/fppdoc fpbasic.dft -- sample namelist for standalone FPP code. fpp.doc -- description of standalone FPP. fpp_new_july_1990.msg -- 1989-1990 updates to FPP code. trfpp.doc -- description of FPP in TRANSP. Ufiles: ======= ufiles_update.doc -- updates to "Ufiles" since the 1984 manual. The original manual, in hardcopy only, is available from PPPL by request. RPLOT: ====== ixhelp.inf -- information on RPLOT integral operators. PPPL has a hardcopy manual "Accessing TRANSP Output: A User's Guide" which is available on request. additional programs: ==================== scruncher.doc -- how to use scruncher, a program for converting plasma boundary data into a form suitable for input to TRANSP. miscellaneous: ============== error_report.doc -- information on reporting a TRANSP bug back to PPPL. feb92.doc -- upgrades to TRANSP btw 8/90 and 2/92. lismak.hlp -- description of old system for extracting a symbol table from fortran source code. mgtsub.doc -- old information on mapping library for plasmas with shifted circular flux surface geometry.